The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'Al'ER OK DALLES CITY. AN1 WASCO COUNTY. l'ubllshod Daily, Sunday Excepted. THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Wtuhingto'i streets. The DiUleo, Oregon. Ttrmi of Suhncriptloii Per Year 6 00 Per mouth, by carrier 60 Single copy 5 STATE OFFICIALS. ' '. ' " fiovernoi 45. Pennoyer Secretary of State. . . .". O. W. McBride Treo-surer '. -..Phillip Metachan 8upt. of Public Instruction E. B. McElroy tor, tfV&ell 'JonRretKinan , B.- Hermann Statu Printer ....Frank Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County .ledge C. N. Thornbory Sheriff D. L. Catea Cleric J. B. Croanen Treasurer .' Geo. Kuch Commtatfonm..:... ijnkXSEl A MAUUIP lllktl V lit. T"T1 t Bnrvevor E. F. Sharp Huperintendeut of Public School. . .Troy Khcllev Coroner William Michell ( Some weeks ago n resolution waa jiiiBbwl in the United States senate in quiring hs to the practical effect of the reciprocity negotiations. In a lengthy rtTi r -wnt ia r.ha Rpnntp liiut. fnnrhiv. t.lif j . - . j auting eecretary of state said, while the . "practical fTcct" could not he ineiiurel by the commerce of a month or even a year: ."Itis gratifying to note there has already been u -considerable increase in our exports, and there is good reason to expect it will be permanent. It is equally noticeable, too, that the exports from Great Britain to the Latin-American countries are falling off with even greater rapidity, o much so as to excite ' the apprehension of her commercial organizations and impel them to seek protection from the government. In conclusion, the acting secretary says the act has not only brought about the re milt of securing the repeal of the prohibi tion of American pork, which for ten years had practically excluded that pro duct from most of the continental conn tries of Europe, but bus enabled the executive to negotiate a reciprocity ar rangement of a highly satisfactory character with Germany and Austria. No satisfactory results have yet been obtained in the negotiations with Mexico." - President Howling of the New York Trades Assembly jsays if Hill is nomi nated he will be heartily supported by ithe workingmcti of the etarte ws he has iktfie much for the" cause of labor. " On 4he other hand, Dowling says the labor organizations are opposed to Cleveland, irrevocably, mm n he is placed in the field they will nominate a candidate of their own. The interests of the work ingmcn of this nation would be quite as safe in the hands of Cleveland as in those of Hill. 'Nothing however suc ceftdsiiii .Dolitics like deunaeofrv. ""Farmers and horticulturists should k remember to keep the best samples of ' their products for exhibition at the com ing district fair. The list of prizes will, both in number and value, greatly ex- . i . an 1 i i those who do not take the trouble to en ter as competitors will regret it when ' they see others carry off valuable prizes that they themselves might have won. o paper in. Eastern Oregon contains 'as much, general news as The Dalles Weekly Chkomci.k. It will, therefore, be the very best channel of information , during the pending presidential cam paign. To put it within the reach of everybody, the paper will be sent to all new subscribers, till the close of the campaign, for the low price of 50 cents. Send on your subscriptions. And now Mike De Young's paper, the San Francisco Chronicle, gravely an nounces that the leaders among the re publicans were awfully vexed because the Californian had not expressed a de ire for the presidential nomination, (telling him he could have had it just as well as hot. What a fortunate thing it nvas that De Young didn't want it. 'Today or tomorrow probably, says the Walla Walla Journal, the nubile will be igiven an opportunity to view the great est feat of deglutition of modern times. The Tammany tiger will swallow Grover Cleveland. " Portland's city government sadly needed a reformation if it be true, as the Dispatch savs, that five harlots peddled tickets for their favorite candidates at one of the polling places last Monday. The compensation of United States postmasters has increased from $8,964,- 76.72 in 1882 to $14,52G,999.70 in 1891, aind their 'numbers have increased in isocrpsponding ratio. . Otfejron Newspapers. Telegram. , The Three Sisters pub lished t .Barlow, Clackamas connty.but claiming-to hail equally from Barlow, Aurora and Canbr, and the' Sheridan Sun, are the latest acquisitions to the newspaper list of 'Oregon. A town is ho town at all these days unless it has a newspaper, and frequently .not .much of town itit has. , Building Material, We offer to the building public a full line of building material. We do not resort to trickery to buy or -sell any lines handled by us. Wm. Butler & Co., Lumber Dealers. Sole agents for the "Oregon" lime and Oregon sewer and chimney pipe. 5-7dtf - " 1 " - , . Notice. All pe neons indebted to the late tirm of Mr. Farland and French will please call at the old store, now Messrs. Pease & Mays, where Mr. French will be in waiting that they, may make im mediate settlement of their'notes and ac counts. - S. French, 6-3-dwlm For the company. Notice. All persons indebted to the late firm of W. Bolton & Co.; Antelope, either by note or book account, will please call at the old store and make immediate set tlement of the same. Wilbuk Bolton, cUwl m For the company. Jiisaolatlon Notice. The partnership heretofore existing between E. B. McFarland, S. French, G. V. Bolton and Wilbur Bolton, under the name and style of W. Bolton & Co., Antelope, Oregon, was dissolved on the 21st day of March, 1892. E. B.' McFarland, S. French, G. V. Bolton, o-24-dlm ' Wilbur Bolton. Notice. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the late firm of Van Duyn & Co., Tygh Valley, either by note or book account, will please call at the old store and make immediate settlement of the same. C. J. VasDuvs,, cUwlin For the company. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Successors to . s. Cram.) Manufacturers of the finest Frcnch'and . Home Made OAIsTDIBS, East of Portland. DEALERS IN Tropical Fruits, Nnts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Whoiesala or Retail eFRESH OYSTEHS-rS- In Kxery Style. Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. J. L. FISHER. W. J. MONTAGUE. i i urn r. J PROPRIETORS OK THE Elete Shaving Parlors -AND- . Bath Rooms. SECOND STREET. THE DALLES, OB. Gentlemen will find THE ELETE fully up to the times in every respect. Hair Cutting in the best nianner, in everv style of the art. Smooth Shaving and Perfect Baths. 'Hours: Everv da'v and evening dur ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve nings after 10 o'clock. Open on Sun days trom 7 a. m. to vs o'clock noon. II t AND OYSTER HOUSE. One of the finest Cooka in The lalles. All Work done by White Help. Next door to Byrne, Floyd & Co.s' Drug Store. . 85 Union St., The Dalles. Just Opened, JVTrs. fl. JOKES - Proprietor. Everything - the Market Affords, at Reasonable Rates. COLUMBIA ICE GO.; 104 Second Street, ICE! ICE! ICEI Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand, we are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale or retail, to be delivered through the rammer.- Parties contract ing with us will be carried through the entire season .without . advance in pbice, and may depend that we have nothing bat ' PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE Cut from mountain water ; no slough or til ash ponds; " Leave orders at the Colnmbia Candy Factory, 10 Second street, or Ice Wagon. - W. S. CRAM Manager. 1 he Dalles Restauran A Pointer. "I am very much pleased with Chamberlain's- Cough Remedy," says H.' M. Bangs, the druggist at Cbatsworth, 111. "During the epidemic of la grippe here it took the lead and was very much bet ter liked than other cough medicines." The grip requires precisely the same treatment as a very severe cold, for which this remedy is so efficient. It will promptly loosen a cold and relieve the lungs, soon effecting a permanent cure, while most other medicines in common use for colds only give tempor ary relief. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, d&w Dissolution Kotiee. The partnership - heretofore existing between E. B. McFarland, S." French and C. J. VanDnyn, under the name and style of VanDuyn & Co., Tygh Valley, Oregon, was dissolved on the 1st day of May, 1892, by limitation and mutual consent. E. B. McFarland, 8. French, 5-21-dlm . C. J. VanDuyn. ' Dissolution Notice The partnership heretofore existing between E. B. McFarland, S. French and E. C Pease, under the style and name of McFarland & French, 'was on the 11th day of April, 1892, dissolved by limitation and mutual consent. E. B. McFarland, S. French, 5-21-dlm . E. C. Pease. Rheumatism Cured in Three lay. . Miss Grace Littlejohn is a little girl, aged eleven years, residing-in Baltimore, Ohio. Read what she says : , "I was troubled with rheumatism for two years, but could get. nothing to do me any good. I was so helpless-that I had to be carried like a babe when I was advised to get a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I got it from, our druggists, Mr. J. A. Kumber, and in three days I was up and walking around. I have not felt any return of it since and my limbs are limber as they ever were." '50 cent bot tles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. " d&w Pabst's Milwaukee beer at the Uma tilla house at a bit a bottle. Free lunch tonight at 8 o'clock. NEW TO-DAY. TO THE PUBLIC It having come to our knowledge that a party in The Dalles in selling lime has made the assertion that he charges more for other brands than the "Oregon" because they are better, thereby implying that the "Oregon" is an inferior article, we desire to state that the "Oregon" is the strong est lime on the market ; that it will tcork more plastic and leave the work when set stronger and firmer tlian anyotlter lime at present manufactured in either Oregon or Washington. Wm. ButlerA- Co., Agent at The Dalles for the "Oregon" lime, are instructed to furnish, f ree of charge, any and all Oregon lime, which does not fullv come up to the stipulations above set forth. The object of-this notice is solely to defend our goods against the false im putations and statements of any person whatsoever. The Or. Marble and I.ime Company, by . T. F. Oxborx, 5-24dwlm General Agt. FOR SALE chea trade. cheap, bund o( range horses, consisting of yearlings, two-year olds and mares. For r informa tion Apply to C. Fi STEPHENS. 