The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 28, 1892, Image 3

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Our r line of Hosiery is now complete
in every department. We can show you
good values at i oc., ,12 Jc, 1 5c. up to
$1.50 per pair. -''V
J . Color guaranteed absolutely fast
The Dalles Dafly Chronicle.
Kntored a the Postofllce nt The Dalles, Oregon,
as ncooud-cUss matter. -
Local Advertising.
10 I'ents per Hue for first insertion, and 6 Cents
'per line foe each KUbKcqnent inertlon.
Special Tates for long time notices.
All local notiees received later thau :t o'clock
mill appear the following day.
JUNE 28, 181T2
. If you want Uie news,
You want This Chronici.k.
'If you are not a subscriber, please read
' (fais and hand in vour name. , , .;
Is this hot enough for you?
Jagsou notes the tendency of the soak
r to Iwcoiae a sponge.
A' single swallow doesn't ' make a
spring, but a single toad does.
J. A. Crossen got home this morn
from his last Sundays picnic." i
mr. rranK rrencii is noine trom
Oberlin, Ohio, to spend his vacatio
Mr. Ordway, the Nestor of Ch
weth, little White Salmon, is in the
- Thermometer 100 degrees today, with
. a stiff breeze in sight, and indications of
shower. '
Some wind clouds hove in sight about
noon today, and the hot, hotter, hottest,
is about over wtyh. ; ;
Several ; reptiles, imported from the
tropics, are on exhibition, today in the
show window at Floyd & Shown's drug
Messrs. B. F. Iiughlin, A. S. Macal
lister and Hugh Glenn returned from
A mosquito camp, , Bonneville, on last
nights passenger.
Mr. Mc D Lewis, who has been very
ill at the Umatilla hocse for some time
past, was taken to Salem today to the
house of his brother. ' ;
! -
Mr. ana Mrs. J. D. Wilcox, and Mrs.
Kelsay, are in from Kent shopping. Mr.
W. came within a few votes last election
of being stuck for commissioner in his
county. .' .
A single horse beat the record lust
evening down Second, up Union into
Third, heading off the hose boys, and
furnishing a job for the blacksmith."
He had no driver. . . . , ..
j The East Oregonian . reports .rattle
snakes numerous in Pendleton. Per
haps that's the reason people don't work
their gardens. They are afraid of snakes
getting into thejr boots. ; : , ; ',
A band of cattle crossed the ferry into
Oregon from the hills of Klickitat this
afternoon. They are for the butchers
trust at Troutdale", and have been picked
up just any way to get them. -
' In some sections of Eastern Oregon
squirrels are reported as literally mow
ing down the crops, in some places whole
fields have been devastated. This is
- not at all necessary.. Just send to Snipes
and Kinerslv. far snmo ..r i. -
, - v i 1 1 1 L- sure
shot squirrel poison. '. -
Several Indians have been drowned in
the Columbia this year, but tho saddest
of all reported, is that of an old blind
Indian whose canoe broke adrift, up in
the Umatilla region, and help that
might have saved was withheld, as no
body who saw him knew of his infirm
ity. The last heard of him he was
drifting hopelessly and helpless toward
the falls of Celilo. . .
June 17th, 1876. the thermometer
showed the temperature at The Dalles to
be 130. . That is the only time the rec
ord has advanced above 100 until yester
day, when it reached 101 Today it
was an even 100".
The Chinese value the claws of bears
very highly and will pay fabulous prices
for them under certain conditions. It
is believed by them that a bear's claw
brings good luck. But if the Celestials
in this town who sell whiskey to In
dians, are caught, their bears claws will
not save them from a merited overhaul
ing. Hitherto the courts have been
lenient to this class of criminals, white,
black, or almond-eyed, but the fre
quency of outrageous proceedings on the
. r ,3 T r a, mi
yuii. ui uruukcu inajans will 8U
id ana some very stringent measures
drunken Indian took possession of
ill creek bridge last evening and made
vigorous war upon the whites.. He
was armed and for a time made things
altogether too demonstrative for Messrs.
Schnnno, Marden, and Senator Hilton,
and other residents of West End.
Finally Chief Engineer Jnd.. S. Fish
came along the road at a 2 ;40 gait with
nis iamons trotter Mm Keed, accompan
ied by Mr. S. H. Soudfreim, and the
Indian gave them a signal to halt, bj
didn't halt. He dodged the bdllets
andcame in a flvine. soni "after which
Officer GT&Pue umuI ifl""purguit of the
noble red man, raised the seige, and
marched the besieger into the cooler.
