Tha Dalles flailv Chtronielp" m - ; THE DALLES .OREGON' TUESDAY - MAY 10, 1892 ! TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Whisky did lt Work. Caxabsik, L. I., May 9. Abel Smith, colored farm hand, whose wife was dis sipated, murdered her last night. He then threw himself in front of a train 4nd was instantly killed. . . . Fatal Eire. Tombhtone, Ariz., May 9. Sam Bar row's dwelling was burned this morn ing. His youngest child, a boy three years old, died from suffocation. . His brother-in-law, aged 17 years, was burned to a crisp. The origin of the fire is unknown. Military Appoints. St. Petebbbubg, May 9. Col. Weld rick, overseer of the grain transportation to and in the distressed provinces of Russia, has been appointed inspector of the whole system of Russian railways. The appointment of a military officer to the position has caused a sensation. .The decree permitting the export of oats a .1 ru.n M1 Via !aoiia1 ITwZAm . TI.A same action as to wheat will be taken three or four days later. Incendiary Flr. Haywabds, Cal., May 10. An incen diary fire yesterday destroyed $100,000 worth of property in this city, upon which there waa no insurance. The fire started in the Hay wards agricultural works adjoining the electric light plant, completely destroying both establish ments. When the hose companies reached the ecene of the conflagration the fire was under good headway, but they did good work in saving the build ings near by. Cliuich and State Dlrorce. Omaha, May 10. At the session of the M. E. Conference yesterday Dr. King offered a resolution for an amendment to looking to the protection of public schools against religious encroachments, and to define the attitude of churches toward the schools ; he asked conference to indorse a bill on the subject, which had been prepared upon the complete divorcement of church and state. The resolution was adopted with applause. - ' The Iowa Demon Dead. Bkxton,' May 9. Joseph Hamilton, who spent the last seventeen years of his life in chains, is dead. He had a terrible mania a . thurst for human blood, which nothing could appease, He had to be kept in irons all the time, 'When 25 vitfirfl nt mta TJaTrnliin immNLl the appetite by tasting blood in a fight. He was at a sparring match when he saw blood flow from the nose of one of the boxers, and went wild instantly. Drawing a knife, he plunged it into the heart of a bystander and drank his blood m it flowed. He killed another man oeiore ne was arrested. rox sale. . At a bargain. A lot of store shelving. Apply at this office. 4-27dtf ' Wanted. A girl to do general house work, apply ut jura, nugn rraser. .. OREGON LIME This lime is manufactured bv The Oregon Marble and Lime Company, near Huntington, Oregon, and has earned the reputation oi ueing me strongest lime rn the market, and consequently, in addi tion to making the best work is at an equal price, the cheapest to the user. The following analvsis bv W. G. Jenne. chemist, Portland, Oregon, is worthy of Carbonate of Lime. 98.56 Magnesia 015 Bilica, 1.81 Water. ....... .006 Peroxide of Iron 07 Phosphates-Trace Alumina. . . .03 Sulphates.. Trace 99.99 Mr. T. F. Osbobji, Dealer in Building Agent Oregon Lime. Portland. Or. Dear Sib : Referring to your inquiry concerning the "Oregon" Lima, would say, that we have used this lime, that it has given satisfaction, and we consider it a nrst ciass-ciass lime in every respect, Yours trulv. Mathew A. Rowe, Contractor, "Oregonian" Geo. Landlord. Contractor. Welnhsrd RnwiTv Basnford k Hanpt, Contractors Portland Library . Building. Anderson & Bingham, Contractors . Snell, nnwuu at nuwiuu Dmiaing. Burke A O'Connor, General Contractors. C. Gordon Ellison. Brick Contractor. irthnp jAhnum Jb Umt kn. f '. ....... Geo. Bam lord. General Stone Contractor. . Portland Bridge Ac Building Co. . . Thomas Mann, Builder.