The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 19, 1892, Image 1

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    A Vl
NO. 82.
WM. J. ROBERTS Civil Enoimbbb Gen
eral engineering practice. Surveying and
mapping; estimate, and plan, for irrigation,
sewerage, water-works, railroad, bridges, etc
Address: P. O. Box 107, The Dalles, Or.
WM. SAUNDERS Abchitkct. Plsna and
specifications furnished for dwellings.
Churches, business blocks, school, and factories.
Charge, moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of
flee over French', bank. The Dalles, Oregon. "
Medical College, and member of the Col
lege of Physicians and Burgeons, Ontario Phy
sician and Surgeon. Office; room. S and 4 Chap
man block. Residence; Judge Thombury's Bec
' ond street.' Office hour.; 10 to 12 a, m., 2 to 4
and 7 to 8 p. m.
DR. O. D. DOANE physician -ans suk
eaosr. Office; rooms 5 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence Ko. 23, Fourth street, one
block south of Const House. Office hour. 9 to 12
A. M.,2 to 6 and TtoiP.U.
D8IDDALL DijmnT. Gas given for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. Room.: Sign of
th Golden Tooth, Second Street.
Room No. 43, -over Poet
Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street
The Dalles, Oregon.
W H. WILSON Attornby-at-law Room.
. 62 and 58, New Vogt Block, Second Street.
The Dalles, Oregon.
. flee in Schanno's building, up stain. The
Dalle., Oregon.
V. t. MAYS. B. a, HOHTINGTOlf- H. 8. WILSON.
i MBYS-at-law. Offices, French's block over
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
Young & Kuss,
BiacKsmiiti & Wagon Sfiop
General Blackimithing and Work done
promptly, and all work "
. Gnaranteed. '
florse Shoeeing a Spciality.
Third Street opposite tlie M Liete Stand.
Still on Deek.
Phcenix Like has Arisen
From the Ashes!
The Restaurantenr Has Opened the
BaldwiP Hestaafant
Where he will be glad to see any and all
. ' of his old patrons. -
Open day and Night. First class meals
twenty -five cents.
By using S. B. Headache and Liver Cure, and 8.
B. Cough Cure as directed for colds.. - They were
udcu lwu ? uurmg me ua. vnppe epi-
power over that disease are at bond. " Manufact
, ured by the 8. B. MedicincMfg. Co., at Dufur,
Oregon. For sale by all druggists.
The Dalles
. FACTORY NO. 105.
CTCr A P Qff th Best 'Brands
Vy'JLVJ X-AvO manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice. . - .
The reputation of THE DALLES Uh
GAR has become firmly established, and
.the demand for the home manufactured
article ia increasing every day..v:.- X
Gte : FaetoFV
MesY Misses'
Every STYLE to please the taste.
Every WIDTH to fifc the bt. : :
Every PRICE to suit the purse.
" It -will pay you to examine our stock "before
purchasing. ,
r R. JVI. WlLtLtlflmS & CO.
lotale it Retail Drigsls.
Handled by Three Registered Druggists.
Patent (Dedieities and Druggists Sundries,
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in
the City for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints..
The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper.
Finest Line of Inaported Key West and Domestic Cigars.
Agent for Tansill's Punch. .
129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon
Staple and Fm
Hay, Grain
Masonic Block, Corner Third and Court Streets, The Dalies.Oregon,
JJeu . Columbia jlotel,
Best Dollar a Day House on the Coast!
.. First-Class Meals, 25 Cents.
First Class' Hotel in Every Respect. . :
;-a-9n.e )W the Best of White Help Employed.
h ; T: T. Nicholas, Ppop.
Destined to be the Best
Manufacturing Center In
th e Inland Em pi t& f" :
" ' , : ' For Further Information Call at th Office of -
0. D. TMUR tHEijiltES. ; 72 HSHi"GTOfsT: fORTUKD.
All Right!
and Childrens'
and Feed.
t Best Selling; Property of
the Season fn the North--west.:
- .
