The Dalies Daily Chronicle. Entered a the Poatoffiee at The Dalles, Oregon, aa second-class matter... . , . ... . Local Advertising;. 10 Cents per Hue tor first insertion, and 6 Cents per Une (or each subsequent insertion. - . Special rates lor long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appekr the following day. TIME TABLES. The Dalles, Portland & Astoria flav. Co. SOTTKUTTT iTi. The boats of The Dalles, Portland fc Astoria Navigation Co. will commence running on Mon day, April 4th, and until further notice under the following schedule. Steamer "DALLES CITY" leaves Wharf foot of Yamhill St., POKTLASD, daily - (except Sunday), at 6 A. M : - , ... Connecting with str. Regulator at the cascades, Arrives at The Dalles, 6 p. m. Steamer "BEGULATOB" leaveB Wharf foot of Union St., THE DALLES, daily (except Sunday), at 6 A.M.: Connecting with str. Dalles City at the cascades, Arrives at Portland, 9 p. m. - . B. F. IACGHLIK, General Manager. Railroads. AST BOUND. No. 2, Arrives 12:01 A. M. Departs 12:06 A. at. " 8, " 12:30 P.M. ' 12:50 P.M. WIST BOUND. V No. 1, Arrives 4:25 A. M. Departs 4:30 A. M. 7, 6:00 P. M. " 6:20 P. M. Two locat freights that carry passengers leave one for the west at 7:00 A. M., and one for the east at:lu A. M. . . STAGES. For Prinevllle, via. -Bake Oven, 4eave daily at 6 A. M. For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave dally at 6 A. M. -For Duf ur. Kinsrslev. Wamic, Wapinitia, Warm Bprings and Tygh Valley, leave daily (except Sunday) at 6 A. M. For Goldendale. Wash., leave every day of the wees: except Sunday at 8 A. m. Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. . - Post-Ofllce. OPPICB ROUBS General Dellvrey Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Money Order " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday ii D ''..' 9 a. m. to 10a. m. CLOSING OP MAILS By trains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m. " " West 9 p.m. and 4:45 p.m. Stage for Goldendale 7:S0 a. m. " "Prinevllle 5:30 a.m. h m "Dufurand Warm Springs ..5:80 a. m. fLeavlug for Lyle&Uartland.. 5:90a.m. " " " " tAntclope ..6:30 a.m. Except Sunday. Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. " Monday Wednesday and Friday. WEDNFSDAY APRIL 6, 1892 C. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WEATHER BUREAU. Thb Dalles, Or., April 6, 1892. Pacific Rela- D.t'r ta 2? State Coast bab. 3 tive of E. o of Time. r Hum Wind P 5 Weather S A. M. 30.16 45 67 West .01 Cloudy 8 P. M. 30.12 54 50 -" .00 Clear Maximum temperature, 64; minimum tern- erature, 42. Height of River, 8 p. m 7.2 feet; Change in past 24 hours 0. 6 feet. Total precipitation! rom July 1st to date, 10.01 ; average precipitation from July 1st to date, 12.79; total deficiency from July 1st, 1891, to date, 2.69; Inches.. . . ( . .. . . . . WEATHER PROBABILITIES. : . San Francisco, Apr. 6,1892. FAIR Weather forecast till 8 p. m. I Thursday; Fair "weather, stationary temperature. Kebkham. LOCAL BREVITIES. If you want the news, " You want The Chbokicle. If you are not a subscriber, please read this and hand in your name. Is the Town Talk dead? We don't see. - it any more in The Dalles. Amos Soot of Mosier, one of the most successful fruit raisers in the county, was in town today. A meeting of the directors of The Dalles Fruit Grower's Shipping company will be held at - the. old "Court house, at 2 p. m., next Saturday.' According to the requirement of the new law regulating salmon fishing in this state, Cleric Crossen made out to day ten licenses to fishermen who ex pect to engage in the business ia this county. - The following delegates and members of "the third house" went down on the Regulator yesterday to attend the re publican Btate ' convention t ? Horace Rice, B.'S. Kelsay, A. G; Johnson, G. J. Farley, BJF,:Laughlin' and: Robert Mays.' i : . vO; -. v.