The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered a the Postoffice at The Dallas, Qregon. aa seooud-clasa matter. - Locil adTtlaln(; 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents per line (or each subsequent insertion. - Special rates for long time notices. . : ' All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear the following day. TIME TABLES. Tiie Dalles, Portland & Astoria flav. Go. . SOUEDTJIjE. The boats of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. trill commence running on Mon day, Feb. lath, and until further notice under the following schedule. ' ; ,': Steamer "DALLES CITY" leaves - PORTLAND nt 6 A. M : Tuesday 8. Thursdays and Saturdays : . CASCADES at 10: 30 A. M.: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays : -' Steamer "EEGULATOB" leaves' . THE DALLES at 6 A. M. : Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays : CASCADES at 1 P. M.; . Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays : B. F. EWCGHUN, General Manager. - Railroad. '. ..' EST BOCND. ' ' No. 2, Arrives 12:01 A. M. - - .Departs 12 :C6 A. M .8, v r:au p. x. WEST BOCKD 12:50 P. M. So. 1, Arrives 4:23 A. Jf. -" 7, 6:00 p. M. Departs 4:30 A. it. " 6:20 p. J. Two locai freights that carry passengers leave one for the west at 7:00 a. h., and one for the east at 0:15 A. u. - ' STAGES. For. Prineville, via. Bake Oven, leave daily at 6 a. m . For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave .. daily at 6 A. M. For Dufur, Kingsley, Wamic, Waptnltia, Warm Springs and Tygh alley, leave daily (except ' Bunday) at 6 A. M. For Goldendnlej Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 a. m. - Cfllces for all lines at the Umatilla House. Post-Ofnce. . , PFPICK HOURS General DelirreyWlniJow 8 a. m Money Order . "- .8 a. m Sunday G 1) .' S a. m. CLOSING OF KAILS By trains going East 9 p. tn. and it West 9 p.m. and ' -"Stage for Goldendale.. " "Prineville "Dufurand Warm Springs . " t Leaving for Lyle & Hart land. . to 7 p. m. io 4 p. in. to 10 a. m. 11:45 a. m. 4:45 p. m. .7:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. .5:30 a. m. " jAnteiope Except Sunday. .' rTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and " Monday Wednesday and Saturday. Friday. SATURDAY APRIL 2. 1892 TJ. 8. DEPARTMENT OK AGRICULTURE, - . WEATHER BUREAU. - . Thk Dalles, Or., April 2, 1892. Pacifio M I W 2P State Coast BAB. tive of 2. 5 of Time. ? Hum 'Vind P Weather 8 A. M. 2D.53 43 85 8 W .03 PtCloudy 8 P. M. 29.50 52 f.2 West .00 Cloudy Maximum temperature, 54; minimum tem erature, 37. Height of River, 8 p. m.. 7.5 feet; Change in past 24 hours. 0. 0 feet. Total precipitationfrom July 1st to date, 10.01; average precipitation from July 1st to date, 12.78; total deficiency from July 1st, 1S91, to date, 2.74; Inches. . - WEATHER PROBABILITIES. San Fbancisco, Apr. 2, 1892. Weather, forecast till 8 p. m. Monday; light rains. Slightly wanner, probably clearing Sun Keekham. RAIN day. LOCAL BREVITIES. . If you want the news, . "You want The Chronicle. " ' If you are not a subscriber, please read ' this and hand in your -name... . CP. Balcb, candidate for sheriff on the republican ticket was in town today, Sheiiff Cates has already collected about, 33,000 of the state and county taxes for the year 1891. " Mr. Her bring is in the consolidated ity today on business in connection with his trade.