The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 02, 1892, Image 1

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NO. 16.
Look at the Bargains!
- -: AT THE:
MM$ totie froqt !
ileanag Out SflLE !
My Entire Stock, Consisting of
Dry Goods,
Boots, Shoes,
Hats and Gaps,
im noM goods,
BuBroiflBiies '
And the Sale will be con
tinued until all is diepoeed
of. A special . opportunity
i8 here afforded for email
etores to. replenish their
Call and Price these Goods,
If yon take pills it 1b because you have never
mea me
S. B. Headache and Liver Cure.
It works o nicely, cleansing the Liver and
Kidneys; uti as a mild physio without causing
yain or Bicknen, and does not stop you from
wboc ana wording.
Vo try tie to become a friend to It.
For sal by all druggists.
Voang & Kass,
nzcksaiin & ivaoon shod
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
JJorse Shoeeing a Speiality
Tfeirt Street, opposite the old Liece Stand.
Has Opened the .
In the New Frame Building on
: SECOND STREET, Next to the
Diamond Flouring Mills.
. y- First Class Meals Furnished at all Hours
. i; Only White Help Employed-.
100 Dozen TOWEItS.
Worth 25 Cts., going for 12 1-2 Cts.
Just Received an Immense Skipment
of the Celebrated - , . ' .
FJoya! Uoreester Corsets
k R!3n Williams I lOn
woott n Rem
UH 33 "D ZEES.
Handled by Three
Patent medicines and
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in
the City for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints.
The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper.
Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars.
Agent for Tansill's Punch.
129 Second Street, . The Dalles, Oregon
Liquor Dealer.
Finest Wines
171 Second Street,
Frenchs' Block, .: . The Dalles, Oregon
Jos. T. Peters & Co.,
Bougn and Diessed Loiudbf,
and a full line of Builders' Supplies, all of which
are carried constantly in stock:
Call and see us at our new store, southwest corner
of Second and Jefferson Streets, before Vbuying else
where. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and on
many things below all competitors.
Registered Druggists.
Druggists Sundries,
and Liquors.
The Outrageous .Death of Maiie Walsh
to tie AyeiiEet.
He Is Taken From the Oregon City Jail
to Portland for Safety.
On of the Meat KeiolUng Murder
Modem Time., Charged Against
, Oregoa.
Oregon, City, July 2. The fiend in
human Bbape known as George Wilson,
who was the fourth person arrested on
suspicion of the outrage and murder of
Mamie Walsh near Milwaukie, in this
county, last week, although known posi
tively to be guilty of the revolting crime
by a chain of convincing circumstances
and his own final confession, is permitted
to live, and must go through, the formal
ity of a trial before his miserable acts
are avenged by his ignoble death at the
end of a rope, at the expense of the peo
ple, in accordance with the decrees of
justice. Well it is that this figure of
our American institutions, Justice, ap
pears blindfolded before the eyes of the
world. This demon hails from Iowa,
and has been in this state about one
month, but he has fixed upon Oregon
one of the most revolting crimes of mod
ern times. .The gentle victim of . his
brutish passion is pounced upon while
innocently picking berries in the vicinity
of her home, and after being brutally
outraged by the demon, her condition
and resistehce has made it such that to
escape from his criminal conduct, he
adds murder, in the most outrageous
form. His arrest on suspicion is fol
lowed by an investigation which reveals
circumstantial evidence of his guilt
strong enough to convict him, and
finally when he sees it is impossible to
escape, in the hope of ameliorating the
case against him confesses his crime in
detail. The confession was obtained
yesterday in jail in the presence of his
brother Frank Wilson, Sheriff Samson,
Joseph Purdom and C. H. Dye. ' It was
taken down in writing and signed by
Wilson. Subsequent to this confession
Justice Fouts went to the jail and held
the preliminary examination, C. II. Dye
appearing for the state. After the read
ing of the information he waived exami
nation, and was held for the murder
without bonds. The . trial ended at' 2
o'clock, and arrangements were imme
diately made to take him to Portland
by boat. He was hurried i;om the rear
door of .the jail just before the boat
landed from up the river, no one being
aware either that be had confessed or of
the intention to take Him away ; sotheie
was no crowd present and but few spec
tators to the removal. At 2 :35 he was
hurried away in charge of officer Samson,
Purdom and Morris.
llalcota (vopheri. .
