. v.- C?3 v. V The Dalles Daily Chroniele. 'Entered m the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as aeooad-clasa matter. rertiataff. S 3 P .5. 10 Cents per line (or first insertion, and 5 Cents per line lor each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. - TIMJS TABLES. The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Nav. Co. The 4mts at ttitt. Dfjltos, l-ortland fc Aftoria Navigation Cojwill -coHjratufce running on: Son-: day, Aprfl 4lfa, wid tmtii iuftber nouce. ntwlor the iolfptrtug KChafcUeH ff v$4 tgfjj Stealer DALLESj CITY" leaTei; I: Wharf foot of amliU:tFOJRTI.ANIi daily (except 8nnday), at A, 11?-- -. . Connecting with str. Regulator at the cascades, Arrives at The Dalles, 6 p. m. Steamer "EEGULATOB" leaves Wharf foot of .Union St., TUB DALLES, daily -. (except Sunday), at 6 A.M.; r-j Connecting with str Dalle t'jty jatftbt t&sdgdes. Arrives at Fortlund, 9?pj to. J j . ft t B. F. IACGHlis, General Manager. Railroads. BAST BOUND. No. 2, Arrives 12:01 a. M. Departs 12:06 A. M. " 8, " 12:80F. K. - " 12:50 P.M. WB8T BOUND. No. 1, Arrives 4:25 A. M. . Departs 4:30 A. K. "7, " 6:00 p. M. " . 6:20 p. M. Two locat freights that carry passengers leave ne for the west at 7:00 A. K., and one for the aat at 9:13 A. K. STAGES. Tor PrlnevUle, via. Bake Oven, leave dally For- Anfelope? -titcSett, tlarlyon Cityteav.e lily at 6 A. M. . daily at 6 A. M. r VI VUIur. Aiiignici , "wuii, . . t.u. , . ...... Spring pad- ffyg), valley, leave-daily .(except Sunday) at 6 a. m. ' - - - -'J ' lie. leave every day of the A. M. week except Sunday t 8 A. Offices for all ttsttbe Umattlla House. -: P --- - ra - --nu - pit-onh 5k rHrPICB fHOBBS .... General bell vrey Window-: . . .-. .-: 8 a.' m.' to i p. m.; Money Order " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday i D " 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. By trains going East 1p.m. and 11:45 a. m. " " West 9 p.m. and 4:45 p. m. 8tage ior Goldendaler. ,.. . . . ., -?:80 a,.m. i -"Prinertlle.un.CiS'vI. . . -5:0 m.' Dufurand Warm Springs ..5:80 a. m. " t Leaving for Ly le & Hartland . .5:80 a. m. ' " ,t". JAjtelope...j:t5;3qa.jn, " Trt-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. " Monday Wednesday and Friday. TUESDAY APRIL 5, 1892 U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRrCULTTKE, WEATHER BUREAU. Thb Daixbs, OrvApril 5,1892.- Paciflo HRela- D.t'r to S State Coast BAB. a tive of E. o of Time. - Hum Wind p Weather IA.H. 30.00 47 79 B W .00 - Cloudy 8 P.M. 29.99 49 83 " .05 1 Lt Rain Maxlmam temperature, 53 ; minimum tem- eraiure, z. Height of River. 8 jp. m.. -7.2 feet; Change m past 24 hours. - o. 3 leet. - Total preci pi tationfrom July 1st to date, 10.09; average oreeinitation from Julvlirt todte.42.7ti; total-delieiency from iuly-lstf 1691, -tdaiei 2.69-, Inches. WEATHER rKOB4Bn.TIES.. San Francisco, Apr. 5, 1892. Weather'! forecast .tlflKiS p.'lvt Monday; Fair weather, station ary temperature, rain vet.of utucaaee no.o e. jzo uii) .eekham LOCAL BB.KVT.TIKS. If you want the news, You want Thb Chbonicle If you are not a subscriber, please read this and hand in your name. Dr. Wells Whitcomb of Dufur, is at ' 'the Umatilla house. ' Mrand Mrs. O; J; Van 'Dnynof Tygh "Valley, are at the European house. Chas. Stubling returned this morning irom a trip to St. Paul and Milwaukee, A. P. Bradbur l-epleslntJtigtnel Orr egon Cracker fjti'pan j, f rlM registered at the European hotise."