H rra rr. i it ' n as . & Aiti. uu mil dog n U1UB.U null IB uu Liini " v i i . - 1 OFFICIAL I'APkil OF; DALLES CltV. AND WASCO. COVNTY. . Published Dnily, Sunday Excepted. THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second nnd Washington Streets, The Dnlle, Oregn. ' Term of Sulcriition Per Year: Per month, by carrier'. . Biugiecopy .t 00 5 ESTATE OFFICIALS. overnoi Secretary of State ....S. Pennoycr .. W. McHride Treasurer Phillip Metsohau Bupt. of Public Instruction E. B. McElroy flnutors J. K. Doluh J. H. Mitchell ...h. Hermann ...Frank Baier 'jongressnum . . . State Printer COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge..,. ,C. K. ThornbUTy , Bheriff J). U Oaten Clerk .....J. B.CroMen Treasurer Geo. Kuch Commissioner, JftfoJEfd AaaestfOr John K. Burnett Surveyor. . K. F. Sharp Superintendent of l'ublie Schools. . - Troy Shelley Coroner ..William Michell AliOVT THE PEOPLES' BOATS. The following letter, which appears in this weeks'" issue of the Klickitat Ijeudcr, scarcely. requires an explanation to make it intelligible. The evident friendliness of the writer to the peoples' boats deserves u courteous answer, atill it appears like trying to prove that the nun shines to try and prove that The Dalle, Portland and Astoria .Naviga tion company has not sold out. The company has- not sold out to anybody nd, what is more, the boats are not for Kale. No proposition of sale was ever made to the company and no proposi tion, no matter what the consideration, would be entertained for a moment .or patsed upon without being submitted to the people. Not only has a proposition of sale never been made but no proposi tion is ever likely to be. made. The .Ijoats were put on the river by men who oievcr expected to reap a dollar, directly by the enterprise, and they were put on to stay, and they u-ili stay. i -tltie time the boat company was compelled to stop making through con nection at had 1,000 tons of freight in sight, -and was on the eve of having more business to do than it could possi bly manage. The Dalles City stopped when the captain gave it as bis .opinion that the boat could not safely make the . landing at the Cascades. A council of steamboat captains, held in Portland, ciNiftirihed Captain Stout's judge anent. The company could have got a .captain to undertake the command, but rthey feared the risk, holding as one of : the directors said to the writer, that it v-was ljetter to have to' tie up till August next than lose a $20,000. boat.' , (It rHhould be known that no insurance can ' be procured against marine risk, on river craft.) Efforts, were made to find a landing below the rapids, intending to transfer freight' by wagons, . but the scheme was considered impracticable. It was too late for this, seasons' trade to commence to build a boat, staunch enough, and there wa.9 nothing left for he company but a reluctant and most annoying tie up. Just as soon, however, as the water is again low enough to make it safe, traffic will be resumed, and when it is resumed it will stop for noth ing less than a winter freeze 'up. The company will see to it that they are amply prepared for any stage of water - next year. Xetfcer to the Kklckltat Leader. Editor Klickitat Leader: I see in . your last week's issue an article entitled ' The People's Boat, and do not know -whether this able piece was written by the editor or by some one for the new company. If it was written by the lat 'teritis a false misrepresentation, for ; the future at least, for the old enemy, the TTnioi Pacific,. bought the Regulator ssome two months ago, or at least this is -the general belief on the river. The fact?, as near as your correspondent can learn theui, is that the new ' company sold to the U. P. with the understand ing that they were not to raise - freight rates from the new company's late charges. It will be very easy for them to tie up the new boat and start the old Baker and charge the same old rate that we have groaned under for the last, ten years. Now we do not give this as facts, but we believe it is, and all the settlers along the river believe it. as well. . I do not think that anything would make the people happier than