JOHN HERTZ C. P.- STEPHENS, DEALER tlM -DEALER IN- ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN Clothing J U ST R EG E I V E D Dry Goods! COB SCHOOL SHOES. PEASE & i The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kntvrcd a the l'ostoflle nt The Dolles,- Oregon, its second-class matter. Local Advertising. SO Cents iT line for first innertiun, itnt . t'ent vvi line for each Kiibneqent insertion. Special rates for lone; time notices. All local notiees received later than :: n'vliiek will appear tiie follou-ine. ilny. WEDNESDAY JULY 6, 1892 I.OC41. KKKVITIKX. JoBify. Ring the bell. Blow the whistles. Get out and shout. The Cascade locks will now be finished in two years. Why not have a little hit of a blow out tonight. A sort of jollificntion meeting. Mrs. Mary Laughlin leaves today to take up her enmmer residence on Long Heach, Ilwaco. There are some attractions in Pease & Mays' new ad this afternoon. Briggs can't keep everything for the windows' see. Rend and reflect over the new ad. of Stoneinan & Fiege, on the third page. Only exclusive boot and shoe house in the city. The Fourth of July celebration com mittee wish to hold their final meeting this evening, audit bills, and adjourn sine die. Mrs. Frank Sels, daughter of Capt. J, "W. Lewis, who has been visiting her parents in this city, returned to her home in Canyon city yesterday. Mr. M. J, Anderson, of Dafur, is in the city today. He bears evidence of -close contact to the flames, while assist ing at the Dufar fire on Monday. . The murderer Wilson has been located, and if alive, possibly lias been captured before this. Probably Pum Kelly will not interest himself in the future safety . of the scoundrel as he -did in the past week.. County court if) in session today with i full bench, commissioners Kincaid and Darmelle sitting with Judge Blakeley. But little if any record work . lias been completed today, but the court is getting into business trim. The 4 p., m, yesterdays passenger, and the S a. m. todays passenger, came in at 7 ;16 this morning. , . , Time was lost by a burned bridge s .cast of ". Huntington j These newfangled smoke stacks appear to be, an expensive luxury. - ,' i Oneof the curiosities of life is to wit ness a quarrel between a deaf and dumb couple. They more than make up in gestures what they lose in words. - And ! their action B'certainly speak thev anger more forcibly than mere words could. Stock Commissioner Roberts, for Wasco county, tendered his resignation -today to the county court.: lion. W,.H. H. Duf ur, for fourteen years largely iden tified with stock interests, is a candi date for the position, -and has a very Substantial non-partisan application in -export of his claim. County Clerk J. B. Crossen was served last evening witll the legal documents notifying him that James M. Hunting-, ton i$ to contest the right to possession -of that position. The document is a voluminous one, and recites that in nearly : every precinct in the. county -errors were made. According to Mr. H.'b statement, " he was elected by a very large majority. A Full Line of the CELEBRATED WAVER LY - Exaalm CUT. SHOE : It allows how mil Waverly MAYS The river is slowly receding. Salmon fishing is improving up this way this week. Mr. 1. M. : S. Briggs returned from Chelialis today. Of course you will see the democratic candidates photo today, on the second page. . Mount Hood Hose team entertained their friends last evening in several bumpers of extra dry Mum. Don't get alarmed if the fire bells ring out tonight about 0 o'clock. It will be simply joyousness over the final assur ance that the cascade locks is to be finished. A dispatch was bent to Washington j immediately, extending grateful thanks j to the delegation in Oregon for their j untiring efforts in behalf of an open river. ' , The Dalles citizens band will enliven an open air meeting tonight, on. Court street, in rejoicings over the assurance that the cascade locks will be completed by contract within two years at least. Julius J. Wiley took hold this morn ing as steward at the Umatilla house. Julius is n very careful and painstaking caterer, and will fill the bill to a notch in this hospitable caravansary. Deputy 'IX. t1. Marshal A. G. Johnson had a very unpleasant duty to perform last week. He took D. W. Aldridge, former editor of the Prinevllie News, on a warrant issued out of the United States court to Portland on an indictment found against him and charging him with having published and mailed ob scene literature. Aldrich was fined $50. The Water t'ouimicHion. The water commissioners met today at their office on Court street, and reor ganized for the coming year. C. 