The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 29, 1892, Image 3

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    C. P. STEPHENS,,
R Gent-s Jeektie.
Saturday, July 2d, 1892,
At which Sale each purchaser to the amount of $1,00 or over will receive FREE
one of my CHOICE NECKTIESi : '
109 SECOND STREET. .-. : . Opposite Columbia Candy Factory.
;" Booti, Skoca, Hats, Etc.
Fancg Qood$, jyion$,
Xtc.. . Btc, .. Etc. i .
134 Second St., next to Dalles National
Bant,; Dalles City, Oregon.
Our line of Hosiery is now complete
- -. . ... '-.' .. ' :' ' ; " ' : "
in every department. We can show vou
good values at i oc , ' 1 2c., Yc. up to
- $ K50 per pain w
Color guaranteed absolutely fast.
The Dalles Daily ' Chronicle.
Entered a the Poatofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
aa aecond-claaa matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents
per line lor each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
' Ail local notice received later than X o'clock
will appear the following day.
JUNE 29, 1892
If you want the news,- -; -You
want The Chronicle.
If you are not a subscriber, please read
his and band in vour name.
Regulator tomorrow. - -
Next Monday the fun will come off. :
County court and new officials Tues
day next. : .
If you want to rent a house, advertise
in Tkk Chronicle. . .
Ice water in the sheriffs office today to
treat those who pay up their taxes.
Judge Bradshaw has returned from
his trip to Lafayette, and other points
In the great valley of the Willamette. .
Mr. John C. Hertz will open his new
store 109 Second street, opposite the
Columbia candy factory,, on Second
' street, Saturday. : ;:. , ..
Miss Nellie, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs.
Leslie Butler, returned last evening
from Lane University, in the famous
and historic Lecompton, Kansas.
Farley & Frank are shipping a hew
-stock of goods to Mitchell today for an
-enterprising dealer there who has an
eye on the best location to stock np at.
Any critical reader would known bet
ter than to suppose the weather was
ever 130 at The Dalles." Quite the re
verse was our item yesterday, June 17th,
1876, was the hot day 103V
Curtis J. Trenchard, secretary of the
firemens association, telegraphed to
Chief engineer Jud S. Fish last night to
inquire how the boys felt up here about
state tournament the second week .in
September. - The response was favorable.
-r i "... . . ...y. i
jxr. uqto'. Dim en, - xormeny or The
Dalles, one of the most' expert saddle
' makers in the country, has come back
to bis old "stamping" grounds again,
and is turning out some extra fine work
At the establishment of Farley & Frank.
'?The'city'is: fall of 'wool buyers, and
sheep bayert are: plentiful,' but 'nobody
is hunting cattle : or horses -Very much
just now. The butchers : trust has
knocked the bottom out' of beef cattle.
But people pay just as much, for meat as
ever.'. ,. . .
One of the show windows at Pease &
"r . 1 I ...:
uy nniDiH a wneei oi. nign
grand lady's handkerchiefs ; the middle
window is all fine embroideries, ' The
artistic arrangement is the work of Mr.
P. M.; S.; Briggs, head salesman in the
ladies department. ?,t. .. j . ; .,.. - j . .
The Regulator band led the Wood
, men's procession from' the ' hall to the
4 ourt house last evening. 'The proces
sion was quite beyond the expectations
jm. ulav uixuAtiatu. xi uutDDerea about
vniny-nve aciive members, besides sev
ral for initiation.' s v ,
People who lie in bed these fine morn
ings, and miss the lovely air and the
v iuju .IVJ ucbKl pari VI
- life in summer. Thnnlrl mntn. r..i,
to bed and early to rise" was purposely
coined to fit The Dalles. Morning is the
delicious portion of the day here now.
If you want' asituation advertise in
Th Chronicle; jt 4 ',x ,';
These may not be dog days, but they
are great days for the growler.
The Columbia has raised two-tenths
of an inch since yesterday at this point.
The thermometer is this week devot
ing all its attention to ; having . Va high
old time."
' Hon. Jacob Hunsaker -:of White Sal
mon, has sold his merchandise stock,
and will soon move to Seattle. The pur
chaser was Mr. Blowers, of nood. River.