- Rev. G. G. Ferguson of Arlington, will preach in the M. E. church tomor row at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. na. Other services at the usual time. Mr. Polk Mays, who is a delegate to the republican state - convention from Willowa county, stopped over today on bis way to Portland, to visit his parents. Grant county News. D. E. Gilman, of Haystack, has sold his large interest in the. Gilman-French Land and Live Stock company to Smith French, of The Dalles. : - " 1 '. - - ' V- -': ' : V Pendleton , butchers have formed.; a "combine" and fixed the price of mutton after April 1st at 10 cents per pound by the side and 15 cents per pound for . entailer cuts. heep shearing has . already commen ced in portions of Grant county and more than one flockmaster is mourning in consequence through losses sustained during the recent cold snap. . A musical entertainment of a high or der awaits those who attend the Fisk bouse on the 11th, for the benefit of the Congregational church. , Major G. W. Ingalle will' speak to- uiuruiug at me acauemy. on ."'The Great Revival and its Lessons for The Major will also, speak tonjor rdwjtfght at the court house. Subject : "MMls on Infidelity." ; G. BBrlingame -showed a Chboniclk Te porter today a very beautiful and rare etone which he calls a grass agate, which he picked up near the Indian village opposite the senfert place, and had . ground and set in Denver, Colorado. The many friends of United States Attorney Franklin P. Maysi. ire ranch - pleased on account of the honor shown him by his being appointed a member ' of the committee on membership of the . bar in the place, of Judge Gilbert. - Mr. Mavs has made a verv efficient offimr ana is justly entitled to tbe distinction hown him.- .- - - J. A. Gulliford oFDiifur, was in town today.; l. . -.' ,::".. John M. Davis, of Bake Oven, is at the Umatilla House. - ;. . ; J. C. Baldwin returned today from - a business trip to San-Francisco. " - -v - Master Bay Logan came up last night from Portland to visit his father, Dr. Hugh Logan.: -j '" James Macken, the well known stock man from Sherman county, is in town on his way to Portland. : ' Captain Endersby of Eight Mile, and P. P. Underwood of Boyd, made a pleas ant call at the Chronicle office today. One drunk occupied a cell in the cal aboose last night.; He contributed the usual sum to the city finances ' this morning. .-. . - '. The regular meeting of the Young Men's McKinley club will be held in their hall over the Chronicle office this evening at 8 o'clock. A full at tendance is requeeted. One of the greatest revivals ever known in the history of Portland is now under way in that city, under the direction of Evangelist . Mills. Over 1,500 persons have become converted since his meet ings began and interest continues, un abated. ' Capt. J. VV. Lewis left his valuable cane in the postoffice four hours today, and when he remembered what he had done, expected of course to see it no more. He considers it a test of tbe hon esty of the public of Dalles City, how ever, that the stick had not been re moved. - : ' -; v -. Up in Montana a boy was explaining to other hoys the ; process of casting a vote at election. AVhen asked what was necessary in case of a. challenge, the ex perienced youth said : "Then you have to swear that you have been thirty days in the territory and six months in the penitentiary."-:; . .;' Pendleton has a pumping system. of city water works. We presume it is for sale cheap as the city council has under consideration a proposal by the Blue Mountain irrigation company to furnish 864,000 gallons of water per day from May 1st to October 1st, and 360,000 gal lons per day from October 1st to May 1st of each year for a consideration of $5000 per annum, the contract to extend over a period of ten years. " -V: " Referrine to a remark concerning onr fellow townsman Hugh Glenn, . that taieiy appeared in tne (Jregonian, the Times-Mutineer says : "During our resi dence in this city of over a quarter of a century we never knew before that Mr. Glenn was a "democratic war-horse," or reaHy exercised any influence in politics. He has never been elected to any office by the suffrages of his fellow citizens, and the position he now occupies as member of the water commission