-I. e- 'A The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. . Published Dally, 8unday Excepted.. , - ' BY " ' 'the CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, The . Dalles, Oregon. : Terms of Subscription Per Year ... Per month, by carrier .". -. Blngle copy M 00 . 50 6 ' STATE OFFICIALS. - Governor : : B. Pennorer Secretary of State G. V. McBrlde Treasurer ..Phillip Metsehan Bnpt. ol Publio Instruction. ...... -E. B. McElroy Congressman ...B. Hermann State Printer Frank Baker COUNTY bFIciA:S.J County Judge....... C. K. Thorhbury Sheriff. - D. L. Cates Clerk ,. i. B. Crossen Treasurer, . v ... T r ... ... . Geo. Ruch. VttS.'-'i J if ; rlk.iiw A. Leavens Commissioners 1 Frank Kincaid "Assessor John E. Barnett Surveyor E. F. Sharp Superintendent ol Publio Schools. . -Troy Shelley Coroner. , '. .William Mlchell John E. McCormick comes out in a communication' "published '"'in' ! another column and denies that he is guilty of the infamy of having cast the vote, by which G.' W. Johnston ofiDufur, the man who put M. A. Moody's name on ths cascade portage bill and thereby nearly defeated it, the man. who j stood' .shoulder to shoulder with Benedict Arnold McCoy and, supported by his vote the measure that McCoy invented to kill the Dalles Portage bill goes to the republican state conveiltenion. "'Mr ', McCormick thoroughly understands that the charge that he had voted for '. John ston was made . by " the ' Chronicle ' in good" faith and . with hot' the least prompting of malice or', any ' other 'un worthy motive. The., charge was made with much regret, as everybody expected something better from a member of the alliance, and no one is better pleased than is the .' editor "of ; this ' journal '. that Mr. ' McCormick is able to clear himself . and tbe organization pf which he is an hon ored member, of the infamy of having betrayed the people's "interests'.' But who did the ; deed? ' Eleven ' delegates constituted the committee. The .. writer' has already conferred with five of them, namely, II. Gilpin,. W." TJ." Richards, Willard .Vahderpool, "W't E. Campbell td John E. McCormick, each ' one of whom is ready to make affidavit that he voted for .Campbell..' It . follows there fore that the men who' Voted, 'for John-! eton were G. W. Johnston,- himself, ;M;J J. Anderson," R. Sigmant Henry Hudson, J. Eastern and W. H. , H,"i)ufur'''If ahy one of, these latter denies that' he voted -ior Johnston, the Chronicle will procure! and publish he"affidavits.of the five fbr-v 'merto .the,, effect . that they voted for keo .'Campbell..'. Much. as the Chrosicte re-. Uaion 0 ereta Lhat-th-e wronflr bart'v had hither 6 I cb8f:kad.fo bear the blame, tbe error lias had niocTgiet with which the people '. regard that f"art.. pf:,,ther work .'..of, the , republican, hbe' ftcosntv convention that sent 'such men Iter- asyeorEe i. jui,ntun nuu m. a, muouj UQ CUIlVeilblWU UUUJ1USU3 UtU didates for the state legislature. . It is .1 ' 1' . .3 i. : . ii trin.L'J t o .n. .... 