The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 20, 1892, Image 3

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a .the Postofllee at The Dalles, Oregon,
as Hecond-clasa matter.
Local' AdTertlalns;.
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Crtite
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices. ,
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear tiie following duy. - .
he Dalles, Portland & Astoria flsiv. Co.
The boats of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co. will commence running on Mon
day, April 4th, and until further notice under
the following schedule. -
: Steamer "DALLES CITY" leaves
W harf foot of Yamhill St., POETLAND, daily
(except Sunday, at 6 A. M :
Connecting with str. Regulator at the cascades,
Arrives at The Dalles, 6 p. m.
Steamer "BEGULATOB" leaves
Wharf foot of Cnion st, THK DALLES, diily
(except Sunday), at 6 A.M.;. . i .-
Connecting with str. Dalles City at the cascades,
Arrives at Portland, 9 p. m.
B. F. t. At GHI4S, General Manager.'-1
- ' Railroads.
' No. 2, Arrives 12:01 A. M. Departs 12:06 a. m.
" 8, " 12: 30 T. X. : - -. J' 12: 50 p. M.
No. 1, Arrives 4:25 A. M."" ' Departs 4:S0 A. K.'
" 7, " 6:00 F. H. " 6:20 P.M.
Two locm freights that carry passengers leave
ene for the west at 7 :00 A. and one for the
east at 9:13 A. M. .
For Prineville, via. Bake Oven, leave dally
at 6 a. m. -
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
daily at 6 A. k.
For Duf ur, Kingsley.Wamic, Wapinitla, Warm
Springs and Tygh Valley, leave daily (except
Sunday) at 6 A. u.
For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the
week except Sunday at 8 A. K
Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House.
orncB moobs
Teneral Dellvrey Window 8 a, m. to 7 p. m.
Money Order " i8 a. m. to 4-p. m.
Sunday ii D " 9 a. m. to 10 a. tn.
By trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m.
" ' West 9 p. iii. and 5:30 p. m.
. 'Stage for Goldendale.... 7:80 a. m.
" Prinevillo :. 5:30a.m.
Dufuraud Warm Springs. ..6:30 a.m.
t Leaving for Lyle & Hartland . .6:30 a. m.
" " Antelope 5:30a.m.
Except Sunday.
Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
" . Monday Wednesday and Friday.
WEDNESDAY - - . APRIL 20, 1892
- Thb Dalles, Or., April 20, 1892.
Altitude 116 above sea level. ... "
Pacific 4 Rela- D.t'r W State '
Coast bab. 5 tlve of 2. of
Time. P. Hum Wind ? Weather
8 A.M..... 80.23 48 75 E .00 Clear
8 P. M 30.87 72 80 . " .00 "
Maximum temperature, 67; minimum tem
erature, 86.
Height of River, 8 p. m 10.1 feet;
-Change in past i24 hours ." 0.0 . foot.
' Total precipitationfrom . July 1st tedate, 10.18;
average precipitation from July 1st to date, 12.23;
total deficiency from July 1st, 1891, to date, 2.05;
Inches. -
San Francisco, Apr. 20, 1892.
Weather- forecast till . 8 p. m.
Thursday; Fair. walker.
slightly warmer. Bain in
western Oregon, Thursday, night and Fri
day. ' ' ' " - .
- Finlby.
- If yon want the news,
Yon want Tax Chronicle.
If you are not a subscriber , pjeaae read
this and hand in yonr name.
J. R. Eanken of Hood River is in
B. Kelsay of Fossil ia at the Umatilla
"William Ashby of Antelope wss at the
Umatilla house last nignt.
Tender roses that' have been out all
winter may now be seen in bloom in
ome of our city gardens, ' " .
Andy Lytle of Prinevile, came up
from Portland last night and left this
afternoon for Crook county..
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pease, California
pioneers of '49, are visiting their son
Mr. E. C. Pease, of this city. .
Isaac Joles, Charles Dubois, William
Young and W. H. Steel left yesterday
morning on a prospecting tour to south
eastern Oregon. -
There are but a few days left to par--chasers
in which to avail themselves of
the unprecedented bargains at Pease &
Mays'. . See advertisement on first page.
