The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. OFFICIAL. I'ArKR OF DALLKS CITY. "iXD WA..SCO COUKTT, ftibllshed Doily, Sunday Excepted. THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Cotoer HhiiuiI and Washington HtreetM, The Dulles Urugoiu Term of SabMrrlvtlon Per Year. Per month, by carrier. . . ' einglo oopy :C 00 . SO 6 8TATK OFFICIAL. ievtrmi .. .'. S. Pennoye; nonrotary oi Stnte : G. VV. McBrlde xrettsurer. rnnup ueiwiun Supt. u labile Instruction . .K. B. McKlroy (J. N. Polph (J. H. Mitchell . ...b. Hermann ....Frank Baker " ;natorH .. Conffrciwraan . . . State Printer,... COl'NTY OFFICIALS. County Judge C. S. Thorabory Sheriff ..l. I. Catca Clerk . . J. B. Croasen Treusurer. Geo. Bach r. K H A. JjOavcus .u..1;rS ... lmnfc. Klncald - AmetiKor , ... .John K. Barnett Surveyor B. F. Sharp Superintendent of Publlu Schools. . ,1'roy Shelley Coroner William MlcheU Gov. Russell, of . Massachusetts, be .lones to a precise family. Recently 'Col. Harry Russell called on hie brother. ;the governor, at the stat6 bouse, and ' -was ushered into the executive chamber "in his turn in the conventional manner, -A friend who was in the outer office, says that he was somewhat amused at the grwting between the two brothers, "Good morning, colonel," the governor said, rising to meet Harry. "Good morning, your excellency," said Harry, with all the dignity of a subaltern mem' ber of the staff accosting his commander in-chief. The governor and the Colonel invariably address each other, even on informal public occasions, after the ac cepted stylo that prevails between sub ordinate and superior officers. . A prominent fish and game merchant ot l'urtland sends in the following com plaint against the deer-skin hunters of the surrounding country 1 "Notwith standing all efforts made to nut an . end to the practice of killing deer for their Bkms, it appears that the; miserable, ntempt,ible skin-hunter is still at his worn. rf dentruction in the Cascades Several boxes of doer skins have been received here lately, put np in a way to conceal the contents. The proper per sons have this matter in hand, and are taklog steps to eetmre the punishment or trwullty parties' According to the late decision of . the Oregon tipmmo court each county will ..have to tay its state tax oa the basis of rthc .levy niada by the state board of equalization. This decision will effect many -ount:uH as to mortgages,, city and town property and real estate and count ' ies like Multnomah which have been as .essing mortgages at BO per cent. "This Is certainly neither equality . nor nni- " formity,' so long as other property is as sessed at a much lower rate but since the fupreuie court has spoken it must be ac- iepted as another absurdity of oiir jnost absurd -svstem of assessment. It is deeply touching to; read, the pathetic protit of Tony Noltner's paper jvgainft the taxation of certain wax Angels which were received at Baltimore -"the other day from abroad,, which are intended to W used for decorating Christmas trees. "Even angels are re quired to pay a tax before tbey can enter !" says the Dispatch. How fortu nate it is'thaf Tony himself . is a native product. " It is said that Mrs. Deacon, the faith less wife who recently figured in the in famous scandal at Nice, is now living in California mid expresses regret over the publicity given to Iter affairs. We Rather from this that the unhappy lady is deeply penitent that her liaison was discovered. - Salem will celebrate the Fourth in great shape. Besides the regular pat riotic ceremonies she will have an en 'campment of state tijoops,' sham battle ' and industrial "parade.- ' . The Dispntoh says: "The Dalles City ''is being repainted;" meaning, we sup- pose the steamer known by that name. The town don't need repainting. : Dr. Briggs, the heretical Presbyterian divine, has created another sensation by joining the auxiliary league of the Sal vation Armv. . The state has sued . Baker county for $12,000 miscellaneous taxes' which have been accumulating since 1879. Goldendale. will celebtate ' on the Fourth.. ' - . . Dlsa;aatlnelr Thunderous. Klamath Star; The cry of reforin is . londer today in the month of the dema gogue than ever before.. From the etutup and from , the editorial column that cry has got to bo disgustingly thunderous.- The 1 world is sick abed . and "gets nothing to do it any good the dem agogue telle as. It will die mid go to perdition if it don't, take great gnlps of , his reform. The "moment we hear the word reform we iuvuriably slide out of the meetintc. know there is noth ing there but a sombre cloak with a lemngogue in it, and a voice loud enongh to raise a Mansard roof. ' BuUdtaK Material. We offer to the building public a fall line of, building material. We do sot reeort to trickery to Buy or seu:: any lines handled by us. a lt ,i ' Wat.iBoTLK8& Co. , Lumber Dealer 8. .' Sole agents for the 'Oregon" lime and Oregon sower and chimney pipe. 5-7dtf Notice. All persons indebted to the fate Arm of Mr. Farland and French will nleasa call at the old store, now Messrs. Pease & Mays, where Mr. French will be in waiting teat tney may mate un mediate settlement of their notes and ac counts. . . S. Fberoh, 6-3-dAwlm For the company, .AH persons indebted to the. late firm of W. Bolton A Co.. Antelope, either by note or book account, will please call at me oia store ana make immediate set tlement of the Bame. Wilbpr Bolton, ddwlm ..... For the company, 2 isolation Notice. The partnership "heretofore existing between E. K. MnTurlnnrl K Tronch G. VBoIton and Wilbur Bolton, under me name ana style of W. isolton & Co., Antelope, Oregon, was dissolved on the tie uay or. marcn, isvj. . .''