'? The DaUesilfctfty C&sicle. Enteral a the Potofflect Th Dalles, Oregon, a sccond-clasn natter. V '' . Local Advertising. v 10 nl3 per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents ler line lor each subsequent Insertion. ' Special rates for long time notice. .' All local notices received later than 3 o'clock Will appear the following day. TIMK TABLES. Railroads. 3 BAST BOUND. No. -1, Arrives 12:01 a. M. Departs 12:08 A. " 8, ". Vl.qOr. ".' '. "? VI: 60 r. ? WEsriiot'sr-' V4 j. No. 1, Arrives 4:25 a.m. . Departs 4:30 a. m. " 7, " t. 6:09 r. . ,;. 6:20 P.M.; Two Iocs Ireignts that tarry passenfrers leare one for the west at fix) a. m., and one for-the east at 9:14 A. M. ' " - " t . Kor PrineTille,' via. Bake 'Oven, leave daily. AtG A.M.. . ., . .Jf . . For Autclotie,' vIMmw- Canyor City,." loaf daily at 6 a. m.. -. . j For Duf ur KiivrslejV Waraic, TVaplniUa, Varm 8pringa stii .Ivifh Valley, leave daily (except Sunday) st 6aj " -i'O J! J For Uoldeudalc, Wash., leave every jiny of the week except Sunday alls A.-M.j i -AAVJ Ottices for all Hues at the Umatilla H onset ' .0 .1 iMit-omc. ernt Delivery Window... 8a. m. to 7 p. m. Money vruer "... s a. m. 10 4 p. m. Snniluy u l) j- rf- "J . . ? . a. u Ida. m. or mails trains going East. . . .9 p. m. aud lt:4o n. m. " " West 9 p.m. aud o:;Kp. m. Stage for Goldendale 7:80 a. la. " " Prlnerillo 6:80 a. m. " 'DnfnTaiid WarmBprings ..5::a.m. , " tLeavtng tn Lyle A Hartland.-.S:90 ajru ' ?(, I Antelope...: j'.S-.Wa. nv "Except SnnAmv-i f v ' ;- ' . Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. y , Monday Wednesday and Frfdflyi THURSDAY - - ,.MAY 19. 1802 r. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WEATHER BUREAU." " y,'y, Ta Dallis, Or. May 10, lSOi : Altitude 11(1 above sea level. ' Pacific -j H Rela-j D.tfr SB . state Coast Bab. tive erf. B. of Time. ? Hum Wind P Weather 8 A.M..:.. 30.22 65 73 No'h .00 Clear 8 P.M..... 80.05 80 2? N E .30 'j. Maximum erature, 47. temperature. SO: minimuia ....tt:l ' 1.1 tem Freight of River, S p. m.'. Thange in past 2-1 hours feet; foot. Total precipitationfrom July 1st to date, 11.55; average precipitation from July lst-tolate, 13.68; total deilciency mm July 1st, 1891, to diUc, 2.0&: inches.. Ja. -X -Jo; -4...' i jrji;iX4.U WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Sax Fkancisco, May 19, 1892. . Weather forecast till 8 p. m. " Friday; Fair "iceathery- slight FAIR cnapges tn temperature. ' ' i-r r KUKVITIKS. LOCAL If you want the news, " ; You want The CaBosici. V If you are not a subscriber,, please read this and hand in vdur iiame. '''iJ ine uaa reiiowe' grand lodge is 10J session at Astoria.' . ,-, ViJ Mf1?? s busily engaged ting 'the machinery in his new boat.! Read, the advertisement jjf,J3tonemai, A Fiegeon, the third page,,, new today. - 'This office iBfJebt to-ihe courtesy of Hon. Binder vH?rmaiin loW valuable documents received. ' ." -n -Jr lfnkerton contracting agent for ' i the phicagh.'jMUwankee Jand :sti 'Vaul; railway is in the city. Mr. Hardy putting the finishing touches on a new 25 foot sign, in black . and gold , for Pease A Mays. M,r. Geo. Baiter; of Antelope is in the city. He says the prospects for big crops was never equalled in Oregon. 7C JBoatJngr On jtbe. li?er? .BH'cb balmy evenings as these, is the next nice thing to a drive behind a fleet footed roadster. Today 8ya -the advertisement of Pease & Mays, onHhe 'first' 'page, ladies will be attracted by the display of goods. Hon. J. C. Moreland of Portland, and " J udge F.; a-oord of St. Helens, regis tered at the Umatiilaliouse at noon to- . day? ;;..!(.!?.., :'i'.