The Dalles Daily Chronicle: OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY.' Published Dally, Sunday Excepted. ' .V bt IHE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Cornet Second and Washington Btreets, Dalles, Oregon. ' The Terms of Subscription Per Tear. Per month, by carrier Single copy ..6 00 ... . 50 .. 6 STATE OFFICIALS. Governor Secretary of State. . . Treasurer Supt. of Public Instruction. ' snators Congressman. State Printer , ....... S. Pennoyer G. W. Mc Bride ..Phillin Mefawhan . E. B. McElroy J. H. Mitchell B. Hermann Frank Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge..... : C. N. Thornbury Sheriff I). L. Cates Clerk.. J. B. Crossen Treasurer -. , . Geo. Ruch , i (H' A. Leavens w-m Frank Kincaid Assessor John E. Barnett Surveyor .-. : E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelter Coroner William Michell HOW IT WORKS. Over at Tacoma there is a firm of broad minded, enterprising merchants, known far and wide as Gross Bros. At a recent public meeting Mr. Morris' Gross spoke upon political matters. The Ledger re ports him as telling how the McKinley law. works. Among other things Mr. Gross said: "When I was in Europe I was in St. Gaul, a town in Switzerland where all the embroideries which are sold in this country come from. I went .into a manufacturing place and I saw that all the people were Americans. I asked the proprietor why he didn't come to America and manufacture there, aud he said, 'We can't work there.' I asked why, and he replied, 'Labor is too high.' This was before the McKinley bill was passed. I inquired what he would do should the McKinley bill pass, but lie was sure it would ot pass, because said he, 'Europe has a great deal of influence in America, and it will never let the Mc Kinley bill pass.' I replied, 'My dear fellow, Europe does not rule America you are mistaken. I am watching the papers every day to see whether the Mc bill passes.' At last he said that if that bill did pass he would move his machin ery to America and manufacture there. lhat is just what we want. Applause. Now, my friends, last month I was in New York, and I tell you nothing in my life has tickled me so -much as seeing tnat same man and hearing him say that be now manufactures here and pays out TADDlause.l That is th' MrTCinW iil There is a small city in Germany (Cbe- mu"'-,; ui uuw peupie, an oi wnom live hy the manufacture of hosiery- men's ocks. .. Every pair of socks used to come to this country, and the whole 5,000 peo ple lived. on money from the sale of the goods in JLhia. country. But McKinley put a big kf.y on hosiery, and now all that hosiery is made here. That-is the McKinley bill. When I was in . Venice, after the McKinley bill had passed, I saw three manufactories closed up, and when I inquired the reason they said, 'JThe McKinley bill has passed.". 'The Bar Association of New York city is after David B. Hill's scalp and the theft of the state legislature is to be investigated by a thoroughly non-partisan tribunal, a majority of which is composed of democrats. The associa tion has been stimulated to this action by the fact that Isaac H. Maynard, one of Hill's gang who stole the election re turns that they might be altered, was, shortly after the theft, promoted to the high office of judge of the court of ap peals. The action of Maynard had the effect of changing the character of the New York legislature and the crime, i brought home to him, will prove that Maynard is fitter for the penitentiary than for a seat on the bench of the highest court of the state. An error in our dispatch from Tacoma yesterday, placed the number of men at work upon the Sault Ste Marie canal, too high. The contractor, Mr. T. W. Hobbell, of Detroit, when in the The Dalles last week, was called upon by some of our citizens, amongst whom was Mr. Shanno, to whom he stated all the facts, substantially as reported yester day, but the number of ' men employed for eighteen months averaged $1,400. Mr. Hubbell believes that the Cascade . canal shonld have been completed, and could have been completed, just as readily, in a year and a half. ' ' A Curioaa Orange Int. - ' - H. H. McClure has produced carios ity in the shape of an orange