t C3) The Dalles Daily Chronicle! tutored the Poatnttlce at The Dalles, Oregon, aa HWxmU-clusa matter. Local Advertising. MWConttTiW Hue lr flint Insertion, and 5 Cents? 'per lino for each subsequent insertion. special 'rates or long time notice. J? re-ivea utter man o ciis will appear t.lo followiii); day. TIMK TABLES. . Kallroacla. EAST BOUKO. No. -1, Arrives 12:01 A. M. Departs 12:06 A. sc. " , u-.JOe.x. " w.aor.u. WBST BOCKD. No. I, Arrives 4 12. A. M. 'Departs 4:30 A. M. " 7, " a:uo r. j. " GiMr.x.' Tw1oca Irolfthts that carry passengers leave ne Vot the went at -VX A. x., and one for the t a. u. '. ; :-. staves. For PrinertUe,' via.' Bake Oven, leave daily, ttA. Hj ',--4. -: .vjT" For Antclo, Mitchell, Canyon .City,, leave daily-at 6 a. m. ' For Dal up, Kinirsler, Waraic, apinltia, W arm Springs and Tygh Valley, leave daily (except Sunday) at 8 a. x. - j. - - For iioldewdale. Wash., leave every day of the week except tsunday at a.m. ; orttoes for all lines at the Umatilla House. ... r l"ot-Omce. OFHCE HOCKS tjueral Delivery Window.... a. m. in 7p. mV Aloney Ottler " a. ru. to 4 p. tn. Sunday u ) " . .:TVv. a,.m. tolOa. in. i C14IK0 OF MAILS .' K . ,i trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m. " . West 9 p. . and S:.'Mp.ra. Stage lor Goldcndalc 7:30 a. m. ' . 1 Prinevillo 5::a. m. " "Dufur and Warm finrines ,.5::li. m. " f. ': tfaving for Lyle t Hnrtlaud..5:80 a. m. - ,-. Antciope k.)-a:xj a. iiu ' "Except Sunday. ' . n " Trl-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. , Monday Wednesday and. Friday. TUESDAY JUNE 7,1892 LOCAL ItKKVITIKS. If you want the newsj You want The Ciihoxk i.k. If you are not a subscriber, please read this and hand in vour name. Word comes from all quarters that the neatest and most satisfactory die for coloring the beard a' brown, or black is Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers.! , Dr. L. Vanderpool, of Dufur, passed through the city today on- his -way- to answer a summons as a witness in . the United States court on the celebrated wagon road case. He gave his evidence in a lower court in this same case, about 18 years ago. ' ' "Is this hot Enough ' for you?'1 is- a Billy question ; but if you meet a man . who complains of suffering from the heat, ten to one you will find, on inquiry J that he does not use .Ayer'S SarsaprHla to tone. up his system and free his blood from irritating humors. "'''. .'-;" ,At the first indication of disorder, the - deranged or enfeebled condition of the --stomach, liver, or .bowels, should be promptly rectified byAyer's Cathartic Pills. Tirese pills do not gripe, are per fectly safe to take, and remove all ten- - dency to liver and bowe) complaints. Tygli Valley ha9 been'"an important ,.:trading point .for ... many ...years. ..H. Staley started a store there about 15 years ago which, after changing bands several times, at last became the property of the present owners, Van Duyn & Hollings- - head. These gentlemen carry a fine - stock of goods and do an excellent and ".profitable business. They have juBt , platted and laid out fifty acres in the neighborhood of the store for a town f site, and a number of lots are already said to have 'changed hands,' some of ''them to Dalles people. Old settlers say i that Tygh Valley, used to be ah Indian : paradise and it is a loyely; spot indeed, i It will not be surprising therefore, if a nice little town grows up there in the near future, especially as the people are talking of building soon a church house and graded school. . r . f 4. i , j 1 r MAURIEO. " At-the residence of the brides' parents .'In this city on Monday evening June ;H5th by Rev, ,W.