The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. . Published Dully, Sunday Excepted. THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, The uaue, uregon. Terms of Subscription Per Year. .f. Per month, by carrier. . Single copy .6 00 60 . 6 STATE OFFICIALS. Governot 8. Pennoyer Secretary of State -. G.W. McBride Treasurer Phillip Hetschan Supt. of Public Instruction. E. B. McElroy "ma tors. -' jj.'H. Mitchell Conirressmau B. Hermann State Printer. ... Frank Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge C. K. Thornbury Bheritf. ...D.L. Cates Clerk .J. B. Crosaen Treasurer Geo. Ruch Commissioners kncSid ABBCBBUr ....JVUUEii OMimi Surveyor E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley Coronor William Michel! Tbe tendency, of modern thought, both among a widely extended class of so called religious teachers fypd amid tbe busy crowds of men whose perceptions of the unseen and eternal are being con stantly blunted by their absorption in things material and transient, is un doubtedly drifting away from a belief in the miraculous. The old argument of Hume, that it is easier to believe that the earlier witnesses were deceived than to believe the marvels of New Testament story, holds sway over millions of minds who are conscious of its power, though they may be uu willing to adopt and avow it in so many words. If miracles happened then, why not now? How do we know that those first witnesses were not deceived?. Would that we had been there to test the presence of the super natural for ourselves ! Such is the atti tude of many who would hardly care to be classed 'as anti-cbrietian or infidel. And yet, if words have any meaning, if written records are to be construed with any relation to grammar or conventional neatce. nothing ever can be clearer than that the Christianity "from which the miraculous is eliminated is not the Christianity of the New Testament nor of Christ. If the miracles are the pro duct of a credulous and non-critical age, or the fruit of hysterical fancy .distorting natural phenomena ; if the crowning mir acle is a lie, and Jesus of Nazareth sjill sleeps beneath the stars of a Syrian sky, then the religion of the bible, like every other, fails to answer the universal long ing of the human heart for some author itative and God-given pronouncement on 'the great facts of human existence, with .-all their attendant contradictions and perplexities. The miracle of all mira 'des is Christ himself. In the story of His life the miraculous and the natural are so intimately ' blended, who shall draw the line and tell where fact ends -and .fiction begins? - He spake as never man spake. It is no truer that he lived than .it is that he claimed prerogatives such as no mere mortal ever had a right to claim. If these claims were true his life, his death, his resurrection, were one divinely and morally consistent -whole. If false, his life, despite the mor al grandeur of his teaching, was at best -a living lie and himself an impostor. He was either a miracle of divinity or a mir acle of imposition, and there is no mid dle ground. Last week The Chronicle called at "tent ion to certain charges that reflected seriously on the integrity of Hon. F. A Moore, republican candidate for Supreme Judge, which, if true, render him un worthy of the support of the electors of .- this Btate. The charges are made on no less authority than the record of the court, and the sworn testimony of Mr, Moore himself. A will was drawn np by Mr. Moore, as a lawyer, the woman mak ing it Deing at we time unconscious, and at the moment of signing it In the very article of death. The will was drawn at the dictation of the woman's husband. and for the purpose' of disinheriting three daughters ont of a valuable piece -of property in East Portland. After wards Moore took a fee of $1,000 from the daughters for breaking the will 'Moore has remained silent under the -charges, but yesterday a firm of Portland lawyers, who were attorneys in the case, lTflmd Allil 1T1 IHa )fvrui.t on1 nnnn S mm vyv....... uu cvV IV HQ their Opinion tkat "there is nothing in - tne whole transaction which reflects on the integrity of Judge Moore, either as a man or an attorney.'