The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered a tho Pcwtofflee at ,The Dalles, Oregou, as wccoud-clns matter. Local .Advertising. ,. 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and ft Cunts x?r line for each mibsequent lnxertion. Special rates for Ions time notices. . All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. . - ... TIME TABLES. Unllroadfc. KAHT BOUND. No. i.Xrrivm 12:01 A. M, - Depxrts 12:06 a. m. V2:M)r.u. 12:50-i K. WBST BOUND. ' ArrtTes 4:25 A.' . ' fK-parts 4:S0 a. m. .7, " 6:00 r.. ..." . " -6:20 P.M. Two local freights tbat carry passengers leave one for the-westat 7-00 A. M.,aud ope for the east at 9:15 A. It. '.' - . 8TAGBS. . , i -: .... . . Kor 1'rinevilUr, Via. Bake Oven, leave'-datly at 6 a. M. For Autclope, Mitchell,. Canyon City, leave dally at 6 A. m. ''. Kor Dnfur, KiuRfclev, Wamic, VTapinitiu, Warm Sprlnirs fhd Tyirh alley, leave daily (except flundav) at 6 A. M. - - For doldendale. Wash., leave every day of the week except Snndny at 8 a. m. . ' Ofltrai foe all lines at the Umatilla House.' . ' Pont-omc. omoic HOOKS .......... dnerol Kcllvery Window 8 a. ni. to 7 p. m. Money Order 8 a. in. to A p. ro. uuday U . S't... a. m. to 10 u. in. KLOBVSa OF MA 1.8 " ' . trains going East 9 p. in. nd 11 :4i a. m. " " West 9 p. n. and 5-30 p. m. Stage for Goldendale 7:30 a.m. " " Frlnovlllc 5:30 a. iu. . " "Dufuranil Warm Springs. ..5:i a. m. " tLeaviug for Lyle Hartland..5:S0 a. m. " " JAntelope ... .....6:a0a. m. 'Except Sunday. - Trt-woekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. " 1 Monday Wednesday and Friday. TUESDAY MAY 24, 1892 C. 8 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WEATHER BUREAU. . Tna Dalles, Or., May 24, 1W2. Altitude 110 above sea level. Paciflc H Rela- D.t'r W ; State Coast BAB. tive of E. of Time. ? Hum Wind Weather 8 A. M 29.96 62 75 Calm .00 Cleifr 8 P. M 29.84 87 32 West .00 " , Maximum temperature, S8: minimum' tern- Height of River, 8 p. m..'. 24.1 feet; "Change in past 24 hours. . .-. . .... , . . . 2.1 foot. Total precipitationfrom July 1st to date 11.55; average precipitation from July 1st to date, 13.63; total deficiency from July 1st, ISM, to date, 2.08; IncbCJ). . 1VEATHKB VKOBAK1LITIKH. Sax Fbakcisco, May 24, 1892.; Weather forecast till 8 p. m. Wednesday; , Fair weather, cooler. . FlNlJiY. FAIR I.OOAI, 1IBKTITI1CS. II you want the news, .; t - You want Thk Chro.vici.k. - , If you are not a subscriber, please read ehia. and hand in your . name. Editor .Cradlebaugh of the Hood River Glacier iar in the city. Editor Dnthitt of the Ochoco Review gave thia office a pleasant Call today; Julias Wiley, late steward of the Reg ulator is now day clerk at the Umatilla hpnse. - . j i . . , - , ' The river has risen ' to the 24 foot mark at the noon hour today. It is ris ing very rapidly, having gained over four feet since Saturday mornnsr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klindt and Mr. George A. Liebe returned last night from a trip to Portland, Astoria and the sound. Mr. Leibe thinks " the chances for a man of ordinary means are just as good around The Dalles as they are in any of the places visited. Major Ingalls today got six additional boxes of strawberries from Mr. Klint's 'garden near the Mill creek bridge. Mrs. Dr. Ingalls will preserve them by a pro cess of her own, so that they can be ex- niuiieu, wnnoui loss oi color, at the next Portland fair, and afterwards at the world's fair. From C. R. Bone of Hood River, who is a juror at the present term of circuit court, Thk Chronicle learns that Cloud Cup Inn will be run this year by Will Langille,' who had charge of it last year. Will made a trip to the inn about ten days ago and found the snow still quite deep. He expects the hotel will be reaay ior guests Dy tne nrst ot July, at the latest. It is to' the interest of everybody to see that the indiscriminate slaughter of birds, by small boys, by means of bean shooters, air guns and the like, is stopped. ins country is inteetea witn insects that prey on our orchards and gardens and the birds are the farmer's and orchard ist's best friends. The 'boy who will persist, in