- C. Curtis pastor of 'the Congregational church, James B. Palmer and Jessie 1.' Jackson, both of thiscity. ' v . L zt''- t r-t -i .T9EBLXCTIOK. ..... .. IHcMiim rom Wmcd Coaaljr so . as Korelved. ' " Far TVOH PBECINCT, ; , .. For - "Supreme Judges-Bennett . "1 . . ... ,. ; A ' C . 40; -Aiownria j tv aiKer s ,-' weicn I. r 'Tor r Altorniey v'General-Cha raberlain 1 38; WeTjt- 23r. "J i h 5 J I . : . For; Congre8s-Bright,lj Ellis 24, Luce . Slater-82,; s?H.H ll At $ i - J? or circuit Judge Bradshaw 32,1 Watkins 26. . ; Q': O'."' V",y!-3:: For Prosecuting Attorney Moore 35, wibioti-2-" -w. For member of State Board of Kquali . nation -Hughes 23, Lucky 28. For' -State' Senator;' 18th district ' V -Rhinehart 35f Steiwer 25' i rJ- For State Senator. 17th- district Mo Daniel 20, Smith -40. ': " ' ;' ' ' "' For Joint Representatives, 18th dis trict B)ytbi4q, Chandler 11,; Coorf 22, ' Moore-37.' -. .. ' . ' ' County tygh precinct."1'1 ' For Judge Blakeley 31 Thornbury 25. ,t , r : .. ' For 'ClerkpCrossn: 'so '' Huntington ' F6r SheTiff Balch 18, Ward. 45 ; " ? ' ' " For Treasrirer 3orson 34, Michell 26. . For Commissioner Darniell 38 1 Lea vina22.;i '.-..."-;.. v; - :- . ' Ff A88e8wr-rKoontz24 ;, Prather 36t - , . L?prrSchootSpptFitzgerald38;'Shelly "21. For Coroners-Eastwood 24V Moore 36", I For Surveyor Sharp ' 25 ; Underwood 1 35. , ' j '". ' THE DALLES I'HECINCTS. I For Supreme "Judged benaett 615, j Moore 197, Walker 23, Welch 23. For Attornev General Chamberlain jio vi'Kot AVfl " ' ' j For Congress Bright '.4 Ellis 452, j ncc 45, Slater 323. J ' -For Circuit ' Judge Bradehaw 409. Watkins 495. . For Prosecuting Attorney Moore 309, Wil6on588. . ! -' For member State Board Equalization Hughes 413, Luckey 470. ; For State Senator, 18th ""district JUnehart 417, Steiwer 465' . For State Senator, 17th district Mc Daniel 445 Smith 439. .' iv ; For Joint Representatives, ' 18th dis trict Bly the 343,- Chandler j507, Coon SSSl'Moores 421'. !s fi For"Couhfy fudge Blakelev 499, thor'nbury; 334. f;i1n'- i For1 Clerk -i-Crossen . 472, Huntington 414. ' For Sheriff Balcli 307,' Ward 573. . For : Treasurer Corson 464, Michell 4 , , ... For Commissioner Darnielle 447, Ieaven 414. ,.' For ..Assessor--Xooni?. 541, Prather 329. For School Superintendant Fijtzger ald 357, Shelly 524. , s For Coroner Eastwood ' 504,'' VMobre 367. For Snrvevo! Sharp 554, ' Underwood 315. EIGHT MILE I'UECIXCT. T'or Supreme Judge Bennett 39 ; Moore 14 ; Walker 1 ; Welch 0. " For" Attorney General Chamberlain 35, Webster 29. , ; ; r, For Congress Bright 3 ; ' Ellis Luce 2 ; Slater 30. " - ' -.. For Circuit Judge Bradshaw Watkins 29r f For Prosecuting Attorney Moore 21: 30; 30; Wilson 38. For Member State Board Equaliza tion Hughes 33 Luckey 26. r.'' It For State Senator, 18th district Rine hart 32, Steiwer 26. ' ' ' For State Senator, 17th district Mc-D-.iniel 2J,; 8mith 38. -, . , . , Tor