The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 13, 1892, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.'
Entered-, the Poetofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as seoond-class matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Genu per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for lulls Uma notine- -
'All local itlees received later than 3 o'clock
M7i appear the following day.
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria JlaY. Co.
Ttvg boats of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co. will commence Yunnini? on Mon
day, April 4th, and until further notice under
- xne louowing schedule.
-Steamer "DALLES CITY", leaves
"Wharf foot of Yamhill st, PORTLAND, dally
(except Dunuuy;, at o a. ai :
"Connecting with str. Regulator at the cascades,
... Arrives at a tie uuues, o p. m.
Steamer "EEGULATOB" leaves
Wharf foot of Union st, Til R DALLES dailv
(except Sunday), Tt 6 A. M. ; '
Connecting with str. Dalles City at the cascades,
mi ova uj uauu, o p. m.
B. F. LAUOHLIX, General Manager.
Railroads.' -
So. 2, Arrives 12:01 A. M. Departs 12:06 a. m.
, " r-i-.aur. x. " 12: SO p. u.
No. 1, Arrives 4:25 A. sr..- -. . Departs 4:30 a sr.
7, " 6:00 P. M. " 6:20 P. .
Two loca freights that carry passengers leave
wuu ivi kun wOTk it i i ; w a. m. , ana one lor tne
lw:io A. M.
'for Prinevllle, via. Bake Oven,. leave dally
at 6 a. x. -
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
daily at 6 a. m.
For Dufur, Kingsley, Wamic, Wapinltia, Warm
Springs and Tygh Valley, leave daily (except
Sunday) at 6 A. m.
For Ooldendalc, Wash., leave every day of the
reek except Sunday at 8 A. X.
Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House.
' Post-Offlce.
omci HOURS
Ajneral Delivery Window .. .8 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Money Order " , 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Sunday i l 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.
trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m.
" " West 9 p. m. and . 5:80 p. m.
8tage for Goldendale...- 7:30a.m.
" Prinevllle .....5:80a.m.
" "Dufuraiid WarmSprings. .. 5:80a.m.
" fLeavlDg for Lyle& Uartland.. 5:80 a.m.
" " ' JAntclope .5:30a.m.
"Except Sunday.
rTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
" Monday Wednesday and Friday.
AY 13, 1802
This Dallxs, Or., May 13, 1892. '
Altitude 116 above sea level.
Pacific H Rela- D.t'r to State
Coast bab. g tive of S. of
Time. P Hum Wind P Weather
8 A. M 30.02 1 57 80 W .00 Clear
IP. M 29.95 68 46 " .00 "
temperature, 69: minimum tern-
erature, 46.
Height of River, 8 p. m.. .
Change in past 24 hours. .
Total precinitationfrom
V enure nreciDitation from Jnlv lnt to lints, is a
; total deficiency from July 1st, 1891, to date, 2.22;
. . 0.6
July 1st to date, 11.41;
San Fkancisco, May 13, 1692.
Weatlier-. forecast tilt 8 p. m.
Friday; Fair weather,
warmer. '
If you want the news, ; - ; s .
You want The Ciiron-iclf..
If you are not a subscriber, please read
this and hand in your name.
Mr. C. E. Pratt of Wamic, ia in the
city today, and paid The Chronicle a
pleasant visit.. '.' " . . .
Mr. Jas. M. DeMoss, of Philadelphia,
one of the famous concert family, is in
The Dalles on business for a few days.
Mr. Geo. W. Lang, one of the U. P.
It. R. locomotive engineers, who has been
sick tor some time, is' now improving
The hull for the steam launch, recently,
built in this city by Mr. Kennedy , took to
the waters of the Columbia today, and
now rests at anchor in Mill creek.
