The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 01, 1892, Image 3

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Dry Goods
Boot. Shoes, Hats, Etc.
FanciJ Ejoodg, flotiong,
R Gent's fiecktie.
Our line of Hosiery is now complete
in every department. We can show you
good values at joe, i2c, 15c. up to
$1 .50 per pair. -
Color guaranteed absolutely fast.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Cent per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents
ver line (or eaeh subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear tse following day.
JULY 1, 1892
Tf you want the news,
You want The Chronicle.
If you are not a subscriber, please read
(his and hand in vonr name.
Filloon & Co., received another car
load of farm machinery today.
C. W. Phelps & Coi, have not had
time to hoist their sign nor write an. ad.
yet ; but they sold thvee mowers and a
header today.
The firemen of the East End were made
happy today by the arrival of their new
nose cart from St. Tnul. It will be used
in the tournament on the 4th.
The city blacksmith shop of Gunning
& Hockman, and tlie city wagon shop of
A. Sandrock, are both busy today, yes
terday and tomorrow. See advertise
ments new today.
The Examiner should revise its Ex
change list, if it wants Al. Snyder to have
the joy of perusing its sunny scintilla
tions exuberantly, as the Transcrip is
published in Dallas, Polk county, Or.
Mr. C. J. Trenchard telegraphed chief
engineer Fish today that in the event of
holding the annual tournament here
next September, not less than thirty
companies might be expected to partici
pate. Every community has a certain num
ber of doubting Thomases who are never
satisfied, but there is not in The Dalles
a single member of that family. There
was one once, but somebody said scat ;
and that ended it.
The down freight this forenoon, con
sisted of nineteen cars. Sixteen cars
were loaded with cattle from far interior ;
some as far inland as Pocatello, There
was no rest nor refreshment at The
Dalles, but they steered right on to the
butcher's trust elysium.
The children who have been invited
to ride in the liberty car on the Fourth
of July are requested to meet at the Sun
office, on Court street, between First
and Second, at 9 o'clock on that morn
ing. Parents will please see that the
children are provided with sashes of the
kind previously designated. By order
of the committee.
The Columbia was made so angry yes
terday by the strong winds, that some of
the passengers on the Regulator became
sea sick. It was a gale that had got lost
on the way to. Chicago, and was in such
a fine hurry, coming up the Columbia,
that the managers seemed to think peo
ple here had no rights the weather was
bound to respect. We hope it reached
its destination on time.
That - cookoo-clock in " Garretson's
jewelry establishment, when the street
is quiet early in these calm mornings,
sends its sound upon the ear of the pas
sing pedestrian in such clear notes that
one at least supposed the real bird had
been imported. Looking up at the
Chapman block as if to see . the bird, a
man this morning said he would like to
see one, as he had heard of them before.
He was told to come around to Garret
son's, after business hours, and take a
look at the miraculous songster, and set
his watch. ' . - . -
Another traction engine for Klickitat
came up today from Russell & Co. -
Jacobsen & Co., have fire works, and
a large lot of decorating materials.
Lumber is on the ground for the 4th
of July grand stand in Third street be
low Union.
. The person who lost a purse today,
will find it at A. Keller's bakery on
"Washington street.
Decorations for the 4th of July have
begun.' Pease & Mays three windows
are as nice as a picture.
Delinquents paid up so well on ice
water that sheriff Cates has decided to
offer lemonade to the tardy payers to-
i morrow.
Mr. Max Vogt having tendered his
resignation, Mr. Hugh Chrisman steps
in as water commissioner to supply the
vacancy. A good, selection.
Judge Thornbury is today congraulat
ing himself that he is once more a free
American citizen of the United States,
and the baliwick of The Dalles. The
shackelsof county judge and council
man were thrown off this niorniug.
Little Paul Reese, a lone traveler aH
the way from Illinois, arrived at the
Umatilla house this morning on her way
to Centerville, where -she has friends.