.'.- E. B. McFaklawd' 8. Fbench, " G. V. Bolton, 5-24-dlm . Wilbur Boit&n. . Notice. AIL persons knowing themselves in debted to the late firm of Van Dnyn & Co., Tygh Valley, either by note or book account, will please call at the old store and make immediate settlement of the same. . C.J. VanDdyn, d&wlm For the company. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Successors to W. s. cram.) MMnufacturetH ot the finest French and Home Made O-A-IfcT ID I IE3 S, East of Portland. -DEALEB8 ra- Tropieal Fraits, Nats, Cigars and Tobacco. Cau furnish tnr of these roods at Wlioteaala or Retail la Ercry Styl. ics Cream and Sods Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. J. L. FISHER;: W. J. MONTAGUE. .... PKOPRIETOBS OF THE Elete Shaving" Parlors " - -and Bath Rooms. SECOHD STfiEET.THEDALIESrOS. Gentlemen will find THE ELETE fully up to the- times in every respect. Hair Catting in the- best manner, in every style of the art. Smooth Shaving and Perfect Baths. '. " v Honrs: Everyday and evening dur ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve nings after 10 o'clock. Open on Sun days from 7 a. m. t12 o'clock noon; . AND OYSTER HOUSE. One oi the Fineat Cook ta Tha ItaMM. All Work dnn ty Whit Help. Kext door to Bywie, Floyd & Coal' Dru Store.' 85 Union St., The Dalles,. Just Opened.. IVIrs. fl. JOKES - PFoppktop. Everything the Market - Afibrds, at Reasonssible Hates. , 104 Second Street, ICE! ICEf ICE I .. Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand, we are now nrepared to receive orders. wholesale or retail, to be delivered throueh the summer. Parties contract ing . with tis will be carried through the entire season without advanck in price, and may depend . that we have notnmg out . PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE Cut from mountain water ; no slough or slush ponds. t Leave orders at the Columbia' Candy Factory,. 104 Second street, or Ice Wagon. W. S. CRAM, Manager. 1 lie Dalles Restaurant COLUMBIA ICE Ci A. Kew Kind of ImirUKe. For twenty-five cents you can insure yourself and family against- any lad re-, salts from an attack of bowel, complaint during the summer. Ono or two doses of Chamberlain's ..Colic,- Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure any ordi nary case. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take; No family . can afford to be without it. - For sale at 25' and 50 cents per bottle by Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists. , d&w .. 'Dissolution Kotloe. -The partnership heretofore existing between E. B, McFarland, S.' French an4 C. J. VanDnyn, tinder the name And stvlo of VanDuvn.&. Co.. Tvcrh Valley, Oregon, was dissolved on the 1st day of May, 1882, by limitation and mutual consent. E. B. McFakland, 8. Fbbnch, 5-21-dlm " C, J . VasDuy". Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in the drug business at Elk ton, Ky., for 'the past twelve years, says: "Chamber lain's Cough Jtemedy gives better satis faction than any other cough medicine I have ever sold." There is good reason for this. No other will cure . a cold so quickly ; no Other is so certain ' a pre ventive and care for croup ; no other affords so much relief in cases of whoop ing cough. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. d&w Dissolution Notice. The partnership Tieretoforo existing between E. B. McFarland, S. French and E. C. Pease, -under the style - and name of McFarland & French, was on the 11th day of April, 1892", dissolved by limitation and mutual consent. E. B. McFarlanit, ; S. French. . 5-21-dlm ' E. C. Peask. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de pended upon, it is pleasant to take and wilt cure cramp, cholera morbus, dysen tery and diarrhoea in their worst forms. Every family should be provided with it. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. d&w Pabst's Milwaukee beer at the Uma tilla house at a bit a bottle. , Free lunch tonight at 8 o'clock. - ' - NEW TO-DAY. TO THE PUBLIC-It having come to our knowledge titat a party in The Dalles in selling lima has made'the assertion that lie charges more for other brands than the- "Oregon" because they are better, thereby implying that the "Oregon" is an inferior article, we desire to state that the Oregon" is the strong est time on the market ; that it trill vrorb more plastic and leave the worfe when set stronger and firtnev than any otlier lime at present manufactured in either Oregon or Washington. . Wm. BuilerA Co., Agents at The Dalles for the "Oregon" fame, are instructed to furnish, free of clutrge, any and all Oregon fune, which does not fully come op to the stipulations above set forth. 