The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 'Entered a the Pnetoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, . an second-clas matter. Local Advertising. 10 Cent per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock wirll appear tae following day. TIME TABLES. Railroads. KAST BOCND. "No. a. Arrives 12:01 a. m. Departs 12:06 a. m. " , " :Mr..- ." 12: WEST BOUND. Arrives 4:25 A. u. i Departs 4:30 A. X. " 7, ." 6:00 F. M. " 6:20 r. M. Tm iocs freights that carry passengers leave one for the west at 7:00 a.m., and one for the east at 9 :1a A. n. ' ---'I.; ,- STAGES. For PrineTille, via. Bake Oven, leave daily tit 6 a. a. For Antelope, Mitchell,- Canyon City, leave daily at 6 a. m. For Dufur, Kingsley, Wamlc, Wapinitia, Warm -Springs fud Tygh Valley, leave daily (except Unndav) at a M. " " For Uoldeadale.vash., leave every day of the week except Hunday at 7 A. M. V- Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House., Post-OfBce. ORICI HOOKS t literal DelWmy Window .8 a. m. to 7 p. m. ioney Order "- . . .., ira. to 4 p. m. Sunday ti I) " 9 a. m. to 10a. m. ajjotmto or kails -v ,. v trains going KaBt . .3. .9 p. m. arid 11:45 a. m. " " West. : p. n. and 5:80 p. m. Stage for Goldendale 7:30 a. m. " " Prinevillo 5:30 a.m. " "Dufur and Warm Springs ..5:80a. m. " t Leaving for Lyle ft Hartland . .5:30 a. m. " " , 1 Antelope ...5:30a.m. Except Sunday. ' :'' c iTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday snd Saturday. : ' , - " j Monday Wednesday and Friday, i MONDAY - JUNE 6, 1892 LOCAL BKKVITIKS. If yoa want the news, . You want Tub Cjcbonicle. If you are not a subscriber,' please read this and hand in vour name. .. Dr. F. P. Yandenbergh, of Buffalo, is 'registered at the "Umatilla house. - ' Dr. H. Felwider of St. Louis, is in the city visiting his sister,' Mrs. '. Daniel 'Bolton.. ' V-,:. .j s, . ' The moonlight excursion by the ladies of the Good Intent, will be on the even ing of the 10th. ;'-! . - ; Wool teams "continue. to find ..The Dalles. Some of these, in today, came from distant parts. The death of Paul Henderson, of Dufur,' occurred 'on the - first of ""this 'month. Age 22 years. M,r. J. QvMack has returned rom the turf, ' meeting In Salem. Ho. 'reports some fine contests and a generally joy ous meeting. : . A A kjtj WVMH 1IAKVV n IS IMA AIAIBQ Oregon city typos of more than ordinary" ability, are now employed upon 'the' 'Gazette at Heppner ; i ' , ' .- , Messrs. Seufert Bros, make their first shipment of one hundred crates of fine Wasco cherries today, for the Portland market, .. The stencil of Mark " Levy .& 'Co., is upon each Crate:' ' w ' ' ' ' - Stacy Shown has wrought ome . won derfully nice articles of jewelry. - One of his latest ,. is' a finely mounted cougar claw, for his partner, Mr. Floyd, bearing upon it the masonic emblem, initials, .and finished chasings. f . Mrs.' C. -Frazier, one of The' Dalles 'most prominent art teachers, left Sun day afternoon on a two weeks' visit to Telativee in Independence, and during mer aDsence will visit friends in Port Hand, Albina, Cloverdale and Monmouth. There will be a meeting of the Alumni -Association of the Wasco Independent Academy tomorrow (Tuesday), evening, at 7 :30 o'clock at 'the residence of Mr. 'Geo. Ruch. All 'members' are requested to be present. . By, order of the presi dent, Nona Ruch, secretary' ' The Sunday schools of Three Mile and Fairview had a joint meeting yesterday iand enjoyed , some ' excellent. 'singing.' Little Myrtie and Ttetta Stone, grand- -slaughters of Odpt. Stone," were present, -and with their really fine voices contri buted much' ilo Jthe' pleasures of the occasion. , , t ,.. V!. Young Jdhnny tsturling, the telegraph messenger boy, was badly -i hurt this 'morning by being " thrown from Mr. 'Booth's delivery wagon and run over by h horse. ' Hewas waiting in ' the wagon at a residence-where the driver was de livering a package, when a passing team started the horse. At Cross' corner the - runaway -collided with another ' rig, throwing'tfare boy out, 'and' he 'was run over. Hes ! badly Ijr'qsed. but it Is hopeVlno, bones are broken. Dr. F.sbel man was called 'to attend the case.. Although the ballots in use today are tuearly as long 'as the law which makes . Ttheir use -necessary; but little difficulty was. experienced . in getting- tnem lato the boxes. ' With tome it was a laborious job searching out -the names' of candi dates they wanted to vote for. 1 It was a K jpy to the, Chronic whb always ; scratched of scratching today, in order to comply with ihe :law.