wanton sport, to kill these little benefactors, ' or rob their nests, ought to be kept at the vigorously agi tated end .of a cat o' nine tails till he learns better. Mr. J. O. Mack has handed this office the premium list for the Fourth Annual Exhibition of th trict Agricultural association, embrac ing tne counties of "Wasco, Sherman, n:n: 'ri w . , .... vjw.f iuprrow ana umauiia. It will be remembered that the state contributes $1,500, every cent of which is given in premiums. The manage mentiave distributed the premiums so . aa to leave them open to the widest pos sible competition. The fair, too, has been fixed for a time .when the' throng o"f harvest work is ordinarily over and everything possible has been done to make it satisfactory to the agriculturists and stockmen of the district. The ar rangements made for the present, year ought to insure a large attendance and a large exhibit from the parties whom the lair is specially intended to bedeht. . The sprinkler wagon is now one of the indispensible luxuries of The Dalles. Hon. F. P, Mays paid a flying visit to the city Sunday, returning to Port land by the evening passenger. " - Mr. G, A. Isaacs, an - employe of the electric light works, is nursing a broken shoulder-blade, the result of a fall while riding a wheel Saturday. ' A new stem has been put on the Reg ulator and two ship carpenters from Portland are taking advantage of the tie up to make other improvements. - Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Thompson of Los Angelos, arrived in the city Sunday Bight, on their way to Colfax, Washing ton, and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.' R. Thompson. . - ; ' ; ...W... C. Gilbert of Chillicothe, Ohio, son of Mrs. T. W. Miller of this city, ar rived here Sunday on visit "to "his friends.:.: Mr. Gilbert may possibly icon etude to irenYain here. " ' ' " '. ' ; . : N. Harris .lias a large lot of Ladies' straw hats in one of his show ' windows, marked ten cents each .that look as if they were worth that sum each for the straw that is iu thenu.-' - ' - Mrs. Julius Wiley and child have gone on an extended trip to visit friends in Portland, Newburg, Astoria, Oysterville and Bay Center. She expects to be .'ab sent about three months. - The Vindicator informs us that T' -S. Merry, the well-known sport, has- been adjudged insane, and sent to the asylum. His insanity Is caused" by too much whisky, and his cure will not be easy. He is bnt going the way several other "bright men of Oregon have gone and in a few years more. As a specimen of what people have to pay for freight when the boat is inter rupted, we observed two bills today paid by Chrisman & Corson. One was to the railway company of $0.20,V for 1,380 pounds of soap.: The other was for 1,425 pounds, by boat, at $2.15. Trnly, such comparison is odious. . . - . .Major G. W. Ingalls has secured have a dozen boxes of Clark's seedling straw berries which he intends to preserve and constitute the nucleus of a fruit ex hibit from Eastern Oresron for the world's fair. The berries were grown by liana Klint of Mill creek, within the city limits. They are just as fine as ever mortal eye gazed on. A grand picnic will be held at Willow Grove on W. H. .William's farm, on Eight Mile, June 4th,- prox two days before the coming election. The picnic is not partisan in any sense, but is in tended as a grand rendesvous of all par ties, one party being as welcome as "any other. Speaking and" singing are ex pected to be the order of the day . Come one and all, , bting your baskets and have a bully good time. , : While in Portland recently Mrs. H. Glenn made excellent use of her pencils in - reproducing some elegant pastelle paintings.' Passing Mr. Glenn's office yesterday a. -.representative,; of -.Tax CnaoNicLK happened to see the pictures, and supposing they were some importa tions from abroad, sent in to be framed, was, as Mr. Glenn himself, to be told they were the work of Mrs. G. It is creditable to a city like The Dalles to be able to enumerate amongst its home folk, one whose accomplishments show results such as these handsome paint ings. Human natnre is not always