'Li Phillips was chosen president, and Hugh Chrisinan, secretary. Dr. O. C. Hollister, J. O. Mack, W. A. Wilson and Hugh Chrisman will hereafter act in the places filled pre viously by Messrs. Hugh Glenn, A. S. Macallister, M. T. Nolan, and Max Vogt. Mr. Vogt hav'iiig'tendered his resigna tion, the place was filled by appoint ment . of Mr. - Hugh ; Chrisman. The othors are new members, elected at the recent city election.. -v; The new board consists of Messrs.-J. C. Nickelsen, H. C. Neilsen, Hugh Chrisman, J. O. Mack, Dr. O. C. Hol pBVaf, C. L. -Phillips and W. H.irWilaon. Mr. Wilson has not yet qualified", how ever, and Mr. Macallister will hold over, until he does. A Serious Accident. ' Geo. Pierce, who was earlyki!led by the explosion of giant powder with which" he was celebrating the 4r.)i nt Hood ;River, was a night watchman in the employ of-ST. P. R. Co., and as such entitled to benefits of the hospital. It was certainly, in bis case, a very fortu nate circumstance,- He was accompan ied to St. Vincents hospital Monday evening, by Dr. Logan, of thls city. His left hand was blown, off, and the lower third of the fore-arm had to be amputated. The right hand nalm wan badly lacerated, and the center finger blown off. One eye seems to be gone, and be may possibly lose both. He was considerably burned on the chest. It is a very unfortunate case. The iree silver enthusiasts are :not in exact harmony over the situation. Waverly School Shoes. onr Shoes Current Topic. All leaves of absence in the house were revoked yesterday, except for sick ness. Efforts are being made to unite the democratic and peoples party of Iowa, by giving the peoples party the elect oral ticket and the democrats the state ticket. The object is to help throw the election into the house, which it is thought would elect Cleveland. John Thomas, once a wealthy farmer of Ada county, Idaho, informed the as sessor that he should hereafter refuse to pay taxes on bis ranch. Every winter for the past iour or five years the Boise fiver has played great pranks with Mr, Thomas' land, and now he has' but twenty acres left from a whole half sec tion. . .... Yesterday the university of- Dublin began the celebration of the 30Oth anni versary of the founding of Trinity col lege bj- Queen Elizabeth vith a recep tion to guests and delegates from all countries. The occasion has probably never been surpassed in this generation as a gathering of men distinguished in letters"and science. The weekly report of the Oregon WCathfir Imrpjin am- "RuinSo I. - " . . J . r VVA 1 J needed especially for late sown grain, corn and gardens. The total wheat crop of Oregon in 1891 was fourteen mil lion bushels, this year it will not be over ten million bushels. The nearest to a failure is in parts of Morrow, Gilliam,- Sherman and Wasco counties, where, in localities, not much more than seed will be secured." The London Star" says that if the jari erage of yesterday's gains are main tained it will give the liberals a majority of 150 in the next parliament, while there is practical certainty the average will be greater. Gladstone is jubilant over the results, especially the return of John Bruce, liberal, from Greenock. Returns show the election of ninety-five conservatives, forty -nine liberals and thirty-nine liberal : unionists. The net gain for the liberal party and Irish home rule is eight seats. , A St; Petersburg dispatch" says the cholera is advancing toward Moscow. It has appeared on the other side of the Volga, in Samaria. The mortality is increasing at Baku and suburbs. The hospitals are totally inadequate to care for the numbers sick. Medicines .and disinfectants are only obtainable at an exorbitant price, and the streets are be ing sprinkled with petroleum as a disin fectant. Steamers have .. withdrawn from the Batoum route- on account of the epidemic. The Russian frontier is closed against goods and passengers by way of Ouzamanda. Twenty new cases are reported at Saratosko. The disease is spreading at" Astrakhan. At Romanoff, and there- is ) disquieting news from Rybinsk- The greatest vigil ance, will be necessary if cholera spreads to the shores of tbe Black sea, as there is every prospect of the present epidemic following the course the dieease took in 1831 and 1847. Change of"Baaineaa.' '""''. Having disposed of all our stock in terest and good will in the business of Orchard & , Co.. grocerv, crockery and glass ware, In The Dalles, Orl' Thief is to notify all parties concerned that the firm of C. L. Richmond & Co., will con tinue in business at the old stand, who will collect and pay all bills of the past firm. We recommend our patrons to continue business with the hew firm as above. Orchard & Co. Tb,e Dallesr Or.r June 6th 1892, TRADE MARK WoirTERZO- - ""VJ2lrfBW SooU, Shorn. Hutu, Etc. Etc., . Etc.. Htc . . j 1S4 Second St., next to Dalles National Bank, Dalles