4erpooJ that he had -thfr'iiiai ,tandr jjrue!''t'd;: the ' people 1 - .11 IHH HVtfriUHLlUlf IlUIlUr Ul V 1 lTIHru V H II - UiBUUUCfiD IAI and' "vote against; the man', albeit a friend and ..Cjeighbot", who1 had formerly betrayed Qai .: The defense, wfiich the democratic leg ( ialature of the state of ?few York seema y-v6-M-a-, ww cJq contrp pf legislature wad takffn from the republicans ia, not that May nard is not guilty, hot that the "charges rte ontraey ' but that the committee" of the. "New York Bar Association was' composed 'of Tam- t ; ' -many men.iuThit is Just fls goodv.ISfHd'ei' "Of0 ' . fense. as a Tammany legislature could be expected to make. . The Buffalo pr. thinks , that thje earnings i of the," Union Pacific- railroad ':jwhicb should have gone to pay theclaim, of the government; have-been" diverted into the treasury of the .Western Tin ion 'Telegraph. Judge Brewer- has ordered - the railroad company to operate its ojvd ; "' telegraph line. ' , ,--"r'"''' - ... Nebratka wooieii7're' toesapply;'the hamraor wit which MSi.Potter Palmei' -wtirdrivp the nail Jq the wotuen's ilimld ing at tbe orid,' fairy jHer&i k ehance . , ior the womerjj of. Oregon,! Let theni at least supply the Arnica. . Banmtor Staiaord-aatedi t' Kxpel 400. . Stories are already beginning to oome from 'Leland Stanford, Jr.wiivOTslty, at Palo' Alto.'-Last : week' abat.fcOQ sta--4ents let-ofl the -briikei ot.A.lafcOftJ! wnicb waBtanamg,near,the university tou mauy .oi xnem- go aooara and start ed down gTade toward the tatibri;Uttn a Short time the car wrsM BTjimrrlnfl':ntnTi'oi Sit a lively rafe; and the, lada did.btt atop It auui ic caa reacnea t-aio Alto. - X be car was missing, tbe following awiriilng, and . " . T ; ,i v interest to uns o. oavage, wno wiu con wing the follirwing morning, and tinne the bTisineas'ndet1' the' old firm J. engine had to bp sent footn Sai, namewith E.Jacobsenf .,"kaA eAu'ja haul it taoJcr.wfMn.;sv i,u siasiu n i Dated Dalles CityMarchJL?,a89?U or Stanford was wrathy when he' i: "3a i'1 ' 0l'i W. Condo!.,, a special . Jose to Senator Stanford was wrathv whori W heard of the incident, and proposed .to uptu tue nngieaaers.' .ic was QiSQOverea that there were folly' 200 "boys enirhsred in the affair, and the aehatof gave orders" that they should aU be required: tdleavei i'fSiS? VlU?-18'' J1 The order would probablv havebeen eni 4!.nJtLJl'J1!nt ,m" J" forced but for Mrs. Stanford. She in terceded for th&yonngster,tjiad excused them by saying that ItiWas.only a boyish prank. She finally succeeded in inductng Stanford to change his resolution.- Cor. Chicago Inter-Ocean. V: v "' ''" ''..:, The Havana Sprout. . The leading cigar now, with amok era about The Dalles, is the Havana Sprout. It is A No. 1,, and is to be found at Byrn,-Floyd ft-Coe; " Call and try it; 2-24-dtf ; -t -! : : - . - Democratic Caucus for West Dalles Precinct - The Democrats of West Dalles Pre cinct are requested to meet in caucus at the court house in the county court room on Thursday, the 7th day of April, -at 8 o'cjock p; m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for delegates to the county convention to be elected at the primaries on Saturday, the 9th day pf April, A. D. 1892. , ' . - . . -H. J. MAIER, Chairman Democratic ' County Central Committee.' -"lv- ; '. gff-r- Democratic Caucus for Trevitt Precinct The Democrats of Trevilt Precinct are requested to-'attend a caucus to be held in the circuit court room on; Thursday evening at 8 o'clock pv na.,the 7th day. pi April, jor .ine purpose, oi, placing in nomination 'candidates' for delegates to the -county "convention to'be-' elected -at the .primaries on the 9th day oi April, A. D. 1892.!. ! -'-JHw J.