Mr. Fields' milk wagon team took an
other turn around the city today on their
wn responsibility, and the wagon now
lays piled up at the blacksmith shop for
repairs. 1 '
The Rockland ferry boat was compelled
ln OS 1 Y.1 - .1. , ,
w Diip uer tauio tuia morning,. ana is
now landing on tne Qregon side in Mill
Creek, crossing as usual but steered by
. means of rudders.: ' '-' . s
The Umatilla House is undergoing a
thorough renovation and under the care
ful manipulation of four artists, directed
by R. L. Walton, is begining to look as
white and glossy as 'the' crest of mount
Hood.' ' The boys are doing a fine job on
this favorite cararaneery. t-v:
Mr. Brooks broogh"tfborne rwitli . him
from Astoria, the menu card of the ban
quet, the programme of the concert, and
the official programme of the celebra-
. tion, which serves to give a person a fair
t . .1.... 41 a . , tf
itm ui wid guw limes enjoyecu. , rae says
the concert, given by leader J. B. Wyatt,
could not be beaten anywhere in point
of ita elegance.
Dr. Eliea A." ingalls,. wife of Mai. O
W. Ingalls, has arrived from Portland at
the request of several ' prominent ladies
of The Dalles. . The doctor has concluded
to open an" office in this city and has en
- Saged rooms in the Chapman block, over
' the postoffice. Dr. Ingalls is a graduate
of the university . of Michigan, at- Ann
Arbor, of the class of 1875, and has ever
since been engaged in active practice
. being a licentiate of the slates of Illinois,
Arizona and California. We gladly wel
come Dr. Ingalls- to our city and predict
or her a large and successful practice.
Dr. Siddall is again at home after a
visit to Astoria, which he," and about
15,000 others, greatly enjoyed.
N". H. Moffet and J. W. Booth; of
Moro, who have been in The .Dalles for
several days on business,; left for home
yesterday.. '
week was the poem, by Col. A. T. Ilaw
ley, in commemoration of the discovery
of the Columbia. It ought to be read
one hundred years hence, annually.
Judge Chas. H. Carey, of Portland,
has notified Hon. M. A. Moody of The
Dalles, ' that Hon. H. B. Miller, of
Grant's Pass, will acoomrtanv Mr. TRlHa
on his c&mpaign in Wasco and Sherman
The show window at Ttr Phboniclb
office yesterday received a fine sample w
green peas irom tne garden of Mr, H.
Klindt, about two miles below town, and
a Dunch of rye four feet tall, front Dr.
Taylor's place on the bluff. The rye grew
in sandy soil. :
A document has been filed with the
county clerk which claims all the water
in iiear late tor navigation purposes.
When the people most. intimately con
nected with that region, having their
IinmPH r.hpro raaMva full, v(,at I.nn V.
done, there will .be some kicks coming.
The steamers Regulator and Dalles
City of The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation company, will make quick
time on their routes todav. taking
sengers from this city to Portland and
return for $2.00, tickets eood for fitr
days, on the occasion of the visit of the
cruisers .Baltimore and Charleston
Portland. This is an opnortunitv which
possibly may never be repeated, to see
outu vcHsuiB bo near nome.
A gentleman from Moro met with a
lively experience yesterday on the Sufert
roaa. a. cow inghtened his team, and
they shied into a barbed wire fpnnp
then out of it, and upset " the buggy.
Things were righted, nobody hurt, and
they started again on the road, when
the team took another start, threw the
occupants out of the "buggy, upset it
again, and dashed awav st thn tn'ki
their speed, literally breaking the buggy
to pieces, tie nought a new buggy
of Mays & Crowe and returned to Moro.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brooks and nthera
who took in the centennial at Astoria on
the 11th, have returned home delighted
with every event the occasion afforded.
Mr. Brooks says the Astorians
been" grossly misrepresented by state
ments of excessive charges, lack of at
tention, etc. According to his account!
the celebration was the grandest thing
that ever happened on the Pacific coast.
The cruisers will be in Portland tomor
row. The Pioneers had the f
honor by land arid by sea, in all the pro
cessions. The attendance was immense,
and everybody returned home well
pleased. .. . .