tree, which in all probability is not exceeded by anything of its kind in this or any other country. Mr. McClure calls it hU "World's Fair Tree," and intends, if possible, to place it on exhibition at Chicago. The tree is budded with no less than thirty-one different varieties of citrus fruits, including lemons, 'shad docks and most of the fine varieties of . uiuigoi. iiw iiuu on xne xree are only two years old, yet many of them are frniHnit. AnnnVa. SOT I A A To win bet of $1,000, Baron Paul de Side, a young French nobleman, shipped as a common sailor on the Bed Star steamer NoordlanJ during ,her last trip from Antwerp to New York. He Bays he wouldn't try it again for ten times the sum, as he was very severely worked during the voyage. -,----.. The Havana Sprout. - The leading cigar now, with , smokers about The Dalles, is the Havana Sprout. It is A No. 1, and is to be found at Byrne.i Floyd & Co. 's. Call and try it. 2-24-dtf - - - ' , - . Miss Clara " B. Story will instruct a limited number of pupils in oil paint ing, water colors, crayon, -charcoal and pastelle -work- and China painting. Studio, room 3, over Mclnerny's dry goods store. ' ' 2-3-tf ; - notice! - B. E. French has for sale a number of improved ranches' and . unimproved lands in the Grass Vallev neighborhood in Sherman county. - They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neigh borhood.'. His address is Grass Valley, snerman county, Oregon . Byrne, Bloyd & Co., offer what they believe to be , the finest Ularet ever brought to this city, put up. in quart bottles at tne low price ot S3 a dozen. - ' - 3-18tf Messrs. Moulton and Conrad, two talented musicians from Portland, will give a vocal and instrumental entertain' inent tonight and tomorrow night, at the Oro Fino Saloon. Come and hear them. 3-18-2t CALL FOR A REPUBLICAN COUNTY 'CONVENTION. Notice is herebv riven that at a meetincr of the Republican County Central Committee of Wasco county, Or., called by authority vested In me as Chairman of said committee, and held at the county t;ourt Koom jn uaiies citv, Oregon, on the 13th day of February, 1H92, it was ordered that a call be issued for a Republican County Convention, to be held at the Court House in uhiic8 - lty, uregon, at 10 a. m., on the . 26th day of March, 1892, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the omce oi county Juage, uierK, snerm, one county Commissioner, Treasurer, Assessor, Superintend ent Of Knhnnln. f'dlintv- nrvuvnr nnri '.it-, ..... .. and the election of six delegates to represent nocij uuumy in me nepuoiicnn &iate conven tion, to be held in the citv of Portland. Or., on the 6th day of Aoril. 1892. and to transact such other and further business as may properly come before said convention. The County Convention will consist of sev- eniy-mree delegates jrom tne various precincts, ajjpuriiuueu as iuliows, to-wit: - m rails Precinct .. -"- 5 Delegates nwu itiver rreciuci ..4 " Baldwin " ...s : "' Mosier " .- 2 West Dalles ' .' 5 " Trivett " ; 8 Bigelow ' -. 7 - .. m- East Dalles " 7 " fight Mile " ...2 " Columbia -. " ' ..2 " Deschutes " ..2 Nansene " ....2 Dufur " '. .'.:5 ' Kingsley ' ' " .. . Tygh Valley " .'...T... 2 " Waumack " J. ..3 " Oak Grove ' . . 3 " Bake Oven " ...-. 8 ' ' Antelope . " .'...5..-. " It is further recommended, hv order of the Central Committee, that primary elections be held in the various precincts, at the usual place of voting, on the 19th day of March, 1892, and that the polls be opened at such primaries throughout the county at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day, except within the limits of Dalles City, in which the primaries will-be -conducted under provisions of Primary- Election Law and the subjoined notice. ' The attention of electors in the varlniife nro. cincts desiring to elect Justices of the Peace and ionsiaoies, is called to the provisions of the new election law as to the manner of nominating their candidates at the primaries. M. T. NOLAN, Attest Chairman Rep. Co. Central Com. "' A. i. Johnson, Sec v. . ... Democratic State Convention. ... A democratic state convention will "be held in the city of Portland, Or., April 19, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. ai., for the pur pose of placing in nomination two can didates for congress, one supreme judge, one candidate in each judicial district for circuit judge and prosecuting attor ney, to be voted for at the coming June election, and such other business as may properly come before said conven tion. The various counties are entitled to. repreaentation in said convention as follows : . Baker ..." V. Benton Clackamas . . .. .. 