The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 04, 1892, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Poatofilce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as xcuon4-laMi mutter.
- - Local A clTerttKlna:- . -
10 Cent per line or first insertion, nnd 5 Cents
per Hue lor each Mibseqnent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices. -All
local notices received later than i o'clock
will appear tae following duy.
, ' JtalIroal..' :Tfr.
No. -i. Arrive 12:01-A. St. ' . " Depart 12 :0 A. M.,
- 8, " 12:3ft P. X. 12: 50 P. M.
' s - Tin bocsd.
Ko.l, Arrive 4:2.1 A.M. Departs 4:30 A. K.
" 7, 6:00 P. U. 6:20 P. M.
Two locu freiirhta that earry passciiRers leave
one for the wmtaf 7:00 a. m., andone for the
out at :li A. K. ; . - a ,
trti-f-i fr -r-' ' .-X :
For "l'rinevlllc, via;' Bake Oven, leafe-daily
t6 A.M.'- '.' , '
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon ity, leave
'fot Duf ur, KinRHley, Wamic, Wapinif ia, Warm
Spring and Tysih Valley, leave daily (except
Bundav) at 6 A. M.
For Goldendale. Wanh., leave every -day of the
week except ttunday at 7 A. M.
umcen for all lines at the Umatilla House.
n it r rrrr,-' t C r
--."-orrtca- ouas
eineral Delivery Window..
, to 7 p. nl.
Money order
er , ..... nu to 4 p. m.
l ,.',...",-. .vjl. m.,toI0a. in.
f r ... v i
sunaay w
trains going East.... 9 p xa. and 11:43 . m.
" West..;... p. i. and o::p. m.
8tfe for Goldendale 7:30a. m.
" f " Prineville....:-v 5:30 a.m.
.V '"Dufurand Warm Springs. .5:80 a.-m.
' 9
n" Ulnvliw for I.vlc Al llartland. .6:80 a. m.
"..jAureiape.. . . . .:.o;ou, in.
. TC-ivnt"Knni1iiV-
. Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
Monday Wednesday and Friday..
SATURDAY - f- - ' JUNE 4, 18U2
If you want the news; 'j- ; ." : ;-
. You want Thk Cnnosic.B. .. '. .
If you are not a subscriber, please read
tnis and hand in your name. "' -
Some wooi sold in The Dalles at from
11 to 14 cents a pound today.
-'' Mr. J.'K. Taylor, of Bellinghaiu bay,
arrived in the city on the noon train v.;
Mayor Mays was in the city today at
tending to official and private" business.
Minneapolis will be the political center
of the country for the next week or two.
A rate of $3.14 per cwt., on wool from
'The Dalles to eastern points, went into
effect yesterday.
Labor day was suitably observed in
The Dalles, as a half holiday, wherever
possible to do so. v :
Mrs. P-wntx left. for the east. today- tol
i Vbe.'ia attendance at'the; bedside ioI her
- mother, who is reported ilI.-'-j-r ; . : , ,.
Martin Donnell met with an accident
3b the pharmacy of Snipes & Kiiiheraly
thi8 morning, which cost bini a 8iiit of.
'clothes. The phial that broke contained
sulphuric acid. - .' " ., r!
The old marks coming back to The
Dalles 'this 'season on wool sacks -is
. prima facia evidence that t)ve - Regulator)
people are deserving more credit than
they receive for fixing prices. " --- i
R Mays', M.'P.Jsenbrg7 and Ed
itor Gourlay addressed a rousing meet
ing at Dufur last inght.: - J. --C Leasure
spoke at the Court' house in this city.
Today will wind up the campaign. ; ' '
Mrs. Smith 'French' gave, a tea' last
evening in honor of Judge Condon's
sister, now 'visiting The Dalles from the
east. The menu card was a handsome
piece of painting by a young lady of this
xcity..-!".:4ff.; IA .
Elder . F, Bonney writes a sketch of
the late Wm. A. Allen,. .of Eight.mile
.whose sadden death cast a sad' gloom
over circles where the decease wasbest
- known, on the 28th,, also pays a deserv
ing tribute to the sons , and - daughters
who mourn the father. l " "
The average Dalles strawberry, for ex-.
moicion purposes this reason, average
-sixteen jyt& pound. This' beata the
loitowing recora: "A- iruit raiser on
lake Washington, near Seattle, recently
picked fifteen BtrawbeTrles from his vines
that weighed thirteen ounces and filled '
a large sised berry" Ix." '
X. Holden of. -Grass Valley, was. ran
over Tuesday in Tygh Valley by a wagon,
, loaded with 1,200' feet of lumber. ; Mr.