! A. C. Connelly, of Troutdale, formerly school superintendent of this county, is "visiting friends here. Win. and Erank Beezley, sons of Joe eph Beezley of this city, are in 'town Visiting their father. Henry Lorenzen is about to take down a pilevej JtoCrate's pginticwdrive ile8klfthaliill-': I. fcit2ieI;Btdow$i3 Reg- nlatorife lifegto vitsher. JJartm, at Hood lver, wholseported eerionalv ilT - - . eeriously ill, The King's Daughters,' will meet with the Good Intent Society tomorrow after noon at Mrs. Smith French's ta-do sew ing for the JftoI6fifg g - J . Captain Stonb, expect to launch h new fish wheel tomorrow or next day, -and take it down to Crate's point, so as . to be ready to commence fishing if pos sible by the 10th. BOllDLJi Miss Coates, late operator for the w. 1 U. Telegraph Co., at The Dalles, has been transferred to Los Angeles, and the place filled by Mr -of Vancouver, Wash. A. WagnerTTateT Snipes & iSfffffljiW; - . : m m. . n r a c b, e a ii : n invoice loi fctABUUI tzennine Itey West cigars, which they offer at five ents each. This is believed to be the best.5-cent cisar evr tiil thiacitv. a very pleasant little surprise party occurred at the Joles massion last night, . when a few friends of the family took possession of the house and made them- selves thoroughly at; byae till mMnigh? . .The occasion waa, CPjlth ve$sjiiry of the birth of Mr. Isaac Joles, -The board of directors of The Dalles, PorUa.ndiAetoriY-Kavigation com pany, t HHeV feetfnVbeld yesterday, In this city, elected as their President, Hon. Robert Mays ; for vice-President, D. M. French ; for Secretary, Samuel L. Brooks, and Treasurer, G. V. Bolton The messenger boy of the Western Union 1 Telegraph company, came oat this morning with a new brass badge on 8 cap k, i : 'A I "WiltRandj jof btood Eivr passed throtigh 4,h city today n hfs way to La Grande, . to which he was summoned this morning by a telegram from Mrs. Band, who is visiting there, Informing him. that their infant" child is danger ously ill at that place. . . J. E. Kelly, alias Mason was today examined by Dr. Sheckelford and com- jnltJ,edf.;;towr:he53tate'?T insane asylum. KellyjWho i3sa brickgmason by trade, QS04 H ilverii. Rsoiknni TT has rxwn i n Th Dalies 'for" abijut iihree weeks, and durang the jpBt two has been on a con- tjnnoiis drnhlf; It is inore than likely that his mental aberation was caused by whiskey. He thinks some one is after him seeking to take his life. " io vinnitomfT fir iJ WwnrttttfOf.-Mptt' 1892. Editor Chronicle: I find in the Hood River Glacier of the 2d inst. the following r -. One of Captain Coe's work horses was foand..dead. ialbelower edge of the lit tle aifaila neld in ldlewilde tms week. The horse was down in such a manner that he could not have gotten up, and if it were not for the fact that there has been an evident . attempt to destroy the identity of the animal, his death might be laid to natural causes. .Besides hav ing his -side cut open coal il-r bad,- leen poureu on tne aeaa animai ana eet nre to, burning the mane and tail off and Singeing the hair-on the body ,-rlt looks very' much as though the' animal' had purposely been killed, for besides the purpoBeiy uen Kiuea, lor oesmea me 1 J F Staniels, street com f.&M d0Pshv-mis8ionetai.J,v. sible that it could ' have eot in the 'dobi tion it did. 'From the evidences of the struggle tinade; by thej anim al it is prob-. ame tnat tne Durmng was aone wniie it was yet alive. It does not seem possi ble, that ny human-being: -could so tor ture a dumb' brute. ' but the evidence compels us to believe it was done. I its have lOBtiihirteenaiibrses. , -Since -J have been in Hood River, "from natural causes." fl hae not pbeard. of toVf other person, imat is ciobst neignoor;, wno ever lost one "from natural causes." iB&tf&tytheSfpaiSi. -"-In drdCTtosavi) the reputation if the good citizens of Hood RiyevLwiH; jBtateithat-i sawT a horse lying dead near the Alfalfa patch in IdliwlldeA about sixty. Tods from my cottageVnow occupied by J.' CvMarkley;- Wbose horse it was I know not,' but