The Dalles Daily Chronicle, OFFICIAL PAPKROK DALl.Ed CIJY. Pfiblmhed Dully, Sunday Excepted. THE CHRONICLE PUBLIHXG CO. Corner Second and Wanhlnjrte-i Street. Dalle. Oregou. The Terms of Suhacrlptiom FerYear. Per month, by carrier Single copy .IS 00 . 30 6 . 8tAT QFFICIALS.,.'i t Governoi ... .' Peimoynr Secretary of State G.W. MeBride Treasurer Phillip Metochan Bupt. of Public Instruction . B. McElroy inators ... ( jj. H. Mitchell B. Hermann .... Frank Baker ongTessinan . State Printer. . COCJfTY OFFICIALS. Countv Judge. C. K. Thorabary Sheriff " D. L. Cates Clerk Treasurer J. B. Croiisen Geo, Ruch IH' A. J-eavens I Frank Kiucaid Commissi oners . Assessor: i John F-. Burnett Surveyor -E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. Troy xhelley Coroner .William Michel! The . London correspondent- of 'the American Economist calls attention to the fact that it is ithin the memory of many still living that the United States, with ships built in the states did not only her own trade but lrun-h of that of foreign nations, including Great Britain. Forty years ago two-third of the trade between Australia and England was carried on in vessels built in Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut, and American clipiiers monopolized the carrying trade between Kurope and America. But America has developed protection to all industries except her shipping trade, while England has pro tected only her Shipping trade and the result in the latter cs3 is that English shipmasters are the cuirk-rs of the world. .- The Iron Age calls attention to the fact that, for the first time in our history we are exporting more . iron and steel tnanufatures, exclusive ot iron ore, than we import. . Ifi eight months of 1886-87 the value of our imports .were $27,850, 422 and our exports $10,713,182. For the same period in 1891-2 our imports were (16,329,207 while our exports were (20,463,764. Gentlemen of congress, let the McKinley bill alone. . The professional card of Dr. Eliza A. Ingalls, apears ' in v 'Tne ' Chkoxtclk today. The lady is welcomed to The Dalles bv a large circle of friends. : ' " ' Nolle. Tho carpenter's anion of this city have withdrawu their application to the con tractors and builders of The Dalles be cause of an insufficient nnmbernof sign -eri. Signed .-:.;- TC. Wilson,' ,. ; H. R. Antossen, J. McMcxuex, VV. rJYLVESTKB, A. Bybrs. ; . . o-17-lt. . Committee. :Itlieuiuatlam Cared in Three Days. Mies Grace Littlejohn is a' little girl, - ,.i........ Ttnit;mn..A Ohio. Head what she says:. "I was troubled with rheumatism for two years, but could ' get nothing ' to do me any good. 1 wwl so helpless that I had to be carried like a babe when I was advised to get a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I got it from our druggists, Mr. J. A. Kunilx-r, and in three days I was up and walking around. I have not felt any return of it since and my limbs are limber as they ever were."- 50 cent bot tles for sale, by Blakeley &i Houghton, druggists. ' ' dSw A Pointer. '. "I am very much pleased with Chatn- berlain's Cough Remedy," says H. M. Bangti, the druggist at Chatsworth, 111. '"During tho epidemic, of. Is grippe here tt took the lead and was very much bet--ter liked thnn other -cough medicines." 'The grip requires precisely the same ' treatment as a . very . severe cold, for which this remedy is so efficient. "It will promptly loosen a cold and relieve he lungs, soon effecting a , permanent -cure, while most other .medicines in -common use for colds only give tempor ary relief. 