-;'i.,. : C. L. Bichmond has- bought ont the stock ia trade orCA.. Orchard, in the tEast End and will continue the business at the bid sthd; ' -: Mr. Button of Hoodf River, who has . aome'nd 'liorses in draining at The . Pallea,;was in the city, yesterday on a tour t inepection. . u . r-: i 1 Cord wood i dealers are making the best of hefr time to remove stocks along the river ' away from the flood lines. '.i'.30b'e. hundred cords were landed dn'VMill creeVtoday. ,1J " ;'.-,.-: , ", Thnorthdrn' isndoubtediy . preparing for an early participation in - .",!fin8??nnent1. rafl3cf and jtheappear " aqcesr.tat iV xakfsUr when . ; the hat dropst i'-? 'v-,-.V; CompjBand C.pJ N. G., were ont last een'iqgfoiTdrill headed by the dram cdrps ol The paBes citizens' band. V These CQiqpanie 'teM'ry creditable appearance In tMeirbrSght uniforms. HenWIcpaM;a;welcome visit to this office Vway, and'rin answer to the que9ffvbo'-eything in ' the wmn77 ,?JfMeaV VThe, prospects for W?ffr7 lfVOVt Everyway than. . .w. ao shjcuoii 01 anybody on . Mr. Kinnerslvjeturnel frpm. Portland last night.' ?ftK'tf'cty he availed MmBltot tbe oportuuity. to :visit j the "?ft.W9!R4l 'pharleaton. He S"5l0,,B...'f!eame and "l.fifXiaiUyeiy trade in carrying passengers at ten cents for the j JPS tripftd the patriotic and sight seeing public are liberal in their support of the enterprise. i"v k- . ?T -T r 'Plf.'afrConnell, a JeBtdent of the state of Indiana, arrived 'in '"The. Dalles' today 1 on a'jsif; toiTbis - mother and, brothers. The, doctor isr'a .brother of Mr.; Frank Cbrinelly pf tbiB- citj;f- ) "lion. Ayv'R..Eliis; 'Ihe ''republican nomTnee for -congress ' in ""this 'district,; andj Hpn: II. B. Miller' of Southern Oregon, will address the people tonight, in this city, on the political issues of the toy- ...5f . . . .. "" ; . ' ; ' - At the Methodist church last night a ery enjoyable affair was held, in the forin of a reception in honor of the f pastor and. his wife, '..Quite a number of the membership and friends of the church' were' present,c and. the evening jwa spent; in. conversation music and uu iu uuiu a jaw;. uour; .wqen reiresn m'ents were 'eervec'aiid' the' assemblage dispersed to itheTr various liomes. ! wideepread iauhderstanding relative to the acUyi d SenaOt1 Iolph upon the i dalles - .boat 1 railway rpnoject He has rinaummVraateer1tr overload the rivifPand harbor appropriation' bilf.'j ia.s,hisi.bU3L.for.the.ialleft i8 Sjicjtl JfP" arate measure. The efforts of the dem-; I pcracyto defeat itj because, as they .ciaimr the democracy of Oregon is op- posea Ton riff a matter "for the politic ians themselves to' settle among them selves.. t Captain Q. AV. tone's scow fish wheel, located oh. the Oregon' side. i( the1 river, about a mile telow towncaoght five im mense sturgeon,1 between the- hours' of 8 o'clock last evening and 3 this morning. Last year Captain Stone caught a sturJ geoh that weighed 700 pounds and the year before J. Jackson caught one that weighed 1000 pounds. The largest fish caught last: night' measures three" jeet eight inches-back of . the ( gills .and is nine feet long. Captain Stone estimates its weight at 800 pounds?""'