Sanbobn, July 2. The gopher plague
is becoming a serious one. Hundreds of
the little rodents are making inroads on
Barnes county .wheat fields, and if their
career is not checked they are likely to
cause serious damage.' to . the growing
crops.' The extermination of gophers
has been generally neglected during the
last few years and now, a serious prob
lem confronts farmers. . The county fur
nishes poison free of charge to all far
mers wishing it.
.Telegraphic Flaahea.' x
The republicans of Kansas nominated
Smith for governor on the fifth ballot,
Kobertf. Moore, of Butler county, was
nominated for lieutenant-governor on
the third ballot.
British liberals contend that Glad
stone has vindicated the right and ability
of the common people of Great Britain
to control and direct the affairs of the
nation. The tories accuse him of raising
a class issue and' pandering to the popu
lar prejudice against the rich and titled,
in-order to gratifying personal ambition,
ior power.- . .
" The Irish election rows are increasing
in violence. The priests are taking
prominent part on the anti-Parnellite
Bide, as in the Kilkenny and Sligocon
tests when Parnell was alive. This fact
is being quoted in England to the disad
vantage of the Irish cause,' and substan
tiating the contention of the Dlster
loyalists that home rule would mean
government by the Catholic clergy.
Brilliant Frospeete in Store For Toe
City by tit Sea.
From the Astoiian.
The construction' of the Astoria and
Portland railroad is imparting new life
to the districts which it will traverse.
Capitalists are preparing schemes for the
developem'ent of places around Astoria
as well as those in the Nehalem valley.
Mr. Ketchum and his associates have
started the town of Milbarn in the Ne
halem valley and expect to make it a
busy centre for the lumber, business as
well as for general trade. Messrs. Dwyer
and Burke have acquired on satisfac
tory terms control of the coal, and petro
leum rights-at Vernonia. They have
also a half interest in the town of Grand
Rapids which occupies a fine location in
the Nehalem valley. This townsite was
selected some time ago by Mr. F. E.
Habersham, the "eminent railroad en
gineer, who is thoroughly conversant
with the resources and needs of the
valley. '" He visited New York recently
with Mr. Dwyer'and presented favorably
to capitalists the. undeveloped merits, of
the country tributary to Astoria as a
place for profitable investments. An
other operation connected with the rail
road is the purchase of Tanzy point by
Mr. Dwyer and associates from Capt.
Flavel for $350,000 .
It is understood that Mr. Gosk has a
high opinion of that important locality
and that he regards favorably plans by
which it will be connected with the
Astoria and Portland railway, which
will in turn find there an important out
let for cultivating the export trade'of the
vast country which the railroad will
traverse. Capitalist s of great influence,
as well as wealth, are interested with
Mr. Dwyer in this enterprise, which in
cludes control of 900 acres of terminal
lands at Port' and and embraces plans
that may lead to large investments . in
and around Astoria, whose merits Mr.
Dwyer has presented with much force
and persistency. It is well known that
Captain Flavel considers that he parted
with the Tanzy point property too
cheaply, and that if it were now in his
hands he would ask a much higher sum.
In addition to these important under
takings which are designed to provide
profitable opportunities for the invest
ment of capital, other new enterprises
are on foot. A hotel manager from
Utah has offered to provide $100,000 for
a new hotel in case the people of Astoria
take a like amount in stock. Steps
have been taken by Mr. W. H. Smith to
start pottery works on a large scale.
The city will assume ownership of the
water works tomorrow and will have
important improvements therein. - Mr..
Trullinger and associates will erect soon
the finest electric light station house in
the northwest. Buildings and exten
tions involving a large outlay will be
completed this season. .
The shipping business of Astoria con
tinues to make steady progress. The
grain fleet this year will be the largest
in number and tonnage that has ever
visited the port. As soon as the. rail
road is completed, to Portland steps will
be taken to establish a steamship line to
China and Japan. The improvements
on the Columbia will give a strong im
pulse to the river traffic. . Congress has
made liberal provision for these works.