Various rumors are current resnertinr
diphtheria in The Dalles, and that phy-
sicians may know what is required of
them in such cases, at the rennest of
city Marshal Gibons . we call, attention
to the law. Ordinance No. -12 provides
that every practicing physician .'in the
city shall iotify the writing, of
every case within twelve hours after the
existence of the disease shall come to
his knowledge. Refusal or neglect to do
so is an offense punishable by fine: ' The
owner or occupant of any house where
diphtheria is known' to Jbey must also
notify the mayor in writing or suffer a
fine for their neglect. It may be deemed
advisable that certain parties in the city
read this ordinance, which . is to be
found on page 86 Dalles City charter,, as
amended in 1882: Mayor Mays -desires
that not only physicians, but families:
afflicted, strictly comply with the pro-
visions of the ordinance in all such '
cases. - - ;- .- - - '
, -" - Th) Dalles W. C. T.: U.
. Wasco
At the annual meeting of The Dalles
W. C. T. U. May 6th, the following offi
cers were elected President, Mrs. Smith !
French ; recording secretary, Mrs. O. D. !
Doane; corresponding secretary, Mrs. D.
M.French; treasurer, Mrs. Leslie But-!
ler.- The nnion meets Friday evening of
each week at the reading room. . Ever
since its organization" the; onion has
maintained a live reading room and have
supplied a number of daily arid weekly
newspapers from neighboring cities, to
gether with magazines and a good li-
Drary. nnancial pulse is normal,
and its' spiritual health Vigoroiis:' Yet as
the sun does not .'scatter or melt all the
icebergs, or seaTifront and cheer every
dark corner in the universe, so the W, C.
i. anions nave not yet been able to scat
ter or annihilate i the myriads' of saloons
which have taken deep (root in- our fair
cities. toWns fend-hnrnleffi: siiYvhincr ihn
life blood of the yburjg end' old. But
wnen women shall be allowed to vote as
she prays, the last arid least of these evils
will melt from our gaze and the sun will
nse upon a nation, -prepared to enter
upon me joys oi tne miuenium. Corb.
In Sonoma, Cal., May 9th,,at the res-,
idence of the bride's parents, Chas. A.i
Cooper, of Portland, Or., and Ella V.
Agnew.. .V - - !
Screen Doors and Wire Cloth at Maier
& Benton's'- ', ,.:;- ." cv6-13d6t.
. " - ' 1 -' .' "' T . . .. .
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids- will be received until June
1st 1892, by the directors of school dis
trict No. 50 of Wasco county, Oregon, for
tuts erection nr -A. nnv flr-nnn hnrnui
Plans and specifications can be seen at
aistrict clerk's office at Antelope. - itight
iracryeu to reject any or an Dias.
Pierce Kimrkv.
5-13d2t v District Clerk.
Special Correspondence From
"... ;;:J.', and Sherman. ' i -,.
:' WascO, May 12. TSe opening 'session
of the institute was called to order at
10 :30 thisjraornhjg John Medler .in
tht Cuair".v Alter a selection Of "usic-I?v
the choir, and prayer by: P...P.. Under
wood,, the address of welcome was de
livered by Rev. J. M. Denison, who paid
a glowing tribute to the fine agricultural
resources of Sherman county. . In re
sponding, Professor French said he bad
a grathful recollection of the hosj5itable
reception he and his colleague from . the
Agricultural - college, had met at this
place a year ago. He remembered too
the intelligence- manifested in the dis
cussions and was well assured that the
time bad come when the farmers of
Sherman county . were able ' to conduct
useful and successful institutes: without
extraneous aid. lie liked the posh and
energy of v Eastern Oregon farmers
There was something in the air of this
section that was death to the mossback
ism so prevalent in the western part of
the state. : Another selection of music
and an excellent and suggestive paper
was read by P. P.; Dnderwood on, "To
what extent - the farmer can dispense
with the middleman." . The paper elici
ted considerable discussion, but no . bet
ter suggestion was offered, perhaps, than
that which recommended the farmer to
get out of debt, and keep out, and thus
get into a : position where money can
talk for low profits on what he ha to
buy. It was now nearing the noon hour,
and the meeting adjourned to partake of
such a lunch as only the farmer's wives
of Sherman county can spread.'. Tour
reporter noticed the presence of the fol
lowing candidates 'who are taking ad
vantage of the large gathering to get ac
quainted with the dear people. . John'
Smith, candidate for joint senator, S. F.
Blythe and H. E. Moore candidates for
joint representative. It is rumored that
. li. Ooon of Hood River, is expected
to deliver an address on fruit culture.