Married this morning at 4:15 o'clock,
lay Rev. Mr. Sutcliffe, W. S.. Cram to
Miss Katie Bulger.-. The happy couple
.left on the morning passenger for-a three
week's trip to California. : yv-
.While other places at no great dis
tance are covered with snow and ice, at
The Dalles, , spring, like an independent
maiden, baa .jumped from the-lap of
- winter, determined to conduct r bnsiness
on her own account. - f --" -
. The Dalles Ice company announce
that they are prepared to. furnish, ice in
any, quantity at reasonable ; rates t The
ice is warranted clear.Vpure and; good,
nd any orders left at the Columbia
Candy Factory will be attended to.
On the afternoon of the 13th tnst!,
Joles Bros, telegraphed, to Schuyler,
- Neb.,ior a load of corn .v The corn ar
rived at The' Dalles at 9 :40 o'clock last
night having been about six days on the
road. This is five days shorter time
than Joles Brothers -have ever teceived
similar freight over the - same route
Ifee " 'charges were ' $148 and pos
sibly Jay . Gould wanted to t get'-- the
money before the road - would be turned
over to the Vanderbilts tomorrow. -
J. K. Page had a letter yesterday from
Charley Bascom. He reports having
arrived at his new home in Onida, Mad
ison county, N. Y., after a short and
pleasant trip. His letter is full of hope
and good cheer and contains kindly re
memberences to old friends in The
Dalles'. . "." " : . ' - .
. Atr two o'clock this 'afternoon a phe
nomenon, somewhat strange and singu
lar for this latitude- and this time of
year, appeared in the sky in the form of
a corona, with rainbow hues, surround
the sun. Coronae are hardly ever seen
here, we believe, except in the fall and are
then taken to indicate frost in the upper
air. '
L.-. Hoering of this city left at Thb
Chboniclb office this morning, where it
may now be seen, a seedling cherry tree
of this year's growth, the seed having
been planted during the past-winter.
The" singular thing about this particular
cherry tree is its precocity. It is in
bloom, with one well developed, full
blown blossom; which bids fair to evolve
itself into a cherry.
Con Howe gathered in two young gen
tlemen last night who gave their names
as R, F. Cunningham aged 22, and J. A.
Bead aged 25, and their profession de
tectives, in proof of which' claim one of
them exhibited; a" detective's badge,
which Con suspected him of having
stolen. They were suspended from de
tective work for the night, by .being
loeked in the calaboose and this morning,
with faces turned toward the land of the
setting sun, were ordered to "git."
Allen Grant left his palce near Ante
lope a couple of mornings ago, at 9 :30
o'clock and made the -distance to The
Dalles,' about 72 mile with the same
team, against 6:30 p. m.. This is more
than seven m.;,.es an hour, without count
ing the time spent for dinner,, or the
time lost in righting the vehicle, after it
had been capsized on Sherar's hill,
through the' horses . having become
frightened at the flapping of the canvass
da a passing prairie schooner. Allen
solemnly, vows that the team kept
strictly sober during the whole trip.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Gillette, Mrs. B.
H. Levy and Miss Lillielreland, of Port
land, accompanied by D. C. Ireland ,of
Tns Chboxicie, paid a visit to the
dalles of the - Columbia, the fruit farms
of Messrs. Seufert Bros., the cannery
fish wheels, etc., etc., about all of which
they returned elated ; having been edi
fied by the many lovely scenes, which
include- the finest view of Mount Hood
and the surrounding country, in Ore
gon, as well as by the wonderful devel
opments made by Messrs. Seufert Bros.
This is one of the finest drives, in'
The Colombia whist club held one of
their enjoyable meetings last night at
the residence of of Messrs Hoste tier and
Ainsworth. Thejollowing members of
the club, were present : v Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wil
son, Mr', and Mrs. Geo. C..Blakeley,Mr.
and Mrs. F., I. Huntington, ;Mr. and
Mrs. H, Stephens,-- Mrs: Sampson," Mr.
C. J. Crandall, Dr. Logan and XV'D-.
Ainswort, (known, as "Miss" Ainsworth
during the evening). The first prize, a
plaque in water colors, was won by Mrs.
H. S. Wilson, and the booby, : a rattle,
was awarded to Mrs. W. H. Wilson.
A Farewell Party to Miss Male Atwatsr.
Miss Maie At water leaves Fridav to
attend the business college in Portland.
and last night about fifty of her friends
met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J.
L. Story for a farewell part v. A verv
enjoyable evening was spent with games.
There was a drawing match at which
prizes were given for the most original
sketches. The first and second prizes
were ..given to Mrs. Brooks, and Mrs.
