C3J Tte Dalles Daiily Chronicle.' Entered a the Poatofflcc at The Dalles, Oregon. ae aeooncLclaH matter. . . Local Advertising- 10 Cent .per Une tor fl rat Insertion, and 5 Cents Vet Une for each aubaeq-aent insertion. . Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear tae following day. TIMK TABLES. The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Hav. Co. The boats of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. will commence running on Mon day, April 4th, and until further notice under the following schedule. ' Steamer "DALLES CITY" leares - Wharf foot of Tarahill St., PORTLAND, daily (except Sunday), at 6 A. M : ,. Connecting with str. Regulator at t be cascades, Arrives at The Dalles, S p.m.- v . . Steamer "EEGTJLATOE" leayes Wharf foot of Union at., THE DAUBS, daily - . (except Sunday), at (A.M.;. -Connecting with str. Dalles City at the cascades, Arrives at Portland, 6 p. m. B. F. IAUGHLIN, General Manager.' ; Railroads. BAR BOUND. No. 2, Arrives 12:01 A. at. " , " l'i: 80 r. K. Departs 12:06 a. M. U:Wt.K. WEST BOUND. No. 1, Arrive 4r2S a. tt, " 7, " 8:00. M. - Depart 4:30 a. k. V. - " -6:20 F. X. Two locai freights that carry passengers leave one for the west at 7 :00 a. m., and one for the east at 9:15 A. K. - - . ,' STACKS. " For PrfoerlUc, via. Bake Oven, leave dally at A. st. ' . For Antelope, Mitchell,. Canyon City leave dally ate a. m. For Dufur, Klngsley, Wamic, Waplnitia, Warm 8prings iud Tygh Valley, leave dally (except Sunday) at 6 A. m. For Ooldendale, Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 A. if . Office for all lines at the Umatilla House. -. Post-Omce. ... omcB BOUBS Aaneral Delivery Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Afnnov Order ..OB. Ul. W 111. Sunday si D "... 9 a. m. to 10a. m. ci-osuca or kails trains going East .9 p: m. and 11 :4o a. m. . " " West...... 9 p. M. and 5:30p.m. Stage for Ooldendale 7:80 a. m. " . " PrinevlUe. ... -.. 6:30a.m. '"Dufur and Warm Springs. . .5:80 a. m. M t Leaving for Lyle A Hart land. .6:80 a. m. " " . "(Antelope 6:80 a.m. Except Bunday.. Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. Monday Wednesday- and Friday. SATURDAY MAY 7, 1892 r. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WEATHER BUREAU. Tbh Daubs, Or., May 7, 1892; Altitude 116 above sea level.. Pacifio H Rela- D.t'r W State Coast bab. S tlve of S. of Time. P Hum Wind P Weather, S A. M 29.87 60 90 S W .07 Cloudy t P. M 29.89 66 77 " .04 " Maximum erature, 40. temperature, 59: minimum tem- Height of River, 8 p. in.. .', :..,.-.10.7- feet; . Change in past 24 hours.. . .- .0.1 foot. Tdtal preclpltationfrom July 1st to date, 10.90; average precipitation from July lBt to date, 13.63; total deficiency from July 1st, 1891, to date, 2.61; Inches. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. San Francisco, May 7.t 1892. Weatlier :. forecast till 8 p. m. : Monday; Rains, slight changes -' in temperature. - - .. RAIN LOCAL BREVITIES. C. F. Bayard is in the city. F. H. Kemp, of Hood Riveras in the city. . :-r , . - C. W. Magill. of Wapinitia, is at the Umatilla house.' First-class job work can be had at the Chronicle job office on short notice and at reasonable prices. Hon. A. L. Lytle of Crook county is in the city on his return from a trip to the Willamette valley. . A moonlight excursion, by steamer Regulator, May 13th, is to be the attrac tion next week. All good people will - want to go. . Mrs, E. M. Wilson, and her son Fred, who has been attending Hopkins Univer efty, have returned to this city from Bal timore. ;- . Hon. J. T.