V, The Dalles Da3ly Chronicle. TnE DALLES OBEGON WEDNESDAY MAY 11, 1892 AWAY UP THE COLUMBIA. Thla Mighty - Highway of Commerce Pictured. . " ' . It is very opportune that the' final ac tion of congress upon the matter of opening the Columbia, eo far at least as the cascades is concerned, comes at a lime when the attention of all the world is turned to this mighty artery of com merce in the imposing ceremony of cele brating the one-hundreth anniversary of the discovery of the Columbia river by Captain Gray, May lls 1792. , While there are assembled in Astoria today thous ands of people to celebrate the event, In eluding hundreds - of pioneers,; some of whom have anxiously awaited the time for thirty years or more, when congress would do bo much " as was done last Tuesday through the final efforts of Hon. Bikgkb- . .HERttANNj"; the people of The Dalles, i and this vast . Inland. Empire, send greetings. From far up toward the sources of the Colum bia, illustrations will be exhibited by transparencies at Astoria tonight, selec tions from one hundred and forty photo graphs, giving visitors a good idea of the grand and picturesque scenery at little dalles, Kettle falls. Priest rapids, Bock island,, and other points on the upper Columbia from the boundary, line of British Columbia. The whole collec tion will be sent to Chicago . for similar exhibitions at the Columbus fair. The stretch, of this grand river,, along which these views have been taken, is yet al most an unbroken wilderness, as primi tive as the scenes about Astoria a hund red years ago, . yet there are fearless pioneers occasionally to be found far" in ' land, whose pluck and enterprise in at tempts to develop the bountiful resources to be found there, commends itself to the public. One of these is-the Ellens burg and Okanogan Transportation com pany, whose card we have through favor of Mr. Linus Hubbard, and from which we glean the information that by this river route:; , v A saving of 350 miles is affected to the Okanogan mines. One hundred and fifty miles of dusty staging is savea. , - The most magnificent scenery in the iorinwesi. Nearest and most direct route to 'the great Lake Chelan summer resorts. ' The finest hunting and fishing in the woria, etc. . ,v - Writing to Mr. Hubbard, thanking him for his- thoughtful remembrance of the E. and O. T. Co., in sending them one of' his whaleback souvenirs, -the manager says : . . ' EtiLBNBBUEG, May ,9.-In reply- will eay that we are doing all we can to aid in getting appropriations for the upper Columbia. I saw a letter from Senator Allen recently, saying that he was going to introduce a bill and ask for an. appro priation of $10,000 for a new survey of "the upper Columbia river. I have ex amined the bad places on the river, and I am satisfied that if the money that is appropriated, was expended in the right way it would not take a very large amount above Priest rapids to make the river navigable to the momth of the Oak anogan river, a distance of about 150 miles above Priest rapids I hope to see this work let by contract, as it is by far the cheapest and quickest way to have it done Our boat is making regular trips, and doing a good business. In ; fact more than we anticipated at first OREGON LIME This lime is manufactured by The Oregon Marble and Lime Company, near Huntington, Oregon, and has earned the rfiTin fa t inn rvf Katni Ua otMnnA. ir. : . i. the market, nml Mnomnanflv 4n rwll: tion to making the best work is at an p iwi wto cuetipesi. uj me user. The following analysis by W. G. Jenne vuciuisb, (uruiuu, vsregon, is wortny of . v vuusiucmuuu . Carbonate of Lime. 98.56 Magnesia .015 Silica. 