The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. BY .' THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, Dalles, Oregon. Tbe Terms of Subscription Per Year Per month, by carrier. t Blngle copy .6 00 SO 6 STATIC OFFICIALS Governor Becretary ol State Treasurer Bapt. of Public Instruction . . . . osators.... Congressman... Bute Printer : S. Pennoyer ...G.W. McBride .PhilliD Metschan E. B. MeElroy I J. N. Dolph " J. H. Mitchell B. Hermann Frank Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge C. N. Thornbury Sheriff 1). I Cates Clerk J. B. Crossen Treasurer Geo. Erich Commissioner, iSSHl Assessor John E. Barnett Surveyor E. F. Sharp Bupenntenaeni oi ruDiic ecnoois. . . iroy sneiiey Coroner William Miehell We have repeatedly called attention to the fact that the fees of tbe clerk and sheriff of this county are outrageously high. We make the 'statement and challenge contradiction that the clerk's fees amount to more than $10,000 a year. The sheriffs' are not so large but they too, must be cut down, to something within the limits of reason and common sense. We refer to this matter now in order to sa'y that if the convention that meets here next Saturday is not con trolled entirely by the enemies of the people, steps should be taken to pledge each candidate on the legislative ticket to work for the passage of a bill that shall place these offices on a reasonable salary or otherwise cut down the fees to some reasonable limit. A good bill of this character would save to the county, annually, a sum of money nearly equal to a five mill tax on all the property in the county. Will the republican con vention so manifest its sympathy with an overtaxed people as to attack this The Pendleton Tribune rakes the Ga zette, fore and aft, for expressing its opinion on the congressional fight. We do not desire to enter into any personal controversies, says the Gazette, if Mr. Leasure is the strongest man, we have been seriously misinformed, and, too, by members of the republican party hailing from all parts of the district. There is one thing we do know; that there is one man who is spoken of for congressional honors, who has nothing to defend, either in public or private life, and that man is Hon. W. R. Ellis.. The county conventions of the two great political parties are approaching and there never was a time in the his tory of this county when the necessity was so urgent that only the right kind of men be sent to the state conventions to nominate the state ticket. The Chronicle has no candidate but it warns the parties concerned that if any one is put on the legislative tickets of either party who is even remotely allied with xne rauroaa mnuence we will do every thing in our power, publicly and -privately to down him. Senator Mitchell has succeeded' in ob taining an order from tho secretary of war, relieving the governor, of Oregon from responsibility for the loss of gov ernment property in possession of the Oregon National Guard and destroyed by fire at The Dalles, Oregon, September 2, 1891. Instructions have been for warded to the governor from the war de partment, authorizing him to drop the destroyed articles from his annual reports for the year ending December' 31, 1891. A Portland paper announces that Joe "Simon proposes to be absent during the coming election. It is stated that he goes to Europe on an extended trip This will be good news to many, espec ially the part that relates to the exten sion of the trip. Probably the trip is a political exile. A going up Salt Creek, as it were, before the election. xne jiHionan says packers last year paid all the way from $6.10 to $6.75 per dox lor their tin, an average of perhaps, $6.50 per box. This year with tin at the factory at from $3.10 to $3.25 per box, freight, say 40 cents per box, and the ' duty amounting to $2.40, tbe tin is being lai4 Kawa at ffM tf fi tats """" " m per -. .run.! a a ubua icupruvcinviiv over last year. ' The average weight of a measured bushel of Oregon wheat is sixty pounds. This exceeds the average of any state ia the Union by half a pound. It ia half a pound higher than California, a pound higher than Washington, and a pound and a half over the average for the whole United States. North Dakota