-' .Eshelman, of North Yakima, and his mother, arrived in the city today and ' are the guests of Dr. Eshelman. " ' . ; , " The state board of railroad commis- - sioners were in the city today, on their annual - inspection of the Union Pacific. It is understood that one bridge between Portland and The Dalles is to be con demned. '. - Mr. and . Mrs.' S- L. .Brooks, Mrs. E. . Win gate, Miss Katie Craig and Miss Ida Brooks, are oft by the Regulator Monday for a weeks' vacation. . They go to Asto ria, and will participate in the Columbia centennial celebration. . Dr. 8iddall Is going to Astoria to take . in the centennial. He expects to be ab sent for about a week. It is 81 years since the Dr. crossed the Columbia river V bar, and he is naturally anxious to what it looks like now. ... , Arrangements are being made for . organizing an agricultural society at Hood River and providing grounds for an exhibit. , It is proposed to lay off a half mile track for speeding purposes. The scheme will be engineered bv j joint stock company. , ". Mrs. W. S. Myers favored the Chko.n vt&fc office today with a singular freak of nature in the form of an apple blossom as large as a gooa .sizea rose, it was plucked this morning from a tree of the Oravenstein species from which all the blossoms had fallen some time ago. It is perfectly white and came alone. It is easily lour or live times larger than an ordinary blossom. , ". -- .. Qi W,' Smith, of Rockland,'. returned this morning from a business trip to Chicago. , ; . . . . ; ; , Mrs.lJr; Simons, a former resident of this city, now of Vancouver, came up on the Regulator last night and is visiting Mrs. Donnell. - ' "A mass meeting' was held in Hood River this afternoon for the purpose of making arrangements for a Fourth of July celebration. - Of the improvements made to the east approached to the Hood River bridge, under contract let to J. L. Harper of this city, the Glacier says : "Two turn outs have been made, the grade widened, and a substantial railing placed the en-, tire length of the grade. It is a ' good piece of work, and Mr. - Harper is enti tled to every -cent the contract called for. because be earned it." - The citizens of Wasco precinct in Sher man county have determined to build a court house for the county at their own expense and give it to the county free of charge. They will file a (6,000' bond as a guarantee that the work will be carried out according to contract. ' The money for completing 'the - work--has already been subscribed .m So says the "Wasco Netes. ' -, ' ? . . ' - ' Billy Harder and Nick Cornish of the Umatilla house went on a fishing trip to the Floyd place, yesterday. Nick suc ceeded in capturing a salmon trout that must have weighed close on four pounds. It was 'a beauty, and Nick? vows he caught it" himself with his Itttle- fish pole. Both were ; so well pleased with thir catch that they had their pictures taken when they came back, by Photo grapher Hunt. Harry Maheur of Eight-mile, informs us that no fruits have been injured on Eight-mile by the late frosts. . The trees peach trees and all are loaded down with young fruit. On Five-mile and Fifteen-mile, however, peaches suffered quite severely. . Mr. Maheur reports having a pear tree - in his orchard that was set out this spring, a two year old from the bud, that has 23 pears on it. What country on earth can beat this? . . The prospect for a fine grain crop still continues exceedingly bright. Abundance of rain has. fallen -at oppor tune intervals and another fine shower fell last night, while today, we had fre quent light showers and at this writing the clouds threaten another down-pour. A, W. Branner of Nansene, today in formed a Chronicle represntative that fall grain, in his neighborhood, is- now taller than it was at haying time last vear. Church Notices. Congregational Church services in the Court house, Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 12 :15. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, at 6 p. m. Union services in the Court house at 7 :30 p. m. Preaching by Rev. Jenkins. All not worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited. . . . - Elder J.-T. Eshelman of North Yak ima, brother of Dr. Eshelman of this city, .. arrived in i town today. He comes. to aia jiaer jenxins in a Dro- tracted meeting now in progress in the Court house. He will preach this even ing at 8 o'clock and tomorrow at 3 p. m.. and again at the union meeting in the evening." .'