1.81 Water ..005:' Peroxide Of Iron .07 Phosphates. Trace Alumina... (VI flnlnfi.t.. Thum Mb. T. F. Osborjj, Dealer in Building .99 - Agent Oregon Lime, Portland, Or. ux.au oik : rteierring to your inquiry concerning the "Oregon" Lime, would - 8&V. that Wfl hn.vA nacuT th?o limn V.o it rf www .u.u ItXJXkV lit has given satisfaction, and we consider :a t- i l . um cmuo-ciaes nme in every respect. a uuiH i,ruay, . Mathew A.' Rowe, Contractor, "Orcgonian Building. Bassford & Hanpt, Contractors Portland Library Building. Anderson At Bingham, Contractors Snell, xxciuiuu w oouara .Buuaing. Burke A O'Connor, General Contractors. i ' Awinn Tltjann DnV Arthur Johnson & Brother;- Contractors, Cham- Geo. Bamford, General 6tone Contractor. Portland Bridge & Building Co. Thomas Mann. Builder. - Jamea McKendrtck, . ..Contracting Plasterer v 'iruiiiKii jjuuaing. Jo-Bgan,upi. The Wright Fir Proofing ;. 'Oregonian" Building. Edward KilUetber, General Stone Contractor., u " w"rC-timotor, Portland University Kocher Sc Freeman, Contractors, Deknm Build ing. . !Cve'--'SFC . v - : - The Oregod lime for The Dalles market is carried in stock by Wm. Butler '.. 4c Co., Lumber Dealers. - -i. 4-U-dlm 'i -u, 7 JDlMolatlon Kotlce. , ,. I 3otice"i8' hereby "givenf that" the co . partnership' heretofore existing between William J?l03'd, S. A. Byrne and Stacy - Rhownj'-'nhder 'the firm name of Byrne, . Floyd &'Co.:, In Dalles City, Or., has this day been 'liseolved by mutual consent. ; Thei business I will be continued at the old stand, by William Floyd and Stacy ..." Shown, who will pay all bills and collect all debts. - . S. A. Byrne, - ; t - William Floyd. Dated April 28, 1892. Stacy Showx. - H. M. Bkall ..Cashier. First Hational Bank. HE DALLES, - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted .Deposits received, subject to tsignt Draft or Check, , , . ;': Collections made and proceeds promptly -remitiea on aay oi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on wew x orfct, Ban Francisco and .rqrt- . : . land. : .'. DIREOTOHS. D. P. Thompson." Jno. 8. Schenck. En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likbb. . H. M. Bkalx. FRENCH i & CO., .1 k ti-sA ' -. w,. V . BANKERS. - TRANSACT A GEKEBALBAKKLSG BD8IKE83 Letters of Credit issued available in the ... . Eastern States.-- - Sight Exchanee and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle w an., and various points in Ur egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. A NEW Dndertaking Establishment! PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEALERS IN- Furniture and1 Carpets We 1 have added to our business . a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' .Trust our prices , will be low accordingly.' . ': ' ttememner our place on second street, next to Moodv's bank. GENTLEMEN! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH- eiir (SLnd See me Shirts of all - kinds to order, at prices which defy competition. Other goods, in proportion e. JfAUAN, ; . Second st., The Dalles Sole Agent for WANNAMAKER & BROWN, Philadelphia, Pa. ... vv. C W.YSS, Merchant Tailor No. 77 Second Street. Suits Made to Order -AND- A Fit Guaranteed Orders taken for an Eastern house for' all unusoisuiis. t.aii ana fxamtno goods. ' JOHN PASHEK, it - Tailor Next door to Wasce Sun. Just Received, a fine stock of Suitings, . Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest Styles, at Low Prices. Madison's latest System usee! in cutting ; t v garments and a. lit gnaranteed each time. lepaipinQ and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. - if 6; W: Johnston ; Giffiersiail lils; - Shop at ro. 112 Firbt Stresf. All Job : "Work promptly attended to and estimates given on all wood work. 8. BCH-MOK, President. - mcrcnar F M. 8ALYER. Civil Engineering. Surver- ing, and Architlcture. The Dalles, Or. TAB. E8HELMAN (Honceofathio Physician J and Sdboeok. -Calls answered promptlv, day or night, city or country. Office So. 3b and 37 Chapman block. - . wti DR. J.-SUTHERLAND Fellow or Trinity Mediexl College, and member of the Col- eucof Physicians aud Sureeons. Ontario. Phv- jician and Surgeon- Office; rooms 8 and 4 Chnp tnan block.- Residence; Judge Thomburv's bec snd street. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m.", 2 to 4 ad 7 to 8 1. tn.