Joint' Representatives 18th dis trict Bly the 31, Chandler 27, Coon 13, Moore 43." ' -: - ' '- . For ' County Judge Blakeley 38, Thornbury 19. v , , For Clerk Crossen 30, Huntington 27. ..... , : ' , I For Sheriff Balch 25, Word S2. : ' For Treasurer Corson 34, -Michell 24. For Commissioner Darnielle 47, Leaven's 8. "j, t'i ' For Assessor-Koontz 29, Prather 28. , For School Snpt Fitzgerald -20. Shel- iv 32: y - ;. For CoronersEastwood 15, Moore 42. For Surveyor Sharp 15, . Underwood 48. 1 . bUFl'H PKEC1KCT, 1 For Supreme Judge Bennett Moore 32, Walker 1, Welch 1. 64, For ' Attorney GeneralCbamberlain 53, Webster J67.; -:f or ttongreae Bright 2, Ellis 68, Luce 2, Slater 44. or Circuit Judge Bradshaw 42, Watkins 83, For Prosecuting Attorney Moore 41, Wilson 83. . For member State Board Equalization Hughes 47, Luckey 76 ; For State Senator, 18th district Rine hart 50, Steiwer 74. t For State Senator, 17th district Mc Daniel 69, Smith 55. For Joint Representatives, 18th dis trict Blythc 42, Chandler 88, Coon 67, Moore 49. -' ' 'v.'.- w - For" County ' 'Judge Blakelev Thornbury 62. ' 55, ; 1 For Clerk Crossen 56, Huntington 70. ; For Sheriff Balch 91, Ward 30. For Treasurer Corson 64, Michell 71. :For , . Commissioner Darnielle 62, Leavens. 61. , , ' '..ir--.' . For As&essor Koon'tz 65, ; Prather. 58. V For . School , Supt. Fitzgerald 60; Shelly 64. .-.V- s. , .,. . t For Coroner Eastwood 72 ; Moore 46. For Surveyor Sharp 71 j . Underwood I .:J... SAS8KNK 1'KKCISCT... , For 'Supreme, -. ' Judge Bennett 35; Moore 17.'-r; . . : -. .; , For Attorney General Chamberlain 22 Webster 3ir-w-mJu, : . Fop", Copgress Ellis 28 JJuctfn 1 ; Slater 14. S; g S ;.', ' "if f .! For i.Circuit . lodge Bradshaw j 25: Wa'tkinai'2.'! H 1 f t 1 For Prosecuting AttorneV--Moore '24: Wilson 28;; - 'i & For Member State Board Equalization Hughes 19; "Luckey 35.' .'For. State t Senator, r 18th- district Rinehart.20; Steiwer 29 'f ' ')-' For State Senator, 17th district Mc Daniel 26 r Bntith 27.'l ..Vjf'-,. to Fox Joint Representatives, ,18th dis-trict--Blythe I3 ; Chandler 32- 'Coon 26? Ioore29; i-nui r :?? t ; For Coanty:i: JudaeU-Blakelev 36; I Thornbury 13. . -' ;, ior uicrs crossen ao Huntington ss. i "S'Sl szj,.: h ... . ' - For Sheriff Balch 5;- Ward 16. ;': For Treasurer Corspn ' iff; ; "Mitehell 25. " ,: X ;;;tr-.- : f - For , Cbutrnissioner--Darnielle 33 Leavens 17. , V v For Assessor koohtz;' Prather 12. ' For School ;Supt. Fitzgerald II, Shelly 39. ; ':,.-.'. ' ! . -. For.Coroner Eastwood 30, "Moon 26. I FPlTor-harp 26, Underwood .. . COLUMBIA PBECISCT. ' ' For ' Supreme - Judge-rr-Bennett , 32, Moore 9, Walker 2, Welch 2. For Attorney General Chamberlain 26, Webster 21. -i For Congress, Second district--Bright 4, Ellis 21, Luce 4, Slater 15. For Circuit Judge, Seventh district Bradshaw 20, Watkins 27. ,For Prosecuting Attorney, Seventh district Moore 19, Wilson 28. - For member of State Board of Equali zationHughes 25, Luckey 22. For State Senator, 18th district Rhinehart 25, Steiwer 22. v . For State Senator, ;17th district Mc Daniel 17, Smith 29.. .;''- For Joint . Representatives, 18th dis trict Blythe 19, Chandler 20, Coon 20, Moore 25. ! - ' r' :, For. , . County ' Judge Blakeley 24, Thornbury JQ. . .. For Clerk Crossen 21, Huntington-j 26. v. . .... , - , . ' For Sheriff Balch 10, Ward 37. ' For Treasurer Corson 27, Michell 20. ,,,For , Commissioner1 Darnielle ' ", 27, Leavens 18. , : , i j, , For Assessor-T-Kioontz 18, Prather 28. For School Superintendent Fitz gerald 18, Shelly 27. ' " ' -For Coroner Eastwood :22, Moore 24. , For Surveyor Sharp 21', Underwood 20., . . ' f , , . For Justice of the Peace C'01"- "" ' ' FALLS PBECINCT.'' ' i For . Supreme Judge Bennett . 