the Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL VAPEB OF DALLES CITY. . ASD WASCO COUMTY. Published Dally, Sunday Excepted. BV THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. unci hwqq sua v asninijwj'v oiretis. Dalles, Oregon. The Terms of Subscription Per Year Per month, by carrier Single copy ....6 00 60 5 . STATE OFFICIALS- a Governor 8. Pennoyer Secretary of 8tate - Q. W. McBride Treasurer , Phillip Metsctaan Bupt. of Public Instruction . . . E. B. McElroy tnators Congressman . . . State Printer (J. N. Dolnh f J. H. Mitchell B. Hermann ...;. Franc Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS County Judge Sheriff. :ierk..: Treasurer. Commissioners. .'. C. N. Thorn bnry . D. L. Cates .-...J. B. Crossen Geo. Kuch H' A. Leavens ' ' j Frank Kincaid Assessor, .-r John E. Barnett Surveyor E. F. Sharp mipennienaeniox ruouc ocnoois. . . xruy ouem-v -Coroner William Michefl .THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. The platform adopted at the Minnea polis . -convention congratulates the people -on the majestic march of the nation under the banner inscribed with the principles of the republican platform of 1888. . It reaffirms the doctrine of pro tection, calls attention to its growth abroad and maintains that the prosper ous condition of the country is largely due to the wise revenue legislation of a republican congress. It reaffirms the belief that all the articles which cannot be produced in the United States, except luxuries, should be admitted free of duty, and that on all imports coming into competition with the products of Ameri can labor there should be levied duties equal to the difference between wages abroad and at home. It asserts that the prices of articles of general consumption tiave been reduced under the opera tion of ' the tariff act of 1890 and denounces the efforts of the democratic majority in the house of representatives to destroy our tariff laws by piece-meal as is manifested by the attacks upon wool and lead ores, the chief products of a number of states, and points to the : success of the republican' policy of reci procity, under which our export trade has vasty increased and new enlarged markets have been opened for the pro ducts of our farms and workshops. It demands th iira rtf Vmrh onlrl anA -silver as standard money, under such i provisions as -will secure the mainte : nance of a parity of the values of the two t metals, .so that the purchasing - and debt-paying power of the dollar, whether silver, gold or paper, shall be equal. It ' commends the action of the government in its effort to secure an -international conference to adopt' such measures as will insure a parity of value between gold and silver for use as money through- ' out the world. It demands that every citizen of the United States, be he rich or poor, native or foreign, black or white, be allowed to cast one free and unrestricted ballot in - all public elections and that buch ballot shall be counted and returned as cast. It favors the extension of our foreign commerce, the restoration of our mer- ohant marina lv Tinmo-hnllf h;M J the creation of a navy for the protection of our national interests, and the honor ot our flag: reaffirms approval of the Vonroe doctrine and favors stringent laws for the restriction of criminal, pau per land contract Immigration. , It declares sympathy with the cause of home rule in Ireland, and protests against the persecution of Jews in Russia. It declares anew devotion - to liberty of thought and conscience, of Apeecb and press and ; approves all agencies which contribute to the educa tion of the children of the land. It declares opposition to combinations ef capital, organized in trusts, indorses the action already taken upon this sub ject and asks for such further legislation as may be required to render existing 'laws more complete and effective. It approves free postal " service for towns, villages and rurtM communities pledgee a reduction of letter postage to 1 "cent at the earliest moment consistent, with, the interests of the postal service. It approves 'the construction of the Nicaragua canal as a measure of the liighest importance to the American peo ple but insists that it should be con trolled by the United. States gov ernment. C' It favors the admission of the remain ing territories at the earliest