At the opening of Mr. John C. Hertz'
new store Saturday, every purchaser of
$1.00 worth or over will be given a fine
gents neck tie free, v ; 'v rx ? -!,. -J' !
The "Wilbur Register states thaf ther.e
is great complaint in that part of the
country regarding the scarcity of squir
rel poison, it being impossible to obtain
it from local dealers. Send to The
Dalles, Snipes & Kinersly ,can supply
the Inland Empire.
-Very many persons are careless in ref
erence to cleanliness about their premi
ses, but as a general thing they do not
live in. The -Dalles. We,. "read of
them occasionally up at Spokane over
at Tacoma,! or down at. Astoria. The
Dalles is an exceptionally clean city,
we are pleased to be able to say.
' Hose men were enthusiastic last night.
The boys of one company: made two ex
cellent runs, but failed to complete the
noezle coupling on the last run. If they
want to beat the crack time they have to
get in oa the record of Albany a team of
fourteen, at Seattle, .in 1889 28 sec
conds. " The boys on the hill, Mount
Hood company, did .not run last even
ing.', J , . : .
The funeral of Wolfgang Schrader, the
exempt fireman who died last Monday,
was held this forenoon. The hearse was
followed by a procession :of representa
tive firemen, sympathizing ' friends, and
bis striken family and connections, to
their-last resting place.' rKev. Father
Bronsgeest, of St. Peters church,
officiated. - - -
The free bridge free-for-all fight in
Portland,' is assuming a serious phase.
Major Handbuxy's report is1 so sharply
critized that it -seems almost ' impossible
to prevent an investigation which may
lead to hig removal from this; field, in
which event The Dalles people might set
their flag at half mast, draped in crepe
but we rather -guess-not. ,
9 Our reporter yesterday omitted ' the
names of Ml Nolan and O. 'Kinelrsly
from the Use if those on board -; the
teamer Dalles Cityj for the same reason
that he - omitted f thef name of Judge
Schutz from that Indian scare. The
Judge was trying to iclimb a tree, and
Mr. Schanno had gone up ahead of him.
Schutz says : "Go1 a" little higher up ;
don't you- see',' my legs' iarev exposed !"
Thjs should have, appeared, in, there
port, but we hadn't then heard of it.
The Portland industrial exposition has
adopted the general plan of-eecTrrintr for
their exposition thir year &H 'the ex
hibits intended for the Chicazo exposi
tion of 1893., This plan, especially in
regard' to iarred fruited' strain, 'mineral..
or whatever is not 'perishable or can be
preserved, will be of great advantage to
visitors in the assurance' of "superiority
which a successful comnetition at Port
land will give them. -The exposition
management will carefully store such
exhibits free of cost. j-Onr -oeonle nlmnlH
avail themselves of this liberal proposi
tion, and thus assure a good representa
tion both at Chicago and Portland, at
the least expense of time and trouble.
Mrs. E. Adams left The Dalles Mon
day evening to make a visit with her son
in Milton..:- ,
The trouble with the heat wave seems
to be that it got a hot box coming around
the curve.
The frame of the new Baptist: church
is now up, and work is progressing satis
factorily; ; - r"-: 7
:: Eight rboys - wanted, with ponies.
Apply j tonight at- 8 o'clock of John
Booth, 62 Second street. ' ,
. . Mr. A..W.. Branner the Inland Em
pire stage man and mail contractor, in
at the Umatilla house today. ' '
A car load of one hundred Celestials
went through ;-odav . far work on the
Great Northern at Spokane.
: fWe shall always be glad to heara good
word from our country friends, and in
vite them when in the city to call, at
IBS Ubboxicle office.
Judge Bradshaw left on the noon
passenger today for Baker Citv to hold
a term of the circuit court for Judge
Fee, on some cases in which, the Baker
ludge is personally interested.
Woodmen of The World.
The order of Woodmen of the World.
which was officially - visited : at The
Dalles last evening by Mr. F; A. Falken
burg, the grand councellor commander,
from Denver, Colo. ,: is a purely beneficial
organization. It now has 62,000 mem
bers in the United States; The meeting
last night was a conference of neighbors
and citizens upon the fraternal benefits
derived from fraternal insurances, ex
plaining the comparative cost between
this system and the system of assess
ments and other methods "...