- - - ' " - James McKendrick, Contracting Plasterer uregonian Building. John Egan, Bupt. The Wright Fire Proofing Co. "Onvnlin" Kn1Mlr.i G. C. Kissell, Plastering Contractor. Edward K illf ether, Genera Stone Contractor. W. Jaeobson. Contractor. Portland ITnivnriv awuu w Kicwiaii, uun:wnt l&um xi 111 111- ing. The Oregon Lime for The Dalles market is carried in stock by WmJ Butler Sc Co., Lumber Dealers. 4-11 -dim JERSEY BULL "St Umbert". The thoroughbred Jersey boll St. Lam bert, will stand for the season at the Co lumbia Feed yard. For service apply to David Georjco. . , 2.25diwlm ' V Ewes and Lambs for Bale. - I have 1,400 ewes and lambs for sale cheap. Jall upon or address B. S. Kel say, Kent, Sherman county, Oregon. 4-23-lmd&w - Dissolution Notle.. - - - Notice ia hereby given, that the co partnership heretofore existing between William Floyd, S.A.Byrne and Stacy -.Shown, under the firm name of Byrne, Floyd & Co., in Dalles City, Or.", has this dav been dissolved bv mutual consent The business will be continued at the old stand, by William Floyd and Stacy '' Shown, who will pay all bills and collect All UeDtS. ; r S. A. JiYRSK, ' William Floyd, Dated April 26,1892. Stacy Shown. . I. 8. SCRKMCK. H. M. BXALX Cashier. r-resiaenc . First Rational Bank. ."HE DALLES. - - : - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted i deposits receivea, subject to bight Draft or Check: Collections made and proceeds promptly :' remitted on day of collection. V Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on rew xortc, ban Francisco ana fort- -land. - DIRECTOKS. D. r. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Wiixiamb, ; ; Geo. A. Likbb. ' a. M. Ukall. FRENCH & CO.; BANKERS. TRANSACT A GEKERALBACTCIKG BU8INE8B Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Teleeranhie Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. , Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. ANEW Dndertakinff Establishment! PRINZ & NITSCHKE. .. DEALERS IN ..; Furniture and Carpels. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will De low accordingly. Remember our place on Second Btreet, next 10 Mooav s oanx. GENTLEMEN! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH ING LINE, - (5air emet See; mes Shirts, of all kinds to order, at prices wnicn aery competition. Utner gooas in proportion. 1"; jjauan,: . Second St., The Dalles. 8ole Agent for WAKNAMAKER & BROWN, i Philadelphia, Pa. ';., . c.-wy s s. Merchant Tailor, No. 77 Second Street. Suits Made to Order -AND- A Fit Guaranteed. Orders taken for an Eastern house for all ainos 01 suits, call and examine goods. JOHN PASHEK, I - Tailor, Next door to Wasco Sun. Just Received, a fine stock of Suitings . Pants Patterns; etc., of all latest - Styles, at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System used in cutting - garments, ana a ui guaranteed .. - .. each time. - ---- - . fepaif ing,and Cleaning - - Neatly and Quickly-Doae. - - ?G. W:Johnsion & Son. carcsnters air imiiiBrs, v Shop at Ho. 112 First" Street. All Job Work promptly attended to and estimates given on all wood work. pieicp PROFESSIONAL CARDS. F, M. SALYER, Civil Engineering, Survey ing, and Arehiticture. The Dulles, Or. TVR. ESHELMAN (Homceopathic; Physician' jl ana sckgeos. tails answered rcromrttlv. day or night, city or country. Office . So. 36 and 37 Chapman block. V wtf DR. J. SUTHERLAND FaiAOW of Trinity Sledical College, and member of the Col- ee of Physicians and Sure eon h Ontario. Phr. ricinu and Surgeon. Office; rooms 3 and 4 Chap man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street.. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 Mid 7 to 8 p. m. . . DR. O. D. OOAME PHYSICIAN AND SOR GEON. Office: rooms S and- R nhinman Block. Residence No. 23. Fourth ctrepf. mm block south of Conrt House. Office hours 9 to 12 a. a., 2 K) a ana y i r. M. ... DfcTDD ALL Dentist. Gas given for the m v nainlesa ertractinn of tMth. A Inn tMth et on flowed aluminum plate.