supposed he had died with the blind staggers, as one ot my horses bad died a few days before. . . Jle.lay between rocks and oak grubs, and had strcgjled and kicked till he made large holes in the, ground, as all horses dying .with the blind staggers-will do. When I saw the horse he seemed to bavej&eenfdad- aweefc immwt& he was terribly bloated and begun to smell. At that time there, was no mutilation to If some Hood River hoodlum did this for funcffpjrpure. dgvjlmeBtijthftiijtii zens of Hood ' River ought not to be fbrgedwithbiiming ahorse alive r LiiiuK. we uave iiu people uere igw enougn down for that. The probability with me 1s,Lif U'li f rifjaiahe fS'SntatP lated" and "singed," it' was done by some "half-breed hoodlum" jofderTHto, give tne u Lacier man a sensational item. .The Glacier man has evidently been again imposed upon, and he will con tinue to be, as long as he runs with the crowd hejj W JtwreM If he will tell us who took him to the horse, I will show you the man who I believe "mutilated" and "singed" the horse for the benefit of the Glacier. r sagas -l- m.s,si. u 4 . oldendaleKfi rectiou. The election held in Goldendale yes terday was almost a clear victory for the anti-saloon men, who elected a mayor and five of the six council men. One hundredrsd! forty-three ballots . were cas't. of which, A. Bonebrake, candidate for mayor, received 79 votes, to. 64 for John W. Snover. The new conncilme'n are Alm.on.Bake at5 A ir-' "1 Ir. 'U C; ;rr.2ilifia 5fiilrrt'Peimsylvanii T' trflj asaw William iliY?n'kenni;wfo--wa8 ;bornf m Enllan but S2; t l . tr. jx.Doveri lUiimfT I r - h: ntmi snover '4laM SE. JLl3M?t,en 4uH n. 'Bergtri, (license) was elected to the marshalship 80, r; .-i iv -o c-- by a vote of 78 to 56 given for his oppon ent, C. O. Barnes. ard. from Jona K. MeCorxxiic 'dikr CWOnVte. I I never learned until this morning that I had been accused of the infamyof help ing, by my vote, to send G. W. Johnson asartlelaa'afa inihaiiNnnhlii.oi, atofs UmtendoS SlSJiJonlv to sav that T am ready, at any moment,' to make affi davit that I did not vote for Johnson, tu" cast my ballot for W: j. vampoen. xnia seems all that is ,iecemiPe,tflay. tofwwkrd it in good faith, believing it to be true. Tl !l t 1 t A .S." troe would deserve to TTOarall ar all the blame the voters nf tria coi county naturally cast upon a man- who was not true tolhe,iritere8ts of the peo pleOJnesqfuoiMiQi: ScvsnUea Knot Steamer. y San Fancco, S-Cslfe!! April 4. a,bej. M. S. ateturned from her trial trip last night. "A record of seventeen, knots was madexm the tri al, which places her in the rennisit Sri class for Unitedlernyprjiceg Wanted - A girj to do general housework, must be a good cook and thoroughly under stand her business. Good wages. Apply to this office. - x . 4-5t Council Meeting. - - ; The regular monthly meeting of the" common ' -council was held last night. All the members -were -present except Judge Thorn bury. A petition calling for hose and hose- carts on the bluff and in the East End was referred to the committee on fire and water,' with authority to act. t- A communication from the water com mission advising the sale of certain city lots, the property of the water commis sion, was referred to the committee on public property. The taxes of Mrs. Margaret Farley were remitted. The committee on streets and public property was Ordered to take charge of the construction of the sewer through the school grounds and to oversee the work. - - . ' ' The matter-of 'Mrs.-Mary E. Walker's assessment , was referred , back to the judiciary committee.,.