75, Moore 46, Walker 4, Welch 1. '' For Attorney General Chamberlain 46, Webster 83." For Congress, 2nd district Bright 3, Ellis 84, Luce 3, Slater .31 . For Circuit Judge, 7th ' district Brad shaw' 43,:Vatkins 70. ' ' For Prosecuting Attorney," 7th district Moore 67, Wilson 64. :- For member State Board Equalization '. Hughes 42, Luckey 89. , 'For State Senator, 18th Senatorial dis- trictRinehart 37, Steiwer 90. ". For State Senator, 17th district Mc- Danel 91, Smith 37. For Joint Representatives, 18th dis trict Blythe 36, Chandler 78, Coon 76, Moore 42. For County' Judge Blakeley 42, Thornbury 81. For Clerk Crossen 55, Huntington 77.- . . '. For Sheriff Balch 94, Ward 40. For Treasurer Corson 39, Michell 93. For - Commissioner Darnielle 30, Leavens 102. For Assessor Koontz 82, Prather 49. ForjSchoolJSuperinte'ndent Fitzgerald 27, Shelly 106. For Coroner 'Eastwood 88, Moore 45, For Surveyor Sharp 93, Underwood 38. . -V , ' V - ' 1IOOD HIVEH PBECIXCT. " ' ' ? Fo' Siipremd Judge Bennett 171; Moore 81 Walker 11 ; Welch 11. :,For Attorney General Chamberlain 146; Webster 140. For Congress Ellis 127 ; Bright 10 ; Luce 18; Slater 27.. - - T . ... to r or circuit juage xsraasnaw loo: Watkins 133'. . ; - - For Pfoseuting Attorney Moore 137; Wilson 153. " - For Member Stalte Board of Equali zationHughes 10 j Lockey 181 For State Senator , 18th ' district Reinhart 142 Steiwer 149. ;' For State Senator, 17th' . district Mc Daniel 122 ; : Smith 166: ;.' v For Joint Representatives, lfth dis trict Blythe 192,, Chandler &5, Coon' 170, Moore 113.' - ; . . For'. County Judge Blakeley 148, Thornbury 128. '" " ,;;FoV Clerk-Cro8sen 164, .Huntington 1'9 -' ' - " -'"- i ' ' . .- .4'aMttt mm t..'ilv.f .. -t.-f tun -' For Sheriff Balch 142, Ward 149, For- Treasurer'i-C6r9on',145, 'Michell 143" " ''""' 4 "v '- : " 5'!'- ... i... For a Commissioner Darnielle. 158, Leaven 8 131. k t- i .-: For:Asse8sor--Xobntz 82 Prather 208. t!or , ocoooi v pupi. Fitzgerald 78, Shelly 212.W,r4:: . : : For Coroner1 Eastwood '139, Moore 150.K' "- -'..;. v' For Surveypr-rSharp 53,' Underwood 138. ...' ; ; -i . .'..t-. 4 .-'.". ;For - Supreme : Judge-Bennett 37: Moore 8 ; Walker 1 ' Welcli :2:'" 1 For Attorney General Chamberlain 27-; - Webster 22vr ,:. v , -'t ' For Congress, 2nd; district Bright 2: Ellis 23 ?' Luce 4 ; Slater 1 8r For Circuit Judge, 7th district Brad shaw 16;. Watkins 32..f?v ,, ,,, , ft1 . . -For Prosecuting Attorney. '7th district Moore 21; Wilson 28. j -..? ; r iFpr Menibr..StteBoard , of Equali zation llugbe? j. Iupkey.ii.' " ' .: For State Senator, 18th district Rine hart 25, Steiwer 25. . fFor Stat Senator.a'th' district Mc Qwletl.mitf. 30. ' Hijf For Joint Representatives, 18. district Blythe 25, Chandler 22, , Coon 22 For., County Judge Blakelely 31, Tliorhbuty l4.' ' '"- - ' - f - f08" ?vt' Hunttngtw : ForSberiff-vBalch 9, Ward 36. ' orfTsurefHrTOa26, SIitcbeH23. . ITqtJ rEOTmissioner-Daraielle.