o 3 4 A VOL. IV. THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1892. NO. 17. tr Look at the Bargains ! X. HftHiS, : AT. THE: OLD AND WELL KNOWN STAND. JHwaiJg to the Froqt ! REGULAR leani -Dot SflLE ! Mv Entire Stock, Consisting of Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Gaps, 6EHTS' Ririlirii ill, EitMines . HOW GOISe Af BARGAINS. And the .Sale will le con tinued until all is disposed of. A special opportunity is here afforded for small stores to replenish their etock. Call and J'rice these Goods, 9 AT THE- OLD AND WELL KNOWN STAND. li you tnke iills it is bccimse yon hav-c never tried tlie S. B. Headache and Liver Cure. It works so nirely, olcinsingr the Liver and Kktncys; acts as a mild physio without causing pain or sickness, and does not stop you from eating ttnd working. try it ia to become a friend to it For cale by nil drusjrists. Young 8t I-yuss, BlaoSSBiitU tim sin General Blaeksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. jiOrse Shoeeing a Speiality TbM Street opposite the old Liebe Stand. MRS. C. DAVIS Has Opened the REVERE RESTAURANT, X. Id the New Frame Building on SECOND STREET, Next to the Diamond Flouring Mills. First Class Meals Furnished at all Hoars. Only White Help Employed. 100 Dozen TOWEItS: Worth .25 Cts., oing for 12 i-2 Cts. Just Received an Immense Shipment of. the Celebrated' loya 1 Uoreester Corsets . IN EVERY STYLE and PRICE. no D RU G S Snipes.. o& Kinersly, -THE LEADING- Wlitale iJ Bui Driiisis. Handled by Three Registered Druggists. ALSO ALL THE LEADING Patent ffiedieines and Druggists Sundries, HOUSE PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the City for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints. -AVE The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars. - ' Agent for Tansill's Punch. 129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon WHOLESALE iquor Finest Wines 171 Second Street, Frenchs' Block, The Dalles, Oregon Jos. T. Peters & Co.; -DEALERS IX- and a full line of Builders' Supplies, all of which are carried constantly in stock. Call and see us at our new store, southwest corner of Second and Jefferson Streets, before buying else where. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and on many things below all competitors. - ARE - AND RETAIL Dealer. and Liquors. MACK. THEGLORIOUS FODRTH. The 116tii Anniversary "of Dnr Ameri cas Independence. ' THE DALLES FITTINGLY OBSERVED. The Oration Delivered by the Hon. Gilbert.!. McGinn of Portland. THE IMMORTAL DECLARATION. Rport of The Procession .The Oration in r ail Crowds in Attenduce. etc. We give place to-day to the account of the 4th of July celebration in The Dal les yesterday to the exclusion of other interesting matter, because the-day was one long to be remembered by the throngs in attendance. The programme which was published on Saturday was litterally carried out, and the procession was one of the greatest attractions. In charge of Col. "Thompson and staffit paraded the principal streets headed by The Dalles Brass band. The liberty car, with its full representation of the states, and the goddess of liberty was greatly admired. These were followed by car riages in which were seated the officers of the day ; then came ihe militia, G. A. E., fire department, A. O. W., Woodmen, etc. The display by the Woodmen was particularly line. Their float repre sented ax-men, with a log, in which was displayed a huge,; wedge, maul, axe, etc, in the procession. Then came mounted Indian chiefs. Following these was the stage coach, then came the ponderous cigar float of Messrs. A. Ulrieh & Son. Jos. T. Peters & Co. made a fine display of lumber, boxes, etc. Gates & Allison appeared with their ice wagon. John Booth made a handsome display with a miniature colliope, and a mounted guard. Maier & Benton had a very creditable exhibi bition of their trades, representing plumbing, etc. Then followed the rep resentative Indian women on ponies, single and double, as they ride on the trail. : Peters & Co. had an extra fine float in here representing the lumber interests. The Carpenters' Union was elaborately represented in a . working force at labor, building a structure on a larse platform. The Umatilla house i Buss, handsomely decorated, and Rus sell & Co.'s steam traction engine, threshers, etc, drawn by steam, sup plied a goodly portion of the last di vision. - At the grand stand the exercises, con sisting of music of a high order, both instrumental and vocal, was greatly ap preciated. The singing was followed by a fervent : prayer by the chaplain, Rev. W. C. Curtis, after which the declara tion was read in a clear tone and mas terly manner bv Mr. Nicholas J. Sin- nott. The oration, by Mr. Gilbert J. McGinn, of Portland, was an intelligent and instructive paper, which we publish complete, as follows: . ... Mr. President, ' Fellow Citizens, Ladies .and Gentlemen :--On this glor ious day, eo dear to the - heart of every true American, it is meet and profitable to recall the achivements of the past, so that both in the' present and future, having sure and safe guides, we act not foolishly bnt wisely. On this day it is tit and proper to revere the memory of him, whose -genius gave a continent to mankind, and our love of country will burn with "a, more