The Dalles Daily ClM&le. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CItY. Published Dally, Sunday Excepted. ' THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Becond and Washington Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. Terms of Subscription Per Year. Per month, by carrier. Single copy . ...... .r..i6 oo .... 50 ...i .; 6 STATK OFFICIALS. iovernot H. Pennoyer Seoretaiy of State. . . -Treasurer SupL of Public Instruction . nators.. ..... Congressman Btate Printer .... '.G. W. HcBrlde .PhilUp Metocban E. B. McElroy : I J. K. Dolpb -I : - jj. it. MiWhell B. Hermann . ....Frank Baker COUNTT OFFICIALS. County Judge... C. N. Thornlrary Sheriff. D. L. Cates Clerk.. J. B. Crossen Treasurer OecRnoh .mi-.i.. ' H' A. Ivens Commissioners Frank Klncald Assessor ' John K. Barnett Surveyor : E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley Coroner. r . . . William Michefl The announcement ia made, on the authority of the Wall Street Journal, that the management of the Union Pa cific has passed absolutely tnt Boston hands. Hereafter all the lioanl and executive committee meetings will be held in Boston. Opinions regarding the results that will follow the international silver con vention continue to be conflicting. - In many European financial circles the be lief prevails that no satisfactory results will follow. Germany accepts the invi tation to attend the wnfereiiee because she does not wish to stand aloof from the other powers. The Geruian govern ment and reichetag Lave always Iieen opposed to bi-metalisin. " Only a few year ago they rejected a motion declar ing Germany's willingness to negotiate if England previously adopted bi-rnetal-ism. ' - . At the Methodist ': . conference 1ield at Omaha a report ,waa submit ted, 4'airly bristling" - with denoancia tion of the outrages practiced oa the ne groes in the South.. . It called on the government, the states, the church . and all good citizens to rise and abolish these outrages. The resolution declared that the colored jieoplc were treated - shame fully on tlie trains, in hotels, and shot down like dogs, and the law of the land trampled underfoot ,by people who de pised the colored race. This sounds remarkably like a campaign document and yet so far from its being regarded in that light it ;was unanimously; adopted by a rieing vote. , . ,' . . , : ; He Carried a Muff, , The other day a well diressed "maa sat bta Boulevard car going jap town. The day waalcbldthe car Was 'fall add the rifmal discomforta of surface transit were' tarned en. . The- man mentioned was the observed of all T)bserTers.h He carried a common black muff on bis knee, bis hands thrust in either end, and had afar away look in his eyes. The ladies exchanged amused glances. The gentlemen regarded the muff with vari ous degrees of wonder and contempt. . . ; ' : J "Newest style,' suggested one gentle man to another. ;,,.. "Yes; it's going ' to be a cold day to morrow. When yori see the' pigs carry ing straws" '; ' v"' "That ' beats me!" came in a, stage whisper from across the way. v ; f:' "Wonder if he. wears corsets," said another. . ; , .. f .-. . ... "What is it, anyhow?" . ' "Sorry I forg6t my 'muff. '' ' " " ' "ITl steal my wife's sealskin sacque to night." !. ! -.r ' '. ' "Pooirfellowt Somebody ought to see him home safely." .. ' v.