VOL. I V THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1892. NO. 18. M at ti Bargains! : AT THE : OLD AND WELL KNOWN STAND. Alwaijs to the Froqt ! REGULAR I My Kntire Stock, Consteiing of Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Gaps, W F'JtniStijOl GOODS. laces ik Emuroineries BOW fiOISG AT BARGAINS. And the Sale will be eou tinued until all is disiwsed of. A special opportunity is here afforded for email uteres to replenish their rtoek. Call and Price these Goods, 14. HRtWS, AT THE OLD AND WELL KNOWN STAND. n.E f T MERIT Fills Z ! If you take pill it Is because you have never ... mca mc S. B. Headache and Liver Gure. It works so nicely, demising the liver and . Kidneys: acts as a mild physic without causing pain or siokucss, ana aoes hoc slop you train eating and working. To try It la to become h friend to it. For sale by all druggists. Young & luss, BiecksmiifiaWapstiOD General Blacksmitbing and Work done promptly, and all work -Guaranteed. . florse Shoeeing a Spciality TIM Street opposite tiie ola" Liebe Stani lit SOLE HI i( MRS. C. DAVIS Has Opened the REVERE RESTAURANT, ' In the New Frame Building on SECOND STREET, Next to the . Diamond Flouring Mills. - ' Piret Class Meals Furnished at all Hours. I... , ... , , )V' Only White Help Employed. 100 Dozen TOWEItS. Wortli 25 Cts., going for 12 1-2 Cts. . Just Received an. of the Celebrated Ioyal Uoreester Corsets IN EVERY STYLE and PRICE. A.B9..WI D RUGS Snipes l Kinersly, -THE LEADING win. and Retail Dropls. JFXJ.ES X XT C3p S Handled by Three Registered Druggists. ALSO ALL THE LEADING Patent ffledieines and HOUSE PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the Citt for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints. -WE The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. . Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars. Aent for Tansill's Punch. 129 Second Street, J O. MACK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Liquor Dealer. Finest Wines 171 Second Street, Frenchs' Block, . . . ' .': Jos. Tl "Peters & Co., -DEALERS IN- ougn ana Dressed LumDer. and a full line of Builders' Supplies, all of which are carried constantly in stock. Call and see as at our of Second and Jefferson where. Our prices are many things below all competitors. - Immense Shipment Druggists Sundries, ARE- The Dalles, Oregon and Liquors. . The Dalles, Oregon new store, southwest corner Streets, "before -buying else; as low as the lowest, and on A MONTANA CYCLONE, j i Hailstones Fell Lfte Bullets. Perforating the Leaves. I SCANDINAVIAN CHURCH STRUCK. Colored People - Holding a Convention For Mutual Benefit. ASHING THt rEOfLK FUK .11 STICK. Fu.tberly Advice From -F. C Koblniion to The Kace Counciling? Inilantry, -Sobriety, etc. , Spokane, July 6. A terrific cyclone passed over Montana yesterday. The amount of rain and hail that fell and the freqaency of the lightning were unpre cedented at Helena. In ten minutes an inch of ruin fell. Hail came down like bullets, and the leaves of trees all over town show clean, round holes. People who were caught ont in the storm had to seek shelter until its cessation. The wind that preceded, the rain and hail blew 50 miles an hour, leveling trees and fences. Lightning struck' the Scandina vian church, entering the steeple, when it divided into several bolts and flew in all directions. The steeple and part of the church were wrecked, and the. parsonage was badly damaged. Rev. Henry Lin derman, the pastor, bis wife and 4-year-old child were shocked, but not seriously hurt. The child has'; a -distinct bine streak down one arm: Several persons in the neighborhood of the church were prostrated by the shock.' The church was set on lire, but the flames were quickly extinguished. Tlie Colored " People. Chicago, July 6. This appears to be the year of national conventions. The colored people now in session in Cin cinnati are discussing matters of inter est to their race. One of the speakers yesterday, D. A. Budd, discussed- the situation with more than ordinary intelligence. A number of other speech es were made reciting southern outrages etc. A resolution was adopted appealing to the American people for justice; against murder and violence, robbery extortion, hasty and cruel judgements, and against fierce mobs; appealing to the colored people to bear in mind their prosperity and advancements depend upon themselves; they must practice industry, economy, sobriety ; be orderly, law-abiding and honest, that they may win the reputation of good citizens. The resolution declares that the interests of the