- Rooms: Sign o Golden Tooth, Second Street. a.B.Durtja. oso. atkins. nusiMisirii. DUFUR, W ATKINS MENEFEE ATTOR-KBY8-AT-LAW Room No. . over Post Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WILSON Rooms a ,1111 M. Kp Vflvf Rliwlr.fiwtMehw The Dalles, Oregon. . V' S. BENNETT, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW. See in Schanno's buildine. nn stalni. Of The Bailes, Oregon. . t. P. HAYS. S. B. HUNTINGTON. H. 8. WILSON. ' MAYS, HUNTINGTON' WILSON ATToa-NaYS-AT-LAW. Offices. French's block aver First National Bank, The Dalles. Oregon. SOCIKTIKS. ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF LC Meets in X. of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes days of each month at 7:30 p. m. w ASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets nrst ana inira Monasy ot even month at 7 DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third of each month at 7 P. M. - - MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD.-, Mt. Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesdayeven ingof each week in the K. of P. Hall, at 7:30 p. M. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets everv Fridav evenine at 7:30 o'clock, in v of P.- ball, corner Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. n. uwuoh, esec y. : n. A. Bais.N. G. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets everv Monday eveninar at 7 an n'clnnir. in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in- D. W.Vausk, K. of R. and 8. CVQ. ' WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. TJ. W. Meets at K. f P. Hall, Corner Second and Court Streets, Thursday evenings at 7 :30. GEORGE GIBON8, W. S Myxbs, Financier. - M...W. JA8NEBMITH POST, No. 32, 3. A. R.-tfeete every Saturday at 7:30 p. m:, in the K of. P. B OF L. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon Jn i the K. of P. Hall. C-JESANG VEREIN Meets every Sunday X evening in the K. of P. Hall. . B OF L. F. DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in the . K. of P. Hall the first and thlrrl Werfno. day of each month, st 7:30 p: k. ."; - THE CHCBCKE8. OT. PETER'8 CHURCH Revl' Father Brok.. O . 6BB8T Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7A. M. Hleh Mass at 10:ao a. v. v4 . ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Preaching in the Y.'M. C. A. rooms every Sunday at 11 a Tn ar, . . . a..n l .. . j i i . . after morning service. J. A. Orchard, pastor, , r; OTPACL'8 CHTJRCH Union Street, opposite fuw, aev. x.11 u. outciine i&ector. bervices Dakul Z -. TO n v. t j. . wuwiv.w a. k. Avauiig jrrayer on rnaay at FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay Loa, Pastor. Morning services every Sab bath at the academy at 11 i. n. Sabbath school immediately after morning services. Prayer meettne Fridav evenina at Pastor's resi dence. Union services in the court house at 7 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W'- f!. Cubtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. x. and 7 P. . Sunday School after morning ouwjenuuiuuiuy unuu. eeata tree. H r E. CHURCH Rev. A. C. Spencer, pastor. ill . Services every Sunday morning. Sunday dcuooi at i:zu o cioca r. M. A coraiai mvitauan is extended oy Dotn pastor and people to all. YOUR ATTEIiTIOIl Is called to the fact that Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. ; " . ." 'v.