wheat is the lightest, averaging only 56.8 pounds' per bushel. . . , The Portland Dispatch has revamped the old lie about H. W. Scott's wanting to Succeed Mr. Dolph in the . United States senate. This particular lie is so stale and ancient and maloderous that the Dispatch should have disinfected it before it was again brought before. .the public nostril. Compared with this one "Tony's tin plate lies are as fresh and fragrant as the breath of a May morning. Republican County Convention. '- The following dellegates have, been chosen to attend the republican county convention to be held in this city next Saturday : ' . " . East Dalles precinct. . Frank Creigh ton, J. W. Koontas, W. J.Roberta, Frank Connelly, H. L. Kuck,' Emory Campbell and Fred Grummond. Biglow precinct. Frank Menefee, M. T. Nolan, Hugh Chrisman, C. 3. Cran dall, Robert Mays, and Thomas Joles. Trevett precinct. J. M. Patterson, Judd Fish, William Mitchell, C. L. Phil lips, P. DeHuff, J. G. Koontz, A. M. McLeod and W. H. Jones. West Dalles precinct. J. W. Marquis, George Runyan, G. B. Halvor, A. N. Varney, and A. A. Urquhart. Mosier precinct. L. Devenport, Frank Phillips. Hood. River precinct. M. P. Isenberg, J. W. Baker, T. R. Cook, E. S. , Olinger, C. L. Gilbert. ... . Falls precinct. Robert Black, E.. P, Ash, Dr. Candiani, A. Watt, P. Moran Baldwin precinct. W. . R. Winans, Ross. . Eight-Mile precinct J. E. McCormick. Columbia precinct. Richards. , W.E.Campbell, H. Gilpin, W. D DesChutes precinct. h: Rice, A S, Roberta. ' Nansene precinct. Henry Hudson, J Easton. Dufur precinct. H . H. Dufur, Willard Vanderpool, M. J. Anderson, R. Sigman, an, E. Geo. W. Johnston. Kingsley precinct. F. C. Sexton, Williams, H. Mahew. Tygh precinct. W. M. McCorkle, J. H. Sherar. " Wamic precinct. A. E. Lake, T.' J. Driver, P. W. Knowles. Oak Grove precinct. S. G. Blackerby, Frank Gabel, W. H. Davis. Bake Oven precinct. H. C. Rooper, H. Jordan, Lem Burgess. Antelope precinct. W. Kelsay jr., J. C. Morphy, D. S. Kimsey, C. V. Lane, Grant Mays. - . NOTICE. S. E. Farris will start the street sprinkler on the first of April. . 3-22-t31 NOTICE TO TAXPAYIKS. State and county ta'xes become delin quent April 1st next. Taxpayers are hereby requested to make payment of it soon and avoid going on the delinquent list. D. L. Catks, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Neuralgia Cared in 13 Minutes. ' Mr. J. S. Sturtevant, editor of the Wauvaca (Wis.) Post, save: "Last merit Chamberlain's Pain Balm cured my wife of neuralgia of the face and tooth in fifteen minutes. We would not be without it." 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. UALL FOR A REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. . Notice is hereby (riven that at a meetintr of the Republican County Central Committee of Wasco county, Or., called by authority vested in me as Chairman of said committee, and held at the County Court Room in Dalles City, Oregon, on me idia uay oi roDruary, iBirj, it was oraerea that a Call be issued for a Remiblican Count v Convention, to be held at the Court House in wanes i;ity, Oregon, at lu a. m., on the 26th day of March , 1892, e purpose of nominating candidates for the office of County Judge, Clerk, Sheriff, one County Commissioner, Treasurer, Assessor, Superintend ent of Schools, County Surveyor and Coroner, and the election of six delegates to represent W asco county in the Republican State Conven tion, to be held In the city of Portland, Or., on the 6th day of April, 1892, and to transact such other and further business as may properly come before said convention. The County Convention will consist of seventy-three delegates from the various precincts, apportioned as follows, to-wit: Falls Precinct 5 Delegates Hood Kiver Precinct 4 Baldwin ..8 .2 .5 ..8 ..7 . ..7 Mosier West Dalles Trivett Bigelow East Dalles Eight Mile Columbia Deschutes Nansene Dufur Kingsley Tygh Valley Waumaek Oak Grove Bake Oven Antelope 2 .8 It is further recommended, by order of the Central Committee, that primary elections be held In the various precincts, at the usual place of voting, on the 19th day of March, 1892, and that the polls be opened at such primaries throughout the county at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day, except