Lytle. Refreshments of ice-cream "and
cake were served. . A number ef Miss
Atwater's friends presented her with a
diamond ring. . Among those - present
were Mr. and Mrs.. Story, Mr. and Mrs.
Gibbons. Mr. and Mrs. Lvtle. Mr. Anil
Mrs. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. iDavenport,
Mesdames .Barrett, Morgan,' - Brooks,
Small, Eddon : Misses Atwater. Michel! .
Enrigat, Cooper,. Schmidt. lDow,.-Hinr
ton, Patterson, Crandall, .Rowland,
Koberta, Story; Rose Micheli. ' Buth
Cooper, Etta, Story, Grace . . Micheli,,
Bessie.. Cram, Alice , Roberts, - Elinor
btory, Orace Marden, Emma Roberts;
Messrs. Curtis. Mason. Msi Vrwt iTnui
Clark, Groat, "Martin Donnell,. Charlie
Mark and many others. i - - .
Bb Ha Has Treated tht Roys to a Box
of Cigars at tke Expense "of - . .
. ' WAKic'Or., April 18.
Editor Chronicle:., .. . ; . '
-I see from the report - of the proceed
ing of the. democratic county convention,
as published in.: the Chronicle, . that I
have been, honored with the nomination
for county surveyor. .. Please allow me
space to thank the members of the con
vention for this expression of their con
fidence, respect,' etc.- I regret very much
that my present engagements are; such
as to forbid all thought of accepting the
nomination. :'; -
'I decline with the very best feeling for
every member of the convention. I am
even with - my- old friend," MrSanford
now, as I have "treated the boys" here
to a box of f60 . per thousand cigars':
charging the, same to his account.' ..Very
truly-j-ours. v.. ". : :.
.. F. S. Gordon.
Following is the balance of the ticket,
nominated yesterday at the state demo
cratic convention : .
- circuit coprt judges. ' ; '; '.
First judicial district P P Prim and H
K Hannaboth from Jacksonville. '
v Second Martin L Pipes, of Benton,
the present incamberit. . . V .
Third J J Shaw, of Marion. - -: 'i '
Fourth E D Shattuck, the present in
cumbent. - Though the county- is enti
tled to two judges but one " nomination,
the republicans having nominated the
other candidate.' ' "
Fifth No nominations. - The subject
was left to a subcommittee..
Sixth Morton D. Clifford, of Grant,
the present incumbent.
" Seventh W L Bradshaw.
"First S U Mitchell, of' Grant's Pass.
. Second George A Dorris, of. Eugene.
- Third W RBilyeu, of Albany.
Fourth Newton McCoy, of Portland.
Mr. McCoy is the nominee for prose
cuting attorney on-, the citizens'" reform
ticket..:- The - democrats' having fused
with the citizens, his indorsement was
merely a matter of form.
Fifth A A Cleveland, of Astoria. ' -Sixth
Charles F.Hyde, of Baker City.
Seventh A F Moore. : -
First V A Dunlap, of Klamath Falls.
Second L Biljeu, of Linn.
Third W C Cooley, of Lane. '
"Fourth Charles N Wait, of Portland.
Mr Wain is one of the leading young
democrats of Portland and a bright law
yer.. He is an active member of the
Young Men's Democratic League.
Fifth No nomination.
Sixth W G Hunter, of La Grande.
Seventh William Hughes. t
Coos, Curry and Josephine C . K
Chanselor, of JoBephine.
- Umatilla and Union J H Raley, of
Pendleton, the present incumbent.
Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco G"W
iuehart, of Gilliam. . :
Wasco and Sherman J A Smith, -of
Sherman. '
Crook, Klamath and Lake C A Cogs
well, of Lake.
Columbia, Tillamook and Washington
G W Fernside, of Tillamook. r.
Grant and Harney-M R Biggs, of
Harney. . '- v
Union and Wallowa D A McAllister.
of Union,
Sherman and Wasco H Emory Moore
and S.FJBlythe. , ;. :
Klamath and Lake Beanard Daly. '
Tillamook- and Yamhill G F : Will
iams.; -.
The convention decided, after a long
discussion, to nominate a candidate for
attorney -general. ,r There was much op
position to the idea, as it was held that
Attorney-General Chamberlain holds
oyer. . Mr. Chamberlain was renomina
ted by acclamation, on motion of Bilyeu,
of Linn. . -.
