The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY, Published Daily t Sunday Excepted. l THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO: Corner Seoond and Washington Streets, The . Dalles, Oregon. ' Terms of Subscription Per Year Per month, by carrier. Single copy .S6 00 . SO 5 8TATK OFFICIALS Qorernoi Secretary of State. Treasurer Bupt. of Public Instruction. enators Congressman: . . State Printer T .... ..S. Pennoyor .O. W. MoBrldo ..Phillip Metschan .. . .E. B. McElroy I J. N. Dolph " J. H. Mitchell B. Hermann Frank Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge .C. N. Thornbury Sheriff D. L. Gates Clerk , J. B. Crossen Treasurer Geo. Ruch Commissioners... Frank Kincaid . Assessor , , ....John E, Barnett -' Surveyor ; E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley Coroner William Michel! MA Y'S I NFL UENCE QN A PORT LAND EDITOR. From an editorial in a late issue of the Telegram we infer' that the editor is a - widower with a large family of young children. It appears he had been pay ing attention to a Portland lady named April, .when a stranger, called May, probably from Eastern Oregon, visited the webfoot metropolis and fairly cap tured the widower's heart. A Telegram , compositor found a couple of love letters i which the editor recently addressed to .the two damsels and, weaving them into - - a "leader," placed both in the editorial column. ' That gave the whole snap away. The" editor frankly tells his ' -former flame that he has no more use for . her. She is too old for him. She never . tried to please him anyhow, but ""stormed and wept and tore her hair, and screamed uud wailed most of the time." She had become jealous, too, of the widower's attention to her younger and fairer rival. And so he determines to cast her off but, as if afraid of the - effect of his rejection on one so supreme ly Beneative, he advises here to take a twelve-month's sea voyage, hinting the - while that if he comes back better tern ' pered, with more smiles and less tears, he may talic business to her. ' But he ' does not tnean a word of - it, and his let ; ter to Miss May whoever she la, proves it. He tells the latter, as if marking the - contrast ' between her and - her Jilted 'nival, that she is "young, fresh, fair, miling, beautiful ; that she never weeps, ' junless,-' perchance, "just a drop, lost .next moment in a dimple." ' Then the ."'old fool fairly slobbers over with spooni : uiess and he calls his new flame, "bright, '-'beautiful, VTaceful, happy, radiant, glor ' 'ions May' and wants to get away from ' the print shop, and be with her - always, and knJ down before her and make " an all round lunatic of himself. ' Then a - '-jealous thought Sashes across bis mind - -or, possibly if was only -resentment at some wrong that a member of the Port- land branch of the weather bureau Lad - - done to Miss May ', and he calls them a set ' of 'coarse, brutal, Ugly creatures, (while the world knows that Pague, at least, is a handsome man,) and ' ' wants - every mother's son of them to 'prostrate them? uelves before her and bo thankful they are permitted to live while she remains in the country I ' "'Then' once ' more, as if 'Jne feared that May might question the - -sincerity -of his affection, he says : " "To " ' tell the truth and It is a truth so welling " and swelling4 in 'our1 heart, ' I'm ' dead xtuck on you;" or Trords to that effect. Then he gets awful bad and blabbers something about "gazing with awesome tenderness into the Unfathomable depths - -of her azure' eyes,'" and something inore .- about being bewildered and entranced, which is quite likely,1 for the $ejt moment ne asKs Aiay to do Kina to "us," meaning the children, we suppose,' and swears he never ' liked ' April a bit,1" he only kept her company tilt May would " come. : Then finally the; father's heart . asserts itself and he 'addressed' ft -post ' ecrip to his motherless children; expect ing, likely, .May would Bend it to them, as he was busy iirthe office: ' '"May la - here," Bays the postscript,; ''revel all ye happy children, be better and brighter ; It only remains for us to add, as we dp -with much tender1 Sympathy ;for"this .. lorn brother editor that May appears . to be, either a grass-widow with no hope I a divorce, or a real widow with a fam ily of children of her own or, possibly. ' the editor expects his mother-in-law to come and live with bun for he says, not . we imagine without a touch of plaintive sadness ; y we cannat have her all to our self but we can have as much of her as - nne can; and' so we cannot com . plain." ' , I .... I 1 L . .,1 ,y . AdrwUMd setter., .. -,.'