The Dalles Daily Codele. Entered a the Fostofnce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Local Advertising- 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents iper line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear tae following day. TIME TABLES. Railroads. BAST BOl-KD. So. A Arrives 12:01 a. m. Departs 12:06 A, M. " t, is: so p. H. WJtgT BOUND. 12: 50 P. M. No. 1, Arrives 4:25 A. M. 7, " 6:00 P.M. Departs 4:30 a. m. " 6:20 P. Jt. Two locju freights that carry passengers leave one for the west at 7:00 a. x.,and one for the east at 9:16 A. M. STACKS. , For Prinerille, via. Bake Oven, leave daily at6 a. M. For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave dally ate A. M Vat Dufnr. Kingsley, Wamic, Wapinitia, Warm Springs ud Tygh .alley, leave daily (except Banuavi ate A. M For Goldendale. Wash., leave every day oi tne Mlr Bfiwit HnnilAV At 7 A. If. Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. . " ' : Post-OtBce. OPTICS HOOKS General Delivery Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Money Order " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. unday i U ." ......9a. m. to 10 a. m. CJXWIKO op MAILS trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a.m. -- . West. . .'. . .9 p. M. and 5:30 p. m. Stage for Goldendale -7:30 am. " " Prinevillfc . . 6:30 a.m. Dnfnraiid Warm Srrlnra ..6:80 a. m. ' t Leaving for Lyle & Hartlond. .6:80 a. cu - . i.a,nsiopc. ... .. o.wa.iu. . Kxcept Sunday. ITrt-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, a ,t " . , Monday Wednesday and Friday. . WEDNESDAY - - .- - JUNE 15,1852 LOCAL BBKVITIKS. If you want the news, You want Tub CnBosici.E. If you are not a subscriber, please read his and hand in vour name. . Jahies Donaldson and son of Kingsley, are registered at the Umatilla house. . Frank Malone, it. C. Rooper and Harry Cook of Antelope are in the city. There are now. eleven candidates for -city marshal, with one or two wards . to hear from. A drunken Indian was arrested last night by Marshal Gibons and fined $10 and costs this morning. Considerable freight is offering today for the Regulator trip tomorrow to the Cascades and way landings. - A special meeting of Columbia Hose company No. 2, is called for' this even ing at the council rooms at 8 o'clock. Miss Harriet Wilson, of Cincinnati, sister of our late congressman Joseph G. HrVilson is visiting her nelce, Mrs. J. T. Peters. ' The pennant of a sloop moored west of First and Washington streets, is about six feet above the roof of the Cosmopoli tan hotel, today. Messrs. Thornbury, Schanno Haigbt, nd Burget, are expectfd home from their Trout lake outing, to-morrow, eve ning by steamer Regulator. N. A. Boyer has started on the foun dation of a handsome . new cottage, on the lot immediately east of the cottage just erected by Joles Brothers on Fulton street. A. C. Sanford has just returned from a visit to Wapinitia and the Warm spring agency. He reports a new $12, '000 Mission church in course of erection at Sinnemasho. It. A. Laughlin and Lou Kelly . of - Wapinitia, arrived in town this morn ing with 46 head of beef cattle which they, sold to Woods Brothers. '- The price, we understand, was 2 cents per pound steers, and 2 cents for cows. Dr. Card well,' president of the 'state board of horticulture, is credited with having said that he'did not believe that there would be a car load of dried prunes shipped out of the Willamette valley, from this years crop, this season. . Senator Reed, of Astoria, arrived here last mgnt, ana alter transacting some important business relating to fisheries, , passed on today for Canyon city, via Ba xter, accompanied from here by Capt. J. W. Lewis, of The Dalles United States land office, who has business in Canyon city on Saturday. . The Chkonicle has a large list of ex changes in its reading room, which are open for the inspection of patrons, that they may judge of the merits of their nome paper in comparison with some that are published elsewhere in the Pa ciflc northwest.' Thk Chkonicxr furnish es more bona fide jlocal news daily than . any other paper published in the state, outside