Ihe Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE DAtlEK OHEOON THURSDAY MAY- 19, 1892 A Sad Leap Year Story. Leap year is with us once more, and if report are true a nmaber of Chicago's young ladies have .already proceeded to make the taost of it.' . However, there is one story circulated -which proves that the course of true love does not run smooth even when directed by the mem bers of the sex that is 'supposed to know most about it. r "Let me tell yon a story about my friend 'Lill,'" said one of Euglewood's fairest daughters. "1 don't 'suppose 1 ought to tell it, but the incident is one Ithat most men who have tried loyemak iag will know how to appreciate. JLill's intau, wno came irom .Boston a year ago, 1 i-l A-I A. 1 M monvus ana calling on ner about two Bights a week. ,r - "But he seemed to be so bashful and bo afraid of coming to the point that she finally grew desperate and said to ae: 'You just wait till leap year comes and 111 teach that bashful young man lesson. Such diffidence and such de lay are wholly inexcusable.' "Well, Hew Year's came and the young man called. I expected Lill to come down to my house the next morn ing to tell me how she had happily set tled matters, but she didn't come, so 1 called on her in the afternoon. She ap peared to be indisposed and melan choly. ' . 'What's the matter? I asked. 'Her eyes filled with tears, and after a little cry she said: " 'I took him by the hand and said to him: "Now, my boy, IT1 show you how we Chicago women do things. . Will you avail yourself of this opportunity to be come my promised husband?" And he' here she sobbed 'oh, the brute I he said, "I can't, for I'm already engaged to a girl in Boston." ' ' 'And what did yon say then?' I asked sympathetically. "' "Her eyes flashed as she replied, 'I said to him, "Mr. Falsette, there's the door, and please be very quick about .it, too.""' Chicago News. Milk shakes and lemonade at K. ' C. Fleck & Co's, No. 80 Second street. Screen Doors and Wire Cloth at Maier fc Benton's. . ; . . ,5-13d6t.. v Pabst'B Milwaukee beer at the Uma tilla house at a bit a bottle. Free lunch tonight at 8 o'clock. .. .. -. r. ... . NOTICE TO ICE CONSUMERS. As manager of The Dalles Ice ' Co. I wish to contradict the statements that I was only acting as agent for an outside 'company. I own one: half interest in the company, and will- sell ice this year and for years to come, and should a crop of natural ice come in this locality we will put up enough to supply this city for three or four years and Spokane com panies will then have to withdraw their agents from ; here. . Respectfully, W. S. Cham,' Manager.' Hull din- Material. . ' ' We offer to the building public" a fall line of building material. We do not resort to trickery to buy or sell any lines handled by us. ; - Wm. Butler & Co., Lumber Dealers. Sole agents for the ''Oregon" lime and Oregon sewer and chimney pipe. 5-7dtf . ' t TO THE TRADE AND CONTRACTORS. 1 DESIRE IT TO BE UNDERSTOOD ' that I have appointed Wm. Butler A Co. 'exclusive gents for the sale of the "Oregon" lime,. at The Dalles, and sur rounding country. Other parties have, through surreptitious and unbusinesslike methods, obtained a small quantity of this lime, which ' may naturally cause the idea that Bntler & Co. , are not the exclusive agents of these goods. . - DBF" Such, however, is not the fact, and further stock of this article cannot ' be- obtained fromr' others- than- Wm. Butler & Co. The trade, however, will not lose sight of the fact that the great strife to obtain the Oregon lime by other dealers proves 1 conclusively; that - the "Oregon" is the best lime in the market. Very truly 5-7-d6t-wlt T. F. Osborx, Gen. Agt. Or. Marble and Lime Co. JERSEY BULI-"St Lambert. The thoroughbred Jersey bull St. Lani V bert, will stand for the season at the Co ' tambia Feed yard. For service applv to T I A .: loocS. i NOTICE. Having bought the boot and shoe shop of C. W. Adams, on the 12th day of February 1892, I hereby give notice that I will pay and collect all accounts made since that date, and continue bus iness at 116 Court street. . . : , 4 -30 -dim . Tnos. Adams. lO Keward. Lost or stolen from my ranch near Kingsley, a dark brown horse, branded R. K. connected, on left shoulder; small star in forehead, 'weight - about 1200 pounds. He was last seen near the ranch on March 8th inst. I will pay the above reward for his recovery. 