50 cent bottles for sale by "iBlakeley & Houghton, druggists, d&w - Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Whan Bab j-was oick, we gars her Castorfa. .. Wbrohewaa,Cbild,ahaforCtori,. When she became XOsa, abe clung to Oastoria, . When ah had phn.drea.aha tare them Castorl. , Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received until June 1st 1892, by the directors of school dis trict No. 50 of Wasco county, Oregon, for the. erection of ' new" school house. Plans and specifications ,can be seen at district clerk's office at Antelope. Right reserved to reject any or all bids.!.'. . .. Pixbcb Kimsky, 5-13d2t .. .. District Clerk. : Notice. ...!' :, Water consumers will please to ;take notice that all SDrinklimr and irrintino belween the hours of 6 and 7 a. m. and 6 to 8 p. m. Fail are j&mplyarltbJtbia rale will leave the consumer liable to have the water turned aft and a charm of 60 cents willbe inade forhating it turned on again. ) ?v V-h f i ,.- By -order 6t V ? '-62tT, Tint-WATKB-CosiiiissioxEits ICK! ICE I 7 ICK! Having on hand lare'ssapply.of ice we are prepared to furnish .pur .custom ers with ice in any .quantity nt a reason able rate. We guarantee we will supply the demand without, advancing; prices throughout the season.! V Leave orders at C. F. Lauer's store, Second street. 5-2tf -Cates & Aixisojfi"1 Bofos Mammies. In laying in your winter mummies be careful to buy stock of only the genuine. j :- Tbe habit of making imitations of ar ticles has extended even .to the prod no tion of counterfeit back number subjects of the defunct Pharaohs. . Now,, ordina rily when one buys a thing he wants i fresh; but this role does not hold gooJ in the mummy trade. The staler they are the better, from a commercial point of view." - The high price of authentic mummies in a good state of preservation has led to the practice of manufacturing them, to' order, and the man . who contemplates the purchase of a dozen or so of these cheerful objects should see that he gets what is left of something which once walked and talked in' Egypt 8,000 or 4,000 years ago. 'I The mummy trade has been very ac tive of. late. Ordinary Egyptian, citizens who have had no further use for them-, selves for thirty or forty centuries can be bought for about fifty dollars at Cai ro, but a bettea quality of individual a prince or a high ' priest, for instancei comes as high as $500 or even hiorei '' If you should find in a mummy for which you paid (100, say, a lot of gold and jewelry worth about $1,000,, you can be confident that the thing is genuine. An Egyptologist named Mosconas once made a small fortune in the purchase of one mummy which had once contained a rich man's vital spark. .. The chest, which had been separated from the vital organs before embalming, had been filled again with gold and precious stones. Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. i . ' Explaining; a Shower of Blood. . . . No phenomena of nature have excited more widespread consternation in an cient and even in comparatively modern times than the so called rains of - blood, stones, fishes and reptiles. -' .-.--" - The peoples of antiquity regarded such occurrences as dire warnings and por tends, and at the present day their occa sional happenings gives rise, to much wonder and actual fear. Nevertheless, science has been able to ascertain the causes which produce these remarkable precipitations, which are accounted for by reasons entirely commonplace. In 1670 a "rain of blood" fell at The Hague. The citizens got up in the morn ing and found that a shower of crimson fluid had fallen during the night. There was great excitement and the occurrence was looked upon as foretelling approach ing war. One level headed physician got a little of the strange water from one of the canals and examined