-!.'i. i, s-s 1 .Amid these remarks the man with the muff sat quietly looking, out of the win dow.,. He must have overheard some of them; he must have known that he' was the object of .universal 'curiosity' 'and ridicule, but he gave no1 sigh.; 1 It sp peared, however, that' he was only col lecting himself, for some final effort,'' for when he arose to leave the 'car- at' Seventy-second street be suddenly confront ed his fellow passengers. ., -' "This is my wife's muff he said bluntly. "She left it on the bargain counter. I had to go back and get it. rm taking it home. If yon see anything funny in that I'm blamed if I :do." New York Herald. . .", NEW TO-DAYv JXCURSION; :'.'": -,y' '. .a The Kegnlator; will ; leave Dalles for Cascade at 7.30 a; m., Satnrday May 21', and will carry excursionists' to 'Cascade or any point east at fifty cents for round trip. r Children under' eight years 25 cents. Steamer will arrive at Cascades at 10:30 a. m. and leave at 3 p. m. This will give an opportunity, to all to have a good time .at .he , locks, and view the Cascades' and , other' points of interest. Tickets on sale any . time at office or at the boat Saturday morning. W. E. GARRETSOH. DM JBUGlBTi SOLK AGENT FOR THE Spri i f W..C. ALLAWAVi Agent. TrirTT-VrT"1k A Bnnch'of keys, X1 V U JJ Um on Court street near Fourth. Owner can have the same on application at this, office, by paying for this 25 cent advertisement. - 5.10d8t Notwithstanding the very general im pression that Harrison will .have a prac tical walk-over in the nomination for the presidency, Chairman J. S. Clarkr son claims that there are seven millions of republicans who will be represented ; at. t.ViA MinnfMtrilii cnnrentinn who ' will vote for. Clarkson claims that 'there will le more uninstr acted dele-:- gates at the convention than has ever been in the history of the .republican party aud that all the Northern .states - and state -,. which cast . electoral votes 'which will elect have not instructed their delegufes. ...It is . not surprising, therefoi-e, .that Mr. Clarkson should -conclude that more than one ballot will be cast before the Choice, of ' the conven tion i declared. -'. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmTT r '-. The finger of -destiny points steadily - away from La Grande, the home of the apostle o' free wool and taxed, woolens. Tbo political weather bureau predicts a cyclone i a that region on the 6th of June and the vortex of the storm will gather its fiercest whirl for the .landing of the Slater craft-high ' upon the bead .waters of Salt. Creek. General" G. W. Bell visited J Grande the other night. His coining bad been. . heralded bv the .usual flaming announcements, anent the eloquent, silver , tongued expounder of Simon pure., tariff reform. He, came, . , r ' . . . , . , and the audience was so small and in significant that the great man absolutely Tcfusel to speak If this thing is done in La .Grande; wha may .. be . expected elsewhere? -It is the, handwriting on the wall and its interpretation is ''James yon have beeu weighed hT' the, bal ance and found it to be a back number.'? An Interesting Law Salt. A law suit over a meteorite has stirred the usually tranquil ' life of Kirchberg, in Wurtemberg. Some' time ago every body there was startled one night by a loud report, and a ball of. fire was seen to fall near the Bennecker sawmill'.' On the next day a stone weighing a ton was found among the logs by a laborer in the mill. News of the occurrence was published far and wide. Among' the scores of pilgrims to the stone among the logs were wise men from Stuttcrart and Tubingen, who believed that . they j bad a rare-specimen of celestial geologi cal formations.. Their competitive offers for the stone bred a quarrel betWeen'the laborer and the owner of the mill as to whether the finder of the stone or the owner of the land on which it fell conld claim it rightfully. '' ' ' ; "".':' , ' Tubingen professors had it Shipped to the university,- after: having agreed to pay $500 for it if it proved