The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 02, 1892, Image 3

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fl Gent's Neektie.
,r in
Our line of Hosiery -is now complete
in every department. We can show you
good vaiuidsL at 1 6c., i2c.t ' 15c. up to
$1.50 per pair.-1 . .
Color guaranteed absolutely fast.
The Dalles My Chfoniele.
Entered a thcPostoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertisi.
10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and o Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
: Special rates for long time notices.
' All local notices received later than S o'clock
will appear the following day.
JULY 2, 1892
Mr. Geo. Filloon ia in the city.
Mrs. Harriet Wilson left homeward
last evening.
To tho9"vUo have never heard a cal
liope it will be a rare treat.
Mr. J. W. Morrow of Heppner, was
registered at the Umatilla house yester
day. Harvesting will-begin In some parts of
JJie . Inland Empire right ' after the
The Prinz & Nitschke building will be
covered with a tin roofing by Maier &
Mr. Frank Woodcock, who was so
badly hurt last week at Wamic is re
covering. ,
The grand stand is ready so is the
rty car. Both are a' credit to the
t will be the most gorgeous thing in
e procession: Jiixpense did not hgure
manufacturing the calliope. .
Mrs. S. G. Rigdon is in the city. . He
is quite active in preparations .for , Rus
ts"! & Co., display in The Dalles' 4th Of
July parade.
An experienced wool growers says;
"Sell when the buyers leave there is the
end of the market." Perhaps this may
be a good pointer. "
TUn. rv.v. ' T..1.. . J ' 1 i
mrjruiuuivLifuij piugfauiiuB uugui
to suit the most fastidious. It is the
product of hours of toil on the part of
the committee which we hope may be
Messrs. Maier & Benton were awarded
the contract yesterday for plumbing the
tbeMdnerny residence; also the resi
dence of Hon. J. B. Condon. They make
a speciality of sanitary plumbing.
i We understand that friends' ' of fiwpn
he murilerer of Win. Dunn, have re
tained1 Hon. Wmi.' Lair ' Hilt " to" defend
'ihim ; Mr. Hill is accounted one of the
best criminal lawyers on the coast.
' . - 1 .. .i : 'I ,.
Messrs. Nicholas and Roger Sinnott
were, among: the,, passengers;, to; arrive
thla morning.' They spent Idhe" day at
Denver and would have Jaid 'otT a. "day
l Salt take but were Sniou9 to be at
Dome lor me tn-. - w
Mr. and Mrs.' Rand,, and Mrs. Graham
of Wood River, '.wery among the
'watchers" who spent the night, at the
Umatilla house last night, watching for
the yesterdays afternoon train to convey
them their homes.
The many leading cities of the United
btates having representatives and visit
ore in The Dalles, as attested by the
Umatilla house register, shows that, as a
.commercial city in Oregon this place is
entitled to rank close to the head of the
To setijverything at rest concerning
the Columbia river lmnrnvotnents wo
. -
may ae well say that there is absolutely
notnmgin the way of a speedy comple
tion ot tne cascade locks : Unless it be
the veto of the president ; which is not
yt all Ukely
- The regatta in the river, and the. skull
races, July 4th, will form an attraction
to the sports of the day. . '
OSers of lemonade to delinquents at
the sheriff's office had a timely effect.
The offer holds good for Tuesday.
Photographs of Cleve and Steve will
appear in The Chronicle Tuesday. We
propose to give all candidates a "show."
The Cosmopolitan opened yesterday
with our young friend, Claude Cooper,
the trusted agent of Messrs. Sinnott &
Fish, as managers.
A cross section of a pile, which come
from Seattle harbor, is perfectly honey
combed with teredeo. It is worth while
to take a look at this, and to remember,
while looking, that at the' seaport for
this Inland Empire Astoria, teredo is
Mr. H. C. Neilson says the man must
be an idiot who presupposes that
twenty-five pounds of iron is equal only
to twenty-five pounds of feathers. He
says a bale of wool, as it comes from the
ranches, wouldn't have left his foot in
the shape that iron . goose of his did, a
few days-ago.
-Church Notice.
The morning discourse at the M. E.
Church, tomorrow will be of a National
character and will be delivered in the
auditorium of the new . church. Other
services as 'ssual in the basement.