. - Following' is th'a lint rt ltt inr in the ivwfcnffiv f Th rw.ii,.- J L " " w ail . AUV' 1 1st I I IT i UH . called . lor, Friday, .May 6th,. 1892, .. Persons calling for same will give date ... "urcu mcy wero aavertisea: - SBentin, Miss Xarsen, H H ' ' . Bremer.' P : . Mnrtm, -T t -' Brown, Mrs R ' Murray! J E . Forsyth, Fred 2 McCully, Dennis " j... Green, George - Totts, J J " Hubbard,MissDora Snodgrass,' A W ' . Huff, G B - ' " r vVannoy, J L v f ' . Johnson, MisaAnnieVanCadow, W - . Johnson, GustafT -Wagner, John 2 '' :, ' ; "M. T. Noladt P. M.. " -A cloudburst in Kansas yesterday cre ated a flood in and around Topeka, stop - ping railway traffic and doing other dam--. ages. A quantity of nice, clean rags wanted at this office. T ..'. For the "beat wagon -on earth get the Mitchell. For sale by J; M. Filloon & Co. ' Pabst's Milwaukee beer at the Uma tilla house at a bit a bottle. Free lunch tonight at 8 o'clock. , A traveling man who chanced- to be in the store of E. V. Wood, at" McKeea Bocks, Pa., says while he was waiting to see Mr. Wood, a little girl came in with an empty bottle labeled Chamber Iain's Pain Balm and said : "Mamma wants another bottle of that ' medicine : she says it is the best medicine . for rnenmatism ane ever as eel. ou cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. .'- y - . d&w. - . " '-''.OREGON LIME : This lime is manufactured by - The Oregon Marble and Lime Company, near Huntington, Oregon, and has earned the reputation ui ueiug tue Btrvngeat uiaa in the market, and consequently, in addi tion to "-making the best work is at an equal price, , the cheapest to the user. The following: analysis, by W..G. Jenne, chemist; Portland, Oregon, " is worthy of consideration : Carbonate of Lime. 98.56 Magnesia. . .'. '. .015 Silica. 1.81 Water......... 005 Peroxide of Iron .07 PhosDhates-Trace Alumina 03 Sulphates . . Trace 99.99 Mr. T. F. Osbosjj, - Dealer in Building jutwrutis, . .. Agent Oregon Lime, Portland. Ori - .Dear Sir Referring to your inquiry concerninz the "Oreeron" Lime, would say, that we have used this lime, that it has given satisfaction,' and we consider it a first class-class lime in every respect. ' Yours truly, . ' , Ma their A. Kowe,' Contractor, "Oregonian' Building. . Geo. Langford, Contractor, Weinhard Brewery. Bnssford dc Haupt, Contractors Portland Library . BuUdlng.. - . . . Anderson k Bingham, Contractors Snoll, Heitahu & Woodard Building. Burke A O'Connor, General Contractors. C. Gordon Ellison, Brick Contractor. Arthur Johnson Si Brother, Contractors, Cham ber of Commerce. . Geo. Bamiord, General Stone Contractor. Portland Bridge & Building Co. , , - Thomas Mann, Builder. James McKendrtck, Contracting Plasterer "Oregonlan" Building. . John Egan, Supt. The Wright Fire Proofing CO. "Oregonian" Building. ." : ; G. C. Klssell, Plastering Contractor. Edward Killfetber, General Stone Contractor. W. Jacobson, Contractor, Portland University. Kocher & Freeman, Contractors, Dekum Build- - in. - The Oregon Lime - for . The ..Dalles market is carried in stock bv Wm. Butler & Co., Lumber Dealers.. 