it under a microscope. He found that the fluid had not really a red color, but was sim ply filled with swarms of small crimson animalcules. . Further investigation showed these' animalcules to be a species of water flea with branching horns.: Presumably they were brought from a great distance .by wind and deposited with the rain. How ever, notwithstanding this explanation, the .Hollanders: persisted in regarding this .affair from a superstitious , point of view, and many declared afterward that it was an omen giving - warning of the desolation which -'was ' subsequently brought into the country with fire and sword by Louis XIV. Washington Star. ' ' The New Clab Member.. I read conscientiously Sunday after noon at the club the .weekly roles and regulations laid down in the newspapers concerning the details- of life, that I might regulate my behavior thereby; and I notice that "initials are not con sidered good form on' note paper,' not even monograms." This did not particu larly interest me, as I have for years used a firm, plain and unruled paper though I do not delight in two sided let ter writing, and the only notes I am punctilious in- answering are. dinner : in vitations and the :good' wishes of Miss Porphyry sent to me at the beginning of "each, world's year and mine own. . But looking up and across the hall I saw young Spriggles Dusily engaged in the consumption of club paper and -envelopes. Letters stood in high stacks upon the table. And I formulated this maxim: The newness of club member ship is in direct proportion to the amount of daily correspondence. The clnbling parades the club - stamp as the newly married man his . wife. And 1 should regret this thrusting of such dan gerous weapons as . pen, ink and paper into the hands of the wise and the fool ish, were it not that club paper' had oc casionally its uses-, as when -Thackeray wrote that delightful Roundabout in de fense of Lord Clyde. Boston Post. - The Klu in Blatory. What a fleeting, 1 intangible, evanes cent and altogether delicious thing a Idas is! No savant can analyse it. -' The genius that fathoms star spaces cannot,; .the-, science that Weighs the fraction of an atom cannot determine its specific gravity.' And yet what an im--portant part it lias played in history as well as in romance. It has been the re ward of genius for was not Voltaire publicly kissed in the stage box .by the beautiful Duchess de YOlars in compli ance with the demands of' an enthusiasm tic fit to thus reward the - author--of .VMerope??- r-x r; 'ih'.n .? MVyy.-.n It has been the bribe, of politics, for when For, was contesting , the hard won seat at. Westminster the beautiful Duch-' ess of Devonshire offered to kiss all who would vote for the iw&f statmnun. Anfl the inspiration' of patriotiam, for did not the fair Lady Gordon tumr'recrniting Mnh. r, -ww i, .i. regiments, had been depleted, by Sahv manca,Tand tempted Ine gallanfe lads' by placing the recruiting shilling between her lips for all who would to take it 'with thei own? New York" Sun I'vinac teuow is awiuily stuck up," remarked, the' cob to the. . polo company, as he wagged -his ears i n the direction of the javr Xandem horse;' ' "He ' refused to rexgnu; mejtoday In tb,park. JEej may De a society 'leaaer now, but I re tnember " when his' mother used to be .driven; bys tfc$6?Fs Jon'-Harper's 7 3 NEW TO-DAY. ZA Ji J Pnblie Speakinar.' t The republican candidate for.congressv Hon. W. R. Ellis, will I speak at the; ; fol lowing points : V-- ' Moro, Wednesda v, Slav 18th, i :30 p.' rn. Wasco " " 7:30-" Dufar, Thurdav, May 19th, 1 :30 p. m. The Dalles, Thursday, May 19th, 7:30 p. m. - .- - ..