-'; . .. ' 7, 1 ,i There ' are i pleasures . innumerable about The Dalles inviting contentment, Which but few places of prominence in PregonC can equal, ji and ; none: ' surpass. One of the moat prominent ?of these,' is the facilities for driving. LaBt evening a representative of The Chronicle took in the six-mile circuit below ' the city, via the Klindtroad, 'up the Chenoweth, and back by the Snipes road. Traveling is fine, and with Chief Judd Fish hold ing tbe ribbons, and his -favorite Sim Reed.in the, Jhills, an, occasional after dinner dash like this aids digestion and I promotes profound repose. V-'"" --r-Vl in : S The lee Wagon. ..The ice wagon of Cates & Allison is on the streets every morning from 6 to 8 o'clock. Any orders for .ice ..left with AVill Vanbibber's erpreaa orat the store ,of Chas.. JLauer will be -promntlv at-J tended to. - i rrst Cates & Allison 'ft' ' t. f " .r; The People Sort the Mail. ' fk.'flTo.W Wravojlo -an put-i.Nanticoke, Pa., a mining town of 11,000 J k. curious state 01 .inhabitants. Two-thirds of the rxmula- tion are foreigners, mostly Huns, Poles firftl '"Italians. ""Three "monthsago the free mail? delivery systems-was inaugu rated in tha town, fit ; has proven a fail ure; Areat deal pt foreign 'mail mat ter is received at the postomee daily, but no streets or numbers, are eiven. The j fetter jcarriers simply taki a bag of ,inail whistle. ...,.. 4,' ' I The pScie jhirh oui,and the carrier allows them to examine the letters. In this way he delivers to owners. The people "are honest enough, and will not take a letter that, 'does; not belong to them. The postoffice authorities at Wash ington,' however, do not like the mode of, delivery (ind it is likely, that the free delivery system will be discontinued. Cor. fit. Louis Globe-Democrat. j j-jNot, the Ortp. There is a family in 'this city which lives in . constant awe of the grip, and this fear is particularly centered on the small boy , of. .the house,, albeit he is ro-' bust specimen of his age.' "-' ' ; The . other day the small, boy sneezed. This, was .enough .to 'alarm the entire househpld..- y He continued sneezing, and his mother" suggested 'sending for the doctor, as she was snre he was going to belli. 7-Z;rlA '--''- ;rr- 0 "Do you feel sick.? she asked tenderly. "Do you tbinVyou are 'getting the grip?" 'Grip .nQthingr ejaenlate, .theamall boy , between toaroysinal ' taeezetL i "1 waa washinany face amV got soap- ntrj . Pretty Girl Do j6a think i would be imrnodeet fpr r woiaaa; propose dur ing lean year? I 4 .-rfOlaf Bachelor fervently JSTo, indeed; mncl butiehMTfai tja 06 ahockecL. m run and tell her:- New York" Weekly;--fV vt;iW,-.0! .o1 - '.!-. Koldler EUsha BaU'r Will.- ' An odd Wi' filed at the probate' office-iix 'Anbamr ion- Tuesday. It Was that -ofl1Eliaha.1Ball of Minot, and was dated ia, 7 but.the maker of the will had outlived all the witnesses to -it, aad; it had to prVod fc the baiid writing of the -man; who' drew it1 It was the first case on. record of, the kind Nota-ohange had beenjnftdein. the paper from the day ' It was drawn. .Kennebec (Me.) Journals -. -cjfioe4e jSiaUiona'riKht- " -f r v . , , Two blooded stallions got out of tiniui gaged' in fierce ' contest. The brutes fought np and down, the public road for nearly two Jniles, the ' battle continuing with unabated,, fury. until one was dead and 'the'otbeT' '0o;, seriously injured : tby the steel cladhoof s of his antagonist tnat he will probably have to ba.Trilledi Philadelphia-'Ledger. '. PwttvGlrUThat'-a insnwht I. Ater VGMnLp) old JiSL nffW wtr adtnirn. f75.00, f he best oine that Corr UUB LOCAL - FIREMEK. Talk About the Coming; . Tournament--; v ; ' : Hydrants,' ecJ The fire department of .The Dalles is greatly elated with its future prospects, Which appear brighter than for a long time past. : Chief ' Engineer Judd S. Fish is in receipt of numerous replies to letters sent out to various departments of Oregon and .Washington, respecting the proposed tournament, and , these re plies are filled with familiar greetings. The Dalles'' department will - become more closely allied with the state firer mens association, and with the increased facilities, provided by the council ,. this year, feel, capable of ; coping .with , any f uture , 1 fires ..that may inflict A their presence upon: the city.