CM lbs Dalles Daily Chronicle. THI DALLES OREGON TUESDAY - MAY 17, 1892 Telegraphic' jriasbes. The trial of Edward P. Deacon for the Murder of M. Abeille in Paris for - inti macy with hie wife, is set for the 20th, Deacon was crazed by jealousy and now . pleads for sympathy, saying that be only resorted to desperate measures after; all other means had failed. '- He warned ' Abeille, and endeavored to get his ;wife to consent to a divorce without publicity, 1 but she refused. - In San Francisco, on the lGth, among arrivals overland were a hole family of children, three girls and two boys, who had come all the way from Switzerland, without escort. Each child was tagged with an ordinary baggage ' check, and . the eldest, who is 10 years of frge; bore a letter from the Swiss consul in New York, recommending them to ther care of the conductors. . They, arrived in line shape. It was a joyous reunion when the father found them. The mother of the children died in Switzerland' while her husband was trying to make a home for ber out here, and, on hearing of" her death, he at once sent for the little ones. The youngest child is four years old. The little book Tamerlane, one of Poe's poorest poems, was sold the other day for $1,860. Poe used to think himself lucky when he sold a poem for $5. There are some men who cannot make a living until a long time after they are dead. NOTICE TO ICE CONSUMERS. As manager of The Dalles Ice "Co. I wish to contradict the statements that I was only acting as agent for an outside company. .. I own one half interest in the company, and will sell ice this year and for years to come, and should a crop of natural ice come in this "locality we will put up enough to supply this city for three or four years and Spokane com panies will then have to withdraw their agents from here. Kespecttuiiy, W. S. Cbam, Manager; - -- " : : . .- -" ' Billdinc MlUrtri. We offer to the building public- a full line of building material. We do not resort to trickery to buy . pi; sell any lines bandied by us.- . e . Wji, Butler & Co Lumber' Dealers, . Sole azents for the "'Oregon" lime and Oregon sewer and chimney pipe. 5-7dtf Notice to Contractor. Sealed bida will be received until June 1st 1892, by the directors of school dis trict No 50 of Wasco county; Oregon, Jor ine erection of a new scnooi House. Plans and specifications can be . eeen at district clerk's office at Antelope. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. - . - -': ' -' PlBRCK KlXSKY, " 5-13d2t - District Clerk. ., , . - - - . MoUe. - Water consumers will please to take notice that all sprinkling and irrigating from the city water works must be done between the hours of 6 and 7 a. m. and 6 to 8 p. m. Failure to comply with this rule will leave the- consumer liable, to have the water turned off and a 'charge of 50 cents will be made for having it turned on again. . By order of r 5-6-2t.' ' Thh Water Commissioners TO THE TRADE AND CONTRACTORS. I DESIRE IT TO BE tJNDERSTOOD, that I have appointed Wm. Butler & Co. exclusive agents for the sale of the "Oregon"; lime, at The Dalles, and sur rounding country. Other parties have, through surreptitious and unbusinesslike methods, obtained a small quantity of this lime, which may naturally cause the idea that Butler & Co. are not the exclusive agents of these goods. . . $Jtf . Such, .however, is not the fact, ana further stock of this article cannot be obtained from .. others than Wm. . Butler & Co. The trade, however, 4 will not lose sight of the fact that the great strife to obtain the Oregon lime by other dealers droves conclusively that the "Oregon" is the best lime in the market. . Very truly T ? f yx : 4 5-7-d6t-wlt T. F. Osbokn, Gen. Agt. Or. Marble and Lime Co. JERSEY BULL"SL Lambert y The thoroughbred Jersey boll St. Lambert,- will stand for the season at the Co lumbia Feed yard. .For service apply to David George. ' 2.25dtwlm NOTICB. Having bought the boot and shoe shop of 0. W. Adams, on the 12th day of February 1892, I hereby give notice that I will pay and, collect, all accounts made since that date, and continue bus iness at 116 Court street. 4- 30-dlm Thos. Adams.. SlO Reward. Lost or stolen from my ranch near Kingsley, a dark brewn' horse,' branded K. K. connected, on left shoulder, small star in forehead, weight about 1200 pounds. " He was last eeen near the ranch on March 8th inst. - I will pay the above reward for his recovery. 