ungrate ful of favors received. Over thirty years ago Jos. B. Blumeiidale, a lad under age, rented a little store of Handley & Sinnott, which was run as' a cigar store. Blumendale drifted away from the city and was forgotten. But Blumendale did not forget. " Seeing the report of the big fire and reflecting that, possibly, his old patrons might need assistence, he wrote a letter last week to Handley A Sinnott, telling them that he was -in business in New York city ; that he had in his employ 1,500 men and did a busi ness of "many millions a year," and added that if the - Colonel wanted a job of work be might call on him and be assured of fair treatment, and good wages. The Colonel has taken the matter under advisement. Th Tows of Hosier. Twenty-seven acres of ground, im mediately back of the Mosier depot has been laid off for a town site. It com prises seventeen blocks with some frac tional blocks, in lots 50x100 feet each; The Holmes Mercantile Co., are now constructing a building for the accomo dation of a general merchandise store. A fruit dryer will be erected bvthe same company in time to handle the present season's fruit. ' The Holmes company expect to be ready for business by the first of June. Bepubllcaniam at Cascade Locks. Cascadk Locks, Or., May 18th. Editor Chronicler Last evening was-spent in, reorganiz ing our old club ; - starting anew' under the name of the Young Men's Republi can club; . We were treated to a rousing speech by C. F. Candiani a scion of one of the noble families of sunny . Italy, Fifty name were enrolled, those of our best and most prominent citizens. The" following officers were elected. A.' Watt, President; D. Callahan, Vice President ; E. P. Ash, Secretary f W. j Day,.H. A. Leavens and J. M. Mclsacca, Executive Committee. ' ; Yon Yon-son. Some fine photos of Memaluse Island, for sale by Hunt, 1S Court street. 5.23 LOCAL IHFEOTEHSHT8. Matters Active In the BaUdinc; X.1A0 In : . ' The Dalles.- The excavation for the basement story of a new Baptist . church, on the old stand, has been completed and work will commence in .a few days. The plans have been completed for a new and handsome, residence . for Judge Condon on the old lot on Third street. The contract - has . been let for a new $2,000 residence for Mr. Wiggerman on his old lot on Fourth near Union. On the bluff Mr. G. W. Johnston is building a handsome cottage for -himself - on Alvord avenne. '' On the same street and opposite the Beezely residence, L. E. Crowe has started to build a nice cottage for himself. Mrs. Grey has a large double tenement house under way on the corner of Fourth and Court streets. Two fine two story houses have just been com pleted for Mrs. Kiss and another similar one for Mrs. Davis oh Fourth street. A handsome one story cottage has . just been completed for J. P. Mclnerney on the old Ben Korten lot corner of Third and Pentland. William Michell has a very, handsome two story and basement residence in course- of construction, at the old stand, corner of Washington and Third. . The Congregational church,, on the old lot,, bids fair to be another orna ment to the town. Thus the town is being rapidly built up and. all the new houses are handsomer than those that were burned down. .. .. .. ... Court. The first case was ' called - yesterday afternoon and was that of Lander Evans vs. O. S. L. & XT. N. Ry. Co. Evans sued for damages for injuries received in getting off a freight train at Mosier sta tion. A jury. was selected and sworn yesterday evening. The lawyers on both sides had stated their views of the case when a telegram was received by the attorney for the railroad mak ing a proposition of settlement. A few minnt38 conference with the plaintiff and the sum offered by the company (said to be $500) was accepted. The rest of the afternoon was .spent in hearing arguments on dumurrers. . This morning- the ' grand jury brought in a true bill against Kerr & Buckley who were arraigned and given till tomorrow morning to plead. Shortly after the opening of the afternoon ses sion today, it was found that no cases were ready for -trial and the jury was dismissed till tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.