City, Oregon. . J. FOLCO, -DBA 1KB IN FRUITS, NUTS, CANDIES, TOBACCO, AND FINE CIGARS. The water need in my Soda Fountain is filtered, and ia guaranteed germ proof. Something very new and pretty. Get your Firecrackers, Pistols. Flags and all kind? of Fire works of John Booth, THE GROCER, 62 SECOND ST. 62 Safe at l.aat. Col. . B. Sinnott received a dispatch from Hon. Binger Hermann today which settles the cascade locks question. It says : . - Washington, July 6. River and har bor bill finally passed today. Cascade contract and appropriation retained. Ship railway rejected. BlNGKK HkKMAS'N. Before the chalk on Thk Cheoniolk bulletin board was dry, a crowd col lected and many congratulations were expressed.' The Dalles may now be practically considered at the head of navigation for whaleback "steamers. The biggest flouring mill In tiie world will now go up here and numerous other leading industries will soon make this a center of business, attractive alike to the investor and home builder lh Tygh Hill l.oatt. Superintendent T. J. Driver was in the city yesterday,, and from him we learned that he has expended $317.00 over and above the sums collected to complete the Tygh Hill grade. It is admitted ' by everybody who has given the subject any attention whatever that Mr, Diver has done more work for the money lie had than was eer done before, and files of Tiik Chronicle prove that the work has been of lasting benefit to all. Mr Driver invites an- inspection of his work and his accounts-, and while he can show that every dollar has been judicjously expended, and that it was neccssary'for him to expend .over $300.00 of his pri vate funds and labor to make the road available, it seems to us he should be reimbursed, and that an additional $200 should be subscribed toward turn outs on the grade. Wherever he. calls upon the public to represent this subject, we bespeak for him au audience. Greeting. Walla Walla Union. D. C. Ireland, one of the veterans of Oregon journal ism,' has become editor of the -Dalles Chkoxicxk. He wilL make it a livelv influential republican paper. A Httm tag Item, Texas Sif tings.- "la the coon a smart animal?" asked a stranger of old Si Jackson on Onion Creek, near Austin, Texas. "Talk abeut' coons bein' smart.- 1 should say dey was smart." - "Well hovr smart are they ?" A coon played me the meanest trick you eber heered tell on. I foun' a hole whar de coon w'ent' ihtsr de groun' and I waited dar all day 'long to shoot dat coon, and when he did come out he was a polecat." -.;.. NOTICE. City taxes for 1892 are now due and payable within sixty days, at the office of the undersigned. L. Robdxk, City Treasurer. Daukh City, July 6th, .1892. The lee Wagon., The ice wagon of Gates & Allison is on the streets every morning from 6 to 8 o'clock. ;Any : orders for. ice -left with Will Vanbibber's express or at the store of Cbas. Lauer will be promptly at tended to. ' Cates & AtXISOK. photographer: Insuiitacootts Portraits. '.Chapman Bloclc, The Dalles, Oregon. Picfaiefs HATS AND GAPS. 109 Second Street. THe Dalles, Oregon. H. STONEMAN.. STOHHJVIAH . : ' Practical Shoemakers and Dealers In AND 8X4 Sooond Street. Only Exclusive Boot and Shoe House hi the City . ' ' ,., . . AIL Kitids. of .Footwear Always on Hand. SACRIFICE SALE I ' - My entire stock of v.'-- MILLINERY AND LADIES' UNDERWEAR will be sold in large or 'small quantities to suit purchasers, as I shall retire from business. It is also a rare opportunity to buy a well established business-: Twit It rot tier it a Kafftle. ( War man not only puolic- but private calamity Through its means uatious are convulsed and family relations sev ered During the Peninsular war one ot the generals, observing the uunierons cavalry aguint which his -brigade htwl to contend, advised the officers in com ma rid not to weaken their ranks by con dnctiug prisoners to the rear.' but after disarming them to let them proceed ' of their own accord, it was not unconi mon, therefore, to see groups of French dragoons riding quietly to the rear, look ing for some one to take them in charge - It happened, at one time, that a cer tain hussar, baring taken a prisoner ordered him also to . fall back, but the man, having ridden some little distance as directed, suddenly applied 1 spurs to his., horse und made a detour - to his regiment. The hussar, observing this, as quickly pursued, overtook him and shot him dead. : Earing secured his rein, he couveyed him some little distance to the rear and proceeded to take off the dead man's valise. There, on overhauling its con tents, be found a letter from his own father, which proved that it was lits brother who had fallen by his hands Stupefied with horror, he sat motion less and speechless for some minutes then big "tears rolled down bis cheeks, and he