He had a companion who escaped. As
these drunken Indian fracases are be
coming quite monotonous, it is deemed
advisable that their source of fire water
supplies be detected and pulled. It is
also suggested that' the nominal fines
imposed . both upon the seller of the
whisky and the drunken Indian, is too
small to be any punishment, and both
are consequently more or less defiant
of the rights of the people.
; - Fir-meu' iKuncrxl Siotlc.
All firemen of The Dalles, are invited
to meet , at Jackson Engine House, at
" - j . . j. , wuivuvn, trvimrn-
day, June 29tb, 1892, to attend the fun
eral of W'nlfomrnr 3rlivadoT '
c r
Jui. 8. Fish,.
Chief Engineer. ' .
Dalles City, June 2Sth, 1892.
Jackson Engine Co. l.
All members are requested to attend
the funeral of Wolfgang 8chr;eder., As
sembly at 8 o'clock sharp. Wednesday
morning, June 29th at" the ild Court
house. Br order of the company. , ..
; ! ' - Ad. Keixkb, Secretary.
. i . ' .Funeral Notice.
The funeral of the late Wolfgang
Schra-der, will take place from the
Catholic church tomorrow (Wednesdav)
morning. June 29th. at 8 o'rloc'k-
Friends of the family are respectfully
juviieu to airenu.
ClinrcU Notice
Scandinavian service will be' held on
Thursday, June ;0th, at 8 O'clock p. ni.,
at the Chapel on 9th street, by Kev. A.
F. Dolven, F.v. Lutheran .minister of
Portland. " Every one speaking the
language will be cordially invited. i
i A rare opportunity for the ladies is
now afforded by Mrs. Philips, who is of
fering millinery at one third less, as she
has decided to retire from the business.
See advertisement. O.lSdtf
A good gardener and farmer who well
understands everything of the kind. A
good head man. "Wants a plac e to work.
Apply at this office. - . 6.25dtf
Kind WordFrom the Kev. C K. Burn-
aide on Lcavliif The Dallen.
Special to Ths Chroniclk.- ' :
The Daixks, June 27 .-Nearly two
years ago it was my privilege to. visit
The Dalles and other cities of Oregon
and Washington. It is now more than
two months since I left my home in
Buffalo, N. Y., for a second visit, having
spent nearly all of that time in and
about Eastern Oregon and Washington.
The pleasure of my first visit was some
what marred by sickness,, but the kind
ness of physicians and friends more than
compensated me for all my suffering.
My second visit is made delightful : in
finding the most of the acquaintances of
that time' still living, and apparently
isperous and happy. , My health now,
I aVglad to say, is such that my friends
seemNo have forgotten all about tle
strdgglVl had for two years ago.
?fo ruanX could ask for a. more cordial
greeting than the people of The Dalles
have givin me.. They have invited me
to participate in their home, comforts,
while ny brethern in the ministry have
been uiore than generous. The board of
directors of Wasco Academy honored m
inyflieir invitation to Breach the' bacral-
reate sermon on commencement day.
and I wish to thank the committee on
Fourth of July celebration for their kind
invitation to deliver the oration, but as
I leave for borne today, it will be impos
sible for me to comply with their re
quest. " For some unaccountable reason,
I .have' had a homelike feeling while
among the people of this city which is
not 'usually experienced when in a
strange place. .
' I sympathise with those who lost so
heavily in the great calamity which vis
ited your city last .year, but notwith-;
standing the destruction of fire and flame,
it is my firm, belief that the' day will
come when the superiority and vastness
of some of the varied opportunities which
here abound will be examplified, and
The Dalles arid Grand Dalles will flourish
as the cities of Spokane, Seattle, and
Tacoma are flourishing. I have great
faith in Grand Dalles on the opposite
side ol the Columbia, and I hope your
kind people will pardon me when I sav
that I wish I conld inspire them with
like faith in the future of this country.
One of the most important iactor's in the
developement and building up of any
place is faith in its ultimate success and
a pardonable pride in the advantages to
which it may lay claim as being superior
to those of other, places. : , The country
surrounding' The Dalles, slnd . Grand
Dalles, on the Washington side of the
river, has many advantages advan
tages hard to equal, and seldom, if ever,
. ..1 1 .1 - T . . i ...
j ir-njciicvi. x mure particularly reier to
such industries as " fruit-raising, wool
growing, fisheries, stock-raising and ag
riculture as a lew of thad vantages w ith
which this fair land is blessed, and will
say; for these, that I do not believe there
is another section of our country where
nature :has been so prodigal with her
fostering influences, The greater en
ergy and encouragement devoted to these
mean more money for the producer!
more money for the mechanic, more
j money for the merchant, the advertising
and building up of your town, besides
the influx of general thrift and 'prosper
ity which would s&rely follow. There
aie a great many other things which I
regard as advantages pecaliar to this
section. ...- .
