The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 21, 1892, Image 1

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    - is
yols in.
NO. 110.
DR. J. 'SUTHERLAND Fellow or Trinity
' Medical College, and member of the Col
lege of Physicians and 8urgeons, Ontario, Phy
ician and Burgeon. Oiilce; rooms 8 and 4 Chap
. man block. Residence; Judge Thornbury's Sec
ond street. Ollice hours; 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to
and 7 to 8 p. m.
GEON. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence No. 23, Fourth street, one
block south of Conit House. Office hours 9 to 12
A. M., 2 to S and 7 to 4 P. M.
DBIDDA1X Dentist. Gas given for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street ...
Room No. 43, over Post
Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon.
WH. WILSON Attorn EY-AT-I.AW Rooms
. 62 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon.
flee in Schanno's building, up stairs. The
Balles, Oregon.
Offices, French's block over
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
Young & Kss,
BiacusmiiU Wagon shod
General BlacksmitbiDg and Work done
promptly, and all ! work
jiofse Shoeeing a Speiality.
Thirl Street uppsitethe old Liehe Stand.
Still on DeGk.
Phoenix Like lias Arisen
From the!
The Restaurastteur Has Opened the
Baldwin Hestaiffant
Where he will be glad to see any and all
of his old patrons.
Open dayand Night. First-class meals
twenty -five cents.
It $m take pills It is because jrou bare never
ineu me . . . . . ri
S. B. Headache and liver Cure
It Works SO nlcelv. olwn Mi Tr thA T K-nr and
Kidneys) acts as a mild physic without causing
pain or sickness, aud does uot -stop you, from
To T-y It la to become a friend to It. '
For sule by all druggists.
The Dalles
FACTORY - NO: 105.
? . -Vi ". :j , ' ?
CWCih'&'Ti ft of th" Brands
vylJ XlllkJ manufactured, and
... orders from all parts of the country filled
,:oa the shortest notice. .
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
: GAB has become firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
Gicjar : Faefofy
We are now opened for business and offer the
stock bought of McFarland " & French at cost.
Having bought this stock at a liberal discount and ,
"finding we have a surplus "of many, lines of goods,
have decided that during the next two weeks we
will give all an opportunity to secure genuine
bargains. Although we are" sold 'out of a few
articles, why , go elsewhere" for what Ave have to
offer and pay some one a profit when we are."
willing to sell, you
Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods
Boots and Shoes
Remember this offer
.April 18th to April 30th,
The Largest
Variety, the
Summer Dress Goods,
The Prettiest Patterns, the Most
ionahle Shades. See our stock.
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Collars, Cuffs,,
.Tine rootwear.
In every Size, Price and Width,
new line of Lawn Tennis Shoes.
N I PES . j&
wine ii Rel Driists
" . ; Handled by Three Eegistered Druggists. . ;
. .;.."."';-:y...: also all the leading "' '
Patent ffiedieines and - Druggists Sundries,
.' - ; " ! :" " v r 1 '.; : i. : ; i . ; .' ; ; . ( ..." :
Agents for Murphy's .Fine Varnishes and the only agents in
r - the City for The Sherwin, Williams Cos Paints. :
; ;-' The Largest Dealers; in Wall Paper
FinestvLihe of Imported. Key West and . Domestic Cigars.
-l li y LS : Agentfor Tansill's Punch. .
129 Second Street, ; The Dalles, Oregon
is for two weeks only.
Stock, the Most Complete
Best Assorted - Selections.
Ties, Hats, Etc., We
The Rochester Boycott Resisted if the
Second Dajs Proceedings, of the Califor
- nia Earthquake.