- - - DR. O. D. DOANE physician and bub gsok. Offira: room k r nnrl A nhanmnn Block. Residence No. 2, Fourth Btreet. one lock south of Court House. Office hours 9 tn 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to i P. M. D .S1DDALL Dentist. Gas given for the riainless extraction of teeth. , Alan tenth teton flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. l.B.DUrtTR. GIO. ATKINS. ANK MltNXFSX. . DUFCR, W ATKINS & . MENEKEE Attob-NJEY8-AT-LAW Koom No. 43. nvir Pnt Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street WH. WILSON Attornit-at-law Rooms 62 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second- Street, rhc Dalles, Oregon. ' A -S. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. " Of- fice iu Bchanno's buildine. un stairs.". Tha Oailett, Oregon. ' ". .. t. r. MAYS. B. 8. RDKTUCOTON. H. S. WILSON. MATS,' HUNTINGTON & WrLSON Attob-SETi-AT-Llw. Offices. French's hlnrit nvp. First National Bank, The Dalles. Oregon. . , -,-?.-rt:rf o?- BOCXKTIKS. ASSEMBLY NO. -4827, K. OF L. Meets In K. of P. hall the second and fourth vr!ii. days of each month at 7;30 p. m. w ASCO LODGE. NO. 15. A. F. & A. M Mmts ..- first and third Monday of each month at 7 DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. ... . t . . u. . tub wftu cuiiefluvy of each month at 7 P. M. . - - 1 rODERN WOODMEN OF THK WflRT.n . ItX Mt. Hood CampNo. 59, Meets Tuesday even- uigui vuuu vx;k m me xv. oi i . nan, at7;3U r. M. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 6, I. O. O. F. Meets every Fridav evenine at 7:30 n'dmi i v oi r. nau, corner eecona and Court sjtreets. oujvukiuiig uiuiucra arc welcome. H. Clough, Sec'y.; , . ,. . H. A. Bllls,N. G. T7RIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets Schanno's buildlnr. corner of Crfiirt -A every juonaav .eveninsr aE 7tl n'olnfr in Burwiu. wjourmng memoers are coraialiy in- TAwtTu. V . B. LSAM. - 1. W.Vausb, K. of R. and 9. , . c. C, nTOMTi'V'fl fTIPTHTTl V TPUOTHT-vaw WW -ntll -cw ia. . tt aii iuw cci y rnuav uwniOOU v v viuva o.b tuv ftOUAXIS luum, AUoTc in VI ICQ mfflfPT v tnnnp vn a r tt w -r a. a-. u iiu, o a vy. kj . tv . - i let; IB W. B Myers, Financier. M. W. TAS. NE8MITH POST. No. R2. . A Tt rw-a n55 luruy t :su f. m.t in toe K. of F. XXOO.A. " . - . ' B. OF J. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon in UIC A.. Ul A . llttU. ' " nESANG . VEREIN Meets every . Sunday cicuing iu uic a., oi IT . nail. T OF L. F. DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in the -a- n.. oi r. nan me nrst ana third Wednes day of each month, et. 7:3u p, k, . . THK GBUBCHB8. ST. PETER'8 CHURCH Rev; Father Bkons oekst Pastor. .Low Masa every Snnday at 7 a.- m. High Mass at 10:30 a. m. Vespen at i r. m. ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Preaching In the Y. M. C. A. rooms every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 n. m-' RnnHnir nihml tnrmMli.Uv uiuniiiiK service. i. a. urcnara, pastor. STjPAUL'S CHURCH Union Btreet, opposite Fifth. Rev. EUD.Suteliffe Rector. Services every Sundav at 11 A. h. and 7 !tfl r w Rntut.r School 9:45 A. u. Evening Prayer on Friday at i , .. ... TlIRflT ItlPTTCT rUTTBPtr Ti r t n.H C - LOB, Pastor. Morning services every Sab- ah lire acauaiijr at 11 A. M. oaDDain ocnooi immediately .alter- morning services Prayer meeting Friday -evening at Pastor's rest dence. Union services in the court house at ' CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C KJ CUBTis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. it. and 7 p. K. Snnday School after morning service. Strangers cordially invited. Seat free. r ' L E. CHURCH Rev. A. O. SPKKCKK.nastnr. lu Services every Sunday morning. " Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock P. u. A cordial invitation is extenaea oy ootn pastor and people to all. YOUR flTTEllTIOJl . '' la called to the fact that iDealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Carrie the Fines Line of To be f ooixl in the City. 72 ttlashington Street. Eo.: 90 Second; Steetj. The JJalJeB, Of. --' 2it '-..-?.' , . -s. i '.-iU U;.