3-29tf - Mrs. J. Bolton-. jOTlVXr" " R. E French'ha for sale a number of improved ranches and unimproved lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county!- They will be sold ve.rv chean and on reaaonaUe terma. Mr. French can locate settlers on some pood unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood. ... His address is Grass Valley, fthw inaj, iwinfcr.iliw(wi. I . " . '. Wbrrc to bvCiocks. , 11 you will call upon Mr. Stacy Shown, with Byrne, Floyd & Co., corner Second and Union streets, The Dalles, who has just opened the largest assortment and the finest lines of goods in this branch of trade, ever displayed In this city, and at prices which defy competition you will at once know, Where to buy clocks. He has them from $2.00 up.., 2-26 vrtf Fech St CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GEKERALBANKIXG BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the 11 Eastern States:' v t I J? .' Sight Exchange and ' Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. " Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. . . " J. s. SCHBSICKV . President. " H. M. BIU1 . Cashier. 7 t; ffet-JlatioDal Bank 'HE DALL.ES.' - - - , - OREGON .cS.Ci JV1: t A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly - remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port-... land. DIRBCTOMS. ' D. P. Thompson. ' Jxo. S. Schkkck. En. M. Wu.li.ois, , ...Geo, A. Liesk. H. M. Bkall. ANEW DEALERS IX Fufnituref andCarpets: We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected, with the Undertakers' Trust our prices- will be low accordingly, i " i Remember our place on Second street, next to Moodv's bank.' GENTLEMEN! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH- X' ISG LINE, , SqIT knd ma Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices wmcn dery competition. Other goods in proportion. "P. FAGAN, ' Second st., The Dalles. ' Sole Agent lor W ANN AM AKER A BROWN, Philadelphia, Pa. C. WVSS. Merchant--failor, ;,No. 77 Second Street. Suits Made to Order and A Fit Guaranteed. Orders- taken for "an .Eastern" house .' for all kinds of suits. : Call and examine goods.- JOHN PASHEK, t-! Tailor, Next door to Wasco Son. Just Received, a fiue stock of Suitings, - Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest Styles, at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed m each time. iepaliting and ;Cienina . Neatly and Quickly Done. . 'i G.W. Johnston &Scn.o Shsji at Ko. 112 First Street' . .All Job Work promptly attended to and estimates given on all wood work. Undertakins Establishment ! mm - . . t luniiaium noil. .. ; i . . MV " , - -'.. -...r- TR. EUZA A. ING ALLS, Phykician, Sue- s vkqn ana uculibt. umce: sooms w and 47 Chapman Block. ' - . F it. SALYER. Civil Engineering. Survev- ' ing, and Architicture.. The Dalles, Or. DE. ESHELMAN (Homoeopathic; Physician and Borgeon. Calls answered promptlv, day or night, city or country. Office No. 36 and 37 Chapman block. . wti DR. J. SUTHERLAND FELLOW OF TBISmr Medical College, and member of the Col lege oi Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy ician and Surgeon. Office; rooms 3 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Tborubury's Sec ond street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 Hid7to8p. m. DR. O. 1. DOANE rHTBICIAX 1VD ROR oeor. Office; room 6 and 8 Chapman Block. Residence No. U3, Fonrth street, one block south of Conrt House. Offloa hours 9 to 12 A. M.. 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M. DtilDDAIX Dentist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth st on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: 6ign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. . B.B.DOrUB. OBO. . ATKINS. FBAjnt XKKSFEZt DUFTJR, W ATKINS A MENZFEK ATTOB-bts-at-law Room No. 43, over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WILSON ATTOBJtBT-AT-LAW Rooms 42 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Btreet. The Dalles, Oregon.