within the limits of Dalles City, in which the primaries will be conducted under provisions of Primary Election Law and the subjoined notice. The attention of electors in the various pre cincts desiring to elect Justices of the Peace and Constables, is called to the provisions of the new election law as to the manner of nominating their candidates at the primaries. M. T. NOLAN, Attest - Chairman Rep. Co. Central Com. A. G. Johnson, Secv. Democratic State Convention. A democratic state convention will be held in the city of Portland, Or., April 19, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the pur pose of placing in nomination two can didates for congress, one snpreme judge, one candidate in each judicial district for circuit judge and prosecuting attor ney, to be voted for at the coming June election, and such other business as may properly - come before said conven tion. The various counties are entitled to representation in said, convention as follows : - Baker 7 Benton. 9 Clackamas . .11 Clatsop. 8 Columbia 8 Coos 5 Linn 16 Malheur 8 Marion is Morrow ......... , 6 Multnomah 42 Polk o utook , 7 Bnerman 2 uurry z Tillamook v Douglas .. 11 Umatilla..... w...... 15 Gilliam ...... . ... 4 Union ...15 "ntufc o waiiowa . . .. 4 Harney........ .... 4 Washington 8 jacason .v..,..'. .11 Wasco 9 iwepaine ,. lamnill..... 8 Klaamath ............ 8 - V Lake.. 8 . Total.,; 265 taoe . is - It is recommended, unless otherwise ordered by the -local committees, that the primaries in the various counties be neia on Saturday, ..the 9th day of April. and the county conventions on. Thurs day, April 14, 1892. By order of the democratic state cen tral committee. B. Goldsmith, Chairman, A. Noltnkr, Secretary. Call Tor s Republican State Convention. A republican convention for the state of Oregon, is called to meet in the city of Portland on Wednesday, the 6th day' of April, 1892, at 11 o'clock a. in., for. the purpose oi nominating candidates for the office , of Supreme Judge, two congressmen, presidential electors, members of the state board of equaliza tion, and other district officers, and to transact .such other business as may properly come before the convention. The convention will consist of 233 dele gates among the several counties as follows: . , Baker ....... Benton Clackamas . Clatsop Columbia. . . Coos Crook Curry Douglas Gilliam . Grant Harney Jackson Josephine . . Klamath Lake . 6 Lane....!.'.. 7 linn 10 Malheur ,10 Marion . . . . .. ..-6 ,.;..6 .....3 Mutnomah. . Morrow.' Polk-. ...3 Sherman . ...9 Tillamook... 4 Umatilla.. . . 5 Union :.'.. Wallowa..... .....7 Wasco........ ......5 Wasbineton. ..& Yamhill .,.3 The same being one delegate at large from each county, and one delegate for every 200 votes, and one for every frac tion over one-half thereof, cast for Con gressman' at the June election in 1890. The committee recommended that the Primaries be held on Saturday, March 19, "and the County Convention on Sat urday, March 26," unless otherwise or dered by the proper County Committees. All voters who favor the -republican policy of internal improvements, protec tion of American productions and labor, and guarding sacredly the rights of every American citizen at home and abroad, are cordially invited to unite with ns. James Lotan. Chairman Republican State Central Committee. F. A. Moore, Secretary. pcfap - Ipon Wanted. The undersigned will pay FIVE DOLLARS PER TON FOR ALL KINDS OF WAGON AND MA CHINE SCRAP-IRON, 3F Delivered in The Dalles ud to Anril 1st. at Beers & Williams' Hav Yard. No stove Cast ings wanted. . S. TKICHTElt. Byni8,RO!ji&Co.? Successors to C. E. Dunham. Druggists and Chemists. Pure Drugs ana MeJlclnes. . Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance. THE DALIES, OBEGOIT. STAGY SHOOIft, Tfie - WaicUfHaiier . Has opened an office for Cleaning and repairing w, Jewelry, etc. All work guaranteed and promptly attended. AT C. E. DUHHflJBS OLD STAND, Cor. Second and Union Streets. A- A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. ' - ' which he offers at Low Figures. SPECIfllt :-: PRIGES to Cash Buyers. Highest Cash Prices for 1ms and : : otto Mice, -- m 170 SECOND STREET. ANEW DndertaJdng Establishment ! PBINZ & NITSGHKE. DEALEBS IN Furniture and Carpets. complete Undertaking Establishment, hum. wv tt v MM 11U VY ay UCU IU W 1 111 the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly. Remember our place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. 