.' . Now this is en tirely a matter of opinion. Messrs. Kil len, Starr & Thomas are entitled to think as they please, bat unless there is one code of morals for a lawyer, and another for . the common herd, they will neve: convince a man who possesses a scintilla of sound moral sense that it is right for a lawyer to take a fee lor, practically gorg ing a will, and then, knowing that the will was of no account, accepting a thou sand dollar fee from another to break it To a oerson who is not a lawmr f ha op tion of Judge Moore lookB like a dammv bly low piece of business, and something is needed t to. justify it, other than the mere perfunctory opinion of a law firm, that judge Moore is all right. ' , . - 1 If you want the news, i ' ! ' You want Thk CnaosrcLK."" If yon are not a subscriber, please read this and hand in your name. -NEW TO-DAY. F OR CHURCHES: Superior in Tune to Pipe Organs ! EASIER PLAYED and CHEAPER, ' ABB THE - ESTEY PHILHARMONICS. TO THE TRADE AND CONTRACTORS. T DESIRE IT TO BE UNDERSTOOD X that I have appointed Wm. Butler & jo. exclusive agents lor tne sale of the "uregon" lime, at The Dalles, and sur rounding country. Other parties have. through surreptitious and unbusinesslike methods, obtained a small quantity of this lime, which may naturally cause tne Kiea tnat rsutier & uo. are not the exclusive agents of these goods. ' tJBF Such, however, is not the fact, and iurther stock of this article cannot be obtained from others than Wm. Buttler & Co. The trade, however, will not loose sight of the fact that the great strify to optain the Oregon lime by other dealers proves conclusively 'that the .v-lv. . u l-v umv uiuv Ala tut; UJAlftCIn Very truly 5-7-d6t-wlt T. F. Okbohx, Gen. Agt. Or. Marble. and Lime Co. FOR SALE cheac. band of range horses, consisting of - yearlings, two-year olds and mares. For informa tion . Apply to C. F. STEPHENS. 5-3dlm 134 Second St. Tne Dalles. Or. WANTED. io0tsn,XrveThree Bluff, in exchange for Work Horses, or Brood mares. rm wva, uiuivi Apply to HUGH GOURLAY, Chronicle office, The Dalles. EOR SALE finest stock farms in Crook county ; 1100 Acres deed ed land ; abundance of water ; good grass range capable of handling 10,000 sheep.: 300 acres under irrigation. Two good dwellings and out buildings. Price. 48.- 000 ; half in stock, horses cattle or sheep. For further particulars Apply to iiUUll (iOUKLAr, -zu Chronicle office, The Dalles. T?rT CATU Twelve fine J- V-..j IOjHLXJJLS. lots.splend idly located in the Garrison addition Apply to -2tf - HUGH GOURIAY. Chronicle office, The Dalles. Fipgtf & SHOCTD, Successors to C. JE. Dunham. ' Druggists and Chemists. Pure Drip ail MetUcines. Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance. Cor. Second and Union Sts., .' THE DALtE, OBKGON. STAGY SHOfflH,- Tfte WatGlfiaaRer, -DKALKB IX- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. All kinds of repairing a specialty, and all work guaranteed and promptly attended to. Call and see nis stock of clocks before you leave an order elsewhere. . A. A. Brown, Keeps a f nil assortment of - . and Provisions. , which he offers at Low Figures. . SPECIAL x PRICES to Cash Buyers. - HiEta Cash Prices for Eep ani otlier Prodiict3. - - - - - - - 170 SECOND STREET. Closets! Chimneys Cleaned Carpets take up, cleaned and put down, " also Closets and Chimneve cleaned ' .. on short notice at reasonable . - " '.. ''" rates. " " . ; - . - : - - - . Orders received through the postoffice GRANT MORSE G. A7; Johnston & Son, :arKovll2 First Street. ; All Job - Work promptly' attended to and estimates given on all wood work. Staple and Fancy Groceries ANEW PlilNZ & NITSCHKE. '. DEALERS IS . , ' Furniture and Carpets. ' W hllTA H I tf mm hnamaaa a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will De low accordingly. Remember ftnr nn &Yinr1 fnut next to Moody's bank. STRAWBERRIES, Apples, Oranges, Candies, Nuts, Soda Water, Sarsaparilla and Iron, Cider, Etc. . Everything isFirst Class. Well Supplied with TOBACCO and Union made GIGAES. J. FOLCO, Second St., next to Wingate's Armory. FRENCH 8t CO., BANKERS. TEAN8ACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. TrftiiRfArAnnldnn Kflw Ynrlr ntiirarvr. Cf - r, v.a vuiuwV) WV Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or-, egon and Washington. . Collections made atall points on fav orable terms. ' J, s. 8CHBNCX, H. M. BKAU. Cashier. rresiaent. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES, - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted J'epoeits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. . " : Collections made and proceeds promptly rcuwwu uu uuj oi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port-. . .. land. DIRSOTOHS. ;. D. P". Thompson. . Jso. S. Schenck. Ed. M. Williams, - Geo. A. Liebe.' H. M. BEALii. GENTLEMEN! BEFORE YOU ORDElf GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH . ' . ING LINE, alf smd me, jjmr cnixia 01 an iuaaa to oruer, at prices which defcomTOtition. . Other goods in proportion.- JP. FAGAN, Sole Agent for AVANNAMAKER & BROWN, Philadelphia, Pa. C. W YS S, Merchant Tailor, No. 77 Second Street. Suits Made to Order : -AND " A Fit Guaranteed. Orders taken for an Eastern house" for all kinds of suits. Call and examine goods. - JOHN PASHEK, . IText oor to Wasco Sun. .