colored people re quire the establishment of a literary academy, where colored . youths may acquire a thorough practical and engin eering education. The .resolution de clares that Washington is best suited for the location of such an institution, and the project is submitted to the consider ation 'of the United States. . - THE DALLlCS FINANCES. Mayor Maya Message---Financial State ment, etc. The common council of Dalles Citv, met at 10 o'clock" a. in. yesterday, Mayor Robert Mays presiding. Present, Coun cilmen Haight, Joles, Kreft, I.auer and Maier. ; Bonds were presented and approved for the recorder elect, Frank Menefee ; marshal elect, Dan Maloney ; and treas urer elect, L. Rorden. The following .standing committees were appointed : Judiciary Dufur, Haight and . Maier. Finance Maier, Joles and Kreft. . Fire and water Haight, Lauer arid Joles. . - Streets - and - public property Kreft, Dufur and Lauer. Mayor .Mays submitted . his annual message as'followsr ; ."' ' One year has passed since I first as sumed the duties of Mayor of Dalles City, and while I am not now prepared to make a detailed statement of the con dition of 'the city's finances, I desire to call your' attention to some of the affairs of the ciy which seem to me to require attention at your hands in ' the near future. V - I shatl, in the near future, present for yonr consideration a full statement, of the citiy's finances ; I feel that notwith standing the loss suffered by the great fire of September 2d, 1891, and the con sequent increase in the contingent ex pense's, the city is in a good and healthy condition financially; our city warrants are readily disposed of at par and the regular contingent expenses of the city are regularly met. Our fire department is well equipped bo far as apparatus is concerned ; lint the fire department is in need of an en gine house with its appurtenances; I urge upon' you the necessity of giving this your early consideration that this need may be supplied. I would recom mend that if an engine house be built that it be placed upon the ground now occupied as temporary quarters; that the lot formerly occupied as an engine house be disposed of, as soon, as a fair price can bn obtained therefor, and that the proceeds be used to cover the ex pense of a new bouse. I would further recommend that when a new engine house be built that the 'City hall and jail be -thoroughly repaired, that they receive a hew roof and new floors and such other repairs as will make the building safe and comfortable. While all of the interests of the city should receive great care and your best consideration, iu addition to the fire de partment, to which I have called your particular attention. I shall be pleased to see you guard with the utmost vigi lance the finances of the city. You are choBen by the people of this municipal ity to look after and care for their interr efts; your ability to do. this is unques tioned and I shall at all times take pleas ure in assisting you in the discharge of your duty.. Hoping that we may at all times work together"with harmony and pleasantly, I remain, Very Respectfully, Robeht Mays, Mavor. The message was ordered to be placed on file. The financial statements of the city were then read, as follows, and made a portion of the records of the meeting. ASXFAL STATEMENT. " ' To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of Dalles City :. . . I herewith beg to submit my report of the financial affairs of Dalles City, as shown by the records of this office, July 4th, 1892. Hal. Warrants Outstandlng.July 7,1891 . .25,532 85 Issued fur salaries of city officers.. 6,764 00 '. " current expenses 1,196 61 expenses of tire department, nose nyaranis, equipments., hoso house?, ete. 3,279 41 ii " improvements of streets, cross walks, etc 1,01!) 10 ' payment of night watchman, special policeman, feeding prisoners, etc -.2,236 !1 " ' payment for lighting streets 2,67 10 ! general fund 241 66 " ' block 4, sewer fund 70 88 Total f2,U68 62 Less warrants redeemed since July 7th. 1S91 14,321 20 Warrants outstanding July 4th, 1891. Less cash on hand 28,617 82 S,335 06 Liabilities, not including interest on outstanding warrants 25 311 36 ' Comparative Statement of finances on the first Monday of July, 1891, to the first Monday in July, 1892, the beginning and end of the fiscal year: Cash on hand July 7th. 1S91 $3,808 12 Warrants issued July 7th, 1891, to July .. 7th, 1892. 17,435 67 Total I21.MM 79 CONTRA Warrants redeemed during said time not including interest. $L4,&M 2M Cash on band July 4th. 1892 . 8,335 96 17,657 16 " " " Balance. . .