The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 08, 1892, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
PubUxhcd Daily, Sunday Excepted.
Corner Second and Washington Streets,
Dalle. Oregon.
. Terms of Subscription '
Per Year!
Per month, by carrier
Blngle copy -,
.16 00
. 50
Secretary of State.
Bapt. of Public Instruction
maters....: . ....J.
8. Pennoyer
...O.W. McKrlde
Phillip Metschan
. . E. 11. McElroy
IJ. N. IHHpn
I J. .
Confrreminuin . . . .
Bute Printer
.B. Hermann
. Frank Baker
County Judge.... C. N. Thornbury
-Bherilf. ;.. D. L. Cates
Clerk J. B. Crossen
treasurer ueo. Kucn
Commissioners i (kHtKSSa
Assessor... John E. Bnrnett
Burveyor K. F. Sharp
Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley
Coroner William Michell
It can hardly be . doubted that the
Australian ballot law has proved, in the
main, satisfactory to the people, but, as
might have been expected, its first trial
nas Deen attended with ditticalties that
ought to be greatly diminished here
after. In every precinct defective
..ii . .... . .
uhuois were ioumi in me Doxes ana in
some, cases these amounted to a con
siderable per centage of the returns.
"Numbers were unable to prepare their
their ballots so as "to comply with the
law, and it ' was . impossible for the
judge? to make anything out of them.
But the law effected some good; it threw
the ward striker, who used to peddle
prepared ballots for the wan who had
thebigest sack, completely 'out of em
ployment. It made it practically use
less ana unprontaoie to till voters with
liquor and while in that condition
inarch them to the polls and have them
vote the ticket placed in their hands,
and it must have greatly diminished the
practice of purchasing votes. What
ever faults have been discovered in its
operation, and there were more than
one, can be -eaeilr rectified by the next
legislature.'" '
It was telegraphed yesterday as an as
tonishing thing that an association of
eervantgirl anarchists had been discov
ered in Minnesota. The only astonish
ing thing about nil that is that such a
discovery should .cause any astonish
ment. Servant girl anarchists! The
world is full of them, How many ladies
liave gone into the kitchen and found
tnat in a state of anarchy? And as an
.archy and socialism are near' neighbors,
.how many ladies have Jnot gone into
their kitchens nt night and found a per
fect socialistic society, composed of the
; servant girl and the hired man Of the
a'next neighbor? On the day that the
'.family is served with hash, who- has
failed to notice that the hash itself came
nearer being anarchy than it did corn
fceef and potatoes? Well, we should re-
inark! the train ! dispatcher for the
' telegraph in tne east had .better bend
his massive brain and exercise his eagle
eye in trying to discover any place where
servant girls are not anarchists and
where they have not always been. .
The democrats in this county have
elected the sheriff, clerk, county judge
and county commissioner. It is believed
that Smith of Sherman county has
beaten McDanicl for joint senator.
"AVatkinS and Bradshaw will have a close
YMr fnr fchfi pimint ifirloroahin urStl. ia
- - - - J " .' (' , 1V11 V 11V'
chances in favor, of Bradshaw who may
be able to overcome' Watkins' majority
of about 155), when Crook county is
heard from.
In Washington county Tongue is de
feated for senator. This result is due
chiefly to the Independent candidacy of
Hare for 'circuit judge; which stirred up
and brought together all the clement of
opposition, the weight of which fell
"upon Tongue. Nevertheless, Tongue is
iithe ablest man in Washington couniv.
and it will not be long till the people
"will want him again.
In addition to ths democratic vote,
Chamberlain for attorney -general, has
also received the people's party vote.
This great reinforcement . has elected
him.. Where-all elements of opposition
can be united against a republican, in
, the present state of parties in Oregon, he
will be defeated. In this way Pennbyer
was elected over ' Thompson two years
ago. '
. .The bogus . reformers Multnomah
county, known as the "citizens' party"
niadR a stubborn fight and have gained.
. 'a substantial victory. , The reformers
had the "sack" and they used it gener
ously while "Jim" and "Joe" had no
sack and got left. Political . success in
Portland depends largely on the size of
one'ssack.' . :''
" An impression has recently struck the
versatile brain of the editor of the'East
Oregonian , and it has left the "feelirtg"-
that Governor Pennoyer is "'demagogic J
' That impression was a long' time getting
in its work.
The iehn.d of Mauritius,". where the
recent terrible harrica-ne occurred, is
where the scene of the story ' of "Paul
and Virginia" is laid.