- . - Whist Party. A whist party was held last night at the residence of F. J. Clark. There were present Mr. and Mrs. Kinersly, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Young, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stephens, Mrs. Barrett, Misses Clara B. Story, Grace Marden, Aubory Story, Etta Story, Messrs. Max Vogt, jr.. M. Donnell, Chaa. Clark, Fred. W. Clark and Victor - Marden, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Clark. Mr. Max Vogt was awarded the gentlemans 1 first prize... Mrs. C. F.. Stephens the ladies first prize. Mr. M. Donnell received the gentleman's booby prize and Miss .Clara ' Story the ladies booby prize. . - ' -Tentoala Cnteness. ' A man who thinks a Teuton is not as cute as anybody else is away off. Today John Schenck in company with Capt. Lewis while, in front of Snipes & Kin ersly s drug store, saluted Andrew Kel ler on the . opposite- side of the street with the remark, 'It's going to be a fine day tomorrow.' Theodore Prinz overheard the salutation and quick as a hash shouted across, "Don't you want tickets for the picnic?" It is needless to add that two tickets were sold in less time than' you -could wink. " From' en quiries at headquarters it is learned that the picnic will come off tomorrow, unless it actually rains dogs and cats. The picnic grounds at 3fosies have been nicely fixed up for. the occasion and they are said to . be . a veritable bed of flowers. : The Germans are famona. the world over, for being able to enjoy inemseives in a quiet, oraerly- manner and those who will take the trouble to steal away from the dust' and smoke of the. city, to spend a day in the fields and woods with these children of the "Vaterland'! . will be amply repaid for their pains.. ' A traveling-man who chanced lo be in the store of E, V. Wood, at McKees Rocks, Pa., says while- he was waiting to eee Mri Wood, a little eirl came in with an empty bottle labeled Chamber lain's Pain Balm and said : .; "Mamma wants another bottle of that medicine she says, it is the best medicine for rheumatism - she ever used." 50 cent bottles for .sale, by Blakeley & Houghton uraggiate. . ,- Mtw . County Court Proceedings. .. In the matter of proposed county road No. 211, report of surveyor and viewers read first time, and .remonstrance filed. Road disallowed after report read second time. - .....' ; - The petition of Joseph Frazier -and others for a county road, commencing at a point 80 rods west and 120 rods south of the northeast corner of "the northeast sec 4, tp 2 n, r 10 e, read, and Geo. Herbert, C. R. Bone and E. L. Smith appointed viewers and E. F. Sharp, sur veyor, -to meet on . May-13th at com mencement of said road. ' - . ..' Ordered that notice be published as required by law to all holders of warranty issued prior to July 1, 1885, and to all persons entitled to warrants uncalled for in the bauds of the county clerk issued prior to said date, to present the same for payment within 60 days from the Lfir8t of July, 1862, or the same will be cancelled and refused payment. . Work on the approach to Hot s' River bridge accepted, and warrant for $415 or dered drawn on the treasurer in favor of J. W. Harper, the contractor. - Warrant drawn in favor of. Av D. Tur ner, road supervisor, for 8, expenses incurred in said matter. Warrant ordered drawn in favor of S. W. Mason for $6.50. v The petition of Chas. Ehrck and others for county road continued. . Report of county surveyor read re garding survey of court house grounds and ordered filed. .. Ordered that a warrant be drawn for $172 for supervisor of road district No. 20. A warrant ordered -drawn, for $144.70 in favor of supervisor district No. 21. Also for $46 for supervisor No. 21. The tax of Wasco county fair associa tion remitted. : Delinquent tax roll for 1891 placed iu the hands of the sheriff for collection. " Liquor license granted to John Sulli van of Cascade Locks' ; also to -Edmond Bergeron, of same place.- , , Liquor licenses granted to Dial & Lane and N; A. Anderton, of Antelope. ' BIIXS ALLOWED. " Dufur Dispatch, . . Publishing Financial State- ment.. $ 20 00 Times-Mountaineer, do. . . . . 20 00 Hood River Glacier, do.. 20 00 The Dalles Chronicle, do 20 00 Wasco County -Sun, do 1. . 