. Holden had got off the wagon to pick up
some hay that had fallen, off, when the
team started, rip suddenly and he fell
between the wheels, the hind one pass-
. ing over his stomach. . He was placed
. in a buggy and Aaken to his home in
Grass Valley, buf the 'result of the in
jury , has not been "ascertained, '
The times are ripe for reform in coun ty
road building, and - Wasco - has set the
example. At least that is what, all say
who have seen th work. There ' is no
- question in which, all classes of people
' are more -directly interested. . The
:.; ordinary methods of road making and
road repairing are oaily playing at road
making. The Iron horse has solid road
beds, beautifully ballasted and abridged ;
lut the faithful four-legged' horse goes
on miring and wtmrlng out bis life pul
ling the farmer wealth to market. --
There are several changes . far- nbte . in
the Astoria newspaper field, this ; week.
The Daily Herald will suspend today , -gg
he editor says he has lost all the money
. he has in the present, venture nd Will
' try and recuperate in the publication of
a weekly. The Talk lias alx ceased, to
prattle; bnt is followed by a- new issue,
' called the Examiner'. v '-The - bid reliable
Attorian jogs along about us tis.ual, but
not as a financial succesa. Nearly $50,'
000 has been sunk in Astoria newspapers
in the pact-thre yean. - V
Lane Co. Tiines. When Gen. Weaver
of Iowa was in this county. '.he 'made a
unique bargain with Cam Vanderpool
of Soap Creek, the general wanted some
China pheasant sent back to Iowa to be
turned loose on his possessions and
Cam wanted some wild turkeys for his
cattle ranch near the summit. The one
could easily grant the wish of the other
and an agreement was made to that end
in a few minutes. Cam has already com-.,
menced to fulfill his part of the contract
and he expects the young turkeys will
be here before many months.
The ; heavens displayed a wonderfully
grand scne whigh, Wasf witnessed by
people of The. Dalles last..evening,. for
about half an hour before siyiset The
sun formed the central figure, ..around'
which -radiated two , large; circles,, the
outer one more luminous than the inner
one, and at the angels ; right, left and
top, ' were exposed bright, perihelion.
The zenith shone, brightly, for a.: portion
of thfc time, and all combined to-make a
picture never to' be ' forgotten i Shbrtlv
after sunset, and before . the shades Jdf
night had fairly settled 6ver theearth, a
large meteor appeared and .exploded,
with apparent observation of its frag
luentsnorth.and.west .of the city, seem
ingly short of Mount Adams.
In the past few days several eastern
capitalists have arrved in The Dalles, to
look over the Situation of affair here,
with the riew. of making, investments.
They appear, to bet pleased, with . the
prospects, and we predict'' a boom for
The Dalles, and country surrounding,
before long, which will astonish the na
tives. Amongst those here now whom
we have . met and become' acquainted
with, are Dr. D. B. Cornell, and Messrs.
T&. Steel, and S. H. Blakely of Saginaw,
Michigan, and Mr. John. Argus of Buf
falo, N. Y. ..To arrive today are: Prof.
F. P. Vanderberg of Buffalo, Mr. Clark
C. Foster f Saginaw, and others. a Thb
Chroxiclk extends the right band in
fellowship to these 'gentlemen,' and
wishes that they may -,be more, than
pleased with what; they 'see about this
region of boundless wealth and unlim
ited resources. .'
- Speaking of the report that a branch
of the Union Pacific will be extended to
the mouth of the Wallowa river, a . dis
tance of twelve miles, work on .which
will be commenced at once, a leading
shipper of Wasco and Sherman while in
Portland yesterday, asked when the
Union Pacific would ' make a similar
move "here. - The answe j va': s'"Oh
fan at. too near The Dalles." ' Meaning
by . that reply ); that " when" the cas
cade -. leaks' r are -open, the Union
Pacific;, railroad - ,c0uld ..not - compete
with t. thei fleet- - of . i twenty "flv-l, or
thirty steamers thereto : be- seen along
The Dalles water front ' daily from As
toria,, Kalama,! Portland, Oregon - City 7
Salem,.. McMinnVille, . Vancouver, etc.,
as now seen at. Portland, taking the pro
ducts and manufactures of the Inland
Empire to market, in exchange for com
modities which' wedimol producer""
. ii I. i 4 . .
Meeting of the Common' Council ' Last
i At the regular session of the 'eomnion
council Iast evening Mayor Mays pre- ,
sided, and the i' following'- members an-1
swered roll call:-- - -- . '
Messrs. Dufur, Haight, Hansen, Kreft,
Maier, and Thornbury. , "
Minutes of the previous meeting were
read and approved. v
Reports of various city officers, treas
urer, recorder, marshal, and street com
missioner, were read and placed on file.
