C3J The Dalles My Chronicle. , Entered a tlio PoetoHlce at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, as Becond-clasi matter. . . ' Local Advertising. ' ... '' 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents , - per line for each subsequent insertion. . - Special rates for long time notices. All local notiecs received later than 3 o'clock will appear the following day. TIME TABLES. Tbe Dalles, Portland & Astoria flay. Co. The boats of The Dalles, Portland 6 Astoria Navigation Co. will commence running on Mon day, April 4th, and until further notice under the following schedule. T Steamer "DALLES CITY" leaves Wharf foot of Yamhill st, POBTtAD, daily (except Sunday), at 6 A. M: '.,'., Connecting with str. Regulator at the cascades. Arrives at The Dalles, 6 p. m. - .-..'. Steamer "EEGTJLATOE" leaves Wharf foot of Union it, THE DALLES, dnily (except Sunday), at 6 A. M.; ; - Connecting with str. Dalles City at the cascades, Arrives at Portland, 6 p. m. . , , B. F. IAUGHLIN, General Manager. .,.:'. RHrod. ' ' . ; ".-.AST nooin. No. 2, Arrives' 12:01 a7m. - Deports 12:00 a. m. " 8, " 12:30P.M., "12:50P.M. WEST DOCKS. No. 1, Arrives 4:29 A. K. , - Departs 4:00 A. v. " 7, ' fi:O0P. M. " 6:20 p.m. Two locat freights that carry passengers lcavo ne for the west at 7:00 a. m., and one for the east at 9:15 A. M. " STAGES. For ' Prinevllle, via. Bake Oven, leave dally at 6 A. M. , - ' . For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave daily at 6 a. m. For Duf ur, Kingslcy, Wamic, Wapinitla, Warm Springs end Tygh Valley, leave daily (except Sunday) at 6 A. M. For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 a. m. Office for all lines at the Umatilla House. I'ost-Offlce. - OFFICE HOCKS , O'jnerol Delivery Window 8 a. m. to 7' p. m. Money Order 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday G I) " 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. (XOSINS OF MAILS trains going East 9 p.m. and 11 :45 a. m. " " West 9p.M.aud 6:W p.m. Stage for Goldendale ,..7 :30a.m. - " " Prinevillo. i ..6:30a.m. "Dufuraud Warm Springs. ..6:30a.m. ' t Leaving for Lyle & Hartland. . 6 :30 a.m. " " J Antelope 6:30 a.m. Except Sunday. s Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. " Monday Wednesday and Friday. THURSDAY -MAY 5, 1892 V. 8. DEPARTMENT. OK. AGRICULTURE, WEATHER BUREAU. Thi Dalles, Or., May 5, 1892. Altitude 116 above sea level. " Pacific H Rela- D.t'r to State Coast bab. g tive of S. of Time. P Hum Wind ? Weather 8 A. M.. ... 29.90 59 ' S N W .00 Clear - a P. M 29.83 89 37 :: " .00 " Mxlmyn temperature, 70; . minimum tem erature, 1. . Height of River, 8 p." m 10.6 ' feet ; Change in past 21 hours. . . . . 0.1 - loot. - Total procipltationfrom July 1st to date, 10.88; average precipitation from July 1st to date, 13.63; total deficiency from July 1st, 1891, to date, 2.7.3; Inches. " . WEATHER PROBABILITIES. ' San Francisco, May 5, 1892. Weather forecast till S-p.m. Thursday; fair weather, slight changes in temperature . Finlky. FAIR LOCAL BREVITIES. If you want the news, '-' ; ; -. You want Tub Chronicle: . If you are not a subscriber, please read this and hand in your name. . C. S. Miller of Miller's Bridge, was in town today. ' C. J. VanDuynand John Hollingshead are in the city. - . - . , . . . v J. M. Roth and Ezra Henaon of King Bley, were in, town last night. Mr. Geo. Herbert of Hood Eiver, came up on the one o'clock passenger today. County Commissioners H. A. Leavens and Frank Kincaid are attending county court. ' Rev. A. Maxey of Portland, will preach in the M. E. church tonight at 8 o'clock. The Congregational prayer meeting wilt be held this (Thursday) evening at Mrs. Donnell's. :-' " . . The county court got through with its " business this afternoon. . Its proceedings vrill be published tomorrow. Elder J. V. Jenkins will preach to . night at the. protracted meeting now be ing held in the court house, y Blakely & Houghton tapped their pure -fruit syrups soda fountain today, and now they invite their old patrons to drop in and enjoy the luxury of the fin- est cream soda. ; " G. B. Lansing, a practical' hatter has lately come to The Dalles, and intends t make this city