The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 17, 1892, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- '. , i
Official paper ofaixes civ-
Published Dally, tiinjdsy Sjeptod"V
Corner- Second and Washington Street. The
- Dalles, Oregon.
. Ternia of Subscription
Per Year. .-- 00
Per month, by carrier 50
Single copy ... 6
Governor '. . '. ... i i. ..S. Pennoyer
Secretary of State. .G. W. McBride
Treasurer Phillip Metschan, of Public Instruction K. B. McElroy
'., (J. N. Dolph
"to IJ. U. Mitchell
juunirwuiaa. ..................... ...... aaouwuu
State Printer Frank Baker
i vCnJNT OmCULB'-lt "V
County Judge. C. N. Thorabury
Sheriff. U. L. Catea
Clerk -j. ..J. B. Croaaen
Treaaurer i ."1 . .... Geo. Rnoh
. . ( H' A. Leavens
Commissioners Frank Klucaid
Assessor John E. Barnett
Surveyor E. F. Sharp
Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley
Coroner Wiliinm Michel!
It has been decided that all prisoners
in the Douglas county. Wash., jail shall
be put to work on the county roads
eight hours every day. , The rule will go
Into effect immediately and is expected
to greatly aid in reducing the number of
petty crimes in the county.
Oregon wili have an agricultural and
and hortfcultnral exhibit at the world's
fair after all. . The. plan is to collect the
exhibits of the Portland exposition, the
state, fair and Eastern Oregon fairs and
send them to Chicago after the fairs are
through with them.
The Troutdule distillery company
whose property was lately destroyed by
fire are making overtures to the people
of Sherman county; looking to their lo
cating at Grants. The company asks a
bonus of 25,000 bushels of wheat from
he farmers. They have already secured
about 15 acres of land on the river.
Tbey offer to put up an (80,000 plant,
consisting of a distillery and 50 barrel
flouring mill. It is believed the nego
tiations now in progress will be suc
cessful. '
A new town has been laid out at Hood
River falls. E. F. Sharp was there all
last week doing the surveying. The
name of the town has -not yet : been de
cided on. nor are' the lots yet on the
market, but they soou will be. A new
road is being opened from Tucker's mil!
to the Diver ranch that will shorten the
distance between Hood River and the
falls about three luiles.u The -country
around the . falls- is- covered , with, and
-trhjBtary to a fine body of timber.. -The
river at this point has an estimated ca
pacity of 16,000 horse 'power-;, and .the.;
power is easily available. It is expected
a large lumbering plant will . be put in
there i n the. near , future and ; possibly
other industries.. ... , . ,
"Is the 'tariff a tax," was recently ,
asked of -a prominent Canadian poli
tician. "It is tax," was. the answer,
""and FIl prove -it. . . Suppose I have,
3,000 bushels of. barley on .this (the
'Canadian) aide which I desire to sell in
the United States.; Under present law
in America . I must pay.;30 cents -per,
bushel, or J00 in all upon my 1,000
bushels, lwfore I am permitted to cross
the line with my barley, and when I do
cross the line with it how much do I get
for itT Why, I get American price, the
same that barley is selling - for over
dtbere. t don't add to that price the 30
-cents per bushel that I paid in at the
-customs house.' Therefore, 'the tariff is
. tax,' but unfortunately it isa tax upon
our people who ship their produce to the
United States. '
A number of . republican exchanges
quote with approval the card of Killen;
Starr & Thomas, which is an attempted
justitican of F. A. Moore, ' republican
candidate for supreme judge.", ' The card
is held to be a complete refutation of the
" charges. The Chronicle . regrets its
inability to see where , the refutation
'comesin. Moore is charged with havr
ling written a will for a woman who was
unconscious, according to his own testi
mony, and in the very, article of death,
at the time her mark was put to it. It
was made In favor, of the woman's hus
band and disinherited her three daught
ers. Afterwards Moore.made a contract
with the three girls, to . break, the will
and sell the land in .. question for 6,000,
The will was. accordingly , broken, ke
land was Bold and"--Moor, received a fee
of $1 ,000 for the job-, ; At the. same' time
Moore told two of it he three-shares in
the land td himself and partner for half
. their value. These are the charges;
made on no less authority than -the
court record and the-' testimony- of Judge
Moore himself J 'Messrs.Killen; 'Starr
Thomas - have no ti refuted i these
charges, nor any of ; them'The nave
not attempted to reiute them. They
imply. say-.thafctbB) court 4oapletely-
juatified Judge Moore, whereas Judge
Moore was never pa trial, except as he
is now, at tkw baf Mi paMie 6 pin Ion
There are thouBands 'of republicans all
over Oregon nd feant i.tkxtote 4or Mr.