. Woman's Dainty Underwear.. 1
Just what sort of underwear to awnme
is one question that troubles the uverage
woman very much.' 'tibe doesn't want
to wear so much tluit it wall be bulky,
and she- doesn't want to wear too little
for fear she will catch cold. She L tries
first one and then another shaped gar
ment, and the wis woman is she who,
having at last hit upon that which is
most comfortable, makes it most dainty
and assumes it for good. Very little
liuen is used nowadays for one's lingerie,
the preference being given to cambric;
Victoria lawn, nainsook or psreale. The i
last is noted with tiny dots or wee flow- j
era in pink, bine or lavender upon the I
white ground. Then when the garment
is finished the edges have a triple scal
lop or a sharp point embroidered in cot
ton of the same color as the figure. This
material, with its simple finish, is liked,
for sack shaped chemises, for night
dresses and for drawers. It is seldom,
if ever, used for skirts.
The fancy for silk nightdresses still
exists, but- as there .always have been
women who would wear nothing but the
clear white lawn or nainsook, and as
these women are many, the makers of
underwear are specially catering, to
them. Very much more fine work, that
is, handwork, can be put upon a nain
sook gown than upon a silk, one, and the
needlewoman can (make more fine tucks,
fancy' stitches, gatherings,-' hemstitch-j
ing . and drawing of threads than ever !
would seem possible. --Mrs. Mallon in
Ladies' Home JonrnaL ' '
. The Hayeux Tapestry.
Tapestry was brought into general use
in western Europe, with 1 many other
elegancies of life, by the Moors of Spain.
The oldest known specimen is the Bayetix
tapestry an epic in embroidery, careful
ly treasured for centuries in the cathe
dral of Bayenx, and now preserved iu
the hotel- de ville of that place. Miss
Strickland says of this piece of work: :
"It is beyond all competition the
most wonderful achievement in the gen
tle craft of needlework that ever was
executed by fair and royal hands."
, It was done by Matilda of Flanders
wife of William the Conqueror, and the
ladies of her court. It is a coarse linen
cloth, 214 feet long and 20 inches wide,
on which is worked in woolen thread of
various colors a representation of the
invasion and conquest of Englaud by the
It contains the figures of about (535
men, 200 horses, . fifty-five dogs, forty
ships and boats, besides a quantity of
quadrupeds, birds, trees, houses, castles
and churches, all executed in the proper
colors, with names and inscriptions over
them to. elucidate the story. ; It is a
valuable historic document, as it gives a
correct and minute portraiture of . the
Norman costumes and their manners
and customs. Woman's Work.
Ailiaents or tlae Eyes.
No organ of the body is liable to a
greater variety of ailments than the eye;
More than ' forty such disease are enu
merated in medical works, t -. : .
Some of these tend toward blindness,
partial or complete. Some are highly
contagious. Some are peculiar, to- the
earliest stages, of infancy; some to old
age. Somo are due to other diseases:
some originate with the eve itself: some
are the result of external wounds. Some ;
are brought on by the improper use of
the eye; some by the abuse of other or
gans. Some are -partially or wholly
curable: others are not.
As we have two eyes, the loss of ne
does not materially affect the other.
The double provision is a wise and be
nevolent one in the case of an organ ex
posed to so many accidents from with
out and so many diseases from within.
Youth's Companion. "
A Professional Houseclemner.
A woman in this city has a certain
number of customers, all of whom are
persons of wealth and willing to pay her
well. She goes to. the house of each
customer at stated periods and removes
all the furniture, curtains and pictures
from the dr a win or rooms. . Kh than, di
rects the cleaning of - the rooms and the
lurnirare, casing care that the latter is
not scratched or injured in the handling,
and that all blemishes are removed by
carerui oiling. - au the furnishings are
then replaced according to her ideas. 'As
she has excellent taatn. rIia ..m
create a good- impression each time, but
uever aupiicates a setting. , She suggests
the removal of nnnHWNarv niiwva w !,
addition of odd bits that will fill out her
plan, and. keeps the customer informed
in regard to the changes of styles. -New
York Sun. : - - - - ,.- ; '
Bimini and the Fountain of Youth.
Bimini was a fabulous island firmly
believed in by the Indians of the An
tilles, though they could give no further
clew to its location than' that it lay some
hundreds of leagues north of Hispaniola.
On this island - was . the- famous foun
tain of youth., which had the power of
restoring youth and giving . perpetual
health and vigor. It was the search for
this fountain that led, Ponce de Leon
and Hernando de Soto to Florida, on the
outskirts of which the island was gener
ally supposed to be situated. St. Louis
Republic. ' i " .
The Heart Hests Eight Honrs Kverjr Day.