to be a duly tested and accredited - meteorite. r,Tbe laborer, thereupon enjoined the; mill owner from receiving the money for the .stone, and the mill owner. got' a lawyer, who is trying to raise the injunction. Meantime, the Tubingen professors have said that the stone has few attributes of ' ameteorite, and have refused to .reship it; so laborer and mill owner are about to begin proceedings to compel them, to return it, both maintaining that the uni versity is trying1 to get the meteorite for nothing. . There are four lawyers in the case al ready and nothing has been decided, so the costs bid fair to exceed . the value of a dozen meteorites.- New York Sun." FOR CHURCHES. SuDerior in tune to PIdo Orsrana. asler. played and cheaper, are the ESTEY PHILHARMONICS. fiuy Out? Shoes -1 ' All Watch Worrt Warranted. 4. i. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St.. The Dalles. Or. -QTICE. . ., r Bids will be received for the building of a bouse for " 1 A HOSE CAKT IN THE EAST END of the city, until Saturday May 14th. Plans for same can be seen by calling on r 5-8-dtd CHAS.E. HAIGHT,: , Chairman Fire and Water Com. FORSALE. Or trade, cheap, band of range horses, consisting of yearlings, two-year olds and mares. .For informa tion Apply to C. F. STEPHENS. 5-3dlru 134 Second St. The Dallks. Or. WANTED. One or more lots, above the Bluff; in 'exchange - for Work Horses; or Broodmares, v Apply to , HUGH GOURLAY, 5-2tf , Chronicle office, The Dalles. T?nP C, A T XT One of the X1 yj XL ioxxl TLi. finest stock farms in Crook county j 1100 Acres deed ed land; abundance of water; good grass range capable of : handling 10,000 sbeep : 300 acres under irrigation. Two good dwellings and out buildings. ' Price, 8,- 000 ; haH in stock, horses cattle or sheep. for rartner particulars " '' J ; Apply to -4 HUGH GOUKLAY, 6-2tf. . Chronicle office. The Dalles. T7VT. OAT I? Twelve fine l:. yj IX OAUJli. lots, splend idly located in the Garrison addition. ' Apply to I HUGH GOURLAY j-5-2tf vL;-: ; Chronicle office, The Dalles. A. A. Brown, ' Ketjis a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which he off'err at Ijyw Figures. SPEGIfllt :-: PAIGES to Cash Buyers. Hislest Casi Prices for Eurwiij otter Proflnce. 170 SECOND STREET. The Dalles Gigaf : Faetopy STEEET. -There is tr9pble ahead ,for the Presby teriani, no, master .- what .disposition the Portland ;assernbly;'.may.-jnake. of ' Dr. Briggs. , Aside .froni the Itr' prifaisity of his views, it p beyond,, question they are out pf harmony with thos.tha have prevailed . iihrv .ier, since the ti me of . ,is ipreatj ouoders Cal V'i P; and Knox, 'i His. retention, as a accredited jieachgrfeemination is a menace to its peace. jHi8elcpulsion,..wniIe'uht' . doubtedly a.Iesser .eyll ,;ie sure Xa awakes sympathy on his behalf scarcely less menacing.Clt ia'bertain, aTTleast, that ; tBie sefniiiary of ' whicTi-he Is a?, profesdor wwill stand Bjr aim and the influence 'of its alluinril s" Widespread- -and import ant. A a banquet given .byr the UJiiibn, . ,Theolojg5cals Seminarj'' '. lastf. Moh larl nigUt, tnespeaKereaw:iarea, amianana-i i "bp Fortune. " ! a :,,vi-i'8 rjj-;j' .