-, - , , The monthly reports of the recorder, marshal, street commissioner and treas urer were, read and placed on file. " , I An ordinance fixing the time for the sitting oTTKeT city board of equalization was passed unanimously. The ItreetAmNtissioner was ordered to have the old'ffre5 plugs repaired, where needed and placed in suitable positions. The mayor was . authorized to confer with Civil Engineer W. J. Roberts re gardjnya descrepancjf in- the--survey of streets and grades. " The following bills were -allowed " fFrank Menefee, recorder . . : $ 94 10 K V Uibons, marshal. . . . . . . . - 99 -00 - missionerui.ii-.-. .- xz-. s . : O Kinersly, treasurer : - -81 00 : 50 oo Geo J Browjor engineer. .s . 80 00 Geo C Mufeger; Iffra warde&Vr 12' -00 UHBOJfiew-'upHJo;rd-' vertismz. fB'fv:; iiv.. 10 00 1 15 .7 32 66 ; 1300. 3 00 2 50 :. .5 54 -U05 : 8 20 ,-13 00 - 75 00 . 62 00 J-'C Meins, sawing wood " Water . Commissioner rj ,: : . water:, rent: 1 11... i. i'l-' Meston, Dyget Mnf Co.,- ::;..' assessment, toil, - -- ' Geo- F.Thompeon , blackV ' ) - ."'''': Q smithing H H Campbell ,, hauling . .. ... - Gibonai : Marden & Co.. nails. tA S Cathcart, hauling.,'. . U h Haieht, boarding prisoners,. H Harris, ;mdseJ,v.'.v;,V;;,,j; Jon lowe, night watchman -G C Bills, night watchman. Electric Light Company mar-. : i shal 'a office,; . 1 60 Electsic Light COiy streets. ; i ; ;-r Electric Light Co., engine : house. -.."A. i-..H . ;'. iXX v ; Oj.. i.t . 238 00 3 75 fFrank MenefeeJ freight and ' ;v cartage on:Ta;.-;;..i;;:..; Maier & Benton, mdse . . .' Jos T Pefers, wood:": l':il tl :'. . -Geo F Thompson, black-. .V; , SmithiBg.Vft;:. ,;';'j'i. : John Blaser, : work: on ladders -H H Campbell, hauling. . : . R Morton, work on-hydraut'si'; . F M King,1 :',;::';.,. .t;(.v;:.-;,-:. John Hawthorn, - : W.-R Brown, "i??,.y Geo W. Runyon "',' 11U111:1. J L-l4oTganK';j;'-A,?ij-S;,v4V,:' 5 so 47 30 -'-" 5 75 : : 11 00 "S3 50 v 19 50 ' 5 00 "32 00 22 00 ' : 49 50 , ; 20. 00 i V .-16 00 - On motion the council adjourned 8 o'clock p.-m next Saturdav -., tm . - -- -- xhe Mexieazi Frontier. The extent of the Mexican frontier is not ' ordinarily" - comprehended. . From Brownsville, TTex.y to El Paso, with : the windings of -the Tiver.r tefnlly 1;800 ItiHes, andthncaalongr.the, boundaries . of New Mexico"ArirtSna"andjCalrtda to San Dieeo.-is several hundred miles. more"i'Ei'frntier is 4tj9 tne AWauaeDoara trom fortiajid-. to ththermosi pomti htititd muufiuut -- Aucituft. ouuio uirvo Hun dred miles 3o& conntiy, ; where " tha Rio (j-rande nver runs through deep canyons, is practically Unexplored. 'This section comprises the counties -Presidio; Brews ter, i oley and part of BucheL And all along the border is a heavy undgiww 13 cabled-iChaparraL-ti Ihia Word originally was applied, J, believe, to cactus thickets; but recently in that country any kind of an undergrowth In which men can. hide, or,, find shelter is spoken ot as ohapairali'-Harpert weeKiy. - . ..3 Tne: JCnveotor or Stores. '-J; Whil; Benjamin -Frankliji was bom in Boston he can' be1 said lol- belbnarlo i i ,:i tt i - Came here, as did FrankUm irotn. Bos-: wa. . uiu muw (uouy: people la rnuaaei- tphia-ror eWwhere.in.the, United'tatec snow, tnat .we tarBnindabted, largely: to Franklin for th' stoves whiclfissthalnS a centuryi ago--began to replace; thfrfirer. places ana more crude anngemellts for rm.itti.SvUi5:4. -u"- nt-- 'i rn'JF. 15 Ti iuu a raK mi bmjvo, wiucu m lia MJIVB of ear.ly.dflvelopment.WM merely TYIAnf taoii riizaii4ira,iiaTaA.KajAMaa ai.aiaia invented AyfBanjanom efrAaklinvaidti .;38HOM J MAHO waa reall-sr-tha tconnantitii tinla ftnriwi Vu DEALER IN the r9'-8wplacea of'hlastntnr; ana mo" -eroves'-or- coaaynpiaaerpnia '-! - Water la tli AnntTiattaw Tta srwt it'-b Whan iJlr;J David! Ltooa3ri."TOtuncr from 4nexteeSfion across1 p&TTOfHhe the wtoK't ttSn0wif!cdhii trv vv'tobiiefl.br'nafavaa who .ifet oi tn maie eeewiwa yjeid