-MAIEK, ,. Chairman Democratic r County Central Democratic' ' Caucus "Tor J East ?' Dalles - The Democrats of East Dalles Pre cinct are requested to meet at Wingate's hall on Thursdayv the 7th day' of April , at 8 o'clock p. in;,' for.-the purpose! of, placing.; inr nomination. : candidates. ' for delegates to the county: convention to be elected on Saturday ,the 9th day of .'April a. v; itst) J, at tne primaries; H J. Maieb,- : Chairman Democratic County Central Uommittee.j ... -.-a : t. . , a Democratic Caucus for Biglow Precinct The-Democrats of Biglow . Precinct are requested to meet in caucus in the din ing room of the Cosmopolitan hotel, the 7th day of April, at -8 o'clock ' p. in., for the purpose of placing- in nomination candidates for- delegates; to the county convention to be voted on at the prima ries on'. Saturday' the 9th day of April, A. D. 1892;- ' " f!'H.'J. Maibb,1 Chairman-' Democratic 'Oounty Central ... CoufcmitteK;:,' -iJ-.;i n," siii -v-i- i 1 1WI1U M. UUH j ''-SucioesSoM to-C "Bi."Ia3ofcsimii:;!'-l!l Druggists and Chemists .It.'' . r ' ' . Dispensing Phjsieians' Prescriptions a' Specialty, Night., Druggists ajwafs.ia At,teiidaiic& nr, i !..' i-a-'N- i'.iivt lo swr-.ttn-;- t- Cor; Second and Union ' Sts., ;'ih 1 l-'i'i '-r::si fjff in !2.',T"f:; -.: y.'ii ' -ti '' iff vl.si-i atu i:-, bbti-.-.'tirt ,;; :.'. r' STflGY.-SHOiail, ; . (With Byrue, Floyd & Co.) rDB.CKS WatcheXlocReTypc. leave an, order elaewhere, : i-yiH -if l Ha Opfened then; .... in: toe , Mew .f rame,, cuudinz on - .j -I SECOND STREETNext tothftij Diamond Flouring Mills.. nrii-j; t First ClaBS Meala Furnished at all Hours. Only "vTiiite Help: kmployed.7" 0 Notice!., hby : jgivea towhonailt may concernythat'the partnership hfirfl-. tofore existing Wween E.M-'W;ingate and.E. Wingate, uler the firm name of Rt"WiHiratA An Co.: a.t tiiHM rst''Vv.'.' this day dissolved by mutual consent. H rTyoraer,: a---je. -w iNGAanfc,- , Dated April 1st, 1893; t's. - 4-2-d'6t '"'I953 iissojLirTipN.NoiiirxB,;.-. '!uTheartnersbip heretofore existing ber. tween J;'A;:OrChard'ahd TJ.' 8. BeckneJL i ,this dav dissolved by niutual consent. I. A,. Orchard jrillujontlnae the business,' pay an aeDis ana collect ail aceoonts.i JUated, March-. 11th, 1892, 3-12d6t ;ti Ji-iiilJ: lO! ...... -.. e!T-. .Tim A b lU(;OiU fi! i notice is nereDygiven, to .whom it nay concern, tha tbO'i andefsighed' partners doine business. under' the 'firhi MitM 'nl E:1 Jacbbson & 'jC9 fs City.iuOre goo nave riy mutual .conseiiir;ti)isliiay , dissolved the 'eaid 'partnershipV "J, wis- interest to Otis S. 6avage,"Arho.Tirill con l- . . ... -f a.A iMASiZUTW 8 1 .... h..H'.u i,ia-jb pttl. .ttitoi whom it . iyiu.uyvlu a riSojrjR;i ! mvn the partnership doing-"busrhessVjjn.d.er. the firm name ofET-O'ffcb'bBen'"' Co.. will not be responsible t or-. any indebtedness nniirtIRn REVERE HESTAU1UNT, in the.nainepf: eaidfirnv.frPiBjancl after 1 the .UudertalieTiTist. onr. prioe will thisdate."'.' - ,.ra ato tow seofwdiitelvP -; "r v...'.'.- .Dalles C4ty;;Oregori;!rarchl2th,1892, . . 