1 The object of this notice is solely to defend our goods against the false im putation and statentents of any person whatsoever. The Or. Marble and Lame Company, by T. F. Osbobs, 5-24dwl nx General Agt. WANTED. One or more lots, above the Bluff, in exchange for Work Horses, or Broodmares. Apply to HUGHGOURLAY, 5-2tf Chronicle office. The Dalles. T7rT CAT XT' One of the JJ UIl finest stock farms in Croak county ; 1100 Acres deed ed land ; abundance of water; good grass range eatable of handling-10,000 sheep : 300 acre! under irrigation. Two good dwellings and out buildings. Price, $8, 000 ; half in stock, horses cattle or sheep. Jror furtm r particulars Apply t o HUGH GOURLAY, 6-2tf Chronicle office. The Dalles. FOR SALE lots, splend idly locate d in the Garrison addition. Apply ti HUGH GOURLAY. B-Sti Chronicle office. The Dalles. FOSi CHURCHES. SuDerlo r Im tune -to Plra flrcins. easier played and cheaper, are the ESTEV PHILHARMONICS. PAU L KRE -DEALERS IN- PAINTS. OILS ' ' f " ' And tile Most Complete and the "' J "Practical Painters and Panel' Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masnry's Paints used in all onr. work, and none but the moet afciiled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. - No chemical combination or soap mixture. - A. first class article in all colors. AU orders promptly attended to. - --, . . 8tore and Eaint Shop corner Third and SKIBBErH OTEL, . 35". . Ij. J 8.3 fHfes Sift H ' S 'J T - 1l( t W. E. GARRETSON, Leaalng JflWP.lP.I UU11U1U1 SOI.E..AOKNT FOR TIIK V - All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 1&9 SMrond St.. Th Dallfia, Or. Fioya SncoewoM to C. K. I)ovh"u Druggists and Chenii3ts. Pure Dmp M Medicines. Dispensing I'hysieians Prescriptions a' Speciaiir. Night Druggists always in Attendance. Cor. Second and Uniort Sts., TAB DALLES. OBEGOX. STAGY SHOOIf., H6Watclinial, -DEAI.EK IN- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. All kinds of retiairiue a special tv, and ail work guin-auteed ftud promptly attended to. Call and see nis stock of clocks before you leave an order elsewhere A. A. Brown, Keep a full assortment of less. and Provisions. wbtob he offers at Law Figures. .' SPEGIfili :-: PRIGES to Cash Buyers. Higlsf Casi Prices for. Es and otter Proince. - r-. " ' 170 SECOND STREET. The Dalles FACTORY NO. 105. TC2- APQof the Best Brands V-LvJTxVXLO manuac tared, and orders from all parts of the country filled 6n the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day . A. ULRICH & SON. ' FT & CO., AND CiLASS, Latest Patterns and Deeigna Ini Hanirers. Xnnn hnt ti hmt brands of Waaaington Sts-r. i The Dalles, Oregon S 3 5- 1 ;t iMnfi a. B- sa mm mm and fancy droeer SBUtBBB, Propr. The Itateh String Sprii7; a i?d Summer, -nuiiw are uunfpi, ana a small artmof ink. Falling, likedew, upon a thonght, prodnces That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think." WK TRUST TO INTEREST AND DO YOU GOOD. Buv Our Shoes -MANUFACTURED BY- THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. - SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. The Corrugated Building; nest Door to Court Houm. i ' ' . . ; Handsomely FuMslieci Booms to Rent Iiy, the Day,- Weei or ffiontiL Meals Prepared by a ; First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms - for ' Commercial Men. ." .' WHS; H- FRSEH, Pvopv. H. Q. N1ELS6N., Gltfeicantii Tailor, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, .. , . ' Grouts' FixrjxlsTi 1 tis CS-ooc3Le, COKKER OF SEOOSTD AND WABHNGTON, THE DALLES, OREGON. G-reat Bargains! Removal ! Removal ! On account Qf Removal I -will sell my entire stoclc of Boots and. Shoes,, Hats and Caps, TTriinlcs and Valises, Shelv ings, Counters, Desk, Safe, Fixtures, at a Great Bargain. Come and see my offer. ' - GREAT. REDUCTION IN RETAIL. J. RRrBITvTMM 125 Seeond Street, P MM P SDHIEK W GOODS . ' COMPLETE N EVERY DEPARTMENT- Glotbing, Gents' Finishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes. : Full Assortment of the Leading' Manufacturers. Cash Buyers mill save money by examining, oof stoek and prices before purchasing elsemhare. H. Herbririg.v WM. BUTLER & CO., -DEALERS IN- Building Material, Lumber. Lime, Plaster. Hair and Cement. A liberal discount to the trade in. ail lines handled by us. JEFFERSON. STREET, between Second SITUATED AT THE Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. -'Washington Opjf.; J)gHg5j Washinga ; For Further Information Call t th Off loe of Piter state liivestment Go., is Alrjuays Oat I SEASON 1592. -r WALTER H. TEN NY & CO.. BOSTON. TumSS. . The Dalles.. Rough and Dressed and Railroad. ' THE DALIJBS, Oft HEAD OF NAVIGATION. u . Best Selling Property of ."the Season in the Northwest.. V