The Dalles Daily Chronicle. i : 1 Entered a the Postofltce at The Dalle. Oregon, aa aecotul-claaa matter. . . Local Advertising- 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. - Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear the following day. .TIME TABLES. The Dalles, Portland & Astoria flav. Co. ; soBxmxrzjx:. The boats of The Dalles, Portland 6c Astoria Navigation Co. will commence running on Mon day, Feb. 15th, and until further notice under . the fallowing schedule. Steamer "DALLES CITY" leaves PORTLAND at 6 A. M: , ' Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays : CASCADES at 10: 30 A. M.:' ' ' Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: . Steamer VBEGTJLATOB" leaves 111 K DALLES at 6 A. M.; Monday a, Wednesdays and Fridays: Cascades at l p.' m.; . Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays : . " . i B. F. LATJGHUXt General Manager. .- ... Railroads. . -' BAST BOOBP. , i No."'2, Arrives 12:01 A. M, '- Departs 12:06 A. M. " 8,' j ..12W r. H. .- -V" " ' V. ia:S0r. u. t 'TinBOOKn.-"'"-''- v'' . No. 1, Arrives 4:25 a.m. . Departs 4:30 A. M. " 7, " 6:00 r. u.. M 6:20 r. M. Two locai freights that carry passengers leave ne for the west at 7-00 a. K.fand one for the east at 9:15 A. K. STAGES. 'For PrineviUe, via. Bake Oven, leave dally at 6 a. M. . For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave dailv at 6 A. M. For Kuf ur KIngsley, Wamlc, Waplnitia, Warm Springs Mid Tygh Valley, leave daily (except Bumiav) at 6 A. M. - For Goldendale, Wa8h., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 A. M. Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. Post-Office- - OFFICB HOURS -General Dellvrey Window.; 8. m. to 7 p; m. Money Order . ". 8 a. in. to 4 p. m. Sunday G "... 9 a. m. to 10a. m. CI.OSINO OF MAILS By trains going East.. ... .9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m. " " West .9 p. ill. and 4:45 p.m. Stage for Goldendale. .. ... -.. 7:30 a. m. PrineviUe.... 5:30a.m. "DufurandWarm9prings ..5:30a. m. t Leaving for Lyle & Hurt laud. .5:30 a. m. - " "j Antelope 5:30 a.m. - "Except Sunday. ' Trl-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. Monday Wednesday and Friday. SATURDAY MARCH 19.1892 C 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE,"! WEATHER BUREAU. . Tbv Dallbb, Or., Mar. 19, 1892. Pacific H Rela- D.t'r to SP ' State Coast bar. g tive of 5 of Time. Hum Wind ? 4 Weather 8 A. M. 29.58 45 85 West .20 ptCloudy 8 P. M. 2J.46 59 47 " I" . " . Maximum - temperature, 60; minimum tem- eratnre, 41. Height of River, 3 p. m . . . . . .'. 9.4 feet; vnange in past 24 nours v.o ix 'Total precipitation from July 1st to date, 9.36; . average precipitation from July 1st to date, 12.27; total deficiency from July 1st, 1891, to date, 2.91; tnches. ... WEATHER PROBABILITIES. San Fbancisco, Mar. 19. 1892. . Weather forecast till 8 p. v Monday; ' Rain. - ' . Kehkham. RAIN ; LOCAL. BREVITIES. ' Republican primary election day. . Hon. F. P. Maya of Portland is in city. the Hon. W. i. Jb,lli8 of Heppner was in town last night and left for home on the noon passenger today. Mr. W. Lord was called to his iarm in . Klickitat yesterday, and will be absent from the city several days.' William Worden and Raymond Blue, of Wapinitia, were in town today mak ing homestead entries on land on 'Wapi nitia flat. . Mr. J. P. Mclnerny invites proposals for the erection of a cottage in the city, according to plans and specifications to be seen at the office of Crandall& Burget. An egg laid by a hen in Mrs. Frank Chase's poultry yard, three miles from this city, measures 6)4 inches in length. The yolk is in one :end of it, and the white in the other. ' If yon should miss the Chronicle from your residence, or ' place of busi ness, please let us know it, as a new carrier boy is being initiated, and mis takes are liable to happen. John C. Luce, of Grant county, the candidate of the people's party for con gress from the second congressional dis . trict, passed through the city today on his way home from Portland. - - A heavy shower of rain commenced . falling a little after dark last night, and lasted for several hoars. The ground is thoroughly soaked and the prospects, so far, for fine "crops