-;f Jfi;vt r This well known stand, kept by the well known W. H. Butts, long a resi dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary fine .stock O&tlAv. ! -Y -. Sheep Herder's Delist and Irish Disisrbasee! In fact, all the leading brands of fine Wines,. Liquors an!d.-,pigars. ..GireUhe old man a call and you will come again. Hugh Glenn lUlDIIS - The little bailding in Brougham ter race, Liverpool, in which the . few Most lem worshipers' thereabout gather to gether for prayer and to listen to ser mons in Arabic and English is hidden away in a garden, and it does not seem that its congregation has ever done any thing to give offense, yet for more than a month past they have been exposed to persecution, and the ferment appears to be increasing. - On a recent Sunday, ac cording to a local report, the appearance of the. "Muezzin? in the balcony to give the customary "Azan," or call to prayer, was the signal for a great uproar from a crowd of some 400 roughs, indulging in the usual oaths ' and execrations and throwing of stones and filth. '-.-. : - Several times, it 13 stated, the Muezzin was struck. After he had retired the disturbers burst into the mosque and threw stones, one 01 which feu within .a' few inches of where the little son of Ahmed Quiliam Bey was kneeling in prayer. These annoyances, it is added, continued " during the service, and: the congregation, on leaving were pelted and truck. Ixmdos .Public Opinion. . . . .- , Calendar Cruraders - , The calendars for 1S93 are beginninsr to put in an appearance, and. the calen dar fiends are also hard at work.'" rye had about 500 applications for calendars this week, "said -an insurance man yes terday, Vand soma, of the calendar beg gars are very . impudent : in- their: de mands..: , Women: are the . most cheeky appneante we nave ;to aeat witn.., One woman today requested me to give her one of eacn kind issued by our ofnee. and I granted her demand, but she came back in half an hour and ' asked - me to duplicate her . haul in order to please a female acquaintance who could not come herself . v I gave her a blotter and told her to blot herself out of existence. It was ungallant, of course, but I wasn't in the numor to deal otherwise with her, Head- SIck-hcadachcs are tho ontward Indications of derangement 61 the stomach and bowels. , A Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla is tha only, bowel regulating preparation of Sarsaparilla, it Is seen why It is the only appropriate Sarsaparilla in sick-headaches. . It is not only appropriate; it is an absolute, care. After a course, of it an occa sional dose at intervals will forever after prevent return. . Juo. IL Cox. of 735 Turk Street, San Francisco, writes: " I have; been troubled with attack of tick-head ache for the last three yean from one to three times a week. . Some time ago I bought two bottles of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla and' have only had one attack since and that was on the second day after I began using It." ;W S a rsa p ar 1 1 1 a For Salei by SNIPES & AlNERSLV . .THE DALLES, OREGON. . . A Severe Law. The English peo ple look more closely the genuineness : the staples than , we do. In fact, they havo a Jaw under 'Which they 'mils acilxsir mnA ' Am- ' Jix0ri i - stroy adulterated '..-- - - product . that , are not what they are represented to be. Under this statute thousands of pounds of tea have been burned because of their wholesale adul teration., ; ;; . '..'.-. ;: ... r .. . . Tea, by .the way. Is one of the most uotorK ously adulterated articles of commerce Not ' alone are the bright, shiny fieen tea artifi cially colored, but thousands of pounds of substitutes for tea leaves, are ssed to swell - the bulk of cheap teas; ash,.sIoe and willow leaves being .those most .commonly . used.,. Asn, .sweepings , irom tea warenouses are colored' and sold as tea. Even exhausted tea leave gathered from the tea-houses are kept, ' dried, and made over and find .their way into the cheap teas. . -,' : '. . - The English government attempts to stamp' this out' by confiscation; but no tea is too ' poor