his future residence, and enter upon the. manufacture and renovating of hats. . ' ' . . Elmer Williams lost a valuable road ster this morning, in Union street cut. The animal stepped on a stone which threw its hip out of joint,, and very soon afterwards died of lockjaw. ' The ladies of the Good Intent society are making arrangements for a moon light excursion on the Steamer Regula tor, on the 13th of this month instead of the 7th as before agreed-upon. " . While ttt town the other day, Mr. Herry of Hood River, claimed that he fully expected that the strawberry crop ; of that section , this year, would bring the producers not far from $25,000. . .R. C- Fleck & Co., is the new sign -to be hung up atN6. 80, ;' Second street, where two of The Dalles1 worthy young men, Clark Fleck .and Dell Cheseman, ' may be found dealing in confections, fruit, etc. Give them a call. . South worth & Col? are fitting up in great shape for a drive to Nebraska with a lot of Oregon sheep. They have sev eral wagons in the outfit-, and quite a number of men. .The sheep are pur chased iii. the vicinity of Bake Oven, and other points, .' . " . . What is it? is the, universal interro gation with all who stop to admire the show window of Snipes & Kinerslys'. The curiosity represents some kind of an animal, Diogenes like hunting for a man who sells better paint than Snipes & Kinerely do. " : . Mr. John Schenck left at this office, today a crab apple blossom which meas ures four and a half inches in diameter. It was plucked off a tree in Jiis lawn, the fruit of which, when'matured, : ia nearly' as- large ;-43 a hen's egg. -, The blossom is perfectly white and lias, a delicately pleasant Bmell.' "A' leaf from the tree measures four and a half inches by five. . - t. .. -:- ' ; ' The school law requires that ''teachers and directors shall not allow children to attend school trom a house where .there is any contageous disease." Remember this, sayslhe Klickitat Star, ' when" you catch the measles; -afld don't come to pay youT'subscription until a little while after you are able to sit up and drink hot gruel. An editor never realizes how little he cares for $2.50 until a man with tne measles comes to pay up.- -; i " " . :' Mr. and Mrs. F. 'A.- Young "of - Bake Oven, paid the Chronicle -a pleasant visit today. . Mr. Young says lambing is about through and the percentage of in crease has been everywhere quite large. His, in a flock of nearly 4,000 ewes, averaged 97 per cent. Shearing will commence about Bake Oven in a short time and the quality of the wool will be the finest ever before raised in that country. Sheep are everywhere in fine condition. I . The weather review of Lieut. John P. Finely, officer in charge at San Fran cisco, shows that for the month past the temperature has been below the normal throughout the Pacific slope and plateau regions, except along the extreme south ern border of California and Arizona, where the excess of temperature was only about one degree. In spite of the favorable conditions for precipitation the amount has been insufficient for vegetation in the southern portion of the San Joaquin valley, and in places along the coast from Monterey south ward, to San Diego. The temperatures have been abnormally low and unfavor able to crops quite generally throughout the Pacific slope. , v E. Jacobsen attempted today to move a thousand pound safe from off its stand in order to place it in another corner of his store. Having built an incline with some inch boards he pried the safe from its position with a crowbar and, having got it to the teeteting point, he stepped in front to ease it down. This was the opportunity the safe had been looking for and the moment Mr. Jacobsen got it to start' down. the incline the Safe made a dash for his legs and threw him prone on the floor-: with the "crowbar across one of his shins. ' Beyond the losing of a few square inches of cuticle . Mr. Jacobsen is alt right but it is a mercy that some of his bones were not broken. - As it is, it is believed the 'eiperiehce has cured him of trying to move a thousand pound safe without, help. Tbe. German Gesang Verein Annual ' ""'-."Picnic: . The annual May "Picnu: of the German Oesang Verein' Harmonie'n be .held next' Sunday near Mosier landing. A hearty invitation is extended1 to all the good people of The Danes and vicinity. The Regulator will make two trips ' to the picnic grounds, the first leaving The Dalles at 7 a. m. and the second at 9 -.30. On the return trips the boat will leave Mosier at 3 :30 and 6 p. m. Tickets at $1.00 each for adults and 50 . cents for children aged between eighty and- four teen, under eight free, can be had from Lany member of the society or at the boat landing on Sunday morning. No per sons of bad repute will be allowed on the boat or on the picnic, grounds. Offi cers of the law will be present to enforce this order. ' -' - " ' 5-5-8td. Important to Timber Culture Claimants. The following circular has just . been received at the United States land office at this place. It will be of importance to parties who may desire to commute, their timber culture claims : TTnitbd Statks Land Office,)' '. Washington, D. C. April 29, 1892. f . Register and Receiver, Hie Dalles, Or. " Gentlemen : All commutation proof made before the receipt of this circular in which publication of notice has not been made will be accepted if - satisfac tory in other, respects, but in future, yoouwill allow no commutation of timber culture entries without the .required no tice by publication and notice. -Tf a day has been designated for the business of such proof in any case,, and the proof has not been taken , you will advise the party that publication of notice of inten tion to 'submit such' proof will be re quired. . .. "''" W. M; Stone, ' ' : ; " - Asst." Commissioner. 95 Reward. I will pay the above reward ior the conviction of the hobo who cutaway and stole the rope ot -my awning: last night. . t 5-5-3t. ': : H. Herbring. Picnic at Wapinitla Gnlcfc." A grand basket picnic will be given at Wapinitiaon the 14th of May, instant under the auspices of the farmers' alli ance. A number of prominent speakers belonging to the two great political par ties as well as to the alliance are ex pected to be present and prominent can didates of both parties are also expected. The picnic grounds are in the Wapinitia gulch, easily accessible from all .points and where water and shade are abundant.'- - No reasonable, pains will be spared to piake the day one of absolute pleasure and enjoyment. . Everybody is invited. . . V ,"'.-'- farmers - Institute". The following is the programme of the farmers' institute to be held at Wasco, the 12th and 13th of May inst., under the. auspices of the Wasco and Sherman counties business council.' .-."". ' . f Thursday, May 12, 9:30 a. m. .Music'.;-.' '- .'",' . , ''.Trayer..,.. - ' . -' .' -Address. Of welcome,; Rev. J. M.- Deni son. '.""'. Music.' -' ' ""...'-'.,'"".""' ..'.; . " "'- Response, Prof..H. T. French. "Music .,. . . . .... . . T Odds and ends, Mrs..L.- Ganfleld.'-. - -..Music. '. .1:30 p. m. music. ' Industrial education, Wallis Nash. ': Music. " ' ' . : . --- To what extent the farmers can dis pense with the middlemen, P. P. Under wood. . How can the farmers derive the great est benefit from the experiment station, Prof. H. T. Frenoh.: " - ' " Music..- - r Fbipay May 13, 9:30 a. "m. Music. - Business methods of the farm, Frank Lee. .-. Music. .- - , ' ' . " '' ' . . .-Horticulture.- -' .. . Music -" -- '- ' 1. Prevention of insect injury; 2, ben eficial insects, Prof. F. L. Washburne. Music. ' " Co-operation as adapted to the wants of the farmer, A. B. Craft, '.usic .-. r' - 1 :30 p. in. music. Transportation, William Nash and Y. C. Brock. - Music. - s Farm insects, A. C. Huff." . Music. . ' Education of the farmer, H.-Tyree. Music ir.: .v Green fallowing and green Manuring, Prof. H. T. French'. "MusicV " ' ' ?' f 'ft ." 7 :30 p.. m. questions from "question box.'-' ' - ' --' All present are requested to take part in the discussions' of the topics presented in the programme.. : . A question box will be provided at the commencement-of the institute, and per sons wishing can place their questions therein. ..The box will be opene Jat 7 :30 p. in. on the evening of May 13, and a general discussion entered into on the different subjects .presented. . Plenty of music will be on hand and' the' features of the evening will be" among the. most interesting parts of the programme. - IBonthly ffieteopologieaf Report.