icraantitafit.. ox ptwe-riwatesi tiXHisa,tTeea aorhfnje: moistare;fiHj thev: air, creiains sstisca siderable ouantttiwia Its rttote'aakithfcs' JoakeWoWlsle fiv'liPi arlff-fe-g' giOn.rVhicn would'fothetwiSe. "irnirii I iiiia si tit tah ! EleniM'CTItnts BRM O HO f T1 X - Soon? attetl the erecttonV(atee' light nearvtKeTeridnCoriW;sAvEaV i " . . son, a marKet gardener: Arlington, Mass., plants on ha;;Sidi ief ' the housA ecame&rJhHig5?ifha pyt pbecami acted upon -the i hint, and; now v lUtimi- iwifclS&ttteii&smj- Xe ssesult Sfa big' ger 'crops in a shorter time and -an in crease in bis profits of folly 25 per cent. Yankee Blade. ' -. 'A quanihv-of nice." cii?an rags wanted at tMs effie.. - .. :' .. Old papers, nice and rfnanSr sale at this office. Thev are .nnpfnl fo- many things. ..-.- ' Xirst-Class lob work fun ha hud at iha CHBOMCLB job Office Oil short nnt.ira anil at reasonable prices. . A pamphlet COntainino- thA nnx Ana. tralian ballot law adopted by this state is for sale at the Cebokicle offim r cents a copy. ---; Sometbinir new Pnhnfa Ttntismian Milwaukee Beer only one bit a bottle. Hot clam broth after 5 p". m; at J. O. Mack's. Call and trv them. 2-23tf The best spring medicine is a dose or two of St. Patrick's Pills. Thv-nor. only physic but cleanse the whole sys tem and purify the blood. For sale by Blakeley& Houghton, druggists. d&w Miss Clara B. Rtirv'urm 1 limited, number of pupils in oil paint ing, water colors, crayon, charcoal and pastelle work and China, painting. Studio, room 3, over Mclnerny's dry goods store. - 2-3-tf A girl to work in the country, must be guuu cook, uooq wages. Apply at this office. 16-3-tf. Notice. All Dalles City warrants rearistered prior to September 1, 1890, will be paid if presented at my office. , .. Interest ceases lrom and alter this date. Dated February 8th, 1892. - ' O. KlNEBSIV, ." tf. Treas. Dalles City. - A traveling man who chancivl in h in the store of E. V. Wood, at McKees Rocks, Pa., says while he was waiting to see Mr. Wood, a little girl came in with an empty bottle labeled Chamber lain's Pain Balm and said: "Mamma wants'another bottle of that medicine ; she 'says it is the best, medicine for rheitmatism she ever used." 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley fe Houghton, druggists. .-- - . .. d&w 1'.' iJlUll1 Best Tonto. . ; Byrne,' Floyd & Co, theleadincr whole sale and retail druggists of The Dalles, naye toaay received their second large invoice of "Best Tonici- Best Tonic takes with all ;wbo:;. have tried it. It cures dyspepsia, strengthens the system, re stores sound and . refreshing : sleep, and no : ucvciigc meaiiime -promotes digestions i - .-.-V.----.- 2-27Tdtf. -. NOTICE. R. E. French has for sale a number of improved" ranches . and '"'.'- tinimproved lands in the Grass . Vallev neighborhood in janerman county. They will Da- sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. Trench can-locate settlers .on some good unsettled claims m the same neigh borhood. His address is ; Grass ;yalley, Daerman coumy, uregon. . . i Mri' ' 31- Pi.'; BlaizeJ an -'eitenBive'-real estate dealer in. Des. Moines,', Iowa,". narr- ro w ly --eseaped eoe-otbe.seveveMat- tacKS ot pneumonia while in the - north ern par t.of -that state during.? a? recent blizzard,- -says th&Saturdalf IievievKiM$. Blaize had occasion to drive several miles during thejstprm and; was jo thor oughly chilled thatrbe-wasf unable to get warm, and . jnswe ot, an . hour alter his return :he" was threatened with a severe case of pneumonia -or lung fever, Mr. Blaize sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which be had often heard, and took a number of large doses. He Bays the effect was : wonderful 1 and that in a short time he' ! was-' breathing quite easily, i ne Kept en taking toe medicine and the next day was ' ableto come to Des Moines. Mr. Blaize - regards-his cure- as ... simply wonderful...,. 