The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 31, 1892, Image 4

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    . Democratic State CoBveDtlon.
A democratic state convention will be
neia in ine cny 01 roruuna, (jr., April
19, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the pur
pose of placing in nomination two can
didates for congress, one supreme judge,
one candidate in each judicial district
for circuit judge and prosecuting attor
ney, to be voted for at the coming June
election, and such other business " as
.may properly come before said conven
tion. The various counties are entitled
to repreacntation in said convention as
Baker 7 14nn V. ... .16
Benton. 9 Malheur 3
Clackamas 11 Marion..'. 15
' Clatsop 8 Morrow .: 5
Columbia 8 Multnomah 42
Cooa 5 Polk 9
Crook 7 Sherman . 2
Curry . . .- .. 2 Tillamook 3
Douglas 11 Umatilla .-....,...15
(iUiara ... 4 Union 15
Grant 5 Wallowa 4
Harney 4 Washington...-. a
Jackson 11 Wasco ,.. 9
Josephine... 5 Yamhill ....-c-. 8
Klaamatb 3
Lake...' 3 Total :. 265
.Lane 13 -
It ie recommended, unless otherwise
ordered by the local committees, that
the primaries in the various counties be
held on Saturday, the 9th day of April,
.and the county conventions on Thurs
day, April 14. 1892.
By order of the democratic state cen
tral committee.
B. Goldsmith, Chairman,
A. Noltnbr, Secretary.
Call for a Kepublica State fjoarentlon.
A republican convention for the state
I Oregon, is caned to meet in the city
ol Portland on Wednesday, the 6th day
of April, 1892, at 11 o'clock a. m., for
the purpose of nominating candidates
for the office of Supreme Judge, two
congressmen, presidential electors,
members of the state board of canaliza
tion, and other district officers, and to
transact sucb other business as may
?roperiy come Detore tne convention
he convention will consist of 233 dele
gates among the several counties as
Baker . ... 6 Lane
Benton 7 Linn
Clackamas 10 Malheur. . . .
Clatsop.. 10 Marion
. 11
:. .3
Columbia 5 Mutnomah.
16 Morrow 4
. Grant
8 Polk... ...6
3 Sherman...
, 9 -Tillamook ...4
4 Umatilla. 9
." 5 Union...... 10
4 Wallowa 4
7 Wasco -. 6
Josephine a wasbingtoi
Klamath 3 Yamhill ..
Lake 8
Washington .. 8
The same being one delegate at large
from each county, and one delegate for
every 200 votes, and one for every frac
tion over one-half thereof, cast for Con-
jrressman at the June election in 1890
The committee recommended that the
Primaries be held on Saturday, March
19, "and the County Convention on Sat
urday, March 26," unless otherwise or
dered Dy the proper Uountv Committees
All voters who favor the republican
policy of internal improvements, protec
tion of American productions and labor,
and guarding sacredly the rights of every
American citizen at home and abroad,
are coraiauy invitea to unite with us
James Lotak.
Chairman Republican State Central
F. A. Moobe. Secretary, r
:. .. - --,
A pamphlet containing the new Aus
tralian ballot law adopted by this state
is for sale at the Chboxicle office .at ten
cents a copy.
Tie Dalles, PortM aif Astoria
Navigation Co. -
Columbia River Steamers.
i ft
Passenger ana Freig(t Line
Portland amPThe Dalles.
- The magnificient steamers "Dalles Cltw"
nd wln leave follows, and
Steamer "Dalles City" trom Portland dailv,
ecept 8unday,) at 6 a. in., arriving at The
l.V D M V JJ. lit. I
Steamer 'Rvnln frmv. Th.n.Hu
(except bunday,) at 6 a. rn., arriving at Portland1
at 5 p. m. ......
MsT-The Route passes through the Falls of the
Cascades and in plain view of the Government
Z.oeks, (now in process of completion,) the far
famed lirldal Veil and Multnomah Falls,
making one of the -most beautiful and pleusur-
If von nm crnincr Vaat Vnvth n Cnn.
don t fail to call on- the undersigned for
through rates in connection with the
Vil .o . . -
nuriuem, i?ouinern - or Canadian
Railway. : .