Considering that the little Miss is but
eleven years of age, her trip speaks vol
unies concerning attentions' and kindly
acts of the conductors along thia line.
1VU1 Want The Chronicle.
After the Fourth the usual hegira to
the sea coast and mountains will begin.
Orders may be left at The Chronicle
office for the paper, which will be mail
ed free of postage daily, and which : in
camp, cottage or tent, will be found a
welcome visitor from home. You will
want The Chbonici.k. Don't forget to
leave your orders.
r Attention!
If the ladies and gentlemen of the
choir for the Fourth of July, find they
cannot attend the practices, or take nart
in the celebration, thev will nlease let
the executive committee know, in order
that other arrangements may be made.
The lastepractice will be in the Court
house tomorrow (Saturday) evening, at
8 :60 o'clock sharp, at which a full at
tendance is earnestly requested.
Let all he Patriotic. .
Some people seem to think : but thev
are few, thanks; that because Decora
tion Day comes first on the calendar the
Fourth of July celebrations should be
dropped out. Never! Half a century
ago the Fourth of July came but once a
year. Since the rise of Memorial day it
comes around no less frequently, and it
is useless for the antiquarian to protest.
The Veterans of the Revolution are no
longer here to plead with silent elo
quence for memories once paramount
with the Nation. It is true a new and
stirring drama has come upon the stage ;
one in which the present generation
playes a part; but time and memory
forbid that the old order changeth for
the new. They are similar in but one
single respPci patriotism. And the
celebration of each has its distinct senti
ment. What ? forget the Fourth of July !
As well forget the material breast which
cherishes infancv. ,- ,
CleTe and Steve.
Telegram. - If the names of the nomi
nees are too long to suit your laziness,
call thetu Ck-ve and Steve for short
: iXZ L " V
At 8 O'clock To-night.
The council meeting last evening pre
vented a fall meeting of the 4th of July
committee, which will be held at Maier
& Benton's Second street store this even
ing, at 8 :()0 o'clock. Not half past eight,
The Fourth of July Paradr.
Some of the business men of The
Dalles have not yet signified to the com
mittee their willingness to participate in
the parade. There are none but what
could make an excellent display. In
general merchandise stores could dec
orate artistically wagons representing
their lines and tastes, and the other es
tablishments could do similar work
which would add greatly to the effective
ness and attractiveness of the parade
and reflect the enterprise and progress- i
iveness of The Dalles. There is not !
now an abundance of time to make the
necessary arrangements to take part
in the parade. Let everyone take an
interest in the celebration at once. Fire,
up the enthusiasm box ,
Senatorial Antagonism.
The Walla Walla Union pleading for
the lakes Washington and Union
scheme, says "both that and The Dalles
project will add to the population and
the greatness of the Pacific Northwest."
True enough ; and both might have suc
ceeded; perhaps but for the unfortunate
circumstances attending ihe hostility of
Washington senators. It is to them the
defeat of both measures must be attri
buted. The Chronicle recognizes the
Union as an unremitting laborer for
years for an open Columbia river, and
while the world generally regards Wash
ington as the greatest beneficiary for an
open Columbia river, circumstances
force the conclusion that as a state, look
ing for the greatest good to the greatest
number, her interests have been grossly,
if not willfully neglected, for the private
interest of her chosen public servants in
at least the upper house of congress.
Current Topics.
The demon who so villainously out
raged and murdered Mamie Walsh, near
Milwaukie, is now in custody at Oregon
City. He has been in the state but about
a month, from Iowa, and bears the name
of George Wilson. A complete chain of
evidence fixes his gnilt. ' The vagabond
cringing under the fears of lynching, had
the audacity to ask to be buried in the
same cemetery as Mamie Walsh, because
she was innocent and he also is innocent.
It is possible he may be lynched before
Regular Monthly Meeting Keslguatlon
of City Attorney, Etc.
The regular monthly meeting of the
common council was held last evening,
Mayor Robert Mays presiding.
Present : Councilmen Dufur, Haight,
Hansen, Kreft, Maier and. Thornbury.