Seyerai Vessels Wrecked in Hew Zeal
and Waters.-..
Movements of the Pacific Whaling Fleet
in Distant Ports.
More... Fighting Expected In Tujt
County, Missouri Other llar
deroai Event.
San Fkancisco, March 18. Late
Auckland advices report the loes of the
brigantine Eyno, off Flint island. The
vessel was owned in Auckland and en
gaged in trading among the islands.
The crew was picked up after a week's
hardship. The bark Star of Erin, Cap
tain Hopkins, bound for London with a
cargo of "oats, wool and tallow, went
ashore on Waipapa reef, and - is a total
wreck. The vessel and cargo were val
ued at $2(K),000. The crew were eaved.
Earl of Onslow, governor of New Zea
land, has been succeeded in office by
Lord Glasgow, who is expected to arrive
at Wellington about May. As Lord
Onslow hae left for England, Chief Jus
tice Prendergast has been sworn in as
acting governor. Considerable specula
tion has been indulged in by colonists
as to the policy of the recent changes in
the ; New Zealand ministry and the
transfer of Hon. A. J. Cadmau from the
office of native ministry, which it is pro
posed to abolish, to the office of minis
ter of marine.' It has caused some dis
satisfaction. Industrial statistics of the
colony show a good rate of progress dur
ing the past five, years. The United
States ' cruiser . San Francisco . and the
frigate Pensacola were in the harbor at
Honolulu when the Mpnowai left there
March 11th. The whaling bark Cal for
ma," from New Bedford, which has been
out eleven months, discharged . 500 bar
rels of sperm oil at Honolulu on the 10th.
Sir Edward Arnold, who was a passen
ger on the Belgic, was. presented to
Queen Liliuokalani during the stop of
the Belgic en route to Yokohama.
The Storm in the South.
Fort Worth, March 18. The snow
and wind storm which has raged several
days from Wyoming to Texas has been
exceedingly severe upon live stock. In
southern Colorado the loss of cattle and
sheep will be very great. : Thousands
were frozen to death in New Mexico and
northern Texas. It is estimated that
20,000 cattle perished along the line of
the Denver, Taxas & Gulf road, between
Trinidad, Colo., and Fort Worth, and as
many more north and east of Trinidad.
The storm, however, has been a salva
tion' to the wheat crop in. northern
Texas, which looks , finer than at any
tinfe during several years.
The Senator 1 in Earnest.
. Washington, March 18. Senator Fel
ton was asked last night as to the pros
pects of the passage of his bill with
drawing the government subsidy to
steamship companies that receive sub
sidies from corporations. He said : "I
am working with, members of the com
merce committee to get a favorable re
port on my bill. , I see that some people
are inclined to doubt my sincerity.; You
may say that I am thoroughly in earnest
aboutrihi matter." -" J ; i' ; . , : , ; : : ; :
' Bodies Rightly Burled. '' : . '
Liverpool, March 18. The bodies of
Mrs. Williams and four children, ex
humed at Kainhill after being murdered
and buried by Frederick Deeming, alias
Williams, were buried this afternoon in
the parish churchyard in the presence of
a large coficourse of people;. .At the postr
mortem examination-Albert Deeming, a
brother of Frederick, nearly .fainted at
the sight of thebodie8.' It transpires
that Deeming treated his wife brutally
soon after marriage.' .vt. .
' j '. - i.- . i . .. u . .
Poison in t!i Food.
t-;.i..- --..J ;u . -'. . .--.
Nashviixk, March 18. Poison in; the
food at supper last sight resulted, in thef
death of two danghters of Mrs. R. .Mel
rese this . morning. Other , members-, of
the family are in a critical condition.
'.BiiTned jto. Ialh..' ..j.U ',
London, .March. I8.T;he butcher shop
of a man named Weston was burned this
morning.: I His. wife, two. children and a
Servant, in the apartments above were
burned todeatb.'