- , . Hon.fH. B Miller, of Grant's Pass, will accompany Mr. Ellis 'in' the - cam paign, at the above mentioned placee, . T7,7TT'VrTti'jA Bunch of keys, X1 J X 3J onOourt street nieaV Fourth. Owner can "have the same oh application at this office, by paying for this 25 cent advertisement. 5.10d3t FOR CHURCHES. Superior in tuna to Pipe Orgrans, easier played and cheaper, are the ESTEY PHILHARMONICS. j-OTICE. ' Bids will be received; for. the . building of a house for A HOSE CART IN THE EAST END of the city, -until SatnrdayJ May. 14th. Plans for same can be seen by calling on 5-8-dtd CHAS. E. HAIGHT, i Chairman Fire and Water Com. FOR SALE cheap, band of range horses, consisting of yearlings, two-year olds and mares. - For informa tion -.. ; - ,i .... ; . -, .. Apply to C. F. STEPHENS. o-3dlm 134 Second St. Trig Or. WANTED. ' One or more lots, above the Bluff, in exchange for Work Horses, or Brood mares. - : Apply to HUGH GOURLAY. . 5-2tf '; . . Chronicle office, The Dalles. FORSALE finest stock farms in Crook county ; 1100 Acres deed ed land; abundance of water; good grass range capable of handling 10,000 sheep : 300- acres under irrigation.'-Two good dwellings and out buildings. - Price, f S, 000 ; half in stock, horses cattle or sheep. For further particulars Apply to HUGH GOURLAY, 6-2tt ' - Cbroniclcoffice, The Dalles. T?rT?! C A T17 Twelve fine -Tvtt Oj9LJUJ1. lots, splend idly located in the Garrison addition. Apply to : HUGH GOURLAY, 5-2tf ' Chronicle office. The Dalles. ,. STRAWBERRIES, "' -1 , . Apples, 'Oranges) '. , .' ' . - Candies i Nuts, - t - Soda Water,' ' , f " Sarsaparilla and Iron ., ' Cider, Ett. , !" iji Everything, is First, Class. ' .." Well Supplied with',, ' . TOBACCO and Uiuon;made OlfiAES. J. Second St, FOLCO, next- o Wingate's Armory. ' ; '104 Second Street, ' ' ICE! -icEi ICEf Having over .1000 tons of ice on hand, we are now . prepared to receive orders, wholesale or retail,, to be delivered through the summer. ' Parties contract ing with us will be carried through tho entire i season - without . -advance'- ix rEiCK, and may. depend that we; have nothing but. ,,'.,. , . , , . PUREv HEALTHFUL ICE i: . '.i ; ' r i . '-: ' i Cut lrom mountain. water ; no slough or slush ponds.' '. ' . - - Leave :orderff at the Columbia Candy Factory, '104-- Second r street,' or J Ice Wagon--v.. , . . . . . - - . . . . W.;s.' QRAM.' Manager.' . ii n - - . 8ucceors to C. E. Danham. , f; Diupists and Chem jsts. i-Pare I)iiis.a!!l,IIeJiti!!ei" Night Druggists ' alwafi- itt Attendance.' Cor. Second anri j Unioh.'Sts, ;.sa TBI DAtl.B,-raiSK,:? o?a .; ; STAGY'SflbumS: J 'u ''i'-w' -V 5 men i Watches, ; Clocks;! JewelrrEtc. anAWtwork befbroijrou leave aa order elsewhere.. : - XiMlatloai?r6Uca. J. J-T'Cl Kotice ia herebjr-giT'eri ? that1' the co partnership heretofore existing between -William FloydSi A'i Byrne un gacy Shown, -under -the firm nane-of Bynii Flovd & Co.. in .Dalles Citv. Or., has this' Lday been ' dissolved by nrutual consent.' ' iiio uuaiuran -win ue cominura ttt'iue old stand, by William- Floydearid Stacy Shown, who will pay all bills and collect all debts. ., 8. A. Bjrss, V j" ' ' Wiixjam Fxbr, :" Dated April 26, 1892. Stacy Shows. I - .. Ua - hi ii ihi av a w j a V7...E; GARRETSOII. ilil- Jeweien . -; SOirAOENT FOB THE All Watch Work Warranted. -J f-r, I. ( Jewelyy J&ade to Oider. 