5- 29tf Mrs. J. Bomw. "t', $ XOTIOX. i 4 ..M " R."E. French baa for sale a number of improved ranches r and uaim proved layida in the Grass Valley neighborhood in enerman county, xney will be sold very cbeftp - and on ' reasonable terms. . Mr: French can locate settlers on some ' : good unsettled claims in the same neigh . borhood. , His address ia Grass Valley, v 8herman county, Oregon. :'" . 1 - -. -r-r-:-. '.I '. y i- r- j Wfcr- to Clock, j 11 you will call upon Mr. Stacy Shown, with Byrne, Floyd & Co., corner Second and tfnioa streets, The Dalles, who has juei opened the . largest assortment and the fineet lines of goods in this branch - ; .of trade, ever displayed In this city, and .at prices which defy competition you will at once know, Where to boy clocks. He lias them from $2.00 up. 2-26wtf BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BU8IKE83 Letters of Credit issued available' in' the ' Eastern States Sicrht ;' Exchange' : : and- 'Telesrabhlc Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Ban rrancisco, Porttana Oregon, Seattle Wash.) and various points in Or egon find Washington.' " ''? Collections made at all points on . fav orable terms." J' - -'"'" ""'- -1 " " - J. 8. SoUncv''- rO H. Mi JSBTAU.' Cashier. riwueav. v A Mil m i ii i I Ami ' Mill i J i 1 1 , P I Tirsfjlabonal BanTT 7 r n ? a U F L r. 'HE DALLES, ; -ORECON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight , Draft or Check. , ' . Collections made and proceeds prompt ly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port- , land, . . . i D1REOTOHS. D. P. Thompso. Jno. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams, 1 Gso. A. Lie-. . r ; H. M. BKALL. - . t , A NEW tJBderuking Establishment ! PRINZ"&NITSOHKE. Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our business a completer Undertaking f Establishment, ana as we are iu no way connectea with the Undertakers" Trust our prices will be low accordingly .r 4 ' Remember our place on Second street, next to Moodv'g DanK. ' GENTLEMEN ! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY-KIND IN THE FIJRNISH- ING LINE,"'' ee me Shirts -of -all kinds- to order, at prices -which- defy competition. Other gooas m proportion.. . r. .dagan, v , Second St., The Dalles ' Sole Agent for WANVAMAKEB & BROWN,' : Philadelphia, Pa. C. WYSS, MercRant Tailor", No77 Second Street. Suits Made to Order' AND A Fit Guaranteed. Order taken for an Eastern Jionaa for .all Kinaa 01 ran. :aii ana examine gooae.- - JOHN PASHEK, IbibiW1 Tailor, Next door to Wasco San. Jast Received, a fine stock of Suitings, - .itiuiui uLLuriia, cms., oi sui latest Styles, at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System need in cutting gsrmentsr"d fit guaranteed f f r eacn"time. tepaiving and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. - G.7Johnstoiii5Son " . .-. c . -3 . Air Job Work promptly attended ,to and estimates giveii on all wood work. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 1 DR. ELIZA. A. INGALLS, Physician, SuRr., gkok and Ocuijst. Ofllce: Rooms 40 and j 47 Chapman Block. .. H ,, , . .1 F M.-8AX.YER. Cmi' KMgikeebikg, Survey- , inft, andArehlUcture. The Dalles, Or. . DR. KSHE I.MAN (Homoeopathic Phybiciak and Kubgkon. Calls answered promptly, day or night, city or country. Office No. and :t7 'C'hilnuil block. ',-.:.',., : ,. i tf DK. J. ISUTHERLAKD FELLOW OF TkiniTY Mediciil College, and member of the Col- at Physicians and Surfceons, Ontario, Phy-. lman ana sunreon. umce: rooms 3 ana 4 nap- man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Scc- nd street. Office hourly; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 ind 7 to S p. m. DK. O. 1. BOAXE FKY81CIAK AKD SUR GEON. Office: rooms 5 and 6 Chapman Block. KeBidenoe, No. Si. Fourth street, one block south of Conrt House. Oflice hours 9 to 12 A. M.. 2 to Sand 7 to 5 r. M . n81IIALL Dentist. uas given for the ,ainlMic t tr,'fion of toeth. Also teeth let on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Goiden Tooth, Second Street. . S.BJJUrCK. GSO.- ATKIKS., TKAKX atSNXrEC. rvmnit. watkixs & menefee attob- I sin-iT-u Koom No. 43. over Post Office BuildiDK. Entrance on w ashineton Street The Dalles, Oregon. ' , ; ' . ' ' WH.