':ui 1 The Dalles Daily Chroniele. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY., Published Dully, Sunday Excepted. by - - ' ::. -" THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, The ' Dalles, Oregon. - l Terms of Subscription Per Year.' ....... Per month, by carrier. . Single copy .$6 00 . 50 .. " 5 STATE OFFICIALS. Governoi 8. Pennoyer Secretary of State G.W. McBride Treasurer Phillin Metschan Snpt. of Public Instruction E. B. McElroy anatora.. Congressman.. State Printer I J. N. Dolnh )J. H. Mitchell B. Hermann Frank Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge..... C. N. Thornbury Sheriff. D.L. Cates Clerk Treasurer Commissioners . Assessor ....J. B. Crossen Geo. Ruch IH' A. Leavens J Frank Kincald John E. Barnett Surveyor. . . .E. r. Sharp Superintendent of Publlo Bchools . . . Troy Shelley Coroner William Mlchell IS THIS THE MILLENIUM A dispatch eays the saloon-keepers of St. Joseph, Mo., have formed an organ ization for the promotion of temperance It is known hs the Liquor Dealer's Be nevolent Association and its aims are "The promotioTuof temperance and ihe good order of society by aiding in the enforcement of all laws and ordinances regulating the manufacture and sale of liquors ; to promote temperance' in the use of liquors, especially with those who are addicted to the intemperate use thereof ; to create and maintain a fund for the relief and aid of the families of members, in case of death or disability, and to unite fraternally the members of the association so that their combined efforts may be devoted to the purpose of public usefulness and benevolence.1 The membership of the association is - composed of the most influential saloon keepers of St. Joseph. The Times-Mountaineer reports that a favorite pet animal belonging to A. J. - Wall's Eight-mile menagerie, and named after the editor of this journal, died sud denly on the day of the late republican primaries. Had this been indeed so, it would only have proved the profound sympathy of the whole brute creation with the sorrows and adversities of the truly good. It spoils the moral some what to inform the Mountaineer that the -death of the poor little thing was chronicled in this journal more than a 'week. before the primaries were - held. . The three-legged pig which Wall named Middle ton, but afterwards changed to Michell, still lives because the wicked never die. . The butter has exuded from the por ridge. . The Times-Mountaineer comes -out last night in a bitter attact on Sena tor Watkins. That's right. Senator Watkins is a bad man. He is theauthor of the Cascade portage bill. He worked eo hard for the bill that it passed and now the river is practically opened from The Dalles to the sea. The railroad Abates Watkins, so does the Times-Mountaineer, and so does every friend of the railroad, including Moody and all his tribe. A "genuine counterfeit" silver- half dollar has appeared which contains the full weight of pure coin silver and is in -every respect equal to those coined at the United States mints. This is a new "departure in counterfeiting but there is -money in this scheme as 70 cents worth -of silver bullion makesa full weight - silver dollar. The -counterfeiters are -simply doing what the silver miners might do under free coinage, with this difference, that under free coinage the government would bear the expense of making the coin. ' The river and harbor bill reported to the house calls for' appropriations amounting to $20,700,000 or about $300, 000 less than the bill passed by the "billion dollar congress." . The south wants all the money it can get and to that fact more than to any other per haps we will owe, if we get it, a liberal appropriaiion for the Columbia " river. But it would be funny if we should have another billion dollar congress, after all that has been said about the last one. . The Portland IHspatch says : Senator Hill said : "Other political parties come snd go, but the democratic party is for ever aud ever.". Some republicans take . exceptions to that 'statement and natur ally say, "So is Hill." Democrats in stinctively look higher and are happy in ... being able to respond, "So is heaven." . The Dispatch' quotation is orthographi- . cally incorrect. The original said : bell, . instead of Hill. ' Claus Spreckels has sold out his Phil adelphia sugar refinery to the' sugar trust for the neat little sum of $7,000,000 j - The Stat of'Karope. . -r- , ; The present state of Europe suggests to the thoughtful man scores of ques- . tions which the ordinary student of for eign politics finds it hard to answer. Why has Italy allied herself with her old ene my, Austria? Why does Russia threaten t-he peace of Europe? Why are jTrance ami Germany hereditary enemies? What is the exact status of Turkey in European affajrs? Why is war said to fce.lpaml nent, and where and how is it most likely to break out? Forum. ' ; - Ben Holladay's Katate. Portland,.