the Oregonian office. It 'is estimated, that about half the wool clip of this section has arrived at the warehouses and that the. whole will fully aggregate six million ponndB. At an average of 15 cents a pound this one Industry will distribute throughout the district the handBome sum of $900,000. . That' beats all hollow the sending of that amount of money ont of the country . for Springer's free wool. very discouraging reports reach us from Sherman county. -A month ago tne crop prospects were never brighter. Now thousands of acres are : t 1 a1 - - 1 -l . . wuuracu tuix ruinea oeyona tne power oi all tne water in Great Neptune's ocean to revive. Wheat is worse burned in the Grass Valley neighborhood than in the northern end of the county. So says Frank Connelly who returned from trip through Sherman conntv last . night. - ' '' ' , ' T. J. Driver of Wamic, is in the city. ' Hon. J. Fi Capjes is to deliver the 4th of July oration in Pendleton. . ' The prospects in the United States fa vor a better price for wheat next fall. '" The editor of the Chronicle acknowl edges the courtesv of an invitation to attend the commencement exercises of j St. Mary's Academy, to be held on Fri day the 17th inst., at 10 a. in. A cynical citizen informs. the Chroni cle that the only man in town who is not a candidate for city- marshal is George Rnnyan and that George ib sus pected of being a dark horse. Senator ' Dolph is much concerned a bout the boat railway amendment. . The conference committee has been in session almost continuously this week, and is having a hard contest over every Oregon amendment. V Remember the mass meeting tonight, for the purpose of selecting candidates to be voted for in the coming city elec tion. A large meeting is expected. If it be found that the candidates are too numerous to fill the court , room, the meeting will be held outside. , The coming city election is provoking lpts of fun for the boys. A ' number of them have issued . tickets announcing their candidacy for city marshal, just for the fun of the thing. It is even said that a Chinaman on Front street has issued 500 tickets of this character. T l . c . 1 1 .1 out of the city today one of Russell & Co. '8 elegant 13-horse traction- engines, self steering, and fitted with all modern appliances. After crossing the ferry, the engine was steamed up to work its way over the hills in the famous Klick itat valley-, where an abundant harvest awaits its coming. - As showing the .business done by trains in The Dalles, a gentleman in forms us that by actual count there was upon the road at one lime last Monday, between this city and the top of Sherars' grade, no less than sixty-four wagons. drawn by 160 pairs (320 head) of horses. The day following thirty teams arrived in the city with wool. The Astoria papers have all adopted the six-column folio Btvle for their dailv editions. They look ever so much nicer, Before thia change their appearance was very similar to that of the hen that en aeavorea to cover seven dozen eggs at a sitting, and each column to any one page represented' a dozen spoilt eggs which might have produced profit to the consumer under the ordinary rules gov erning incubation. . June 8th Senator Dolph interested the senate on the subject of irrigation in the Inland Empire. He included in his ad dress the very able letter of Col. Lang, recently submitted to a meeting of The Dalles citizens; and also an almost in valuable list of citations - with reference to riparian rights, which makes of it a document for reference just at this par ticular time, in which all Wasco county people are interested. The subject mat' ter appears complete in the Congression- al Record oi the 10th inst. A special feature of the Fourth cele- j bration at this place" will be the fire mens' tournament. Four companies will compete for cash prizes of $75 and $25. The boys are now practicing stead ily for the tournament and the result will in every way promote the efficiency of the department. In competing for the prizes, each company- will have to run one hundred vards to a plug, at tach the hose to the plug, lay 200 