was an' appointive one by the mayor. As one of those named in the bill he is in the office by virtue of the adopt ion of the amended charter, and not by the votes of the elec tors of the municipality of Dalles City. Therefore his opinions on political niat- tcio varriea iiitit ur no weigni. "Let us-, apply, this charming.' spec imen of backwoods logic to the Mutineer . man himself. He has never been elected - to - any office ' by the suffrages . of his -fellow citizens. (He ran for waters commissioner one time and got '.eleven votes!) He it editor of an alleged newspaper by virtue of the mysterious act of an inscrutable Providence, as Horace Greely - would have said Therefore bis opinions on any matter, political or otherwise, carries lit tle'or no weight. . Wrecked by a Mirage. A mirage in the Carribean sea was the cause of the total loss of the new Ameri can barkentine Steadfast, while bound from Port of Spain to Philadelphia. When the Steadfast sighted the lofty peaks of St. Croix the atmosphere as sumed a peculiar light color, and it be came impossible to detect the sky from the. island, everything assuming a sim ilar shade and color resembling the cir rostratus clouds, hiding the entire lower portion of the' island. The peaks and mountain appeared to be twenty miles awajB.'1 a ; :.zir--. - ;:';;;;? U " ; The tops of the . mountains ' seemed to be inverted.the tall cocoanuts appearing to grow irom the sky to the earth, i The sugar grinding mills were pouring their smoke downward, and the workmen working upside down. The Steadfast was kept under easy sail and perfect con trol. Everything went well Until a grinding sound was heard, and a sudden tremor went through tha ship; '. The ves sel crashed over the reefs ' and was soon fast on the rocky shore, where her wreck BtOl remains. The . mirage made the island appear twenty miles away. Bos ton Transcript. , ' . " f-:.: . The Coat of Italian Opera. Talking of money reminds me that Signor Vianesi says he left the Paris opera, where he has been conductor for the last four years, -because the salary t large-enough and the, work . too exacting. He received $3,400 a : year for ten months' work, and ery hard work at that. He comes t6 America and gets $8,000 for seven months. Mr. Abbey's salary, list is a formidable one. Miss VanZandt gets $1,000 a performance. Miss Eamesr $800; Las all e, the French baritone, $800; .Mme. Albani, $600, and five other singers from $400 to $500. There is a chorus of eighty, averaging $20 a week, or $1,600, and an orchestra costing $3,000 a week. . v1 - . ' ; The expenses of giving1 opera- with Rncri A RAmruiTlv rannnt fn.11 ViaIw ; OAA a performance, so that even at five dollars ror a parquet seat, tne price 'for the coming season, - Mr. Abbey may not males a. forhinA. TTin AvomcA iwf tf the German performances at the Metro politan last season was 2 firm Nm I York Epoch. i . First-class, job work can be had at tbe Ch-bonicle job office i on short notT;e""and at reaebnableiricee. v 1 ; t ' - -'' "" 'J. '" - A pamphlet containing the. new Aus tralian ballot-law adopted by this. state is for sale at the Chbonici.b office ate ten cents a copy. - - - - ,: The Congregational church services in. the Court housa Sunday at 11 o'clock a. nu-V bunday, school' ati':Io- loung people's society of - Christian "Endeavor at 6 o'clock p. m. All are- cordially in vited. Union "services in the. Court house at 7:30 p. m. . ... .". . .- - Get the' Kofary," the- Amazon, or the California lawn sprinkler, at Maier & Benton's. ;; - -- - --- 3-18-dtf. - Something : new Pabsts Bohemian Milwaukee Beer only one bit a bottle. Hot clam broth after 5 p. m. at J. O. Mack's." Call and try then). 