Moore aad will do so if he can clear Jhis
skirts of these pharges ; but something
saore is needed than; a daWbfWfnni.
tory whitewash; and, tbai.toojadpini
letered by the' attorneys' for "the defend
ant, who like Judge. Moore himself were
interested'is a verdict lor their client.
' - What 8& Saw While la m Tsnoe. '
A full revelation of her experience
while in a trance has been made by Mrs.
W. M. Barber, or Freedonv Pa,.- She
claims to have been with God and !' ex
pects to -receive inasy future1 revelations
and declares' she wall ; shortly begin to
work miracles. Mrs. Barber's statement,
made to 'a xeporter,.'waa as follows: . .- -t'..
All that I 8a w and learned while my
body lay helpless I do not remember. It
will come back to me as I grow stronger,
and I shall also receive more light, and
in- future trances,: or by some-, other
means, I know the Lord will reveal
much more to me. I do not know where
I was, bat "I was not in heaven nor1 in
hell. I caught a . glimpse of heaven,
though, and saw God. I cannot describe
him except to say that ' he appeared all
light.' All the time of my seeming un
consciousness he was 'making, things
heavenly known - to me. ; It seemed a
long -period of time that I held this
spiritual discourse with him. . Hell I did
not see, except that it appeared as it were
on one side of me blackness and smoke.
I saw my dead mother. She appeared
as in life, even to her"cIothing.i::I could
not reach her nor speak to her.1 The Al
mighty seemed to stand between' ns, but
I ; know that . before my death I shall
clasp hands with her in the spirit land.
I saw also and recognized , my. t little
brother, who died before I was born. I
did not see my father, bnt I expect 'to
learn before long whether or not he is
saved: ' I saw no other persons than my
two' relatives.' The angels" and ' saints
were not visible, .but I shall grow in
faith until I see them and until: I can
walk upon the water. St. Louis Globe?
Democrat. . . .
Imitations of the Eiffel Tower. ;
The great Buccess of the Eiffel tower,
both financially and otherwise, has led to
a host of imitators. The Watkin tower,
1,200 feet high, is being designed by Sir
Benjamin Baker, and it is to be erected
at Wembley park, near Willesden, the
foundation being nearly completed. The
cost is estimated at 200,000, of which
70,000 has been subscribe.1 privatefy.
The Blackpool tower has been designed
by Messrs. Maxwell & Take, and the
contract has been let to Messrs. Heenan
& Fronde for: 40,500, the total weight
of the structure being l,500tons. It will
be between 400 feet and 500 feet high,. i:.
The Isle of Man tower at Douglas is
now well advanced and does not im
prove in appearance as the work proi
ceeds. The Brighton tower has not yet
been started, and the plans are not defi
nitely decided. The Columbian tower
at Chicago, desismed bv Mr. CI. K xtnrt- to be 1,130 feet high from the
bottom of the" foundation , to the top of
the flagstaff.' It has a profile very simi
lar to the Eiffel tower, bnt the construc
tion is entirely different. Th total
weight of the structure alone . is 7,000
tons; of the floors and staircases, 2,000
tons; live load, 2,000 tons, making- a icy
tal ot 11,000 tons London Indnstries.'-'
' - - : ' !;
Mo stayed IlypMtlMd.: j -.'.t...