feet of hose,' break a joint, attach nozzle and get first water. It is a race against time, and is one of those things, as a feature of the celebration, in which pleasure and profit are happily combined. There seems to be some apprehension that horses will be scarce, and hieh priced, for use on the 4th and this may have a tendency to deter merchants arid tradea from a resolution to enter the ranks of the procession. There need be no apprehension of this kind whatever. Mr. Cathcart says he will supplv a hund red head. of horses if need be. What made horses so scarce last year was that the committee had so' niany engaged. This year the committee have none en gaged ahead. Messrs. Ward & Kerns have volunteered to furnish the horses for the liberty-car, Mr. R. B. Hood says there will be, plenty of horses, but people should not put off engaging them till the last hour. - - Tin Wedding. t -A very pleasant little party of old-time friends and neighbors met last' night at the residence of i Hon. E. B. and Mrs. Dufur to celebrate . their tin ; wedding. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. R. ' Menefee of Dufur, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Barnett, ; Mr. and ' Mrs. Hugh Gourlay, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Menefee, Mr. Troy Shelley ' and a ' number . of young folks, - who thoroughly; enjoyed the occasion in their, own fashion. The party broke up at. an early , hour after heartily wishing the host and hostess many happy days. ': - - Chronicle. Snap Shots. i New York has an Armenian daily news paper. .-!,...-.' r ' Florida -moss is being used for mat tresses. .' Philadelphia leads in' carpet manufac turing. : , ; . ; , r. ' Wilmington, Del., has lady decorators. A machine makes 30,000 wire cork screws a day. Charch Notice. Rev. A. O. Dolyen, Evangelical Luthe ran pastor from - Portiand, will " preach in the Scandinavian language, in the German j Lutheran .church: on. Ninth street this evening." .Service commences at 8 o'clock. i . ., An Atrocious Scheme. .Klamath Star. C. P. Allen, of Pome- roy, Wash., is out with a . powerfully powerful argument against the opening of the Columbia river. "The villainy of I this atrocious scheme" is seen by him in ' the fact that shipping oh the river would be monopolized. Railroads.- don't monopolize. ; . Railroad corporations have souls that stick right out in the in terest of the struggling people, but the open river monopoly is always a soulless concern. It would plant cannon upon the hights above the Columbia river and shoot into everything in the shape of opposition. . It would discharge shot and shell into opposition boats along the river and shower grape-shot and canister into the egg-baskets and potato sacks driven along the'river roads. Beware of an open river ! It is a villainous ' and atrocious' scheme, .Mr. Allen:. says, to bankrupt ' the ' only ' corporations that have souls ! Therefore, Mr. Farmer, try no" longer to make a higher roost for your chickens! The 'villainy of your atrocious scheme can only result in bankrupting -Charles Hennery . Roost Robber 1.- ... . CROPS WEATHEK BKLLKTIX. - For the Week Knrtinc June 14, 1803, . . Eastern Oregon. Weather: Cool aud partly cloudy weather prevailed with general showers on the 19th. The rainfall varied from 06 of an inch to one half inch. . Crops : . More rain is greatly needed. The wheat prospects were- never better up-to May 20th, which could be repre sented by 110 while now they are down to from'60 to 70, rain" inside the next week would raise the prospects 10 points or more. Volunteer wheat is about a failure. In . Umatilla, Morrow, Sher- man, Gillian and Wasco counties the wheat was damaged by the hot winds of May and some fields will not be worth cutting. . Spring grain was also injured by the frosts on the 2d inst. in many localities, in union, Wallowa and a few interior counties the conditions are more encouraging and far better ; excel lent prospects prevail in the Grand Ronde valley where wheat and fruit promise large yields. The rain on the 10th, was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. . The wheat