- ... Ae. BENNETT, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW. Of- fice in Schanuo'a building, up stairs.. The Dalles, Oregon. . jr. r. mats. . a. hptis6toh. h. s. wilsos. MATS, HUNTINGTON A WILSON ATTOB - kbts-at-law. Offleea, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles. Oregon. SOCIKTIKS. ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets In K. of F. hall the second and fourth Wednes days of each month at 7 :30 p. m. w A SCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. A A. M. Meets nrst ana tnira Monday of each month at 7 r. at. DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. . Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 7 P. M. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. ML Hood Camp No. 69, Meets Tuesday even ing of each week in the K. of P. Hall, at 7:30 r. M. COLOMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every irway evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. H. Clocgh, Seo'y. H. A. Bills.N. G. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets . every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially In- VV.C. V.BAM. D. W.Vacse, K. of R. and 8. C. C. VT j UNION will meet every Friday afternoon u o u viwa at ui rewiiur room. Aiiare lnvtted. TTCMPLE LODGE NO. 3. A. O. n. W Moot. X at K. af P. Hall, Corner Second and Court oirocw, j.nursoayeveningsat7:au. , , , Gbokck Gibohs. w. s Myers, Financier. M. W. J AS. NE8MITH P08T, No. 32, G. A. R. Meets -every Saturday at 7:30 r. M., in the K. of P. XZHU. B OF . E. Meets crerr finntkv &ftprnmn In . uiu n.. ox r. nail. 'J.ESANG VEREIN Meets every Sunday - eveuiijg iu uie ox jr. nail. ,t .- B OF L. F. DIVISION, So. 167 Meets In the X. of p. Hall the first and third Wednes day oi eacn montn, st 7 :au p. x. THE CHTRCHK8. CT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Dunn. O oebst Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. K. ' High Maw at 10:30 A. K. Vespers at ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Preaching in the Y. M. C. A. rooms every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school immediately ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. EUD.SutcUffe Rector. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 r. x. Sunday School 9:40 A. X. Evening Prayer on Friday at :a T7UR8T BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tit. V lob, Pastor. Morning services every Sab bath at the academy at 11 a. x. Sabbath School immediately after morning ' services. Prayer meeting Friday evening at Pastor's resi lience, union services in tne court house at 7 r. Ji. -..-.. i C CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. A. x. and 7 r. x. Sunday School after morning M-? E. CHURCH Rev. A. C. 8 pbncec, pastor. Services every Snnday morning. Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock P. X. A cordial invitation Is extended by both pastor and people to all. YOUR ATTEJiTlOIi iOTOAs YQMAD;- Is called to the fact that Jlggb Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement T and Building Material of all kinds. L : A -Carrls tike Finast Line of- plooltiifigs To be foafid in the City. f : 72 Ulashington Street. r.' . r t"T 1 The Snug: - Wi H.' BUTTS, Prop. Bo. 90 Second Brest, The Dalles, Or. This well known stand, kept by the well known W. H. Batts, long a, resi dent of Waaco county, has an extraordi nary fine stock of ' w f , " ; Sleep Herder's Delight ind Irish Disfairbanw. In fact, all the leading brands of fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ' Give the old man a call and yon will come again. 