The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 07, 1892, Image 1

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    ! . .:
NO. m.
Look at the Bargains!
-:ATTHE :- - -
Alwaij? to the Ffoqi!
V My Entire Stock, Consisting of
Hats and Gaps,
laces awl
An the Sale will be con
tinued until all is disposed
of . A special opportunity
is here afforded for small
' stores to ' replenish ' their
Call and Price these Goods,
. AT THE- . ......
Y'.' j"
I . : '
general Blacksmitbing and Work done
. promptly, and all work
Guaranteed. ' '"''
florae Shoeeing a Spciality.
Tbirl street, opposite ttie old Lielie Stand.
II you take pills it Is because you have never
- , - tried the
S. fi.VHeadachs. andr lirer Cure.
It work so nicely,' cleansing tha liver and
Kidneys; aetsasamlld physio without causing
pain or sickness, and does pot stop you from
T try .It la to become friend to It.
..for sale by-all druggists.' U,.., ... ....
Has Opened the
In theXNe - rame Puilding on '
.-$EeOftD STREET, Nekt'tothr Ji
Diamond Floorin; Mills. '
.1-. First Class Meal Furnished At ill Hoars.
. Onlr Whit Help'fempVoyed. . '
Clearing; OUT Sale !
I -" " 'm - ' . V
FiRt ol'lliir Nnv
The . Largest
Variety, the
vThe . Prettiest
donahle . Shades. ; See our stock.
Furnishing -Goods,
Collars, Cuffs,
Fine Footwear !;S w H m '
. In : every Size,.:: Price - and Width.
new line of Iiawn Tennis Shoes.
Handled by Three
Patent t ffiedieines and
Agents fei' Murphy's Fine YarjiiSheaf "and the only, agents in
... vnj ui ..4 www nuij
K-i- t.-U'ii iV?'
The Largest Dealers: rin . Wall ; Paper
Finest Line of Imported Key,r;West : and 'Domestic Cigars
!29 Second Street
Goods to Arrive.
Stock; - the. Most : Complete
Best '-Assorted Selections.
Patterns the Most
Ties, . Hats, Etc., "We
Registered Drugsts
, ii uuauis; a. a x tuuks. ,
Th Dalles, 5rbri
A Check on tie TrMe AllianceDis-
; .arm or :Banirnpt . '
The Situation Claimed as. a Triumph
For the Vatican,
The Santa Fe Wreck- Wild Cattle
New YorkThe Heading Combine
Want Influence. -
Paris, May .7. A dispatch from Rome
says : .' "King Humbert has not yet ac
cepted the resignation of the cabinet,
and it is- a" mystery it he has decided
what coarse to pursue." Yesterdav
Marquis di Rudini, the . prime . minister
of Italy tendered King Humbert the res
ignation of all the members of the cabi
net, due to the refusal of the chamber
of deputies to adopt a vote of confidence
in the government's financial policy of
retrenchment. The finances of Italv
are in a bad way. . . French , newspapers
all hail the Italian crisis with great sat
isfaction, holding that it will be a check
to the triple alliance. Le Fiaaro save
King Humbert is in a ,delemma, and
must either disarm the army or see the
country , bankrupt; ... Le Qaulait claims
that the Italian situation, is a triumph
for the Vatican. . '. "'.'.
Stampeded Cattle In Kew Trk City.
2Tbw Yonir, May 7. The streets of
New York with a band of wild steers
broke loose,- was a scene of conspicuous
torment to a panui stricken public at an
early hour yesterday in ' the' "vicinity of
45th street and East Tiver,', where they
had been let oat of cor rail, at the fire of
the large slasghter house of Childs & Co.
The cattle went ''tearing through the
streets in a": panic. "There was many
harrow escapes from being trampled to
death from the infuriated animals. The
loss on the building, contents and wharf
is estimated at f2oU,iKiu. - . ;
-Stockbolders Have Rights. . ! -"
Mobile, Ala. rf May . 6. Chancellor
Taylor has decided . that ; the present
management of the Mobile and Ohio road
are not entitled to the-possession, and
that the road must pass from the control
of the Farmers'. Trust company of New
York back into the hands of the Jstock
holders, pending the appeal to the . su
reme court. If the chancellor's decision
is affirmed, the directory elected by' the
stockholders -in February will, take
charge.. v. . ; - : ,,. . . . : .-.
' ' The Santa JT a Wreck.
Fx. Madison, la., May 7. The bodies
of the. onknown woman and child taken
from the wreck oi , the. Bant&Fe train
near Medill, are now known to be those
of Mrs. C. Bauseh and child of San Ber
nardino, Cal. . They, . with . the other
dead.were laid put in the morgue . here,
ana presentea . a . snocking ; spectacle,
Many of them are badly disfigured. The
unhurt . and slightly , hurt today will
leave for their destinations. '
, - After the Immigrant.
Pittsbubo, May .6 The United fitates
government is securing immigrant sta
tistics with . a view of" amending the
present laws;' It is proposed to follow
the immigrant from the time of leaving
Ellis island r to ascertain whether he be
comes, a good citizen or lands - in .the
prison or the poorbouse. V-The inspector
is instructed to secure all- data possible
at the earliest moment to forward to
Washington for presentation to congress.