all over the county, . have not been so good for many a day- At a' meeting of The Dalles board of trade, held last night in the hall of Trx Chbonicl building, vice-President 8. L. Brooks being in the chair, a committee of three was appointed to secure the ser vices of a collector to gather in a Buffi cient amount of delinquent dues to liqui date certain debts contracted by the .board, previous to the great "fire. ' . HTM9 is the worst wind' storm'TVe evelrseen in The Dalles;" said a guest of the Umatilla house last evening, as he looked out land observed the duet driven up street by a lively gale. "How long - since you came to The Dalles?" inquired Mr. Mitchell,' of Floyd, Byrne & Co. "Thirty years ago last fall ; : but I have 7 been away, from " here 29 years of that . time." This last remark : seemed, to satisfy the inquirer with the truthful- ness of the first- assertien. J.-P. Shannon of Clackmas county formerly of Oak Grove in this county, gave us a pleasant call . today. - Mr. Shannon has been attending tli6 fore closure sale of a farm formerly owned by him in Oak Grove.- . Methodist services in the new church. Class meeting at 10 a. m. '" Preaching at 11 a. m., subject, "The Nature and Mode of Baptism." Sunday school at 12 :20 ; children's meeting at 4 p. m. ; Epworth League 5 :30 ; preaching at 7 :15. ' Every body made welcome. Revival services tonight.' " The republican primary election being held here today is being hotly contested as we go to press. Two tickets are in the feld, one known as the' Farley ticket "and the other atfWMoody- ticket: '. At this hour it is impossible to ' tell which ticket will carry the day The Congregational church services in the Court house Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. Sunday school at. 1:15, Young people's .society of Christian Endeavor at 6 o'clock p. m. . "All are - cordially , in vited. Union services in " the Court house at 7 :30 p. m., (please observe the change in time of service.) Preaching by Bev. W. C. Curtis, pastor of the Con gregational church. Subject, "Chris tianity; a-way Bide Religion." - Fire at Mr. H. C. Nielsen's Store. ' JNight before last as H C. Kielsen, the popular clothier, was putting out the light of the last lamp in his store, pre vious to closing up", the wire by which it was suspended to the ceiling broke and let the lamp fall to the floor, spilling the oil which, becoming ignited, for a time threatened the distructipn of his im mense stock of clothing. The fire was fortunately soon extinguished by throw ing clothing on the flames, and the dam age 'to clothing and 'store" furniture amounted to only a little over foO. It was altogether fortunate to Mr. Nielsen, that no greater damage was done as he had, juBt a few hours before the occur rence, placed on nis shelves and coun ters the last case of a full line of spring clothing and gent's furnishing goods, which he considers the finest lot of goods in this line he has ever exhibited to the people of this city. A visit to the store today fully confirmed thetruth of this opinion. Every counter and shelf and every other available space was oc cupied and Mr. Nielsen, himself an ar dent free trader, assured the reporter, that notwithstanding the McKinley bill hia new stock of clothing is fully as cheap as anything Of similar quality he has ever offered to the public, and hand some alU-wool suits, wholly of .Oregon manufacture, at the . low price of $10 each, fully confirmed.this opinion. Council Meeting, n,;' "... At the of call Mayor Mays"-. ra's special meeting of the council was held last night. All the - members were present except Councilman Kreft. . The . follow ing business was transacted;. Ou motion, a permit was granted to Prinz and Nitschke to use part of Second sheet opposite lots 8 and 9, in lock 3, of Dalles City, proper, for building ma terial during the construction of the building now begun on lot eight' . The petition was granted of school district No. 12, of Wasco county ,T to lay a sewer from some point near the elec tric Light Company's power house to a connection with the Union street sewer, lor the purpose of draining the seepage water that now runs down into the school house gronnds. The