-. . In Astoria the pupils ef the public ficbools are furnishing the press with tome very meritorious compositions. , . , . . . . vine oy nine miss Anna - tjratka, on "What Astoria could be;" is worthy -of place in pamphlet; for general distri bution. V " ' j- 3 Miss Anna Peters & Co., who have opened a new millinery establishment In the store lately -occupied, by. J. C Baldwin at 112 Second street, extend an invitation to the ladies of this city to call and examine their exhibition of novelties in trimmed hats and bonnets which will be ready for Inspection all day next Friday. Tom Joles has the distinguished honor i uemg ine nrst oi tne sea sob to- re-, nember the gastronomic wants of the Chronicle office. He laid on our table this morning a bunch of fine radishes rhich were grown in the Joles garden. J. hey are just of the right size for the table and they look aa tender and eav- ory as a maiden's kiss. - Monday evening next, at the court house, a rich musical feast is in store for The Dalles people. The Fisk Jubilee lingers always delight their audiences, wherever theygo; and here, besides the features of the concert, patrons are con ferring a benefit on one of our own societies, the Congregational church. See advertisement. - ' Mrs. Frank Menefee left yesterday on a week's visit to friends in Dufur,-: John Roth, one of .Kingsley's solid men, was in town during' tne past two days." " y : ':- . : -' N - A. K. Russel and Phil Brogan sen. of Antelope, and G. L. Moon of Bake Oven, are at the Umatilla houge. Service of Confirmation will be held next Sunday at 10 :30 a. m. at the Evan gelical Lutheran church on Kineth street. A cordial, welcome - to every German. A. Horn, pastor. . C. P. Heald, of Hood River, member of the state board of horticulture.- is visiting the orchards in this neighbor hood to learn how much they are effected by the San Jose scale and other pests. : Carpenters are at work today enlarg ing the dining room ot the European house to about double the size of its present dimensions. : We are pleased to note this evidence of the deserved popu larity of a very worthy hostess. ; : W. Hunt, the photographer, has pre sented this office with a handsome pic ture of the steamer Regulator. The picture now decorates the Chronicle show window and copies of the same may be had from Mr. Hunt at a reason able price. ' Prineville News. Mutton buyers who nave visited Vrooa county .this spring have paid all the way from $2.05 to $3 per head for sheep. -Our local growers are not losing any money this year, and if present prices continue some of them some of these days ought to grow rich. The profit derived from the wool and lamb crops is not figured in the above statement. ; .; Klamath Star. Robert Veatcb, the man who stood up in the last legislature and used such remarkably ' poor logic and worse grammar in condemnation of a world's iStt appropriation for Oregon, will be the democratic nominee for con gress from the first district It is said that Mr. Veatch never buys any bed clothes. He wraps the drapery of his moss around him and lies down to pleas ant dreams. J' The absence from home this week of the editor of the Pasco Headlight gave the office devil, who was left in charge, a lon'g-lboked-for opportunity which he improved as follows: "The improved appearance ot the Headlight this week is attributed to the fact that Col. Edwards is on a junketing trip to Spokane and other towns, and his satanic majesty is doing the ink-slinging. Exchanges please note the fact, and also mention that the politics of the paper, will be changed to suit the purse which yields with the greatest generosity.', Correspondents will confer a favor, when writing to The Chronicle, if they write upon one side of a sheet only. Uncle Sam is now so liberal in the mat ter of postage that a sheet or two more of paper makes no difference in the cost of carrying a letter. Besides : it sometimes so happens, in a well regulated newspa per office, where copy has to be given out to several compositors at once, that manuscripts which might otherwise reach the public through the press, go into the waste-basket, for no other rea son than that they were written on both sides oi paper which cannot be split Such is the situation in The Chronicle office. Ko Dispatches Vet. - Up to the time of going to press, 4 :15 p. m., this office received no word from the Republican State Convention, now in session at Portland. Conntjr Court Proceeding's. -At the adjourned meeting of the county court held on Monday and Tuesday, J udge Thornbury and 'Commissioners Leavens and Kincaid being present, the following business was transacted. In the matter of road district No. 53 it was ordered that the sum