Minutes of the previous meeting were
read and record approved. .
' Communication from the water com
mission relative to receipts and expend
itures was referred.
Rids were opened for the construction
of steps up the bluff at the head of
Laughlin street, and 'the contract was
awarded to Johnston & Son on their
lowest bid $95.00. Bond to be filed.
An ordinance providing for the sale of
certain lots in Gates addition, belonging
to The Dalles city, was adopted. Ayes
6, nays 0. ' '
Etc., Etc.
j 13-1 Second St., next to Dalles National
Bank, Dalles City, Oregon.
The water used in iny Soda Fountain
is filtered, and is guaranteed germ proof.
Ladv Firecrackers !
Something very new and pretty.
Get your Firecrackers, Pistole,
Flags and all kinds of Fire
works of
John Booth,
62 SECOND ST. 62
A verbal proposition of Phil Brogan
for purchase of engine house lot, was
laid oyer.
On motion the recorder was requested
to prepare a statement of city finances to
be read at the next meeting of the coun
cil, Tuesday next.
The committee on fire and water,
Messrs. Haight, Maier and Dufur, re
ported on various matters concerning
the department ;' announcing the near
arrival of the new hose cart and 600 feet
of hose, (since arrived); the condition of
the engine house, rents, hose houses,
etc., recommending certain payments.
Was adopted.
The resignation of Judge A. S. , Ben
nett was accepted, on a score of economy.
Monthly reports of the recorder, mar
shal, treasurer and street' commissioner
were read and filed.
. An ordinance fixing the bond of city
treasurer at $25,000 was adopted.
Liquor licenses were granted, upon
petitions, to fifteen different persons or
firms, as provided by ordinance.
Warrants were ordered in payment of
claims against the city as follows:
Frank Menefee, recorder. . $140.20
RV Gibons. marshal 116.00
J F Staniels, St. com 75.00
O Kinersly, treasurer 50.00
A S Bennett, citv attorney 250.00
Geo J Brown, engineer 80.00
J S Fish, fire warden 12.00
Chronicle, advertising 10.00
H Glenn, framing maps. .' 5.20
Water Commission, rent 32.00
John Fitzgerald, janitor 2.50
C. E. Haight, meals -Jor election
judges and clerks 10.30
F M Salyer. surveving 4.00
F M King, labor. .. 8.00
E Rigg's .'... 6.00
W R Brown 3.00
G W Runyan , 2,00
Brown, wood sawing. . 1.25
Kreft & Co., painting. ............ 23.00
H Whitmore, work on engine
house . w : . v . . 38.55
Maya & Crowe,, mdc 2.90
Snipes & Kinniersly . 3.00
Maier & Benton 24.35
Jas Ferguson, hauling 2.50
Dalles Electric Light Co.
Fire department light 5.25
Street lights 270.00
Marshals office 1.60
C E Haight, feeding prisoners. . . ll.20
Joles Bros., mdse 1.75
W Hill, special police! " 2.50
JK Page, " 5.00
G A Phirman, " 2.50
Con Howe, night watchman . 75-00
GC Bills, " ..... 60.00
J Doherty, canvassing election
returns 3.00
J B Crossen, canvassing election
returns 3.00
Three dollars each were allowed the
following named judges of election : C.
L. Schmidt, P. C. Davis. T. Cartwright,
S. B. Adams, John Cates. Geo. W.
Also, three dollars each for the follow
ing clerks of election : ' Hugh Chrisman,
E. B. Johnson, F. H. Dietzel, Geo.
On motion a vote of thanks was ten
dered to the retiring councilmen, and
city attorney, , after which the council
adjourned until Tuesday evening next
(the 5th), at 7 :30 o'clock. . .
At the Methodist parsonage, July 1st,
1892, Mr. Bion Hazen and Miss Sadie
Miens. Rev. A. C. Spencer . officiating.
For Sale Cheap. .