fervent " and holier light when we contemplate with feelings of pride, and a desire of emulation, the lofty deeds of self-sacrifice and patriot ism of the founders of the republic. I shall therefore briefly relate the story of the discovery and colonization of Amer ica. I shall in the next place .strive to point but the salient causes " that "led to the revolution of 1776, and the war. ior American independence," paying a pass ing tribute to the'men, who in order-to secure tor themselves and their posterity the rights and privileges of freetnen, feared" not to shed their hearts precious blood. And lastly, I shall endeavor to impress upon the minds of all present that the responsibility resting upon us to preserve and defend our country is a duty aa solemn ' and as sacred as that of our fathers in establishing it. - During the 15th " century, the fancy and imagination of Europe were 'in flamed to the highest degree by the -accounts which . Marco Polo had given of hiB travels in Asia and the east, and particularly by the account of his visit to the great and mighty Kahn of Tar tars. A credulous world heard with wonder and astonishment of regions peopled by innumerable multitudes, of palaces of kings whose very roofs were of solid gold, of a country whose wealth in eweet spices and precious stones was like the eands on the shore, or the leaves of a gigantic forest, without beginning and without end. To reach India by some route other than the one across the burning eands of the ' trackless desert, became an all absorbing problem, a problem at the time extremely difficult of eolation. Christopher Columbue, a Genoese ' mar iner, learned in the science of naviga tion, but who, poor, ragged, penniless and advanced in years, were obliged to support himself by making and selling mariner's charts; conceived the idea that the earth was round instead of be ing flat, as ' was then univereally be lieved, and that India might be reached by sailing due west. . He spoke to all that would listen to him of the scheme dearest to his heart. He spoke of it with eo much earnestness, that men re garded him as a visionary fellow, crazy indeed from much brooding upon one subject, and even the children pointed to their foreheads ' in derision as he passed them in the street. But Colum bus was a man of genius, a man not to he discouraged or disheartened by the insults of the ignorant, the sneers of the scoffers, or by the scorn of the proud. For twenty long and weary years he wandered from court to court asking assistance. The king of Portugal listened to him, but would not help him, For seven years he implored the aid of Ferdinand, king of Spain, but without avail. Finallv when his heroic courage and perseverance had nearly forsaken him, and cruel disappointment seemed inevitable, Queen Isabella promised to furnish him ships for the venture, and so, on the third day of August, 1492, ho set sail from the harbor of Palos in Spain, crossed unknown and stormy seas, and on the 12th day of October, 1479, discovered the land in which we live, the land that we love so well. When Columbus returned triumphant, to Spain, and told of a land blessed with a mild and delightful climate, of a land possessing mines of inexhaustable riches and what was more than all to him of a land peeled by myriads of savages who might be taught the religion of Christ, all that was brave, noble, and romatic; all that was base, cruel; and av aricious in the character. the Spaniard, was kindled into madness. Thousands flocked to the new. world in an eager scramble for gold.' The power of the Montezumas i:i Maxieo fell before ihe conquering arm of the invincible Cortez ; and the crafty . and. cunning Pizzaro usurped the power and squandered the wealth of Peru. Spanish settlements were established in the West India islands, and on the main land from Florida to Patagonia ; but the gold eo eagerly coveted and. so cruelly and mer cilessly obtained, sapped the vitality of the Spanish character, and became one of the proximate causes that led to the decline and fall of the Spanish Mon archy.. The French, like the Spanish, were not slow in perceiving the immense ad vantages that would flow from the pos session of territory in the new world, and accordingly planted colonies in that part of North America known as Canada, Of the three great European nations, the English were the last to come, and the last to stay ; and the influence of Britain on the character and destiny of the people of America, will be felt till thej last eylable of recorded time., . The first English settlement within the limits of the United States, was made at Jamestown, Virginia, in the year 1G07, and Virginia enjoys the proud distinction of being the mother of the colonies, and the land that gave birth to Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Marshall ; and above all and beyond all to George Washington, j the fathor of his country. - . j In the year 1620, the Pilgrim Fathers j landing from the Mayflower at Piym-j outh rock, formed a settlement after ward incorporated under, the name of the colony of Massachusetts. The do- ' scendantsof those pilgrims have become famous throughout the world for their proficiency in the arts and sciences, in law and polite literature ; and today