Union services at the court house Sun
day evening at 8 o'clock. . Preaching by
Rev. J. W. Jenkins.
"Congregational church. . Administra
tion of the lords supper Sunday at H
o'clock Sunday school at 12 :15; Young
Peoples society of Christian Endeavor at
6 JS0 p. m.
Special Orders Kio. 7.
1. Staff, Nota-Commissiotied Staff,
"A" and "C" companies, will assemble
at the armory, on Monday, July 4th
1892, at 9" o'clock a. in., fully uniformed,
armed and equip'ped, as far as possible,
to take part in the parade on that date.
. 2. Staff and on-Comm. Staff will re
port to' the regimental commander.
Staff officer will report mounted. Bv
order of G. T. Thompson.
-: Lt.-Col. Comindg, 3d Or. Infty.
Official : J. F. Haworth; ;
' 1st Lt. and Adjt.
Land Office. Business.
Capt. Lewis and his assistants in, the
land pthee have been quite busy the past
four days 6n a report which"- shows the
approximate cumber of acres open to
Settlement in each county in this dis
triet-. . .. ; , I
W asco county, surveyed 747,370
Sherman; " 185,000
GiUiam . " " 435,000
Morrow . " " 200,000
Grant,. ". .:. '460,000
Crook " ' " '. :.. 2,300,000
Surveyed lands open . . . . . 4,327,370
Unsurveyed 371,800
. Total .L-v .. . . . . .:. i 4,699,179
Embraced in franf tn TWlloo .
Military Wagon Road Co '300,000
vr uuuucue v aiiey ana jascaae
Wagon Road Co. ... 150,000
Total in grants . . ... ,'.. 450,000
ximuracea witmn ine limits of
the Warm Springs Indian res
ervation about . . ........ 500,000
Surveyed and open to entry 4,327,370
Unsurveyed and not embraced
in Indian or other reservat'ns 371.800
Embraced in road grants . ..... 450 000
rm ppnngs xnaiari res vara 500000
Accideat in a Cut.
The up freight yesterday " met with a
serious accident in the cut between
Grants and Blalock, but nobody was
hurt or killed. The engine had passed a
point-when a sand slide occurred, just
at the moment to catch the balance of
the train, and as a result nine cars were
piled up belter skelter. The work of
clearing the wreck was extra laborous on
account of the sand which in some cases
completely, covered the cars.' But with
all these disadvantages ' the road was
opened so that the mail and passenger
trains passed within saving time.. . The.
west bound passenger due here a't 4 :01
p. m. yesterday came in at 5. a m. today,
followed by the 3'a. m. passenger.-
United We Stand.
The managers of The Dalles, Portland
and . Astoria 'Navigation company have
adopted a schedule for the . Fourth
which, will admit ' of the ' same person
celebrating the day both in The Dalles
and Hood River. Following is the
schedule :
Leave The Dalles'. . : . . ... 6 :00 a. m
Arrive at Hood River .-. 7.:30 a. m
Leave Hood River 8 :00 a. m
Arrive at The Dalles 10 :00 a. m
Leave The Dalles. . . . . . . : . . 5 -.00 p. m
Arrive at Hood River 6:30 p. m
Leave Hood River : 6 :4a p. m
Arrive at The Dalles .... . 8 :45 p. ia
Fare for the round trip only fifty
Choir To-'Night.
Please do not forget the choir practice
in the. Court house, this .(Saturday) eve
ning at 8 :30 o'clock eharp Last prac
Tammany came in like a lion and went
out like a door-mat. ' . '
The affection which Tammany' sudden
ly evinced for the west would set the
lachrymal glands of a crocodile to secret
ing like a freshet.
A Tall. Volunteer. .
Sentinel. -', A volunteer prop of, ;rye in
Asotin' county, .now , being cut for bay,
measures seven and a half feet in hight.
It will average two ; tons of hay. to the
acre. Samples of it will be sent to the
Worlds fair to show that Washington
soil will do unaided' by plow or harrow.
Two men of Destiny now face each
other for the, second time.
"Them ma Has, Gits."