Sewing machine, refrigerator,, eight
foot extension table, beds, bedsteads,
stove, ' lounge, etc., also aa American
reprint of the Encyclopedia Britannica
in twentv-five volumes. W. C. lira alls.
ftulldtng Material.
We offer to the building public a full
line of building material. We do not
resort to-trickery to buy or sell any
lines handled by us. " .
. Wm. Butler & Co., Lumber Dealers.
.Sole agents for the 'Oregon" lime and
Oregon sewer and chimney pipe. 5-7dtf
Saturday, July 2d, 1892,
At which Sale each purchaser to the amount of $1.00 or over will receive FREE,
My entire stock of
will be-sold in large or small quantities to suit,
purchasers, as I shall retire from business. It is also
a rare opportunity to buy a well established business.
Miss anna peter & co..
Fine IVEillinery I
112 Second street,
Fisher '8 Shaving and Kathlng Parlors.
From and after this date my place of
business will be closed on Saturday-
evenings after 10 o'clock, and open on
Sundays from a. m. until iz o ciock
Julius Fishek,
Second Street. The Dalles, Or. ;
A rare opportunity for the ladies is
now afforded by Mrs. Philips, who is of
fering millinery at one third less, as she
has decided to retire from the business.
See advertisement. . . 6.18dtf
A good gardener and farmer who well
understands everything of the kind. A
good head man. Wants a place to work.
Apply at this office. 6.25dtf
Pabst's Milwaukee beer at the Uma
tilla house at a bit a bottle. Free lunch
tonight at 8 o'clock.
PJssolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the law
partnership heretofore existing between
E. B. Dufur, George Watkins and Frank
Menefee, under the firm name and style
of Dufur, Watkins & Menefee is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. - George
Watkins retiring from the firm. All
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said firm will please call at once and pay
the same to Frank Menefee, and all per
sons having claims against said firm will
present the same to him for payment.
Business will be continued at the old of
fice, under the firm name of Dufur &
Menefee. E. B. Dufuu.
George Watkins,
Frank Menefee.
Dated this 25th day of June, 1892.
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Jiav. Co.
Until further notice the Regulator will
make trips to the Cascades and return
on Thursdays and Sundays, leaving
The Dalles at 7 a. m. Excursion rates.
50 cents for the round trip. 5-23tf
Instantaneous Portraits. ' ' Chajmau
Block, The Dalles, Oregon .
The Dalles
Gigaf : Factory
fTf A T Q of the Best Brands
vlJii.Xi(J manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice. -
The reputation of THE DAT.T.ES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day. ,
Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon.
Visitors to the San Francisco Beer Hull will
And the best of everything, and are cure to call
Choice domestic and imported Cigars, Wines,
Liquors, Beer, Etc. . -
'' 4
Opposite Columbia Candy Factory.
A girl to do general housework, good
wages, apply at this office. I .
Notice is hereby given that sealed pro
posals for the construction of wooden
steps or stairs from the foot of the bluff
at the south end of Laughlin street to
the top of the bluff, will be retived at
the office- of the Recorder until four
o'clock", of Thursday June. 30th, 1892.
Plans and specifications may be seen at
the Recorder's office. The" council re- ,
serves the right to reject any and all
bids. By order of the common council
of Dalles City. Fkank Menefek.
' " Recorder of Dalles Citv.
Dated this 16th dav of June. 1892. "
Campbell Bros. Proprs
(Successors to . s. Cram.)
Manufacturers of tbe finest French and ,
Home Made t
' East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Whoiesaia
or Retail
tu Every Style
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
Klete Shaving Parlors
Bath Rooms.
Gentlemen will find THE ELETE
fully up to tbe times in every respect.
Hair Cutting in the best manner, in
everv style of tbe art. Smooth Shaving
and Perfect Baths.
Hours : Everv day and evening dur
ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve
nings after 10 o'clock. Open on. Sun
days from 7 a. m. to 12 o'clock noon.
Leafling Jeweler.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made - to ' Order.
J.3S Second St.. Th Dalles', Ori