The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. Publfshsd Dally, Sanday Excepted. - BT ' THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO Comer Second and Washington Streets, The Danes, uregun. Terms of Subscription Pot Year : Per month, by carrier Blngleoopy .6 00 SO 6 STATIC OFFICIALS. Governoi 8. Pennorer Secretary of State G. V. McBride Treasurer ..Phillip Mctschan Supt. of Public Instruction E. B. McElroy ttnr (J.N. Dolph inators... jj H Mitchell Congressman '. ..B. Hermann State Printer. .- Frank Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge.... C. N. Thornbury Sheriff D. L. Cates Clerk .. J. B. Crossen Treasurer Geo. Ruch wmiuHcn i Frank Kincaid Assessor John E. Barnett Surveyor E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools . . .Troy Shelley Coroner William Michel! t II A. Leavens THEY BELONG TO VS. The Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, and other subsidized roads, were virtually built by the government, and the enor mous land grants given as a bonus be sides. The roads were to repay the money lent by the indorsement of the . bonds and in other ways ; but the govern ment; that is, the people; were left in the colti!, and such immense fortunes as that of Stanford, Huntington, Hopkins, Gould and Vanderbitt and many others, became possible. Every now and then congress flutters severely to make these roads pay. It is only a fizzle. The Thurman act required them to lay aside fifty per cent of their net earnings for a sinking fund to pay the debt. They went to the Supreme court with it That court said that this law only ap plied to the main line. The branch, or operated lines, were bonded, and the stock held by third parties, and the earnings were not affected by the national mortgage. But the Supreme court did not exuetly go that far, for it intimated clearly that there was a very large discretion in congress to protect the rights of the people and that the purchased roads were liable, or could be made so. Here is the idea, and it is a regular skin game: Uncle Sam built the roads for us, under certain. promises. We pocketed all we could raise or make, and with the . legitimate earnings we bought thousands of miles of other roads or built them. But we bonded them, and pocketed that money too. Not hav ing paid a nickle we owe the dear people ftnore than tlie road is worth, and when tUnole Sam wants to take the other roads, more valuable than the original iline, wo say that it don't belong to us, -but to foreign stockholders. Was there -ever such a swindle since the Lord made Moses? The sympathies of all who were ever acquainted with Mr. A. Knapp, of Knappa, Clatsop county, will go out from ' the heart to his bereaved wife and daughter, now mourning his death from heart failure, after retiring for the night on the 8tb. Mr. Knapp received "the republican nomination for county clerk and was making preparations to make a canvass of the county. He was very popular and was confident of his election. His death leaves a vacancy on - the republican ticket which will have to be filled as provided in sections 42 and 43, of the Astralian ballot law. The headlines given to a brief dis patch yesterday, announcing that: "The president, an hour after its receipt from the senate this afternoon, signed the bill to encourage American ship building by granting American registry to the steamships City of New York and City of Paris," spoke louder than words, telling that the act is not approved by the people. One of these head lines was: "Signed in . haste." Another: "Questionable as to Encouragement." Another: "Hey there; Benjamin." Eastern Oregon by every right is en titled to representation on the supreme bench says the Baker City Democrat, And the people irrespective of politics hould assert their rights by casting their ballot for A, S. Bennett, of Wasco wijnty. r-In doing, so the assurance is given that in case of Mr. Bennett's election a man of ability will, grace the judiciary and the many questions in which Eastern Oregon is particularly in terested will be properly looked after. Gov. Pennoyer has come oat .straight for the People's party . In Albina Tues day evening he made a speech which filled three solid columns in the Ore gonian. He repudiates the state, platr form. After his speech the glee club rendered a - song," entitled,- -"Good-by', Old Parties, Good-by," amidst a storm of cheers, v "".