Repairs to the cistern corner of Fourth
and Union, were authorized.
The petition for a flight; of steps up
the bluff, at the head of Laughlin street,
was referred .to committee.- j ')
The matter of the placement of an arc
light in the eastern portion of Bluff ad
dition was referred K(. committee.
The council was officially informed re
specting the resignation of Mr. Hunger,
and election oi Jud..S. Fish, as chief en
gineer of the fir department;, and the
election was ratified. '
The bill of i.,H. Jackson," for services
as night watch some time last year,' was
on motion laid on the table. z
. , An ordinance transferring funds .from
the general fund, lor payment, of war
rants due, passed. -
Warrants' were ordered in payment of
claims against the city as follows :
Frank Menefee, recorder: T-92 00
R V Gibons, marshal. , . . ... 99 00
J T Staniels, street commis-
- sioner .', . . .k: 75 00
Geo T Young, fire engineer .v.'.. 80 60
Geo C Munger, -wardenx. ..T! 12 00
O Kinersley, city treasurer. . - 50 00
F M King, labor. . . 13 00
Dalles Lumbering Co.; Mil.. . 10 69
lrerguson, hauling........:. 4 75
A S Cathcart, do'.".' : .",'.'.. . . 1875
8 Klein, biU. i .i .', .'. . ..-r.; . . 2 00
Water Commissioners, . 1
OfficBTent.. ........ '32 00
Chboniclb Publishing Co., bill ' . i 3 00
C E Haight, boarding prisoners 13 40
G H'Blakeney,.' hauling. ...... 1 504
Uon Howe, night watch. 75 00
G C iBills, dOi.-:C A : .- -J. . ,. .. 62 00
Electric Laght .Co.,,Marshal's . -
office light. ... 160
Streets, dc.. . : .v;.-.'.-.)..;.. 270 00
Engine house, dW. v v.'.: :'.. ' - 6 35
Riggs, labor.s..: . ... . . v t .1 00
Ike Perry, do.:...:',". ....... .: - 2 00
J, T Peters & Co; bltf.-. . . . r, .V; 10 50
Maier & Benton, do..., .. 4 15
Paul Kreft & 4-.v.:. . I. 175
Mays & Crowe, ' do. . '. . -. : 6 52
Geo J Brown, cash:,'. iT, . . . .' , 1 50
(J M Jt outs, building hoe house -159 00
On motion th council adjourned un
til Saturday evening next at 8 o'clock.
"Miss, Lillian Emerson was thrown
from her saddle horse on Fifteen mile
creek yesterday, and seriously injured.
It is stated that some of Jerry Simp
son's constituents are displeased because
Jerry uses a bicycle. But Jerry knows
what he is doing. A bicycle eats no
hay. - ' ' . .
Wm. Frazier, of Portland," will be in
The Dalles, on Monday and Tuesday
June 13th and 14th for the purpose of
buying saddle horses? He wants 25 head
of sorrel, well broken saddle horses, and
25 head' of, grays. THorses to .stand
about 15 to 16 hands high, and weigh
from 1,000 to 1,100 each. - . -
The sad" news was received herethis
afternoon of the drowning at Celilo
today of ' Mr. :A. Byers', a car
penter V who has worked for Mr. Glenn
since the' Regulator was finished.: He
went to Celilo to work for .Mi. Taf t a few
days ago.-.' He accidentally slipped into
the river from his work. JHe leaves a
wife and chUd in this city."'' .0. ;
1'roMpeeta f6r Having the. 15l ' Cfelebra-
'.-';-''. c;r ' ' tlon for ,;lrear,.-. ' .
: The executive" committee of, citizens
appointed to make arrangements for the
coming "Fourth; o July celebration- in
The Dalles, feel assured in. saying that
thev believe the indicationsaire favorable
for a grand celebration. There will be a
meeting of the committee tonight, at the
council chamber . (old court house), to
hear.- reports o'f solicitations, etc. In
anticipation we may say these reports
are highly encouraging. Citizens gen
erally having been very liberal, so far,
iri subscribing to the fund.
t Street sprinkling will be carried on all
day Sunday, and all night Sunday night,
and -on the 4th (Monday), to keep down
the dost. ; ' . ... '. .