20 00 " " miscellaneous per bill.'. -24 Glacier, notice to contractors Chronicle Publishing Company, advertising for the treasurer do. for official report . ; do. for notice to taxpayers. . . do. for supplies " . do. for sch'i supt notice Glass Sc. Prudhomme, ' . - - election booths . . ........ 1 , . do. blanks. . . 1 do. school supplies. M T Nolan, supplies. ... . . . . .-. I C Nickelsen, ; " . . . . f. ...... Maier & Benton, ballot boxes, etc J H Cradlebangh, expenses . ln- sane person . . . v ." Geo D Barnard & Co. election sup . do. ,f supplies for sheriff do. " " " clerk L Rorden', supplies. :r..-.H P Limmeroth, trimming trees in court house yard J P Mclnerny,- supplies for paupers. . ........ ... ..... .-. M M Cashing, keeping non-res paupers, except care of .horse - for Huvison. ... . '. t . . .Vv Snipes & Kinersly, medicines for non-res pauper. ... Young & Kuss, shoeing horse for pauper ,-. Leslie Butler, relief charged to G A R. ....... . . . . . .... ,' Dalles Water Works, relief fund 199 55 18 00 6 95 4 15 . 2 70 100 25 ' 5 70 92 00 3 20 8 50 ,1 40 5 00 9 25 40 28 4 00 2 50 12 55 . March and April. : . . . . . 10 00 j a bharp, surveying courthouse grounds: ... ...... Wm Cantrell,' supervisor, road -district Ko 17. -. E L Boy n ton, error in - payment as road supervisor (supervisor) entitled to 27 days, and if no allowance ' . lias . been - made - should be paid for that time) Wm Butler & Co. lumber road district No 25.-. . . ,. ... . . .-.v. . 8 00 24 00 - 27 00 -2 35 27.3 90 . 32 00 10 14 . 3 60 Wm Butler & Co lumber road district No 12. . J M Filloon fc Co, supplies road district No 10. . . ........... . Bridal Veil Lumbering Co, sup-- - piles road district ro 1. 7 . . Harbison Bros, lumber dist N 4 18 54 75 1 50 41 99 5 00 Mays & Crowe sup road dist No 25- .- do ' " - '10 . .- do ' " . " . . 12 do. , " V . - 14 do '' . 9 supervisor to pay from warrant drawn March term. . . 23 00 50 8 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 .2 00 .2 00 2 00 2 00 Mays & Crowe, repairs to jail. . . E F Sharp, surveyor; road 211. PHuncks, viewer .-....... ' W J Baker, " JHOdell,. " J H Ferguson, chairman. . . . . . O K. Stranahan, " . . . : . Bone & dinger, team hauling stone.. ....... ........ E F Sharp, surveyor, re-estab- - nsning section io, corner. . E Remington, G .'A R relief fund. . . ... . rr . F L Johns, viewer road 194; C N Thornbury; cash paid pauper Troy Shelley, stamps....... . Li Davenport, J if, drawing jury -J J Lewis, assistant. ix Mosier - " ; : Wolf Schraeder, witness grand ' jury....... do. witness circuit court. .... A Keaton, J P, State vsFKelaay -N W Wallace, constable " ; Chas Hixson, witness - - " Tbos Dorson,- i- ; Ben Gleason, Jfi Kirkbaueen, " E Schutz, J P, State vs Kennedy et ai. . ... ..." i . K V Gibons,' constable. . . . v J- "Doherty, "State -vs Kerr '&' Vernon Roberts, witness . . .'-.'-. Harvey Smith, " l.;.. r EGMoorei - .f George Moody, " -:. " J- Doherty, J P, State vs Thomas do. Ira Stubblefieid . '.r'. . . . do. George E Google. ...... II 05 4 25 8 10 7 -50 8 00 8 50 J 50 4 90 3 20 2 45 15 00 2 00 2 45 4 95 7 00 5 00 7 20 Building; Material. We offer to the building public a full line of building material. We do not resort to trickery to buy . or sell any lines handled by us. Wm. Butler & Co., Lumber Dealers. Sole agents for the "Oregon" lime and Oregon sewer and Chimney pipe. 5-7dtf ICE t ICE I ICE ! - Having on hand a large supply of ice we are prepared to furnish our custom ers with ice in any quantity at a reason able rate. -AVe guarantee we will supply the 'demand without advancing prices throughout the season.- Leave orders at C. F. Lauer's store, Second street. .: 5-2tf -; . Catks & Allison. . ': The best spring medicine is a ' dose or two of St. Patrick's Pills. . They not only physic but cleanse the whole sys tem and purify the blood. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists." d&w - : ' .- , : Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorisu When Baby was nick, wo gave her Castoria. . When she was a Child, she cried for Caatoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Caatoria Mr. J. P. Blaize.an extensive real estate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa; nar rowly escaped one of the severest at tacks of pneumonia while in the north ern part of that state during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. - Mr. Blaize had occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so thor oughly chilled that he was unable to get warm, and inside of an-hour after hia return he was threatened with a severe case of pneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Blaize sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which he had often heard,, and took a number of large doses. He says the effect was wonderful and that in a short time he was breathing quite easily.. - He kept on taking the medicine and the next day was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Blaize' regards his cure as simply wonderful. . 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. d&w ; Notice. "! Water consumers will please to take notice that all sprinkling and irrigating from the city water works must be done between the hours of 6 and 7 a. m. and 6 to 8 p. m. Failure to comply with this rule will leave the consumer liable to have the water turned off and a charge of 50 cents will be made . for - having it turned on again. - - -- - - - -- - By ordenof 5-6-2t. .. The Wateb Commissioners COLUMBIA - CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Successors to . s. Cjam.) Manufacturers of the finest French and ' - .' Home Made -.:' G A lsT !D I El S; East of Portland. - -' DEALERS IS .' - Can farniarr anv of these sroods at Wholeaala or Retail , ... In Every Style. - Ice Cream and Soda-water.- 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. C P. STEPHENS, DEALER IN Dry ' - Plothing . . Moots, Shoos. Hats, Etc. . Fancg loadg, JJotion, BtC., Etc., Ktc. 134 Second St., next -to Dalles National -'. Bank,- Dalles City, Oregon. W. E. GARRETSON. JBWBlBL All Watch Work .Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order, do. F McGill. . . . . . . ... .' do. J McDonald. :' -. . . . . . Times-Mountaineer supplies 1. . , .. Wm Shackelford, examining iu sane patient. . . . w. '. M Black, freight on lumber dis trict No 1. . ; ; . . . . . . . Goods 1 1 Leadlna 2 00 ... ' ... . . " - SOX.K AGElrt COB THB ' 2 20 ' . m , mm Second Sc.. Tie Dalles, Or." Jos. T. Peters & Co., -DEALERS IN- Bougn and Dressed Luntyei, and a full line of Builders' Supplies, all of which are carried constantly in stock. iilWHsslisBBBBBBsVsBSBBBBBBBBBBslsBBBBlBBBBBBasBBsB Call, and see us at our new store, south-west corner of Second and Jefferson Streets, "before buying else where. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and on many things below all competitors. MlSS ANNA PETERS 5 CO.. Ririe jVEillinery ! 112 Second, street, flEW BOOT Rflt SHOE STORE ! STONEMAN & FIEGE. .; 114 SECOND STREET. We have just received a large' assortment of C.-D and E wiatns pi ladies tine shoes and a full stock of lawn " tennis shoes with perforeald. inner soles..'. . Leather and. findings for sale. . Repairing Neatly and Expeditiously Done. SPRING STOCK -ARRIVING E. Jacobsen & Co. 's. Largest Line of Baby and Musical 162 Second Street. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IK- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, . And the Most Complete and aLO Practical Painters and Paper Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Maanry's Paints used in all oar work, and none bat the roost skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masary liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article ia all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles,. Oregon Jigp. WHOLESALE Liquor Finest Wines and Liquors. 171 Second Streety Prencns' Block, S KlBBE.fHOTE ''Vm W. Xj. STCrRBII, Propr. " - - s i THE DALLES,-OR. DAILY AT- Carriages, Books, Stationery Instruments. THE DALLES, OREGON. the Latest Patterns and Designs in Hansrers. None bat the best brands of the MACK, AND RETAIL Dealer The Dalles, Oregon f9