- CASH RECEIVED KROM A LI Team License . : Bar . - " ..;...'..... .x .. .... 1-3,646 03 BOURCE8. f 479 00 . . . . 4,700 ( . 105 00 .... 12 59 ..... 50 00 . .. . . "70 00 ' -43 50 . .-. . . . 218 60 42 50 147 00 37 00 595 55 Show " - :. Peddlers " ' .... Hawkers" , ..... Billiard " Dog " ....-.....'..:....-........ Fines in Recorder s Court round rent Road tax Impounding fines .- Delinq uent ci ty tax Insurance on engine house City taxes for 1891, per treasurer's re ports.. 2,000 00 6,293 79 Total . '.f 14,824 44 ' Respectfully submitted, . T - Fkask Menbfek, ' Recorder of Dalles City. 1 he election 01 street commissioner; resulted in the selection of the present incumbent, J. F. Staniels, on the first ballot. : Policemen Con Howe and G. C Bills were retained in their. positions by un'an animous consent. ' V Proposition for the purchase of a lot on Third street Jor an engine house was referred to" the committee on lire and water.- Petitions for rebate-of taxes from Mrs. LUtinger and F. W. L. Skibbe were referred. An ordinance was adopted transferring moneys from the general, fund for'. pay ment of outstanding warrants. Adjourned. ; Highest of all in Leavening' Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. HASTY LEGISLATION. Fatal Oversight in Tbe Senate Passing: m Silver Bill. NOTES SAID TO BE DEMONETIZED. The House May Amend The Bill Amf Thus Prolong The Session. WII.T.lAM KAFl'S.Tt) j) TO KIDNEI- A .Junketing Xrlp From Vortland t Washington City"'ly The Free Bridge Committee. Washington, July 6. If it be true, -as representative Culberson of Texas says, that the senate made a fatal over sight in passing the silver, bill, in that it failed to reserve, in the repeal of the act of 1890, the legal tender qualify of coin notes issued under that act, and also de stroyed the authority of the secretary of the treasury to redeem them, the effect will be to demonetize more than - f 100, 000,000 of coin notes, and postpone their redemption until congress authorizes it. Tho house wiil bo compelled to amend the bill, and thus the session may be prolonged. - After Major Handbnry. Voktland, July 6. The committee of citizens forcing conclusions for more free bridges, are arranging for a trip to Washington city .to investigate Maj. Handbury. It i quite probable that the entire delegation will proceed in a body. A. D. Charlton, of the Korthern ' Pacific Railroad company, has kindly tendered the use of a special car to con vey the delegates from Portland to Chi cago. He will also make arrangements ' to convey the delegation from Chicago to Washington over the Baltimore and Ohio road. This special car has been ordered, and will be ready to convey the dele gation eastward tomorrow morning. The president has sent to . the senate the ' nomination of William Kapus,. of Oregon, as consul to Sidnev, 2s ew South Wales. ot o Bid oir. -Wasco News. While it is an undeni able fact that the. crops of Sherman -county are in a. bad condition, yet we do not believe that they are so far gone as some of onr exchanges would have us believe. " Statements in some of our ex- -changes are to the effect that the. wheat crops in this county are entirely burned -up.' There will be considerable wheat threshed iu Sherman county this year, though not by any means the amount i mere was iasi year, .-ouie oi our larm- ers "claim that they will have wheat to sell this fall. Some, of course, will not raise seed, but there will be plenty raised-, to seed the county and some for export Tho crops are short, there is no denying. that fact, but there will be more wheat raised than many think. Thos who know say that the prospects are better this year than they were thrt-e years ago. Considered a Freak. -m Chicago News. There was one "we- . view-with-alarm" in the democratic platform, and its appearance was greeted with derision. But how docn it happen l that the platform contains no "we-point- with-prides"? The omission of so es sential, time-honored and immemorial a phrase cannot but be detrimental to the . democratic cause among the residents of those back counties where a platform without it is considered a freak.- One Lone Sheep. Grant County News. Last Thursday a huge mountain sheep wandered down from the everlasting crags and peaks of Canyon mountain to Myers' mine near the creek a mile" and a half above town, and grazed around until the miners went to the cabin and brought forth the trusty rifle. They got him. Mountain eheep and ibex were numerous in these high mountains in early days,.' but hunters have thinned their ranks. ...... je tested