-: 'Weather bureau, decartment of sericulture. Station, The Dalles, Oregon, for the. month of April, Latitude 4.? 86' IS. Longitude 121 12 Vj"-west Altitude 116 feet above sea leyeL -. - " .. . " ''' ' ' 5ge Hgo ?2o : . . ; iArt - "?' ? s.5- :'--V;-;. ,- . - ..... : . ' -.fte-g "-'-" ' :- :-":'":'. - ? 1: :' ...1- 47 "s5 40 :i:i 2.;....'."...-;i.'.-r:.;.-... 46 64 87 .03 8...-,. 48 . 67 40 , 4.... ..r.v;.........:. '60 so- -89 - 6............. 47 63 42 .06 6... ...V.... ... 49 55 42 7. .i.....;C..;.'.v. ........ 46 66. 87 8... ......... 48 ' 57 S9-f ' v 9 -. .. 53 6 43 .09 10 ........ ....... 53 - 68. 47 T : 11 46 6 34 - 12. 44: 56 88 . - t 18... '44 57 80 14 ....... 65 71 49 .03 15.........:......... .48 58 38 .01 16..... 50 60 40 17..... ....:. 50 61 40 18 " 51 62 40 ... 19..;. : 52 ' 68 86 20 55 73 36 21...'.. ........ ..:...'.. 68 68 48 T 22....... 62 60 43 23....... ..j...... 48 69 36 .13 24 .49 67 41 25..:...'. 48 ' 58 89 ' ' 26....; SI 68 43 27 : 61 64-38 28.... 61 61 42 .09 29..-. .';..- 60- 58 41 .10 30. .'.;.... 62 60 43 .33 81 :. Bums .". 1392 1795 1196 1.00 Means.. ".. 49.8 69.8 39.0 0.03 Mean barometer, 80.012; highest barometer, 30.416, on 7th, ; lowest barometer 29.385 on 14tb. Mean temperature 46.8 highest temperature, 73, on. 20th; lowest temperature, 30, on 13th. - Greatest daily range of temperature, 87 ont3th and 20th. . . - . - , , . Least daily range of temperature. 11, on. 5th and 10th. -.. - MEAN TKHPEBATUKE. FOB THIS MONTH IK 1372-...;-. . r. 1873. . . i . . 1874......... 1875. :.. 55.0 1877:. '.. 55.0 1882. : .57.6 1883. ...53.0 1887. ...52.5 1888 55.8 1889 54.0 1890 52.9 1878.... S.0 1879.: .54.0 fl8S4. 54.0 1880 65.5 1885. ...55.0 1886.... 50.0 1876. . . .50.5 1881.... 57.0 18l...i63.3 Total defneiency in temperature for eighteen years 4.1 . .... . - Total defleiency in temperature daring the month, 4.7 ' - " Total excess in temperature since January 1st. 1891,2.3 deg. Prevailing direction of wind, west and south west. .... Total precipitation, l.Od: number of days on which .01 inch or more of precipitation felt, 10. TOTAL PBBCIP1TATIOH FOB THIS MONTH IN 1873.. ,:. ..." 1874 .:.A. .n 1875.... 0.59 1876..:. 1.09 1877. . ..1.21 1878 0.20 tl883i .1.21 1888.... 0.05 1889. . r.0.42 1890... 0.24 1891. . ..0.01 1892 1879. . .-1. 84 18S0-. ...1.03 .1881..;. 1.29 1884-. r. .1.83 1885. ..0.31 1886. :.. 0.30 1887.. ..0.46 11882 0.53 Total excess in precipitation during month, Q.SO Inches. .' , -' - . Total deficiency In precipitation since January 1st. 1891, 3.05. . - -Number of cloudless Ylaysv 12; partly cloudy days, 5; cloudy days, 13. - . - Dates of frosts, 11th, 12th I3th 19tfi and 23d. " Solar halos on the 7th. mh and 20th. Thunder and lightning in southwest on the arternoon oi tne zutn. - - -Notb Barometer reduced to sea level, ,'f lndi . cat ei trace of precipitation. -' ' - SAMUEL. I. BROOKS. ' - Voluntary Signal Corps Observer WANTED. ' . A Erirl of 12 to 15 warn tn into mm nf artaby; day time. . Enquire at this office. ICE I ...ICE! . ICEf '": Having on hand a large sunnlv of ice we are prepared to furnish our custom ers with ice in any quantity at a reason able rate. We guarantee we will supply mo ucumiiu witnouc aavancing prices throughout the season. Leave orders at C. F. Lauer's store, Second street. . o-tt Oates & Allison. . notice. . . . ; v Havin? hnnirrit ttiA Wt onil cVna shoD Of C. W. Adama. of February 1892, I hereby give notice that I will pay and collect all accounts made since that date, and continue bus iness at 116 Court street. 