The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 17, 1892, Image 3

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    Ttra Dalles Daily Chroniete-
- xtcred: $(OBtSmeeafe.The Dalles, Oregfc&?
v Local Xdvertuing. vy
10 Cents per Hue tot Brat insertion, and Ccuta
per line for each mbaequent insertion. -Special
rates for long time notice . f
miU 'i1 1?, tw'elvcd ltcr than 3 o'clock
will appear tae following day.
' : TIMB TABLES. .- : ,
VJlaUrrta;1'. 7 ;,
No. 2, Arrirea 12:01 a. it. i-j Devane 12:0ft A. m.
8. " 1J:30P. .--,- " 12:60r-. K.
So. l; Arrives :23 ai --;'DepartB 4rS0 a:. m.
" 7, . , 6:00 r. K.'n'i i 6;20r.?.
- - Two locai freights that carry pasaengera leave
one for tbe west at 7-00 a. M.,and one for the
eaat at9:16 At M, f T:iJi -
For Prlneville, yiai Bakej C-yeSiif WW44yt
'For'AitiovVifUohalCanyon City, leave
daily at 6 a. m. -( ij .
For Dufur, Kinsley, Wanite, Wapinltia, Warm
Springs rwi Tygh- yallejr,- leave daily (except
Bundav) Ht a", u. - J -T
For Uoldcndalc, WaS.', leave every day. f . tbe
week except Sunday .at 8 a.m. .ux.,1
OOioea for all line at the. Umatilla House.
i ty . r 'i t1 ...
V: --vuVoet-omae.
-Jaiieral Delivery Window . 8 a. in. to 7 p. m.
-Money Prder " A a. m, to 4 p., m,
Sunday u 1) 0 a. m. to 10a. m.
closino or malls
train going
" " Weatwv. .. p. at. and 5:30 p.m.
"Stage for GoldendaJa. . . J-.7 :80 a.m.
" " Prinevillo 5:80 a. m.
"Dufuraiid Warm Sprlnga . .5:80 a. m.
t Leaving for Lyle fe Hart land. .5:30 a. m.
" " J Antelope 5:80 a.m.
"Except Bundav.
Trt-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday;
' i.-1 ". .Mondar Wednesday and .Friday.! i
rruE8DAV; i-VS is -S may,- 17Z1892
Thk Dalles, Or., Mar.l7..18ftt
Altitude 116 above sea level.
; . . 1 ir?rv ' ; : t. .v.. : 1 r
Pacific . 4 Eel- D.t'r SB . . KUte
Coast bab. S tive of 2. of
Time. ? Hum Wind ? Weather
1 f
8 A. M H0.45 56 71- NW MO . Clear
8P.M 80.!i4 70 86- " . .00 . ,:
Maximum ''temperature, 71 : minimum tem--erature,47,
, .
Height of Ktver. S p. m. ZX 16.S feet;
-Changoin past 24 hours. : , 4 O.J-l.foot
Total preefpitationfrom July 1st to date, 11.55;
average precipitation from July 1st to date, 13.63;
total deficiency from July 1st, 1891, to date, U.08;
tnehea. ,m M
fc-s.. . . -.. . - 4 a. a.
SAs Fkaxcisco, May ITtlSSSJT
Weather ! forecast tilt 6 p.' ' m.
Wednesday; Fair weather,
generally warmer.
If you want the news,
You want The Ciiboxic-i.e. -
. If you are not a subscriber, please read I
this and Imii'd in your hanie. j&Zj 'J
The city board of equalisation-held Un .
adjourned meeting today". ' " v '
C. P. Balch, republican candidate'far
aiieriffj Nas id town last night; ' ' ':
Harvests corning and it .'isthe.. ddty
of the houV to get a Ynove on you'.T' 1 ' J
Tbe RocklandiJferry- boathasngain
been the cable yesterday.
Mniflld lira j C.' d Ingiish: oi fellens
burg are visiting friends tiar their old
home on Ten'Mrle.' " 1 A"
Just J little sunsUue just a little
rain ifdike tti fields ?pf ;pregon'rght
"with waving grain. ' " '
R. Lj. Xka tame up'as it passenger on
the Regulator last night, returning from
the centenial celebration at Astoria.