-' ;v r'. fV "a : ' -. ; The accidental drowning at Celrtoj of.1 -nr. a. xjyers, was more than usually sad. Hiswrfe is overcome ' with; - grief , ' -and lio event can occur to alleviate the .burdens of her sorrow . more 'than' thq restoration ' Of ' the 'body for Christian burial, hence ?t is doubly hoped, for -her sake that he may be found,' although it eema a hope against fate, owing to' the turbulent condition of the ' Columbia in 'tape8etfcgh.sta'-V;.;':''''',-''.:--r-'-- ; Mr..and Mrs. L. Samuels and Mrs. H. Levy, were guests at the Umatilla house yesterday. They are guests today of Mr. and Mrs. Seufert, and will return to Portland this morning. ; Mr. S. G. Eigdon, of Russell Sc Co., Portland, has been in this vicinity for several days. With Mr. Hood he has become quite well acquainted with the richness of Wasco and Klickitat counties. " Some pretty little lambs, which were too weak to keep up with the proces sion, in a 12,000 band of sheep taken out of Oregon yesterday, were distributed amongst good little boys and girls of The Dalles yesterday. .' .' At Lyle, a promising little commun ity below The Dalles, on the Washing ton side of the Columbia, the good peo ple met together Saturday , evening' and enjoyed a very successful rendition of The Mikado, by local talent. A gentle man who was present, speaks well of the entertainment.' .-", s k 'i flanf! MWVnHv ronnrfi thot (n LlT-fcSa experience on the middle Columbia river he never met with a stronger, wind than blew, yesterday when he made a land ing at Moeier. It required skillful use of the Kedge to warp the Regulator' away from the landing, and considerable time was .lost' in the effort. . . The air is full of rumors of new dis coveries of gold. It is said that eighteen claims have been filed near the mouth of Wood gulch and that Moee .Claofsen and ' Elmer Hadley have discovered a quartz ledgl on Rock creek,' on thes- ilc Cann place. Old-timers willi. recognize it as the McClellan, formerly the Rene Smith; ranch.' The ferry was kept busy all day yes terday ferrying a band of 12,000 mutton sheep across the Columbia at this point, for the' markets of Puget sound and 'British Columbia.--They are the- prop erty of Mr. J. A, Anderson, and will be pastured in Eastern Washington and marketed in accordance with the com mercial law of supply and demand. Recently,1 upon an 'order from . Mrs. Sinnbtt, Seufert Bros J shipped a couple of Royal Chinook Salmon to her sons, in college at Notre Dame, Indiana.' The fish were highly appreciated, as will be seen by the following from Roger S., ac knowledging receipt of the fish , and of the reception accorded to them, he says: "They came in excellent condition, and created ajgreat stir among the epicureans of Notre Dame. ,.. All of whom. were, loud in their praises, and admitted that it was the and most luscious denizen i of the deep- 'that . had ever tickled their Wlates. v Father Walsh and the rest, made more than one stab into the juicy sides of its car mine flesh. The larger fish was - served up to more than forty people; and; there was enough left to feed a few "more." ' It was the first delicacy of that kind eaten by a good number here. I sent a piece to all the Oregon contingent, and they were delighted to receive the same. The Gsh came hard and plump ; in fact, as if they had been out of the water only afew.hours.iye still have one, leftjn anticipation of a barbecue next Friday." '- - - .: ' : : J ?i . Yesterday the old sailors,' song would have been enlivening to scenes7 on the Regulator, at Mosier; .'".",, Blow ye winds of morning, t. ., '' . . ; Blow ye winds he, ho, ' , ' ' ' , . Clear away the morning dews And blow ye winds, he', h. Coming in from Antelope yesterday, passengers - "passed the happy hours away" chanting r "' , V Oht blow, wind, blow, from the far Northwest, -And make the dust give us a rest. ; low it high, blow It low, blow it all away ; 'Prom this dusty here below. -- "On the borders of the city they were met by a musical quartet with Oh ! the dUMt, the palpable dust ! 4t-chokes aiike the bad and the just ! It rUls one s eyes, and ears, and nose, And sifts through ladies finest hose 'Or maybe it -sort o'probably does. t Win. Frazier) of Portland,' will be in The Dalles bh Monday ' and Tuesday June 13th and 14th for' the purpose of buying saddle horses. Jle wants 25 head -Of sorrel, well broken saddle horses, and 25 head of bays, and about 5' grays. Horses ,o -stand about 15 to,-36 hands high, and weigh from 1 ,000 to 1 ,1 00 each . .