- 34, Leavens I5...'.! ' , . . .' . Fpr'Assessor--Koontz- 21, Prather 28. For School Superintendent Fitzgerald K, S'heHy83.:'J'! l' - '-.i'-" ; -; For Cpypner Etwpod 19, Moore 30.' ' Tor Smveyor Sharp ; 18, Underwood . ".''.- ' KIKGSLKY PBECINCT. . Supreme Judge Bennett .57, Moore 23 Walkers.' '. . ' For Attorney General Chamberlain 39, Webster 40. ? ' ' For Congress Ellis 49, Slater 29. For Circuit Judge Bradshaw 39, Watkins 52. For Prosecuting Attorney Moore 34, Wilson -50. For Member State Board of Equaliza tion Hughes, 37 ; Luckey, 51. For State Senator, 18th Rinehart, 39; Steiwer, 51. For State Senator, 17th McDaniel, 45; Smith 45. - . For Joint Representatives, "18th Blythe, 35; Chandler, 53; Coon, 38; Moore, 41. For County Judge Blakeley 55, Thornbury 32. ; , " ' For Clerk Crossen 46, Huntington 43. . For Sheriff Balch 31, Ward 58. For Treasurer Corson 36j Michell 50. For Commissioner Darnielle t-44, Leavens 43- , . -. . . . . v . For Assessor Koontz 55, Prather S5. For School Superintendent Fitzger ald 31, Shelly 51 : ' V . ; . ; ; For Coroner Eastwood 47, Moore' 34. ' For Surveyor Sharp 53, Underwood 33. .', ;. j; ' .,'; . 1 t . The above is not . a. complete ; vote of the county. But it is all that has been received today'. It . is pretty certain that the democrats have elected the sheriff and county judge. Republicans elect the assessor, school superintendent, surveyor and coroner, and possibly clerk and treasurer. They claim the legisla tive ticket also. The contest between Judges Bradshaw and Watkins is close. Wasco gives Watkins about 150 major ity, but reports from Sherman may throw the result the other way. Judge Ben nett has a large majority in this county. So has Mr. Ellis and Mr. Chamberlain. THE STATE. " ' . , Everybody is at sea. As the Jregonian says, never since telegraph lines connect ed the widely separated counties of Ore gon has there been a general election in the state about which so little could be given to the public on the following morning as the one held yesterday. Without doubt both congressmen will be republican. "Judge Bennett's oppon ent has run ahead of his ticket in western Oregon, and last reports favor his election. ',-'-" '. ' . Fifteen precincts in Multnomah give Ellis 1,619, Slater 990, Moore 1,599, Ben nett 1,009, Chamberlain 1,320, Webster 1,594. The count is slow, and returns from the state are "meagre. . Chamber lain is probably elected. , . ' , V ; .. . . - s - ' ! Several items of news are crowded out by election returns. ' ,; '- .' . . " ' ' ' '5' ' For City Marshal. " I ' Julius J." Wiley will be' a candidate for city marshal at the coming election. 6-7-d-d, NOTICE. , Mrs. Angus Byers, whose husband was drowned a few days ago, having resolved to leave the city, is desirous of Belling her household . goods at private nam ouu nuuiu oe pieasea to nave any one wishine to purchase such, tn mil f her residence next house west of Sheriff vates residence. . 6-7-3t Win. Frazier, of Portland, will be ill The Dalles, on Monday ' and Tuesday June loth and 14th for the purpose of buying saddle horses. He wants 25 head of sorrel, well broken saddle horses, find 25 head of bays, and about 5 grays. Horses to stand about 151 to 10 hands high, and weigh from 1,000 to 1,100 each. PHOTObflAPH ER1.