The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 18, 1892, Image 3

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    The fiafles jDaily Chronicle
Entered a the Potitoffioe at The Dalies, Oregon,
Local Adrertlilnr.
10 Cent per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
finedal rates far limir tlmn nntioaa ' :-.
All TocaLnetlpn received later thau 3 o'clock
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria flay. Co.
' - BOH l'i I TTXjE.
The boats of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria
navigation uo. will commence running on Mon
day, Feb. 15th, and until further notice under
ine louomng scneauie. .' ,
Steamer "DALLES CITY" leges' -
PORTLAND at A. M: s ""'..''
Xaefttiajs, Thandj and Saturdays :
CASCADES at 10:90 A. M.:
. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays:-'
" Steamer "EEGULATOK" leayes
THI DALLES at 6 A. M.;
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays":
CASCADES at 1 P. M ;
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays : :
B. T. HCGHLIN, General Manager.
Ms. 2, Arrives 12:01 A. M. Departs 12:06 A. M.
",, ..i" 12 80 P. M. "12: 50 P..
Mo. 1, Arrives 4:2ft A.-t :- Departs 4:30 A. K.
7, " :00 P. M. -.'.- 6:20 p. .
Two I or a freights that carry passengers leave
one for the went at 7 U0 a. m., and one for the
east at 9:15 a. n.
For Prlnevlile, via. Hake Oven, leave daily
at 6 A. M. - .
For Antelope, ' Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
daily at 6 a.m. -
For Dufur, Kingslet', Wamlc, Wapinltia, Warm
Springs pud Tygh Valley, leave daily (exoept
Sundav) at 6 A. M. - -
For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the
week exoept Sunday at 8 A. n.
Otfiees for all lines at the Umatilla Bouse. --
' Post-omce.
" . ' ' omen .hour , .
flenoral Delivrey Window, 8 a. in. to 7 p. m.
Money Order . " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Bunday ti O " 9 a. in. to 10 a. m.
By brains going East 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m.
" " West. . .. .. p. m. and 4:45 p. m.
8tage for Goldendale 7:80a.m.
" "Prineville 6:30 a.m.
- .4 "Dufurand Warm Springs ..5:80 a.m.
' " t Leaving for Lyle A Flartuuid. .5:30 a. m.
" " " "(Antelope 5:30 a.m.
, Except Bunday.
.' Tri-weekly. Tuesday-Thursday and Saturday.
' Monday Wednesday and Friday.
MARCH 18. 1892
Thi, Or., Mar. 18, 189a.
Pacific H Rela- W ? State
Coast bak. S Uve of 2. g- of
Time. ? Hum Wind P Weather
8 A. M. 29.58 49 8 East T Cloudy
P. M. 29.46 64 47 I NE "
Maximum temperature, 65;
minimum tern-
eracure, vj.
Height of River, 8 p. m'.. 8.9 feet;
Change in past 24 hours 0.5 feet.
.Total precipitation from July 1st to date, 9.16;
average precipitation from July 1st to date, 12.09;
Total denclency from July 1st, 1891, to dale, 2.92;
San Fkancibco, Mar. 18, 1892..
Weatlier forecatt till 8 p. m.
Saturday; Rain.
L Kbbkham. .
Mr. Depew, late with Mr. J. C. Bald
win, is in the city.
Dr. Siddall will leave" tonight for
Portland to be absent till Monday.
C. E. Hayword of Wamic, gave the
Chronicle a pleasant call today.
Do. D. Wells Whitoomb of Dufur, re
turned last night from an extended trip
to the east.
David Farriugton, of Lower Fffteen
Mile, paid this office a pleasant visit
Mr. Swick, of Corvallis, was in tow a
today on the way to his stock farm in
Grant county.
J. A. Baker, of Eight Mile, returned
last night on the Regulator from a trip
to Portland.
D. W. Staley, from Syndney, Ohio,
came up on the Regulator last night ou
the way to the Palouse country.
C. L. Richmond returned from Prine-
Yille last night and left again for the
same place at noon today.
Architect Saunders is preparing plans
for a sash, blind and door factory which
he is about to erect in North Dalles.
The Regulator this morning took 125
head of cattle for Portland, in addition
to a lot of other freight, wagons, etc.
D. B. Kelly, a prominet stockman of
Mitchell, Crook county, is in town on
his return from an extended trip to the
Prim & Nitsche are putting up a two
story brick, but it will have a four story
foundation. The intention is to make it
a tour story building later on.
The Klickitat Leader says : The farm
ers of Klickitat will be glad to hear that
m grist mill is to be built at North Dalles,
the lumber for which is now being
hauled, there.
jRead the new ad today, on the first
page, from A, M. Williams &, Co. -It is
suctTanuouncements as that which take
precedence of dispatches in most fami
lies, now days.