Referring ,to the fruit industry here.
which is growing rapidly from year to
year, as more capital and enterprise are
engaged therein, yon have no adequate
Boot. 8kws, Hat, S(c.
FanciJ (aodg, Jlotion?,
Ktc, Etc., Ktc.
1 13J Second St., next to Dalles National
! Bank, Dalles City, Oregon.
The water used in my Soda Fountain
is filtered, and is guaranteed germ proof.
Second Street, , - The Dulles, Oregon.
Visitore to the San Franeineo Beer Hall will
find the best of everything, ami are sure to c:ll
C'lioicc domestic and imported Cisara. Wines,
Ijquors, Beer, Etc
conception of the vast proportions it may
yet attain. You only know that an ex
perience of six or seven years has been
productive of the best results. The re
sults achieved by some of the fruit rais
ers of this section are an illustration of
what well directed energy- will accom
plish when put to the test. The coun
ties of Genesee and Niagara, in western
Xew York, -are widely known as the
great fruit producing section of tliat
state, but in their palmiest days they
could not produce fruit to compare with
that of your own orchards and vine
yards. A few days ago whan in conver
sation with my friend Dr. Vandenbergh,
of Buffalo, who is at present spending a
few days here, he said that when he first
saw the pamphlet of the Columbia river
fruit company, he thought it must be a
wonderful country that, would produce
such fruit as it described- but from
what he had seen since his arrival here
he thought the illuetration&and descrip
tions of the' fruit company's circular
were, tame in comparison to the actual
It has been a source of great satisfac
tion to me to notice the interest which
eastern people are taking in this country,
a few of whom have been coming and'
going for the past month,. and on leaving
have all expressed themselves as well
pleased with what they have seen . I
can most heartily endorse the letters of
Dr. Cornellj'and Mr. Clark C. Foster of
Saginaw, Michigan, which appeared in
The CnnoNiciE of June 17th. I have
aso noticed with considerable pleasure
that Eastean capitalists arc taking an
active interest in Grand Dalles, and
when they come here to examine and in
vest as they have been doing from time
to time, I would like to see the citizeus
vie with each other in an effort to con-,
vey it good impression, because in so
doing they would not only be promoting
their own interests butjuomg-eometbrng
to advance tho welfare of . Eastern Ore
gon and Washington. Such a course
would be commendable, to say the least.
As many are donbtless aware of my in
terest in the Intercalate Improvement
companyj and. in the Coinmbia . river
fruit company also, and thus baving
large financial interests'on both sides of
Hie river, it may be well to say that I
decided to invest in these enterprises
because of my great faith in your' coun
try and in the towneite of Grand Dalles
art-oss the river. But apart from my in
terest in thesu two companies, I have
other investments on both sides of the
river. As a further reason for my - hav
ing done this. I may say that I believe
the prosperity which has come to Spo
kane, Tacoma and Seattle will be re
peated here,' but on a much larger scale,
as the things which have.' made these
cities great are also present to make
great your own city and Grand Dalles,
while with the advantages that are sure
to come from fruit, grain, wool etc., say
ing nothing about the recent mineral
discoveries, you may feel that you have
been more abundantly blessed. '
In noting the rapid strides made by
the cities to which I have just referred,
one great factor - hi their advancement
has 'been ; the advantages arising from
competition in the carryiug trade, but
with the early completion of the cascade
locks ' and increased railway facilities,
this section' of the country, instead of
being at the mercy of a heartless corpor
ation, will be in'a position to demand a
sweeping redaction from the exorbitant
rates which it. is now obliged, to pav.
As to the man at the head of the enter
prises I have referred to, it affords mo
great pleasure- to note the prosperity
. My entire stock of
will be sold in large or small quantities to suit
purchasers, as I shall retire from business, . It is also
a rare opportunity to buy a well established business.
F"ir Millinery !
112 Second street.
E. Jacobsen & Go.'s.
162 Second Street.
which has attended him during the past
ten years, and the- high esteemi in which
he is held by the respectable business
men of your city and on the Pacific
coast. As ' an educator, he bad few
equals in the east; aud I am pletased to
know that be is not only a member of
the-board of education here, but that for
the past two years he has served the in
terests of education so well that, he is
retained as president of so honorable an
institution as Wasco Independent
Academy. I have been personally' aud
most intimately acquainted with Iiev.