- March 29. In closing the Ingalls-Bellinger controversy, ' in the samous Ben Holladay' estate case yes terday an attempt was made to show thatJBen Holladay, in his lifetime, bad paid . $40,000 to prevent Ingalls from being "cashiered" in "the army. This brought out the following statement from Gen. Ingalls himself on the stand-: A-a.7 uun va. ui 7U1UKI -iiav vuuusv said, "has never" been called in ques tion1" I have ; over a hundred -letters from .. all my . principal commanders, Grant, . McClellan, Meade, Hooker, Stanton .and others, speaking in the most commendatory terms of my char acter. The talk of my being 'cashiered' is a most preposterous myth. For fifty years I have 'received and disbursed several hundred- , millions : of public money and several hundred thousands in my private capacity, and during the whole 'fifty years I have never had a voucher stopped against me, or had to pay a penny on account of any public or private business I ever made. The referees now' have ten days in which to go over the testimony and report to the county court.. Then the county judge will render his decision in the matter, It is expected that whichever side gets the worst end of the decision will appeal it. - If so, it goes from Judge Moreland to Judge Stearns' court; then, if again appealed, to tne state court. Portland Harbor Lines Portland, March 25. Col. George H. Mendell, corps of engineers, TJ. S. A., in company with Maj. T. H. Handbury and Capt. T. W. Symons, have called a pub lic meeting at the chamber of -commerce rooms today at 2 o'clock, to discuss' the settlement of the harbor lines for this port, which duty has been assigned by the secretary of war-to the board -of tnree omcers above named The Bill i Dead. Washington, March 29. Speaker Crisp refuses to bring in the cloture rule on the silver bill unless a majority of the democratic members agreed to sup port the committee on rules on it.. Thir ty-five free-coinage democrats are re quired to sign the request for cloture. and the anti-silver men freely claim ine Dili is aeaa. Neuralgia Cured In 15 Minutes. Mr. J. . S. Sturtevant, editor of the Waupaca (Wis.) Post, says : "Last night wife of neuralgia of the face and tooth in fifteen minutes. We would not be without it." 50 cent bottles for sale by .Dianeiey x nougnton, druggists. Notice. " All Dalles City warrants registered prior to September 1, 1890, will be paid if . A . C - Tx . f'loouix-u at iu v uiuce. interest ceases rom and after this date. -- Dated February 8th, 1892. - . O. KlKERSLY, , tf. Treas. Dalles City. Get thft Rntjirir thn Amann rvr tin California lawn sprinkler; at Maier & .Demons. . 3-18-dtf. Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria - Navigation Co. Columbia River Steamers. FIRST CLASS Passenger ana Frelgnt Line -BETWEEN Portland and The Dalles. The majmificlent steamers "Dallea Citv and Regulator"- will leave as follows, and Steamer "Dallea City" from Portland dally, (except Sunday,) at 6 a. m., arriving- at The Lmua mi o p. xu. (except Sunday)) at 6 a. m., arriving at Portland' at u p. in. taW"The Route passes through the Fells of the Cascades and in plain view of the Government toeka, (now in process of completion,) the far iMuieu u vim aaa nuuemin jralla. uiMiuK uue ui mc must oeauunu ana pleasur able trips on the grand Columbia. dnri't fail tn oaM in ffcft nndovn'mi through rates in connection with the -KTA4.l.AkH Q -1 , - Kaiiway. Cattle, sheep and hoes landed at the pasture of the American Dressed Beef company, iroutdale, at nominal rates. W. C. ALLAWAY, A cent. B. F. LAUGH LI N , Oeneral Manag-er. ' THE DALLES, - : OREGON FARMERS' BOARDING HOUSE MRS. A. J. OB ABB.'. . .... .Proprietor - Meals 25 cents, Lodging 25 cents. " " Table well supplied with evertbing in market. Comfortable beds an anv in the Aitv Second st, near Madison. . ' -.- Dalle City : ; . SECOND ANNUAL MEETING. - Notice to the Stockholders of The Dalies, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co, " THE 8ECOND ANNUAL MEETING OP THE stockholders of The Dalles. - Portland fe Astoria Navigation Company will be held in the "tin over me nromcie omce ax talles citv, Ore gon, on Monday. Aoril -4th. 1892. at 2 n'olnnk n. m., for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may legitimately come before the ltt .f VMHi U1VO T ( .J . -2 - JOS. T. PE fERS, SccreUry. - If on wanted. The undersigned will pay : ; FIVE DOLLARS PER TON FOR ALL KINDS OF WAGON AND MA- v CHINE fCRAP-IRON, CW Delivered in The Dallea no to Aoril 1st. at Beers & Williams' Hay Yard. No stove Cast ings wanted. . .- S. TR1CHIER. VI. E. GARRETSOH, Jeweler, 80tB AGENT FOR THI All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. . 1SS Second St.. The Dalles. Or. MRS. C. DAVIS Has Opened the REVERE RESTAURANT, In the New Frame Building on SECOND STREET, Next to the ' Diamond Flouring Mills. First Class Meals Furnished at all Hours. Only White Help Employed. BgwFioyu&Co., Successors to C. E. Dunham. . ' Druggists and Chemists. ' Pure DrMs ani Medicines. . Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance. THE DALLES, OREGON. STAGY SjtOaifl, levWatclp Has opened an office for Cleaning and Repairing Watches, Jewelry, etc. All work" guaranteed and, promptly attended. - flT C E. DUjlfllUHS OLD STflJiD Co-. Second and Union Streets. A. A. Brown. Keeps a full assortment of . and Provisions. which he offers at Low Figures. SPEGIRIt X PrtfGES to Cash Buyers. : Hiilest Cash Trices for Ems and etlier Produce. : 170 SECOND STREET. A NEW- ; Usdertakiog Establishment! PRINZ & NITSCIIKE. . DEALERS IN '. . Furnitures and Carpets. ' : We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. - Remember our place on Second street, nert to Moodv a bank.. HI Staple and Fancy Groceries COLUMBIA GANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (SucMssors to . B. Cram.) - ' . Manufacturer of the finest French and Home Made o jist id i zb s , . - . ast of Portland. " ' DEALER IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at. Wholesala or Retail .7 ' la Kverjr Style. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. - GENTLEMEN! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF - ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH ' - ING .LINE, . - - - - tf) , " ' Qil (and "Se:e me Shirt nf all Irinrla f nprlae a prices which defy competition. Other Second st., The Dalles. Sole Agent for WANSAMAKER & BROWN, Philadelphia, Pa. YOUR ATTENTION Is called to the fact that Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement . and .Building Material of all kinds Carrie the Finest Line of 1 ; To be foand In the City. 72 CUashitigton Stfeet. MRS. LOCH HEAD'S Painting' CLASS ! .. Will meet on Tuesday and Friday , ' Jornings, at 9 -o'clock, and on Wednesday and Friday Afternoons, at 2 o'clock. Orders taken in all branches of Paint ing. A fuli line of New Studies for sale or to rent. Studio at the residence of Mr. G. P. Morgan, corner of . Third and Liberty streets. ART STUDIO. Has opened an Art Studio, At the RESIDENCE or Mbs.HEPP NER, on FIFTH Street, (East of the M. E. Church.) Class days are TUESDAY, THCBSDAI and 8ATUKDAY. ' Samnles of Mrs. Bemish's wort mar be seen at the store of Paul Kref t &. Co. 3-3dtf AND OYSTER HOUSE. One of the Finest Cooks in The Dalles. All Work done by White Help. Next door- to IJyroe, Floyd fc Co.a' : Drug Store. . 85 Union St., The Dalles. Just Opened. frlrs. fl. JOJlES - Proprietor. Everything the Market Aflfords, at Reasonable 7 : . Kates. R. B. HOOD, Feed and Sale ITorses Bought and Sold on, . Commission and Money - : Advanced on Horses : -i Left for Sale. . " ' OFFICE OF The Dalles and Goldendale Stage. Line t' Stage Leaves The Dalles -Every Morning at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7:00. All - - freight must be left at R. B. .- Hood's office the eve- . . nlng before. : ..'--..- R. B. HOOD, Proprietor. . "' Opposite old Stand. .-The Dalles, Or. Haah Glenn Piciure rnouiain as The Dalles Restaurant Livery M AS & GRO WE , '; -SALE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED " ' - Raovn9 'and 'Chaitet Oak ' STOVES AND RANGES. 1 Jeieffs Steel Ranges, and Marton's and Boston's Fmaces. , We also keep a large and eomplete stock of Hardware, Tinware, Granite, barbed . Wire,. Blacksmiths'. Coal, Pumps, - Pipe, ; Packing, . Plumbers Supplies, Guns, Ammunition and Sporting Goods." Plumbing, Tinning, dun Repairing and Light , Machine Work a Specialty. ( - COB. SECOND AMD FEDERAL 8TS.. D. BUlMlM Pipe Won, Tin Repairs aoil Booflng MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss' Blacksmith Shop. ' . G r e at Bargains! Removal ! Removal ! .- - . - On account of Removal I -will sell my entire stock of Boots and. Shoes, Hats and. Caps. Trunks and Valises, Shelv- ings, Counters,' Desk, Safe, Fixtures, at a Great. Bargain. Come and see my offer. ' . GREAT REDUCTION ik RETAIL. 125 Second Stveet, )!EW F0LL fl)ID WHITER DBY GOODS COMPLETE IJT EVERY DEPARTMENT. Glothing, Gents' Famishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes. Full Assortment of the Leading Manufacturers. Cash Bayers mill save money by examining our stock ' and prices before purchasing elsewhere. H- Herbring. The Dalles Mercantile Co., " " . Sacceaaora to BROOKS BEERS, Dealer In General Merchandise, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishing Goods. Boots. Shoes. Hatsf Groceries, 7 Hard-ware, Provisions, - Flour, Bacon, HAY, GRAIN AND PRODUCE Of all Kinds at Lowest Market Rates. - Free Delivery to Boat and Curs and all parts of the City ' 390 and 394 Second Street ' HL C. NI Glothier BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valise, CSrGtet9 -c.xra3Lsil3Lxi.s ' Goods, ; CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, THE DALLES, OREGON. Blueware, Silverware, Cutlery, THE DALLES, OREGON. The Dalles. E LS6N, and TailbP