Cattle, sheep and hogs landed at the
pasture of the American Dressed Beef
company, Troutdale, at nominal ratee. ,
b.f. laughlin, ' A"at'
General Manager. ...
MRS. A. J. OBARR:. . . ! . '. . proprietor
" Meals 25 cents, lyxjgtag'25 cental
Table well supplied with everthing in market
Comfortable beds as any in the city. ,
Second St, near Madison. - Dalles City.
. Notice to the Stockholders of
The Dalles, Portland and
Astoria Navigation Co.
tocknolder of The Dalles, Portland A
Astoria NavigaUon Company will be held in the
hall over the Chronicle office at Dalles City, Ore
. gon, on Monday, Aprtl 4th, 1892, at 2 o'clock p.
m., for the purpose of electing officers, for the
ensuing year, and the transaction of sucb other
business as may legitimately -come before the
Meeting. . - .
Springs Below at New York Street.
For the past three months the road de j
p&rtment of the Manhattan derated
railway has been carrying on a very.
difnoTut piece of engineering- work at
Bowery and Bayard street. At that
point the cable company is building a
plant, and the operation makes it neces-'
sary for the elevated . company to sink
three pillars forty-five feet below the
street level in order to get below tne
cable company's obstruction. These
pillars are built of brick and their form- j
dations are forty feet below grade. They
are 8 feet at the base and 4 feet at the
top. . - -
. Many persons are not aware' that
sparkling springs of water flow beneath
the surface of this busy city, but run
ning water was -found at a depth of
thirty-five feet where the excavation
was made. There was a bubbling spring
where each pillar was built. ' ' One of the
springs spouted 500 gallons a minute,
and it required a 4-inch centrifugal pump
to keep the hole clear until the mason
work could be finished. Roadmaster
Black has a large bottle filled with the
water, which is as clear as crystal and
of fine quality. The sand about the
spring is as fine and white as beach
sand. New York Telegram. - -
A Bride and a Widow in One Day.
Pretty seventeen-year-old Conception
Sylva, a Portuguese maiden of Contra
Costa county, was a bride at 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon in West Berkeley,
and three hours later she was a widow.
She was married to Frank Bispo, a
young Portuguese, dairyman, and after
the ceremony and reception the wedding
guests repaired to the station, where the
young couple were to take the train Cor
San Francisco.
While waiting for the train Bispo took
a little nephew in his arms and trotted
up the track, while several others walked
along the railroad. -Suddenly the shriek
of the overland flier was heard,- and a
moment after it swept around a curve.
It disappeared in an instant. On . one
side of the track was Bispo, dead. In
his arms lay his little nephew, alive, but
badly wounded. On the other side of
the .track lay the . body of Mrs. Sylva
All three had been struck by the train.
The grief of the bride was heartrending.
The mourning party went to the house,
where the wedding supper was cold oh
the table. San Francisco Cor. Chicago
Brain Holds the Orchard.
"""The Hon. Isaac Bearce, of Meddy-
bempSj ha a fine orchard, perhaps the
finest in this county; It is situated some
'distance from his house in a thick growth
of wooai Isaac, -with his two hired
men, went gather apples recently.
.They discovered a large bear in Dosses-
sion, an.d at last accounts he had refused
to retreat. He was making sad havoo
among the fruit. Cor. Bangor News,
Qld People-
3. V. 8. Is the only'.at t.ld or
feeble people should take, as the mi no.-:.! putash
which is In every otherSarsaparilla fuat t. c know
of, is under certain conditions known to be
emaciating. J. V. S. on the contrary is purely
vegetable and stimulates digestion and creates
new blood, the very thing for old, delicate or
broken down people. It builds them up and
prolongs their lives. A case in point:'
Mrs. Belden an estimable and elderly lady of
uo Mason St., 8. F. was for months declining so
rapidly as to seriously alarm ber family. It got
so bad that she was finally afflicted with fainting
spells: She writes: "While In that daugeioms
condition I saw some of the testimonials con
cerning J.V. & and sent for a bottle. That marked
the turning point I regained my lost flesh and
strength and hare not felt so well in years."
That was two years ago and Mrs. Belden is well
and hearty to-day, and still taking J. V. 8. -
If you are old or feeble and want to be built up.
Ask for
S Vegetable
Most modern, most effective, largest bottle.
