The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PATER OF DALLES CITY. 1'iibllshed Dully, Sunday Excepted. ' BV !' ' ' ' '. ' .' rUE CHKONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second mid Washington Streets, lnlle, Oregon. Term of Subscription Per Year. ...'..'.... Per month, by carrier ,. felngle copy . . . ... . . ( . .$6 00 . SO 5 ' STATE OFFICIALS Governoi ... . Secretary of State Treasurer 8npt. ol Public Instruction. . . natorg ......8. Pennoycr ...G.f. McHride Phillip Metschan E. B. McElroy (J. N. Dolph i. H. Mitchell ... . r.-.B. Hermann ....Frank Baker r:ontrresstrian. State i'ri uter.. COl'STY OFFICIALS, Couuty Judge. Sheriff. Clerk Treasurer ,C. N. Thorobury 1). L, Cstes J. li. Crossen . ..Geo. Knch Cwmmissi oners . Assessor. .. . .. . . !H" A. Leavens Frank Kincaid ohn E. Barnott ' fcurveyor Superintendent of Public Schools. ! .Tro'v Bhellev Uoraner William Michell Every true friend of f Ireland and her cause will rejoice to know that the ear nest efforts to restore ' harmony in the divided forces of those who should stand as one man for the land's advancement bid fair, at last tq be successful., .Xo man better represents the feeling with which the present' situation of politics in Great Britain is viewed by Irish Americans generally than Hon. P. A. Collins, who, with characteristic zeal ... , . uuc .i uuiiL tuiu row xm me nne river and devotion, doing yoe.nan's service . twelyt to Rud Jd stattfm in Dublin for the attainment and main , ahe can take the train for this tenance of nnity. No man realizes more j It is with one of those trips that this clearly that if this be absent the advo- j narrative has to deal, ... Mrs. Towle had cates of no cause, however noble,' can ! 'eft home with a boatload of produce as hope to win success. Whether the new f nul- nd came to town with good sac-parliamentai-y elections shall be held in fess a her return triP she was leisure June or next autumn, or deferred until !TT,0mf OW" !er,' ... ... , . . ... . . , , with its high and very thickly wooded another year, the duty of the friends of banks in 80m0 lUce3Jnil sloping, moss home rule in Ireland and throughout Great Britain is equally plain, unmistak able ami urgent. Tliey mnat forget all bickerings that belong to the past, and et aside every itersonal ambition that stands in the way of that coming to gether which, for the sake of a multitude of interests, is so imperitively called for. The sooner dissensions are healed the nearer will be the hour of triumph. Once united at home, the friends of the oause (beyond the eeas will rally enthusi astically and generously to their support. They have the best right to demand and I - , . . . I insist that this union of ' hearts and ' hands or the menaced welfare of "the old dart" shall be delayed no longer. j , j . 1 The president is a man ot ready wit. I uiie on ma way to Kochester, where 1 he spoke on Memorial day, lie made a! fcrief address at a little town called Wat kins. He was introduced by an ex-postmaster, who named him, with a great "flourish, "William Henry Harrison." "The president turned the mistake hap pily with the following remark : "Some caustic joker, satirizing that pride of family which characterizes the Okl Do ininion, said the families of' that state vreminded him of the potato plant, the best part being; underground." - Cyclones that carry off loaded freight cars and lifts horses skyward - must . be padded with pretty solid material. The destruction wrought by these multiply ing terrors is becoming a heavy item of loss on the nation's ledger. The silver-tongued orator of Gotham lias had the distinguished honor of hav ing a boom town in his own state named -after him. Prosperity to the new bor ough of lteew, near bustling Buffalo! There is a plebeian plainness about the names Jim and Dnve Hill. Bat there's a powerful difference between the men. '" '- '' WORK OF A 8PLENKTIC. A