- '-- - The Inland Empire will this year ship 35,000,000 bushels of wheat. - When It is discovered that this i. e. is a country; this area, drained bv the wonderful Col ombia, upon whose bosom this product Should so the sea. will become as bomilar as the phrases about Aristotle spoken of Dy ssyaney JSmitnir - y ..' J "Avery's Ox," as Bush -used to call Slater, actually thinks he is running for congress in this" district. What a delusion. The Pacific Empire is the name, given to an illustrated monthly journal. Mrs. A. S, Duniway, editor, to be published after July 1st in Portland '' There seems to be grounds for the be lief that southern Oregon is afflicted with the presence of train wreckers, for whom hanging would be too good, if caught. ' ' It is a significant fact says the East Oregonian, that po paper in the state of any political party has said a' word against the election of Judge A. S. Ben nett to the supreme bench. If the truth was known, or the fact could be fixed, it would be . safe to say that a sum more'than equal to the ap propriation for the improvement of the Columbia river has been expended this congress to purchase corporate influence to defeat the public;' The best spring medicine is a dose or two of St. Patrick's Pills. They not oniy pnysic out cleanse tne whole sys tem and purify the blood. . For sale by Blakeley & Houghton , druggists. d& w Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real estate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, nar rowly escaped one of the severest at tacks of pneumonia while in the north ern part oi mat state during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. Blaize ' had occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so thor oughly chilled that he was nnable to get warm, and inside of an hour after his return he was threatened' with a severe case of pneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Blaize sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which he had often heard, and took a number of large doses. He says the effect was wonderful and that in a short time he was breathing quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Blaize regards his cure as simply wonderful. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. . d&w TO THE TRADE AXD CONTRACTORS. I DESIRE IT TO BE UNDERSTOOD that I have appointed Win. Bntler & Co. exclusive agents for the sale of the "Oregon" lime, at The Dalles, and sur rounding country. Other parties have, through surreptitious and unbusinesslike methods, obtained a small quantity of this lime, which may naturally cause the idea that Butler & Co. are not the exclusive agents of these goods. iJtf Such, however, is not the fact, and further stock of this article cannot be obtained from others than Wm. Butler & Co. The trade,- however, will not lose sight of the fact that the great strife to obtain the Oregon lime by other dealers proves conclusively that the "Oregon" is the best lime in the market. Very trulv - 5-7-d6t-wlt T. F. Osboex. Gen. Agt. Or. Marble and Lime Co. NOTICE. Parties boldine claims atrainsr. W. S ' Cram are notified topresent them to him at once, at the Columbia Candy Factory, and all those indebted are .requested to settle at the same place,' as I have sold out my business and want to close up my accounts. Respectfully, 4-6dw4w W.S.Cham. NOTICE. All TkallAS flittr n- a . WAn:Di.n.AJ prior to September 1, 1890, will be paid if presented at my office. ; Interest ceases from and after this date. Dated February 8th, 1892. - O. KlNEESLV, tf. Treas. Dalles City. JERSEY BULL "St Lambert Thft ilinrnncFli VirAfi .Torvmll ftf t.a'm. bert. will stand for the uwvin nr. tfta Co lumbia Feed yard. For service applv to David Ueorge. 2.25dwlm Ewes and Lambs for Sale. I have 1,400 ewes and lambs for sale cheap. Call upon or address B. S. Kel- say, Kent, Sherman county, Oregon. 4-23-1 md&w NOTICE. Havinsr boucrht the hoot nnrl . srirA shoD of C. W. Adams, on the 12(.h rlnv of February 1892, I hereby give notice mat l win pay ana collect an accounts made since that date, and continue bus iness at 116 Court street 4-SO-dlm , Thos. Adams. . Dissolution ' Notice. between b. F. French and J. N. Lauer, doing business in The Dalles under the X: . f a ' T . urm uume oi xrencn oc iauer, nas been diflftotaAtfl liv mnf.nal Mnoanf TKki. ness will be conducted at the. old atand first street, by J. JS, Lauer who has purchased the same, and will collect and i j. . jjay ii uutHiauuing accounts. Sitrned: Vrvvpu a T irm 4-14-dlm Carpets take up, cleaned and put down, also Closets and Chimnevs cleaned - on short notice at reasonable -'.'