In a recent speech Congressman Her
mann said:- "Take notice now, that we
shall yet prevail. A few years more and
the waters of the Columbia, from the
head of navigation to the sea shall Ik;
free and unobstructed to transportation,
and by the aid of the American con
gress the voice of the people -shall pre
vail over all monopoly and : individual
greed." When the open river is an act
ual fact no place will benefit more read
ily than Astoria by the immense quan
tity of gram that will come here direct
from the wheat fields for shipment.
A Little Complicated.
Hartford, July 2. There were in
teresting developments here today in
the Chicago breach of promise suit of
Jessie Hall againet James y. Paige, late
of this city, in which the plaintiff claims
$950,000 damages. One .George H. Ham
ilton has appeared here and claims that
he was married, to Jessie Hall .July 23,
1891, at Mattone, N. Y.' Hamilton says
that Jessie's maiden name, was; Mollen
hall and she is the "daughter of a' prelate
at a monastery in Houston, Tex.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The Curiosity of Relic Hunters Run
ning to Extremes. v
Toe Entrance Guarded to Keep Oat The
The Walls WtthinWhich so Much Dem
ocratic Eloquence Wa Waited.
Will Soon be no 31 ore. ' -1
Chicago, July 2. A gang of men are
busily at work since yesterday tea-ring
down the convention wigwam and with
in ten days all signs of the famous build
ing where the stirring eloquence of many
of the democracy's . greatest orators
moved thousands to enthusiasm will
have disappeared. By terms of the con- '
tract all the salvage goes to the contrac- .
tors, A. 51. Allen & Co., who erected the-
structure, an allowance of $S,000 -being
made in the contract price for the same.
"We are under a forfeit of $500 a day to
taled ty for eVery day after the 10th of
Jjjlyimit if any part of the building,
material is on the ground." - Said Mr.
Allen yesterday, "and though the job is
a big one I guess it. will be done on time.
The 23,000 chairs are not out yet, and as
soon as they are we will at once com
mence taking off the roof and begin -working
three shifts of men." One of
the amusing features of the work now
proceeding is the diligence with which
the various entrances are guarded'
against intruders. "Whyr"' said Mr.
Allen, "there has been thousands of
people here today, who wanted to
get a chip or a nail from the speaker's
stand. For a fact, some of these relic- .
seekers bad the nerve to .bring saws
with them and would have sawed out
whole planks and carted them away."
Greaham the Favorite.
Omaha, July 2. The report that
Judge Gresham has declined to allow his
name to be used before the national
convention of the peoples party,- is de
nied by Hon. C. A. Powers chairman of
the Indiana delegation. Mr. Powers .
says "he cannot decline anything which .
has never been offered him. He has
been visited by .committees, it is true,
but they were merely conferring with .
him and had no authority to act. I
think I know as much about Judge.
Gresham 'e attitude on the question of
his candidacy as any man, as I was the
first to approach him, and I have a. let ter
with me now from him, written last
February in answer to one I wrote him. -He
has not declined, and I think he will
be nominated by acclamation and
elected." Mr. Powers adds: "The :
country is on the eve of a political revo
lution. We are going to have . 1860 re
peated, so far as breaking up and re
forming parties is concerned, and there
is no man living today who can so stir-
the laboring masses and ti e poor man
as Greshatn can. He is another Lincoln
in the sense that he is a man of the peo
ple." -- .
On the other hand it is said chairman
Orr, of the Colorado delegation will
carry in his pocket a letter from Judge
Gresham, in' which the latter, in the
most positive terms, declares tnat he
will not be a candidate for president on
the people's or any other ticket. He
authorizes Judge Orr to withdraw his
(Gresham's) name should it be pre
sented to the convention. The letter
was written about two -weeks ago.
Judges Orr and Gresham were school
matee. The coast delegates favor the
name of Stewart, while those from Colo
rado, Utah and Arizona will nrge the
name of ex-Governor Adams, of Colorado.
Cuba is having fine weather, and the
sugar crop will, amount to more
than 900,000 tons, or nearly 100,000 tons
more than last year.
5 i 1 I