Misrepresentation of The Dalles Iteomerang;. . . Dr. Cornell's mission to this city from Saginaw, Michigan, has been for the ole purpose' of . satisfying himself re specting the truthfulness of a- tetter, re ceived from some enemy of The .Dalles unknown to ite, to the effect that "there is no good ' agricultural :' land within fifteen miles of Grand Dalles, or within fortv milen rsFTho TIkIIm Mnr-li lotfom iuive the desired' effect of the writers: They help to kill'the Dalles," is what Dr. Cornell thinks, now that he has , come out here, . and lias seen for ' him--self. We are vbryi glad that "he 'came; and if any more intelligent people in the! MWfc du;u tut v vji"! aa ijin 11 Will Dalles, we hope, they niay follow the urecedent he has stablished.' We bona the writer ot tb - letter- whicl, brought Dr. Cornell H he-re, if he Uvea In: The Dalles, or within forty miles of here. will call upon liim while he is here,' and "" l-'-' L !:' --' '" . . 4 ignorance specting the 'rpes'-pff r this A-icinitv1", 8ttS V- her, log cabin in front tj . . ! - 1 .' " . " ' . rat 'tthe' ibid 'lr; -fir. rflfn-1- srtrwt- in it not, may the good lxra iu ins provi dence kindly rtVnov6"lilmfrora our TOidst, As.'-'Dr.'CbrV.eTlvnd; other visitors say : The Dalles ought toiiave present pop ulation'- bf ;$ft,000 atr-least,. and with proper development of possible local in dustries s'hbnld readily surpass , any community in the Pacific "Northwest in eide'of five years," . This is the ' talk we have froni'Straneers,''to whom wc should throw open the gates of our city, with welcome loudly accented, instead of. bar ring them out by splenetic, jealous and aadaciona miflsUtemeata. ' A VVOMAJ Ail A DEEK a remarkable capture on pine 11 ' river in Michigan ;; ' Mrs. John Towle. of Strwnvillo, Uaa Had a tteully Thrilling Kxperienc In Ker Life Tnls Story Shoirs That She No Ouly Has Ncrre but Strength. One of the best known characters to the lumbermen and sportsmen of upper Michigan is Mrs. John Towle, of Strong villo, a small deserted villa ?e on the Pine river, twelve miles below Rndyard, a station on the Soo railway thirty miles from here. Her home and name have become famous to the- woodsmen and lumbermen on account of Mrs. Towle keeping a Iwarding house, where the woodsmen engaged on the drive in the spring ; have -always stopped for their meals, it being the only house on Pine river for a distance of ten miles on each side of Strongville. Mrs. Towle came to this country from Aalborg, Denmark, twenty years ago, and first settled down in Newport.- Vt. She was called to attend her present husband, who wa3 confined v with- a broken shoulder, after, the doctors had givon him up. She mended him in such good shape that Mr. Towle decided that she was the woman of his destiny, where upon they were married and started for the wild upper peninsula of Michigan to f make their home and " fortune. Takinir a homestead near the banks of the Pine river, Mrs. Towle has occasion to come to this city once about every two montlis with the produce of the farm and dairy. In the winter she can drive in. but' in the summer there is no other way but to uikc a, ooai anu row rap tne rine river covered banks m others. She had not gone far when she heard a rustling sound above her. "OUT OF THK FRYING PAN," ETci On looking up she perceived ' a large deer standing on the edge of the preci pice about fifty feet np, screaming, with a wolf hanging on its front quarter: The deer immediately jumped for the river, landing close to the shore, but the wolf still held its grip. It . might le noted here that deer when attacked by wolves hi this country will always make for the nearest river, as wolves will not go -into aaliJae uave " their prey. The deer had no sooner left the ground to jump when two"' more ; wolves jumped down after him. followed by ten more. One of 'the1 wolves nian- aged to secure a grip on the deer's hind quarters