prospects are cer tainly gloomy but yet it may become better by the occurrence of seasonable rains. . Rye hay is being cut and yield ing two tons to the acre. The frosts killed tender plants about Fort Klam ath, on the 2d. The fruit prospects are better than they are in western Ore gon. Sweet corn will be ripe about The Dalles within two weeks. Rivers: The' Columbia river fell but is now rising again, but several of its tributaries - have passed their greatest rise and are now falling and will continue to fall. - B. S. Pagce. BAXTAtLION DRILL. Armory A. Co. The Dalles, Ore., June 14th, 1892. The weekly drill of the 15th inst, is hereby postponed to Thursday the 16th, inst. for the batillion drill. ' All equip ments have to be returned until next Thursday night. By order of Ad. Kki.ler, Capt. R. Kuss, 1st Sergeant. - .. - The lee Wagon. The ice wagon of Cates & Allison is on the streets every morning from 6 to 8 o'clock. Any orders for ice left with Will Vanbibber'8 express or at the store of Chas. Lauer will be promptly - at tended to.'- - Catks &-Allison. Go to Snipes & Kinerslv's and buv a pipe. They have the largest and best assortment in the city. - -. 6-H-3t Fisher's Sharing and Bathing; . Parlors. From and after thia date my place of business will be closed on Saturday evenings after 10 o'clock, and open on Sundaysfrom 7 a. m. until 12- o'clock noon,'- '- ; " ' - . Julius Fisukr, Second Street, The Dalles. Or. v - ' ' - .'-' For -Reiit. - ' Tbe'tower part of the Gilhousen house on Fulton street consisting of five rooms. partly 'furnished - Enquire on the prem ises. ' ' : . : 5-lltf Building: Material." . - We offer to the building: public a full line of huilding material. We do- not 'resort to trickery to buy . or sell any lines handled by ms. Wm. Botleb & Co., Lumber Dealers. Sole agents for the "Oregon" lime and Oregon sewer and chimney pipe. 5-7dtf ... Itotice. AH persons indebted to the late firm of W. Bolton & Co., Antelope, either by note or book account, will please call at the old store and make immediate set tlement of the same.. WlLBUK BOLTOX, dwl m For the company. "." . '. Changre f Business. , Having disposed of all our stock in terest and good will in the business of Orchard & ,Uo., , grocery, crockery and glass ware, iri The Dalles, Or.- This is to notify all .parties concerned that the firm of C..L. Richmond & Co., will fcon tinue in business at the old stand, who will collect and pay all bills of the past armi ; we recommend our- patrons to continue business with the new firm i above,; --' - OncwAkn & Co. The Dalles, Or. Jine 6th 1892.-- Twenty-five double sheets of tangle foot fly paper for fifty cents at Snipes & Kinersly's. 6-ll-3t Mass Meeting. All legal voters of Dalles City, irre spective of party, are requested t6 meet at the Court house,- on Wednesday even ing, June 15tb, 1892, at 8 o'clock for the purpose of selecting candidates for city, and ward offices, to be voted for at the approaching city election. . Rout. Mays. For City Treasurer. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for - city treasurer at the coming election.- Ernest Jacobsen-. To tne City Voters. Geo. H. Knaggs announces himself as a candidate for City Recorder at the coming election. - , To the Electors of Utiles City. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of City Recorder. . Malcolm Mac Ixnis. The Dalles, June 13th 1892. - For City Marshal. Julius J. Wiley will be a candidate or city marshal at the coming election. 6-7-dAl. . , ' 'For City Recorder? I hereby announce myself as a candi date for city recorder at the coming elec tion. . Frank Msnefek: . For City Marshal. I hereby announce -myself as a candi date for city marshal, subiect to the votes of .the citizens at the coming election. R. V,. Gibons. Candidate for City : Marshal Mr. Fred Halfpapp. I announce myself as a candidate ' for city marshal at the forthcoming city election, subject to the vote of the citi zens. Fred Hakfpapp. 