2-23tf : : Miss Clara B. Story will instruct a limited number of pupils in oil paint ing, water colors, 'crayon; charcoal and pastelle ;: work -and China paintinst. Studio, room S, over - Mclnernv's dry goods store- . " 2-3-tf -r - The Havana Sprout.' The leading" cigar now'with smokers about The Dalles, is the Havana Sprout. It is A No. 1, and is to b8 found at BymeFloyd & Co.'e. Call and try it. 2-24-dtf :-' . - ;. - . ' ' NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. . State and county . taxes become delin quent April 1st next. Taxpayers are hereby requested to make payment of it soon and avoid going on the delinquent list. - ' D. Li Cates, - " Sheriff and Tax Collector. nralgla Cared In 15 Minutes. Mr. J. S. Sturtevant, editor of the Waupaca (Wis.) Post, ears: "Last night Chamberlain's Pain: Balm cured my wife of neuralgia of the face and tooth in fifteen minutes. We would not. be without it." 50 cent bottles for sale bv Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. .Best Tonic. - . . Byrne, Floyd & Co., the leading whole sale and retail druggists of The Dalles, have .today received their second large invoice of 'Best Tonic. Best Tonic takes with all who 'have tried it. It cures dyspepsia, strengthens the - system, re stores sound and refreshing sleep, and as a beverage at meal time promotes digestion. - 2-27-dtf. ' ' . NOTICE. ; It. E. French has for e1e n. nnmW rf improved ranches and unimproved T . : 11 . t-ii i i . . juuub iii tuts urann aiiey ; neign rxtrnoou in Sherman county. They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. AT r. Frpnph fan lnof a. tint f ot-q r.ri on r-.i n good unsettled claims in the same neieh- 1 1 3 Tfi 1 -t - . , uoruoua. nia aaaress is vjrrass valley, Sherman county, "Oregon.' " ' " Dissolution Notice. Notice is -hereby, given, to whom it may concern, that the partnership here tofore existing between E. M. Wingate and E. Wingate, under the firm name of E. Wingate & Co., at Dalles City, Or., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. By order, E. Wingate & Co. - Dated April 1st, 1892. . 4-2-d6t Call for a Republican State Convention. A republican convention for the state of Oregon, is called to meet in the city of Portland on Wednesday, the 6th day of April, 1892,7 at 1L o'clock a. m., for the purposp of nominating candidates for the office of Supreme Judge, two congressmen, .presidential electors, members of the state board of equaliza tion, and other district .officers, and to transact such, other business as may properly come before the - convention. The convention will consist of 233 dele gates among the several counties as follows: - , - . Baker .V...... Benton Clackamas Clatsop Columbia .. 6 Lane ......11 7 I.inn ; io . 10 Malheur .....3 10 Marion 14 . .... 5' Mu tnomah . 40 Coos . .6 Morrow 4 Crook 3 Polk .6 urry a snerinan. . . . , ..3 Douglas... 9 -Tillamook...... 4 Gilliam....... 4 Umatilla. 9 Grant 5 Union ........10 Harney 4 Wallowa 4 Jackson;... 7 Wasco 6 Josephine.;.;.. ...1 5 Washington...... 8 Klamath...... 3 Yamhill . 3 Lake...r...t.-....-..3 ; . The same being one delegate at large from each county, and' one delegate for every 200 votes, and one for every frac- imn avai- nnA.half fhoroAF noot 4r rrn - w ' " w " w ' - ' --.--" -V., biMJ. XV WU" gressman at the Juno election in 1890. - iua uuuiuiitier recuuimeoaea tnai me Primaries be held on Saturday, March 19, "and the County Convention on Satr urday, March 26," unless otherwise orr dered by the proper County Committees. .All voters who favor the republican policy of internal improvements, protec tion of American productions and labor, and guarding sacredly the rights of every American citizen at home and abroad, are cordially invited to unite with ns. - ' - ' James Lotan. . Chairman Republican State Central - Committee. ' ; " . - F. A. Moobe, Secretary. C ' ; ' i- ' . -...'".'