. In this city at 10 a. m. today today,
by Rev.-'. Father Bronsgeest, Charles
Wagner and Lulu McAtee. " .
Church Notice. "
Mai. G. W. Inealls will sueak at Three
Mile school house near' Deacon Brooks
farm on Three Mile, next Kundav Anril
?4thr at 2 o'clock p. m. ; :.-.' ';:
Pure Yellow Dent Seed Corn': extra
early, for sale at Joles Bros.: 4-20dtwl0t
A Sislunleaa Steel Boat. - .
- A seamless steel boat, which has been
patented by an English engineer, has
been launched from the yard of the
company that was formed to work the
patent at Wakefield, England. . ' . . ..
. The boat la fifteen feet-long; 4 feet
beam, weighs 825 pounds and will carry
six persons. ' It was made from a single
piece af steel, compressed into form by
powerful hydraulic machinery, .'
- The company has an extensive plant,
containing a press weighing 165 tons,
and giving a pressure equal to 800 pounds
to the square inch. ' ' ;
It is intended to build the boats for
service on large steamships and vessels
going to countries where the climate ia
hot and dry; as the- nature of; the con
struction, of these boats renders them
more seaworthy than similar craft of
wood,.' aa they will neither- shrink nor
warp. They are . fitted1 in the interior
with wood, and are therefore useful for
pleasure boats. Philadelphia Record:;-;
- A Persistent Dogf Beg-gsr.
One of the most persistent beggars In
Portland, Me., ia a collier dog which is
very fond of ' doughnuts. -' The collie, in
company with his;' mistrcasv. visited', a
bakery one day last fall;" and' perceiving
some doughnuts in- a showcase he sat
down and pleaded, by means of short,
sharp barks, for a treat. ': The clerk gen
erously fed the smart dog. but he wishes
that ' he ' hadn't, for every day 'since the
collie has ' appeared to beg for'" more
doughnnta. ' if the shop door ia closed
he .will wait outside - until ' some one
opens it, and' then dodge :in to get his
regular free lunch. Portland Letter. " ;.'i
j- ;. : .- -v.-r- ' ' '"' ''. . .'"'"-"'
Toanf Trout in Peonsylritnla. . '
" The Pennsylvania. . commiasionera of
fisheries are now prepared .to receive ap
plications for . trout fry. One can, con-,
taining 2,000 youngT trout, will ; be sent,
free of expense, to the nearest railroad
station of each applicant.' Applications
for trout fry should be made to the fol
lowing commissioners: Henry O, Ford,
1823 Vine street. Philadelphia; W. : U
Powell, Harrisbnrg: Ii. C. Deruutli, Lan
caster; B. "Still well,' Scranton; Louis
Streuber, Erie; G. a. Welshons. Pitts
burs. Philadelphia Ledzer. '
r v r'r l A: CLOUD BURST: '
'"Sav. John'whew? did von trpt. r.hnsn
well fitting stylish shoes froml" "
fWhv. I ourchased them of The
Dalles Mercantile Company."', ; ' -;" ;
" x ou don t say so i -.
"But why do you ask?".
- "Because "I- have never' seen snob
shoes since I left Boston. What brand
did you say they were 7 ' . " v
"Why Walter H. Tehney & Co., of
course. . . . ..-"-' ;
now: I thmnrVit. so. T nm
right elad I met vou. for I shall hnv a
pair for myself, and take my family a-
tong too, ior my children have always
worn them. And dn
last a whole year." . ' ;.'; ...
' Yes. and VOU ran mi. t.liAm in nil
widths, and - prices, , in men's, ladies,
misses, child's, infants lvws arifj ironrria
And do you know, they are sold under
a guarantee?" - -
"JNo. Why do they do so "
. "Because thev have a world wirln
reputation., and can be relied upon."
The Walter H. Tmnev Srirm ia
only by The Dalles Mercantile Compa
ny, wno are sole agents tor The Dalles.
This lime in mnnvifdffniol Tlio
Oregon Marble and Lime Company, near
Huntington, Oregon, and has earned-the
ranntntiAH n C vnt . 1 x . 1 ,
.i.Iiuiuuuu ui uciug tua uirungesi; lime in
the market, and consequently, in addi
tion to makincr thn ruvat. wnrlr iiitm
eOUal orice. thfl phparvigt tn llu nuii
The following analysis by W. G. Jenne!
tuBiuiBt, ironiana, -vregon, is worthy ol
consideration :
Carbonate of time. - 98.56 - Magnesia. .... .015
Peroxide of Iron Jo7 Phosphates.Traoe .