...' rates;''..': f Orders received through the postoffice GRANT-MORSE STRAWBERRIES, ': ; Apples t Or anges ; .rv- Candies f Nuts v; ' ; - SodaxWater, ''-:- v .'- i t - Sarsaparilla and. Iron, . " Cider, Etc O v:'r ' ?' Eyerythingjs First Class.' - - Weil Supplied with , TOBACCO and Union made OIGAES. c J; FCZLlOO. Second St,' .next to Wingate's Armory. Chiiniieys Cleaned NEW TO-DAY. TTPlTTATTs A Bunch of keys, -L KJ U 131 Um on Court street near Fourth. Owner can have the same on application at this office, by paying for this 25 cent advertisement. 5.10d3t FOR CHURCHES. Superior in tune to Pipe Organs, easier played and cheaper, Are the ESTEY PHILHARMONICS. JOTICE. 3 - Bids will be received for the building of a house for A HOSE CART IN THE EAST END of the city, until Saturday May. 14th. Flans for same can be seen by calling on 5-8-dtd CHAS. E; HAIGHT, , Chairman Fire and Water Com. FOR SALE. Or trade, cheap, band of range horses, consisting of yearlings, two-year olds and mares. . For informa tion - Apply to C. F: STEPHENS. 5-3dlm 134 Second St. The Dalles, Or. WANTED. One or more lots, above the Bluff, in exchanere for Work Horses, or Brood mares. Apply to HUGH GOURLAY', 5-2tf Chronicle office, The Dalles. FOE, SALE finest stock farms in Crook county ; 1100 Acres deed ed land ; abundance of water ; good grass range capable of handling 10,000 sheep: 300 acres under irrigation. Two good dwellings and out buildings. Price, $8, 000 ; half in stock, horses cattle or sheep. For further particulars - Apply to HUGH GOURLAY, 6-2tf Chronicle office, The Dalles. FOR SALE . "lots, splend idly located in the Garrison addition. Apply to HUGH GOURLAY, 5-2tf - " Chronicle office, The Dalles. COLUMBIA ICE CO., 104 Second Street, ICE! ICE! ICE! Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand, we are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale - or retail, to be . delivered through the summer.. Parties contract ing with us will be carried through the entire season without advance is pbice, and may depend that we have nothing but PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE Cut' from -mountain water; no slough or siusn ponas. -. - T Pnrp nnlpra of. ilia nntiimKia CaArr Factory, 104 Second street, . or Ice Wagon. w. 5. cratvt; Managers INVALIDS Gain rapidly in health and strength by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine substitutes rich and pure.' blood, for Uie impoverished fluid left in the veins after fevers aud other wasting sickness. It im proves the appetite and tones up the system, so that convalescents soon Become Strong active, and vigorous. ' To relieve that tired feeling, depression of spirits, and nervous debility, uo other medicine produces the speedy and permanent effect of Ayer's Sar saparilla. v F. O. Loring, Brockton, Mass., " writes: " I am confident that anyone suffer-, ing from the effects of scrofula, general de bility, want of appetite, depression of spirits, and lassitude will be cured : By Using Ayer's Sarsaparilla; for I have taken itand speak from experience." ' In the summer of 1888, I was cured of nervous debility by the use of Ayer's Sana- ' pariUa." Mrs. H. Benolt, 6 Middle sti Faw tucket, K. I. . . 'Several years ago I was In a debilitated condition. Other remedies baving failed, I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and was greatly benefited. As a Spring medicine, I consider it invaluable." Mrs. L. S. Win chester, Qolden, Me, ... Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ay r fc Con Xo well, UmU. Bold by alfDruggteu. Price l;ixbottlef,fr. Cures othersVwill cure you Successors to C. E. Dunham. Druggists andChemists. ; Pa re D i ; Dispensing Physi&V Ptwiptions a .SpecMy. Night Druggists always in Attendance. Cor. Second and Union Sts.; THE DALLES.. OBEGON. ..' STAGY SpOttlll, . -DEALER T!f- WatchsC Clocks,; Jewelry,; Etc. All kinds of repairing a specialty, and all work guaranteed and promptly attended to. Call and see nls stock of clocks before you leave an order elsewhere. ... Tie Mes, Portlani and Astoria .. .