! That hypnotism is . a dansrerona w-i-
ence, even in skilled , hands, was once
more demonstrated at ' Le'Bonrget, near
fans, a proiessor or legerdemain, who
was sivinsr' ari entertftfrmiant in ' a i-afA '
and enjoyed" some considerable reputaT
tion as a hypnotist, proposed concluding
the evening's amusement by , an exhibi-
non or nis skiu. a. young man named
Raylant volunteered to act as the niih-
iect. and' after ' some difficult v
dered completely unconscious. ' The pro-
lessor tnen perrormed the usual tricks
with him, bnt when $b camet to awaken
ing found, to .his' astonishment, that it
was quite impossible to effect it j ; : . , .
: vayiant was sent home and medical
help was summonedj bnt the 'Aartnr
could only recall him to concionsness for
a few Neconda. after which th vnnncr
man relapsed into an agitated Bleep, in
terrupted at intervals by violent nerv
ous crises.- Up to today Raylant : has
only had a few waking moments, during ne complains of excessive . weak
ness and pains in the head. AiV inquiry
has been opened by the police 'authori
ties. Paris Cor. London Telegraph. " '
' -
1 Proeaitlvoi '
: All the old preventives are being used
in the present raid of. . influenza, and
some new ones.' Faith in the camphor
bag still prevails, and' English' people,
who, it must be admitted.'are peculi
arly afflicted ' with; the- 'distemper find
practical ' solace " in '.the . Roman - fever
safeguard. A three or four grain quinine
capsule is taken at 5:30 in the morning,
followed at once with A trrtikTI -nri 'inf
0006. ' newer agent, said to prevent
efflclentlyj is to hang damp cloths," upon"
which . thirty drops of volatile oil of
encalyptns are sprinkled, in rooms and
corridors; a little mixed with
spirits of wine and used as a spray. .
Eucalyptus in minute doses, one drop
on a lump of sugar, is sometimes em
ployed to ward off scarlet 'fever where1
one has been exposed. " It is not, hbw-:
ever, regarded 'as' an ablate' prophy
lactic. It should be used only under the
directions of a physician.r4Her Point of NewJJfotk Times. t..f f. ,., :.
: '- '
ii ind . Worth. 4O,O0O. ,-
A magnificent' diamond, a perfect octa
hedron, weighing '' 205' carats, has' been
purchased from a river digger by a Kini
berley.bttyer; : It ; is the .second largest'
stone eiver formdi the Vaal -diggings;
the largest being the celebrated Spalding-,
diarnond, of 29 parata, .ptf whiphwaB;
yeiipw . an of . (bad; shapis. ;r The pric.
paid for the stone recently found is said
to''-Ve,'TeiiSinc4i hwnretarn
from the river 'fie Dxiyer' nas" been' &ff,ereo';
fused. South African Mining Jourttd.
)0-i VTH .fay fif I - tvX-ir-Migirr
(The strength of the standing army in
German states for 19923 will br?made
np of . , 20,534 'pfficers.-186,983 men, 1,839
doctors, 89S7ayma.stersEt, Sod veter
inary surgeons, gTxnsmiths, ' sad-:
diets ati4'93,750 hors attendants.1' " r
t. r-y '
The repoit cornea f rom Mason,Mich.,
that Jth meanest mai'on earth lives
, there"' Ubls 6aid to have wrapped large
fat " icicles la fancy colored paper and
given themjo the children as a new kind
of canayV'v;, -y-'-'! 4-
Fablle Speaklna,;
The republican candidate for congress,
Hon. W. R. Ellis, will speak at the fol
lowing points: :.: .,..':
Moro, Wednesdav, Mav 18th, 1 :30 p. va,
Wasco " - ", 7 :30 .',
Dnfnr, Thurdav, Mav 19th, 1 :30 p.' m.
The Dalles, Thursday, May 19th, 7:30
p. in.