-i - 4 - i. w niie aiggmg s loanaacun lor a the coarse of the rortiana- assemDiy rbisuae "in' Wichita Sumetnini; New tn Canoe Racing. In the last ' couple of seasons we have noted the growth of the war canoe, pro-, pelled by paddle entirely, and the sport had by a few races with them has created something of an interest in paddling races generally, which were giving away very extensively to the sailing events. There is now some talk of building en-, larged war canoes, to hold from a dozen to thirty or so, and racing them. There are a few fairly large paddling canoes now in existence," but they have served heretofore on moonlight and -other nights as mediums for the. introduction.' of the gentler sex to the fascinations of the sport. These may be ' manned for racing, and, per contra, the onea con templated for racing may, bn occasion be -sacrificed to love .and beauty.. In either, event, it looks as though the re gattas of the summer would be made doubly interesting by these large "canoe races, each boat with a creW 6f probably twelve to fifteen paddlers. "Harper's Weekly. ,; '' -;r . ' Swallowed an Oyster SUell. The RevC W; D: Shea made a narrow escape in Macon Wednesday night. . He went to a restaurant for some oysters and .swallowed a. piece of 'shell, which very near cost rhm his life. The Shell lodged in his throat, lacerating' the membrane and Lansing hemorrhage' and Btrangnlatton.' The Seveoral present were attracted to theminister, .-who had gone mto convulsions. . i -;. A . physician , Vas immediately dis patched for, "but' in "the meantime 'the shell' 'became' dislodged and was thrown Op" during the convulsions-, i The shell was about the size of a quarter of a dol lar, with sharp edges.,vAfter being re lieved of ;thej, difficulty, 'the.&ev,. Mr. Shea soon revived. ' His 'throat' was con siderably lacerated, and altogether : the minister vhad a narrow escape.r Corum bna (Gav)Enqnirer-Sun. , - , I ' ' ; (M '- VHthT lea Hmmu.:'-"' '' - " While Hutchinson (Kari)'polioeman was etanding nnder'aat electric light the other night, he was startled by-some fib ject'strikmjpr-hini a heavy Mowon the head and then "fall at his feet. As be Wobpbd-'to- &ahneth?fetJject he re ceived a second blow, this time on ' the' back. .When he recxveredtrflieiently from liia frfffh to gather himseb? '-to gistlfcr he found hff;hai been ktruclfby tv. o wfld gee! that "had heer killed by s jikiritie electric light "Wires.- Phila-! usiphiis 'JjeVnter. '"-rr - '.i STRAWBERRIES, ' Apples Oranges; - - ': ' Candies, Nuts, ' ' 'Soda Water, c ' Sarsaparilla and' Iron, '. .,. Cider, ' Etc. , ' ." , '. .... . .. ' , - , v , Everything is First Class., . ' v. i ', .;VeH Supplied with . TOBACCO . and Union made CIGAES. : J. FOL.GO; Second St., next to' Wirigate's Armory. 104 Second Street, : ICE! ICE! 1 ICE! Having over 1000 tons of ice on, hand; TV V OA s XXV V piVXUrAI IU t V J VlUGIOt wholesale -ori retails, fo be - delivered through the summer. ,i Parties contract ing .with us will be carried through the entire" 'season ' 'without- 'advaucs .is Pbicje, ; arid may - depend that ".We have nothing but s -,. : .i-. i: r ; ;; , r PORE, HEALTHFUL' IC' Cut from mountain water ;- no slough or slush ponds. ' , Leave orders at' the Columbia ' Candy Factory,' 104' ' Second Street; Or.' Ice Wagons ; ;-r.) .-,. . : ...... . .'. . v.-W.-S. CRAM. Manager. . PACrrORyio. 10s CJCX- APCof the Brands VJLvTxA-XXO manufactured, and orders from all parts ol the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firnily stabUshed,"nd the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. a. ulrich:&son.t iR-oB.oHOOD Livery; Feed and. Sale oft Horses 'Houghi ctnd,Soldon CommvssvQn arid Money. Advanced, on Horses eft for Sale. t OFnCF. "OF-- The Dalles Md Mdimdale te; Iinf Stage Leaves The Dalles Every Morning t :uu sua uoiaenaaie at 7;uu. All freight must be left at R. B. Ho might be the seminary woukL ftand Jty. - - Blaine and Busk is John .V. Thomp sons ideal ticket. house "ih''Wichita, Kan., recently, it is reported that $35,000 in gold were ex hinnp. rbe money is said to have been the' fortune "Of the grandfather of the present owner of the -ground, who is snro6edto have hidden it. . - Successors tn C. C.'Donhni. ;. DmstsandXhemists :lPareiiS'affl1fcMes. uus s- flpcumuy, v.. f . ,. .