Ireland's Appeal to America an Import
ant One The Mushroom of
- Ocklalicroa, etc. '.r
New York, April 21. At a meeting of
the executive committee "of the federa-
tion of labor which is tefbe held in this
city next week, a plan of campaign will
be marked out for a fight, which' means
"the survival of the fittest" so far as the
American federation of labor and the
Knights of labor are . concerned. Then
the great battle will begin, and in every
city the fight will be taken up by the
federation. These two powerful bodies
of organized labor will enter into a com
bat which will be lengthy and quite
spirited. ' Such is the meaning conveyed
by . an interview with Henry White,
general auditor of the united garment
workers of America, affiliated with the
American federation of labor. In the
interview he is emphatic in the denun
ciation of the Knights of labor policy re
garding the boycott on Rochester" cloth
ing manufacturers. - He stated that the
federation has taken the matter up, and
would endeavor to counteract the effects
of the boycott. ." - .
' California's Earthquake. .
Sa- Francisco, April 20. A singular
impression possessed many -residents of
Vacaville yesterday to the effect that
they had not passed all danger, and this
dread apprehension was realised," when,
at three separate times, from 2:02 to
6:40 a. m., shocks of an earthquake were
repeated, and if" a building ' was only
slightly injured . yesterday, today "the
wreck is complete. In the. creek one
mile above town are fissures .from one
to six inches wide, from which gases es
caped, making a loud, hissing sound
Water was thrown out of the creek: on
the banks on either side a distance of
twenty-two feet by the explosion. There
was no apparent excitement but. more
shocks were awaited. There were none,
however, until 8 :25, and that Was aV
; most as sharp as its early-morning -pre
decessors.' , The town presents even i
more ruined appearance than yesterday"!
Debris is piled up everywhere. ' ' Build
ings all around town have opened up,
and many walls that were only , cracked
yesterday are nearly ready to fall today.
Shocks were also felt at Dixon at 2, 4-,
and 8:30 a. m. They were all of short
duration compared with the one of .the
night before. ; A large force of men have
been engaged to clear away the ruins of
yesterday morning's damages. Similar
reports come from Hay wards, Benicia,
Stockton, - Woodland, Sacramento and
Elmira. - At the latter place seven dis-
tincf shocks were felt.
. - An Appeal for Aid.
- New York, April 21. The friends of
Ireland in America are appealed to by
the committee of National Federation,
for aid to carry home rule for Ireland at
the elections soon to follow the dissolu
tion of parliament. :. The appeal says :
"The election will decide the home-rule
question for our generation, if mot for
ever. ' Will you aid the Irish people
now? 'The tory" party has arranged to
contest every seat in' Ireland; to impose
Bew Durdens on our people, knowing
ineir poverty.- Heavy statutory fees
most oe -deposited when the nomina
lions are made. I he necessary funds
should be in bur treasurer's hands before
the dissolution of parliament, : in order
u Be available at once. - The hour for a
final effort is upoh"us.t'vThe anneal 1.
signed Dy rnomas A. Erametf. president.
It requests that contributions be sent to
lreasurer Eugene Kellv." 22 Rnmur
Union. r
- - A fetashroom Town -'
Okabcbe, O. T.; April 20. Yesterdav
morning Okarche was a lonely depot on
the Bock Island road. This morninz it
has 1,'500 inhabitants, including twenty
women. There is a grocery store and
lumber yard, both doing a rushing busi
ness. About jthe first men , to alight
were two drummers, who went right to
work taking orders. At 11:40 yesterday,
twenty minutes before the hour, at El
Reno, a revolver shot was fired. - It was
taken for the signal, and the crowd
dashed across the line. .. The soldiers
managed to stop most of them, but a
large number continued on in the race.
This will doubtless ' lead to many com
plications; During the rush," nine miles
west of Union City, one man was killed
in a dispute over a claim. , A number
of boomers are returning, '.disappointed
at not getting claims.
- Should Hart Been Lynched.
Louisville, Ky., April 20. There
were seven attempts to burn the city
last night. Inside of four hours fifteen
buildings were destroyed, all incendiary,
and all in the same - section.- '- Saturday
night there were five incendiary fires in
the same neighborhood. Two arrests
have been made. " One man had cotton
balls saturated with oil on his person.