The citixens of Hood River have com
pleted arrangements for a grand' Fourth
-of July celebration to be held at that
Mrs. R. Staley of Portland, daughter
of R. L.-'AWh,' of this" city ! came up on
the Regulator last night, on a months'
visit to her parents. iX Z 'jXzS'
The professional card of Dr. Eliza A.
Ingalls, appears -in i Thk Chronicle
today. .The . lady , is -welcomed to The
Dalles by a Targe circle of friends.
AVhen Dr; McKay, of Umatilla county,
passed through on the noon train to his
home from .he8t4ia"5poebration, he
was warmly, greeted at the Umatilla
house, by several old acquaintances. "'-
Mrs.-Woodworthj the revivalist, who
created so xnWh-icitemerrt!a "year ago
itt Oaklandipal bv; the prophesy i.that
San FrancJpo-n WOuld,' be -swallowed by
the bay, is inSalem, and -has pitched
, her tent fort kfhree ttdrith Vrevival.
S.'!EIarria annonncea that ha fa
ready,! f br v' reasontsbie consideration to
xeep weiireeu sprinkled in"proimity
'to any tJmU4Biriit,S7-r4tS while
it . is.; r j being painted.; No extra
week it waa suggested -and the sugges
tion seems Joe wU received that the
limit of .nl6mtehlptA..te; - Oregon
Pioneers be fixed-Wtihe dale- of the ad
mission of Oregon ltQ tJhet.eMteriiood of
; eUteerfTaHilA JUL X ii.rrJ.Oli r ;
The Dalles probifcltioh " fcltrb' wlflliord
a meeting WnigfWln' thV'co6ri 'house at
which a number prraenferkera
re expected to b4 present0 A couple of
well known Jadfeak8rt expected
to maW-short Addsses'verybodv
1, 4tj. year
Y terday -and made an excursfon to the
gaa wells.-'ceto.pgdejoVrand'on for
The , Dallei.w,lHere they" will, learn to
what futareliextent ftey" inay rily "ntmn
the promises oi the Union "Pacific, ratt-
way compan-f .
tJn.-;? t V2
W. L. Hendrix and Chas. Stoughton,
ofDufur, were in. town todav.
'J? A. C. Phelpst; the Wind Mountain
Hot Springs, came up to the city last
night; , .,'"'; '
The: 66idendie Couriei, urges ' the
illdminatlon' of 'Mount '' Adam's' on the
coming Fourth-.-'vl' , . t
t Professor Smith and faxnil will leave
touMrrow to spend the summer on their
farnfneae: Salem:--. . -
Ma:iero: Benton put into their stock
today another fineassortment of goods,
including some excellent cooking stoves.
The town of Burns, in Harney connty,
with a population l of . S00 'per)ns;f has
four newspapers, the last being an organ
oi pcohibiUoil feO
r. AlexJ.Kerr, yioe-Presldeot ff the
Aasooiationr and-Mr. eiBr Rosen
steinne ofTiBfibst worthy members,
ale 'Hhw Vtna'tHla house today.
IteputyC&tfrUtyi ClerKj Mlartin vitlais
aernpVwnipltied therr'doeketM. entries
for the oircnit rorjrfawtWyser county.
Vhlchistq coiyene a The. DalJea on
JMondajtVwifci'U &-U$iA&8lU
Oni eWVntfon, of Astoria, who
has ta-'mbetfheirtatee
for several terms, will epeak in The
Dalles Saturday, May 28th, and in Pen
dletonlVii'dnegday ) June 1st.
, In addition to many favors received
from Mr. Linus Hubbard of this city
the editor of The JChbonice is further
indebted tf his igood will foi :he jpresenii
Of a very handsomely framed photosruph
Of the steamers jWetmOre ancl iHoyt
passing through the Sault Ste Marie
f. i William Astor's death has attracted but
little comment, because William As tor
waa not a great man. A rich man, for
selfish reasons, may be courted and feted
during his lifetime." But a mans posthu
mous honors depend upon the size of his
mind and-, soul,.: and not the' size of his
wallet. fri -
Oregon Is now the battleground of the
politicians. Besides the candidates and
stump speakers of the old i parties, the
people's party bare tjhree speakers, in
the field. and it is rumored that Powderly
and Ralph Beaumont of the Knights of
labor are-yefto come. The prohibition-
Istsf too-j r makrng vigorous fight.