O. D. Taylor for nearly twenty years,
and to find him so prosperous so hon
ored and trusted 'is a satisfaction which
words cannot . express. . In the east:!
where he was born, reared and educated ;
where men knew him to trust him, he
is always a welcome visitor, and his rep
resentations concerning the resources of 1
your country are taken without question.
He never hesitates to declare Ms faith
in the bright future of the country in
which he has been so signally prosper
ous. And now, Mr. Editor, I cannot
help but feel that I. have trespassed'
somewhat upon your time and space,
but among the' many good things which
look so promising here, I hope Thk
Chroxiclk will come in for its-share.
Thanking you for this favor, and with
pleasant remembrance of other favors
shown me, by yourself and the kind peo
ple of The Dalles while a visitor in your
midst, I will say to yon and them "Goo-!-Bye."
Cordially yours,
C. B. Buit.vsiuK.
. Pastor of the Dearborn St., Baptist
, Church, Buffalo, N.Y.
' -
F1Iitk Shaving and ISathinj; rarlom. '
From and after this date mv place of
business will be closed- on Saturday
evenings after 10 o'clock, . and open on
c .1 .. . f r : i i . -i x.
-junut n uirjij i i. ill. uiiixi. v uuvlk
ion. .- ' '. ..:- . .
.-... ....... ' Jll.iU FlBHKtt, :
Second Street, The Dalle?, Or.
A girl to do general 'housework, good
wages, apply at this oifioc. -
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby wao aick, we gave her Castoria.
When she a Child, she cried for Castoria, '
When she became ghe clung to Castoria,
. When she had Children, she gave them Caatoria .
Change of lEuAitieKM
Having disposed of all our stock in
terest and good will in the business of
Orchard &. Co., grocery, crockery aud
..l.iuu ... ;.t 1-1 . . . r. .I.', r- TI. :'. . : .. . .
notify ' all parties concerned that the !
firm of C. L. Richmond & Co., will con
tinue in business at the old stand, who
will collect and; pay .all bills of the past
firm. - We- recommend our patrons to
continue business with the new firm as
above. Orchard & Co.
The Dalles, Or., June 6th 1S92.
The.Dalles, Portland & Astoria Nav. Co.
SQErTmTTT .-rri
Until further notice the Regulator will
make.trips to the Cascades and return
on Thursdays and Sundays, leaving
The Dalles at 7 a. ni. Excursion rates.
50 cents for.the.round trip. 5-23tf
Instantaneous Portraits." ; Chapman
Block, The Dalle?, Oregon.'
t Notice. -
Notice is hereby given that sealed pro
posals fop "the-construction of wooden
steps or stairs from the foot of the bluff
at the sontlv end of Laugbttr street to
the top of the bluff, wiH be received at
the office o the Kettorder until four
o'clock, of Thursday June 30th, 1892.
Plans and specifications- may be- seen at
the Recorder's- office- The" council re
serves the right to reject any and all
bids. By order of the common council
of Dalles City. Mkwkjuk,
Recorder of Dalles City.
Dated this 16th dav of June. 1892.
Camp be If Bros. Proprs
, .(Successors to W.. s.. Cram.)
.UxnufMCturers ei the tinet Trench and
Home Made -
, Kaat tH Portlaiwl.
' ' DEA-UBBa IS , .' -; -.
Tfopkal FraitM, Cigars and Tobacco.
Ciui furnish nnyof tbexe-goodii at Wholeaala
nr Retail . .
. Ill Kvery Styl.
fee Cream smi Soda Water.
104 Second Stree. The Dalles. Or.
Klete Shavnr Parlors
Bath . Rooms."
Gentlemen wilP find TI I K.ELETR: '
fully up to the times in every respect. '
Hair Cutting in the best manner; in
every style of the art. Smooth Shaving
aud "l'er'fect Baths.
Honrs: Kvery day and evening. -during
the week. Closed on Saturday eve
nings after 10 o'clock. Open on. Sun-"
days from 7 a.' m. to 12 o'clock noon.
mr i i
One of tlie I-'ineKt Cookie. in The Italtea.
All Work elim.- by HMilte Illp.
Next door to By riio,. Floyd fc ""Co-s
Drug' Storf..
85 Union St.., The Dalles.
Just Opened.
Jllrs. fl. JOKES - Proprietor.
.- -- --. ' -. ! . ; ' . ; '
Everything the Market
Affords, at Reasonable J
Rates. - v