Hon. H. B. Miller, of Grant's Pass,
will accompany Mr. Ellis in the ' cam
paign at the above mentioned places.
tfST TTW"TS A Bunch of keys!
X1 VJ J XI J on Court street near
Fourth.) ;Owner can have the same on
applicatibd at this office, by paying for
this 25 cent advertisement. 5.10d3t
if I
Superior Injtun jto Pipe' Organs,
easier playecT and cheaper, are the
j Bids will be received for the building
of a house for .... . - .
of the city, until Saturday May 14th.
Plans for same cad be seen by calling on
5-8-dtd CHAS. E. HA1GHT,
Chairman Fire and Water Com.
FOR SALE cheap, band
of range horses, consisting of yearlings,
two-year olds and mares. For informa
tion ' - ...
Applv to C. F. STEPHENS.
5-3dlm 134 Second St'. The DAti.Es. Or.
WANTED lots, above the
Bluff, in exchange for Work Horses, or
Brood mares. .
5-2tf. , . Chronicle office, The Dalles.
T?T s O A T U One of the
X1 VJXX OixJLiXL. finest stock
farms in Crook county ; 1100 Acres deed
ed land ; abundance of water; good grass
range capable of handling" 10,000 sheep:
300 acres under irrigation. 1 Two good
dwellings and out buildings. : Price, $8,T
000; half in .stock, horses cattle or sheep.
For further particulars ' ' 1
-Apply to HUGH GOURLAYj :
6-2ti v - s -Chronicle office, The Dalles.
TTOT? O AT T7 Twelve fine
1V i OA I J Vs. lots, splend
idly located in the Garrison addition.
5-2tf - Chronicle office. The Dalles.
. .,; Candies,.JSftUs,, ..:
',-m. S6d& Warni :'
Sarsaparilla and Iron,
- Cider, Etc.
'. Everythf rigf is First Classi, "'.
". Well Supplied with ; '
Second St., next to' Wingate's Armory.
4,.-,a t?fcS???'?s. street,: ';;;.- :
Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand,
we are now i prepared to receive orders,
wholesale . or retail, to be delivered
through the summer. ' Parties contract
ing with us will be carried through the
entire-'- season-"' wtthovt -' awvancIC'Iu
vbicr;. and may; depend that wenave
notmng put. - ., . , ; : V J
Cut from mountain water;, no slough or
Biuau ponas. .,
Leave orders at the Columbia Candy
Factory 104 -Second street, or Ice
Wagon. '- !, j . . ...
; j W. S CRAM,- Manager.
., fv i. Successor a to, C. R. .Ltoohain!, -
wqieDsuig rpyaciaas. Ptesenptioisa t.'Speeiallj.
igBt PrugtalYavajoAenance.
Cor. Second and Union Sts.',
Watciies; Cl5fife
All kinds of repairing; a epeeialtjvand all work
guaranteed and promptly attended to. ' "
Call and nee.hia StocVoi ' clocks. Aof ore iroB
leave an. oraer eisewoere. . , .
ri' i -1" H '.i vi . f
partnership heretofore existing between
William Floyd, S. A.1 Byrne and Stacy
mrwm viMrlnv i. n - . n n hk 1 J
x-ioyu a. yu., in issues vuy, yr., na ims
-The business will b'-cbntinued afthe;i -r-r . ., - -
alld6bts. -; 8. A. Bybnk, - '
Dated April 26, MUMAt
Le?lo Jewelei.
All Watch Work Warranted.
' - ... . -c
I " ' i ' i - i
Jewelry Made lia? Order.
( ' 4 3 '.' i -.'
V . 138 Saaoad St.. Th Uallaa, Or. .V
A. A. Brown,
Keepa a full assortment of
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
which he offers at Low Figures.
to Cash Buyers.