Press-Times. To the famous "Rev
eries of. a Bachelor" may now.-be added a
cnapier Dy iavia xs. tiiu on current
events. Cleveland' has a wife, a child
and a nomination. Which -..acftim illus
tratea the old biblical doctrine that them
as has gits.
'" Regarding the coming Behring sea ar
bitration tribunal it is said there are
only five men from' whom Carnot can
choose French arbitrators; for only five
men, fulfill requirements, via., jurists of
distinguished reputation "acquainted
with the English tongue. Of these five,
one only exactly fits the requirements.
Bryants Mistake.
Spokane Reviews' . Bryant,; made a
misiaxe wnen ne wrote -xnanatopsis."
The famous lines onght to read, "Where
roll lake Union and Swinomish ..slough
and! know no . sound; save ;theuvown
dashings." ' ; ' ' ' " ' '
The esteemed . Chicago Herald still
opines that Cleveland's nomination im
perils the. success of . the democratic
party and exposes it to the loss of the
electoral vote of New York.
. Bootor Shoes. Hats, Etc.
Ktc, Etc., Kte. .
134 Second St., next to Dalles National
Bank, Dalles City, Oregon.
candies; TOBACCO,
. "' ' :' AND i
The water naed in my Soda Fountain
is filtered, and ia guaranteed germ proof.
Something very new and pretty.
Get your Firecrackers, Pistols, t
Flags and all kinds of Fire
works of
John Booth,
62 SECOND ST. 62
1776. 1892;
O" uly 4th, 1802.
National salute at 4 o'clock.
Parade will be formed at 10 a, m. as
follows: i
Dalles City band. .
Triumphal liberty carl . .
Staff and non-commissioned staff of
Third Regiment, O. N. G. . . ; ;
Co. 'A in command of Capt.'Ad.' Keller.
Co. C in "command ot - Capt. Levi
Grand Army of the Republic.
Fire department. .
Civic societies. .
Indians in war costume. .
Trades Procession.
Bicycle club.'
Mayor and aldermen.
Citizens on foot.
Citizens in carriages. -
Grand Marshal of the Day, Lieut.-Col.
George T. Thompson.
Grand Orator, Hon. Gilbert J. Mc
Ginn, of Portland. : '
Grand Reader of the Declaration of
Independence, Nicholas J. Sinnott.
Grand Chaplain, Rev. W. C. Curtis.
The procession will be formed on the
corner of Second and Madison streets,
at 9 :30 a. m. and proceed - promptly At
10 a. m. as follows :
From Second and Madison to. Second
and Union. . 1 . '. -J J .
From Union, to Fourth and Union.
East on Fourth to Jefferson.
Down Jefferson to Third.
West on Third to Grand Stand oppo
site county court house. ";
binging of National Anthem 'by the
choir. . ""
Prayer by the chaplain Rev. W. C.
Curtis. :
Reading of the Declaration of Inde-;
pendence by Nicholas J. Sinnott. .
Singing by the choir.
Oration, by Hon. Gilbert J. McGinn,
of Portland. '
Singing by the choir.- - .
will lake place on -Third and .Washing
ton .streets, making a run of 500 feet,
connections and stream of water, for
3:15 p. m. -Errand procession of plug
4:00 p.m. Beat 'races will occur at
the foot of Union street.
v .The" day will" : be ; devoted 4i6 ' amuse
ments of all- kinds, including baseball,
football, bicycle races, competitive
drills by the milifciaV etc. -" ' ? ;
':' V - v - - .' i. - '' WT! " - :
- - " fireworks: 4 1 '
.10 :00 p. m.--The finest display of fire
works ever, brought ito .this city will be
set off on Court street near the reservoir.
Militia "preceded bv band' form' at
stock yards on Second. .
' Liberty car on Second. '
' Grand Army of the -Republic in rear
of liberty car. ' ; : '
Saturday, July 2d, 1892,
At which Sale each purchaser to the amount of $1.00 or over will receive FREE
one of my CHOICE NECKTIES: ,.r..,vt.
. .-,
. ; t V;
My entire
will be sold in large or small quantities to suit
purchasers, as I shall retire fronx business. ' ; Jt is 9ism
a rare opportunity to buy a -well established business.