practicable date and affirms that all federal appoint ment8 for the territories should be made from bona fide residents thereof. ; , Btead, of arldpublio lands, to the. states and territories in which they" lie. ' The Columbian exposition is declared to be a great national undertaking and congress should foster and support it so eurate with the dignity of the nation, f Sympathy id expressed ,with''all fair nd legitimate , legislation ' tending to lessen and prevent the evils of intem perance and promote morality: ? -It pledges anew to the veteran soldiers -of the republic, watchful care and recog nition of their just claims upon a grate ful people and finally, commends "the able, patriotic, and thoroughly Ameri can -administration of President Har rison under which the country has enjoyed remarkable prosperity, and ' the dignity and honor of the nation at home and abroad have been faithfully . main tained, and offers the record of pledges kept as a guarantee of faithful perform ance in the future. , The most popular fad in the political world is the cry of "reform." The simon pure demogogue and successful vote catcher these days "is a "reformer" and anti-boodler," either that or be is work ed by the potency of .the demijohn and beer keg. These paths leads to. office, political glory and ultimately to the devil , - The Chicago Herald, (dem.) has dis covered one instance where, beyond the possibility of a doubt the' tariff was 'a tax. It was that of a Chicago man who, arriving in New York from Europe, was found to have a eilk dress pattern con cealed under the lining of his over coat. A custom house officer arrested the gen tleman for smuggling and at his own earnest entreaty he was let off with the payment of $30 tax on a dress that had cost him 60. Tacorua, a short time ago bad a spasm of reform and "antiboodle." The-re publican rascals were turned out and an entire new set of democratic rascals were turned in. The new mayor turned his pious eyes heavenword when he was hunting votes and swore by - all - the gods in the anti-boodle pantheon . that gambling and boodling would cease . if the dear people would place his head in the public crib. The game succeeded delightfully, and the "reformers" were elected. Now at the end of. only a few weeks the Tacoma papers charge that the knights of the green cloth are play ing high jinks all over the city and that gambling is openly engaged in by any body that wants to. Kotioa. All persons indebted to the late firm of Mr. Farland and French will please call at the old store, now Messrs. Pease & Mays, where Mr. French will be in waiting that they may make im mediate settlement of their notes and ac counts. S. French, 6-3-dwlm - For the company. . Notice. All persons indebted to the late firm of W. Bolton & Co., Antelope, either by note or book account, will please call at the old Store and make immivlioto tlement-of the same. Wilbur Bolton, - dawlm - For the comnanv. Notice. - - All persons knowing themselves in debted to the late firm of Van Duyn & Co., Tygh Valley, either by note or book account, will please call at the old store and make immediate settlement of the same. - C. J. VanDuyn, dtwlm - For the company. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing between E. B. McFarland, S. French, G. V. Bolton and Wilbur Bolton, under the name and style of W. Bolton & Co., Antelope, Oregon, was dissolved on the 21st day of March, 1892. E. B. McFabland, S. French, G. V. "Bolton, 5-24-dlm Wilbur Bolton. The Ice Wag-on. iA tt-OTnn rvf C.ataa JL, All. o. n ia the streets every morning from 6 to 8 o'clock. Any orders for ice left with Will Vanbibber's express or at the store of Chas. Lauer will be promptly at tended to. Cates & Allison. , Building; - Material. Wfl nffAr tA fhA KniMinn vmiKUa a 11 line of building material; We do not rooor. jo incKery 10 ouy or sell any lines handled by us. . Wm. Butler & Co. Lumber Dealers. Sole agents for the "Oregon" lime and Oregon sewer and chimney pipe. - 5-7dtf COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Prbprs (Siccoan to , S. Cram.) ' Manufacturers of the finest French and Home Hade- . . - . -., Xast of Portland. ,,. -DEALERS IN- Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. -'-J I-.. ; ' ' ; ;: . .. ; . Can furnish any of these goods at Whoteaala or BetaU ' - . - - . . . - - """ ' in Krsrr Style. '- W I Ice Cream and Scda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. SAN FRANCISCO HALL. Second Street, ' - The' Dalles, Oregon. . ; I.FRED LEMKE, Propr. Visitors to the Ban Francisco Beer Hall will find the best of everything, and are sure to call again. Choice domestic and Imported Cigars, Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. - . i A. Pointer. '. "1 am very much pleased' with Cham berlain's Cough- Remedy," says H. M. Bangs, the druggist at Chats worth, 111. "During the epidemic of la grippe here it took the lead and was very much, betr ter liked than other cough medicines." The grip requires, precisely the same treatment' as a very severe cold,' for which this remedy is so efficient. It will promptly loosen a cold and relieve the lungs, soon effecting a: permanent cure, while most other medicines in common use for colds only give tempor ary relief. 50 cent "bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, d&w Dissolution Notice. The partnership' heretofore existing hntirivn V.. Tt. MiFiirliinH S- TTranxl. and C.1 J. VanDuyn, under the name and, style of VanDuyn &-Co., Tygh Valley, Oregon, was dissolved on the 1st J -.c lf lofln 1 i: -i uaj ui Myf iojj, uy n miLULiuu ana mutual consent. E. B. McFarland, . S. French, 5-21 -dim ' C. J. VanDdyn. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore . existing between E. B. McFarland, S. FrencE and E. C. Pease, under the style and nameot Aiarariana & rrencn, was on the 11th day of April, 1892, dissolved by limitation ana mutual consent. . . E. B. McFarland, - ' S. French, 5-21 -dim E. C. Pease. Bneumatlsut Cured in Three Days. Miss Grace Littlejohn is a little girl, aged eleven years, residing,in Baltimore, Ohio. Read what she says : "I was troubled with rheumatism for two years, but could sret nothine-to do me anv good.- I was so helpless that I had to be carried like a Da be when 1 was advised to get a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I got it from our druggists, Mr." J. A. Kumber, and in three days I was up and walking around. I have not felt any return of it since and my limbs are limber as they ever were." 50 cent bot tles for sale-by Blakeley & Houghton,, druggists. - d&w Pabst's Milwaukee beer at the ' Uma tilla house at a bit a bottle. Free lunch tonight at 8 o'clock. NEW TO-DAY. npO THE PUBLIC. It having come J. to our knowledge that a party in The Dalles in selling lime has made the assertion that he charges more for other brands-than the "Oregon" because they are better, thereby implying that the "Oregon" is an inferior article, we desire to state that the "Oregon" is the strong est lime on the market ; that it -will work more plastic and leave the work when set stronger and firmer than any other lime at present manufactured in either .Oreeon or Washington. Wm. Butlerdc Co. , Agents at mo isaues ior toe "uregon" lime, are instructed to furnish, free of charge, any and all Oregon lime, which does not fully come up to the stipulations above set forth. The object .of this notice is solely to defend our goods against the false im putations and statements of any person wnaispever. rne ur.- Alar Die ana . Lame Company, by , . T. F, Osborn, " 5-24dwlm General Agt. FOR SALE cheap, bana of range horses, consisting of yearlings, two-year olds and mares. . For informa tion Apply to C. F. STEPHENS. 5-3dlm 134 Second St. The Dalles. Or. WANTEl)rio0emtte Bluff, in exchange for Work Horses, or Broodmares. Apply to - HUGH GOURLAV, 5-2ti .. . . Chronicle office, The Dalles. FOR SALE finest stock farms in Crook county ; 1100 Acres deed ed land ; abundance of water ; good grass range capable of handling, 10,000 sheep : 300 acres under irrigation. Two good dwellings and out huildines. Price. 8.- 000 ; half in stock, horses cattle or sheep. J! or rurtner particulars Apply to- HUGH GOURLAY. 