That wonderful piece of mechanism,
the heart, appears- to work continually
day and night, from 'birth to death, but
in reality there are short pauses or rests ,
between . each. beat,, which, though; mi
nute in themselves, mount up in the ag
gregate to eight hours out of every twenty-four.
These short pauses enable the
heart to repair the waste which constant
work entails and without which rests it
would1 break down. Brooklyn' Eagle.
1. J . .- -..', , ., .. . j ... . .
,-::t i, - lYhy the Wren Is King. .'
; The wren is chased every St. Stephen's
Day On' account of it betraying the Sav
iour by chattering.- in a- clump of furze
where he was hiding. I t is called - the
"long of all birds,? because it concealed
itself beneath the wing of the eagle when
: that lordly bird claimed supremacy by
soaring highestU. "Here 1 am," said the
wren, mounting above the eagle's head
when the latter could go no higher.
Irish Times.
. A Pointer: ' '- '
"I am very much pleased with Cham"
berlain's Cough Remedy," says H. M.
Bangs, the druggist - at : UhaUwOrth, 111.
''During the epidemic-; of la grippe here
it took the lead and was . very much bet
ter liked than other cough medicines,"
The grip requires precisely '.the'-, same
treatment as a very--severe-cold, for
which this remedy is so efficient. ' It
will promptly loosen a cold and relieve
the lungs, soon effecting a permanent
cure, while - most - other medicines in
common use for colds only give tempor
ary relief. 50 cent bottles for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton ,;droggiete. d&w
: ,i Dissolution "Notice. . ' ,
The partnership heretofore existing
between E. B. McFarland, S. French
and C. J. .VanDuyn, under -the name
and-style of VanDuyn &' Co., Tygh
Valley, Oregon, was dissolved on the 1st
day of May, 1892; by ; limitation, and
mutual consent.
;. . . E. B. McFaklaxp,
-- '. SiFfiENCH,
5-21-dlm C. J. VakDuvx.
Dissolution Notice. .
The ' partnership ' heretofore existing
between E. B. McFarland, S. French
and E. C. Pease, under the style and
name of McFarland & French, was on
the 11th day of April, 1892, dissolved by
limitation and mutual consent. :
E. B. McFarland,
-......; i 8. Fbench,
5-21-dlm E. C. Phase.
ItHeumatisin Cured in Three Days.
Miss Grace - Littlejobn .is a little girl,
aged eleven years, residingin Baltimore,
Ohio. Read what she says: "I was
troubled with rheumatism for two years,
but could get . nothing to do me any
good. I was so helpless that I had to be
carried like a babe - when I was advised
to get a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. I got it from our druggists, Mr.
J. A. Kumber, and in three days I was
up and walking around. I have not felt
any return of it since and my limbs are
limber as they ever were." 50 cent bot
tles for sale by Blakeley & Honghton,
druggists. lfcw
-Pabst's Milwaukee beer at the Uma
tilla house at a bit a bottle. Free lunch
tonight at 8 o'clock. :
TO THE PUBLIC It having come
to our knowledge that' a- party in
The Dalles in selling lime has made the
assertion that he charges more for other
brands than the "Oregon" because they
are better,' thereby implying that the
"Oregon" is an inferior article, we desire
to state that the "Oregon", is the ttrong
et lime on the market ; . that it will icork
more plastic and leave the work when set
stronger and firmer -than any other lime at
present manufactured in either Oregon
or Washington . . Win. Builer& Co , Agents
at. The Dalles for the "Oregon" lime., are
instructed to furnish, f ree of charge, any
and all Oregon lime, which does not fully
come up to the stipulations above set
forth. The object of this notice is solely
to defend our goods against the false im
putations and statements of any person
whatsoever. ; The Or. Marble and Lime
Company, by T. F. Osborn, .
5-24dwlm . .' ., r- General Agt.
FOR SALE cheap, band
of range horses, consisting of yearlings,
two-year olds and mares. , For" informs-,
tion ' '
Apply to C. F. STEPHENS.
5-Sdlm 134 Second St. Tub DaIles. Or.
WANTED lots, above the
Bluff, in exchange for Work Horses, or
Brood mares. ' "
5-2tf Chronicle office, The Dalles.
FOR SALE finest stock
farms in Crook county ; 1100 Acres deed
ed land; abundance of water; good grass
range capable of handling 10,000 sheep :
300 : acres under irrigation. .. Two good
dwellings and oat buildings." Price, $8,
000 ; half in stock, horses cattle or sheep.
For further particulars , - : -
Apply to . HUGH GOURLAY,
6-2tf ., Chromicle office. The Dalles.