1 Q&veTjnst returned from a trip to Germany, and Switzerland, and while in the latter country 1 Witnessed 'a sight which war of "itself snmcient to pay lhe for my journey. It was nothing loss than the lannching-of the first boat ever built of , aluminium. This took place some weeks ago on Lake Zurich, a body of water, winch has become celebrated as a birt hilae of new departures in ship building - it was there that the first naphtha lunriuh e-er constructed made its maiden trip, and also where the first Snocessful -luctnc boat was launched. Put this last achievement, the successful trial of the first boat in the world ever built entirely, of aluminium, will make Lake Zurich justly famous. This boat is not a large affair. It re sembles in appearance and size the small naphtha launches, and in ' fact, its mo tive power is an engine of this kind, wnicb baa an improved device whereby the flame can. be. maintained .while the. boat is not. m motion., At a , distance the boat has no tin usual appearance. It is only on near 'approach and close ex amination that a person would notice that the boat was not painted gray, but was made of a white, shining metaL Inside everything has this silver white color, for even the seats, gunwales and handrails are made of this beautiful and ontarniRhable metaL Wherever a pol ish is given, the surface looks like pure silver... Not only are the ribs and plates 'made of aluminium, but the castings of the en gine, the rudder and ' even the-: tiller ropes are made of the same metal. The entire amount of aluminium used is a little less than 600 pounds, while the total weight of the boat, including the wood, iron and ' copper parts, is - 070 pounds. ; The launch will hold .-from eight to' twelve , people. One of equal size built of wood and iron would weigh from 1.400 to 1.700 nonndo. Interview Qld People, J. V. 8. is the only SarsapariUa tha: ! J cr feeble people should take, as the mtui-ru! )-(i:ti which Is in every other Sarsaparilla that e k now of. Is under certain conditions known to ba emaciating. , J. V. 8. on the contrary is pnr!r vegetable and stimulates digestion and creates new blood, the very thing tor old, del Irate or broken down people.- It builds them i:p a id prolongs their Htcs. A case in point: - Mrs. Belden an estimable and elderly lady of 610 Mason St., 8. F. was for months declining so rapidly as to seriously alarm her family. It got to bad that she was finally afflicted with fainting spells. She writes: " While in that daugerons condition I aaw some of the .testimonials con cerning J.ViS. and sent for a bottle. That marked the turning point I regained my lost flesh and strength and have not felt so well in yean." That was two years ago and Mrs. Belden is well and hearty to-day, and still taking J. V. 8. If yon are old or feeble and want to "be built up. Ask for Joy S Vegetable Sarsaparilla ' Most modern, most effective, largest Same price, tl.00.-six for S5.O0L -For Sale by SNIPES KINERSLV . :.' THB DALLES. OREGON., A necessity. The consumption ' of tea largely -;. creases every year in England. Bnssla, and th principal Enror .: pean : tc-drinkng countries. Bat it Aoes not grow - in i i i .... alone that, bat thon- and of Enropeaaa ' who leave Europe ardent lovers of ea. npon arriving In the i 'United States rradn- ally dlsoontinua Its mse, and Anally, caas U . altogether. This state of things is due to the fact that ' the Americans think so much of business and so little of their palates that they permit ' China and Japan to ship them their cheapest and most worthless teas. Between the wealthy classes of China and Japan and the exacting and . cultivated tea-drinkers of . Europe, the finer teas and a ready market. The balance of the crop comes to America. . lather say wonder, then, that oar tost for toa does not appreciataf In view of these facta, U there not aa im-' mediate demand for the importation of a ' brand of tea that la guaranteed to be on colored, unmanipulated, -and of absolute purity? We think there is, and present Beech's Tea. IU purity is gaaranteed in very respect. . It has., therefor, mora in . herent strength than th cheap teas yon have , . been drinking, tally on third less being re- r paired for an lnfmsion. ' This yon will dis cover the first ttmo yon max it. Likewise, . the flavor is delightful, being the natnral fla- ' ; vorof an nnadnltcrated article. It is a revela- -' tion to tea-drinkers. Sold only in packages . bearing this mark: slle BtitlerV THE DALLES, OREGON. Still on PhcBnix -Like lias Arisezi From the Ashes? - " - P J AMES WKilTE.5 The Eeetanranteur Has Opened thft -. Baidestaoit "! 