Same price, 1.00, six for 15.00.
For Sale by SNIPES &. K1NERSLY
Dissolution Notice...
Notice is hereby given to whom it may
concern that the undersigned partners
doing business under the firm name of
E. Jacobson & Co., at Dalles City, Ore
gon, have by mutual consent, . this day
dissolved the said partnership, J. W.
Condon having sold his said partnership
interest to Otis S. Savage, who will con
tinue the business under theold firm
name with E. Jacobsen. : - - .
Dated Dalles City, March 12, 1892. -'
J .- ... - J. W. Condon,
- . E. Jacobsen-.- -
To whom it may concern : Notice is
hereby given that the undersigned, hav
ing this day sold his interest in . the
partnership doing business under the
firm name of E. Jacobsen & Co., will
not be responsible for any indebtedness'
in the name of said firm from and after
this date.
Dalles City, Oregon, March 12th, 1892.
- J. W. Condon. -
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween J. A. Orchard and TJ. S Becknell,
is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
J. A. Orchard will continue the business,
pay all debts and collect all accounts.
Dated, March 11th, 1892. , :
-- J. A. Orchard,
3-12d6t U. 8. Bkckkbll.
Sealed proposals will be received r
the office of R. F. Gibons until Monday
noon, April 4th, 1892, for the erection of
the superstructure of the First Congrega
tional church building, of The Dalles, Or.,
according to the plans and specifications
to be seen at the office of Orandall &
Burget. The building committee reserve
the right to reject any or all bids. -
Dated March 14th ,1892.
" . R. F. Gibons, ..! - ; - .
B. S. Huntington,'.'
3-14td - " Building Committee
Has been popular with smokers everywhere for over twenty-five years.
.- It is Just as Good Now as Ever.
Its FlavorFragrance fend Purity have contributed largely to the
growing popularity which pipe smoking enjoys. Pipe smoking is'
growing in favor because finer, sweeter and better tobacco can be had
in this form and at much less cost than in cigars.
; " DURHAM, N. C. -
ffeu .6. Qolumbia .6. J-lotel,
Best Dollar a Day
First-CIass Meals, 25 Cents.
First Class Hotel in Every Respect. . r ' .'"
None but the
-v : T. T.
ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Broks
geest Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at
7 a. jc. High Mass at 10:30 a. at. Vespers at
7 F. M.
In the T. M. C. A. rooms every Sunday at 11
a. ra. and 7 p.m. Sunday school immediately
after morning service. J. A. Orchard, pastor.
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Street, opposite
Fifth. Rev. Eli D. SutcUffe Rector. Services
every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday
Sehool9:4o A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at
lob. Pastor. Morning . services every Sab
bath at the academy at 11 a. x. Sabbath
School immediately after morning services.
Prayer meeting Friday evening at Pastor's resi
dence. Union services in the court house at 7
P. M - . -
CORTis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11
A. v. and 7 T. at. 6unday 6chool after morning
service.. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free.
ME. CHURCH Rev. A. C. Bpencer, pastor.
. Services every Sunday morning. Sunday
School at 12:20 o'clock r. M. A cordial invitation
is extended by both pastor and people to all.
J. S. Schekcx,
a. m. bbau.
First Rational Bank.
:he dalles,
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received subject to Sight
. Draft or Check.
Collections made" and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection. .
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
. -New York, San Francisco and Port
- . . land. .
D. r. Thompson. . Jxo. S. Schenck.
Ed.- M. Wili-iams, - Geo. A. Likbb.
, II. M. Bkall.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
' Easterh States. .v .
Sight ' Exchange ; and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and "Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms. . "
Closefei Chimneys Cleaned :
Carpets take up, cleaned and put down,
- also Closets and Chimnevs cleaned'
- on short notice at reasonable- " :..
rates.' -
Orders received through the postoffice
G. Vi. Johnston & Son,
GarcBQters ana Builders
Shop at No. 112 First Street :
All Job Work promptly attended -and
estimates given on all wood work. '
Jacob Moser
as opened a shop in the building im
, mediately east of Skibbe's Hotel,
run ;
Making and Repairing ? -
'.' Firet-Class Work and Low Prices.-"
2-27tf - : OTARAMTBBD. 7
Bull Durham
House on tlie Coast!