6-2tf Chronicle office. The Dalles. FOR SALE lots. SDlend- idly located in the Garrison addition. Apply to HUGH GOURLAY, " -2tf Chronicle office, The Dalles. J. FOLCO, -DEALER in- FRUITS, - NUTS, -. CANDIES, " TOBACCO, -AND- FINE CIGARS. . The water used in my Soda Fountain is filtered, and is guaranteed germ proof. FORCpCHES. Superior in tune to Pipe Organs, easier played and cheaper, are the EST EY . PHILHARMONICS. COLUMBIA IGE CO., - 104 Second Street, ICE! " ICE I ICE ! '- Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand, we are now prepared to receive orders. wholesale or retail, - to be delivered through the summer. - Parties contract ing with us will be carried through the entire season without ' advance in price, and may depend that we have notning rrat - , . . PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE Cut from mountain water ; no slough or slush ponds. Leave orders at the Columbia - Candy Factory, 104 Second street, or Ice Wagon. " . - W. S. CRAM, Manager. W. E. GARRETSOH, Jeweler. SOLE AGENT MR THE S3.. All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 188 Second, St., The Dalles. Or. A. A. Brown, . Keeps a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. - which he offers at Low Figures. SPEGIAIi x PAIGES to Cash Buyers. Hifkt Cast Prices for Es anJ otlerMnce, : . 170 SECOND STREET. Fiogff & Silowii, Successors to C. E. Donnam. Druggists and Chemists. Fnre Dnijs ani Meflicines. Dispensing Phystcians' Prescriptions a Specialty, Night Druggists always in Attendance. Cof. Second and Union Sts., ." THE DALIES, OBEGOK. r ; STAGY SHQfllfl, TeWatclaRer, -DEALBB IN- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. All kinds of repairing a specialty, and all work guaranteed and prompur attended to. Call and see bis stock of clocks before you leave an order elsewhere. The Dalles FACTORY NO. 105. fTf A T G f the Beat Brands VJLvTxi. JAjIO manafactared. and orders from all parts of the country filled on tne snortest notice. The reDUtation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON- AND OYSTER HOUSE. One of the Pines Cooks in TUe Dalles. All Work done by White Help. Next door, to Byrne, Floyd & Co.s' .. - Drug Store. 85 tJnion St., The Dalles. Just Opened. ' Mrs: fl. JOflES Proprietor. Everything the Market Affords, at Reasonable Hates. ' NOTICE. V All Dalles Citv- warrants registered A J A 1 4 nn Ml 1 . mm prior u vcioDer i, ioyu, win De paia 11 presented at my office, interest ceases irom ana alter tnis date, jj Dated June 6th, 1892. O,. KlXEBSLY,. ' ti. . : v- .Treas. Dalles City. Swea and Itmbi for Sale. I have 1,400 ewes and lambs for sale cuepv upon or aaaress is. s. K.el say. Kent. Sherman cotintv. Oregon " - 4-23-lmd&w Leading Gigar : Factory The Dalles Restaurant The ItatCk Strring Sprii) a Qd Summer, "Rut urfa artr ' Falling, like dew, pv"'n thought, produces That which make tbOtOands, perhaps millions, think." WB TRUST IO rNT!KKV,T AND DO TOP GOOD. feu y Oon Shoes THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. Te CormgsW BnUdlsj noit Door. o Cosrt Hoi. ; " , ' , . Handsomely Fnrnislietl Booms to' Bent liy tie Week or Month. ' Meals Prepared a TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. H.CnMELSeN, lothier and Tailor, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Greats' -vLrrr 1 CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, THE DAIXESy OREGON. Great Bargains I Removal I ..Removal ! On account of Removal Twill sell rri3r entire stock of Boots and Shoes, KTats and Caps, Trunks and "Valises, Shelv ings, Countersr Desk, Safe, Fixtures, at .( a Great Bargain. iCorne and see my offer. " - '- - GREAT REDUCTION IN RETAIL. J FREIMHN 125 Second Street, m m& p smnpiEa dry goods COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Glothing; Gents' Farnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps Boots and Shoes. , Full Assortment of -the Leading Manufacturers. Gash Bayers mill save money by examining oar stock and prices before, purchasing elsewhere. H. Herbring. WM. BUTLER & CO., ' ;: DEALERS IN " Building Material; Rough and Dressed i ni ii .j r Lumuer, Lime, nasier. nair anu ukiukiu. -A liberal discount to the trade in all lines handled by us. JEFFERSON STREET, between Second and Railroad, THE DALLES, OR Worth Washington SITUATED AT THE Destined to be the. Best Manufacturing: Center In the Inland Empire. - For Further Information Call at the Off ice of Intersta ( Mestment Go., 0. D. TAYLOE Tte Dalles, Or. is Alrjuays Oat I SEASON 1592. and a small droD of ink. -MANDTACTTJRED BY 1 .". WALTER M-; TEN NY &. CO i, -eosT'ON. vmss. ' ' FOR' THE DALLES. " First , Classi English Cook wri Ing Gs-oocSs, The Dalles. Washington HEAD OF NAVIGATION. - Best Selling Property of the Season in the North west.." - ' : 72 Wasiunston, St., Portland Or. Dalles