1 t v rvvwxw -! -AT THE- COURT HOUSE : THE DALLES, Monday Evening, April 1 1th THE CONGREOATIOSAL CHIJBCn Baa tbe pleasure to annouace the , ' en a Bremen tj tender its anapicesa . of the -world-famed m f! - SIJIGEftS, tivi ; ORIGIN AX COiilPA: From Fisk TJniversitvr JJashyille, Tenn, . Charles Mnmiord, Manager. . , FOR ONE OF THEIR INIMlTftBLB CONCERTS. THIS . IS THE COMPANY - that devoted over tlo0,000 of it earnings to the building of Flak University, that Made two won derfully successful tours abroad, the guests of Kings and Queens and Prime Ministers, and that Bung by special invitation for Presidents Grant, nayes, uarneia, Arinur ana Harrison. "I never so enjoyed music." - - Rev. CHA3. H. Spueoeon "Their sonars onen the fountain of tears. .-''- rev. Thbo. l. cvYLxa, Dj d. "They have no competitors and can have no sue o cessors." Detroit Free Press. "They are simply unapproachable.' .. s i '--;;. . .Rocky. Mouhxain News, Denver, Tickets for sale at 8nipea &' Klnnersly's The. Dalles, Portlanfl and Astoria ion Co. ," Columbia River Steamers. ; '1 ? ;::.r. :.! y,iX . ' , r-.-r-u-'-r -J: Passsngerana Frei -"-.S:fO-.S- nil' --rrBETWEEN Portland and The Dalles.' : l.i-;!TI!;afliVi: if o. Thb magrnlf5-ient temer--Dalle CHy" arid Regulator' xt.Ul, Aeave aa follows, arid atop at alf Way Xaridilg.HV. i.v:.,. ; , -; - Bteanier "Dalleg City V, from Portland daiiy, (except Sunday.) from wharf foot of Yamhill St., at 6 a; m., arrivjnsf at The Dalles at 6 p. to. - i j - (except bundaj,).at 6 a. m., anlving at Portland at5pj:X&. i.-.iri-.Tl.-.- SIVi:jVU:I6:i JtWThe Route passes through the Fails of the Cascades and in plain view of the Government Locks, (now in prooess of completion,) the far famed Krldal Veil and Hsltnomnh Falls, mnkinroneof the most beantifnl and pleasar- able trips the grand Columbia.-. ...v -.- - '. " i ' " ' "p '" ; -;''- ' 'If you'are going"!Ea8t,"No'rth or goutfi', don -t fall to call on th undersigned for through: :ratea : in conrwetioa : with the Northprnr, o .Sortheru. or ,r Canadian Railway. ' " " ' "" 1 ".. "-r ", " A: pafctle, eheep And hoga landed at the pasture of. the Americaii- Dressed Beef company,' Trontdala, at nouimal rates. "X -:; ? .-I . "TTTH r.- -stiifjib :-.!i; -riLft s v. o i ; W. C,i AULA WAY, I Agent. BlJt F. LAUGH LIN,' " ' . ' ; 3ea(ral MaswageJ-..' 'i 'v'-i TH E DALLES, .. . r ,!- OREGON fARSERS , B 0 IB B IN GI! IIDUS E MESA, J , OBARRx -.-. , proprietor 1 ''MfeafiiSS ce'nts', 'fgth!fe:ents.;i'!'!U'' Table weU supplied with .evertb ing: ia market. ... - Comfortable beds as any in-the city. Second 6t.r near Madison.' " UaTles City. ijin j u. ; VI. E. GARRETSON. lo. 'jiiJ- LiiiTJ zitturntb -.una l&Mftm ;.;t 80LK AGBNT.FOR ltBiDj;'j h': Jo i ho :r,-j! h i AU Watch Wortc WaT-rarited.' 0&4$fr 'Mdd31 tc? -Order; iiVM4BtijTli pallsi, or. 3r Iinii-.-i3vi-r 9 if- PRINZ&CTSCHKE. ?ili3ii tl.ila H-" "m:..L M4 IIU IO -" UIIU Uioi toW.-.oaoanl t''V.:; Ye,;.;hayer dde4--itd'5om'btiSiiesiri'-r conTpiete .- Undertaking. .-,E8tblishmener ana &s we are in no way connected; wjto l. TT...J i... rri . . ' . : " .-ii - -i icemem berour place on rjeoond street, next to mooavs oanic. JUBILEE gfLi Leau 1 GlemliiOTiliel! A. A. Brown, . Keeps a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which he bSere at towilgurei ' i, SPEGTAlt I i i S ?. 5 : a i i 3 to Cash. Buyers. 1- m : - Highest Casl P1ji8Sf js iii otlerrote 4 K B T' D STREET. GENTLEMEN ! . ' '-"i'- irr..