; Fine' Kidge'Sociabla. "
T1- -'
.. The pound party given, by. 4be; good
people at Pine Grove on the evening of
the 25tb, for the benefit of the pastor of
the church, Kev. Mr. Rigby, was de
cided success, and was very - creditably
managed by the young ladies in "charge.
Besides a feast "Of good " things, 't there
were literary exercises, ' the selections
being most appropriately made and hap
pily rendered. ' The repast; our- -correspondent
says, was particularly- enjoyed
by several young gentlemen from Hood
River . Laughable tricks were performed
to secure a Second dish. All returned to
their homes pleased and Sntertaimxi
with the evenings exercises. ,,-- ,.
What Might Be:1 !;
'If the cascade locks were opened, and
it was a little later in the season, "with
the jetty finished, the steamer Cascade
and her barges, might be transferred to
the Inland Empire and instead of carry
ing rock, we could load her up at The
lMile-wicnrwooIt'4ndes, sheep, ; salmon,
horses, cattle,, wheaVoats.-'Com, flour,
etc. The Astorian says : "The steamer
Cascades came down with an unusual
tow yesterday afternoon,. The : steamer
had five bargee loaded with stones for the
government jetty in tow. One barge
being pushed ahead, two lashed on either
side and two made fast amidships. The
barges; were anchored offi TTppertown
witbout trouble.' Those fiv barges and
the steamer represent about 6,000,000-
Ibs. dead weight freight; 3,000 tons, at
2 tons ' to the carload fifteen hundred
cars would be required for the days run"
to Astoria. Will Whitcomb will agree
to make two round trips a week, with
just such an outfit as that, from Astoria
to The Dalles and back again, thus doing
the work of 3,000 cars, all with one
:. nuts; .
The water used in my Soda Fonntain
is filtered, and is guaranteed. germ proof.
Something very new and pretty.
, Get your Firecrackers, Pistols,
' Flags and all kinds of Fire
works of - i
John Booth,
62 SECOND ST. 62
City Council Meeting.
The next regular meeting, of the city
council will be held June 30th, instead
of the 3rd of the month, as formerly.
Parties having business before the coun
cil will govern themselves accordingly.
Third Regiment of Infantry Oregon Ka
tlonal Gasrd.
Company Order, No. 4. . . . . . . . !
' Thk Dallks, Or., June 28, 1892.' Each
and every member of C Co., will report
at the armory fully uniformed for quar
terly inspection and muster Thursday,
June 30, 1892, at 9 o'clock p. m. No
excuses. By order of 4
L. C. Chbisman, Captain. .
Official, W. F. Gbcnow, 1st Sergeant.
Bureau of Information.
Astoria has an authentic- bureau of
information to which parties desiring
information concerning the port may
apply with a positive assurance of reli
ability;.;. Such an institution many peo
ple think is very much needed in The
Dalles. - It should be organized .by peo
ple interested in properly- representing
the liberal inducements which the re
sources of this region offer as an encour
agement for investments in manufac
tures. All . parties, or any individual,
who feels that such -an organization is
needed here,- is requested to clip this
out, attach it to a sheet of paper, and
return it to The Chboniclk, with such
remarks as may be deemed : essential to
endorse the plan v not ' for publication
necessarily , but as an evidence of an
interest to impel the calling of a meet
ing of representative citizens with such
purpose in view. Address all such com
munications to The Chronicle Manager ,
Dalles 'City, Or. ' 1
Numerous fires have been set along
the railway lines in Eastern Oregon the
past week, and a large scope of country
will be burned over, particularly in the.
Cascade and Blue mountains.
& f :i '.". ' '" " ': iyxl '
"Th& Indian- who did the Brazilian riof
role in the vicinity of Mill creek bridge
evening before last was brought before
Justice Schutz this afternoon. , His case
was postponed until tomorrow. He is
known by the name of John Stukyim.
Dissolution Notice.
partnership heretofore existing between
E. B. Dufur, George Wat kins and Frank
Me nefee, under the firm name andstvle
. . r iit . 1 i r . .... j
01 uuinr, w aiKins ct jueneiee is tnis day
dissolved, by mutual consent. George
Watkins retiring from the firm. - AH
persona knowing themselves indebted to
said firm will please call at once and pay
the same to Frank Menefee, and all per
sons having claims against said firm will
present the same to bim for payment.