for us, and. the. result is, that probably the poorest teas used by auy nation are those eonsumed in America. ' . Beech' "Tea. is presented ''with the guar anty that it is uucolored and unadulterated; In fact, the sun-cured tea leaf pure and sim ple. It purity insures superior strength, about one third less of 'it; being required, for an infusion than of the artificial teas, and its fragrance aud exqutsile flavor'is at . once ap parent. It will be a revelation to you.. In. vmer uh us punty ana quality may be guar-, anteed, it is sold, only In pound packages bearing this trade-mark:. VimjAsftildhood: 5 Mee Me per poind. I'm aale a -, : ; THE JJAXXES, OBEQOlf.i '. ... . U.t PhoBiiixIiikerlias Arisen prom -th&'Ashes. The EeetaTin.teuxHas3nea-the V' ;' Where be will be glad to see any and all v" ' , of his old patrona&- Open day and Night-VlTrtt class meals state mm' Joy IT-,. -Cr-. - ., U0:imtS 1. 1 r- a- i I -ti-?2&?& oi Still Deck s- ' v twenty-five cent...-- . , FIRST - 0 ifi) y mm - CAN BE- HAD. AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE ! treasonably- tuinoas Rates. JOLES BROS., '::!.t;'',:'':',:r4iflEft.ERs m ----- Siapie and Fancy Gracetics, Hay; Grain Masonic Block, Corner Third and BUWNEL.L., P1D8 WorK, Tin Repairs ami Hotilliig MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street; ; next - door ; west of Young & Kuss . . . Blacksmith Shop. flew l THE DAXIiES, OREGON Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast! . First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect. ; . ". .. - Nonebui the Best of White Help Employed. i TT. Nicholas, Piop. DEPIOCluTIG te, District and County TICKET. For Supreme Judge. Alfred S. Bennett. , For Attorney General, - '. George E. Chamberlain. For Member of Congress,' ' 2d District, JamesH. Slater. For Circuit Judge, . 7th District, -W. L1. Bradshaw. For Prosecuting Attorney, ' 7th District, ; . J. P. Moore. For Member State -Board Equalization, , vtn uistnct,. '. William' Hnglies. For Joint Senator,' 17th- District, Sher- man ana wasco counties, J.. A; Smith, ".'.;'.- . . - of Sherman... Joint Senator, 18th District, Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco counties, . Gr. W. Rinehart, ; . ; ; r . . . v ; - . , of. Gilliam.. . For For Joint Bepresentatives, 18th Eepre- seniauve iisinct., tenerman and -...... . . .Wasco countiee,, .... - H. E. Moore, Pi Blythe. ' For County Judge,' - GEORGE 0. BLAKELEY. - For Couniy Clerk,'" ' ' '. . ; James b: croSsen.;; " For County "Sherin", :. THOMAS A. WARD. "For County Treasurer;' "' . WILllAM K.' CORSON. For County" Assessor, ' , . GEORGE TVPRATHER. For County 'Surveyor,'', r ' ... F. S. GORDON. ' ' ; ; . For School Superintendent, I ; F. FITZGERALD. - For County Commissioner,"1," , JAMES DARNIE1XE. ; " For County Coroner. '" ' ''. JOHN W. MoORtr. v' 4-21td CL.BSS jy If fj , , and Feed. ourt Streets. The Dalles.Oregon. TICKET. For Supreme "Judge, P. Ar Moore. " For Attorney General, Lionel R. Webster. - . For Member of Congress, ,2d District, W. R. Ellis. -.- For -Circuit' Judge, f 7th District, . . George " Watkins. For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th District, - W. H. Wilson. For Member State Board Equalization 7th District, John L. Luckey. For Joint Senator, 17th District,' consist ing of Sherman and Wasco Counties, H. S. McDaniels. For Joint Senator, 18th District, consist- - ing of Gilliam, Sherman and - . Wasco Counties, -. W. W.; Steiwer. For Joint Representatives, 18th Repre sentative District, consisting of Sherman and Wasco -- Counties, E. N Chandler, T. R. Coon. For County Judge, . ','-.' C. N. THORNBURY. For County Clerk,' ; .-. . J. M HUNTINGTON. For""Couhty:SIieriri"- -: C.-P; BALCH. . ' i - -. Fot County Commissioner, " H. A. LEAVENS. - For County Treasurer, -'"'";' WM. MICHELL. For County' Assessor "2 - -. JOEL W. KOONTZ. -N For County School Superintendent, . ... . , TROY SHELLEY. .V . . . - -For County Surveyor, - : , .. ' , ; .E. F SHARP. .. . For County Coroner, N. M. EASTWOOD. BEPUBLICnjI 4-ietf I