and' took a chunk out the size a saucer. ' . ; . . . " , . The deer,, now thoroughly frightened and excited, on seeing . Mrs. .Towle in the boat started.for the. boat. The water not being very high it managed, to get its fore feet into the craft, with the two wolves still hanging' on. Mrs. Towle, although half .scared to death, did not lose her presence of mind, but seizing her paddle struck the two wolves such blows on their heads that they released their hold and took to the shore, while the- boat continued to drift down the river with the current. The wolves see- ing this gave np hope and returned into ! the woods. j Mrs. Towle. now that the wolves were gone, found about enough of the sports man left in her to have a desire to secure the deer. She raised her paddle and struck it a blow between the horns, which was not a very light one, by tho way, as Mrs. Towle has always leen used to the harder working side of life and is of strong physique.- The blow stunned the deer for a " few moments, and Mrs. Towle, thinking it was dead, started her craft for shore to place the deer in position to row the boat home with him. i ' '; ; ,: .,, MR. TOWLK FINDS THE PEEK. When she reached tiie shore and was about swinging the deer around by the tail the deer came to and started up the high bank, with Mrs. Towle hanging on to its tail. The deer succeeded in get ting about half way up the bank when the skin on its tail, which. Mrs. Towle was hanging, on to, gave way and pre cipitated Mrs. Towle down "the bank headforemost. ' ' ' " '-1 ' ';'. - The deer by this time had become so weak from the loss of blood from the wolves'- attack slipped and fell down the bank, landing-on Mrs. Towle. She, thinking, the , wolves were after it again, nearly went , into hysterics.. The deer, however; on striking terra nnqa never moved again, and Mrs. Towle pro ceeded to load him in her craft and get home. ' She"- got1 him' aboard, and after -capsizing - a temple of times . reached her small dock, made of logs, in safety.! Her home is three miles back in the woods from the river bank.' She was obliged to leave'' the deer on the bank all night, it now being dusk; ' ': v.- c . . y. ,-.';.. 'K In the morning, when ,Mr Towle, her husband, went down; for the deer with his pony and jumper, he was surprised to find a bear there munching away at the deer. Th t bear, en seeing the man started for the .woods.,, . Bears will only show fight in . .the spring. . Mr ..Towle, got the deer safely home, and it would be difficult to find a more" interesting story to iisterr-o rmiTi that or Mrs. of t'tthe'Wd'lcg' "fire, telling--her story in broken nglish of how she captured the' deer. Sault Ste. Marie Cor.; St;' Paul :Pioneer Press. '..:;?. ' i " - f '-I' '. " ''.. '. V .. - y."' '' , yVrnu Py Tor Alleged Services. ! Ant oldv man named Taylor from Chi-; cago-has "asked several -congresses for $10,000 in payment for having suggested to President Lincoln the idea of issuing greenbacks, Colonel de- Ariiawd has made repeated- demands for laO,000, which, he considers is due him for show ing General Grant how to capture, the town of Paducah, Ky. Washington Ijetter. A Fainter. I am 3i very much pleased with Cham- i 's Cough Ke.nedy," says H.M.: herlain Ban era. the drucrcist at1 llhawnrtlr Til "During the epidemic-of : la grippe here it took the lead and was very much bet-' ter liked than other cough medicines.': me grip requires precisely the same treatment as a very '-severe cold, for which this remedy is so efficient. It will promptly loosen a cold and relieve the lungs, soon effecting a permanent cure, while most other medicines in common use for colds only give tempore ary relief. 