Conviction Iaaposslble.
Fbesno,- Cal.- May 7.-rThe second
trial of Gambler Smith for killing an
other gambler named Williams ended
by the failure of the jury to agree! It is
believed that his conviction now will be
imppssijblevr . Both !.werf well known
sporting men, the.killing being the re
sult of a. quarrel ' over a fame of cards'
Williams fired firat'st'riklng: Smith
the arm, and Smith returned . the fire.
Killing Williams. ,7 ; '
. - Want TniiiitiiM. .
Scbanto.v, Pa. May l.--T. V. Pow
derly is authority for the statement that
the Beading coal combine r has, sent an
emissary Inio. flxe Lackawanna valley
who has seen every minister and priest
of every xlenomiaatian offering- passes
and' money for their indbrsement of the
combine. ' In two instances priests were
approached with an offer to pay the jcost
of the erection f paroclilal schools. !.; j t
: ," Bolman Shown V-p.
Washixotox, JVTay 7. Jf Rep. Holman
haS made anything, either for' himself,
the state Which he is presumed to "rep
resent. or saved a dollar .justly " to the
government by his senseless obstruction
there is not a roan' living who 'knows it;
His hypocrisy was shown tip in " its true
colors ' yesterday on'a motion Of Eeed
to . strike out a - useless item in', the
appropriation bill, " relating to ;the
Miamav in Holman 'e district. It Was
done as a pretest upon which to base
one of the severest lampoonings Holman
has ver received in his careen -The
best part of it all was that' nearly every
person on the floor' of the' house, demo
crats aa well as republicans, enjoyed the
severe remarks of the ei-speakelr. to the
fullest extent. It was shown beyond nil
question that Holman was only a .re
former and in; favor of retrenchment
when it did not affect the state of Indi
ana, or his own congressional district.
Speaker Reed charged him' with ' never
opposing any' appropriation foV.his 'own
state, and Holman denied this by " say
ing that'he'.voted-'against 'the'Ewamp
land : proposition. -which would "have
been of great benefit to his state. "Me
Rae, of Arkansas, was promptly on ; his
feet, and denied Holman's statements
in the most emphatic1 manner. .- The
fact is Holman is a humbug of the' worst
kind, and was only placed at the head
of the appropriation committee as a part
of the bargain y ,' which Crisp, was
elected speaker,.: and to carry out the
record of false economy upon whi.;h the
democrats propose to predicate their
present campaign. jThe exposure of his
humbuggery and hypocrisy was -'one of
the enjoyable occasions of the week. -
' Barated -the Combination.
Alleghany, Pa., May 7. Frank E'.
Mqcan, treasurer of the Duncan B. Har
rison and John L. Sullivan combination.
was arrested! yesterday on a" 'charge of
embezzling. ' The information, was made
by. , Duncan B. Harrison. . Moran has
been with Sullivan for many years, and
accompanied him . to Australia. , . He is
to have a hearing in Pittsburg today'. -
:ti Portland Xive Stock.- Market. j ...
- Poktlasd, May t 7TrThe .following
prices of live stock, in. this market are
furnished by A.; Fargher &". Co. t - CaL
steers, average 1,150 to J,250 .)bs., $4.00
14.1a ; Grass fed steers, average 1,000
to 1200 lbs.,';$3.75 $4.00; jGrass fed
cowsr average 900 to 1,100 lbs., $3.00
$3.80 ; Hogs, blc?k,average 125 to 200 lbs.
$6.006.25 ; Stock, average 80 to 125 lbs.,
$5.75 ; 6.00 ;i Grass' fed sheep, average
80 to 95 lbs.; $4.75 4.00'j ditto average
100 to 110 lbs. $5.00 a $5.10; Grass fed
sheep Eastern Oregon , average .95 to 110
lbs., $5.00 $5.10. The market iB strong,
or good stock. : ' . -,: A . :' "
.: ' ':'- - - '. ..- ."!
-.- No Place to Lite.
-- There has been some growling because
in Oregon we have had twenty tflix rainy
days during- the past month, - People
wh -feel -inclined to resent this-should
go over to Japan and "settle" at Gifu,
where during thirty days lately they
have had 1,757 earthquake shocks. ' This
is one every half hour and a few shocks
over:. Moetpeople will agree that this is a
very shocking state of affairs, and must
have a very deleterious . effect on the
dairying industry, as under such cir
cumstances it would . be impossible for
cream to rise.' '. .j-f.- '
- - Itia impossible: to Settle coffee there
with either fishskin or egg shells, and
4 the grounds have to be held down by i
hydraulic pressure. When one reads of
blizzards and la grippe on one . hand and
perpetual earthquakes on the other, he f
can thank his- stars that he lives in '.Ore-
gonj where the early, and the later rains
fall copiously and the clouds drop jtheir
garnered treasures down promiscuously
and where "crops" "never fail.-P6rtland
Oregonian. "-'" ' - "''--.