Three hobos and oue drunk were ac
comodated with lodging in the Calaboose
last night. The hobos were discharged
and the drunk was fined in the usual
sum of f 5 and costs.
Snipes & Kinnerely, of this city, have
been favored with two samples of Prangs
photo color prints', for artists studies.
These, and Eoine other beautiful designs,
are on exhibition at the store window.-
The Chronicle has just published, in
the form of a aeat pamphlet, ' the Aus
tralian ballot law and the primary elec
tion law of this state. It is for sale at
this office at ten cents a copy,
Persons whose habit may require the
stimulus of a light pure wine will find a
very superior article of. claret at the
drug store of Byrne, Floyd & Co., at the
low price of 3 a dozen quart bottles
Road Supervisor Henry Hudson has a
force of men working on the Eight-mile
hill, between the creek and Long Ward's.
He it said to be making a fine job ef it,
and but few pieces of road in the county
had greater need.'
Members of The Dalles board of trade,
and all interested in the matter of organ
izing a chamber of commerce for this
city, are urgently requested to meet to
night in the hall of the Chronicle build
ing at 8 o'clock. . .
Kailroad Accident.
Mr. 'J. A. Vaughan of Kingleys, who
left this city for the east last Tuesday
by the Oregon Short Line, senda, us the
following: - ; '. ' ." '
Bakes City, 0V.,:March'17. Wehave
run into a, land elide and the train is
wrecked. -' The, engine and.' tender are
considerably smashed up, but there is
no one hurt very bad. Some slightly
shocked. The engineer has his head
bruised some, but not seriously. The
fireman jumped and saved himself. A
tramp that was stealing a ride , on the
tender had a narrow escape. The wreck
occurred at 2 :20 this morning, and we
.will be delayed for some time, can't tell
just how long. If the engine had gone
30 feet farther the whole train would
have been hurled into the canyon about
50 feet below. J
The Fakir '.'Doctor" Beats a Walla Wal
la J astice.
From the' Walla' Walla Journal we
learn that "Dr." True, the street fakir
who lately visited The Dalles, was again
brought before a justice court in that
city last Tuesday charged with practic
ing medicine without a license. ' The
jury found True guilty and fined him $75
and costs, which together, amounted to.
nearly $200. Then the . "Doctor,'.' . who
acted as his own lawyer, showed the
court that he knew a thing or
two himself. When the verdict
was announced True told
the justice he would not pay his fine
and the justice proceeded to make out
his commitment but before the consta
ble, had time to take him to jail a petition
for a writ of habeas corpus bad been
filed in the superior -court in which it
was alleged that W. H. True was un
lawfully detained in the custody of the
constable. The . petition was granted
and True was brought before Judge Up
ton who decided that the justice had no
jurisdiction in cases where the penalty
was imprisonment in the ' statute, as
petty larceny, etc. True was therefore
discharged. ' :
Prohibition, Meeting. " : '
A well, filled house greeted . Messrs.
Wolfenberger and Huckens, the prohi
bition lecturer and singer, last night.
Mr. Wolfenberger is an able speaker and
he dealt many a telling- blow at the
liquor traffic. He seemed thoroughly in
earnest and his work, barring only the
obnoxious and unnecessary political
features of it, will meet with the ap
proval of every good citizen. Some of
us cannot help thinking that the liqnor
question is infinitely more a question of
morals and religion than of partisan pol
itics and that the. cause of temperance is
hindered and not helped by mixing it
up with questions of tariff aad 'finance.
In this repect, however,, last night's
speech was much less objectionable than
that of the previous night. Still the
speaker seemed to take peculiar pleasure
in scornfully referring to President Har
rison as the "good Presbyterian elder,"
who got a present of a keg of Scotch
whiskey from the millionaire Carnegie,
while Cleveland indignantly returned a
similar present to the donor. The sing
ing of Mr. Huckens was very fine in
deed and goes far undoubtedly to make
the meetings a Buccess. The song
"Levi," anent the old chestnut about
the vice president running a saloon in
Washington, was finely rendered and
brought down the house, whatever one
might think about the truth or senti
ment of the composition. -
Board of Trade Meeting.
A meeting of the Board of Trade wil
be held in the hall over Thk Chronicle
office, this, (Friday) evening, March
18th, at 8 o'clock. Business of import
ance will come before the board, and it
is much desired that every member at
tend. Per order Vice President.
3-17d2t B. S. Huntington, Secretary.
. . Views of a Contractor.
Tacoma, Wash., March 17. T.W.