- At a. recent test the hose attached to hydrants direct did much more effective work" than ' the steamer pumping from thexisternsy and the ; boys feel elated with the result. Mayor,,Mays "assures Chief 'Fish; that wuateyer ..toe aepariment requires jor energetic and useful activity the council will readily ; provide iThe tournament is yet' in abeyance,' as the firemen of the state geherally prefer staying - at 1 home on the fourth pf " July ; which, "of : all days,' is the one most .iiable r for local" fires; but if , it does, not come off'..'on"he day -we. celebrate,- it . is pretty sure, to materialize later on. ,:, , STOLE THE BEST TEAM, 1 . A ; Livery t Stable Man . ' n '- , Sulfera. La Oraade a lew aays since Mr. Uaynes, a com mercial traveler, was in La Grande on business, and called upon a stable keeper for his best team to make a B.hqrt excur sion into the valley. The stableman told him his best' team was oat, and that he was somewhat anxious about it, as the team should have been irr:ra day or two before, and he began to think the ariver of it had slapped. . Mr. Haynes asked if he knew the man who had . the team, and the reply- was - to - the effect that it was Hitler, a representative of the Brunswick ' Blake , Collander com pany. 'Ob," said Mr.Hayhes, ''if HU- ler has your team " yott are .all right. This seemed- to please . the stableman, and no more concern was felt about ' the probable loss of the team,.but visions' of a good fat fee flitted . across his . mind When Mr. Haynes -returned,.. thev best team was still oat. - Haynes . took; the next train for. Pendleton,' and th5 'first man he met at the hotel there yesterday morning was Hiller.i ,Hi said fco;.,Jiim : 'JWhat are you keeping that La Grande team so long for?"" "I've had" ino la Grande Jeam," replied Hiller,'arid' after a- hbrt 4a,lfeit?it wa? . decided ?, that the,, team had .been ; taken; out by "a 'thief,' personating" Hiller., 'AsMr. 1 Haynes had, by bis conversation, as- ; 1 it... . . 1 . ...tt . sureu me aiaoieman Bt La uranae, ne felt it his duty! to -inform the latter of existing circum stances and wired j to him that Hiller was in Pendleton, and had had no ,team v,,This dispatch was evidently ' misunderstood,' as quickly following its receipt at La Grande, came another to the sheriff of Umatilla county to "arrest Hiller," 'refer to Haynes." By this time probably; the La Grande stable. man has, realized the full, force of his ( first,- impressions., rf f. -' , Haynes reached Thev Dalles; last, evening, and was seeiv' 'balepte.iiadveo The Chboxiole, at the Umatilla house. He says the fellow 'Who took tie team intro duced himself fb the' stableman by pre senting iTrHiller's card, and has prob ably driven overr: into i the, Harney country, disposed of the tearn somewhere andkippedput: ' 'fZ''k ""Sz' HMVICVLTCKAt. COLLEGE. , NOTES. ane.Kalf Uint for, Celn- iiTa-.'.. ',,-.-A .'.;av:Ete. I u ' -Sickness Special to The CHKOJOttr.; '. CWkvallis; Maty' ir.-Bunchgrass is now on the Bicki8t;;bptslf try to give you Jew. items. -anyJW.)& ct t ci i !- Diphtheria tne been causing consider able tir 'in thW qmet 'townV' " John R.1 Z& t-Jii-.'l5''?'