The. loss is light so far..... : ,
Very "Prominent" Citizens.
- MoxTBEA'Li April 20. A tremendous
sensation was created in St. Johu's,
Quebec, by the arrest of five prominent
citizens, including lawyers and officials
of the provincial government, pn a
charge of the most revolting nature. It
is alleged the prisoners were in the
habit of enticing small boys into a ren
dezvous known locally as the "Fishing
Rod Club." "
A Big Land Sale..
Dubois, Pa., April 20. The Pennsyl
vania railroad company has bought the
Dul wis estate, comprising 28,000 acres
of coal and timber land in Clearfield
county, for $17,000,000. John Dubois,
who was mode sole heir of the estate at
the death of his uncle, is in Pbiladel
pbia. The low grade of "the "Allegheny
valley railroad, now controlled by the
Pennsylvania, runs through' the tract
from east to .west. It is said the trans
fer will be made to individual stock
holders of the Pennselvania.
Portland Lire Stock Market.
Pobtlakd, April 21. The following
prices of live stock in this market . are
furnished by A. Fargher i& Co.: Cal.
steers, average 1,150 to 1,250 lbs., $4.00
$4.15 ; Grass fed steers, average 1,000
to 1,200 lbs. y $3.7.5 $4.00; Grass fed
cqws, average 900 to 1,100 lbs., $3.00
$3.80; Hogs, block, average 125 to 200 lbs.
$6.006.25 ; Stock, average 80 to 125 lbs.,
$5.75 6.00 ; Grass fed sheep, average
80 to 95 lbs., $4.75 4.90; ditto average
100 to 110 lbs. $5.00 $5.10"; Grass-fed
sheep, Eastern Oregon average 95 to 110
lbs., $5.00 $5.10. The market is strong,
or good stock. .
Telegraphic Flashes. .
Five Hundred men are now at work on
the Astoria , and Transcontinental
"Blaine is not In it' today.' So says
Chris Magee, who went down to Wash
ington to see about it.
L. L. Mc Arthur bid in the Oregon and
Washington railroad (Hunts) at the
Portland sale, for C. B. Wright, jr. .
A large aerolite fell about threcvmUes
northeast of Palermo, Cala., last night.
The aerolite was green in color. -' It left a
long train, of fire in its wake, and it's
striking the earth was accompanied by
an explosion audible several miles. .
. Herr Jaeger, who for twenty years has
been in the seryipe oi the. Rothschilds,
at Frankfort-oo-Msfiv is a fugitive and
an embezzler of nc?rlv 2,000,000 marks.
No event within many yeuL1"8 Jj48 created
a greater sensation in rh a"1! cir-
clesof Germany.
Onp nf lic mat. .
. muni, eeusauonai and re
markable international transactions
Known in, many years, and one which
will make a great stir in England and
Germany, consists in the virtual sale of
tne island republic of San . Domingo to
private parties for the United StatH fr
?d,ouu,uuu- in- 5 per cent debentures,
ocuureu on ine revenue Irom tobacco, etc.
SenatorMiichell was feeline vervtrooH
over, having a convert in John Shermn
to his opinion that the present Chine
exclusion acts did not expire until 1S94
Senator Dolph believes that the end will
come May 6, this year, and Senator
fenerman said he. too was of that opinion
uuHi ne reaa au the : amendment care
wiiy. - ine .members of Ihe judiciary
wjinnussion agree with Senators Mitchell
and fenerman on this proposition. , . .
'1. A Woman ana .Three Wolves. "'A 4 i
'Miss E. E. Moore, a teacher in Elk
mountain school district, Carbon county,
Wy.t was intercepted on- her way to
ool. the-other day' by three wolvea
She jumped down the banks of a stream
and escaped the wolves, but broke
through the ice and caught cold in con
sequence. Ban Francisco Call.