138 Second St.. The Dalles. r. A. A. Brown, Keep a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and" Provisions. . ' ' i' j which heofl'err at Ixw Hgure. ,t . . SPECIAL :-: PRICES to Cash. Buyers., Highest Cash Prices for Egs and : otter Prote. t70 SECOND STREET. The Dalles Gigar : Faetory FIEST STBEET. P ACTOHYy ' NO. 105 V-I-vXxjlAYVJ manufactured, and oraers irom an parts ot trie country tilled on tne snortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand.lor the homemannfactnred. article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. R. B. HOOfr Liveryf heed ftana Sale Horses BouhtuiidSoldon r Commission and'Money 'i , f Advanced, on Horses Left for Sale - J " Stai fe Leaves The Da!le "irvirf Vornibx A 7:00 and Oddendale at 7;00. All i a; freight must be left at R. B. Hood's ofnee the eve ning before. ... R. B. HOOD,- Proprietor, Opposite oJdStan'dpV The Dalles', Or. AND OYSTER HOUSE. -One of the rlaest Cooks In The Dalles. ' " All Work y?hlte e"lp- " Next door to Byrne, FloydjjDo' Drug Store. ... ' 85 UoloQS ffi2biiles. Just Openedl10 'i nonci. ; iv.'lr(ia Parties holdlne claims aarainst W. S. Cran are notified topresent ljwein. to him at once st.uis vxttunoic.vpd7 ractoryj, and all those indebted are reqaasted to settle at the same place, as 1 have sold out mv business irid iwntftdtjhse&n my accounts. BespeetfdHy.UfcHt WWWW W. B. UBAX. ilii. vf r.i wi'J Jjuja odk -soxick.,-, .' '-r", 11 All. Dalles ?CTty warrants' registerecr prior to September 1, 1890, will be paid if presented at my office. Interest ceases ftvm an-? aff-av this Jafn avua aaua. aaaw. K UUiyf V V fc uated JtDrraary ftn, T.Jfl . j-r r p O.'KlNEBSLV. il tf. Treaty Dalles City. ''! I'itji'J t. Ewes and Iambi for, Sale.,, "... t have 1,400 ewes and lambs 'for sale jcheap. . , CaJU irpon or address B, Sj-cKel-say, rKent Shermarx '.fcottntyii Oregon ' .:5-Br "1'?4 v i rrxrfV' rT' TheDfcRnrp mm The Iiateh Sttitlg Spripb aijd $(immer, "Bat words are things, and a small drop of ink. - - Falling, like dewj upon a thought, produces ,'....' , That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.", -WE TRUST TO INTEREST AND I0 TOV GOOD. Buy pun Shoes -1 . 'i i ' ' - MANUFACTURED BY THE DALLES MERGAiTillE Col I v ' S!-E AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. EUROPEAN The Con-ugated Building Handsomely Furnished Rooms fflears-Prepared by a TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED., ! ' Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men.' I 0 ;Hn if? GlbthieF BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks an(i?ValisesV CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, - THE DALLES, OREGON . p-reat Bargains ! Removal I On account of Removal r will sell my entire stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats aritl'eapsrTrtin'kg'atid Valises, She 1 v- ings, Counters,:, Desk, Safe, Fixtures, vi.J. ill ? i i tr , , ata..Great -Bargain. Come and see my "of feV; :x . . a j.Ij .v;i ;:---7 ; : 12.S Seeond-Stneet. ILJ J. J i. J.. X v. J 4L i K. irapMrmrsuiiiiie?DBriooDS: "; t T t? 'r A Ti.r-.i r, Boots and jf uu Assortment ot the uasn bayersmm save money : oy0examimng oair stock ana prices oeiore y' r r f-m H -J C-.-J -6eaers in '..- n Mlrt '' t t a . i. n . . i. UUIIUIIIS-i IflUtUI IUI, ITS- S- w - r. r ill mi mimWT: . f.'r " literal iiscount4o tths Jrads in all lines handled by JEiTEK30N,STREET,t between Second .. . I AVIS a a- l j . ,- rr SITyATED AX THE rf Destined i be tPje Best ..Manufacturing Center In the' rsr, runner imwrmawvn mui is Hluuays Oat I SEASON rr- WALTER H. TEN NY & CO., BOSTON. MKSS. i i a next Door to Court House. . to Rent py DaifWtitor ' First 'Class' ttgiish Joo ' and TMtiS; ! J t .' . V , 1 . r Removal ! The-Dalles. 'DEPARTMENT. ' I '' -' Shoes! .Leading Manutactnrers: parcnasmg.' eisecanere. !: , - ! Herbririgi .lUUllr U1IU UI JvJvW.U, -'-.r"TW ' ' andfVRffroirr,2 5 THX'AtLESj'OElrf . r I . HEAD OF NAVIGATION. v r Best jSelfjng pToperjty of, n ' . jthet Season ItYithe NortN VJ n 1 Mi i wmyitf 'Mestmento,;,