-'A.s. .. "Vhj lv"e . w 3 ''J t "v wfi ;pniiaren with the dreaded disease iast, week. The public echool ha been cloeed. rtart v nn acfeovihf ivf'ieasle's and "there" is some tow.a emeet vdnugbter is. Jyuag .yery low with Joti jestiori of the'lungs1,vlrof. B.'s family is Jiisi : getting through" "with the measlei-'J ' .t:'"; ,; r' ; : j it-aF ndaj- there ae t. a . matched game of base balf f between, jthe O. A. C. 4th- nine and tlte Corvalli GiantaL smnll school boysi wb-iehp-as barely .won; by Hard ayed, tpr". allis could afford. 5?he college, boys won, but I fear thie iacrofraelipyi'ng- 'folr inoney will haveabadinflaenefe on'the morals of tbe school'. I don't think a atate-Jristi- .tHUpa'pfight tfoTerate gambjig .' LtiWBiMi. Ddnigian, a f drBHjxj resident of Turkey,-lectured here. Sunday ahd Monday evenings." awwosuiu tbeiSUiRiGxanee amUUlKirrejhall entertain them on 4iay 1U5CHGKASS, .jThe sisX year old .child pf tLotus, Blank which has been' ill with 'diphtheria, died with . the,, diijease . yesterday morning. Dr: . Rhinehart assures . Thb Chroiclx that every precaution !u:'being taken to quarantine the patient and he has little apprehension that;, the disease will" spread.. The doctor believes 'that with ' ' ' ' tii 'tm - a'- ordinary care no disease will ever become epidemic in The-Dalles, I SATCBBAT'S-: EXCTJKSIOJf. . Bshe Picnic "to the Cascades Ai Hatur- ; ".;';';: j-day-next.. , -1 The steamer Regulator, will Kive The Dalles people an onnortunitv to make a Ghakd Basket PiCsic to the Cascades. Saturday, May 21st, leaving her berth tne loot of Union street at 7.30 o'clock m.. and returning at 6 p.m. Excur sionists will be given about three hours at the Cascades, which will afford ample time to see the Columbia in its ansrrv mood, and .notice forr themselves ;the j. wuuiuonoi uingB at tne toot ot. tne canal. ; The fare, for the round trip, has i been placed at 50 cents, in order that any one who may wish to avail them selves ot the o'PDOrtunitv. ma'v have a chance to do so. Excursionists should luncb baskets', to '. satisfy . an , appetite such as an excursion like this will stim ulate; ; See ; advertisement, under the new todav headinc :v 4 f It is perfectly plain to an observer in Waahington,if he desires to be fair, to see that every man from the Pacific coast in congress, is- doing - what .he can for . the Denent'or the great waterways which are the commercial rteries of the Pacific northwest. - --f ,-:.., "' Bhenmstlam Curdd' in Three Days. Miss Grace Littlejohn is a ; little girl, aged eleven years, residingtiii-Baltimore, Ohio. Read what she" Bays: , -"I -was troubled with rheumatism for two years, but could: get nothing to do. me- any good. I was so helpless. that I bad to be carried like a babe when I was advised to get a bottle ot. Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I got it from our., druggists, Mr. J. A. Kumber, and in three days I was up and walking around. I have not ielt any return of it since and :my limbs are limber as they ever were." '- 50 cent bot tles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, aruggist8. . . ; ., ;. d&w ' ' ' . A Pointer- ' ' ' "I am very much pleased with Cham berlain's Cough Remedy,'? says H. M. Bangs, the druggist at Chats worth, I1L J'During the epidemic, of la grippe here it took the lead and was very much bet ter liked than other cough ' medicines." The.' grip requires- precisely the same treatment as a very severe cold, for which this remedy: is so efficient. - It will promptly loosen a cold and relieve the lungs, : soon effecting . a permanent curej; while .most -other, -medicines in common use for colds only give tempor ary relief. : 50 cent, bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton,. druggists, d&w " Children Cry for Pitcher's Casorial ;. ili .'i y. . ..