'Dalles City, June 13th, 18862. For City Treasurer. . I beg to announce myself as a candi date lor city treasurer' at tne coming city election. Louis Rordes. Notice. ' All persons indebted to the late firm of Mr. Farland and French will Dlease call at'the old store: now MessrR. Pease & Mays, where Mr. French will be in waitintr that thev mav make - im mediate settlement of their notes and ac counts. -. , S. French, 6-3-dAw-lm For the company. - Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing oetween .E. a. Mcf anand. t. rencn. G. V. Bolton and Wilbur Bolton, under tne name and stvie of v . iJoiton & Co.. Antelope, Oregon, was dissolved on the 2lst day of March, 1SU2. - . ii. AlC-tARLAKD, ; S. French, - G. V. BoltoX, 5:24-dlm . Wilbur Bolton. - All persons knowing themselves in debted to the late firm of Van Duyn & Co., Tygh Valley, either by note or book account, will please call at the old store and make immediate settlement of the same. - ; C. J. VanDuyn, ddwlm ' For the companv FOUND A carpenters two foot rule. Owner can obtain it at this office. 6-3 ICE! ICE! ICE! Having oil hand a large supply of ice we are prepared to furnish onr custom ers with ice in any quantity at a reason able rate. We guarantee we will supply the demand without advancing prices throughout the season. Leave orders at C, F. Laner's store, Second street. ; 5-2tf .Cates & Allison. PHOTOGRAPHER. Instantaneous Portraits. Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Chapman COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs ;- ;, (SucMssors to w. 8. craa.) f Manufacturers of the finest French and i Home Hade ' O J JST JD I B S , East of Portland. : ' .. -DEALERS IN - V Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods' at Whotesala or Retail V !i In Kerjr Style. -.- : Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. FRANCISCO BEER HALL. Second Street,' The Dalles, Oregon. FRED LEMKE, Propr. - Visitors to the San Francisco Beer Hall will find the best of everything, and are sure to call afraln; .... :. - . ... Choice domestic and imported Cigars;, Wines, Liquors, rteer, ttc. Jos. T. Peters tDEALEKS f: Rouoiia no u and a full line of Builders' Supplies, all of which are carried. constantly in stock. v Call and see us at our of Second and Jefferson Streets, before buying elaa where. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and on. many things below all competitors. Miss anna peter s go.. Fine Millinery ! 112 Second street, J O. WHOLESALE Finest Wines Liquor 171 Second Street, Frenchs' Block, FIRE WORKS ! . E. Jacobsen & Co.'s. 162 Second Street. FIRE (QORKS I PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS And the Most Complete and jsi Practical Painters and Paper Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masary's the most skilled workmen employed. chemical combination or soap mixture. orders promptly attended to. Store and Faint Sbon corner Third and SKIBBE c a a QD ti c- H S s a - o a o NOTICE TO ICE CONSUMERS. : As manager of The Dalles Ice Co. I wish to contradict the statements that I was only acting as agent for an outside company. I oo one half interest in the company, and will sell ice this year and for years to come,and should a crop of natural ice come in -this locality ' we will put np enough to supply this city for three or four years and Spokane com--panies will then have to withdraw their agents from here. - Respectfully, : ,., W. S. !bam. Manager. The Dalles.Portland & Astoria Jlay. Co. Until further notice the Regulator will mate trips to tne uascades and return on Thursdays and Sundays, leaving- ine uaues at t a. m. jsenrston rates 60 cents for the round trip. 5-23tf & Co., rN- fissefl Lui new store, southwest corner THE DALLES, OR. MACK, AND RETAIL and Liquors. The Dalles, Orefoi FIREWORKS! . . . THE DALLES, OREGON. A- WORKS! FIRE AND GLASS, the Latest Patterns and Designs in Hangers. None but the best brands of the Paints used in all our work, and none but Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. , No A first class article in all colors. All Washington Sts.. The Dalles, Oregoa t HO I, aj ropr. I 1 la VOoetB O. F: STEPHENS, DEALER IN - Boots,: Shoes, Bats, Bte. - ! Ktc, Btc. IBL Dealer - : s.. "A 1 134 Second St., next to Dalles National. Bank, Dalles City, OregiWv