Best of White. Help Employed.
Nicholas, Pvop.
A BSEMBLY NO. 4827. K. OP I Mtwta In V
iV of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes-
aays oi eacn moncn at 7 :ao p. m.
A8CO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. fc A. M. Meets
nrai ana inira Monaay oi each month at 7
Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday
Mt. Hood Camp No. 69, Meets Tuesday even
ing ux eaca weejt in tne n. ox r. uail, at 7 :3U r. M
COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets
every jTiaay evemne aT 7:30 o'clock, In K.
of P. -hall, corner Second -and Court streets.
sojourning Droiners are welcome.
H. Cix)ugh, Sec'y. H. A. Bills Ji. G,
FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets
every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in
Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second
.uccui.ovjuuiuui jiiemDers are coroiaiiy in
- D. W.Vause, K. of R. and 8. C. C.
- UNION will meet every Friday afternoon
" - " itwiiiig xwui. Auajv 111V1UM1
TEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meets
at K. i P. Hall, Corner Second and Court
ouveis, a aureasy evenings at 7 :3U.
- - Geobgb Gibons.
W. B Mtkrs, Financier. - M. W
TAB. NEBMITH POST, No. 32, G. A. R. Meets
' ' J MABjr 4:ou r. a., in uie oi f .
OF L. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon in
M ESANG VEREIN Meets every Sunday
UT evening In the K. of P. Hall.
BOF L. F. DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in the
K. of - P. Hall the first and third Wednes
day of each month, st 7:311 r.u.
t - Tailor,
.Next door to Wasco Sun. r "
Madison's Latest System' used in cutting
. garments, and a fit guaranteed -
. .- each time. . -
Repairing and Cleaning
- Neatly and Quickly Done. .
A Severe Law.
' The English peo
ple look more closely
'to the genuineness
of these staples than
we do. In fact, they
have a law under
'Which they make
seizures and da-
, jCZpsr stroy- adulterated
- : srodacta that ara
not what they are represented to be. TTJnder
this statute thousands of pounds of tea have
. been burned because of their wholesale adnl
Jteratlon. - -.-- - ; . - -
Tea, by the way, la one of the most notori
ously adulterated articles of commerce: - Not
alone are the bright, shiny green teas artifi
cially colored, but thousands of pounds of
. substitutes for tea, leaves are used to swell
the bulk of cheap teas; ash, sloe, and willow
leaves being those most commonly used. -Again,
sweepings from tea warehouses are .
colored and sold as tea. Even exhausted tea
leaves gathered from the tea-houses are kept,
dried, and made over and find their way into
. the cheap teas.- . .-..- - .
- The English government attempts to stamp '
this out by confiscation; but no tea Is too
poor for n, and the result is, that probably
the poorest teas used by any nation are those
Consumed In America.. . -
Beech's Tea Is presented with the guar
anty that it is nnoolored and unadulterated;
in fact, the sun-cured tea leaf pare and im
ple. :lts purity 'insures superior strength,
about one third less of it being required for
an infusion than of the artificial teas, and Its
fragrance and exquisite flavor Is at once ap
parent.'! If will be a revelation to yon. Ia
order that its purity and quality may be raar
anteed, It la sold only in pound packages
"bearing this trade-mark
Mea eoc pet pomnd. tot tale at
Xioslio Sutler's,
Of the Leading City
During the little over a year of its existence it
has earnestly tried to fulfill the objects for which it
-was founded, namely, to assist in developing our
iin ATict-rim n J A A.- . -
uuouioo, w tiuvcrustj tne resources or tne city and
adjacent country and to work for an open river to
the sea. Its record is before the people and the
phenomenal support it has received is accepted as the
expression of their approval. Independent in every
thing, neutral in nothing, it;,will live only to fight
for what it believes to be just and right.
Commencing with the first number of the second
vclume the weekly has been enlarged to eight pages
while the price ($1.50 a year) "remains the same.
Thus both the" weekly and daily editions contain
more reading matter foij
published in the county.
int pipuLt Jim pii.
Bool apd Job priptip.
Done on
Address all Mail Orders' to
of Eastern Oregon.
less money than any paper
Short Notice.
. -
Pub. Co
- JOS. T. PS TEES, Secretary.