- WILSON A ttokkby-at-law Rooms ' S2 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Daiiea. Oregon. ' - - .. k S. BENNETT. ATTORSK V-AT-IAW. ' Of- 'V Hce in Scbanno's building, up stairs. The uailes, Oregon. P. r. WATS. K. S. BUKTIXOTOK. H. S. VUtOI. riTB. HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOB- .VI KiTi iT-uw. Offices. French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles. Oregon. SOCIETIES. ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets in K. of P. hall Xhe second and fourth Wednes days of each month at 7 :S0 p. m. . r w ASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets nrst ana tmra Monaay oi eacn montn at 7 DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 7 P. M. . MODERN. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. ML Hood Cams No. 69. Meets Tuesday even- tug of each week in the K. of P. Hall, at 7 :30 T. at. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets pverv Fridav evenine at 7 :30 o'clock, in K. of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. sojourning Drainers are welcome. H. Clodgh, Sec'y. - . H. A. Biixs.N. a: FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in Tited. W. 8. CR4K. D. W.Vacbe, K. of R. nna S. - . . : C C. . WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ; TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited. fTlEMPLE 1X1DGE NO. S. A. O. II. W. Mtn X at K. ef P. Hall, Corner . Second and Court mreen, x nursaay evenings at 7 :au. - , ...Gkobge Giboks, W. 8 Mtebs, Financier. . , M. W, XAS. NESMITH POST, No. 32, G. A. R. Meets Tf every uararaay at 7:3U r. jt., in the K. of P, HalL ! -,. ia ., . ,, 1 , -. ,: , . jOF L. K. Meets everyunday afternoon in n.. vk nau.. ..... 'lESANG.-. VEREIN Meets . every ' Sunday BOF L, F. DIVI8ION, No. 167 Meets in the K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes- oajr w eacn mania, n 7"ju r.M. . .. - .-: THB CHURCHES. OT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bboks- O -kbst Pastor. low Mass- every Sunday-at 1 a. m. nign nass at !: a. M. vespers at A DVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Preaching m Att uic x., a. v. . a. njooia every ounaay as Xi a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school immediately uioriiiug service, u. a. urcnara, pastor. -r? ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. EU D. SutoUfTe Rector. Services every Sunday t 11 A. m. and 7:3 r. at. ' Sunday School 9:15 A. n. Evening Prayer on Friday at FIR8T BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. TaT lok. Pastor. Morjxing, services every Sab bath at the academy at 11- A.- M. - Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting Friday -evening at Pastor's resi dence. Union services in the court bouse at 7 P. M. ' CONG REG ATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W.i C. . Ccbtib, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 i. M. and 7 r. K. , Sunday School after morning service. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free. M , E. CHURCH Rev. A. C. 8rKKCEB,pastor. a Services every Sunday morning. Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock p. at. A cordial invitation is extended by both pastor and people to aU. V VdUH'tfttEjltidil -iCO;icl piH" 'joe'? rnir-O Is called to the fact that Dealer in Glass lime, Plaster, Cement V.v ; .' I-. u J UK ,f4iui'i i'i-jili . .and Building Material of all kinds. , Carrla tne Finest Line f juouiiiiflys Trtoectoona In the City. -1 .1 j . tUosfciingtorj Street. UG. W, H. ;. BUTTS,' Prop. Ko. 90 Second Sreet, Tne Dalles, Or. Thieiwell known rfetacd,. kepty the Veil ; known V. I H."Butt; long a "resi dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary fine stock of ' V Sleep Herfer'j DtliAl and Irish Distarbam . In fact, all the leading brands of fine Wines, Liquors nd 'Cignm. - Give the old man a call and -yen will come again. HagbGlenD, piciure - Jt Ktv Lifeboat. :rA new kind of lifeboat has been con Htrncted to trie order of the Boulogne flnmane society on a -model designed hy one of -ita'. members; ; The construction of the -new boat is simple and econom ical, and could ' be adapted to any sea going rowing boat. : The invention con sists in the