5-3dlm 134 Second St. The Dalles. Or. ! W A "TT,17T"i ne or more .X X HjU, lots, above the Bluff, in exchange for AVork Horses, or Brood mares. Applv to HUGH GOURLAY, 5-2tf Chronicle office. The Dalles. FOR SALE finest stock farms in Crook county ; 1100 Acres deed ed land ; abundance of water; good grass range capable of handling 10,000 sheep : 300 acres under irrigation. Two good dwellings and out buildings. Price, $8, 000; half in stock, horses cattle or sheep. For further particulars Applv to HUGH GOURLAY, 6-2tf Chronicle office. The Dalles. FOR SALE. Twelve fine lots, splend idly located in the Garrison addition Applv 5-2tf to HUGH GOURLAY, I Chronicle office, The Dalles. ' FOR CHURCHES. Superior Irr tune to Pipe Organs, easier played and cheaper, are the ESTEY PHILHARMONICS. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IK- PAINTS, OILS And the Most Complete find the 3JJPractical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paintsv No chemical combination or Boap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Store and Paint Shop corner Third and Washington Sta., 'The Dalles, Oregon S KI B BE Z. W. Xj. e o w o 00 ' W ti H OS -rt OB P4 P3Q W. E. GARRETSON, JeweleL SOIK AGENT KOK THK All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made . to Order. 138 Second St.. The Dalle. Or. Floyd & Sii own. Successors to C. J. Dunham. Druggists and Chemists. Pure Dris anJ Mcines. Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance. Cor. Second and Union Sts., . THE DALLES, OKEGOX. . STAGY SHOHIN, Tfte WatDliiiiaRer, -DKAI.KK IX- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. All kinds of rcpulrinfr a frpectnltv, and all work guaranteed and promptly attended to. Cull and see nis stock of clocks before you leave an order elsewhere. A. A. Brown, - Keeps m Cull assortment of and Provisions. which he offem at Low Figures. SPEGIRIi :-: PRIGES to Cash Buyers. Hitttest Cash Prices for Es anil otter Proince. 170 SECOND STREET. The Dalles Gigaf: Factory FIRST STEEET. FACTORY NO. 105. i (T( A pQ of the Best Brands r vAVXxi.J0 manufactured, and i orders from all parts of the country filled ' on the shortest notice. I The reputation of THE DALLES CI- jrAt has become nrmly established, ana the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. AND . GLASS, Latest Patterns and Designs in . t HOTE .2 r 3 33f rc2.c a.ig'g tr3s . S3 Leading Staple and Fancy Groceries The Iiateh String 'is Altuays Ocit I ' Sprir? ai?d Summer, . foN "But word are thinm. r.. 1 1 ; hi .i . ruuuK, u uvw, uuuu ujuukuIi prouucea That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think." WE Tit IT ST TO INTEUEST AND DO YOIT GOOD. Buy Our Shoes -MANUFACTURED BY- THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. The Crragstd Building aut Door'to Cont HonM. Handsomely Furnished; Booms to Bent oy the Day, Weefc or Month. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOUCITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. WHS. H. FflSEn, PPopP. H. O. NIELS6N.. Glothiet? and Tailor, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Gaps, Trunks and Valises, 3-oxa.-tjs Furnlslilas OoodLs, CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, THE DA1XES, OREGON. Great Bargains ! Removal !. Removal ! . On account of Removal I will sell my entire. stock of Boots and Shoes, Mats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Shelv- at a Great Bargain. Come and see my offer. ' . ' . . ' . GREAT REDUCTION IN RETAIL. J. RREITVIHN 125 Seeond Street, IIEVMPRIIIG HliO SUUlfnER DRY GOODS COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Glothmg, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes. Full Assortment of the Cash Bayer? oiiir save money by examining oar stock and prises before purchasing elsecahere. : H. Herbring. WM. BUTLER & CO., : nrai rtacs in i Building Material, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Lime: Plastef. Hair and Cement. A liberal discount to the trade in all lines handled by us. ' 1 i jJ!iJ;J!J,KBOJ SiKiiiiiX', between second ana iailroad, xiiJ!. uaiihta, uk Worth Washington : SITUATED AT THE Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go., 0. D. TAYLOB, Tie Dalles. Or. 72 Washita St, Poife'. Or.' and a small drnn of ink. .i i - r ' WALTER H. TEN NY d, CO., BOSTON. 7ntSS. FOR THE "DALLES. The Dalles. Leading Manufacturers. i jWashingto- HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Best Selling Property of the Season In the North west. ' Dalles