our country glories in the names of their illustrious eons, the patriots John and Samuel Adams, Joseph Warren, the hero of Bunker Hill, the orator Web ster, the philosopher Emerson, - and the poetry of Lowell and Longfellow will perish only with the language of Milton and ol Burke. New York was settled by the Dutch, but was afterward . acquired by" the English. Pennsylvania by the Quakers ' tinder the great and good man William Penn. Maryland by the Catholics, under the auspices of the noble "Lord Baltimore ; and Georgia, the last of the celebrated thirteen colonies, was settled , in 1732, the year in which Washington was born, who was destined to lead the American army to victory and everlast ing glory. , ' . The colonists, often times compelled, to defend their lives and propertjr . against the treachery and rapacity of the Indians, wore a brave, hardy, God- ' fearing and liberty-loving people, and' the original thirteen colonies, consisting of Virginia," -Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,. Delaware, Maryland, "South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia, all pos sessed a free and democratic govern ment, wherein .the voice of the people was considered the voice of God. Meanwhile frequent disputes arose between the French settlements in Can ada, and those of the English in the col onies. These disputes were generally determined by au appeal to arms, but the French government, having wars enough at home to utilize her resources, was unable properly to defend her pos sessions in Canada, and accordingly Ft. Duquesne, Lonisburg, Ticonderoga, Crown Point and Niagara, fell into the hands of the English, and w hen in the year 1759, the heoric Wolfe had climbed to the Plains of Abraham and Quebec had surrendered, the British flag with out a rival to dispute her 6way, waved in triumph over a region extending front the Arctic ocean to the Mississippi river. In these wars with the French the Colonies were obliged to unite their forces for mutual defence, and thus were taught the lesson, -'that in unity there is strength." They saw that, the raw American recruits so despised by the British regulars, were superior in valor to the "red coats." They realized that . the vast expenditure of blood and treas ure which these wars demanded, was largely borne by themselves ; and. they perceived that the government of Great' Britain, not content in denying them protection from their enemies, pursued ' toward them a policy characterized by . rapacity and tyranny, a policy tending to crush and suppress their liberties, and to promote and maintain foreign depotism. The navigation act compelled Ameri cans to send their produce to England in English ships. Obliged them to purchase manufactured articles in - the-' -mother country and would not allow the- . Colonists to manufacture anything, not even a nail. Yet this was not all, England regarded the Americans as an. inferior and dependent people ;. and the English parliament claimed the right and exercised the power of taxing the Colonists without their consent. The famous stamp act required that stamps should be pnrchased from the -British government and affixed to all- -legal instruments newspapers, pamph-. lots and the like, to give them validity. But the Americans met these flagraut encroachments upon their liberties. with " prudence, firmness, courage and heroic patriotism. Men who had left dear homes and loving hearts, to settle iu the -wild American wilderness, in order that they might worship God according to the dictates of their conscience;, men who had braved the perils of the sea and. the perils of the land; who had suffered the intense heat of summer and the kil ling frost of winter; men who. had battl ed with the fierce and savage Indian, that they might breathe air of freedom, were not the kind of men that could be deprived of their liberties without a struggle. In remonstrance after re monstrance to the king and parliament of Great Britain, they solemnly declared that taxation, without representation was tyranny, and Patrick Henry, the ora tor of the revolution gave utterance to the fixed and unflinching purpose of the people of America, when in language that will live as long as freedom is cher ished by the sons of men, he exclaimed, "give me liberty or give me death." The British government, seeirig with what tenacity the Americans resisted the stamp act, repealed that odious law, but retained the tax on tea to maintain the principle. The Americans however, had not resisted the tax that they miglt hoard up the paltry gold that would be required to pay it, but they,had opposed it upon principles of right, justice and equity. Therefore at New .York and Philadelphia, ships laden with tea, were" sent back to England. At Charleston, South Carolina, a large quantity of tea was purposely stored in damp cellars , where it was ruined and at Boston 342 chests . of this odious commodity were publicly dumped into the harbor ; where upon the British government declared v the colonies to be in mutiny and ordered troops under Gen. Gage to occupy Mas sachusetts. Gage learning that arms and munitions of war, were collecting at Concord, sent thither a regiment. On its way, meeting ,& company' of seven. . Continued on 2d page. ' .