1 COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs : ..." (successors to w. e. cram. Manufacturer of the finest French and -- Home Made o .a:n id I IES s , -'. ' w, . East of Portland. . - . DEALER IN . " Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Oan furnish any of these goods at Wholesale or Betail In Ererr Style. C 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. GENTLEMEN ! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH- : ING LINE, . ; .'. off oind me Shirts of all kinds to order, at Drices which defv couoDetition. Other goods in proportion. P. FAGAN, second St., lhe Dalles. Sole Agent for WANKAMAKER & BBOWN. Philadelphia, Pa. YOUR ATTEflTIOJl Is called to the fact that Hagh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and iJuiiding Material of all kinds. - " -Carrie' the finest Line of M W V To be found in the City. 72 LU ashing ton Sttfeet. MRS. LOCHHEAD'S Painting CLASS ! Will meet on Tuesday and Friday Mornings, at .9 o'clock, and on Wednesday and Friday Afternoons, at 2 o'clock. . Orders taken in all branches of Paint ing. A full line of New Studies for sale or to rent. Studio at the residence of Mr. G. P. Morgan, corner of Third and Liberty streets. ART STUDIO. mm. uf. BBSXIC Has opened an Art Studio,' At the RESIDENCE of Mrs. HEPP NER, on FIFTH Street, (East of the M. E. Church.) " Class days are TUESDAY, THURSDAY - and SATURDAY. 8amrjle8 of Mrs. Bemish's work mav be seen at the store of Paul Kref t ic Co. S-3dtf AND OYSTER HOUSE. One or the Finest Cooks in The Dalles. All Work done by White Help. Next door to Bvrne, Floyd fe Co.s' Drug Store. - 85 Onion St., The Dalles. Just Opened. flrs. ll. JOSES - proprietor. Everything' the Market Affords, at Reasonable Rates. R. B. HOOD, Livery Jced and Sale Horses Bought and Sold on voTnmisszonancbJuoney . Advanced on Horses -. -' Left for Sale. OFFICE OF ' The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line J ' Staze Leaves The Dalles Every Morning - at 7:80 and Goldendale at 7;00. All freight must be left at R. B. --4: Hood's office' the-eve . . - ; -;: . ning before. . ' ; R. B. HOOD, Proprietor. Opposite old Stand. The Dalles, Or. picture HUMS TheDalles Restaurant BOBT. MATS. MAYS & SALE AGENTS FOR 'Roottn9' and ' STOVES AND RANGES. Jeweffs SteelRaieuni BicMHs ani Bojnton's Furnaces. We also keep .a large and complete stoek of . ' Hardware, . Tinware, Granite Biueware; Silverware; Cutlery, v ?.rbed Wire, Blacksmiths' Coal, ' Pumps, Pipe, Packing,- Plumbers Supplies, Guns, ' ; Ammunition and Sporting Goods. Plumbing, . Tinning, G-un Repairing and Light - .Machine Work a Specialty. COR. SECOND AND FEDKEAL STS.. D. BUNN Pijpe WorR, Tia Repairs aaHoofioj MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss' ..- Blacksmith Shop: Removal ! Removal ! On account of Removal I will sell my entire stock of Boots and. Shoes, Hats and. Caps, Trunks and Valises, Snelv ings, Counters, Desk, Safe, Fixtures, at a Great Bargain. Come and see my offer. ; ; : , " GREAT REDUCTION I1M RETAIL. J.FREIMKN 125 Second Street, 1IEW FULL flllD WIIITEB DRY GOODS COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT.. Glothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes. Full Assortment of the Leading Manufacturers. . Cash Bayers mill save money by examining oqp stoek - and ppieestef ore purchasing elsewhere. -MBf -3 H. Herbring. The Dalles Mercantile Co., Successor, to BROOKS b BEERS. Dealer! In General Merchandise, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. ' Groceries, Hard-ware, Provisions, Flour, Bacon, HAY, GRAIN AND PRODUCE Of all Kinds at Lowest Market Rates. JFree Delivery to Boat and Curs and all parts of the City 390 and 394 Second Street , . ' H.O.NIEL.SeN Clothier BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, O-ents' xa.xn 1 fY i.xxg Groods, CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, , THE DALLES, OREGON. Xj. :E3. CBOWJfl. CROWE, THE CELEBRATED 'Chatrtep Oak THE DALLES, OREGON. The Dalles. ELL and Tailor