- Up -till the present the follow ing cases haye, been disposed of. - .: ' French & i Co. - vs.- George Bennett, dismissed without. prejuliSe. - Gibons, McAlieter Co. vs. R. ' ' S. Thompson & Son, settled and dismissed. F. H. Wakefield vs.. D. L. Cates, set tled and dismissed'.' ' John M. Marden, administrator of the estate of John Stanley, deceased, vs. S. J. La France, settled and dismissed. - The American Mortgage. Co. vs, Will iam A. Allen, case continued till admin istrator is appointed and qualified. . O. A. K. MEMORIAL SKRVICK. Hoadqnnrters Js. W. Mumith Toil So. ' 02, O. A. K. . ' General Order No. 1. All members of this post, also all comrades, soldiers and Bailors of the late war are requested to be at the Court house ' on . Sunday, May 29th, at 11 .a- m., where Rev. Curtis will deliver a memorial sermon. Also to assemble at Fost headquarters Monday, May 30th, at 0 a. m., to par ticipate in Decoration Day services. V. A. MAddron, Com'. ' C. H. Browne, Adj.-'. Mr. W. D. Richards has contributed a bunch of rye to Thk Chronicle museum, which measures 6 feet 10 inches. Nicely heading. It grew on his hill farm, eight miles from the -city, . and he has b acres, all of it equal to the - sample. He will cut "the crop for hay, and says it is equal to alfalfa for cattle. ;" ; No one in ordinary .health need be come bald or gray, if he will follow sensible treatment. We advise clean liness of theealp and the use of Hall's Hair Renewer. . . ' ," - The vast facilities of J. C. Ayer Co., of Lowell, Mass., enables them to place the Superior Blood purifier Ayer's Sarsa- parilla within easy reach of the poorest invalid. Don't be induced to take a "cheap" substitute. Always remember that the best is the cheapest. - TV . . ' Ayer's pills are invaluable for the cure of headache, constipation, stomach and liver' troubles and all derangements' of the digestive and . assimilative organs These pills are sugar-coated, safe and pleasant to take, always reliable, and retain their virtues' in any climate. , Trying, to Buy Back His Own Body, This queer story comes from chusetts: A man who lives in a suburb of Lowell is seeking to have a deed given by him twenty years ago recovered. The deed conveyed his bodyjo a surgeon now paactdcing in Great Falls, N. H., for the sum of ten dollars and other considera tions, possession to he taken on his death. Since the deed was made the giver has made a fortune in South America and has decided that he would like a Chris tian .burial.' The deed provides that the body shall be dissected and the skeleton articulated and presented to a medical university The lawyers have decided that the deed holds 'good and that the only alternative is to buy off the doctor. The giver of the deed has made a big offer, but it has been refused. Hartford Couranfc .... . -... . . Columbia river views for sale by Hunt the- photographer. 5.23dtf " Pabst's Milwaukee beer at the Uma tilla house at a bit a bottle. Free lunch tonight at 8 o'clock. - Screen Doors and Wire Cloth at Maier & Benton's. . 5-13d6t. Tfce Ice Watson. - The ice wagon of Cates & Allison is on the streets every morning from 6 to 8 o'clock.- Any orders for ice left with Will Vanbibber's express or at the store of Chas. Lauer will be promptly at tended to. - Cates & Au-isoir. Lost Package. - The finder of a niu.lram iuvtUK wl imir or ran. I 1 . shoes, 7 yards of . f ii Kinttham. and 3 -varrla nf mnnlin or ill confer a favor, and be suitably rewarded on leaving the same at the store ot Cris man & Corson, The Dalles. 522tf "NOTICE. Havin -bought the boot and shoe ShOD Of C. W. Arlnma of February 1892, I hereby give notice that I will pay and collect all accounts made since that date, and continue bus iness at 116 Court street, ft 4-vJU-dlm Thqs. Adams. ICE l ...ICK! , ICE I - r Having on hand a large- supply of ice we are nrerjared to fnrnfah Thru fitiatAm ' ers with ice in any quantity at a reason- nM. A iir " . ... raw. nre guarantee we, will supply the demand without advancing prices throughout the C. F. Lauer's store. Second Btreefc. 