Queer Place for a. Marriage Ceremony. . '
Mary Buckner and W. B. Whitney'
called at the' residence of Magistrate:
Brownfield .Friday- night. They were!
very anxioUB to be married, and that,
too, in a hurry. - It was nearly midnight,
and the magistrate was in bed. They
said they wanted to catch a train .that
left: in an hour; hnt,it would take some
time to dress, and 'the magistrate .hit'
upon a novel plan. The couple were in-
ited to hia Wroom, the necessary pa-4
pers were drawn up, and while lying ;
on bis couch the marriage ceremony vas !
performed. Lonisville CJonrier-JonrnaL ;
, -; : .. , r- ; . . .; ;
Sariaa Watehmaken to Exhibit. : ''")
The watchmakers of Switzerland.'at
recent convention in.Beme decided to i
make an exhibit at Chicago of their i.
finaet ad ooatlieBt 'watches, but not to
attempt any competitioa. with American
maamfacturers in cheaper grades. . They
hare, applied to thw .Swifio rconncil : for
firuuicial and 'other aid to enable them
to make a creditable exhibit.
aa-wna tast-a synoicat oi owiss ana
KngrWi capitalists has been formed to
utilize a part of the f alia of tha Bhiae
as Latrffenbarg if or. vth, genT&tion of
electric energy.' ' The Ws-tes will be led
to torbine wheel and 700 hortM power
P? aevePa- -fw xctaaiM
; .7.- - - 'l - -- '. '- .-.- ... ,K - -
MeetingFor "dewlant;
Tariff and Gold.
A Prote'stln Advance, Against all At
. tempts at a Compromise. .
Will -Not Stand for Silver Klntt, Mine
Owners, and Others ' Hostile to
. the People.
Baltimore, May 6. The'youngdem
ocracy of Maryland had a largj meeting
hist night under- the . auspices' of the ;
Cleveland tariff reform club. Resolutions
were adopted demanding that no dele
gate be chosen to the national conven- ,
tion who shall not have given an indu- ' :
bitable pledge that he favors tariff re
form and.: the nomination of Grover
Cleveland.; As regards the tariff and
silver, the resolutions say : "We pro
test in advance against all attempts at a -compromise,
equivocations or -straddles
in regard -to tbes- great issues' as cow
ardly and dishonoring to the democratic
party, aS it is to the interest of tariff op
pressors, silver kings and mine-owners
and hostile to the true interests of the
people, and, whether intended or not,
calculated to place the democratic party
in a false position, and bring about its
defeat for the benefit of those two
classes." - ? .- -' . .
Old Dancers in China Uenewed.
Omaha, May 7. In the M. E. general
conference yesterday, the committee on
Chinese exclusion "made no report, as it
had learned that the bill bad been signed
by the president, therefore it was too late
to. take action until the exact wording
and condition of the bill was ascertained.
Dr, Swindell offered a motion to have V
the question referred to the committee
on the state of the church . He feared
the passage of the bill would, jeopardize '
the lives and property, of missionaries in "
China, and wanted the matter considered
and disposed of so the conference might
be thoroughly informed as to the actual
state of affairs, r The matter was finally
referred to another special committee
of five ministers and four laymen. -
Grave Dang-er to Chicago.
Chicago, May 6. 4s n result of tfie--tremendous
rains this , week there is
grave danger that the immense amount
of sewage now being discharged into the
lake will reach the crib and pollute the
city's water supply. The officials hope
the flood may. subside in- time to enable
them td commence pumping back into
the Illinois and Michigan canal." River
all over the Country are out of theic
banks. Very Light Sentence..
-London, May 6. Charles Mowbray...
publisher, and David J. Kichol, editor
of the anarchist; paper Common Weal,
were tried today -for counseling the mur
der of the authorities .who caused the
conviction '. of ' the Walsall anarchists.
Jiichol ' was " sentenced to- eighteen
months at hard "labor, .-and Mowbray
was acquitted on the ground that he was
not connected with . the' paper - at: the
time the article was published.
-" Jay Gould' Illness. . '
"I Sasta Fe, May 7. About ten days
ago Jay Gould was so much worse that
relatives and 4a minister were, sent for,
and came here from the east. . He is yet
quite ill and confined to his bed in his
private car at Albuquerqe. ' f
j.p Mmst G. Too. .
-..u- , . c.. . ,
' aA5S FbancIsco, May 6. Sixteen Japs
arrived from Naiiaimo on ihe steamer
Grandholm 'today. Controller Phelps re-
fused ' to - land " them' aS they wore
an imdesirable-looking lot of emigmnt?,
arid will send theni' back to Nanaimo.
; h-: m'-v :: o; . l' h :
ImDeaehed Him.
k X)ttAwa, Jffay 7.--After.two weeks the 1
impeachment .,:of - Sir - Adolphe , Carou, :
postmaster-general .of . Canada, for
malfeasance in, office,' W accomplished .
yesterday; Bribery was of the specifica,
tion, -and.- the amount, involves nearly
$i,ew,ooo, : ' - " - . .
- May JCxport Cora.
.St. PaTBBSJBCBGy May 6. The govcrn
nent .grain -commission ' has recom
mended the exportation of maize from
j the southern ports of Russia.
j ; 1.. - ..- . ...