"EY".T GAT T? Twelve fine
JC J Lt OvlXli. lots, splend
idly located in the Garrison addition.
" Apply to f HUGH GOURLAY,
5-2tf Chronicle office. The Dalles.
The water used in my Soda Fountain
is filtered, and is guaranteed germ proof.
Superior in tune to Pipe Organs,
easier played and cheaper, are the
104 Second Street,
ice! ice! Vice i
- Having over-1000 tons of ice on hand,
we are now, prepared to receive orders,
wholesale or, retail, to be, delivered
through the Bummer. ' Parties contract
ing with us will be carried through the
entire., season without advance in
price, and may . depend .that we have
noining ont , . . , r . .. : ,.
Cut from mountain water ; no slougll or
slush ponda.r,i - : i.'-'fi .
j 5 .
Leave orders at the Colnmbia Candy
Factorj-, 104 " Second street, ' of Ice
W. S. CRAM, Manager.
ling;- Jewte.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
13S Second St. The Dalles, Or.
A. Brdwrlj
Keeps a full assortment of
Staple and Fancy Groceries j
and Provisions.
which heofTerr at Low Fignres.
to Cash Buyers. r ;
Hifitest Cash Prices for Egs and
other Produce. - i -
Fioyrr & SIioib;,
Successors to C. E. Dunham.
Druists and Chemists,
Pnre Dims ani Medicines,"
Dispeasing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty.
Night Druggists always in Attendance.
Cor. Second and Union Sts.,
Hb watciXniaKBr,
Watches, Clocks; Jewelry, Etc.
' All kinds of repairing a specialty, and all work
guaranteed and promptly attended to.
Call and (see his stock oft clocks before von
The Dalles
StJ. A.TC of the Beat Brands
orders from all parts of the countrv filled
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day. -
of the Finest Cooks la The Dalles
All Work done by White Help. " ""'
Next t door to ELyrne, Floyd & Co.s
. i ,'- .. Iing Store. .
85 Union St. , Jhe Dalles.
v Just? Opened.
Prs.fl. JOSES, -Ppoppietor.
the Market
Affords at Heasoxra'ble
...v . -Hates. ' '
All Dalles Citv warrants registered
prior to October i, 1890, will be paid if
presentea at my otneer . interest ceases
lrom and after this date.. . ., :
- Dated June 6th, 1892. '
tf . "' ! i Treaa. Dalles City.: j
Ewes and Lamb! for Sale. .
'. , I.h&Ve 1,400 ewes ajod - lambs for sale
cneap. vau upon or aaaress a. . ii.ei
say, Kent,. Sherman conntv, Oreeon
- :.5n... i
. . 4-2S-lrad&w
The Ltateh String
Sprir)6 3T)d , Summer,
j j ' . i J i "But words are thineK.
That which mafces Uiousands, perhap milHons, thinaH." A
Sy v Out Shoes -1-
-p -'.sr. .
ft. . ' ..j:.: - ,,r,
; Handsofflely ; Fnrnisned . Rcoms to
Meals Prepared by a
Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. . '
hi . C. NIE LS N ,
Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises,
Grouts' -u.xrxxieOa.ixa.s; Groocis, '
G-r eat1 Bar grains !
Removal I Removal !
' -' "'V . r i' ,-'' ' 'i-'. i '
On account of Removal I -will sell rriy
entire stock of Boots and Shoes,: Hats
and Caps. Trunks and Valises, Shelv-
ings, Counters, Desk, Safe, Fixtures,
at a ' Great! sBargain. Come arid see
my. offer.
125 Seeond Street, t -
iibv spRitir BHD
Full Assortment of the
Cask Bayers mill save money byj examining .par .? stoefe
"and' prices' bef ov&i pupchasing' elsemhere. -
:: r H. Her bring.
Building Material, Rough and Dress3d
ll Lumber; LntiePlaster, Hair and Cement
A liberal discount to the trade .in all lines bandied by us.
JEFFERSON' STREET,-between Second
Destined to be the Best
Manufacturing Center in
f the Inland Empires
yn '
.. For Further Information Catl at th OfTIc of - -
ft a TATOR Se DMs! Or: 72 isiMt(!i:Sti!Pdrtlaiii.Or,
is Aiixiays Out I
and a snuill d
Hoor to Coarf Haiv .
Bent, jx-tbe'Day,' Weei or.Mostn. :
First Class. English Cook.
The Dalles.
;shihiim:dry bdods
ana bnoes. 1 v
-'I' f :I:!J .
and Railroad,
? s Best Selling Property
; tY& Season In ;thek Northwest."-
' " " .
'V,- - -v. :,v. 4- h -