Electric Light Company is to pay heff the cost and the street commissioner is to superintend the work. The ' petition of John" Donovan and W. H. Butts, asking that the liquor license of John. Donovan be transfered to W II. Butts was granted. The meeting then Adjourned. . . BORN. " In this city, March 19th, to the wife of M. M. Sayre, a son. - Let Us Start a Warehouse. ' W. E. Walthers the obliging and gen tlemanly assistant of Maya & Crowe of this city, got a postal card from a well known warehouse of 'The Dalleslast Monday, informing him that a package lay at the warehouse addressed to him on which there was a freight charge of 25 cents. Mr. Walthers went to the warehouse on Tuesday morning and found a gunny sack, containing a set of harness that had been shipped to him from Hood River. He paid the freight charges and was then told that the ware house charges were 50 cents or a hundred percent more than the freight' charges! Walthers intends to start a warehouse himself juet aa soon as he can raise-the boodle. He thinks there's money in it. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received bv J.P.Me. Inerny, till noon March 31st, 1892, for the erection of a one story cottage, to be Duut at tne in. h.. corner of Third and Liberty streets, in this city. Plans and specifications to be seen at the office of Crandall and Burget, 166 Second street The right is reserved to reject any or all Dias. "- , .The Dalles, Or., March 16, 1892. - dtd -vt ... . ... , ' - - Jxaited a lady agent in every city in" Oregon to sell our celebrated Gum Tissue. Quick - . sales. - Big -. profits. Samples free. . Richards & Co. - . 164 14 First St., 3-19d3t Portland; Or. Get the" Rotary, the Amazon, or. the California: lawn sprinkler, at Majer & Behlori's. ': - . 3-18-dtf. The cheapest- place to buy potatoes in town is at J. H. Cross' feed store. 3L-7d4 Congregational Art Social. The sociable given by the Ladies Aid society of the Congregational church, at the house of Mrs. Geo. P.. Morgan last evening, was a decided success. Besides being a very enjoyable affair socially, it was a thing of much interest in the fact of being the most complete collection of the work of the artists and amateurs of The Dalles which has ever been gathered. There is much that is very creditable to the talent and industry of our art-workers. The last three , years have shown a marked improvement in the work of our amateurs. They paint with a freer brush and a finer appreciation of nature's subtle moods." ' - Perhaps there is nothing which is more indicative;, of advance than the presence in' a number ' of the pictures and sketches of, an atmosphere and a .delicate handling of lights and shadows not before observable. There is not such an opaque and painty effect as was shown in former pictures. " Everywhere may be observed a better appreciation of what among artists is termed values the.distribution of the light and shade so as to correspond to the relative planes of the picture, Evidently in this respect there has been some good instruction with power to inspire enthusiasm. We observe a marked increase in the number of original sketches which is an indication of real progress. We cannot here undertake to discriminate .to the praise or dispraise of . certain teachers amongst us, any more than we can allow ourselves to select for special praise the pictures and sketches of certain individ uals whose progress and attainment has been a wonder and an admiration to us.J Good prominence was given to the work of Ben Foster, a New York artist of very considerable power and talent, by giving his pictures and sketches a room by themselves. A number of Mr. Foster's pictures were burned in the fire which consumed Mr. Curtis' study. making the' exhibit considerably, less than it would otherwise have been. ' ;. The specimens of china exhibited by our own art workers in that direction was a complete surprise, and were the admiration of all. .The . dainty speci mens of needle work exhibited by Mrs. Gibons called forth a good deal of ad miration and praise. Much credit is ac corded to Mrs. Lochhead and Mrs. Bar rett for . the assistance they rendered Mrs. Morgan in the tasteful and artistic arrangement of the various articles. There were about fifty persons present at the sociable last evening.. It is pre same l that a number were kept away by the wind and rain which ' prevailed in the early; part of the evening. ?