exclaimed. "The king has com manded, and God will forgive tnef , . He put spurs to his borse and rusiied headlong Into battle. That very day he Vraa killed near the spot where he had innocently shot bis brother. Youth's Companion. Mewtttapers of the WorM. The number of newspapers published HI all cotuirries ia estimated at 41,000. of which nuirber about 24.000 appear in Europe. Germany leads the European list with O.000", then comes France with 4,100, England with 4.000. Austria-Hungary with 3.roo,' Italy with 1,400. Spain with 930. Russia with 800, Switzerland with - 450. Belgium and Holland with 800 each, and the rest are published in Portugal; the Scandinavian and the Bal kan countries. The United States has 13,000 newspa pers. Canada has 700 and Australia also has 700. Tbe people of the United States therefore read - and support about as many newspapers as England, France. Germany and Russia combined. Paper : Tbe Ruaemarj at a Wedding.' , la the island of Crete, it is said, bride dressed for the wedding still calls, last : of all. for a sprig of rosemary to bring her luck. And now we come to find rosemary in close association with both marriage and death, just as the hy acinth was, and perhaps still is, among the Greeks. It is interesting to tracer the connection by which the same plant came to have two such different uses. All the Year Round. . ", ' ' Good Kfleeta nt Turpentine.''' : As an inhalation turpentine has proved of ..great 'Service in bronchitis, pneu monia, pleurisy and other throat and lung affections. .' If yon have a cough sprinkle a little on a handkerchief and hold it to your mouth and hose for a few minutes, breathing the Vapor, and note the relief. New York Journal. r-'Hew'Maeii a Hare 'f A horse consumes every year the prod-' ace of six acres -ia" oats and hay, and may - be' said : to consume- one-sixth, ' of what he cultivates. -; If a horse is kept hungry for any length of time, he will afterward devour his food so voraciously u to distend his' stomach and endanger an attack of staggers. London Tit-Bits. - " Oreat Coal Dovelonmeut. .' ' - ' 1 All extraordinary development is tak ing place in the coul fieldsof West York shire. England, and it is expected that the mines of thut region will- reach an annual capacity of 3U.000.IHH) tons within the next three years. -New York Jonr naL HENRY FIEGE- & PIEGE, V Will "Want Trie Chronicle. y After the Fourth the usual hegira to the sea coast and mountains will begin. Orders may he left : at The GuHosicue office for the paper, which will be mail ed free of postage daily, and which : in camp, cottage or tent, will be found a welcome visitor from home.. Yoft will want The Citnosici-K. Don't foiget to leave your orders. ' . WAXTED. A girl to do general housework, good wages, apply at this office. . - KlMlier'fi Sharing; and Itathlng; Parlors From and after this date my place of business will be closed on Saturday evenings after 10 o'clock, aw open on Sundavs from " t IP: Uti! 1? "'flock noon, , -Jl'i.tus FishjcbV ' .. L-cvvjiu curct( x lie jsttlieSj Jt: Mr. W. M.-Terrv, tt lio has been in the drug business at "Elkton, Ky., for the past twelve years, says: ''Chamber lain's Cough Remedy gives better satis faction than any other cough medicine I have. ever sold.'' There is good reason for this. No other will cure a cold so quickly ; no Other is so certain a pre ventive and cure' for creup; no other rw 1 I 1 - r - .. r 1 anoras so niucn reuei in cases or wooop ing cough. For sale . by Klukeley St 1 1 .-I. .1 : . .i t Children Cry for Pftchers Castdra. When Baby -was nick, we rare her Oaateria. When he wa a Child, mho cried for Castorh When she became MUs, she clnn to Castoria. When she had Children, the gn them Ceatorhfr JMitftolution. Xotice. Notice ia hereby given that the law partnership heretofore existing between E. B. Dufur, George Watklns and Frank Aieueiee, under the hrm name and style of Dufur, Watkins & Menefee is this day dissolved by mutual ' consent. George Watkins retiring from- the firm. : . All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm will please call at once and pay the same to Frank Menefee, and all per sons having claims against said firm will present the same to him for payment. Rllfiinpflfl will rw mntinnpfl a t. t m ri r(- fice, under the firm name of Dufur & Menefee. E B. Dcfph. " V . .. -GEOBGK WAIJt'lJiS. ' . :- .' Fhank Menkfke. - Dated this 23th dav of June, 1892. 6.25d4w COLUMBIA ; CANDY FACTORY CamplirBros. Proprs Xanulactarers of the finest French nl Home Made ast of Portland. ' DEALERS IN . vl; Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacw. Can furniah auv of these roods at Wholeaala : Or KCUIL . . . .. . WRESH 4- OYSTERS- ii starr style.. . , ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or.