a denial of the above, with an assurance that the new company still owned the Regulator and would operate it in the future as in the past, in the interest of the people. , But the indications goes ;to show that the change waa made when the -old Baker crew took charge of the Regulator some two months ago. As for the peo ple sticking to the new line, I do not be lieve any company ever had a better support. I have waited on .the beach for the coming ot the new -boat until nine o'clock at flight, and then drove seven miles in the woods in the dark, rather than patronize the'old Baker, and . I know of lots of others that, have done more, and would still -do more, If it was possible to keep the. LT. P.vout of .sack ing our life's blood. ; Now if this is not facts, let The Dalles, Portland and As toria Favigation company come to the front and give us the facts of the case, ; and you will see a broad smile on the face of every map in White. Salmon : j when it is contradicted, and yonr cor i respondent will beg a thousand pardons j for writing this article. Wood'TIat. The Chronicle has undertaken the j work of procuring, from the merchants ana capitalists of this city and county, a generous list of epecial premiums to be given for agricultural and other exhibits at the coming district fair. As soon as the list is complete it will be published. The liberal-response which The' Chrok iclk has already met with in talking the matter up among The Dalles mer chants, gives assurance that so far as premiums for exhibits are concerned the farmers will have no ground for excuse this year for not doin? their best to make the fair worthy of the magnificent resour ces of this district. The premiums, so far as we are able to report at tliis writ ing, will iwnsist of such things as valua ble agricultural implements,-carts, har ness, saddles, cooking stoves, groceries, dry goods, clothing, articles of household furniture, and many others both useful and ornamental. The people may be well assured that all or any of these premiums will be well worth contending for;' and, so far as we can judge, there will tie plenty of them, and they will be distributed , so as . to cover every worthy exhibit to be made. It will be understood that these premiums are all additional to the cash premiums, same as last year, which are given by the state. Now let the farmers look out for their best samples of grain and veg etables, the orohardists their -best sam ples of fruit, the stock men their best specimens of-domestic animals, the women their' best samples of butter, jams, jellies, needle work, embroideries, etc. etc, and if The Chbosicle does not surprise you with a list of special prem iums, we greatly miss our guess'. The Dalles, Portland & Astoria flav. Go. Until further nntira t)n'Ran.1n. ' . --....v i.VfjllitttUl make trips to the Cascades and retnrn v" iiiumuBjo ana onnaays, leaving The Dalles at 7 a. m. Excursion rates. 50 cents for the round trip. 5-23tf J. L. FISHER. W. J. MONTAGUE. 1 -PROPRIETORS OF THE Elete Shaving Parlors AND .. Bath Rooms. SECOND STSEET. THE DALLES, 0E, Gentlemen will find THE v.T vytv fully up to the times in every respect. Hair Cutting in the beet manner, in every style of the art. Smooth Shaving and Perfect Baths. Hours: Everyday and evening dur ing the week. Closed on Saturday eve nines after 10 o'clrwU. O days from' 7 a. m. to 12 o'clock noon. COLUMBIA - . CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Successors to W. S. cram.) Manufacturers of the finest French and Home Made East of Portland. - DEALERS IX "' '. ; Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish anv of these iondi at WhniAnb or Retail . la Kry Style, .' . Ice Cream and Soda Water. - i - -. - - - 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IN - (Clothing ' ' '' . .- : ... ' : ' Book, Shoes, Hats. etc. K FanciJ oodg, iotiong, Etc... .Etc., Ktc- ; 134 Second St., next to Dalles National ; . Bank Dalles City, Oregon. . SAN PRANG ISCO ' ; . . .. ... :' : Second Street," -. 'The Dalles, Oregon. - ! FREd'lEMKE, Propr.t Vf.iffiirM to thf Klin Vmnam Rmt TIull illl j find the best of everything, and are sure to call again. - - Choice domestic and imported Cigars. Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. - ' - I Dry Goods A Pointer. "I am very much pleased with Cham-.' oeriain s uougn KeraedTj" says Jfcl. M. Bangs, the druggist atf Chatsworth, 111. "During the epidemic- of la grippe here it took the lead and was veryjmuch bet ter liked than other cough - medicines." The grip requires precisely nhe same treatment as a verj- severe cold, for, which this remedy is so efficient. It! will promptly loosen a cold and relieve J the lungs, soon effecting a permanent cure, while most other . medicines in common use for colds only give tempor ary relief. 50 cent . bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, d&w ; .Dissolution Notice; - : The - partnership heretofore existing between E. B. McFarland,. S. French and C. J. VanDuyn, under the name and style of VanDuyn cV Co., Tygh ValleyOregon, was dissolved on the 1st day of May, 1892, by limitation and mutual consent. . E. B. McFarlaxd, ; ' S. French, . 5-21-dlm C. J. VakDpys. , Dissolution Notice. - The partnership heretofore existing between E. B. McFarland, S. French and E. C. Pease, under the style and name of McFarland & French, "was on the 11th day of April, 1S92, dissolved by limitation and mutual consent. , , E. B. McFarland,' ' ' S. Fieench, - 5-21-dlm E. C. Pease. Khcamttbm Cared In Three Days.. Miss Grace Littlejohn is a little girl, aged eleven vears, residing.in Baltimoi-e, Ohio. Read what she says : "I was troubled with rheumatism for two years, but could get nothing to do me any good. I was so helpless that I had to be carried like a babe when I was advised to get a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I got it from our druggists. Mr. J. A. Kumber, and iu three days I was up and walking around. I have" not felt any. return of it since and my limbs are limber as they ever were." SO cent bot tles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. v - d&w Pabst's Milwaukee beer at the Uma tilla house at a bit a bottle. Free lunch tonight at 8 o'clock. NEW TO-DAY. TO THE PUBLIC It having come to our knowledge that a party in The Dalles in selling lime bas made the assertion that he charges more for other Dranas man tne "Oregon" because they are better, thereby implying that the '"Oregon"' is an inferior article, we desire to etate that the "Oregon" is the utrong eU lime on the market ; that it vHft work more plastic and leave the work when set stronger and firmer than any other lime at present manufactured in either Oregon or Washington. Wm. Buller& Co., Agents at The Dalles for the "Oregon" lime, are instructed to ftrmish, free of charge, any and all Oregon lime, which does not fully come-up to the stipulations above set forth. The object ot this notice is stdely to defend our goods against the false im putations and statements of any-person whatsoever. The Or. Marble and Lime Company, bv TF. Osbobn, 5-24dwlm General Agt. FOR S ALE cheap, band of range horses, consisting of yearlings, two-year old and mares. For informa tion " Apply to " C. F.' STEPHENS. 5-3dlm 134 Second St.TnE,DAia.K. Or. WANTED. One or more lots, above the Bluff, in exchange for Work Horses, or Brood mares. Apply to ' HUGH GOURLAY. 5-2tf . s Chronicle office. The Dalles. FOR SALE finest stock farms in Crook county ; 1100 Acres deed ed land ; abundanceof water; good grass range capable, of handling 10,000 sheep : 300 acres under irrigation. . Two eood dwellings and out buildings. ' Price, f8;T 000 ; half in stock, horses cattle or sheep. j: or inrtner particulars Apply to HUGH GOURLAY; 6-2ti Chronicle office. The Dalles. TjVT Q-A T T? twelve fine J? J EL Oi-l-iXL. lots, splend idly located in the Garrison addition. Apply to HUGH GOURLAYi 5-2tf Chronicle office, The Dalles. J. FOLCO, FRUITS, V - IN UTS, CANDIES, TOBACCO; ASP . FINE CIGARS. The water used in my Soda Fountain is filtered, and is guaranteed germ proof. FOR CHjJRCHES. easier .played . and cheapen, ore tho ESTEY PHILHARMONICS. " 104 Second Street, " ICE I ICE I . ICE ! Having over 1000 tons of ice on band, we are bow- prepared to receive orders, wholesale or retail, to be delivered through the summer. Parties contract ing with as will be carried through' tbu entire i season without -atva-cb is peick, and may depend that we have nothing but ; ; PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE , Cut from mountain water ; no slough or slush ponds. ; ;- -. . - Leave orders at the Columbia Candy Factory, 104' Second - street, or lee Wagon. W.