- v Instantajieoils Pbrlraitfl'.'i Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. COLUMBIA CANDYiFflCTORY Campbell BrosrPriJpVs Manufacturer!) of the finest French and o j nsr id i East of Portland. IE DEALERS IX- TroDical Frails. Nuts, Ckrs . . 1 i - '7 T R " Can furnish' any of these goods at Wholesale or Retail Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or! SflfJWNGISCO 3 .r-ciXc"!? I1.ALL Second Street," The Dalles, Oregon, v . ; FRED LEM KEppr; , '. . VJjdtors to the San Francisco Beer- Hall will find the best of arerything, and are sure to call : :y--' r.i it ; . t ;.".'jii'.ek .'!'? : ' Choice domestie and Imported Cigars Wines, Liqaors, Beer, Etc. , Jos. 1. 1 eters & Co., -DEALERS' IN- arm and a full line of Builders' Supplies, all of which are carried constantly in stock. Call and see us at our 'new store, southwest corner of Second and Jefferson Streets, "before "buying else where. Our, prices r are as low as the lowest, and on many things "beiow all competitors. . Miss anna peter s co.. 1-1 rie iVTillinery ! 112 Second street, ISESfti THIS W Webster's Unabridged ONLY $1 E. 162 Second Street. Tacobsen - & Webster & Guhler 'Pianos," also EarhufF sold on easy PAUL KREFT CO;, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, v -u-And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in ' "VST- A. Practical Painters and P.-iner Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masurv's the most skilled workmen employed. chemical combination or soap mixture. orders plomptlj attended to, "i 9 Store and Paint Shop corner Third and J. O MACK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Liquor Finest Wines 171 Second Street, Prenchs' Block, K I B B E NOTICE T0';iCE" CONSUMERS, ii As manager of The Dalles Ice Co. i I wish to contradict thcvtatements4hat I was only acting as agent for an outside company"." I own' one- half interest in the company, and will sell ice this year and for years to come, and should a crop of natural ice come in, this . locality we willput up enough? la: so ddIv this citv for three or four years and Spokane com- I panies will then have to withdraw their agenw.Trom nere.., tespectIulJv.. ,tit ')'. W.i S. Chah. iManacep.i The palles, Portland & Astoria Nav.-Co.. -V- . 1 ; '" !! i aaLl 1 TTT .TO - ', Until further notice the Regulator will' make trips to the 'Cascades and return' on Thursdays and . - SundayS, . leaving The Dalles at 7 a. m. - Excursion : rates; 50 cents for the round trip. v v . . 5-23tf pfl. jj 'a ... ir s -"ISQBj " .w ano ufessea LumoGr. THE DALLES, OR. K 1 .OO E AC H , RT- Go.'s. THE DALLES, OREGON. Organs, installment .jn.tm n -ai TTunfprs. X'nnp Vint fli.. hat. Vknla kt n, Painta imnd in nil nnr vnrlr nnd tviiia Knf Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. : No A first class article in all colors. AH , . -. i "Washington Sts., The Dalles," Oregon and Liquors. The Dalles, Oregon H O opr. , 1-3 3 5- e. S3 .7 o. a 3 x iC . P. STEPHI NS, DEALER IN if LOTHING Boots. Shoes, Hta, fte. ,'' Fan eg : 0 0 Jlo M b iig f Kts. 1S4 Second St., next to Dalles National Bank, Dalles City, regoa. Dictionary Dealer Dry C Goodis