'f -ON MAI2f "TEEET- .'" Where be will be glad to see any und -all , - . 9 h1li patrons.'- ' ' v Open day and Night. First class meals !..'."- . ' twenty-five cents;' " 'Pufe'AnMhoodr" Beek fa, J d 1 fxS (Vm Biackweirs Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco, "composed only of "pure leaf," grown in the famous ' Golden Belt, its uniform quality, and rich fragrant aroma recornmend it to all who desire a really good smoke. . , ;;. No other smoking tobacco has ever been made which has ,: ; secured and held the popular favor as has BIackweU' Bull Durham. ; It is now, as it has been at alt times dur ing the lasf'25 years, the best in the world." Made only byi ' BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACXO CO., DURHAM, N. C. DEALERS IX: staple and Fancy Hay, Grain Masonic Block. Corner Third and D. BUIMN W, Tin; Bejaiis and looflog MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss' Blacksmith Shop. " ' . Jew 6r Columbia J-lotel, THE DAIjIjES, OREGrON. Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast! First-Claisis Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect. . . -. . , None but the Best of White Help Employed. T..'T-.' Hicholas, Pvop. DEPUBLIGQIl and County TICKET. l For Supreme Jadge, ... P. A: Moore. ' ' ', For' Attorney General,.. ;;; Lionel R. WVbster. -For Member. of Congress, 1 2d District, ; W. R.; Ellis. ; ' For Circait Jndge1, ' - u-.y- -..7th District,- .. ' l-U -' 'iH- Greorge; WatkinsV; ' -s ' For Prosecuting Attorney- '- c ' - 7th District, ' " - r:'-'H:,wiison;- "... j For Member State Board Equalization 7th District. ' ' .:;:Joihii !L. Ltibkey:, For Joint Senator, 17th District,1 conaiet- ing of Sherman and Wasco Counties, 1 H.'.'.S.V McDaniels; For Joint Senator, 18th District; consist ing of Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco Counties, . T-' - W; W. Stei-wer. . For Joint Kepresentatives, 18th -Repre- . .. Sherman and-Waaco . ; .i -. Counties, .,. V ' , v - t" E. N. Chandler, . T; R, Coon: For County-Judge, - v V. N. THOKNBURY. .n. it . .-lit '' 'J t x -, .f r For. Count tv Clerk. - J, M. HUNTINGTON. for County Sheriff, ;' ' - l2-' -i' - fw- (1 twi nFor-County Commissioner ,.; . , V .-V-H,- AvIAyEK6..;.-.,: ;.; -f:.' .! 3r FoP county Treasurer,' -' I - WM. MICHELL. ,,- .... For County Assessor, . JOEL W. KOONTZ. ; i ,'For County School Snperintendent, TROY SHELLEY. .. ---it i . . H . , . - - i -ir "i-'For County Surveyors 'i ' 1 t.,-E. F. SHARP.: v;..h. . ! ; ' ' For County Coronet,"', ;';n; MFjCSTWOOp., v,J;.: - ; ; 4-16tf State, District j-w-tK. .vunvst.- - V A Nice Quiet Game ' Is never Complete i without a liberal supply of Ms, and Feed. ourt Streets. The Dalles.Oregon. State," District and County TICKET. - For Supreme Judge. " ; Alfred S. Bennett. For Attorney General, George E. Chamberlain. ror .iiemoer ot ixmgrese. ? 2d District. ' ' N J James H. Slater. . . w 'tit . : '; i (th District, , ,.t,.; W. Ij. Bradshaw. . For Prosecuting Attorney, ; ' , : "th District,. , , . , .'J.P.Moore.- For Member State Board Equalization. 7th District, WilliajnlHnghesV For Joint Senator, ' 17th District, "Sher man and Wasco counties, J. A. Smith, 1 ; ' . f,'.t Sherman. For Joint Senator, 18th District, Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco counties. Gk W. Rinehart, : J--': t-, - i - : : of Gilliam. For Joint 'Representatives, 18th Repre sentative District, Sherman and Wasco counties ,; - ' : For County Judge, ,-. -, . - , ,. . GEORGE C, BLAKELEY. ,ForCountvClerk, .. ' t' It: '. "! JAMiES B. CRpSSEN,!.,, . " !. 7.For County Sheriff,! ' "t m" "r THOMAS A." WARD. ' ' ' , For County Treasurer, ' ; '. wnijAM k. corsOn. ;: . For County .Assessor, ' ' GEORGE T. PRATHEE. ' j? or uonnty surveyor, .. . . -' F.S. GORDON. ' ; ; ; For School Superintendent N F. P. FITZGERALD. 1 - ' For County Commissioner, -- . JAMES DARNIELLE. ' '" For County Coroner.. '1 - ' ' - JOHN VT. MOORE." ,! 4-21td ELL DtJtlOCUdTIG 1 1 if .-.'IV