-S. CRAM, Manager. IV. E. GARRETSON. Lel Jewefe SOLE AGENT FOK THE All Watch Work Warrarited. J ewelry Made : to Order. - 138 Second St.. The Dalles. Or. Successors to C. E. Dunhaiii.' Druggists and Chemists. Pure Dto ant Medicines. ; Dispensing Physicians'- Prescriptions a, Specialty. Xight Druggists always in Attendance. Cor. Second and Union Sts., . THE DAILK8, OUEGOX. STAGY SHOttlfJ, ' -JmKYf.Vi IN- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. All kinds of repairing a specialty, and nil work guaranteed and promptly attended to. Call and see bis. stock of clocks before vou leave an order elsewhere. - A. A. BroWn, Keeps a full assortment of and Provisions. whieh heofl'ert at Low Figures. SPECIAL. :-: PRICES to Cash Buyei's. Hittiest Cash Prices for Ears and , other Frolnce. 170 SECOND STREET. The Dalles FACTORY "NO. 10&. fTOi A T? Q of tbe 15681 Brands AVxiJAiO manufactured, and orders from ail parts of the country filled on the shortest notice.- The reputation of THE DALLES- CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. ... . f; I? '', ( ',1 AND OYSTER HOUSE. : " of in; Finest Cooks in Yh Uallea. j AH Work doa by White Itelp. Next . daws- to Byrne, Floyd & Co.s- . " . Drug Store. " '" ' 85 Union St., The Dalles. Just Opened. Ifrs,A.JOflES oprietop. Everything ' the t Market Afibrds, at Reasonable Rates. - NOTICE." All Dalles Citv warrants registered prior to October !, 1890 will be paid if presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. ' - Dated June 6th, 1892. " O. KlNKESLY, . tf. Treaa. Dalles City. - ITiM Floyd oilOWD Staple and Fancy Groceries faetopy TheDal les Restaurant The Ltafcch String Spf ii7 apd Summer, wBm uw?ifi? "5 tbSas' ucit, upon n iiiougni, produces Thflt whlflh nmfepii thM,tnH. v.... -. , - That which inakcK thousands, perhaps millions, think ' WE TRFST TO 1STEEI8T AND DO VOf GOOD. Buv Out Shoes ..... -MANUFACTiyiED BY- THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. ; SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE: : : . The Corrngated BnUding next Door to Court House. , . HaMsomely Fnrnishea Eooins to Bent fry : the Day5 Weei or Month. IVleals Prepared jby : a . First Class . English Cook. : : " TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. . Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. V H . Z. N IE LS6N , Glotlijtep and Tai Iop,- BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Oexxts' E-ui.m3.sla.ix3LS CioodLs, CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, THE DALLES, OREGOS. G-r e at Bar galrts ! Removal I Removal ! On account of RemovalJ will sell my entire stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Shelv ings, Counters, Desk, Safe, Fixtures, at a Great Bargain.' Come and see my offer. GREAT REDUCTION 'iN RETAIL. J . PRE 125 Seeond Street, p spRip flsfl snnp imY mods : - .i.-' COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, ,i -. Glothing, Gents' faFnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shdesi FuH' Assortment of the Leading Manufacturers. Cash Bayers mill:' save money by examiniDg bar stock and prices before parchasing,. elsemhere. H Herbrihg. WM DEALERS IN- Buildinsr S It .Lima; & liberardiscount 'tcPthe tradeujo, all lines jiandied by as. JEFFERSON STREET, between Second Washington SITtrATED AT THE . Destined to be the Best . Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire, x : iOrtl) . . : . For Further Information Call aX. the Office of Interstate Investment Go.,. O. D. TAYWB, The Dales, Or. ' ? 12 Waslitoj, St., FortlM Or. is Aluiays Out I ; SEASON .1892. and rnli drop of Ink, WALTER H. TENNY & . . BOSTON. MHSS. CO., The Dalles. & co:, Hair and Cement. and Railroad. THE DAO.ES, OR Washingto HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Best Selling Property of the Season in the North west. : : : i - :' - - . Rou&fh u Dalles