introduction of air tight cop per chambers, .broad at the gunwale and. diminishing at the bilge, placed on the outside of the boat, vhere they are equally distributed, so as not to interfere with the sweep of the oars. - The tops of the chambers shelve down ' outward, forming a smooth gunwale, ten inches broad amidshipe and tapering away fore and aft. . y ;: y; '' .' : These compartments are protected from injury by a casing forming double bulwarks, inasmuch as the shape of the hull preserves perfectly its boatlike ap pearances.. It - means really a little more beam and conBecraently more sta bility. The proposed new feature does not at all affect the speed of the vessel. In addition to these compartments cham bers can be fitted, fore and aft. It has 'been usual to place the air or cork lined chambers inside lifeboate. especially on board of snips' lifeboats. . . , , . The outward application of these air cases gives greater solidity to the boat's side in the event or being staved in, and will tend to prevent accidents such as happen through -people bringing their weight to bear on one side of a boat when pulling a person out of the water. A boat fitted as described has been tested with the combined weight of six persons assembled on one side. All this weight failed to Overturn the boat, the water tight, compartments brought into contact with the water resulting only in giving ' the boat a par tial list and so far proving its resisting power and buoyancy. The new boat is 17 J feet long, is built of elm and cost (125. London Uraphic. Qld Peopi 3. V. 8. is the only Sarsaparilla llat -ld at feeble people should take, at the miurra! iMttasli which is in every other Sana nartlla t'.ist vctuoif ef, is under certain' conditions known to be emaciating., J.. V. S. on the contrary is purely vegetable and stimulates digestion and. create new blood, the very thing for old, delicate or broken down people. ' It mtilds tbem np aud prolongs their lives.' A case in point: "Mrs. Bclden an estimable and elderly lady of SlO Mason St., S. F. was for months declining so rapidly as to seriously alarm her family. It got so bad that she was finally afflicted with fainting spells. She writes: " While in that dangerous condition f saw' some of the testimonials- con cerning J. V. 8. and sent for a bottle. That marked the turning point. .: I regained my lost flesh, and strength and have not felt so well in years." That was two years ago and Mrs. Belden is well and hearty to-day, and still taking J. V. 8. If yon are old or feeble and wantto be bo lit up. Ask for Joy' q Vegetable w Garoaparilla Mocc modern, most effective,' largest bottsSt Same price, SLOO, six for f&OX -For; SalsV by SNIPES & KINERSLY "THIS DAJXEB. OREGOtt. 1 " -! A Severe Law. - Ths English peo plelookmoxeeloaely . to. tba genuineness.. of these staples than we 4a In fact, they have a law under which they . tnaks J seizure . and . : ds- sooy aauireratea J-:.: ' V; products that are' not what they are represented to be. Under t this statute thousands of ponndsof teahav been burned because of their wholesale adul- teration. ' " ' :'. ; Tea, by the way, is oneef tho most notort-t -. onvly adulterated articles of commerce. Not ' akn&ore the bright, shiny green teas artifl- :ally -colored, bat thousands of ponnds of - BUbxtheter for tea loaves are used to swell . the bulk of cheap tea ash, sloe, and willow ; leaves being those most commonly used. : Again, sweepings fr.ira tea warehouses are ; colored and sold m tea.; Even. exhausted tea . leaves gathered from the tea-houses are kept, dried, and' mode over and find their way into '. the cheap teas. " " ., Too uglhhgqvernmeut at'empts to stamp i (his ont by eoriCst-au.'u: put no tea-is too poor for w, and the rcjnli i. that robabiy J- the poorst teas nsed by a:iy nation are those consumed in America.- - i - ' ' s t ' . Heerh's Tea is presented with the goar- aaty thaf it U utteolored and unadulterated; -1 ' In fact, tbe sda-rtlrou 'tea leaf pure and sinv- . .'.pie.; Its -pui-ity inxnrcs, superior, strength, i t about one third lees of it being required tot . t an iufusion'thanof (heat!nciaieas,an4 its. , fragrance and exquisite tlsvor is at once ap-' ' - parent'- 1 win. boa revelation to yon. In : order that ita purity aud qaoUtv may be gnar-: . an teed. It is sold only In pound package " bearing this tradeniak : "- "" BEECHi? TEA 1 fit I'jiirJr Uc: Mmm pewpoand;' Jot sals aft r-J- :! HI. 4 m: ' !