--. - - ' !' " Carrie' the Finest Lime of Pictuie To be f oocd in the City.; ; 72 mashington Street. The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. " Ko. 90 Second Brest, ' The Dalles, Or. This well known stand, kept by the well known W. H. Butts, long a resi dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary fine stock of - : . Sheep Herder's DeMt and Irish Dbhrknee. In fact, all the leading brands of fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. . Give the old man a call and you will come again. Hugh Monf y Lost oa Olning Can. ' . "It is imagined by dearly every trav eler who pays seventy-five cents or one dollar for a meal on - a dining car that the company is reaping a wonderful harvest," said a traveling passenger, agent of one of the leading roads in America, "but the figures will soon con vince the most skeptical that the project is a losing one to the companies, and every one would dispense with the din ing' car service if they "only could. It is the great competition existing between the different roads and the desire on the part of the public for rapid transit that forces the companies to place dining cars on their through trains. All of the great trunk line roads are' putting on faster and .faster trains every few months.' '. "As soon as one company puts on a train that will cover the distance be tween any two important points quicker than the other roads can, then all the rest of the roads set to work to reduce the 4 time,: and .-.inside. of .two. or three months some other road will announce a train that will make the distance in fif teen, ' thirty, forty -five , minutes- or an hour taster than its nvaL And bo it goes. '"If any f, those fast trains should stop twenty minutes at a station where a dining hall is, then the trains with the dining cars attached would . reach the point of destination all the war from forty minutes to an, hour earlier, and the result would- - be that they would carry tne majority 01 tne traveling jrublic It is not cheap meals the people who travel on railroads want so much today as rapid transportation.. Last year the Pullman Car company served k 5,000,000 meals on their' dining cars, and profits realized did not pay 1 per cent, upon the investment. A leading wester road last year lost 138,000 on its dining car service." To ledo Blade. - Head Aches. Sick-headaches are the outward Indications ot derangements of the stomach and bowels. As Joy's Vegetable. Saxsaparllla ia the only, bowel regulating preparation of Sarsaparilla, it is seen wbyxIt is. the only appropriate Sarsaparilla In sick-headaches. - It is not only appropriate; it is an absolute: cure. After a coarse pf it an occa sional dote at intervals will forever after prevent return. .. , Jno. M. Cox, of 733 Turk Street, San Francisco, writes:, I have been troubled with attacks of lick-headache for the last three years from one to three times a week. Some time ago I bought two bottles of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla and have only had one attack since and that was on the cconday after I began using it." : f Vegetable w Sarsaparilla For -a!e . by SNIPES & KINERSLY ... . - THE DALLES, OREGON. A Severe Law; The English peo ple look more closely to the genuineness of these staples than we do. In fact, they nave a law under which they make seizures and - de- -tW . suoy adulterated " .' products , that are not what they are represented to be. Under this statute thousands of pounds of tea have been burned because of their wholesale adnl- -teration. ' - ' " . Tea, by the way, is one of the most notori ously adulterated articles of commerce. - Not alone are the bright, shiny green teas artifi cially colored, but thousands of pounds of substitute for tea leaves are need to swell ' the bulk of cheap teai; ash, sloe, and willow leaves being those most commonly-used. . Again, sweepings from tea warehouses are colored and sold as tea. - Even exhausted tea - ' leaves gathered from the tea-houses are kept, . dried, and made over and find their way into ; the cheap teas. . The English government attempts to stamp ' this out, by confiscation; but no tea is too poor for u, and the result is, that probably the poorest teas used by any nation are those eonsumed in America. Beech's Tea is presented with the guar anty that. It is nncolorcd and unadulterated; ' , in fact, the sun-cured tea leaf pare and sim ple. Its purity Insures superior strength,, about one third less of it being required for an infusion than of the artificial teas, and its fragrance and exquisite flavor is at once ap parent.. It -will be a: revelation to yon. In order that Its purity and quality maylte gaar- .. anteed, it fa sold only-4n ponnd '.packages' bearing this trade-mark:"' ' .'