- '; ..c - Democratic State Convention. ' A democratic state convention will be held in the city of Portland, Or.,-,April 19, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m, for tbe pur pose of. placing in nomination , two can didates for congress, -one supreme judge, one candidate in each judicial -district for circuit judge and prosecuting . -attorney, to be voted' for at the coming June election,, and--such, other business as may properly como before said conven tion , The various counties are entitled to representation in said conventionas follows: ' :. . ., ... . , . v .. -. ,.. . Baker ,i, . . ........ . 7 lion. . . . .... ... . . 16 Benton ..... 9. Malheur 8 Clackamas... ........11 Marion .'. .. ...15 Clataop. 8 - Morrow 5 Columbia S Multnomah ....vs- 42 Coos.., ........... 5 Polk...:: 9 Crook ..-7 Sherman 2 Currr .. 2-Tillamook............ 8 Douglas ...-,.."....11 Umatilla.....;. 15 Gilliam ...-. . ...4 Union 15 Grant .................. 5 -Wallowa..-.....'.'..... 4 Harney..; 4 -Washington... .'mi 8 Jackson."...,..- .11 Wasco......;.. 9 Josephine..!.. 5 Yamhill.. ..',..:. . 8 juaamam ...... :.;..-. 3 . I-ake 8 - Total... '.'..... "i. 265 Lane...,,......,.,. ,...13 ... .; ' ." It is recommended, unless otherwise ordered by the local committees, that the primaries in the various counties be held on Saturday, the 9th day of April, and the county conventions on Thurs day, April 14,1892. - . - .. tsy order of the democratic state cen tral committee. -:- ' " J , B. Goldsmith, Chairman,' ' A. Noltseb. Secretarv. IHonthly meteorologieal Report. ' qjS5SS,llrjn"? department:' jbt ngrieulrure. ltoch"'im.e DaUes Oregon, for the. month of Laatude 43P 86' IS",- Longitude 12l 12' west. 52? 1....... 2....... 3....... . 4.....',.-. 6 7; ...... 5::::::. 10; . . ;. 11....... 12...... 13.;..... 14..;,... is.;, is...-. . . 17.. 18. .-. . .-. . 10. 20.?.. .t. 40 5 37 , 47 . 57. 38 45 ' 58;- 32 " , SO 57 ' 42 : 46 . 57 40 M 0 42 -". 53 fi7. 3S 4 - 62 46 '-' - 52 6t 89 54 70 37 54 7 42' ' 50 61 . 89 56 . 71 " 41- ' . 56 70 - 42 . - 55 6:? 46 T 53 67 39 52 Co 3!t ' 57 65 49 . .20 0 60 . 41 ' . 52 55 48 52 .' 59 f " 46 47 ' 0. 34 T - ii. i 58 . 44 U .05 . 52- AH ' 46 T .47 - 55 38 .03 44 -47. 43. .02 47 . 56 - 38 42 54- 40 .05 45 - . 50 - 31- .83 43 . -54 32 .02 45 57 4 SI 1A53 1S67 1241 0.70 50,1 60,2 40.1 0.03 .21 .;,;. : 2-2..., -23, ,-. . . -24.V....: 2.T..-;' 26 27. 7. -28. -L.., . 29. . . . ;. 30.. 31....... Sums. . Means. ,!?n "MTOmeter, 29.8C3; highest barometer, iSU.AJh, on 6th, ; lowest barometer 29.499 on 2Stb. Mean- temperature 50.1 highest temperature, 71, on loth; lowest temperature, 81, on 28th. . Greatest daily range of temperature, 38 on 30th. - Least dally range of temperature, 07 on 26th. MKAS TEMPERATURE FOR THIS MONTH IN 1872. 1873. 1874. 1877 .....42.0 1182.... 4l.0;ia87. .45.0 .42.0 '.49.0 .42.2 .30.4 ' the 1878 M.O I8S3 52.0 1879..: .50.0 18S4.. .43.0 1880. . . .4r.O H885. . . .52.0 1888. 1875. ...44.0 1876.... 44.0 1889. . . 1890. . . 1SS1.... 52.0 jlSSti..,. 46.0 1891.,. Total excess in temperature durine month. 3.' .V?.otal e?cess in temperature since" January It, 1891, 4.4 deg. - Prevailing direction of wind, southwest and west. . ... Total precipitation, 0.70; number of days on which .01 Inch or more of precipitation fell, 7. TOTAL PRECIPITATION FOR TniS MONTH TN 1873. 1878. ...1.99 11883.. 1879... 8.15 1884 . 1880.... 0.16 1885.. 1881.... 0.38 1886.. 1882. ...0.?.3 11887. 1874 , 1875. ...2.13 1876 2.20 1877 3.66 .2.S2I18S8....0.94 0.74 1889.... 0.01 0.14 1890.... 