-....; , F"jtt 111 i XesUe, Sutlers ; THB DAJJUK8. OEBQOlt. :.! .,. PhcBHix ' JAke ' has Arisen JAMES WHITE, j The Bestaaranteor Has Opened the .. Baldoiin rH'estaffiraM T'-XTP MjaN;'r3TEEET Where he will be glad to see any abd all : 'Ii old iatron. - - - ' ; Open day and Night. First class meals twenty -five cents." . When in the course of human events it becomes necessary, to recom- mend some brand of Smoking Tobacco, we unhesitatingly pronounce tsiackwelrs Bull Durham Smoking ' X vTobacco : ; ': i to be the best in the world. ! " '; r-,. Many times imitated, but never equalled. 1 '" Get the genuine. Made only by 1 Blackweirs Durham Tobacco Co., .. , , : .... : . uunuun, n. m JOEES BROS., Staple ana Fancy Giocenes. Hay, Grain and Feed. Masonic Block. Corner Third and D. tf U W Pipa;Wo Till Bep ' MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. ' Shop 6n Third,'' Street,' -' next door west of. Young .db. Ktiss' . ; . Blacksmith Shop. -.s,, a . )feu -o. Qolumbia .o. jotel, THE DAIXES, OREGON. . Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast! First-CIass Meals, 25 Cents.1 First Class Hotel in Every Respect. ; ' , 7,Norie hut the Best of White Help Employed. T. T. Nicholas, Pp op. HEPUBLICnil State, Dltrict Bnd County TICKET. i-, j.:' For Supreme. Judge, : .-vV" -:P.i A.; Moore. - For Attorney General, - .Lionel R. - Webster. , . For Member of C5ongreee, ; 2d District, v . ' W. R. Ellis. i'' --' : . -: ' : ' .r . . ; For Circuit Judge,; . , 7th District, . t Trr-4.ii' For Prosecuting Attorney,'. y v'' ; 7th District, 1 ' "'' X -.Hv)Wilso2x:-; 'p:;.;; For Member State" Board Equalization .- 7th District, :., :'.;-x i John L. Iackey.:- - For Joint Senator, 17th District, consiet ing of Sherman and Wasco Counties, ;! ; H. S..McDaniels' 1 For Joint Senator,- 18th District, coneiet i.ft,ri ing of Oilliam, Sherman and: vi'i;5 u .:!. Liv Wasco Counties,.. ):i . !n i.rv'i-i rtW' W. Stei-wrer ! j i ;' - i-" - -( ..iii-f q For Joint Representatives, "ISth Kepre 1 sentative District, 'consisting of '-1 :! .'.'- s Sherman and Wasoo i"---' ' '''' .4 N, Chandler, , , . . iij T.iiRhi .OOOn. -"j.t ii '-...: ', '',''v"':; :For County Judge,'' " C. THOENBUBT. .' ' :. . . ... w. : " :; ,;- . , , . . For County Clerk. .V ...- ,k 1 .' ,J. M: HUNTINGTON: ' ", :-.:,; Fr,Qounty Sheriff, . .- For County -Commissioner, c : 3 ..;:.:iVv iV H. .A. .XPAVENS.: r , r( . - i ; j For County Treasurer, - :-' tr.iX ..wjs .WTM. MICHFXL.-.;,y ,'i'1..1 : For County Assessor, " " r ,s , , , JOEL W. X.OOHTZ. For County- School' Superintendent, : . vw. TROY SHELLEY. . For County Surveyor, " V K. F. SHARP, '-y: .' , ..'.'-For County Coroner..,.-. ., - . - - N. M. EASTWOOD. '- ...V:. . 4-16U - mi m mtnti ul 1 1 flsrfiESrjflp curt Streets. The Dalies.Oregw, N State, District arid County TICKET. ''' For Supreme' Judge. ' ; ''' " , Alfred S: Bennett. t . For Attorney General, Greorge E. Chamberlain. , For Member of Congress, , .. , 2d District, James H. Slater. -.' '"-"' For Circuit judge, 7th District, . '. r W. L. Bradshaw. , .-, For Prosecuting Attorney, v-',t , , 7th District . 5. ; . ' - J. P. Moore. - "'- -.-'- ! , -- For Member State Board Equalization, " ' " 7tb District, ..William 'Blnghesi For Joint Senator; ' 17th 'District j Sher v.f ! man and Wasco counties, of Sherman. For Joint Senator, 18th District, Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco counties, , , vhv -W: RindMrt, y- " H-uyr v. .'-.if.U.j . f of Gilliam. .-.7:f iv. J-eir- v ., - " For Joint' Representatives, 18th Repre ' " ' ' sentative District, Sherman and Wasco counties, -y ' - va: -r H.' E. 'ioord (. S.P.Blythe .4 to I For CJodnty Judge,',K,': -. .m'-, U. GEORGE Cf. BLAKELEY ; n'l-.jFoT County Clerk,' . ;r .k.nt;JAJd4ES.B,CR0SSEN. ;V:, .fs," : :-. For Ckunty-;Sheriff, n . t i ; .,f.THOMAS A.WARp.,. For County Treasurer, . . WnilAM K. CORSON.,, . - ,. For County Assessor, U .. ; : . GEORGE T. PRATHER. isf;? ;. ; , For School Superintendent, : - f ,F, P. FITZGERALD. ' , t . : '. For County Commissioner, 1; j . JAMES DARNIELLE. , ; ;. , For County Coroner. "erir-,'; JOHN W.MOORE. 4-21 td J DEJIlOCBflTIG