5-2tf Cates & Allison. Rheumatism Cured In Three Days. Miss Grace Littlejohn is a' little girl, aged eleven years, residing'-in Baltimore, Ohio. Read whal she says: ,-iJ'I was troubled with rheumatism for two years, but could get nothing to do' me any good. I was so helpless that I had to be carried like a babe when I was advised to get a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I eot it from our druErcrists: Mr. J. A. Kumber, and in three days I was up and walking around. I have not felt anv return of it. fiincfi nfl mv limha nro limber as thev ever were."- 50 cent bot tles for sale hv Rlnkeipv fc TTnncrhtnTi r- aruggists. d&w Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby wajoick, we gave her Csctorla. .' . When mho waa a Child, she cried tor Caatoria, ' When she became Mias, she clans to Castoria, . When ahe bad Children, she gave tbem Caatori ' Dissolution Kotice.' . Notice is hereby given, that the'eo partnership heretofore existing between William Floyd, S. A. Byrne and Stacy Shown, under the firm name of Byrne, Floyd & Cov in Dalles City; Or., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business, will be continued at the old stand, by William Floyd and Stacy Shown, who will pay alt bills and collect all debts:' . " S. A. Bybne, - William Floyd, Dated April 26, 1892. Stacy Shown. ' Dissolution Notice. - The partnership- heretofore existing between E. B. McFarland, 8. French and C. J. VanDuyn, under- the name and style of VanDuyn & Co., Tygh Valley, Oregon, was dissolved on the 1st day of May, ,1892, by limitation and mutual consent,-. . j, j- . . ; :. ' " ' E. B. McFaeIxAxd, S. Fsbnch, !; 5 5-21-dlm , C. J. VanDu-tn. ' . Dissolution Notice. ' The partnership" ' heretofore existing between E. B- McFarland, S. French and E. C. Pease, under the style and name of McFarland & French, was on the 11th day of April, 1892, dissolved by limitation and mutual consent. . E. B. McFablaxd, S. French, 5-21-dlm - E. C. Pkask. COLUMBIA GANDYFACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs "(Saccsssors tt . s. Cram.) - Manufacturers of the finest French and I . Home Made , East of Portland. ' : DEALEES1K Tropical Fruits, Nats, Cigars and Tobacco. Can fumiah any of these soods at Whoiesala or Ketau In Kerr Style. . , Ice Cream and Soda Water. ''r ; , .' '-.' V 104 Secoiid'Street. The Dalies, Or. : C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IN I LOTHING Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ktc. ' ; ' . -.' .-,.-', - -.' Fancfl (Jood?, jloiiong " .' ' Kte... . Etc. '. Etc. ' 134 Second St., next to ' Dalles National Bank, Dalles City, Oregon. Drv Goods Jos. T. Peters & Co., -DEALERS IN- BougD a .instil Lonflei, and a full line of Builders' Supplies, ail of which are carried constantly in stock. Call and see us at bur new store, southwest corner of Second and Jefferson Streets, before buying else where. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and on, many things below all competitors. . ' Hew soot ad shoe store e STONE MAN & FIEGE, 114 SECOND STREET. We have just received a large assortment of C, D and ET widths of Ladies' fine shoes and a full assortment of v the celebrated "Gans. Shoes" already well known to the wearer. Leather and findings for sale. : Repairing Neatly and M 138 ANNA PETER S CO.: ?Fine Millinery ! 12 Second street, SPRING -ARRIVING B. Tacobseii & Co.'s. Iargest Line of Baby Carriages, Books, Stationery and Musical 162 Second Street, PAUL KR -DEALERS IK- PAINTS, OILS :, And the Most Complete and the fjtJ Practical Painters and Paner Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen, employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Store' and Faint Shop corner Third and J, O. MACK, WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL Liquor Finest Wines 171 -Second Street, Frenchs' Block, . S KI B Sifira ,711' hit g i-a WMkJI Hi? . : .r. 9 .. " i" ii i . i EetBS : Expeditiously Done. THE DALLES, OR. DAILY AJ- Instruments. THE DALLES, OREGON. EFT & CO., AND GLASS, Latest Patterns and Deeigns in Ha'ncrers. ' None bnt the best brando of th Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon Dealer. and Liougrs. The Dalles,. Oregon. HOT E to