50 cent bottles for sale-bv Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, d&w ." Dissolnttou Notice. ' The partnership heretofore existing between E. B. McFarland, S. French arid C. J. VanDuyn, under the name and style of VaxiDuyn & Co., Tygh Valley, Oregon, was dissolved on the 1st day of May, 1892, . by limitation, and mutual consent. - - ; li. B. McFarland," S. French, 5-21-dlm C. J. VasDuyx. Iissol utlon Notice. The partnership heretofore existinc between E. B..; McFarland j S. French and E. C. Pease, under the style and name of McFarland & French, 'was on the 11th dav of Anril. 1892. dissolved In- limitation and mutual consent. - - E. B, McFaklaxd, - S. French, 5-21-dlm , E. C. PASE.. Kueumatlsm Cared in Three Iays. flPfl C-irnps T.ittloinLii ia n litf-tu n.!l aged eleven years, residingui Baltimore, Ohio. Read what she says : "I was troubled with rheumatism for t wo years, but could get nothing to do me any good. I helpless that I had to be carried like a babe when I was advised to get a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain I T . !. J - . . . rawui. i goi it irom our druggists, air. J. A. Kumber, and in three days I was un and walkinsr arnnnii. T havo nnt foH any return of it since and mv limbs are limber as they ever were." 50 cent bot tles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. . d&w Pabst's Milwaukee beer at the Uma tilla house at a bit a bottle. Free lunch tonight at 8 o'clock. EW TO-DAY. TO THE PUBLIC It having come r .Tiiii VnAirloln-o iKrif .al-- S The Dalles in selling lime has made' the i. : , ii.i v. i . i tieec-inuii iunv iie cuarg?s more ior otner are better, therebv implying that the itn ,r; ..." ssrrgon s an lmerior article, we aesire to state that the "Oregon" is the strong- mat I-ittta nn tda mavlrikf St- ..... -. I. mi" w mv luni nb , ttlnv lb IV II V ( J1 K wore plastic and leave the work when eet xiruwer ana jtmnzr man any oi ner lime at or AVashlngton Wm. ButUrd: Co., Agents y a iic ittiica Mjr iuc uregoiv time, are instrHcted to furnish? free of charge, any ttni fill. fOi'Prtiti m xxjirW drta i--vr- ftt list come up to tliQ stipulations above set iAi. Ait iwrci vi .1.111B iiuLice is solely . ..... . vu. wgUlUD. fUVyUlC - putations and statement of anv person whatsoever The Or. Marble and Lime Company, by T. F. Osworx, 5T24dwlm , . General Aet. FOR SALE clieac band of range horses, consisting of - yearlings, iwo-year oius ana mares, rer informa tion Apply to C. F. STEPHENS. o-3dlm 134 Second St.TnK alles. Or. WANTEDS or more- above the Bluff, in exchange for Work Horses, or Broodmares. Applv to HUGH GOUELAY. 5-2tf , Chronicle office. The Dalles. FOR SALE, finest stock farms in Crook county ; 110Q- Acres deed ed land ; abundance of water ; good' grass range capable of handling 10,000 sheep : 300 acres under irrigation. ; Two good dwellings and out buildings. Price, $3, 000; half in stock, horses cattle or sheep. For" further particulars . Apply to - HUGH GOURLAYr . &-2tf ...... Chronicle office. The Dalles. ITf 1U U A I LT Twelve line JL'VU Z.JlJAH lots, splend idly located in the Garrison addition. Apply to HUGH GOCRLAY, ' 5-2tf i Chronicle office, The Dalles. J. FOLGO, -DEALER IX- FRUITS, y - NUTS, . , . . CANDIES, TOBACCO, FINE1 CICtARS. The water used in my -Soda Fountain is filtered, and ia guaranteed germ proof. FOR CHURCHES. I: tf'-r y;.-.i-i - - Superior In tuns to Pipe Organs, easier played and cheaper, are the ESTEY1 PHILHARMOiilCS, I a: Wt - ; 104 Second Street, ... lCEl v ICE! JCE f : - .vi -j.i . vki-.i i i .).-.; . rr. V V Having over 1000 tons of ice on band, we are now,, prepared . to receive ' orders wholesale or retail, to be deHvered through the summer-Parties' contract ing with us will be carried thronch the entire . . season without aovahck . lh i-sice, and may depend that we, have nothing bnt ' ' . ; ' ; " .' L . PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE Cut from mountain water ; no slough or slush ponds. . '- :: .- i : ... ;- i - Leave orders at the Columbia - Candy Factory, 104 Second street, or ; Ice Wagon. W. S. CRAM, Manager. ; "''"' i;': ..i - v .' ?; .