7 Linn 16 . . 9 Malheur . 8 ..11 Marion .......... .15 Clutso 8 Morrow...-..-... .-. 5 Colum 3 Multnomah .42 Coos... 5 Polk 9 Crook 7 Sherman 2 .. ...2 Tillamook 3 11 Umatilla 15 ,. ... 4 Union 15 , 5 Wallowa.. ..4 Curry ... Douglas . Gilliam . Grant ... Harney. . Washington 8 Jackson . .11 Wasco. Josephine. 5 Yamhill.... 8 maamatn 3 Lake.... 8 ......13 Total.... 265 Lane. It is recommended, unless otherwise ordered by the local committees, that the primaries in the various counties be held on Saturday, the 9th day of April, and the county conventions on Thurs day, April 14, 1892. By osder of the democratic state cen tral committee.- B. Goldsmith, Chairman, A. Noltnkb, Secretarv. Call for a Republican State Convention. A republican convention for the state of Oregon, is called to meet in the city of Portland on Wednesday, the 6th day of April, 1892, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the office of Supreme Judge, two congressmen, presidential electors, members of the state board of equaliza tion", and other district officers, and to transact such other business, as. may properly come before the . convention. The convention will consist of 233 dele gates among the several counties as follows: v . -' - . Baker Benton Clackamas Clatsop. . . .-. . T. . Columbia Cooa. .......... Crook Curry Douglas. ... Gilliam.:...,.. Grant Harney" . -. ; Jackson 6 7 .. ..10 ......10 ......6 .......8 8 .... ...9 .,..4 5 U.V.-.4 7 Lane .. . Linn Malheur......... Marion Mutnomah...... Morrow . Polk Sherman Tillamock. Umatilla, Union. Wallowa......... ...11 ...10 ..:. ...14 ...40 ....4 .-...6 ....A ....4 ;.- ...10 ....4 ....6 .?:: Wasco.. Josephine ..6 Wash! n ortnn Klamath.. 8 Yamhill.... T -1. . ...... ... , - - The same being one delegate at large from each county, and one delegate for every 200 votes, and one for every frac tion over one-half thereof, cast for Con gressman at the June - election in 1890. - The committee recommended that the Primaries be held on Saturday, March 19, "and the County Convention on Sat urday, March 26," unless - otherwise or dered by the proper County Committees. All voters, who favor the republican policy of internal improvements, protec tion of American productions and labor, and guarding sacredly the rights of every American citizen at home and ajbroad, are cordially invited to unite with ns. r . - James Lot an. Chairman Republican . State Central Committee. : - F. A. Moose, Secretary. . . THE CHURCHES. ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bbobs gbzst Pastor. Low Mass everv Rnnriav -. 7 a. m. High Masa at 10:30 a. m.- Vespers at 7 P. M. ' - ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Preaching in the Y. M. C. A. rooms every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school Immediately after morning service. J. A. Orchard, pastor. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. Eli D. Sutclitte Rector. Servicea every Sunday at II a. m. and 7:80 p. at. '"- Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at 7:80 , . ....... PR8T BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. 6. D, Tat lok, Pastor. Morning services everv Sab bath' at the academy at 11 a. M. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting Friday-evening at Pastor's resi dence. Union services in the court house at 7 P."M. - - i"10NGREGATIONAL- CHURCH Rev. W. C. Kj Cubtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. if . aud 7 p.m. Sunday School- after morning Kiiu. DumiKciB uunuoujr mviwu. oeats tree. If E. CHURCH Rev. A. C. Spenceb. nastor. it I. Servicea every Sunday morning. Sunday Dt'llWl 1 . U UUKK f. M. A. CUIHiai lUVltilLlOU is extended by both pastor and people to alL SOCIETIES. ' . A 8SEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets In K. x x. ot tr. nail tne second ana lourta Wedues days of each month at 7:30 p. m. TTTASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets t i nrst ana tmra Monday of each month at 7 r. a DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets In Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 7 P. M. - MODERN .WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Mf. Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even ing of each week in the K. of P. Hall, at 7:30 P. x. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5,' I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. H. Cloloh, Sec'y. H. A. Bills.N. G. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets every Mouday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in vited, wfs. Cam, ,i : D. W.Vause, K. of R. and S. C. C. TTTOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TETXITTERENCE m UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at S O'clock at the reading room. All are invited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, ArO. UTW. Meets at K. ef P. Hall, Corner Second and Court Streets, Thursday evenings at 7:30. George Gibons, W. S Myers, Financier. M. W. JAS. NESMITH POST, No. 32, G. A. R. Meets TJ every Saturday at 7:30 p. M., in the K. of P. Hall. B OF L. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon in . the K. of P. HaU. - " CI ESANG VEREIN Meets everv Sunday X evening in the K. of P. Hall. BOF L. F. DIVISION, No. 107 Meets in the K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month, st 7:3o p. m. YOUH ATTENTION Is called to the fact that Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Carrle the Finest Line of Pictures - piouIiBn a To W found in the City 72 CTJashlngton Street. ART STUDIO. Mr A.. 13. 313 3VX X S 3SC Has opened nil Art Studio, . ' - At the RESIDENCE of Mrs. HEPP . NERj on FIFTH Street,; - ' (East of the M. E. Church.) !' Class days are TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY. ''' - Sam Dies of Mrs. Bemish's work mav he seen at the store of Paul Kreft & Co. 8-3dtf SECOND ANNUAL MEETING. Notice to the Stockholders of The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co, THE SECOND-ANNUAL MEETING OP THE stockholders of Ihe Dalles, Portland 6i Astoria Navigation Company will be held in the hall over the Chronicle office at Dalles City, Ore gon, on Saturday, April 4th. 1892, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may legitimately come before the meeting. By order of ROBT. MAYS, President 3-2, JOS. T. PE IE BS, Secretary. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of K. F. Gibons until Monday noon, April 4th, 1892, for the erection of the superstructure of the First Congrega tional church building, of The Dalles, Or., according to the plans and specifications to be seen at the office of Crandall & Burget. The building committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Dated March 14th ,1892. R. F. Gibons, . B. S. Huntington, " 3-14td ; - Building Committee. JOHN PASHEK, t - Tailor, Ifext doer to Wasco Son. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, -and a fit guaranteed each time. tepaiirihg and Cleaning . Neatly and Quickly Done. Fifth Street finds. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Common Council of Dalles City ia about to proceed to Ordinance the grade upon ihe following named street in said Dalles City, to-wit: On Fifth treet -from the west side of Union - street to the east side of Washington st. The grade of said street will be fixed with refer ence to the supposed stage of low water in the Columbia river, which is fixed at a point 52.81 feet below the top of the hydrant at the south west cornet of First ant Washington streets, in said Dalles City, which point upon the Columbia river is designated as the initial point from which the elevations rereinaf ter stated are made. The squares made by - the eroseinn of-streets -u-ith said street, shall be of the following elevations above the datum plane, or low water level of the Columbia river, hereinbefore fixed.. At tlie-in-tersection of Fifth and Union streets, tti feet At the intersection of Fifth and Court streets 71.5 feet. At the intersection of Flth and Washington streets 7 feet. The grades of the aforesaid street from square to square shall be uniform and equal By order of the Common Council.' - . . FRANK MEN EFKE. - Recorder of Dalles City. Dated this 4th day of March, 1S92. S-7dl4t Glenn prep COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs 'Successor to W. R. Cram.) ' ' ' Manufacturer of the finest French and ' " " . - v . , Home Made o jl isr ti i e s , - -. East of Portland. - . ' , -DEALER IN- ... Oan furnish- any of these goods at Wholcsala oe Retail . - . - - . "In Every Style.