: The fire department is anxious to turn
out in f oil force ;' and as The Dalles now
baa five efficient companies in the de
partment, including four well equipped
hose companies, plenty of fire plugs,
and an abundance of water, a firemens'
tournament can be got up which will be
quite creditable to. the city. . .'
v . Moonlight Excursion. -
' Under the management of the Good
Intent .society, a moonlight excursion
will be given on the -steamer Regulator,
Friday evening the JLlth. Steamed will
start from landing at eight and return
about twelve. A pleasant time is an
ticipated arrd a cordial invitation is ex
tended to the gopd people Of The Dalles.
Tickets 50 cts., will be fpund at Snipes
and Kinerslys.- Ice cream and cake will
be served at 25 cts, extra. Committee.
; .- Church Notices. '' - J i. : '
jRev- .Q. Ri'. Burn side pastor of the
Dearborn St.' Baptist church of Buffalo,
will preach at the services in academy
hall tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock.
The Sunday school follows the morning
service.' The pastor Rev. O. D. Taylor
will preach at the union service in the
court house at 8 p. m. .' ' s
Rev.'A. C.: Spencer, will discourse in
the Mi E. Church tomorrow at 11 a. an,
on "Uan a Christian commit Kin'' and
at 8 p. m.', on "'"The Christian and the
Ballot.' Sunday SchooL-at 12 :20, and
Bible study at 7; p. m.', on "Our duty to
our . feeniors. A special), invitation is
given to attend all the services i , . .
-3 :
StuTtlns J-ctorle.
Ths" arrival of ' fourteen ' carloads ' of
rolled oats in this city from Iowa is a
sad commentary on the energy and en
terprise of Oregon farmers, 'data to
Oregon would , be a good deal like carry
ing coal to. Newcastle if our agriculturists
in the state would get a move on them
selves. Portland Welcomed
Don't lay everything to. the'farmers.
There are plenty of oats' for'the pianu-
lacxure of rolled, oats ; but we, have, no
factories. - Pitch . iato-- the capitalist.
Albany Democrat.' ''' ; "
-. ' Don't pitch into any oner but ' if -vou
have $10 or upwards to spare ' put'it at
the service of whoever.el8e'ia.re8oved in
good faith' tq start the milUc Aatorian
.,Yes, . and sundry and divera ,other
local industries.. Factories 'for. making
glass and crockery ware, iron 1 cartings,
leather, boots and shoes, etc.' would pay
in' The Dalles. fWe have ; the iBandi the
mines, the hides,' etel' and, J we, have
not got the money we can invite the
capitalist to come and abide with us.
- 3 . ' 1 i , , : .
: Abort Stspa.
You caanot run a rumor down.
Good advice is not always kind.
Sometimes it is cruel to be kind.
Hope is the greatest of remedies.
The ana. is a' most- brilliant success
It i thefast man who must go elpw,
The cool liar makes it red hot all summer.
Piety is often- knee deep.
A burnt mustache dreads the short cigar.
Brains wilt not always tell. It sometimes
keeps 'Im'utui
Some people find their choicest pleasure
in looking at the dark sides of clouds.
Men and women understand each; other
much '' 'better''"'-than .'they' 'understand
themselves. J-.- . . T1, '..-.
What the extravagant young men really
needs is a poor wifeto share hia property
with him. " '' -
The world is a great factory in which we
all spend our time riveting this and that
together. , , . ...
- - ', Notice. -' ". ,'
AH persons ; indebted ', to , the, late
firm of Mr. Farland and .French will
please call at the old store, now Messrs.
rfiaflft Ar XTn v. wVi prp Xf -ITrnoh nrlll lo 1
ii waiiiug- iuhii ' tuey muy msiKe im
mediate settlement of their'notes and ac
counts. . - ..
.' t S. Fkkkcu, ,
6-3-d4wlm . For the company.
Notice. - ; -
. All persons indebted to the late firm
of W Bolton & Co., Antelope, either by
note or beok account, will please call at
the old store and make immediate set
tlement of the same.
Wilbi-b Bolton,
dwlm For the company.
. Notice. '
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to the late firm of . Van Duyn &
Co., Tygh Valley, ither by note or book
account, will please call at the old store
and make immediate settlement of the
same. '; . - C. J. VakDcvk,
dwlm.-.- .y For the company.
Sheep Wanted. '."
. Curtis & Smith of Center ville Wash,
want to buy 1,000 head of sheen. Any
.one having them for sale please write us
at tne a Dove named place. ;. . .
5-31-dwtf - - Curtis a Smith.
Pabst's Milwaukee beer at the Uma
tilla honse at a bit a bottle.. Free lunch
tonight at8jo'clock .i.,, . .U
: f 'iii . i : -
' " 1 V The Ie WKon.