- . . . .,' -.; . Just Received, a fine stock of Suitings, c Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest -' Styles, at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System used In cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time : tepaitring and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly; Done. , " jebiisW Tailor, Tie Balles, Portlaii and Astoria ; Navigation Co. Columbia River Steamers. " .FIRST CLASS Passeoger auff Frelgnt Line -BETWEEN- Portland and The Dalles. .jThe magnificient steamers "Dalles City and Reralator will leave as follows, and atop at all Way Landings. . : Steamer "Dalles City" from Portland dolly, (except Sunday.) from wharf foot of Yamhill St., at 6 a. m., arriving at The Dalles at 6 p. m. - Steamer "Reffiilator" from The Dalles daily, (except buuday,) at 6 a. m., from wharf foot of Court street, arriving at Portland at 5 p. m. CasPThe Route passes through the Falls of the Cascades and in plain view of the Government Ieka, (now in process of completion,) the far famed Bridal Veil and Multnomah Fails, making one of the most beautiful and pleasur able trips on tbe grand Columbia. If you are going East, North or South, don't fail to call on the undersigned for through rates in connection with the Northern,' Southern or Canadian Railway. Cattle, sheep and hogs landed at the pasture of the American Dressed Beef company, Trontdale, at nominal rates. EXCURSION RATES For parties of not lesa than six tickets, good for one day only : Dalles to Cascades and return $1.00 - . " Collins " " 55 cents. t Hood Kiver White Salmon ao Intermediate points will take next higher rate. . W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent. " B. F. LAUGHLIN, ' General Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON The Dalles FIBST STBEBT FACTORY NO. 105. CT(Q A PO of tbe Best Brands vXVJilXllJ manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on me snoriest notice. - The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. R. B. HOOD, Liver)', Feed "and Sale Horses Bought arid Sold on uommvissionancbJiioTiey Advanced on Horses Left for Sale. OFFICE OF . The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line" Stage Leaves The Dalles Every Morning at 7:00 ana Goldendale at 7;00. All freight must be left at R. B. - Hood's office' the eve- -" ; : ning before. . . - -; Rb; HOOD," Proprietor. Opposite old Stand., : The Dalles, Or. AND OYSTER HOUSE. One of the Finest Cooks In The Dalles. All..Wr done by White Help. .. " ' -1 -i Next - door to Byrne,-" Floyd & Co.s1 ; Drug Store. '. 8 5-Union St., The Dalles. Just Opened! Wis. fl. JQSES jrieter'. Everything the: Market v Affords, at Reasonable . ; ' -Ratesr z - COLUMBIA ICE CO.; '. ; 104 Second Street, K ICE r ICE ! ICE ! Gigaf raetopy Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand, we are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale or, retail, to be delivered through the summer.- ' Parties contract ing with us will be carried through the entire season without . advance in price,-and may depend that we have nothing but : . ; l - - : - "PURE, HEAtTHFUL ICE Cut from mountain water: no slough or slush ponds. . Leave orders at the Columbia Candy Factory, 104 ; Second street, or Ice Wagon..- W. S. CRAM, Manager. The Ltateh Stfing Spring and Summer. v season " .' - : ' .diii mrrut are imngs, ana a small arop of ink. Falling, like dew, upon a thought, produces -That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, WE TRUST TO INTEREST AND DO TOP GOOD. Suv Out? Shoes -1 -MANUFACTURED BY- THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS TH E: EUROPEAN HOUSE. im torrnjated BaUdlag Handsomely FnrnisM Booms to Meals Prepared by a TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms, for Commercial Men. - . S. H. FHflSEn, Pvopv. H. C. NIELS6N, Clothiep and Tailott, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, THE DALLES, OREGON. Great Bargains ! Removal! Removal! On account of Removal I will sell my entire stock: of Boots and. Shoes, Hats and. Caps, Trunks and Valises, Shelv.-: ings, , Counters, . Desk, Safe, Fixtures, at a Great Bargain. Come and see my offer 5 ' ' ' ; ' - ; . GREAT REDUCTION: IN RETAIL. 12S Second Sttreet, PEW SPBII1& P COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Glothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, : v Lvi'toots Aid' Shoes. .: " Full Assortment of the Leading Manufacturers. ' Cash Bayers mill save money by examining par stock .r: and' piriees before purchasing elsewhere. :p;C:' H. Her bring. North Washington SITUATED AT THE ' Destined to be the Best .' Manufacturing Center, in ' the Inland Empire. . F6r Furthep information Call at th Office of Interstate Investment Go., 0. D. TAYLOR. He Dalles. Or. 72 WasMmtim,- St, Portlanl Of. WW): BUTLER & CO., -DEALERS IN- Building 1 Lumber, Lime, Plaster; Hair and Cement A liberal discount to the trad3 in all li.iss hiztlzi by us. JEFFEBSON STREET, between Second is Alvuays Oatf ... mors j. think. WALTER H. TENNY d. CO., BOSTON, MKSS. FOR THE DALLES, aut Door to Court Honae. Rent liy the Day, Weei or Montli. First Class English Cook. The Dalles. SPIIiEll DRY GOODS Washington HEAD OF" NAVIGATION. - ' Best Selling Property of -the Season tn the North west. and, Railroad. THE DALLES, OK Dalles Rough llrfiSRfin