Hubbell, a wealthy Detroit contractor,
who was the superintendent of a force of
14,000 men, who in eighteen months
built the Sault Ste. Marie canal from
lake Huron to Superior at a cost of $7.50,
000, arrived from Portland tonight. He
says the Columbia river canal at the
cascades should have been constructed
as quickly as the "Soo," and for $1,750,
000, which amount he says has already
been expended, and as much more de
manded to finish the work, which at the
present rate will be completed in about
fourteen years. Improvements of the
water-ways of the state is a more im
portance be says,1 than government sub
sidy of railroads. .'--
California lawn sprinkler, at Maier &
Benton's.. . 3-18-dtf.
Byrne, Bloyd & Co., offer what they
believe to be the finest Claret ever
brought to this city, put up in quart
bottles, at the low price of $3 a dozen.
... 3-18tf
Messrs. - Moulton and Conrad, two
talented musicians from Portland, will
give a vocal and instrumental entertain
ment tonight and tomorrow night, at
the Oro Fino Saloon. Come and hear
them. - 3-18-2t
The cheapest place to buy potatoes in
town is at J. H. Cross' feed store. 31-7d4
The Havana Sprout.
The leading cigar now, with smokers
about The Dalles, is the Havana Sprout.
It- is A No. 1, and is to be found at
Byrne, Floyd & Co.'s. Call and try it.
2-24-dtf ' ' .-
Miss Clara B. Story will instruct a
limited number of pupils in oil paint
ing, water colors, crayon, charcoal and
pas telle 'work and China painting.
Studio, room 3. over . Mclnernv's drv
goods store. ' 2-3-tf
R. E. French has for sale a number of
improved ranches and unimproved
lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood
in Sherman county. They will be sold
very cheap and on reasonable terms.
Mr. French can locate settlers on some
good unsettled claims in the same neigh
borhood. . His address is Grass Valley,
Sherman county, Oregon. . .
Ad vertisea Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for, Friday, March 18th, 1892.
Persons calling for same will give date
on which they were advertised :
Bennett J II Borton Frank
Duvall Wm L Huber R W
Hurd R G Walker Mrs Mary
Wall Mrs Sarah " Wheeler Col
Wilson F H . Wilso Miss Nellie .
Vanordstrand F A (3)
M. T. Nolan, P. M.
Wanted to See the Soldiers.
A wealthy New York lady who has
traveled much abroad, but who knows
very Little about her own country, was
in Washington a few days ago for the
first time. She was taken to the White
House' by an influential friend, and
through his' intercession the " private
apartments of the house were opened, up
to her, and she had an exceptional op
portunity to inspect the numerous beau
ties of the dignified but modest mansion.
As she was being helped into her car
riage on departing, a shade of disap
pointment was detected in her face.
"Well, what do you think of it?" her
friend inquired. - -s
"I must confess to a very keen disap
pointment," was the reply. "The rooms
are all very prettily. decorated, and some
of them are dignified and .impressive,
but I am Borry not to have seen the
military." '- '
It appeared on further inquiry that
this un-Americanized New Yorker had
fully expected to find the president's
mansion surrounded by a military guard
in full uniform, and she was vehement
in her assertions that the German, way
was "ever so much better than ours."
New York Recorder.
.'"""'' Man's Duty to Man.
The father mav think to hi? fAi-ti-
parts of his character from his child, not
wismng .mm to imitate tnem, ana may
give him precepts that he has never fol
lowed, bnt th child ahanrha what tin
fancies is concealed and forgets the
woras wmcn contradict it. Commands
and exhortations may produce or re
strain certain acts, but they are power
less to inspire emotions or create desires.
Often they have a reverse effect.
To cive'everv nnn his r1na tj roft-oi
from taking unfair advantange, or in
any way enncning one's sen at tne ex
pense of another, are supposed to be du
ties which are simnlv to ha innnlf twl
and obeyed, yet how is the. desire of
gam,, so intense in many minds, to be
made to vield when it cnnfliVta rifh
these duties? Chiefly by crediting with
i . i i . . .
i me oreast a stronger aesire tor justice
and integrity. The love of rectitude,
the faith in honor, the
lairiy and squarely with all men, must
be aroused and strengthened before any
one can be thoroughly and truly just
And the same is true with regard to
every good quality. Philadelphia Led
ger. .
The Dear Innocents.
Some Detroit ladies, not more than a
thousand miles from a barrel of salt in
front of a Woodward avenue grocery
store, recently organized a debating club
for the development and benefit of the
rights of women. It was their first ex
perience, the dear things, so they ap
pointed a committee to go down town
and get the needed stationery, etc. When
the polite and affable clerk had about
finished selecting the articles they had
put down in a memorandum book, he
inquired of the spokeswoman of the
party: . .
"You. will want a 'Cushing's Manual,'
won't you?" " , .
"A what?" she asked sharply.
- "A 'Cushing's Manual,' madam," ha
answered, moving out of range.
"No, sir," she said, with severity,
"thiB society is exclusively for ladies,
and if we want anything at all in that
line it will be a womanual, sir. .How
much do we owe you?" Detroit Free
Press. . ... .