4-30-dlm - - Thos. Adams. The best anrinir morlimnA in n. Anua nr two lf St. Patr?V,1ro T-ille, T nl only physic bat cleanse the whole era- aVM a r . ( i -r - - . Msiu nu puniy ine. Diooa. nor sale Dy Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. d&w Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was oick, we gave her Castoria. When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gare them Castoria -Mr. J. P. Blaize, an - extensive real estate dealer in Des Moines, Iowa, nar rowly escaped one of the severest at tacks of. pneumonia while in the north ern part of that ' state during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. Blaize had - occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so' thor oughly chilled that he was unable to get warm, and inside of an hour after his return he was threatened with a severe case of pneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Blaize sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which he had often heard, and tooka number of large doses. He says the effect was wonderful and that in a short time he was breathing quite easily.- He kept on taking the medicine and the next day was able to come to Des Moines. Mr.. Blaize regards his cure as simply wonderful. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. . ' d&w Examination of Teachers. "Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public exam ination at his office in The Dalles, be ginning Wednesday, May 11th, 1882, at one o'clock p. mr All teachers eligible for State Certificates, State Diplomas and Life Diplomas must make applica tion at the quarterly examinations. ' Dated this 30th day of April 1892. v " ." . . -..Troy Shelley. County School Superintendent of. Wasco - County, Oregon. . 4-30-dtd COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Cam pbell Bros. Prop rs successors' to w. s. Cram.) ' : Manufacturers of the finest French and - - . Home Made - East of Portland. -.', . DZALEE8 IKT Can famish any of these goods at AVbolesala orttetau- - . - . In Kvery Style. - - Ice Cream and Soda Water.1 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. C . F. STEPHENS, DEALERJK w: tP. (LOTHING Jioots. Shoes, Hats, Kte. FanciJQodg, flotiong, Kte., , Kte., Etc. 134 Second St., next to Dalles National ; ' Bankj Dalles City, Oregon.. : W. E. GARRETSON. Leaillag - Jeweler. . - SOLIAOKirrrOKTHE All Watch Work Warranted. Dry Goods Je-welry ' Made to . Order. ". .188 Second St., The IBlle, Or. - Jos. T . Petei -DEALEKS IX- Rougn aim D and a full line of Builders' Supplies, all of which are carried constantly in stock. Call and see us at our of Second and Jefferson Streets, before buying else- wnere. Our prices are as many things below all competitors. HEW BOOT ; flr4D STON EM AN & FIEGE, ,114 SECOND STREET. We have just received a large . wmms oi jiaaies nne snoes ana a lull stock or lawn tennis shoes with perforeald inner soles, f ; ' Leather and findings for sale. Repairing Neatly and Expeditiously Done. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. The Corrugated ltuildlna; ; : Handsomely Fnrnislied Rooms to Meals Prepared by a TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. : . Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. WHS. H- FflSEH, Pfopf. -ARRIVIXG E. Jacobsen & Go.'s. Largest Line of Baby Carriages, Books,- Stationery :.: - and Musical 162 Second Street, PAUL KR -DEALERS IN- PAINTS. OILS . .And the Most Complete and the SJ9' 1'ractical. Painters and Paper Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masory's the most skilled workmen em cloved. chemical combination or soap mixture. orders promptly attended to. Store and Paint Shop corner Third and WHOLESALE Finest Wines Liquor Dealer 171 Second Street, Frenchs' Block, :G.W: Johnston& Son; Shop at No. 112 First Street All Job Work promptly, attended to and estimates given on all wood work. . s & Co., rsssea LumDer. new store, southwest corner low as the lowest, and on SHOE STORE ! assortment of C, D and E next Door to Court House. " . Rent ty tlie Day, f eei or Month; First Class English Cook. DAILY AT- Instruments. THE DALLES, OREGON. EFT & CO., AND GLASS, Latest Patterns and Designs in Hangers. - None but the best brands of tbe Paints used in all our work, and none bnt . Aeents for Masnrv Licmid Paints. No A first class article in all colors. All Washington Sts., "The Dalles, Oregon . AND RETAIL and Liquors. The Dalles, Oregon ClosetsS Chimneys Cleaned Carpets take np, cleaned and put down, also Closets and Chimneve cleaned . ' .." on short notice at reasonable. -,"''. rates. . - ' -' Orders received through the postoffice GRANT MORSE