Sliver Continnes to Fall. . . -
Washington, March . 19. Secretary
Foster's visit to Europe, so far as a sol- i
ution of the silver question through j
European agency is concerned, has pro- j
duced nothing . beneficial. It was an
nounced on his departure that, he in
tended to visit ' the - leading' continental
financial center's with the intention of
urging upon their government and their
financiers the necessity for an interna
tional silver congress, ' And yet he went
no. farther "than London. It was . also
announced that he would hold an .im
portant consultation with Mr. GoBhen,
the British chancellor of the; exchequer.
He did have a conference with that offi
cial, it is true, and yet that t was in the
slightest degree reassuring, so far as the
success . of his misBion ia, concerned,
there is not so far even an intimation,
all of which goesjo prove that our sec
retary of the treasury's mission has been
a bootless one. Meanwhile, silver , con
tinues to fall, notwithstanding the fact
that the United States treasury is pur
chasing silver bullion at the rate of $5,
000,000 a month, on which certificates
are being issued. - , .. -
; 'Will Employ . Elephants.
New York, March 19. A Berlin letter
furnishes- some personal details con
cerning Dr. Finsch, who meditates going
to Emin Pasha's assistance with an
armed force raised and supported at his
own expense.. It says : "Dr. Finsch is
barely 35, is of medium height, but
strongly built. He has made long jour
neys in the Cape, Chile and Peru. He
is a German-American, a botanist and
an ornithologist, and he has inherited
several million dollars from his father.
The great expedition he is now fitting is
destined for Lake Albert arid Wadelia,
where Emin probably now is." It then
continues : "The 200 Soudanese whom
he hopes to enlist, with the khedive's
permission, are to carry small-bore
magazine rifles. Dr. Finsch has bought
four tame elephants for ' 1,000 each in
Bombay. They are to carry the guns
and other heavy baggage." . . The em
ployment of : elephants in African ex
ploration is something new,' and oaght
to simplify gVeatly the problem of car
riers which has caused so much trouble
in early expeditions.
' Russell Will Stick to Cleveland.
Boston, March 18. At a dinner of the
Ancient and Honorable artillery last
night Captain. Taylor created enthusiasm
by introducing Governor Russell as the
next 'president ot the United - States.
Russell disclaimed aspirations, and . as
serted his loyalty to another whom he
would earnestly support. In .response
to cries of "Cleveland" the governor
smiied significantly.
. . Telegraphic Flashes.
Velasquez, one of the generals of the
late Balmaceda, is to be banished from
Chili. '
A resolution has passed the New
Brunswick legislature favoring the un
ion of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and
Prince Edward's Island.
Sarah Bernhardt is working the dia
mond : racket in competition with Ed
Huntley. It has been, worked so often
that it has become a very state chestnut.
Delegates to the conference' of the
miners' federation decided today that
after the men resumed work on Monday
they should work only five days a week.
Chicago boodle ' council men are very
much alarmed a special grand jury will
be impanneled to hear their cases, and
they, are getting out of sight as spee'dilv
as possible.
Digging open' the grave of Judge Terry
in the hope of finding the ex-sheriff who
was offeied $25,000 to commit the mur
der is a favorite pastime with sensational
news dispatchers. Judge W. B. Tyler,
formerly attorney for Sarah Althea don't
take any stock in the story. . - -
..The French government fears , the
communists will take advantage of the
anarchistic disturbances to cause trouble
on the anniversary of the fall of 'the
commune, May 27th. - Special military
and civic precautions will be taken to
prevent it. . . " -
Th Taney County Lynching..
Ozark, :Mo. ,' March lS.i-Sherifl' Cook
has made no arrests'in .connection', with
the Bright lynching at Forgythe, but has
summoned a posse to. - start fter men
known to have been In the : mob.'- The
people of Taney county are taking sides.
Further, bloodshed is feared,- ;
.v.-v'.; '. ' ' : ? :
. ., . . Paid tuev Peualty,,..;?' i -."Jr- .