.Undec the constitution and bylaws of
the Oregon Pioneer ; and Historical As-'
sociation, all persons who' came west of
the Rocky 'mountains, prior to 1860, are
eligible to niemberahipon thepayment-of
an initiation, fee of $1.50. Members will
be -provided with badges oit applioafeon
at the office of the asBpciatiooi 4t the Aa
toria National bank 1
Tjf. J. Dtiver special commissioner for
the construction of the Tygh Hill grade, i
made-a-filing ; trijif jp j thai City Bunday
last He savs about half tke irradA ia
already ionrtructed -and fit for travel,;
and th,e( whole expeqted to be opeq - ja
the j'course 6f ' twenty' to 'twenty-five
days.' Everybody who has seen the new
grade speak in the highest terms of it.
Reports to the effect that democratic
members arear8hal.iflg.fexse4;ocamp
in warruppn., the, dalles jboat railway
project are inumerodsi 2 ZOibtAo not
object' toi the improvement, :ibut base
ovwuu. uiuu bueir puriy . political
movements in Oregon. : Action should
be taken, at once to counteract thiBscan
dal bpon a people deserving of higher
esteem in the.nations'capitol.
jr. (jnanea x'maips received the nrst
Royal Chinook Salmon on Sunday. ' It
came from Mosier, and was immediately
packed in icgjfnd shipped to iF. W. S.,
Chicago. r It measured three , feet ten
inches long, twenty-four inches, around
the bodyv and J weighed- 584bs. ilf it
had not been Sunday, Herrin would have
photographed it, but. the church hour
interfered. ? f rrr jr -j
Mrs. A. ' Heppner, entertained Mrs.
Bemish, and 'members of her painting
class yesterday afternoon, before her
departure fori Astoria. CA very pleasaat
afternoon to all. Refreshments were
served and booq' after, Mra.' Bemish pre
sented each jnenvbes- ot-hercluss with
pretty sonvenirt. 4 In- "Tettlrn' she waa
preae-ated witri. eome.;prptty, gifta-. aa ,t
token of "their nregard' for her. Mra.
Bemish. and BCxfJleft on tBeiliegulator
this morning.
- ibWSik rT jgbl.'ilikge'Baya
the Dufun-Pt'qwfefcwas wUh-is Tues
day. He-'aayw hia'percentage of lambs la
the largest -he has ever raised ? it Will be
fully, 128 pee cent fifty of his ewes had
triplets; seven xl his ewes had quadru
plets (ojaaiiiits,br quartets, or
wbaterethe word, .might . rightly . be) :.
making Swef. 1 1 fcT himbai;, Jie 're
ports crbpe ir. very') ix6d condition.
Mr. Joa. ChpderWwh'ahaa,. four
teen yeara-lfrrWtheiCinJtyof Pome
roy, after a residefide'ot twentyiyeara in
the Willamette galley, passed through
The DaUea'yjaBteYj wU wagons
and all his family descendants, on . their
way.: Spujiiemren'rto steamer
Regulator,' and Portland: ' Mr Childers
ia quite'and'takrAo'attd this move
is made at great' sacrifice, for the benefit
of hia btb.ri.irao5( tia.QC& j4
The tf. Pi'MCo.1, bWiold tickets
all the waylrom iTew Ylfc city to. Port
land, "good fojf 'steamer trip from The
Dalles,", andnow vthatrtheys have no
steamers, are .telling . tha (excursionists,
expected, Jher.e;. tomorrow,, thatj lVfa. t;
tI,,' passengerwMtafcoBiteamers at
Bonneville. Aa if one falsehood was not
sufficient; they;ad;in8ult 'to ' injury by
saying: "There is very little of interest
in the waV ' f of 1eceWy aboVe the Cas-
' " :: i ' -
11 inTirrrmw ' -
high" watkr at tbe locks.
r A Tiapenry LaadiBg to be Mad in an
. ' .;"?:''Portian(i!.laily Dispatchr ::'7,:,':'i' '
Owin to the high water in the Colum-
wa hue oirii:i xaiiea. vity una tuauju
her landing at. the cascades to the big
eddy just this side. : At the locks .the
waves roll so high that it is impossible
for the steamer to lay safely at the land
ing there, hence the change below. ;'' '
i The: J)alles City' took up( there this
morning' several thousand feet, of .lumber
out of which to erect a big platform .on
which; to, receive and land freight during
the present' high water. Teams; and
wagon w ere - brough t -do wn - from - The
Dalles'' this-1 morning' toy transfer the
freight and passengers ; from' the 'upper
fa'ibe lower landing. Y.-1'-.',' ' ' ' 't'.'i.'V.