4-11-dlm NEW. TO-DAY. FOR SALE cheap, band of range horses, consisting' of yearlings two-year olds and mares. For information- . ''' - - - .. Apply to C. F. STEPHENS. -5-3dlm Vi Second St. The Dalles. Or. WANTED, lofebvhl Bluff, in exchange for Work Horses, or Broodmares. ' . - Apply to HUGH GOURLAY, i-2tf : Chronicle office, The Dalles. T?fT Gt ATT? One of the J? VJXi ioilJLiX. finest stock farms in Crook county; 1100 Acres deed ed land ; abundance of water ; good grass range capable of handling 10,000 eheep : 800 acres under irrigation. Two good dwellings and out buildings. Price, $8, 000 ; half in stock, horses cattle or sheep. t or runner particulars Apply to HUGH GOURLAY, -2tf -Chronicle office, The Dalles. T7AT) ' Cl' " T 'T7 ' Twelve fine JP J ti toi-JUXlj. lots, splend idly located in the Garrison addition Apply to HUGH GOURLAY, -2tf ' Chronicle office: The Dalles. ; SoooiiTi to C. K. IiKBlimm i -.t i Druggsts andChe " Para Drills aiil -Hefliciiies. - Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance. Cor.; Second and Union Sts., THB DALLXS, OBIOOIT. ' 1 . , stjigy sjioaiii, Watehesiccks JewelfyEtri All kinds of repairing a specialty and all work Bunrauww mua prompuy asienaeot 10. ' Call and see hia stock of clocks before you OA UlUII UBVWUBU.,' J -J I i ; , A. A. Brown, ' ' -. 's KBer a full assortment of ' '; '' ' r : arid' Provisions. " .' i-. wtaioh hc offer at Low Figures.' -r SPECMIt X v PHlGES to- Buyers HistBst Casli Prices for Eir M 170 SECOND STREET. Floyd SDOWD ' Staple and Fancy Groceries. At am m m m Undertaking Establishment ! V-S'i; -: NiA'A"rt'A'- r- W VIP I PRiNZ & NITSCIIKE. V.'li H I DEALEBS IN . ; i'l ; '; : Furniture and Carpets. We - have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. Remember our place on Second street. next to Aiooava oanjc. - STRAWBERRIES, ' ' Apples, Oranges, Candies, Nuts, " . . Soda Water, Sarsaparilla and Iron, Cider, Etc. Everything is First Class.' " Well Supplied with TOBACCO and Union made CIQAES, J. F0LCO, Second St. next, to Wingate's Armory. F?EflCH & CO., - BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENEKALBANKING BUBtNESH Letters of Credit issued available in the - t; Eastern States. Shcht Exchange and Teletrrtmhic Transfers' sold on New Yorkyehieago, St. lotus, can Francisco,' I'ortiana uregon, emvuo.iTcwu.i MIU vwhiw jnnuw 1X1 Vlf egon and Washington. .- - - .'- n- . Collections made at all points- on fav orable terms. ; J. B. BCMHCEi S.1& Bbaxj. Cashier. rreaiaeni. First liational Bank. THE DALLES -I" , OREGON A General Banking Business transacted iepoBitB received, subject to Bight, ,.., - . ,Draf t or :Check. . j-;'.; Collections made and proceeds promptly remitieu on aaj pi collection. : . - Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Jew x ork, ban Francisco and rTrt- - . : - land.. , - bIRBOTOKS. - D. P. Thompson. . . ' Jwo. S. Schejjck. E. M. "Williams, Geo. A. Likbx - M. M. JDBAIiL. ... GENTLEMEN ! BEFORE YOTJ ORDER ; GOODS OF .ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH-' ,"$J& Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices 'which defy 'competition. ' Other gooaa m proportion. fj iauam, -, ;.- ; . :- Second St., The Dalles. , Sole Agent for WANNAMAKER BROWN, - Philadelphia, Pa. . . . - O. W YSS. :Tailor, p-.A s NO.. 7Z Second Streets Suits Made'td Oirder A Fit Guaranteed! '- Orders taken 'tor an l: Eastern " house for all unas oi suits.: tu ana examine goods.. -. r : -)-.1';.S- 'v'; :- ir '-.--' JOHN PASHEK, t -J Tailor, b ,-s- Kezt door to-Wasoo-Sun. V- ' Just Received, a fine stock of Suitings, i-anis i-atterns, etc., ot all latest . ' . . Styles; at Low Prices. ' :i ' .-,, T .Jj't.4. U-O -vi - I,';-.-- ::-' Madison's Latest System used in cutting . garments, and a fit guaranteed - ",' ," , -each time. ' ' . Repairing, arid Cleaning . Neatly and Quickly Done. Tli& Dalles, Fortlaiii an! Astoria v.,.-. Navieratirtn f!n Columbia River Steamers. - PIKST - CLASS Passeipia Freigfit Line -BKTWEEN- Portland and The Dalles. The magnificient steamers '"Dalles City' and 'Rea-ulator" will leave as follows, and atop at all Way Landings. - - Steamer "Dalles City" from Portland daily, (except Sunday,) from wharf foot of Yamhill St., at 6 a. m., arriving at The Dalles at 6 p. m. : Steamer "Reexlator" from The Dalles daily, (except Unnday.) at 6 a. :ra., from wharf foot of Court street, arriving at Portland at 5 p. m. , jrjay-The Route passes' through the Falls of 'the Cascades and in plain view of the Government Looks, (now In process of completion,) the far famed Bridal Veil and Multnomah Falls, making one of the most beautiful and pleasur able trips on the grand Columbia. . If yon are soinz East. North or Sonth. don"t fail' to call on the undersigned for tnrongn rates in connection witn the Northern, .