; J- An Offer to Inventors. - - . ' !
' The Industrial Society of Mnlhouse of
fers a silver medal for the annlixnHnn
in any form of electricity
ing. New York Journal "
A Gang of CrooM Custom House Em
- ployes MectefL
The Stealings of Seventy-Five. Persons
Aggregate $300,000.
A Clan of Importers, Brokers and Cus
tom Employes Tall Together
for Years.
New York, April 21. Forsoocne-weeks- '.
past - Collector Hendricks has been-.
quietly working upon a clew, which has
at last unraveled a proceeding which
has been carried on in this port for
yearsr between a clan of importers,-. '
brokers and customs employes,, by
which the government has been de
frauded of large sums of money. About
forty persons have been arrested, aud as -many
more will be taken into custody,
this week. Special treasury agent White
head, and a force of detectives, are-co-operating
with collector Hendricks in ..
the matter. The system of frauds prac
ticed has been in the undervaluation of
imports, and the operators are mostly of .
a class of" persons hitherto considered
honorably connected with some of the
most respectable nicrcbantile houses of
the continent. The first arrests, ' made
on Tuesday, created great exciteuiept in
the circles of those implicated, and wiieD
the newspaper reporters heard of it ef
forts were made to get at the facts, . but
the collector and his assistants had pro
vided against revelations so closely that .
no information. could be had until the
beginning of the wholesale arrests, then
it was learned that the authorities have
been for some time quietly investigating .
what has turned out to be the most
gigantic conspiracy of the times. At
least seventy-five persons are implicated
in the steal, and the snin taken aggre
gates over $300,000. Importers, customs
inspectors, weighers and assistants, as
well as some gaugers, belong to the ring,
which appears to have been operating
successfully a number of yeare. -,
San Francisco Klngsters.
Chicago, April 20. Government offi
cials this morning resumed their search
for contraband tobacco, sent here and to
other cities by the San Francisco ring
sterp, who.. 'have been defrauding the
custom; The treasury agents received
dispatches from San Francisco and New
York this morning, ami on jnwt"-
contained therein an inspector was sent
hurriedly to a city in Ohio, where it is
believed lOObal.'es of the tobacco were
sent for disposition. Meyer & Son'. i
Heller and S. Knllenlh, who have had.
dealings with San Francisco med'-n
were victimized by ihem, haca r
Collector Clark some valuable itvkri9''
tioa, and it is believed before many days:7"
thefcjbacco will be located irr. Chicago'
and seized. a.
XTnlott Paelfle Affair ;
Yoes:, April 20. Cant TJ
Hayes -ented to take the. presi- .
dencyof the b J.'n luclfic wbn Sidney
Dillon retires, at the 'cT'ain2.1ection.
Jay Gould and Russell Sage CT he
dropped from the board of directors, and"
Mr. Dillon retained only as a concession
to his long service to the company. A"
suggestion that the place of chairman of,
the board be created for him was not
favorably considered by the people whe
will represent the controlling interest-Vice-President
S. H. H. Clarke may con-
tinue his connection with the company,
upon condition that he resign his pq
sitionas general manager of the' MFs- ''
sourf Pacific railroad, which he is eaid "
to have expressed a willingness, to do.
. ' - - - - ' - - - . -
" . i BalMlns; Accident. ' '
New Yoex, April 21. A buildinir on
State street, Schnectady, fell in yester
day with a, terrible crash, Workmen
were excavatiug alongside of the wrecked
building, for the foundation - of" a new
building adjoining, and they' just had
time to escape. Mrs. Carting, wife 'of - r
the owner of the wreck, was in the
building when-it fell, and was buried in
the debrie and some time elapsed before
her rescue was effected. The roof, was
finally lifted and propped, and she was -
found conscious and uninjured, beneath
a sewing machine which bad fallen over
her and acted as a shield, protecting her
from the roof timbers. .