The ice wagon of Cates & Allison is on
the streets every morning from 6 to 8
o'clock. Any orders for ice left with
Will Vanbibber's express or at the store
of Chas. Xauer will be promptly at
tended to... . : . Cates & Allison.
K.ost rackase. .
The finder of a package, or parcel, con
taining a pair of Ko. 11 shoes, 7 yards of
gingham, and 3 yards of muslin, will
confer a favor, and bo suitably rewarded
on leaving the same at the store ot Cris
man & Corson, The Dalles. - 522tf
Uuildlug Material.
We offer to the building public a full
line of building material. We do not
resort to trickery to- buy' or sell any
lines handled by us.
Wm. Jctlek& Uo., Lumber Dealers.
Sole agents for the ''Oregon'Mime and
Oregon sewer and chimney pipe.- 5-7dtf
A Pointed.
"I am very much pleased 'with Chanl-
Denain'B uouga Kemeav, says rl. M.
Bangs, the druggist at Ohatsworth, 111..
'During the epidemic of la grippe here
it took the lead and was very much bet
ter liked than other cough medicines."
The grip requires precisely the same
treatment as a very severe -cold, , for
which this remedy is so efficient. It
will promptly loosen a cold and . relieve
the lungs, soon effecting a permanent
cure, while most other medicines in
common use for colds only give tempor
ary relief. 50 cent bottles for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, d&w
ICB I i . ICJ! ;. ICE! '. ' ' ; .
-Having' on hand s large supply of ice
we are prepared to furnish our custom
ers with ice in any. quantity at ft reason
able rate. ATe guarantee we will supply
the. demand ' without advancing prices
throughout the season.- Leave orders at
C. F. Lauer's stot Se'ond street..-
'. o-2tf -'..- ' . - Cates & Allison-
V As manager of The Dalles Ice Co. I
wish to contradict f&e statements that' I
was only acting as agent for an outside
company. . I own- one , half interest' in
the company, and will sell ice this year
and for years to come, and should a crop
of natural ice come in this locality we
will put up enough to supply this city
for three or four years and Spokane com
panies will then have to withdraw their
agents from here; Respectfully,
" , . W. S. Ckam, Manager. .
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria flay. Co.
I-; I TJT iE. .
' Until further notice the Regulator will
make trips to the Cascades and return
on Thursdays .and- Sundays, leaving
The Dalles Excursion rates.
50 cents for the round trip., r ; , 5-23tf
Cam pbell B rosr
4 1,
-iliinufftCtnrCTH of the finest Frencn and
Home Made . -
Ol lST 3D X .33'
Kaat of Portland-, ' ' y
Tropical Fruits, Nut
" .Can furnish
or Retail
any of tbexa goods at Wbotesala
. ' '.' t.nei'- '.
' t i ' ; ' ' StT1 fii I 'V i i: -'
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. ,
non. i ;.-i
' Boot, ' Slioea, Rati, Etc. '..
134 Second. St.. next to Dalles National
Bank, Dalles City, Oregoa,
Jos. T. Peters
Rough anil Mm
and a full line of Builders' Supplies, all of whioti
are carried constantly in stock.
N Call and see ns at onr new store, southwest nornflp
of Second and Jefferson Streets, before buying ielse
where. -V Our j prices are as low as the lowest, and oh.
many things "below all competitors. 7; v;v .
y.,,: 114 SECOND
We have just received a large
widths of Ladies fine shoes and a full assortment of
. the 'celebrated "Gans Shoes" already well ';.
:. ; . . known to the wearers '
. Leather and findings for sale.
Repairing TTeatly and
trie ISIillinery 1
112 Second street,
ONLY $1.00 EACH,
162 Second Street."
J :'' ' '. J ' '"
- a -'
Webster & Guhler - Pianos, also Ear huflf
1 sold on easy
And the Most Complete and the
.faVPraclical Painters and Paper
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's
the most skilled workmen employed
chemical combination or soap mixture.
orders promptly attended to.
, : .i :" . .' . W v.'.
Store and, Paint Shop corner Third and
. i-' 'i
171 Second ; Street,
Prenchs' Block, -
X". w . Xj. 1BI a-fc
s - s , , it, -rrv-'. ....... a3r-a
y r l'i-'''1,sfex;f- --If Mr '' If
Si J Tflfej'': "Stf- :-g
m: r :f.y MnRnfli- .8s i
&';. FIEGE
. assortment of C, D and E
Expeditiously Done.
& Co.'s.
the dalles, Oregon.
Latest Patterns and Designs in - -
Hangers. ..None but the best brands of the
Paints used iri all our work, and none bat
Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. Ho
A first class article in all colors. All
. ,
Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon
Fropr, , :