-t Kiffht Drttvoista atwavs in Attendance. ' - --v?r r 'T.-r. . . l I ! I i I ' 1 t Cor. Seeond-and R. B. -1. food's office the eve ning before. HOQD. Prpprjetor Opposite eld Stand. r;Tb'Dalles, Or. ' - - ' . ... AND"OYS I LHHOUStM 1 One of the Finei Cooks fnhe alles. All Workdoma byVWfcle Helf Next "door, to Byrne, Floyd k Co.s1 85 Union St., The Dalles The Iiateh Stiring is Altxiays Out aijd Summer,; season "But vordg are things, and a small drop of Ink, Falling, like dew. udou a thonvht. nm ft niMa iaai Tmco maces 1592. -r WE TRUST TO onsands, perbaps millions, think." IMKEEST An ! YOtI COOK. WALTER H. TENNY d. CO., BOSTON. '1 the MERCANTILE CO. DALLES. I S9LE AGENTS. FOR THE THE a i-rpusE. The Coi-rnaated Bnlldlns; next.oor to Coart House. Handsomely Fnraished Booms to M.tte Day; leefc or Montii Meals Prepared by a First Class j English; Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED ' ', I , !; . Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. C"L v ' ' H. C. NIELS6N", uiotniep Tailor BOOTS AND SHOES, , Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, ; CORJTEB OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, THI? DALLES, OREGON . Removal ! Removal! On account of Removal I will sell my enitlrstpck of Bpots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Stielv- Gotiri at ay Great my offer. sjdbestc, Safe, Fixtures, Bargain. Come and see RETAIL. GREAfTi REPpeTION ' IN'" - - - . T . -5 .W V J4 . Seeohd IStrfect, , Dalles. spbijig m mMMmm i - -COMPLETE. JN EyERyjEPAKTIENT: ft ' o ,..,c- Boots and 5boes.;r s . i Full Assortment of the Leading Manufacturers.. ' ' : -. . , .'.! : - " Cash. JuyeJ2LillsMnioiiey by examining stpek gr-jr and.prices before parehasiiig : eisemnefe H. Herbnnfir. J I rBC SBJ Inct HnonoH tfcprjetqp. Aferds. SLt"RsbriaDle lliiW DKAI.BB IK- T .''.. W afoei -:'PIlf ' toEiry.Etc. All kinds ol repairing1 a npeeiHltvviid all Work guaranteed, and prortptly attended to. j . Cali- and see- bia 'stook A; clocks, before you leave an order elsewhere. . , ' . '(.. : U:;.i;IlUsOtaM-ore.:--.-,-:-j ! Notice'iS'herebyi feivenj that - the co partnership heretofore existing-between William Floyd, A. Byrne arid Stacy Shown,"nhder tlie" JSrrii'toarjfie'of'BjTne, Floyd & Co., In Dalles 5ity,' this day been dissolved by: mtitnal cohsent. Abe Dn8iueB8-wm be-tomimiea at the old Btand; by Williad VFloVd afcd Stacy Shown, who will pay all billa and oUct all debta. 8. A. Bybne, 1 " ; W It, 1. 1 AM KIOTO, Dated April 26.1WZ. St act shown, 0'' JEEFEKSON ' STREET, between Second and Railroad. Parties Aoldirjij Hsivhus agsiast t S., Cram are uotifieKHp resent' thoin to Mm: at once. at the Colnmbta'Candy-Factory , arid all those? indebted re requested to settle at?tbe sa-aao1 plaoeV? ;aa Jhare iBoldi oat my busineed' arid iwont Tb"tlde vp All Dalles City warrants registered prior to September 1, 1890, will be paid if presented at nr? officer Interest ceases lrOnnwid of ter-this date, f u ... fi.v; Dated February 8th, 1892. . - '-;yxTTa TeaB mad city: A Kwes and Lambs for Sale. sale '4-have 1;460 eweftind rlSHbs for cheap. Call npoh or address B. S, say, Kent, Sherman county, Oregon. ' , 4-23-lmd&w Kel- Building Material; noiigh ai 1 . r i ft'-. ';liiil scbunlifo the jraje'tn all lines. hanSlsJ by bs. t SrfVATEt) AT. 'THE HEAD iQF NAVIGATION;. I Destined to be the Best! lIlleSeliingrfrSirty of Manufacturlng Center I ithe Inland Emplrei i-i. - . 1 '-' 1 ' ' ! ..west. tNfirth- For Further Inf ormatloi 1Utho OfTlclr."Dr; v . I mm mmx niLKFStrl LK 0. D. TAYLOll The Dalles. Of. liHfestfiieflt 72 Mwmi st Go.. 4 ,,'Fortlaiiifc