Fi n e ML illi ne I
112 Second street.
Fire department' form on Madison
south of Second. . ,
Civic societies in rear of fire depart
ment on Madison. . . , -.
Indians will form on Madison street,
north of Second. . , .
Trades exhibits will meet in the
vacant lot in front of the . Wasco ware
The bicycle club will form on Jeffer
son street.
Citizens in the rear of bicycle club.
. Will Want The Chronicle. . .
After the Fourth the usual hegira to
the sea coast and mountains will begin.
Orders may be left at Tub Chronicle
office for the paper, which vjill be mail
ed free of postage daily, and which : in
camp, cottage or tent, ' will be found a
welcome visitor , from home. Yon will
want The Chronicle. Don't forget to
leave vour orders. . - .
The ladies of the M. E. Church will
serve a hot dinner on the Fourth" of
July on the corner of Third and Wash
ington, from ,12 to 3 p. m. Meals 50
cents each, or to family of three $1.00.
The children who have been invited
to ride in the liberty car on the Fourth
of July are requested to meet at the Sun
office," on' Court street, ; between First
and Second, at 9 o'clock on that morn
ing. Parents will please see that the
children are provided with sashes of the
kind previously designated. By order
of the committee. -
i .i !1 ; Harvesting;' in Illinois. ' .
. ' HiLL&BORo, July 2.-:-T;Haryest has . be
gUA in'Mototgomery county The wheat
is without rust, the heads well filled and
the yield will be equal to the crop of last
year, which was the largest in ten years.
Every measured bushel of .wheat this
year is expected to weigh sixty pounds
or more. Farmers in Kansas are having
trouble to secure help to harvest their
immense crops.
i Pabst'a Milwaukee beer at the Uma
tilla house at a bit a bottle. Free lunch
tonight at 8 o'clock.
A rare opportunity for the ladies is
now afforded by Mrs. Philips, who is of
fering millinery at one third less, as she
has decided to retire from the business.
See advertisement. ,. C.lSdtf
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy . can always4- be-.- der
pended trpon; it is -pleasant to take and
will cure cramp, cholera morbus, dysen
tery and diarrhoea in their worst forms.
Every family should be ' provided with
it. "25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton; druggists. d&w
Fisher's Shaving- and Bathing Parlors.
From and after this' 'dale : hiy place of
"business will be. closed.; on Saturday
evenings after 10 o'clock, and open on
Sundays from 7 a. m. until 12 o'clock
noon. ,. . . , .. .
.Second. Street, The Dalles, Or.; .
:i 'It
! j photographer;
Instantaneous ; Portraits
Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Ha v. Co.
. Until further notice the Regulator will
make trips to the Cascades and ' return
on Thursdays and Sundays, leaving
The Dalles at 7 a. m. Excursion rates.
50 cents for the round trip. . : 5-23tf
Opposite Colombia Candy Factwry.
stock of
A girl to do general housework, goodr
wages, apply at this- office.
Notice is hereby given that sealed pro
posals for the construction of wooden
steps or stairs from the foot of the bluff
at the south end of Laughlin street "'to
the top of the bluff, will be received at
the office of the Recorder until four
o'clock, of Thursday June 30th, 1892.
Plans and specifications may be seen at
the Recorder's office. The council re
serves the right to reject any and all
bids. By order of the common council
of Dalles City. Frank Mexrfkb.
Recorder of Dalles City..
Dated this 16th day of June. 1892. -
Cam pbe 1 1 , B ros. Proprs
. (Successors to W. S, Craa.) -'
Manufacturers of the finest French and
. Home Made .
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits', Nats, Cigars and To to.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale,
or Retail
eFResH oysters
In Kverjr Style. - '
. Ice Cream and Sotfs Water.
104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or.
Elete Shaving Parlors
C ..'1 MSD - : .
Bath Rooms.
Gentlemen will find THE ELETE
fully up. to- the times in every respect.
Hair Cutting in the best manner, in
every style of the art- Smooth Shaving
and Perfect Batha.
Hours : F.verv- day and evening dur
ing the week. Close'd on Saturday eve
nings after 10 o'clock. Open on Sun
days from 7 a aa. to 12 o'clock noon. s
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made, to Order.
1S3 Secoad St., The DaUes, Or. :