..' - BEECI 'PiroAsWdhood? FdMtOeparpomnd. Vorsalsat Blie 33utler's THE DALLES, OREGON. Still oi) Deck. Phoenix lake has Arisen Prom the Ashes! IAIYI ES WHITE, f" The Bestauranteur Has Opened the Baldcaii-- Hesteor ant ON -MAIN BTKEET Where he will be glad to see any and all 7 :- " '-' of his old patrons. - ' Open day and Night, first clan meals twenty-five eenta. . -'. - . - SICK Joy We attach this tag to every Dag ot BULL DURHAM : for the protection of - the smoker. WW : DEALERS IN: Staple u Fancy Cioceiies, Hay, Grain and Feed. Masonic Block. Corner Third and D. BUNN Pipe WoiR, Tiij Repairs ai0 looling MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Streets next door . west of Young & Kuss . . . , Blacksmith Shop. - - ' - Jtfeu Columbia )4oteK THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Dollar a Day House on the Coastf - ' First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect. None but the. Best of White Help Employed. T. T.. Nicholas, Pf op. DEjnOGHOTIG State, District and Connty . TICKET. For Supreme Judge. Alfred S. Bennett.; For Attorney General, Gl-eorge E. Chamlierlain. " For Member of Congress,. - . . 2d District; James H. Slater. For Circuit Judge, 7th District, W. L. Bradshaw. :For Prosecuting Attorney, ..'7th District, J.-P. -Moore. For Member State Board Equalization, 7th District, William Hughes.1 For Joint Senator, -17th District, Sher man and Wasco counties, . , : Cj. A. Smith, n.-.;. .. ;-'"y:- of Sherman. . . For Joint Senator, 18th District, Gilliam, Sherman aod Wasco counties, G-. W. Rinehart, : V .. ' qi Gilliam. For Joint Representatives, 18th Repre sentative District, Sherman and Wasco counties, - . EE. E. Moore, . S.F.Blythe. . For County Judge, ' : GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. For County Cleric, -' JAMES B. CROSSEN. , For County Sheriff1, ' ' ' THOMAS A. WARD.: ; '. .. For Coanty Treasurer, ' . " ' , , . WILLIAM K. CORSON. . For County Assessor, ' . GEORGE T. PRATHER. For County Surveyor, "- '- F. 6. GORDON. - .For School Superintendent, .F.P.FITZGERALD. For County Commissioner, JAMES DARNIELLE. For, County Coroner. . " ' v JOHN W. MOORE. 4-21 td The Tariff . Has not raised the price on Blackweirs Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. : There are many other brands, each represented by some inter ested person to be "just as good as the Bull Durham." They are not; but like all counterfeits. they each lack the peculiar and attractive qualities of the erenuine. OLiAU&WBLiti a DURHAM TOBACCO CO. durham.n.c. " ourt Streets. The Dalles.Oregon. HEPDBLIBUJI State, District and County TICKET. ' For Supreme Judge, P. A. Moore. - For Attorney General, Lionel R. Webster. - For Member of Congress, 2d District, W. R. Ellis. For Circuit Judge, - : - ' 7th District, George Watkins. For Prosecuting' Attorney, : 7th District, . W. H. Wilson. For Member State Board Equalization 7th District, John L. Ltickey. For Joint Senator, 17th District, consist ing of Sherman and Wasco Counties, H. S. McDaniels. . For Joint Senator, 18th District, consist ing of Gilliam, Sherman and -. - - . Wasco Counties, W.' W. Steiwer. For Joint Representatives, 18th Repre sentative District, consisting of r Sherman and Wasco Counties, E. N Chandler, T. R. Coon. For County Judge, C. N. THORNBURY. For County Clerk, ; J. M. HUNTINGTON. . , . . For County Sheriff, C. P. BALCH. . - For County Commissioner, . H. A. LEAVENS. . - For County Treasurer, WM. MICHELL. '. For County Assessor, V . JOEL W. KOONTZ. For Countv School Supeifntendent; ; .- TROY SHELLEY. For County Surveyor, . , E. F. SHARP. For County Coroner,' N.' M. EASTWOOD. 4-16U ELL