. ' . ' ' ' ..'
Bow Some Coins Were Namnl. -
The origin of the names of coins iv
present use is curious. In many cases
they imply a standard of weight that
lost its significance long ago. - This is
the case with the English standard, the
pound. The word shilling is of German
derivation, like penny, which comes
from the German pfennig. The word
"crown" comes from the image placed
on the coin. - The name franc was given
by King John, who first coined these
pieces in I860. They bore the motto
"Le Roi Frank" (King of the Franks)
and were of two kinds, one representing
the king on horseback, the other on foot
For 8al.
"A chest of carpenter "tools-l Enquire
at Crandall & Burget's. - 3-14tf
. . . -. , -
-Wanted. : .
"A girl to work in the country, must be
f.-goo cook- Good wages. Apply at
this office. 16-3-tf.
: For Sale.
A good number 2 Calgraph, at W. TJ.
Telegraph office. Price $65. 3-14-lw
..Something new Pabsts Bohemian
Milwaukee Beer only one bit a bottle.
Hot clam broth after 5 p. m. at J. O.
Mack s. Call and try them. 2-23tf
Neuralgia Cured in 15 Minutes.
Mr. J. ft KflTpfairant f . I.
IFaitpoca (Wis.) Post, says: "Last night
Chamberlain's Pain Balm cured my
wife of neuralgia of the face and tnnth
in fifteen minutes. - We would not be
wituousii." ou cent bottles for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
" ' Best Tonic.
Byrne. Floyd & Co., the leading whole
sale and retail druggists of The Dalles,
have today received their second large
invoice of Best Tonic. Best Tonic takes
with all who have tried it. It cures
dyspepsia, strengthens the system, re
stores sound and refreshing sleep, and
as a beverage at meal . time promotes
digestion. 2-27-dtf.
A Remarkable Care of Rheumatism.
Messrs. Cage and Sherman, of Alexan
der, Texas, write us regarding a re
markable cure of rheumatism there as
follows : "The wife of Mr. Wm. Pruitt,
the Postmaster here had been bed-ridden
with rheumatism for several years.
She could get nothing to do her an
good, We sold her a bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and she was com
pletely cured by its use. We refer anv
one to her to vertify this statement.". 50
cent bottles for sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. - ,
l-a Grippe Successfully Treated,
I have just recovered from a second
attack of the grip this year," says Mr.
Jas. O.Jones, publisher of the Leader,
Mexia, Texas. ln the latter case I
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and
I think with considerable success, only
beinsr in bed a. lir.tlo Avar f n Aa-wra
against ten days for the first attack!
xue second atiacK. a am satisfied would
have been equaly as bad as the first
but for thfi nRA Of this romaflTr na T V.n1
to go to bed in about six hours after be
ing 'struck' with it, while in the first
case I was able to attend to business
abont two Hnva HnfrtrA rmff;n ,
50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley &
xiuuguion, druggists.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was nick, we gave her Castoria,
When shs was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria,
Whan she had Children, she gave them Castoria
..The Corragated Building- next "
""'." door to Court House. .
Meals Prepared y a Firs Class Englisli
Coot; .
Transient Patronage Solicited.
Good ' Sample Rooms for- Commercial
V : Men. ".'
flfyS. H. FHAISEfi, Propr.
Boots, Shoes, Hats, JEto. ' -
Fanci Good0, flo ion0,
' Etc., " Etc., Etc.
134 Second St., next to Dalles National
-Bank, Dalles City," Oregon.
1 ry
-ww. -a- AAlhUUX
Our Stock has been most carefully selected for Comfort and
Durability and will be sold at the lowest possible
prices. Leather and findings for sale.
Repairing Neatly and Expeditiously Done.
uuiiuiiiK ..imrjMdi.
Lumuer, Lime, nasier, nair ana uement.
A liberal discount to the trade in all lines handled by us.
JEFFERSON STREET, between -Second and' Railroad, THE DALLES, OR
. And the Most Complete, and the
KwffTw??-t,cal Pa!BTteand Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the'
Sherwin-Williams and J, WMasury's Paints used in all our work, and none but
the roost ekilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All
" - f - X' " ' J BVlVHUVvl Ws .
Store and Paint Shop corner Third and
1. 0. JHiekelsen,
I Ok
Kranich . Bach First Class Upright Pianos,
School Books, Bibles, Blank Books,
Music Books, Sheet Music,
Baby Carriages and
Liquor Dealer.
Finest Wines
171 -Second Street,
Frenchs' Block, V The Dalles, Oregon
E. Jacobsen & Co.'s.
Largest Xine of Baby Carriages, Books, Stationery
; and Musical Instruments.
162 Second Street,
crrtf- I
R & CO.,
nuuen ana urassea
Latest Patterns and Designs in
Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon
and Liquors.