-C-j. r ": '-'- -r- ' --,;-'... -jj : ; When Baby was nick, we gaire her Castoria. ; . When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, . When she beeamaUia, she clone to Castoria, "WhenttehadChfloen,sheretbCiWirIa ' ICE ! , ICK 1 IOKI : 1 ' Having on. hand a large supply of ice we are prepared to furnish our custom ers with, ice in any quantity at a reason able rate.- We guarantee we will supply the demand without advancing prices throughout the season.'.' Leave orders at CVFi Lauer's store,: Second, street. . ;5-3tf yy- : ' Catbb & Axusbx. ."."'"' Public Speaking. '" i'-. ' 1 : v.v The republican candidate for congress, Hon. V. R. EUis,' will speak at the fol lowing points : '. '.:.''.-'.., " ' '' ,' ; I Moro, Wednesday, May 18th, 1 :30 p. m. ,.: Wasco V. " " 70 ? -Dufur, Thurdav, May 19th, 1 :30 p. m. -The Dalles, Thursdav, May 19th, 7 :30 p. m. - -' -" ;- - .. :;- " ; T Hon: H. B.;- Miller, of GrantV Pass, will accompany Mr. Ellis in the cam paign at the above mentioned places j .. WnTiCOtiUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs , . (Smoshiu to s. cram.) ? rr ; k Maaatacturers of the finest French and A. 4A. ' jU. HyHomeJtade , j Kast of Portland. . ;i M i 1 iii'a;' ,' DEALERS IN Tropical Fruits, Nats, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale or Retail , 1 a M. aTl - at J 1 W9W n. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. C". F.STEPHENS, , DBALBR IN 1-1: '- ,:: . .... : j l& .',-yry ft yf m f.rt Af .ir.,. ; 134 Second St., next to Dallee National - Bankr Dalles City, Oregon. JJr Cxoocls ' ?2?', m"1 ' jt' tf " 'i'''"is''Jv4 tm :.' j 0l I . Peters & Co., -DEALERS IN- Boug Diesseii LudiDbi, and a fiili lin&of B u i I d e are carried constantly in stock: Call and see ns at bur new store, south-west corner of Second and Jefferson Streets, before buvinfr elR- where. Our prices are as many .xnings oeiow au competitors. K . t Miss anna peter s co..- ine Millinery ! .'-rs ; " . v ' 'J '.',r . ' ; "- -; 112 SeconcJ street, JSlEW fiOOT HHP SIGN EMANS'FT FOR ! . :'.! 114 SECOND STREET We have just received a large ; assortment of C, D and E widths of Ladies' fine shoes and a full assortment of -;r the celebrated "Gans Shoes" already well ; '' , ' ;V r known to the wearer. ' - : 1 Leather ahd findings for sale. ,: Repairing Neatly , and Egpeditionsly Done. SBRING STOCK -ARRIVING K. Tacobsen & Co.'s. Largest Line of,. Baby Carriages, Books, Stationery 162 Second Street, RAUL KREFT &. PAINTS, OILS And the Most Complete and the '' ' ' ; . ,. . ' - t ' ' aCa5T"Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. .' None but the test "brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masary's Paints UBed in ajl on work, and none, bat the most skilled workmen employed. . .Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. ;.. A. first .class article -in all colors. . ' All orders promptly attended to. ... ' . .. ' , , . rrf 'f '' ' "... J "' .'; ' ' Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts., ' The Dalles, Oregoa. "If I .Ar. Ti i'i i -':. -f'.-j'.i.' ;' i- , -(--.. -'A i' .if J O. WHOLESALE T ... .K3H3r? 14 HOI Mi FiNEiWiEs ? v 5 6 -' FrenchsBkj:' H :i', r..'.33cr a iHH i f a) IvIQUOR i" S u p p I i e s, a! f of ich low as the lowest and on ' 'f i '.- THE DALLES, OR. sHOE STOlE ! DAILY AT- ' . -' ' v.. -.,. THE, DALLES, OREGON. AND CLASS, Latest Patterns and Designs in .' - .!-,.;. ; ; ' ; AND RETAIL ,1 i ' .iiC-'j1'.1'.- " :- ' ; and Liquors. I'l :,3-r-t k'fw . - . . , -:,1 .J-f i VlJlie Dalles, Oregon. tT r t - .1,- sl.3? - M Dealer.