Business will be continued at tbe old of
fice, under the firm name of Dufur &
Menefee. E. B. Dufuk.
. r George Watkins.
- ' Frank Menefee.
Dated this 25th day of June, 1892. ' .
Building Material. '
.We offer to the building public aV full
line of, building material. We do not
resort to trickery, to buy.; or sell any
lines handled by us. ' r
i - Was Butler & Co., Lumber Dealers.
Sole agents for tbe "Oregon" lime and
Oregon sewer and chimneypipe. 5-7dtf
Flsnier's Sliavlna; and Batblng Parlors.
.From and after this date my "place of
business will ha rlr;pil
evenings after 10 o'clock, and open on
ouuusys injio 4. a. m. unni 1 J o ClOCK
noon; .
- J ' ' 'Jclius Fisher,'
" . Second Street, The Dalles, Or.
. "- .. Myv entire stock of h-.?' tV V;i,
will be sold in large or small quantities to suit
purchasers, as I shall retire from business It is also
a rare opportunity to buy a well established business.
Ri ne Mill ine vy !
112 Second street,
All Dalles City warrants registered
prior to October 1, 1890, will be paid if
presented at my office. Interest ceases
from and after this date.
, Dated June 6th, 1892. .
3 f--':i';' ; : O.-Kinebslv,
tfi ; 1' Treas. DallesCitv.
. ... Having' oh hand a large supply of ice
we are prepared to furnish our custom
ers with ice in any quantity at a reason
able rate. We guarantee we will supply
the demand without, advancing prices
-enrougnout tne season, jueave orders at
C. F. Lauer's store, Second street.
5-2tf . Cates & Ai.lisox.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Wben Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoris,
Wnen she had Children, she gars them Castoria
Change of Business.
Having disposed of all . our stock in
terest and good will in the business of
Orchard & Co., grocerv, crockery and
glass ware, in The Dalles, Or. This is to
notify all parties concerned that the
firm of C. L. Richmond & Co., will con
tinue in business at the old stand, who
will collect and pay all bills of the past
firm. We recommend our patrons to
continue business with the new firm as
above. Orchard & Co.
' The Dalles, Or., June 6th 1892.
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria 4av. Co.
Until further notice the Regulator will
make trips to the Cascades and return
on Thursdays 'and Sundays, leaving
The Dalles at 7 a. in. Excursion rates.
50 cents for the round trip. 5-23tf .
Instantaneous Portraits. Chapman
Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
The Dalles
Gigar : Factory
PTft A i? ?! of the Best Brands
VlVJixIiC' manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.-. '
,v -,-! 1 v' 5 -i
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firml-v oatnr.liarorl otA
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.-: - .
Second Street; - The Dalles, Oregon.
FRED LEMKE, Propr. .
Visitors to the San Francisco Beer Hail will
find the best of everything, and are sure to call
VVUK.t. Buu uujiuiKu v iki". n lues,
Liquors, Beer, Etc. v -
A girl to do general housework, good
wages, apply at this office. . ...
.- - . - 9ietite. . .. - .
Notice is hereby given that sealed pro
posals for the construction of wooden
steps or stairs from the foot of the bluff
at the south end of Laughlin street f to
the top of the bluff, will be received at
the office of the Recorder until four
o'clock, of Thursday June 30th, 1892.
Plans and specifications may be seen at
the Recorder's office. The council re
serves the right to reject any and , all
bids. ' By order of the common council
of Dalles City. - Frank Menefee.
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
Dated this 16th day of June. 1892.
Campbell Bros. Proprs
; '. (Successors to w. s. cram.)
Manufacturers of the finest French and
Home Made
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobaeco.
Can- furnish any of these goods at Wholesale
or Retail
.In Every Style.
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
Elete Shaving Parlors
-AND , .
oath Rooms.
" Gentlemen will find THE ELETE
i .i . -
lunjr up vj uie nines in every respect.
Hair Cuttinir in the best manner, in
every style of the art. Smooth Shaving
Hours: Everyday and evening dur
ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve
nings after 10 o'clock- Open on Sun
days irom a. m. to 12 o'clock noon.
Leafllig- Jeweler.
AH Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
1SS Second St.. The Dalle. Or. .
T'm 11,1 '"itr" """"