- ; Southern, - - or ' Canadian Bailway. ' Cattle, sheep and hogs landed at- the pasture of the American Dressed Beef company, Trontdale, at nominal rates. KXCUKSION BATES. For parties of not less than six tickets, good for one day only : Dalles to Cascades and return f 1.00 " Collins " - 75 cents. (Hood River- ' White Salmon " 50 Intermediate points will take next higher rate. W. CALLAWAY, Agent.- B. f. LAUGHLIN, - . General Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON The Dalles V t : PACJTORY' NO. 105. rJC A DO of the Best Brands VA vJTjl.X0 maFrnfactured. and orders from all parts of tho country filled on the shortest notice. i . " . i4 -' . The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. R. B. HOOD, Livery, Feed anff - Sale S -r- Horses Bought and Sold on uommission anaJu&ney Advanced on Horses " Left for Sdlei - office 6f-v.- J ' The Dalles .and Goldendale .Stage-" Lin? Stage Leaves The Dalles Erery Kornlng at 7:00 and Ooldendale at 7;00. All freight must be left at H B. ... Hood's office the eye- . . f A i - h ning before. ;..,-. R. BrHOOD; Proprietor. ' " ; Opposite old Stand.' t " "The, Dallesf Qr. The Dalles Restaurant .jvrio Oyster house. One of the Finest Cooks in The Talle All .Torlc done by Vhlt Helpt v Next door to Byrne, - Floyd & Co.s' 85 Union St;, The Dalles. 1 Just Opened. IPS. fl. JOES- - -' PtGpMW. EfteirtMhs- the"? Market II Alfordsi atr Reasonable tes. 104-Second Street, - ICE ! " ICE licE I '"'-,-. --v-:-'..-; .? '- -V Having over 1000 tons of ice on band, we are now . prepareq to receive . orders: wholesale '-or - -retail; to be "delivered through the summee. Parties; contract ing with us will be carried through the entire season without, advance 'in pbiqe, and may depend that we have notning out, , . - ? - ,. "PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE Cut from mountain wa'ter j. no slough ot Binsn ponas. r , . Leave Orders at the Columbia' Candv Factory,I04 Second street, or Ice, Got faetopy nftT TTAiDH ICE UULUiriDlii . W. S. CRAM. Manager. The Iiateh -Stfiftg 'A ..S "Bhtvktrds are things, and a-small drop xf ink,' " -' 'fi-,k Falling, like dew, upon a thought, produces - - That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.". ' WE TBtTST TO HfTEEBST ANb DO TOtT GOOD. Suv Oun Shoes THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. i ! SOLE- AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. Glothiet and Tailop, ; f a ' r . v 'f'-T-y.'.':- f. t- "! - i BOOTS AND J SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, COENEB OF. SECOND -AND .WASHINGTON, THE DALLES, OREGON. Great Bargatrts ! Removal ! Removal I Orx account of Removal i will sell my entire stock of Boots and ShoesrHata and Gaps, Trunks arid Valises, She Iv- irigsCbunters , Desk; Safe , Fixttires , at a Great Bargain. Come and see my offer.. ; - GREAT: REDUCTION '.IN RETAIL J. 125 Second Stfeet, IIEW SPBIH6 P aWatV-'V'-'a-a y ttrrWi-SOt-trk jOr..' Haas j -7 . COMPLETE IN, EVERT DEPARTMENT. Clbthiiid, GentsFojiishiiia Goods, Hats, Gaps, v Boots and Shoes. . . Full A-Bsertment of the Leading Manufacturers. e-Ov M-slr-4 ircs'iii -t-.'--i Cash Bayers will save money bp examining w stock and prices before 1 . ; s- .-. ;xj t.MJ-'.i , . . 'tj SITUATED "AT .THE Dostl nod to bo the Best Manufacturing Center In the Inland Ernpire. I 'f. J 5 1 j ? " -' - r ' , . For Further Information Call at th OTftc of 0;E TATLOa-Tlie Dalles, Or: 1 5fflaiC0r. BuildinateriallJougfilanflDressed Lumoer, Lime, Piaster.. Hair ana tement. f A liberal ' discount-to the trade in all lines handled by us. JEFFlSfisSN BikiBET between Second and' Railroad v , ' THE DALLES, OR THE DALLES C IJ l'- l H I is Rltuays Oat I SEASON 4- 1892.. -MANUFACTURED BY -WALTER H. TEN NY & CO., - BOSTON, 1 - ' ' ' ' " . The Dalles. SDmiQEa DBT fiOODS purchasing elsewhere. .-- ? - , .: , H. Herbring. HEAD OF NAVIQATION. BestSeTHng Property of the Season In the North west. '"' ' H I I t :W r (1 .1-1 II 1