Alumina .03 Sulphates. . Trace 99.99
Me. r. F. Osborn, Dealer in Building
Agent Oregon Lime, Portland, Or.
nrr 4-rk vntiv i n - t- ? hit
concerning the "Oregon" Lime, would
say, that we have used this lime, that it
has friven Rftt i sfnrHnn anrl ara nnnna.
it a first class-class lime in every respect.
i ours truly, ;
Mathew A. Rowe, Contractor, "Oregonlan''
. O -wuu.av-x, . ' till 1.1 1.1 14 vicwct).
Bassford fe Haupt, Contractors Portland library
Anderson & Bingham, - Contractors Enell,
Heitshn de Woodard Building. ' - . -
Burke S O'Connor, General Contractors. v .
C. Gordon Ellison, Brick Contractor.
Arthur Johnson dc Brother, Contractors, Cham
ber of Commerce. .
Geo. Bamlord, General Stone Contractor.
D41..J Ti .1 . . . '11.
x Ul VUU1U JMlUge Ot JUllUlDf UO. - - ' .
Thimiaa hfnnn Hn i 1 .1 u- '
James McKendrick, Contracting Plasterer
Hn?wniilin" nnMfnn
John Egan, Supt. The Wright Fire Proofing Co.
- n n : -' ti ....... i
G. C. Kissell, Plastering Contractor. . -
fiuwimi Aametaer, uenerai Bione ijonxractor.
W. Jacobson, Contractor, Portland University.
Kocher Si Freeman, Contractors, Dekum Build-'..-
ing. -
The Oregon Lime for " The Dalles
market is carried in stock hv Wm. Rnr.lnr
& Co., Lumber Dealers. - 4-11-dlm
A pamphlet containing the new Aus
tralian .ballot law adopted by this state
is for sale at the Cheoniclb office at ten
cents a copy. .
A girl to do general house work, apply
to airs, uugn rraser. ' : :
Campbell Bros. Prop rs
(SBCCKSors toW. S. Cram.) -:f"
Manufacturers of the finest French and
" " Home Made
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Ifuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wnolesala
or iteuu - . - :.. ..,..
v IaBrmr Style. , ' .
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
Boots; Shoe. BaUt JEte.
Fancfl IJoM?, JJotion?,
Etc.,' Kte., Kte.
134 Second St., next to Dalles National
; Bank;-Dalles City, Oregon; " :
v 104- Second Street, : -ICE
Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand,
we are now prepared' to' receive orders,
wholesale " or -.retail, ; to be "- delivered
through the etnnmer; 1 Parties contract
ing with us will be carried through the
entire . season : without -aivanck in
price,' and. may depend .that, we have
noimng out -J- .-----.---.-,..
Cut from mountain water; no slough or
slush ponds. , -
Leave orders at the Columbia Candy
Factory, 04 Second -: street, . or , Ice
Wagon. " " -'''- .
- w. . ukam, Manager
'- 1 "WITH'.
Best Values and Finest Stock in the City. "
Our. Stock has been most carefully selected for Comfort and
TV "1 1 A I Ml 1 -a . . , -
. wuraomiy ana win De soia at tne lowest possible
- 'prices. Leather and findings for sale.
Repairing Neatly and Expeditiously Done. ;
" The Corrugated BnUdlng-next
Hanflsomely Furnishea Rooms to Rent the Day, Weet or Month. "
Meals Prepared by a First Class English Coot
V ' Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men.
ivrts. H. Ff?flSEn, Pvopv.
E. Jacobsen & Co.'s.
Largest Line of . Baby Carriages, Books, Stationery
- - and Musical Instruments. . ..
162 Second Street,
And the Most Complete and the
Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None bat-the best brands of the
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masnry's Paints need in all oar work, and none bat
the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All
orders promptly attended to. .--'-;
Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts., . The Dalles, Oregon
Finest Wines and Liquors.
171 Second Street,
Frerichs' Block, : s .' ,. The Dalles, Oregoa
wm: BUTLER s,
Lumber, Lime; Plaster, Hair and Cement.
A liberal discount to the trade ' in all ; lines handled by us. :-;
JEFFERSON STREET," between Second
Door to Court House.
Latest Patterns and Designs in
A 1 MR.
1 1
and Railroad. THE DALLES, OR.