The veteran democratic war horse, J.
H. Jackson is also here looking after the
outposts and so are A. G. Johnson and
vv. McOinis. , ;
Public Speaking
The republican candidate for congress,
Hon.W.-R, Ellis, will speak at the fol
lowing points ! . . ",
"Hood River, Tuesday, May 17th, .7j30
p. m. -
- Moro, Wednesday, May 18th, 1 -.30 p. m.
Wasco " " . " 7:30
Dufur, Thurdav, May 19th, 1 :30 p. ni.
The Dalles, Tharsday, May 19tb, 2:30
p. m. .
Hon. H. B. Miller, of Grant's Pass,
will accompany Mr. Ellis in the cam
paign at the above mentioned places.
A,traYeling man' who chanced to be
m the store of E. V. Wood, at McKees
Kocks, Pa., says while he was waiting
to see Mr. Wood, a little girl came in
J. 85 ?tnEty totHe labeled Chamber
lain's Pain Balm and said: "Mamma
wants another bottle of that medicine;
she says it is the best medicine for
rheumatism she ever used." 50 cent
bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton,
druggists. . a&w
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was nick, we gare her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castori. ;
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria
. The citv aaaooKmont ivwll :n - :
. j u . ui. t iii xcujmu
in the hanrin nf the naoaoanv ;n nr tT.u
- Mil ml -l I LU.
On that day the board of equalization
Will set and no nhnncoa will hu maA
eww " " ' uinuc lu
assessments after the board has ad
journed. Taxpayers will govern them-
Bnlldlns; Material.
Home Talks Upon the Sabbath and Ad-
'entists. '
Special to The Chronicle. :
Mosier, - May 13. Some one has
forgotten to report Mosier in the columns
of your .paper for the " last" few weeks.
We don't like to be forgotten. A place
that can boast two Sabbath, schools (a
Union and a Methodist) both held in
the same school house, and sometimes
two other services on the same ' day, be
sides sundry meetings during the week,
may be excused in thinkinsr themselves
somebody. ' ""V- ... '
A few evenings ago the Methodist
minister from Hood River, Mr? Rigby,
gave ns a good old fashioned talk on pro
hibition; and at the close 6f the meeting
distributed a lot of political dodgers. .
On Friday evening he spoke On the
Sabbath day. question, - claiming 'that
Sunday . is the origirial Sabbath, the
first day of the creation, if the account
of the creation be correct," was the Sab
bath day, and the Sabbath has been the
first day of the week ever since. He also
quoted Math. 28th chapter and 1st verse,
but said that was not a correct transla
tion, for in the original Greek, the 'first
day of the week was called the Sabbath.
Mr. Rigby seems to be quite a Greek
scholar, : as he has worn two sets of
covers off a Greek Testament , displayed
fit the meeting, from persistent study.
hie also told ua he was no mean - mathe
matician, and something of an " astrone
mer, for if anyone would give him the
longitude and latitude of a given place,
he said he could tell ns at what hour the
sun rises and sets at that place. I forget
the import of "the last sentence. He
also said the keeping of the Sabbath
day was not found in the New Testament,,
and not even hinted at, but in the same
book the first of the' week is. called the
Sabbath. . - .
He closed his argument by attacking
the seventh day advent doctrine, and
then adjourned the meeting until next
evening, when he continued the. subject
of seventh day adventism. His estimate
of the intellectuality of both leaders and
followers of that creed is not very high,
for he said they were not even , respecta
ble scholars, and far from prosperous, as
God would not prosper such an' ungodly
people, in a similar strain he continued
to the end of his lecture. - -;
We were rather surprised to -find a
professed minister of the." gospel engaged
in ptiblicly pulling' -down other peoples
religion, it igyalways fair to. suppose,
that 'tbey are' s pretty Weil conversant
with the bible, arid try -tolive up t its
teaching.. If be will permit us, we will
call bis attention to the. 13th chapter of
first book of Corinthians, perhaps the
contents of said chapter bad slipped his
memory or naa oeeu -torn oir, with: the.
covers or nis ureeit testament:' - He.
however, will find a good translation in
the King James edition of the new testa
ment, i and? well 'Wortri pntting-:into
On Tuesday evening Mr. 'RVstill gave
a lecture- in .the same- school house.
t I. : L . 1 1 - . ... '
vaaaug iwr miujwk, lue mo ana writings
of .Mrs. White,, one of . the principal
leaders ot- the Advent church. ' A
woman, he claims, who did not believe
in'a hell, and &Vproiessor of a very per
nicious doctrine. We believe he' in
tended to close his lecture . with a few
words on charity," but 'from - some unex
plained cause be 'Omitted to do so.