, This state of affairs Will only last un
tUitho. water; geeevdpwn - Were the locks
completed, there; would., be no s necessity,
fop Oiis, the steamer has no -difficulty
in'reaehing!thefo0t-of the locke.''- kr?
srtwuii o aw --n ,it ..'...i-t oa i.i.Jiur
-'The-KegulatOr-will not make her reg
ular trip .tomorro.w but wiH make the
trip,$y cascades, and return on Thurs-
.ni iv-yj-ij' TJ f' .!-' i( j '' r Oii't vi V
' i0't ttt?mivJ ir,..j jfetci;,; ;j x'.: r, '
Two Little jranxntplia Train u OAoial
'. .. .-.-.tisTf ; Bai. .-:-. j, .-.
' VarneyocA Varney,' :' - " ':
- i No more of yonr blarney, .' .; ;
About Oakland'! desert sands. ,
TKine. '-'
Ju8;why Wasco, county should be set
down npon by certain parties "as a fruit
regijon of no consequence, " is, to the un
initiated,t,mptifying.i' . But, to.r. those
better informed it ia a matter ; fully . un-
derstood. iWascooonntycan today show
finer fruit of last years crop, solid temptr
ing apples; than any other county in
Oregon. . Samples have been on exhibi
tion "in Thb CHKOsiciik show, window
quite recently. .These were one lot" of
bright, beautiful, red cheeked pippins,
raised by Mr. J. W; Elliott, 'of Mosier,
and another lot of another variety; chal
lenging comparison, from the orchard pf
Mr; Chas. Wing, of Wamic. With iiBuch
evidences as those, it would seem that
it is not .worth the time consumed "in
bandying words with any man who dia
putea the proposition. , , Southern Oregon
baa a reputation for producing certain
kinds of fruit, from which Wasco does
not in the least desire to' detract one
iota,-but whether the comparjaon seems;
odious or : not ; cannot refrain. . trqnt
copying 'from the weather bureau re
ports this week the following paragraphs! j
with.the i interpolatipnj; ,a3S'.&nf
Yarney?, (This report, giving Oregon
prospects by counties, for fruit the com- j
ing season says: Jl'
I1dZar4Everrtku)g needs' sunshine.
FruiJbas been " damaged by frost and
some grain ha te'ea drowned out.i
jrasctThe conditiona of all "growtha
are excellent.' FaH and spring grain ja
making straw last jnd learsj areienterj
tained that the heads o wheat and bar
ley will be verjt short. .Ia places the
fruit crop has been damaged by late
frosts V'Strawberree-arere in theytnarket
on the lltb, and green peas on the 12th.
i'i'a't off-.' j", .-J'-:-". ...
May Duke.' cherries ore-; rips in this
city and a fine-lot was picked yesterday.
v.'. :. o , - .... ; J '
Charles Reiley, of Antelope, is at the
Umatilla house..: -. -r i i -, . ' S
Editor Duthit of the Priheville Review
gave the CnKONJCLK a pleasant ; call to-
dayL-rj'T l s? --!:.. m i.-m v-lr ! .v '-n
Tij N?. .P.1 'R'.; section of the Pres
byterian delegates were shown about.
Spokane falls yesterday. : - - ' . . .
The cruisers Baltimore and Charleston
have a call to go to Pnget sound to assist
in another centennial celebration over
there.'-' '' '.' ; . -'- - '
A sample of rye was brought to this
office today that measures : b4 feet. . It
wsb grown on : the " Curtis ? ranch; across
'the river.'. '
. a reeling or uneasiness exists :atnonr
the old stock of Coeur d'; Alene miners.