-i:'!-i'v'TT,.erP,1fe ,laabea.".'. Like -demon-' incarnate ;-seems the work of destruction, through cloud 'bursts, flood and fire, in the Pennsyl vania oil region's yesterday. Flooded by waters, from a cloudburst, bursfing tanks of -oil, and fire, Oil creek sweeps the region of its course' - with the direst of calamity. ". One hundred aud fifty lives, ahd three million :' dollars worth of property, were lostjuTjo'ler-Vdanger is threatened. q rn No satistactory' estimates of the strength of eitlier faction In ' Minneapo lis has yet l)een furnished.- ' ' The Colonial la raking over the hot bed, of offieiar-oorruption in Victoria. :.'.. .: -i ";,V6uni -: :i A carpenters two foot rule. Owner can obtain it at this office. -1 'f . 6-3-t JV..:. I ;-rt- ... . Change of Business. Having disposed of all our stock in tetest and good will , in the business of Orchard & Co.f groeery, crockery and glass ware, in The Dalles, Or. ' This is to notify all ' parties concerned. , that - the firm of C. L. Richmond & Co., will con tinue in business at the old stand, who will collect and pay all bills of the oast -firm-. We recommend our patrons to continue business with the'new' firm as above. ' ' .- 1 Obcrabd & Co, - 'Tftetalle8Or;,rJurje 6th-1-892. THE OLOKIOUS FOURTH. Tbe- Work of Preparation Prorrtmliir .Satisfactorily. The executive committee of the Fourth of July celebration met in the council chamber ; Saturday evening to report progress, and to act upon suggestions as to the best methods of proceeding. Sub divided the committee - have appor tioned . their work, and with " the co-operation, of citizens generally feel confident of success. There will be the usual salutes, a fine procession, in which all the military and civic societies of the city will be invited to join, includ ing the city officials, council, fire depart ment, etc. In the grove there will, be both Vocal and instrumental music, reading of the declaration of, Indepen dence, oration, and ' literary exercises. Afternoon various attractive features are to be provided, chief of which will be the firemen's tournament.' Several liberal prizes are to be given for thisj and other contests'. The liberty car, and mechan ics, arts, 'and mercantile trades, it is ex pected'will be a feature of the procession. Ferriage across the river will be free , to all visitors from north of the Columbia. A fine display of fireworks will close the festivity. The whole surrounding country' will : be: invited, and nothing will be left undone, which it is possible for the committee .to do,' to render the occasion interesting. ' AN UNFORTUNATE MAX. : . .' .-..--: ; -. i nisali'led Perhaps for Life, While Steal ing a Klde to Oregon. A man named Arthur M. Freeman, while in the act of stealing a ride west through the Blue' mountains Saturday, was seriously injured, and was brought to the - Umatilla' house in a dangerous condition. Usually, in cases like this, the public learn very little about them, except that a tramp was killed or hurt. In this instance however, an opportunity was afforded to gain' particulars, and a reporter of The Chronicle visited the man in room 115, at the Umatilla house, where his case is being attended, to, at the expense of the railway company j by Dr. Doane. At first it seems about as strange that a man 'injured by his own carelessness, while unlawfully appropriating' to himself trans portation over, a line of. rail way should be picked up and cared for by the company he was pilfering from, as that he should be taken to the hos pital by the man in whose house he may have met with an accident while in the pursuit of his profession . as a bnrglar ; or as if, in holding up a train, he had been accidentally wounded. But it is one of the inscrutable mysteries of Prov idence, perhaps, that this is so, "and it goes to prove that some things are done, some times, by a railway monopoly, out side i of ' the usual t routine. This man Freeman seems to be Worthy of a higher classification than the ordinary tramp. He appears to be in possession of the principles of sobriety, and the habits of industry, but is - sadly out of luck. Last year he spent whatever money he had, and much of his time, in a Denver hospital. He has a father, mother and brothers, all of whom are on the ragged edge in the race of life,' and ' unable to help .him; ,He, ibeing unable to help himself