A large store is about to be erected at
tbia place in which a well selected stock
of goods will be placed, when finished.
Mr. Holmes, of .Tacoma, is the pro
prietor. We give him a hearty welcome.
- - A. A.
1- e i iV. wumuiuk uuiiv U. XUH
line Of Dili Id mo- material W'a Ar
resort to trickery to buy or sell any
I IrtOa rmnJtnJ V
"ubo uauuicu Jjf Uo.
vv h x5utleh & Co., Lumber Dealers.
Oregon sewer and chimney pipe. 5-7dtf
Havinc on finnrl n 1 o ma cimnln
C? BUfiiJ1 VI llC
we are prenared to fnr niflh rmr nnof Am
ers with ice in any quantity at a reason-
ohla Mrn TIT a mi .
. c Kuamuittj we win supply
fn HAmdnrl nTfKnnt-
rr , wauvuv uvw;iug prices
d HVHUV.. uvmtv vi uci o at
C. F. Lauer's store, Second street.
-- uates ox Allison.
- Notice. : ,-.7 ' " . .
Water consumers will please to take
notice that all sprinkling and irrigating
from the city water works must be done
between the hours of 6 and 7 a. m. and
6 to 8 p. m. Failure to comply with this
rule will leave the consumer liable to
have the water turned off and a charge
of 50 cents will be made for having it
turned on again. - .; -.
. By order of ''."
5-6-2t.' - ' " The AVateb"Commi8Si6n-bbs
Campbell Bros. Prop rs
. ' (Successors to . s. Cram.) :
Manufacturers of the finest French and
x- - Home Made
". . - Eastof Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesaia
. ' . 1st Bra rjr Style. - : ... "
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or.
Dry Goods
V Clothing
Koots, Shoes, Hats, Etc.
F&nciJ Ijoodg, plotiong,
134 Second St., next to Dalles National
i "' f Bank,- Dalles City, Oregon" ;
- . . .... SOlBjtaKSX lOBJIHK.. '
os. T. Peters & Co.,
f.ougn ana
DiBssed Lomfiei,
and a full line of Builders' Supplies, all of which
are carried constantly in stock.
New boot hjid shoe store !
We have just received a large assortment, of D and E
HiutuBoi iauies nne snoes ana a lull stock of iawn
tennis shoes yith perforeald. inner soles-.
: ' Leather and findings for sale.
Repairing Neatly and Expeditiously Done,
E. Jacobsen & Co
Largest Line of Baby Carriages,' Books, Stationery
ana Musical Instruments.
,. All Watch Work Warranted.;
Jewelry Made to Order.
1S Second St., Tb Dalles, Or,
Call and see us at our new store, sonth wost
- 7 wa W VV UVi.
or Second and Jefferson - Streets, before buying else-
WIiBie- prices are as low as the lowest, and on
many things below all competitors.
Miss anna peter s cdV
Fine NIilli nery !
112 Second street,
-ARBIVING daily at-
162 Second Street,
And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in
9 Practical Painters and Paber Hanerers. None Vint t.h host, hmnrl. nf ik
Sherwin-Williams and J. WVMasury's Paints nsed in all onr work, and none hot
the most skilled workmen emDloved. ': Acenta for Mannrv
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All
orders promptly attended to. -
Store and Paint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts The Dalies,. Qregon
J. o.
V '
Liquor Dealer.
r.... i . i
' ' .- ".. ':
Finest Wines and Liquors
r 171 Second Street,
Frenchs! Block, The Dalles, Oregon
S " 2.3 S-v. 2
JaaaaJ O f j C. '1' Stfi T
o c
n B W