-. .';,.. 104 Second Street. The DaJleSi Or. '' GENTLEMEN! ; "; ; v-'-S- .1 1 . ..S-,"'-"'F BEFORE YOU ORDER ; GOODS OF . ANY KIND IN" THE FTJRNISH ' - ' LINE, -: ; ; V.. call oind See me Shirts of alt kinds to prices which defy competition. Other gooas in proportion. -f, AGAN, . Second st.. The Dalles, Sole Agent for WANNAMAKER & BROWN, " PhUadelphia, Pu. .. . . . The undersigned will pay -"r ". FIVE DOLLARS PEJl TON FOR ALL KINDS OF WAGON AND MA CHINE SCRAP-IRON, Delivered in The Dalles up to AdHI 1st. at Beers t Williams' Hay Yard. No etove Cast ings wanted. s. XKlvnTRi Druggists and Chemists. -Pure Drugs ani Medicines. Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance! THE DALLES, OREGON. AND OYSTER HOUSE. One of the Finest Cooks in The Dalles. All Work done by White Help. Next door to Byrne, Floyd & Co.s' Drug Store. 8S Unioti St., The Dalles. Just Opened JVIrs. R. JOHES Proprietor. Everything the Market . Affords, at Reasonable '. Rates. MRS. LOCH HEAD'S Painting CLASS ! Will meet on Tuesday and Friday Mornings, at 9 o'clock, and on Wednesday and Friday - '( Afternoons, at 2 o'clock. Orders taken in all branches of Paint ing. A fall line of New Studies for sale or to rent. Studio at the residence of Mr. G. P. Morgan, corner of Third and uoerty streets. - -. .- R. B. HOOD, Livery, Feed and Sale ST Horses Bought and Sold on Commission andJUoney Advanced on Horses Left -for -Sale . OFFICE OE ' V : . The Dalles, and Goldendale .Stage Line Stage Leaves The Dalies Every Horning Kt 7:80 sad Goldendale mt 7;00. All -; freight must be left at R. B. . . Hood's otnos the eve- . - . nlng before. ' : R. B. HOOD, Proprietor. ; Opposite old Stand. The Dalles, Or. ByrFloyil&Co., .. Successors to C. E. Junham.. MAYS & SALE AGENTS FOR fleotn,andChate Oak ; - v STOVES AND RANGES. ' Jewetfs Steel Eaies, and Riclarison's M Bopton'sJfliiaces. : - ; We also keep a large and complete stoek of . , . Hardware,' Tinware, Granite, arbedyire, J Blacksmiths V,Coal,: Pumps, Pipe, Packing,.: Plumbers '-"SuppUes,: Guns, c , Ammunition and '.Ifi ... Plumhing, JTinning, Gnn : Machine Work a Specialty. , - ''::(" COR. SECOND AMD FEDERAL STS.. D. BUNN Pipe WorR, Tia Repairs aad Hoofing - r MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss' , : Blacksmith Shop. . - Gre at Bargains! Removal ! Removal ! On accountof Removal I will sell my entire stoclc of Boots and. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, Shelv ings, Coiinters; pesk, - Safe, Fixtures, at a Great; Bargain. Come and see my offer. -" GREAT, REDUCTION - IN, RETAIL. J.FREIMHN, 125 Seeond Stfeet, HEW FULL OP WIJITEB DBY GOODS COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. . Glothing, Gents' fornishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, ; Boots and Shoes. Full Assortment of the Leading Manufacturers. Cash Bayers mill save money by examining our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. - -: ' ' H. Herbring. The Dalies Mercantile Co., - - Successor to BROOKS & BEERS, Dealers Id . General Merchandise, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, : Gents' Furnishing Goods; Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. Groceries, - " Hardware, - Provisions, '. Flour, Bacon, HAY, GRAIN AND PRODUCE - Of all Kinds at Lowest Market Kates. . Free Delivery to Boat and Curs and all parts of the City - . : 390 and' 394 Second Stfeet " . - ; . ' H. C. NIELS6N, ClbthieF BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats "aid paps, Trunks and Valises, COBNEB OF 8ECOND A3ST WASHINGTON,.-' , u THE DALLES, OREGON. CROWE, THE CELEBRATED Blueware, Silverware, Cutlery, Sporting Goods. - Repairing ; and Light THE DALLES, OREGON. Tine iDalles. and