Alio therl train load, of non-union . men
are expected in a few days.-, : . ., ,
Maya and Pease have a Splendid dis
play of cbally dress goods, in, one of
their show windows, which they offer at
the'surprisingly lowr price of 50, cents
thd dress pattern. ' : J " '
Fossil-JournaL A shocking' and ex
trenieiy sad death ' oceurred ' at J Fossil
Tuesday 'evening." While C; E.''Hunt,
who was in the enmlov of F. M. Rnahv
waaleading a mare from the corrallto
ths-bainj the animal berjaIrightened
and started to run, jerking him off his
feeit f Unfortunately the poor fellow's
handeaagba chlhWi
Si?. aaa
frightfully dragged about two hundred
yrfdJr-tbsiirCiat UecleLX MrJIunt
recently .jfnTa8fheStilaon ranch
juatnorth ofiown. and waa n Indus
tripiiayeiuj&Bf maiwv lie leave iri$e
ib&fig, in jrtr poof frc
stances. . - .
On account of -some-trouble connected
IPlMafyhns; facUjtlthwr Irfwerfi?
rcline of - the Cascade portage-, the- steam-
m" jn.y wm not run ioraiewaays.
JSp wJrWUSS liift
for Portland this afternoon to see what
can'lk'doh'fr to ieciifS1 the- difficultly and
ftpeatedtbfjl boats wjll,jB,be
rxiAiwD.iWBiMnJtinje? ltl'toppag4
ia very unlcrtBnate.t . this . particular
time aa the prospecta; were, very bright
for a good run jol hrisiness' during the
Coming (rammer1 it is earnestly .hoped
that the cessation of traffic will only be
temporary' '"'' y- -v..-.' - - -iv
.-.'! ." -'i-l-'i.- iTi! ..... . .
Speakins; of a section of nile from
Seattle, honeycombed bjr the teredo, a
Washington special says:. ;t -,"It wa3 litrr4
ally honeycombed. Had this specimen
been-exhibited in:- congress- before the
drydock was located on Puget sound,
that dock would doubtless have gone to
the Columbia river, as it is shown
beyond all . question that any wooden
substance will be severelv im'nred and
practically destroyed by this insect."
With all ;, due deference ; just such
sample as that was shown : so the loca
tion must be traced to some more fruit
ful source. . Astoria was then in the
"show" business. ' -.--, ,
The Oregon delegation will not recom
mend! amy man for collector of cnstima
at Portland rihtil after the' election!
benator Mitehell savs. everv i nernon
seeking theoffice" will have plenty of
time to file applications by writing,; aii4
not be compelled to go to the expense of
telegraphing their indorsements or their
application for the place. J . ;', 1
Milkshakes and lemonade at R. C.
Fleck & : Co's, No. 80 Second street. ,
Screen TVmra gnil Wins ninil, .f
...... ym ....v. V.WU .V iURLl
&. Benton's. . , ",'..', "..V, 5-13d6t. .
PnVlBt'a MilmanVo Kiu. nf l.n TT'-
till house at a- bit-abottle-.-Sree lunch
tonignt at o'clock. , , ;
' : ' ." Notice. ."
The carpenter's union of this city have
withdrawn their application to the coh-i
tractors and builders of The Dalles be
cause of an insufficient number of . sign
ers. Signed - ' -' . . .-. '
E. Wilson, . rtf
H.- R. Aktonsen, .
' '" c . r J. McMcllks, i
W. Stlvestkb,' -
RheumAtUm Cored In Three Days. '
Mint frl-non T.iftloinrin ia n Kttlo
Sired eleven Vro. rMillitiir'in Ttalrlmnro'
Ohio. Read what she savs:. --"I was
troubled with rheumatism for two years,
good. I was so helpless that I had to be
carried like a babe when I was advised
to get. a Dottie of UKamberlain's Pain
Balm. : I got it from our druggists, Mr.
J. Ai Kumber, and in three days I was
up and walking around. -1 have not felt
any return of it since and my limbs are
limber Ha thev pvhi- . M wnt W.
ties for sale h ' "RlnlreW 'Hrtnwhn'
druggists. d&w !
"I anf very much pleased with Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy," says H; M.
Bangs, the druggist at , Ubatsworth. III.