60 cent 'Otolites for sale by .Blakeley & Houghton. Xrx. .-.:3ff - - tAtruggiaiB.- . uatw COLUMBIA ; '9 i- - - i CANDY'PACTpRY Campbell Bros. Propfs : (Suctessari .to-? v &hi)Ua '- Manuf actorsTs of the finest French and : . .Home. Made." ,., V East of ForUandi -DEALZBS IN- Tropical Fmite, i Can- furuiali any of these goods at Wtaoieaala or Hetail 1- In Be-7.txlfi - 1 - ' ,''" ' - '.' .104 Second Street. .Thft Palles. Or. :ftoctf-(fjoI$, Notion, 234'Seco Ban - ri M I - Children Cry fblfFitfiJs fcaaoHal 1 0"?f'!! gate-Oka Caatoria. When she ma Child, she cried for Caatorisv When she became Miss, she clang to Oastorte, When she had Children, she ga,TO them Caatortai nrTV ' A a ' t a Hew boot rhd STON EMN:v;& F I EGE, : : ;: : ,i 114 SECOND STREET. . ' '. ,. . Our Stock has been most carefully selected for Comfort and Jjuraointy and will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Leather and findings for sale. V Repairing Neatly and THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. The Corrugated Building; next Door to Court Bonse. ' . . Handsomely Fmisheil Booms to Meals Prepared by a TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. - . Good Sample RoQms for Commercial Men. WHS. H. Fhsefj, Ptopv. NG -ARRIVING E. Jacobsen & Largest Line of Baby Carriages Books, Stationery and Musical 162 Second Street, PAUL KREFT & CO., '! . - -T ; -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS 9 ... - ' ' afJr-Practical Painters and Paner Sherwin-Williams anJ Wv Masury's the roost skilled workmen-emDloved. chemical combination or soap mixture. praers promptly attenoea to. Store and Faint Shop corner third and WHOLESALE Rnest Wines Prenchs'-Blook, ; WM. i 1 .S-,rTT, 'It J i - iiS:&fj o 1;iquor Biiildihg Lumber,; Llme;r: Piaster; ; Hair and Cement: ill-" siclsi" A. liberal discount to the tradgiitiallr fines: handled bv us. i .i - , - - - !X - -; . i'tu.f T . . . "... 'V!, : -. uoitiJS OI . ... Stir....... . 1 .. D'H- J , .. w.:,',- i- : m b a waa. -:m-w.-m-M lxuitit -w .Tm 3 i-.i'in' .-if'. lv,.i .if . r. cfiee r.."!' : ijll i al - ft ota9i Oflpt od la naote&afjj ! .hlaiH TtoY vo"!t n'r vilt-xeOoI iihtsuL fiJ-t if.. .. inn - .i;tu luaii'iuitwi t jujimnio - ' iL art. ualta 4V.ii.W3 .1 rj r w-.r h iwanuiagxunn&.M iij .the In.lanci JSmplir -Wfiotj .alnoaiSTOtaio! biffin rrr if. .louiil fcua sKotoEtJrten.tprinattoOjCall at th iQfaseoafuA fcbsida otii n;ni 'ri! io"Mdsh xf xifcwaa snibT:rg f.nal" '. - . - . ; oifi ftaa.-dcuiHt ji9sii:o jifiiafir. 1 -(ytiita oca awgi Btneieoze jassMi'-' lntepstate 0. D. TAYLOR, Tie Dalles, Or. shoe store ! Expeditiously Done. Rent liy the Day, f eel or Montn. . ' First Class English Cook. STOCK DAILY AT- Co.'s. Instruments. ' THE DALLES, OREGON. AND GLASS. - . - ..... TTanswrn. Knnn Tint, ttiu hoaf Vran1a nt Paints used in all our work, and none bnt Acents for Masnrv T.iniiid Painta. Vrv ' A first class article in all colors. All Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregom AND. RETAIL The Dalles; Oregon si.-hsi. ysl rfci tUiX :.d I U::!-Vt-1- i ee-t-3 ' won i-aioa ttv , , u;:ts J- j, . - .5 v-T i 7' -r K.t. - i' - rT ...... - . r ,,,.-,- -.: ,,..-.-.., DEAlvER. bwm mm i33St C'i .bllil St llf.IOVV UiiOY jaoMal't t 81)11(1 THE- DALLES, OK nn ii tl . -snss tmmnTtnz a" Ili Ti'Miv en! 2u iasieini &lGci-:-,.imoo Elosl eta i Best Selling Prpperty ofcoa; SQewIe"',:; the Season: in rthe -Norths Ja&v lumjt i!-.' " ' ; I,'-m . wiiii.-.-i? s- vil. - j - i oru -wisc2 tiBll ,Y-faiO0 LTcijrU tl , investment yiT.iiiiiia.) - . f 38 gt i9I370l ia atyi'Kj i.-aa .Sjia'jowe ; i 72 Washington, St, Porflanl. Ol -iij