-: BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS-OF psT&? r?T r n .t r pa ANY KIND IN THETFTJRNISIl- is-V " '4- ing; line; all eiad Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices which defy competition. Other goods in proportion !JP. FAGAK, . W W -Second et. The Dalles. Sole Agent for 'VA!?i?AMAlfE.t A- BROWN, - , 1 11 1 wuci pu m, r n-"-- Y0UrflTTEHTI0p' 1 Y ; Is called to the fact that Dealer in Glass. Lime, Plaster.'- Cement :) - .. i ft ii i S i .r and Building Material of all kinds. 35i Carrie tbe Finest Line of 72 LUashington StPecfc. iMRS. LOCHHEAb'S Will meet on Tuesday and Friday ' Mornings, at 9 ojgcS:, an'jf on Wednesdayifid Friday i-i i Afternoons, at 2 o'clock. " - 'jOrders taken branches o Afiit-t or to rent. ' Studio at the residence of Mr. G. P. Morgan, corner of Third turd Liberty street. T ni u i --wi4 Oae of the Finest. CMfc-la:Tnl feslleav , I All Work done by White Help. - :J r - .fit ; . . - -. ;joah i LKext door to Byrne, Floyd & Co.s' ivrm ru esonioogjg.eiplesj 5 1; ' - 1 ; Just Opened; 1 4 : v. -.ssjtu;T.?...o aifcxllr 1 3 ;) EyerMiigf.tJi iMarket j Affords, at Reabitatie - R. B. Livery, iSjorses jSought and, Sold on '- T . - : '- . - !': OFFICE : OF TEe Dalles and GoldenlateSigLiif ! Stasre Leaves The Dalles Everv Mnmintr . r1" i -- i.w nuu uviuouuaiH hl :uu. a at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7;(H. 'A u must oe leu at iv. lood's office the eve -la ning before, too nmiHtttinl Pfbprietor. 3 i Opposite old Stand. The Dalles, Or. mmm me mouitunos ; a VI Jiff iJISj 1 jU. : . TllJ J FeM andSae ; COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. , , Gents' Farnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots, and Shoes. . . .. .. . uu.iiuoui ixxajj.u ui - ixi.cTXJcau.iiigjii.aiiiiieiv; tu.it; l s '--"' '. .9riMJ-;j 'jri.-?iirr;-sc.- t n Y Cash layers iailJ save Itnoiiey by "examihiDg yp; ; stock ' " ;":! j and prices before purchasing elseihei.V;' ;V' HT SALE AGENTS FOR k ii "Jeweffs Steel Ranpani Kcffardsp's an LlilW ifso ki a lar3e Hardwsire,hwaw,-GMniterBlueware J3arbed a Wir placksmis'CpaljPumps ipe, r r Packing, '1 Plumbers ; f j . . Ammunition and t JWnning,! . Machine Work COIl. SECQNO AND FBDEBAL STS.. BU IMN Pipe riVorR, TiiiJleiiairs aixfl HooflniS Shop on Third Street, next'dob?et o3yottng:JCusa;q 3 Blacksmith Shop, " at s . - On account of Removal l will sell my entire jatoplc pfsBBots: artd. S noes fiaits arid Capsi-Trurik and. Valises, Shelv- "irigsl 'Counters, Desk;; Safevixttiresv i !' at a Great Bargain. ?tryBffeHJiPy T-tra$$m aTuir 'i M.! A ?.TA 1215 Seeond Street. 0 y Dalles Mei . Sncaessors to BROOKS Gyits' Furnishing Goods, Boots! ShcflatsJto; r v2 jlcTOlM9&ii ;Wdu TTAYIRATN Tteyr&iTmrjrTr-Bddi and" cm-s land 394 H. C. NI BOOTS AND SHOteSf M: w -: Hats and Caps, Truiikld'S i u . COENEB OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, C-'-J ti': , ' .'..'-rx-v Her bring Xi. CTEfcO WMfl. THE CELEBRATED- iTA'.j II. .it.: if A. I- AKD RANGES.: an1 eomplete stoek of .. : . ''.' ; Suppliesr Guns." Sporting Gods. S - - i IRepairingr; and 1 iLightl a Specialty, . '- . , THE DALtKS, OREGON. Come ' and see 1 v & BEERS. Cealen-roFT ? !,s-f r" " . : Flour, Bacon, ANT) Seco: PRODUCE THE DALLES, pEEGOH. 1 A