-By-a general request the pictures and other. articles will remain in place, thusafford- ing opportunity to those who may wish to see them this (Saturday) evening. , . . . - V t ' 'i i ; For Sale. " I A chest of carpenter tools. Enquire at Crandall & iiurget s.-; -, j. r 3-14tf. : "-..--' Wanted."" A girl to work in the country, must be a' good cook. Good wages. Apply at this office. - ' 16-3-tf . . "For Sale. . A good number 2 Caltrraph, at W. U, Telegraph office. Price $65. 3-14-lw Something new Pabsts Bohemian Milwaukee Beer only one bit a bottle. Hot clam broth after 5 p. ni. at J. O, Mack's. Call and' try them. 2-23tf . Neuralgia Cured In 15. Minutes. Mr.' J. S. Sturtevant, editor of the Waupaca (Wis.) Post, says: "Last nieht Chamberlain's Pain Balm . cured my wife of neuralgia of the face and tooth in fifteen minutes. We would not be without it." 50 cent bottles for sale by isiaseiey x jougnton, druggists. : Best Tonic. Byrne, Floyd &. Co., the leading whole sale ana retail arugeists oi xne xsaues. have today received their second large invoice of Best Tonic. Beet Tonic takes with all who have tried it. It cures dyspepsia, strengthens the system, .re' stores sound and refreshing sleep, and as a beverage at meal time promotes digestion. . " -2-27-dtf. A Remarkable Cure of Rheumatism. Messrs. Cage and Sherman, of Alexan der, Texas, write ua regarding a re maraiaDie cure oi rneumatism tnere as follows : "The wife of Mr. Wm. Pruitt the Postmaster here had been bed-rid' den with rheumatism for several .years. She could get nothing lo do her an good, We sold her a bottle of Cham oeriain's train cairn ana sne was com pletely cured by its use. We refer anv one to her to vertify this statement." 50 cent bottles lor sale Houghton, druggists. by Blakeley & . La Grippe 8 access fully Treated.. have just recovered from a second attack of the grip this year, ' says Mr, Jas. O. Jones, publisher of the Leader, used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only Demg in Dea a uttie over two days, against ten days ior tne nrst attack, The second attack I am satisfied would have been equaly as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy, as I had to go to bed in about: six hours after be ing 'struck' with . it, while in the first case I was able to attend to business about two davs before cettincr 'down ' ' 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & riougnton, druggists. - Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby waa sick, we gave her Caatoria. ' . When aha waa a Child, aha cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung; to Castoria, . Wliea she had CliildSBa, she rare them Castoria DEFINITIONS OF A LAlKaH. " Pat Expressions Cdhemnlne an Aa r - Which Host People Are Guilty. A London weekly narwr. Tit-Bite, of fered a prize of ten dollars for the beat definition of a laueh. The money waa awarded for the following: . An eruption of iov. relieved bv an ex plosion at the mouth of "the crater." Here are some of the best definitions submitted: .... , . That by which mirth nays a comnli- xnent to wit. . . The merry thunder Deal which follows the lightning flash of wit . An outward indication of inward satis faction. The physical expression of a measur able mental emotion. - - ...'" . An antidote against the Doison of mel ancholy. " . -' . . - , . As - brevity .ia the soul ; of -wit. so a laugh is the soul of expression. If "Laugh and grow fat," aa we have been told. Is a proverb undoubtedly both true and old. - We cannot be wrong If a laugh we define Aa the very beat condiment when we all dine. The music of the merry , the croak of this sxrnful and the wail of the maniac. The outward visible siern of an inward invisible tickle. ; The natural " ebullition of a joyous heart. . A burst of music from the ham of mirth, produced by the touch of humor. The "Volapuk" of mirth and" Eood nature. ' v The keynote of man's character, the tone of which proves its quality. An appreciation of humor conveyed without speech. --. A