of $40 be appropriated to this district in addition to the amount due from the 2 mill tax, which amounts to a total of $52. The time for payment of taxes for 1891 was ordered extended to April 25, 1892. In the matter of the petition of William Hernlman- for ' a license to sell epif itu ouBf malt and vinous liquors at retail in Hood River precinct ; It appearing that the petitioner has not a number of legal voters equal to a majority of the legal votes cast at Hood River precinct at the last general election, exclusive of those who signed the petition and remonetrace, the prayMof the petition-: was therefore rejected. fi " " ' ' v In the matter of the bill of D. L. Cates, sheriff, his commission on $33,' 513.61, taxes collected, amounting to $433.51, was alio wed. - The sum Of $750 was ordered to .be paid to Dr. W. E. Rinebart for money advanced by him, to aid a non-resident pauper to reach friends. " An exhibit of the present financial condition Of WaBou county: was ordered to be printed once in each weekly paper published in the county! - u- Yellow Flowers Bring 111 Lack. ' . -Actors have a queer superstition about yellow flowers, and .will not wear them. While at Dr.-Todd's .booth at ' the lair grounds Miss Marie Greenwood saw some yellow flowers, and af ter admiring them asked for them. : Mr. Guibertson, her leading man, was present and begged her not to take them,-saying they would surely bring her ill luck. A laugh was indulged in at his expense and she took the yellow flowers. In an hour the opera house was in ashes,' and Miss Green- Wood's ill luck had cost her $7,500. " The flowers got in their work. Owensboro (Ky.) Register. ; ' : ... Wapinitia- Items. - ' ' Wapinitia, Apric 4th, 1882. - Editor Chronicle:" - . '. -, As the Wapinitia correspondence has gone up Salt creek, we will give you a few items from all around. - r: . Perry Dean is quite sick. Dr. Whit comb of Dufur, has been attending him. Mrs. C. G. Abbott who has been sick all winter, is recovering. " Mr. "McD Lewis has returned from Portland. Mrs. "McD Lewis and sons are visiting Mrs. Lewis' .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward of Kingsley. : Mr. Frazier- of John Day, made the grove a flying visit. He reports plenty of snow at that place. . Mrs. C. W. Magill has returned, after a few days visit with her daughter who is attending school at The Dalles. Johnnie West is getting up a petition for a new road to the store. Good for Johnnie. " ." -; Sunday school at Wapinitia was reor ganized last Sunday with Mr. Batty, superintendent. -Let one and all turn out and help to make it a grand success. : March went creeping out with a little rain and snow, but the farmers are all happy just the same.The peach trees are in full bloom in spite of the crickets. Henry thinks it is a long time to wait, but' have patience Henry, this is Leap year. Mr. J. C. Abbott's house at Oak Grove, caught fire Sunday afternoon but was discovered just in time to save it bv the prompt aid of a water pail.-r Messrs. Davis and Weberg have gone to The Dalles with a band of beef cattle for the Portland market - Topsy. Woodinen of thai World. Mt. Hood Camp No. 59, Woodmen of the World, held an interesting meeting last night.- Three new - members were initiated into the mysteries of Woodcraft and received work in the first, second and third degrees: During the first year of its organization Mt. Hood camp had many discouragements to retard its prog ress, and in the fire of September 2, 1891 lost all the records and most of the prop erty belonging to it. But by the energy and faithfulness of a few good members it nas overcome au dimiculties and is now in a healthy, prosperous condition and rapidly increasing its membership county treasurer Kuch announces that all county warrants registered prior to November 14th, 1888, will be paid on presentation at his office. BOK. On Five Mile, April 4th 1892, to the wife of Mr. Perry Matlock, a ten-pound boy.- " ' - "' ' : People are carrvinz away zoods at their own prices, from the store of N Harris. Miss Anna Peters & Co.. extend a cor dial invitation to all, to call and exam ine their novelties in trimmed hats and bonnets Friday, April 8th. . 