Highest Cash Prices for Egs anfl
otter Produce. :
The Dalles
Gigaf : FaGtory
PAC3TORlr NO.105.
fjf A nD of the Best Brands
VyXvTxa-XlilO manufactured- and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
The. renntatmn nf TH15 T1 A T T TTC rT-
GAR has become firmly established,. and
tne demand lor tne borne manufactured
article, is. jbcreasongiiieryday..
r.-'b. Hoob.oq
Horses BougM ' dhWolct WF
OTrvmvsswivcuiicuYxoiveu .
l Advanced ofoHdtfses -Left
Qfttgale eB
. . r'i J u h . y.ii I
lhe Ualies-ana (joldendaie- Staie -Line
Stasre Leaves The l)alles TEver; Hornfh "
ai. :w ana rOLatnitian; B-i I ;ia. All
t ' freight must be- left it R'. B. '
. i Hood's office the eve
ning before.
R. B. HOOD, Proprietor
Opposite old Stand. The Dalles, Or!l
- '.i. ;-t i
Op a Smfl
One of the Finest Cooks In The Dalles.
- All Work done y White Help.
- -p n
Next . door to Byrne, fFlod.Jc Go.s
i Drug "Store. - -
85 Union.St.The Dalles
!i Just Openvaj
.... -
U i .'.nii i. All J j W
Afibrd,m Reasonable
i . t Parties holding claims against WV 8.
'Oram are notified topresent them to him
at oncef at the Columbia Candy Factory,
and alt those -indebted ' Ore 'requested to
settle at the' iamflflaceT" afj'aate'sold
out my business and want- to close up
my accounts. pechiUyn f J fi I
t110 ? Semb t, 1S90, wniuepaidif
I presented at mv office.
from and after this date.
1 iirmHniMi Mr. mv nmiw. t iii"rT(L i-humi ja
I i I 1 . I I.-" 1
! ; M.imssi.v, j
t -xreas; uaues jity. ..-
cheap. Call upon or address B.'ff. Kel-
The Iiateh String is Rlxuays Out I
Sprii76 ana'linmer, - season
: ;. s. i-i t .,- . -, -iui vmrat are uungs, ana a small drop of ink . --i
' ' k ' ;": Faluns, like dew, upon a thought, produces ' ' '
'A ' ' -.i, ; V .: which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think
Buy Our Shoes -1
TriA flnrriiMtoH nnlMin
Handsomely FnrnisliBl Booms to
iiicaio-ricjdicu uy d
Good Samnle Sms tJUi.JLt-t 'AJ. $ V ii W f. V
viwu iauiiic nuoms
WHS. H- FHSEH, Pvoptt.
Clothier and fiilbt;
Hats and Caps, Trunks- v&aiises,
' ' ' ': r-? '..r. -
i . -3 j . .,' a -, ... .
? Y.mSl X. M-V -.-.. -V - . I'm
On account of Removal I will sell my
entire stock of Boots aHbl Slfioes'; Hats
$ngs, Counters, Deslc, Safe, Fixtures,
&x af Greajkygainy Come and see
125 Seeond Street,
Full Assortment of the
. 9i,u?i!P9.??nts' r?hi9 ?)Hr Gaps,
. . . .
ish-Bayers caill'ave money by examining oar. stock
Oui dins LMaferiali
H Hfl'iV 'fllnA cSlilt! U.J
JXTFE RTSXErrtweeifNSeeond
0 .2TH!fi'jni9 IHE
t; Manufacturing Cent6r in
.. . T4mLtiim T.l tJJl tir35iTV'.
? 5 -- 3fZJ -. - . .
w. - . .
noor so voait no use.
Rent liytheTJay, feet to Montfi '
nrsr uass tnglisn
ior conimerciaL Men. iu
1 t .-. : . -rf .
"J '" J4 f";
v.c-,s- :r-
Leading -Ifenufacturersl' '
H. Herbrirtg;
Rnuh ahrl DrniR?nH'
'. . i-.- n- 'r.ti .vr-A.
'to' all lines hanilcd by us.
and Rilroad . XlfE, DiXI.ESr.OR
iiSlIMQiw(l 'lt
' nthe 8easonntherllortt4 rji
& . a. i t a . i t . a . i :
i ..... , -', .7- V