1.79 0.93: 1891.. .0.53 0.7911892 Total deficiency in precipitation during month, 0.63inehes. . . Total deficiency in precipitation since January 1st, 1891, 8.18. Number of cloudless days,' 12: partlv cloudy days, 10; cloudy days, 9. - Dates of frosts, 3d, 28th and 30th. Solar halos on the 17th and 23d; lunar "halos on the 3d, 5th, 6th and 7th. Note Barometer actual reading. T- indicate . trace of precipitation. - : SAMUEL. L." BROOKS, Voluntary Signal Corps Observer. A Remarkably Cure of Rheumatism. MessrB. Cage and Sherman, of Alexan der, - Texas, write us regarding a re markable cure of rhenmatism there as follows: "The wife of Mr: Vm. Pruitt, the Postmaster here . had,i; been bed-ridden with rheumatism for several years. She could get nothing to do her anv good, We sold her a bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm and she was com pletely cored by its use. We refer anv one to her to verbify this statement." 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakelev & Houghton, druggists. -,. . JLa Grippe Successfully Treated. I have just recovered from a second attack of the grip this year," says Mr. Jas. O. Jones,, publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas. l'the latter case I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with - considerable- success, only being in bed a little over, two days, against ten days for the first attack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equal y as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy; as I had to go to bed in about six hours after be ing struck' with it, while in the first case I .was able to . attend to business about two days before getting 'down.'" 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. JOHN BOOTH. C . P. STE P HE N S, ' DEALER IN LOTHING -, ' - -. Boota, Shoes, Bata, Ete. . - F&ncJ 5ood05 oMon, . Etci Etc., .; Etc. ' - 134 Second "St., next to Dalles National - Bank,' Dalles City, Oregon. : . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby -waa aick, w ave her Caatoria, When she.waa a Child, ahe cried for CastorljL, When aho became Mias, ahe clung to Castoria, When she had Children ahe gave them Caatori Goods Hew boot flisiD SsHoe sTbttn ! STONEiMAN & PIECE, .' . 114 SECOND STREET. V . Our Stock has been most carefully selected for Comfort and Durability and will be sold at the lowest possible : " prices Leather and findings for sale. ' : :': Repairing Neatly and Expeditioxisly Done. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE; ' "' The Corrugated Building: next Door to Court House. ''; : ' Handsomely Furnished Rooms : to Rent by tne Day, eei or Montn. . '. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. " - Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. NG -ARKIVING Jacobsen Largest Line of Baby Carriages, Books, Stationery - and Musical .162 Second Street, . PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IX- PAINTS, OILS - And the Most Complete and the TPractical Painters and Pa Tier Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masnry's the -tnOSt Skilled Workmen emrjloved. chemical combination or soap, mixture. orders promptly attended to. Store and-Paint Shop corner.Third and WHOLESALE Finest Wines Liquor 171 Second Street, Frenchs' Block, WM. BUTLER & CO., , DEALERS IN Building Material, Lumber, Lime, Plaster, Hair and Cement. A liberal discount to the trade JEFFERSON STREET, between Second Washington SITUATED AT THE . Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. ;r- ' -' 11 .' . .1-- For Further Information Call at tha Office of "- , i. D. TAYLOR Tta Dalles. Or. 72 fasMiitci, SI, Porflaul Or. STOCK DAILY AT- & ' Co.'s. Instruments. THE DALLES, OREGON. AND GLASS, Latest Patterns and .Designs in TTan CArfl . nnft Tin f fhu Koaf. Kianrla rf 4-VkA. Paints nsed in all our work, and none but Acrpnta fnr Mnanra T.innSrl Taira -m. A first class article in all colors.' "All , . Wastington Sts., Jhe Dalles, Oregon AND RETAIL and Liquors. The Dalles, Oregon Rough and Dressed in all lines handled by us. and Railroad, THE DALLES, OR Washington HEAD OF NAVIGATION. ..Best Selling Property of the Season in the North-. west.'- - v -' - .;-" Dealer Dalles