''During the epidemic of Ia grippe here
it took the lead and was very much bet
ter liked than other cousrh- medicines."
The' grip requires precisely ' the ' Samfc
treatment .as. a. very severe cold, for
which thia- remedy -is ' so efficient. . t It
will promptly loosen a cold ! and- relieve
the lungs, soon -effecting. iermanent
cure,.7while 3nost- other 'medicines. In
common use for colds ontv give tempor
ary relief "50-cent Tsottles-Tor sale by
xiiaKeiey sc riouguton j urnggists. d&w
i.::t v:'"0
tan i. I i. i ill
:-. .!jV ' ,M .A '-.!(
: .1.1 I - i i.
1 HI :i .H t
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorii
When Baby waa olckt we gave her Otstocia. ' "
When ahe waa a Child, ahe cried for Castoria,,
When sh became Hiss, ahe clung to Castoria,
When ahe h ad Children, aha gave them Caatoriai '
7T '.(f .- -ar
Having on hand a-large' supply of ice
we are prepared to furnish our custom:
ers with ice in any quantity at a reason
able rate, i We guarantee we -will supply
the demand 'without advancing prices
throughout the season,;,; Leave orders at
C. F. lauer'8 store, Second street. - -o-2tiJ
"V Catbs & Allison-;
Campbell Bros. Proprs
(Suecmors to . s. Ciaa.)
Manufacturers of tbe ftnest French and -V
k East of Portland. '
Tropical Fniiti'Nots, tTigars and Tobacco.
Can farnUh any of theae goods at Whoieaala
or Retail
Fan qfl f drcig i ; flp tion ,
'v""':,"Kt.;f ! xieV; n? ::i
' .. .-.' '-'Tf Will .V 'i:"
134 Second Sujiiexi '.toIliea-NAiaiinal
" ' - Bank. Dalle City, Oregon . . ;
V ';...--.'-
nougn anfl Diesseo Lumoer,
and:a fuI Jine of Builder
are carried constantly, in stock.
Call and see xxs at, puy new store, southwest cornee
of Second and Jefferson Street,'' Tje'fore' bnyine else
1 y-v ' .. . . ''. a - . . .-
wjacao. yur prices are as
many xmngs Deiow ail competitors
.Maea.moosn mn , v ..... ,-, .- .
MlSS AN N A . PETER 5 CO.. "
r. . v . : . . ... ... : . .. ... ... .
Pine iVI i
112 Second street,
We rhav". just received a large assortment oi C, D and E
widths of Ladies' fine shoes and a full stock of lawn
' tennis shoes with'perforeald inner soles.
. . i Leather, andfindings for sale.
' ' . " ' '-V-:w'',' "
. Repairing Neatly r and Expeditiously ; Done.
t ; . : t
Largest Line of: Baby Carriages, Books Stationery
? ",r if'? and Musical Instruments. -
. ";'.! i 'A'tt I 1 t 1 .- t '!
162 Second Street,
And the Most Complete and the
' - . ,, . ..
""Practical Painters and Parjer
Sherwin-Williams and J. W, Maaury's Paints used in all our work, and none but
the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Mastrry Liquid Paints No
chemical combination or soan mixture. ! ! A-first ielass article in air nhlnra. All
orders promptly attended to.
Store and Paint SJbopoonier Third and
- - .t
f f iTa. J)iuWtwa i -
- ' . . "
jy-:,-.-t ,:t t.- f. T.yjrf . - .-c'
171 Second ; Street
' ' ' ' "' -.' . ftii.-.'.n i -r:;;. i - : :-'' ,-. . . .
... r. -f.Cv, j , j)-riS . !-. ! -,;;fi'. tf"Xi dj-fcl -). 'i . , '
sflk ,
low as tne lowest, and on.
f i.--- : ,.i ic
--'.i 7 f
l.'.iT - .. . .
1 1 i ne ry !
vi ' ' : - 1
& Co.'s.
- v . rt, -
& CO.,
latest Patterns and Designs in ';
. ' i
Hninrem. Nnni hnt tT hM( hmnili nf tha.
"" ' : . . !-!vi. ...
Washington Sta.. ; ' The Dalles,' Oregea
4 ...... .
AND ReTA!t ; " v?
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