Bxbnk, March 18. The first execution
in . Switzerland since 1868 took place to
day at Lucerne. . , The ; eulprit was an
Italian i named - ' Gatti, who. ' : murdered
Mile. Degen, a teacher. He was executed
by guillotine. ....'..
Action Upon ' tie Columbia Riyer Im-
rroyemenf Bill. .
To Complete the Cascade Locks and
Build the Dalles Portage.
The Cascade Will Receive an Appropri
ation but not So the Dalles
Washington, March 18. Senator
Dolph's bill to complete work on the ;
Columbia river and Senator Mitchell's
for a boat railway around The Dalles
have both been made special orders for
next week. These bills will pass the
senate, but the house will not take any
action ori them. It will be impossible
even to secure a favorable report from
the house committee on rivers and har
bors, but it is a good thing to have the
senate committed to these great meas
ures being done under the contract sys-'
tern ; that when the time comes the
house will look with favor on contract
ing these great works, and the senate
will be ready to take favorable action.
In the house rivers and harbors com- '
mittee, Mr. Hermann moved to put in '
an appropriation for a portage railway
around the dalles. This was defeated
The only members voting for it were
Clarke, Blancbard and' Mr. Hermann.
xnen unairman rnancnard called an
other to the. chair and moved to appro
priate the sum secured by Mr. Hermaii" -for
continuing the work on the cascades
and applying it for a portage railway
around the dalles. Only two members
of ' the committee, " Blanchard and
Clarke, voted for this motion, and it
consequently stands where it was before.
The cascades will receive the appropria
tion, but there will be no portage rail
way around The Dalles. Jt Ijas been .a
hard fight for the Oregon ?epretenta
tive, because the opposition'' shown by
.Pennoyer, and his communications to
the committee have made it very hard -for
him to contend against the large :
democratic majority on this important
Portugal Is Bankrupt.-
Paris, March 18. The bankruptcy of "
Portugal is : almost an official act.
Foreign experts maintain that the
national treasury ia empty, that the
April coupons will not be paid, and. that
the payment of interest will be sus
pended for three years. Paris bankers
do not believe that the payment will
ever be resumed. The bank of Portu
gal will assist eeveral banks, owing to
whose weakness the financial crisis is
due. The manager of the Bank of Com
merce has left the city. His where
abouts are unknown.
Valuable Jlorses.
. Grand Rapids, Mich., March 18.'
The great $20,000 stallion race, booked
for the August meeting here, has been
declared off. Word has been received
from C. W. Williams, of Indeoendence
Ia., the owner of Allertion, declining to
enter the race. He says he is afraid,
should he bring Allertion ktre and enter
him in a race with Axtel against him,
the other horses would'-crowd him in
favor of Axtel. He will, therefore not T
take Allertion away 'from home until he;-
has met Axtel -alone.- Senator Stanford '
has refused the $100,000 offered for the'
stallion Advertiser."" ;" "--'.
All Saved but;TWenty-FIve. , "
Halifax, MarcbS.-fThe "captain of
the mail feamr Conscript, who ar--rivedthiajmprning
irom:, St. . Johns, N. -F.:stattb'
put ot 00 unfortunate
sailors-woo were -carried to sea in small -boats
by the breaking up of the ice; 'all
hkveibeen-JiacdountedVfor but twenty
fiytf. :0f.4.this"number -fifteen" bodies -were
recovered by rescuers jand . the ."re
mainder have never been beard, from. :
to-? '.'iP0r1f't ne P"aft. i j. . .'-,
Washington; . Marcli . 18. The bouse
electioDB-cominittee baa .-decided to -seat
NoyesV the republican contestant from .
New York, and unseat Rockwell,' dem.
';.'; - -Collies all- Shut -Down.. '
V JUahAnov City," Pa.,' March 18. All
the collieries of this district; shut down
today until further notice. .'How long
the suspension will last is not kpown. --