cheerful report from the interior. " Nature's mental medicine. Used snar- ingly it acts aa a pleasant tonic, but when resorted to immoderately it para lyzes and degrades the senses. A temporary relaxation from gravity. The only family doctor who erives re-. lier in ail cases, often effects instanta neous cure and sends no bills. Merriment's wand, but derision's dart. One of God's greatest blessings for temporarily relieving the monotony of our existence. Heaven's best antidote to care. The luxury of health and the greatest help to digestion. What a woman is fond of doing when she has got a new set of false teeth. Nature s tonic for mental ailments. The best doctor and the cheapest med icine in the world. -: - A spark from the fire of life. The spray from the fountain of mirth. or a bubble from the well of scorn. - "The sunshine of the heart reflected in the face. The safety valve of mirth, the pon iard of derision and the mockery of despair. ; An ostentatious display of one's own sense of humor. , - - The oil which make the lamp of life burn-bright and clear. The explosion produced by a flash of wit. ". A Tamed Tion At the Zoo a young lioh from Sokoto was much intent on breaking in the iron shutter which separates the house it now occupies from' its former quarters next door. - Apart from the very proper wish to assert a right to its former dom icile, it had the irritating stimulus sup plied by an ill tempered and decrepit old leopard which was growling on the other side of the shutter, and even went so far as to insert one of its longest teeth into the crack between the shutter and the wall as a reminder to the lion' of what was waiting for it on the other side.' The lion was striking constant heavy blows on the door, and was so intent on its occupation as to disregard the call of its keeper. The keeper quietly attracted its attention by pulling its tail I and the lion at once desisted, rubbed its face against the keeper's hand and lay down to' be stroked, patted and have its mane caressed. A very beautiful puma close by exhibited all the pleasure of a friend ly cat ' at being stroked, and the tiger from Turkestan allowed himself to be fondled like a big dog. London Specta tor.- JOHN BOOTH. O. T? . STEPHENS, DEALER IN ( I.OT11ING . . - BooU, . Shoee, Hats, Etc. Kte- "rTaie., -Kto. -' - 134 Second St., next to Dalles National ;V Bank, Dalles City, Oregon. Goods BOOT A4D STONEMAN & FIEGE, 114 SECOND STREET. ; " V Our Stock has been most carefully selected for Comfort and T"X 1 -11 1 1 -.'.' -a , . - luraDiiity ana will De sola at the lowest possible : prices. Leather and findings for sale. Repairing Neatly and Expeditiously Done. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. st The Corrugated Building; Handsomely Fflrnisneil Rooms to Meals Prepared by a TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. ' ' Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. WHS. H. FflSEH, Pvop?. PAUL K REFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS; OILS And the Most Complete, and the Practical Painters and Paner Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masurv's the most skilled workmen employed. chemical combination or soap mixture. orders promptly attended to. , Store and Paint Shop corner Third and I. C. fJiekelsen, -AGENT D1 llll TOY Kranich & Bach First School Books, Bibles, Blank Books, Music Books, Sheet Music, Baby Carriages and Jewelry. v THE DALLES, J O. WHOLESALE Finest Wines Liquor 171 Second Street, Frenchs' Block, . WM. BUTLER & CO., DEALERS IN ;- Buildin&f Material. Roush and Dressed Lumber. Lime. Plaster. Hair and Cement. ; A liberal discount to the trade in all lines handled by us. JEFFERSON .STREET, between Second and Railroad, THE DALLES, OR SHOE STOE ! next Door to Court Kfcuse.'':: . Rent iiy.tliB.Day, Weelc or Montb. First Class English Cook, AND GLASS, Latest Patterns and Designs in Hano - prH.L 'nn hnt i hoot kronoVf Paints nsed i n all nur urnrlr nH nnna Knf Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No A first class article in all colors. All v . - "Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon FOR- an, Class Upright Pianos, OREGON MACK AND RETAIL ALER. and Liquors. The Dalles, Oregon De