4-62t Not being able on account of dull times and scarcity ot money to close out my slock as was intended, at any price. have concluded to add to it a fine stock of furnishing goods, purchased in San rancisco at tne present very low prices and wait for the boom, which will surely come, and shall continue - to offer mv i i r r i . - stock oi iurniening goous, mens shoes, hats, trunk, etc., at prices lower than ever. J. C. Baldwin. Wanted.- . A girl to work in the country, must be a good cook. Good wages;. Apply at this omce. 16-3-tf, Notice. All Dalles Citv warrants registered prior to September 1, 1890 will be paid if presented at my omce. . interest ceases from and after this date. Dated February 8th, 1892. -ii'-" ' O. KlNERSLY, ' tf. Treas. Dalles City. A traveling man who chanced to he in the store of E. V. Wood, at McKees Rocks, Pa., says while he - was waiting to see Mr. Wood, a little jrirl came in with an empty bottle labeled Chamber lain's Pain Balm and said r ' "Mamma wants another bottle of that medicine ; she . says it is the best medicine for rheumatism she ever used." 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton druggists. . - ' - - d&w Best Tonic. Bvrne. Floyd & Co.. the leadinar whole. sale and retail druggists of The. Dalles, have todav -received their - second laree invoice of Beet Tonie. Best Tonic takmi with all who-'-have -tried it. 'It cures dyspepsia,-strengthens the system, re stores sound anct-reureehing ' sleep,- and as a beverage at meal time promotes digestions -a-zv-dtf." . -, ; - NOTICE. : , .: K. Ii.. irench has for Bale a number of improved ranches-- aed - unimproved lanas iD iae rass -vaiiey-neighborhood in Sherman county. They wrn be -sold very - cneap ana -on reasonable terms, af TH a . i a i it aixr c renen caa ioeaie- settlers o- some good unsettled -claims La the same neigh- uuruuuu. xiia buutbbb- is- vjrass valley, Diicruisfl vuaii&Tt ungODj - Mr: J. P. BTaize, an" extensive real estate dealer :in Ues Moines, Iowa, -narrowly -escaped. -one of the-severest at tacts et pneumonia-while in the north ens -part -ot that state during" a recent Diiazara-, says the tsaturaay Review. Mr, Blaize-had-occasion-to . drive several miles during the storm and was so-thoroughly chilled -that he was unable to get warm, and inside of an hour after his re turn he was threatened with severe case of pneumonia- or runir fever. Mr. Blaize sent to the nearest drag store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which he had often heard, and took a number of large doses. ' He says the effect was - wonderful and that in a short time he was breathing quite easily." He kept on taking the medicine and the next day was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Blaize regards his cure as simply wonderful. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. , , d&w ... , A CLOUD BURST. "Say, John, where did vou eet those well fitting stylish.shoea from'?"- "Vhy, 1, purchased them of The Dalles Mercantile Company.1'". - " x ou don't say so i -"But why do you askl" ; " ' "Because I have never seen such hoes since I left Boston. What brand did you say they were?" ' 1 "Why Walter H. Tenney fe Co., of course. . . .. "WelL now; I thoueht so. I am right glad I met you, for I shall buy a pair for myself, and take my family a long too, for my children liave always worn them. And do you know they last a whole year." . ! "Yes, and you can eet them in all widths, and prices, in men's, ladies, misses, child's, infants, boys and youths. And do you know, they are sold Under a guarantee V ; "No. Why do .they rto so?" ;.V "Because they have a' world wide reputation, and can be relied upon. 7 waiter tl. lennev Shoe is sold only, by The Dalles Mercantile Compa ny, who are sole agents for The Dalles. First-class iob -work hnn rut hnri at. fho Chronicle job office on short notice and at reasonable prices. . : r j A pamphlet containing the new Ann. tralian ballot law adopted by this state is for sale at the Chronicle office at ten cents a copy. f - - ' bomethme new Pabsta Bohemian Milwaukee Beer onlv one bit a hor.r.ln. Hot clam broth after 5 p.m. at J. O. Mack's. Call and trv them. 2-23tf a lie uest sprine medicine is a done or two of St. Patrick's Pills. Thev not only physic but cleanse the whole svs tern and purify the blood. For sale by iKeiey oc nougnton, aruggists. d&w