financially, could not respond to a letter in his pocket from bis poor old mother, asking him jfor money. - His case was a desperate one, and setting his face toward Oregon, in the hope of bet tering his condition, he. must steal a ride or go on foot. He watched for : an op portunity, and mounted the top of a Pullman,- coach; 'to' seek . the . regions where hope Jed himV.'ne became chilled' from exposure, andV when the train stopped Was in the act of descending from his perch when he was caught-'between the projections of the car roofs and, was so crushed , that . he lias , beens rendered phisically helpless, possibly1 ; forever. Ifl'j this 'condition 1, he .' was ' taken into thenar, and will perhaps be carried on. today, if able,.to a hospital in Port-land.'-i A stretcher with 'the 'Union Pa-: cific; . label on 'it,' rested in, the "hallway this: morning, opposite .the room iin which he was being attended,, and pos sibly we may never know anything1 fur ther concerning his fate ; but from, what has been: seen by ; The Chbokicxk re porter? enough is learned to -call, public attention to this phase of railroading, and to lead to reflections as Ho' whether or nothere should be eomesyattm ; de vised to meet emergencies such as this. It is perhaps an isolated case in the career of an unfortunate class which Is steadily oh the increase, tut it "suggests that there ; ought to be a " remedy amongst all the benevolent associations of the land, to reach out for deserving victims of the failure... of .success. Were he a Mason, an Odd Fellow j aJEhight of Pythias, or a member of the ;:U.''W.i- bis case1 would at once! be seen to,- dm uniortunately lor him he is not allied to either of these organizations. Is there not some organization to furnish relief in" a. matter of.tbis't kind?r In ad ministering to the unfortunate it became necessary J6f ..TrJ Doahet 4d", prescribe BtimulentsV To' this "Freeman, strenu ously as Ko could, objected, saying that ixe Beyer used liquor, and this is the -in- jciderJt .Which called our reporters' .atten tion to ins unhappy condition. .' The island: - of, Matwitius;' where t&'e recent terrible' hurricane occurred.- is where the scene ofttie- story of 'PauT an Virginia" isriaidii - " . i When it became known in The Dalles that Mr, Blaine had resigned the office ' of secretary of state and that the presi dent had accepted . his resignation promptly, it created quite a stir in ooli- I tical circles. Opinion among the leading; republicans seemed to be in favor of ! Blaine, and the majority of the men ap proached declared that his nomination was 'now assnred, and that it meant the triumph of the republican party next Xovember by an immense maioritv. Not all, however, were of this' opinion. Here and there an old hand was found who failed to summarize the situation j that way. Among the democrats the news was everywhere received with de- ! light. All of them were jubilant about.; it, and freely expressed the opinion that Blaine would surely be nominated, and as surely beaten. The Ciikoniclb voices the sentiment of reflective minds when it adds that it is much easier to say light things than it is .to candidly weigh the facts concerning Blaine, and at this time in his nomination we see signs' which must inevitably be the crowning achievment of his eventful life and am bition. There are more people today in the United States who want to - vote for James G. Blaine electors than were ever counted for any man before, and," with all due allowances if he is the nominee -he will sweep the country. - - Moonlight Excursion. - Under'the management of the Good Intent society, a moonlight excursion will be given on the steamer Regulator, Friday evening the 10th. ; Steamer will start from landing at eight and return about twelve. "A pleasant time is an ticipated and a cordial invitation is ex tended to the good people of The Dalles. Tickets 50 cts., will be found at Snipes and Kinerslys. Ice cream and cake will be served at 25 cts. extra. Committee. Notice. All per-ons indebted to the late firm of Mr. Farland and French will please call at the old store, now Messrs. Pease & Mays, where Mr. French will be in waiting that they may make im mediate settlement of their notes and ac counts. - S. Fkencii, 6-3-dwlni For the company. Notice. All persons indebted to the late firm of W. Bolton & Co., Antelope, either by note or book account, will please call at the old store and make immediate set-' tlcmentofthe same. ;. ' ' . WlLBPB BOLTOX, dwlm For the company. Notice. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the late firm of Van Duyn & Co., Tygh Valley, either by note or book account, will please call at the old store and make immediate settlement of the same. C. J. VanDuvn, dwlm - - For the company. Sheep Wanted. Curtis & Smith of Centerville Wash, want to buy 1,000 head of sheep.' Any one having them for sale please write us at the above named place. 5-31-dwtf ... Ccbtis & Smith. The lee Wagon. The ice wagon of Cates & Allison is on the streets every morning from 6 to 8 o'clock. Any orders for ice left with Will Vanbibber's express or at the store of Chas. Lauer will be promptly at tended to. Cateh & Alusox. Building Material. ' We offer to the building public a full line of building material. We do not resort to trickery to buy or sell any lines handled by us. ' Wm Butleb& Co., Lumber Dealers. : Solo agents for the 'Oregon" lime and Oregon Bewer and chimney pipe. 5-7dtf ' A Pointer. "I am very much pleased with Cham berlain's Cough .Remedy," says H. M. Bangs; the druggist at Ubatsworth, 111. "During the epidemic of la grippe here it tobk the lead and was very much bet ter liked than other" cough' medicines." The grip requires precisely the same treatment as a very severe cold, for which this remedy is so efficient. It will promptly loosen a cold and relieve the lungs, soon effecting a permanent cure, while most other medicines in common use for colds only give tempor ary relief. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. d&w; :' -.: . i ' ' ''. . v it. p. j ICS! ICE I ICB! Having on hand a large supply of ice we are prepared to furnish our custom ers with ice in any' .quantity at a reason able rate. We guarantee we will supply the demand without advancing prices throughout the season. -; Leave orders at C. F. Lauer's store, Second street. . 6-2tf - -. Gates & Allison. COLUMBIA CAN P.Yj FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs uiiRsssor to t; i. cram.) Manufacturer-of the. finest French and Home Made East of Fortiana; -: v"5i 1 ' DEALERS HT.....1 r r,n , . .. ' i ( i-' "Can furnish any of tiese goodat Wnolesxla orBetail -! lea Cream and Soda Water. ? ?.-) -. -yi :1;-.X' '.v'i.'i-:' 104 Second Street! The Dallee, Or OS. -DEALERS IN- BpM a Dressed LuiqDer, and a full line of Builders' Supplies, all of which are carried constantly in stock. Call and see tis at our new store, south-west corner- of Second and Jefferson Streets, before buying else- wnere. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and on inay .things below all competitors. Miss anna peter s co.. Fine Ivlillinery ! 112 Second street, NEM THIS WEEK! Unabridged ONLY $1 HT- E. 162 Second Street. Jacobsen Webster & Grahler Pianos, also Earhuff Organs, , ' . sold on easy PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS ; .,' ' And the Most Complete and the 6rPractical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masnry's Paints used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masary Liquid Paints. N chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. . . . ','.! .- " ' : ' . ' . Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts., ' . The Dalles, Oregon. J. O. WHOLESALE Finest Wines Liquor 171 Second Street, Frenchs' Block, S PCI B B E NOTICE TO ICE CONSUMERS. As manager of The Dalles Ice Co.- I wish to contradict the statements that I was only acting as agent for are outside company. I own one half interest in the company, and' will sell ice this year and for years to come.and should a crop of natural ice come in this locality we will put up enough to supply this city for three or four-years' ahd Spokane Com panies -will then haye-to withdraw ' their agents from here. Respectfully,; ',.. . 5 ". .W.- S. Cham, .Manager, The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Ha v. Co. ; , , , SOHEDTJIjE.; "7 tTritil farther "notice the Regulator will make trips to the Cascades and return on Thursdays and Sundays, leaving The Dalles at 7 a. ExcnrgioD rates: 50 cents for the round trip. . 6-28tfw ; JB. J. W . '' Xi. SK I HBB, Propr. w -5 f , Mi-it ssss ex. THE DALLES, OR. LOO EACH, & Co.'s. THE DALLES, OREGON. installments. ' AND GLASS, Latest Patterns and Deeigns in MAGK, AND RETAIL, DEALERi and Liquors. The Dalles, Oregon H OTE L, a: ..E2-.. c . r .: Stephens; DEALER IN.- ..; -'. :.i -. ;.-.:-.! Boots, Shoes. HtS, XA. JC-' 134 Second St., next to Dalles Katkma ,. ; - Bank, Dalles City, Org . .. Dictionary Goods