-.. - .. ....... . "Navigation Co. Columbia River Steamers. FIRST CLASS igilt Line -BETWEEN- Portland and The Dalles. The magnincient steamers "Dalles City" and Rearolator" will leave as follows, and stop at all Way Landings. Steamer "Dalles City" from Portland daily, (except Sunday,) from wharf foot of Yamhill st , at 8 a. m., arriving at The. Dalles at 6 p. m. . Steamer "Regulator" from The Dalles daily, (except bunday,) at 6 a. m. from wharf foot of Court street, arriving at Portland at 5 p. m. JDV The Route passes through the Falls of the Cascades and in plain view of the Gonnnnent Locks, (now In process of completion,) the far famed Bridal Veil and Multnomah Falls, making one of the most beautiful and pleasur able trips on the grand Columbia. , If you are going East, North or South, don't fail to call on the undersigned for through rates in connection with the Northern, Southern or Canadian Railway. ' " Cattle, eheep and hogs landed at the pasture of the American Dressed Beef company, Troutdale, at nominal rates. . . - EXCURSION RATES. For parties of not less than six tickets, good for 'one day only: Dalles to Cascades and return 11.00 " Collins " " 15 cents. (Hood River " (White Salmon " -- Intermediate points will take next higher rate. W. CALLAWAY, Agent. " B. F. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. THE DALLES, : - OREGON A: A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which he offer at Low Figures. SPEGIRIi " x PAIGES to Cash. Buyers. - Highest Casl Prices for Eis ana other 170 SECOND STREET. The Dalles FACTORY NO. 105. T? A T3 C of the Best Brands VVJ-VJ XJLXkj)0 manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice . - The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home- manufactured article is increasing every day. -'''- A. ULRICH & SON. R. B. HOOD, Livery, Feed and Sale Horses Bought and Sold on Commission and Money Advanced on Horses Left for Sale. , ; OFFICE OF The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line Stage Leaves The Dalles Every Morning af 7:00 and Goldendale at 7;O0.t All freight must be- left at B.' . , i ., -" Hood's office the ere jj . . , nlng before. R. B.j H OOD, Propri etor, Opposite old Stand., The Dalles, .Or, AND OYSTER -HOUSE; On of tbe Finest Cooks In The Dalles -!- VAll Work done by Wblte Help.', Next door to Uyrne,. Floyd & Co.8 - . Drug Store. B$ Union St.; Tii toallc. Just Opened. llvs.A. JOKES Proprietor. EverytMiig thei Market ' ; Affords, at ReasonaTjle ' Rates. . PessepraiiilFre The Itateh Stfinig is Rlrjuays Oat T SpripO and Summer, SEASO" : . " ; 1892. "Till t .irtV. am 1Yiirra a Falling, like dew, npon a thought, produces That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think." WE TRUST TO INTJEKEST. AND DO YOTJ GOOD. 6uv Our Shoes r THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES, THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. The Corrugated Building next Door to Court House.- - HaMsoiely MsM Rooms to Rent the Day, Weei or Month; : , -; Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. WHS. H. PHASER, Pvopv. H.C.NIELSeN, lothier and Tailop, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and: Valises, nts' FurnlsHlxLs Goods, CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON,. THE DALLES, OREGON . Grueat Bargains ! Removal I Removal I On account of Removal I will sell my entire stock of Boots and. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Shelv ings, Counters, Desk, Safe, Fixtures, at a Great- Bargain. Come and see my offer. GREAT REDUCTION ".'IN.-. RETAIL,. 9 ' ..." " " , . ' J.FRE 125 Second Street, - , ; '.IBp; SPBQffl'JVir 8IQPBli;lfflT :,6flQDS-i;i, COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. " Glothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes. Full Assortment of the Leading" Manufacturers. Cash Bayers otili . save . money by examining our stocfc and prices before . H. WM. -DEALERS IMl Building - I 11 I I I mm Material 1 IIIMIU1 IHII.HUUiM LqmbeW Umff.'.Piasier.; Hair and Cement i A liberal dlscoanY tf ii trade in an linefsi handled byr us JEFFERSON" STREET; between Second and Eilroad, - THE DALLES, ORy s ... - - ... . . z. : ( ' ... ' I . . . ' ' ' ' " ' -' : ; " i SmJATED AT THE .. Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. For Further Information Call at th Office or. ; ; 0. D TiYLfll, TIb Mbs, tr! ' 72 WasUsEtoa. St, Portlani. Or. 11 H n ..... 1 1 . 1 . . -MANUFACTURED BY WALTER H. TEN NY & CO., BOSTON, MRSS. IMSN '.. The Dalles. purchasing elseaihere; CI HEADOF NAVIGATION. , Best, Selling Property of, the Season inithe North-' . west.' Herbring