-.:t. : , mm mm VVUUXUAlil ( lULi i' f 1 HI P flinn Prft II V. t. GARRETSOii, Ail Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St.. The Dalles, Or. Keeps a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, . and Provisions. . which he ofl'ers at Low Figures. SPECIAL :-: PRIGES to Cash Buyers. , . , "..'" Highest Cast Prtces for lis anJ otlier Prote. 170 SECOND STREET. Floyd & silQWJi . Successors to C. K. Dnsksui. Drugrjsts and Chemists. Pure Luis ui IWmi Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specially. Night Druggists always in Attendance. Cor. Second and Union Sts., THK DALLES, OKEGON. STAGY SHITO -BEALEaj.V Watclies, CJbcksJeivdrjfEtt All kinds guaranteed I it 1 1 nnn leave an order elsewhere. The. Dalles' Gioar: FACTORY NO. 105. CJCl A PQ.of the Best Brands VVll IT l I liLT mnniliiml an1 orders from-all .rtinf t.h wwintrvflllmi uu biw snortest nonce The reputation o THE DALLES CI- the demand, for the home manof acturedl wa vvav JO .UVlCaOtU CVSXJf Ui ULRlCl &.-SON. AND OYSTER HOUSE?1 ' t MU tmtf U J t t S k it One or tb Flmest Cooks in Tne lalles. All Work sloao fcy wtlto'ifeijp." J Next , door .to, Byrnei Floyd. Co. 1 llMi rr fiiAiv. . f e ' i -e v I' i i t 't ". .. 85 Union St., The Dalles t :r -j v & rt: Just Opehed-t yivs. fl. JOKES ProprietdF. Elverything c'xib& J) Mkrket Affords, at Heasonable ' ; !:iO iLVi.'. ' : r; '.- ; .- " - . t .".- KOTiGst.,-. ,rl.: rr;v, . '., All Dalles " Citv warrants ' registered prior to October 1, 1890, will be paid if. presented at my office. " Interest ceases from and after this date r r Dated June 6th.U892. '-'it .f : 'i i .. j -f : : . oPk ITtWItOT V tf.- ; ,Treas. Dalles City. Kwea and Lambs fbr. Slalo.' J.', ; ; I have 1,460 ewes and lambs for sale cheap, Call upon -or address B." S. Kel say, Kent, Sherman countV,' Oregon. . , 4-23-lmd&w ILiuInn .IfiWRlRr j- SOLE AGENT FOlt THE I inifis -iiiiiiwi- mr-j L-..J ... A , FaGIOtfV IE?. Hi HM.' Tli D "t14 t The Ltateh String is Aluiays Out I Sprii7 : a Summer, season "But are things, , . ,. r " wufiuh pruuuees Ihat whicb mukes thousands, perhaps millions, think." E TKlrST TO INTEREST A3il I0 YOV GOOD. Buy Out Shoes -1 -?1.XVFATUKE1 my- THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES, THE EUROPEAN - HOUSE. ,.-..- Balldlng next Door to Court rTonse. .nBsa. . -i:-r ' jkflsoineli:pBoois to Rent the Day. feelcor MontL -- V Meals Preparetf by a First1 Oass EnishCdok: "w TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample- Koosas for Commercial Men! H . C. M I E LSS N . Glothieirand Tailor, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, GVexx-ts' Furn 1 CX)RNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON,. THE DALLESvOREGON. G-reat : Bargains ! Removal I On account of Removal I will sell my entire stock of Boots and Shoes.Hats and Gaps,Trunks and1 Valises, Sielv- ihgs7'Comters,"" Desk,. Safe, Fixtures, at a- Great, -Bargain. Come and see - - ,.- - . my offer; QREAT:vREDUCTIOK IN RETAIL. 12T Second: Street, IIEW ' SFBHIfii HUO . . . l Full Assortment of the Leading Manufacturers. , , aaaaaaaaaaaosaanama- - ' - - " - i. ' . - 1 ; ... ' . ; 1- CshTBdxeiUl save maaey, by examinmg. oar stock and prices before. WJyi. BVJTLER JfcGO:, -DEALERS IN- Building Material, hum tokimmrHt u; ' A Jilisrat discct to ttis trarJe ia all lines handled by us. JE.FFERSOS'ERSPT. between Second . . . t?'i irasiungion .srrtTArEr at the Destined to be the Best MJl'Ul , Manufacturing Center in ; ; .'the Seasori in the' North the Inland Empire., . " 'West.' -si For Further Information Call attH Qfflco of . - ? -v-v i--.,, o rTM ' 0. D; TATMR m Dafles Or: Interstate and u small drop of ink. t, prouv WALTER H. TEN NY d. CO., . BOSTON, tTTk lug Groods, Removal ! The Dalles. i SDmiQER ; DRY: GOODS . ;'. r V-'.' '1,; . purchasing elsacohere. H: Herbririg. Rough and Dressed 1 :'-'- a5a"Ba"and. - THfc DALLES, OS 1 ? Washingtoa head of navigation. JkUXXV Investment Go 72 mum St, Porflanl Or.