iuiss viara ts. rstorv wi i inn.niit a. limited number of pupils in oil paint ing, water colors, crayon, charcoal and pasteiie wortc and China painting fetudio, room 3. over Mclnernv's drv guuua mure. z-3-tt j -i. . . . Wanted. " A cirl to do creneral housework- rfinBt. do a gooa cook and thoroughly under stand her business. Good was-es. to this office. - 4 " NOTICE. Parties holding claims aeainst W. S Cram are notified topresent them to him at once, at tne Columbia tJandy Jjactory, and all those indebted - are requested to settle at the same place, as I have sold out my business and want to close up my- accounts. - :. itespectiuuy , 4-6dw4w . V. S. Cbak. COCKTI IBBASCBXB'S KOTICK. All ' County Warrants registered Drior to November 14th, 1888, will be naid if resented at mv omce.- interest ceases rom and after this date. ' - 1 - Geo. Ruch, Treasurer ' Wasco County, Or, The Dalles, April 6, 1892 4-8 v?4t City Board of Eqoallzmtlon. Notice is hereby given that the citv board of equalization will meet at the Recorder s omce, on Monday the 25th day of April, 1892, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continue in session until 4 o'clock t. m. of-said day. All persons desiring any change in their assessment, aa returned by the city assessor for the year 1892, are required to appear before said board on said day. ny oraer ot me common uouncu. FRANK MENEFEE. Recorder of Dallea CHtv. Dated this 5th day of April, 1892. 4-6dl4t COLUMBIA CANDYrFAGTORY Campbell Bros. Prop rs (Successors to . S. Cram.) Manafacturers of the finest French and Borne Made . 0 -A. IISJ" JD X IB S 1 East of Portland. -DE ALES 8 FN- Tropical Fruits, Nats, Cigars and Tobacco. -' Can furnlah any of these goods at Wholesale or ueiau 4-- s ;r -'ii Kvery Style.'; - - ';' : ice Cteam and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. CP. STEPHENS, DEALER IPt (Clothing Boots', Shoes, Bats, Kte. . FanciJ Qobd, fJoSon Etc., Etc., -Ete. 134 Second St., next to Dalles National 7 Bank, Dalles City, Oregon. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was trick, ire gave her Castoria, - When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, - When she had Children, she gm them Castoria Dry Goods BOOT AJSlD 114 SECOND STREET. Our Stock has been most carefully selected for Comfort and durability and will be sold at the lowest possible . prices. Leather and findings fdr sale. ' Repairing Neatly and THE EUROPEAN" HOUSE. - -- ; The Corrugated Bnildlng HaMsomely FurnisM Rooms to Meals Prepared; by: a mmsaiiaiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiViiiiiiiiiHi TRANSIENT PATEONAGE SOLICITED. . Good Sample Rooms for- Commercial Men. H- FtASEf, Pfopp. NG -ARRIVING E. Jacobsen & Go.'s. Largest Line of Baby Carriages, Books, Stationery . and Musical 162 Second Street, PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS And the Most Complete and the sCs7'Practical Painters and PaDer Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masnry's Paints nsed in all our work, and none bnt the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. - No chemical combination or soao mixture. A first class article in all cnlnrs. All orders promptly attended to. . Store and Faint Shop corner Third and J. O. WHOLESALE Finest Wines Liquor 171 Second Street, Frenchs' Block, WM. BUTLER & CO., ; DEALERS IN .' Building Material, Rough and Dressed; Lumber, Lime. Plaster. Hair and Cement. ; A. liberal discount ja, the trade in all lines handled by us. JEFFERSON STREET., hetween Second Washington SITUATED AT THE Destined to be the Best Man ufactu ring Center I n" ' the Inland Empire. For Further Information Call at the Office of - Interstate Investment Go., O. D. TAYLOR, Tie Mes, Or. - 72 Waslinton, St., Portland Or. shoe STO?E ! Expeditiously Done . next Door to Court House. . '"' ' Rent liy tie Day. Veei or Monti. First Class English CooL STOCK DAILY AT- Instruments. THE DALLES, OREGON. AND GLASS, latest Patterns and Designs in Hancrera. None hnt fh hwt. hranrU nf tv,ft , Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregoa MACK, AND RETAIL and Liquors. The Dalles, Oregon. and RaUroad, THE DALLES, OR Washington' HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Best Selling Property of . the Season in the Northwest. Dealer Dalles