The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAVER OF DALLES CITY. Published Daily, Sunday Excepted. . BY THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington streets, The Dalles, Oregon. . Terms of Subscription Per' Tear.- , Per month, by carrier Blugle copy ..$6 00 .. 60 5 STATE OFFICIALS. Governor . S. Pennoyer Secretary of State ,. . Ck W. McBride Treasurer. . . . . , ."..Phillip Metschan Supt. ot Public Instruction E. B. McElroy mtar J J. N. Dolph inators............ jj.H. Mitchell Congressman. B. Hermann State Printer Frank Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge. C. N. Thornbury Sheriff. ..D. L. Cates Clerk J. B. Croasen Treasurer. ." Geo. Ruch , Commissioners....... 1 ikKlncaid Assessor John E. Barnett ' Purveyor f E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Trey Shelley Coroner William Michel! The lelegram epeaka very discourag ingly of democratic prospects for the present campaign. After calling to re membrance that at the last general elec tion the party elected the governor and a constable, the head and tail of the tick et, it winds up with the following : "We had just finished hunting tip Mr. Tut uill'p record, and' were ready to publish it when he resigned. The candidates jump around so that one can't name them. The ticket of today is different tomorrow. -At least this is the shape of things in this campaign. There is no telling what next." A census bulletin just issued devoted to state indebtedness shows that Oregon has by more than (200,000 the smallest indebeiednesa of any other state in the Union. Oregon's indebtedness in 1890 is given as $1 ,685, as against $300,000 for Washington and $2,522,325 for Calif. Oregon's county . debt is $905,711, her municipal debt $1,386,444, and her school .district debt $180,020. The passage of the river and harbor bill is of immense import to The Dalles, and Eastern Oregon. Now if the senate does not load it down with amendments that will defeat it there, it will 6urely pass that body and then The Dalles will take a spurt in material Advance ment such as she has never seen since George Francis Train walked across the Columbia on Che backs of the salmon. Speaking of Binger Herman, the Wel come perpetrates the following joke : " He cannot compare, and is not to be men tioned in the same sentence with R. M. Veatch, his opponent, who is to Her jnann as Hyperion to a Satyr. If we vrant a first-class man, leave Hermann at home and send Veatch there. The wicked editor of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat remarks: "Canada would Vie a nauseating dose for" the Americans, but if she makes any more trouble for us we may be compelled'to swallow her." Economist Holman has got so nsed to kicking against appropriations except when made for his own state of Indiana, that lie is even now kicking at those : recoiii mended by democratic committees. "Owing to peculiar circumstances over -which he has no control" John P. Wager -of the Portland Telegram, cannot locate in Condon, to practice his profession of law, as he had intended to do. Telegraphic Flashes. . A woman named Levntine L. Bouvier, Who claimed to ho ft HftnwViter nf tUo In of Napoleon died recentlv in a house of ill fame in Philadelphia." . Quarrels About Coal. Washington, May 8. As a result of the row raised by Pacific coast people over United States war ships purchas ing coal, the secretary of the navy will order a board of officers to convene at Mare Island yard to test the samples of coal, and decide upon some particular product of the Pacific coast mines which -will hereafter be purchased by the gov ernment for the war ships. The officers of the Baltimore and Charleston are to have a summer's cruise in Paget sound. When the Astoria centennial is over they will be ordered to T a com a and Seattle. ' . How Anelant Buildora Bails.': The builders of Babel built welL Tra dition relates that it was only a confu sion of tongues that checked their aspl- . ration. There can be no doubt, that the foundations of the celebrated tower that was designed by its architect to reach "heaven" were of the broadest and heav iest sort; : let us say -vast walls of the most solid granite, bound and knit to gether by that most excellent insoluble cement that is one of the lost arts to '.modern constructionists. "Yet if .latter day engineers be not hopelessly in error with -concern' to the conclusions they have drawn as respects ancient ma sonry from the ruins of . ancient struc tures, ancient builders counted only ou the law of gravitation, which they knew - in an empiric way, for the safety of the works they wrought. "The projector of the Nag-on-Wat, whose walls and roof might have sheltered a St. Peter's and a St. Paul's and still have had room for a building like the Equitable in Broadway within its vast inclosures, would never dream of setting his masons to begin the laying of his walla say at about fifty feet from the ground. Harper's Weekly. Mr. J. P. Blaize. an . extensive real estate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, nar rowly escaped one of the severest - at tacks ot pneumonia while in the north ern part of that state daring a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. Blaize had occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so thor oughly chilled that he was unable to get warm, and inside of an hour after his return he was threatened with a severe case of pneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Blaize sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which he had often heard, and took a number of large doses. He says the effect was wonderful 'and that in a short time he was breathing quite easily. : He kept on taking the medicine and the next day was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Blaize regards his cure as simply wonderful. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, t d&w NEW TO-DAY. OTICE. Bids wilt be received for the . building of a house for A HOSE CART IN THE EAST END of the city, until Saturday May . 14th. Plans for same can be seen by calling on 5-8-dtd CHAS. E. HAIGHT, Chairman Fire and Water Com. F OR CHURCHES: Superi ior in Tune to Pipe Organs ! EASIER PLAYED and CHEAPER, ARB THE ESTEY PHILHARMONICS. TO THE TRADE AND CONTRACTORS. I DESIRE IT TO BE UNDERSTOOD that I have appointed Wm. Butler & Co. exclusive agents for the sale of the "Oregon" lime, at The Dalles, and sur rounding country. Other parties have, through surreptitious and unbusinesslike methods, obtained a small quantity of this lime, which may naturally cause the idea that Butler & Co. are not the exclusive agents of these goods. tJlIT Such, however, is not the fact, and further stock of this article cannot be obtained from others than Wm. Butler & Co. The trade, however, will not lose sight of the fact that the great strife to obtain the Oregon lime by other dealers proves conclusively that the "Oregon" is the best lime in the market. Very truly 5-7-d6t-wlt T. F. Osbobx, Gen. Agt. Or. Marble and Lime Co. FOR SALE cheap, band of range horses, consisting of yearlings, two-year olds and mares. For informa tion Apply to C. F. STEPHENS. 5-3dlm 134 Second St. The Dalles, Or. WANTED. i2S.&? ffi Bluff, in exchange for Work Hnrmta. nr Brood mares. Apply to - HUGH GOURLAY, 5-2tf , Chronicle office. The Dalles. FOR SALE finest stock farms in Crook county ; 1100 Acres deed ed land ; abundance of water ; good grass range capable of handling 10,000 Sheep : 300 acres under irrigation. Two good dwellings and put buildings. Price, $8, 000 ; half in stock, horses cattle or sheep. For further particulars - Apply to HUGH GOURLAY, o-ztt Chronicle office, The Dalles. FOR SALE lots, splend idly located in the Garrison addition. Apply to HUGH GOURLAY, 5-2tf Chronicle office, The Dalles: Flogfl &sywi, Successors to C. E. Dunham. Druggists and Chemists. Pure Drugs anft Meiicines. Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance. Cor. Second and Union Sts., - THE DALLES, OBEOOX. STAGY SHOOIfl, -DEALEB IN- Watches, Clocks; Jewelry, Etc. AH kinds of repairing a specialty, and all work guaranteed and promptly attended to. CaU and nee his stock- of clocks before you leave an order elsewhere. A. A. Brown, , Keeps a full assortment of and Provisions. - " ';' which he offers at Low Figures. SPECIAL x PRICES - - . to Cash Buyers. ' priest Cai' Prices for lis aM - V otter f rote. - 170 SECOND STREET. Stap le and Fancy Groceries A NEW Undertaking Establishment! PRINZ & NITSCIIKE. DEALERS IS Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. Remember our place on Second street, next to Moodv's bank. . i STRAWBERRIES, Apples, Oranges, Candies, Nuts, . Soda Water,. Sarsaparilla and Iron, Cider, Etc. Everything is First Class. Well Supplied with - TOBA00O and Union made OIGAKS. J. F0LCO, Second St., next to Wingate's Armory. FRENCH 8l CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERALBANKIKG BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued "available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and-Washington. - Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. i. S. SCHENCI, 1 President. H. M. Bkaio. Cashier. FM Hatlotial Bank. VHE DALLES, '- - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. - DIREOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jso. S. Schenck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe. H. M. Bxall. GENTLEMEN! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF . ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH , ING LINE, afr smd leei flQe Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices which defv competition. Other gooas in proportion. JfAOAN, Second St., The Dalles 8ole Agent for WANNAMAKER t BROWN, . Philadelphia, Pa. C. Inl VS S. Merchant Tailor, No. 77 Second Street. Suits Made to Order . AND "'- ; - A Fit Gruaranteed. Orders taken for an Eastern house for ' all Kinas oi suits... i.mi ana examine goods. JOHN PASHEK, v , v . Next door to Wasco Sun. Just Received,' a fine stock of. Suitings, Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest. . . . Styles, at Low Prices. " , ' Madison's Latest System-used in eutting ;, garments, and a fit guaranteed.; . - v. each time. " . : fepaitung and Cleaning . Neatly and Quickly Done. ; The Dalles, Portland ana Astoria " Navigation Co. Columbia River Steamers. ;X FIRST. CLASS PasoengBrana Freignt Line -BETWEEN- Portland and The Dalies. The " magnificlent Bteamers "Dalles City" and KeKulator" will leave as follows, and stop at all Way Landings. . .. . Steamer "Dalles City from Portland dally, (except Sunday,) from wharf foot of Yamhill St., at 6 a. m., arriving at The Dalles at 6 p.m. - Steamer "Regulator" from The Dalles daily, (except Uunday,) at 6 a. m., from wharf foot of Court street, arriving at Portland at 5 p. m. WThe Route passes through the Falls of the Cascades and In Dlain view of the Government Locks, (now in process of completion,) the far iamea nriasi reu ana niitnomsh Jralls, making one of the most beautiful and "pleasur able trips on the grand Columbia. r ' If you are going East, North or South. don't fail to call on the. undersigned for through rates in connection with tVi -V 41 O n iwiuiciu, cwuiucm or Canadian Railway. " Cattle, sheep and hogs landed at the pasture of the A v-uuvv company, Troutdale, at nominal rates. EXCURSION RATES For parties of not less than six tickets, good for one day only : - Dalles to Cascades and return f 1.00 " - Collins " " 55 cents. ... 'Hood River " - j White Salmon " 00 Intermediate points will take nest higher rate. W. CALLAWAY, " Agent. B. F. LAUGH LIN, .General Manager. : THE DALLES, OREGON The Dalles FIRST STEEET. FACTORY NO. 105. rJC A PC of the Best Brands VVXVXXjLXVO manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. ' Tlio rfnntarwTi nt TTTTT. T A T.T.17G rT GAR has become firmly established, and vuv uvu.v AUMUUXMrfVU& article-is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. R. B. HOOD, Livery, Feed and Sale Horses Bought and Sold on Commission and Money 'Advanced on Horses Left for Sale. ... . ' J" " 4 . y OFFICE OF The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line. Stage Leaves The Dalles Every Morning at 7:00 and Goldendale at 7:00. All freight must be left at R. B. ' Hood's office ' the eve ning before. ' R. B. HOOD, Proprietor. Opposite old Stand. ; " The Dalles, Or. The Dalles Restaurant AND OYSTER HOUSE. One of the Finest Cooks in The Dalles. All Work done by White Help. -. Next door to Byrne, Floyd & Co.s' . , Drug Store. 85 Union St., The Dalles. Just Opened. !, '-V- t - - - ' fc fl. JOJlES - PfopFietor. Everything the Market Affords, at Reasonable , : . ' Hates . ' COLUMBIA ICE 00., 104 Second Street, ICE! ICE! JCE! Faetopy Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand, we are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale or retail, to be 'delivered through the summer. Parties contract' ing with-ns will be carried through the entire season without advance . is price, and may depend, that we have nothing but.- , ' : . PURE, HEALTHFUL' ICE Cut from mountain water jnd slough or slush ponds. - Leave orders at the Columbia' Candy Factory, 104 Second street, or Ice Wagon. W. S. CRAM, Manager. The Iiateh Stfing is niways Out J .?' W Spring and Summer, season 1 . 1892. "But words are things, and Kftllinir. lilro Hour . i..... - That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think." WE TRUST TO INTEREST AM) DO YOU GOOD Oun Shoes THE DALLES MERCANTI LE CC SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. j. The CorrogstfBd Bnlldlng aezt Door t Court Hone. : Handsomely Fnrnished1 Rooms to Rent liy the Day, Weetor Month. Meals Prepared by a First tm English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICTTET3. -':: : Good -Sample Rooms for Commercial Mea WHS. H. FHhseh, Pvopp. H. C. NIELS6N, Clothier and Tailop, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, COENER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, THE DALLES, OREGON . Grreat Bargairis ! Removal ! Removal I On account of Removall will sell my entire stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats a nd Caps; Tru nks and Valises , S lel v ings, Counters, Desk,. Safe, Fixtures, at a Great t Bargain. Come and see my offer. . " GREAT REDUCTION IN" RETAIL. 125 Seeond Street, HEW SPR1H& 6P SUPIillEQ DRY GOODS . COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes. , ;. Full Assortment of .the. Iadmg Manufacturers. Cash Bayers will save money by examining oaf stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. H. Herbring. Worth Washington BrnjATED AT THE - Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland. Empire. : . Fpr Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go., , 0. i. TAYLOR The Dalles. On ' 11 WasMngtoii. St, Maui. Or. WM. BUTLER &. CO, V ' -DEALERS IN '."' ," ' . - Building Material, Lumber, Lime, Plaster. Haitand. Cement, : A liberal . discount to the trada in all lines handled by us. 3EFFEBSON STREET, between Second and Railroad. - THE DALLES,' OR a small drop of Ink, . v.. f ' -MANUFACTURED BY WALTER H. TENNY & CO., BOSTON, Tumss. - The Dalles. Washington HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Best Selling Property of the Season in the North .' west. - Rough: and Dalles Dressed