A STUDY OF KAKS. ! 1 ; - . i - . t ( ' THE ' HUMAN EAR AND THE TALE IT TELLS TO THE OBSERVER.; IA . Interaatlna , Dissertation - j peadage of rhv Hind Tbat f Im Neglected aa a Ifeaturw an A p- To or- tlie I- I Uoeatlou ot. Character ' j Did any one ever go to any of the thea ter when the house was crowded and amuse himself or herself toadying the araof the andience? lt will pay the Brving man to do so. lie will realize that there are ears and ears: those. rhich indicate character in ita several Individuality, firmness, resolu tion, kindness and its antithesis, and the 'rarions other attributes which go to of humanity Vl . 1 ,; , r ; ? j- : !- A fitndV Of Aura -tnav'nni - tiA firHmlv "kaiisfactory. Oue is apt to find upon 'somebody else with whom he is not dea- ntejytn love a pair of- auricular ap - pndages which remind bim forcibly of tlMHi ha ram wViati tnimr tila tnlr-wt . It m rather an odd. thing that the majority . of men 'and women however, seldom . -ee their own ears. They can do so . readily with the aid of a tjnick silvered - , I A A 1 I A. I . avians. vu w vauny ui iiuxjihu uiunre eenw! to stop at the features of the face. A woman wilt spend half an boor ad miring her own pretty red lips and keep xb roans man with jt beater tickets in Bis pocket waiting an hour while she Adjusts her eyebrows and gets lust the right complexion on her cheeks, bnt the - ears are left to take care of themselvea A wet . rag is priRbed hastily through their .intricacies and they have had their woara or attention. , There are excep tions, of course. The woman who knows umi uoi vara t&rt? loveij hdh nouna LO tract admiration will play with them affectionately and take care that her "Mtutfr ts arranged so that no fraction of tbeiu is hidden from view. Then there are, people whose ears stick out like the -. bead Haps of a jackas an elongated malformation. They can't help seeing -their ears neither can any one else. ' . :, a rkmakrabijc pair op' raks. It was at Hooley'B the other night that a study was made of the eccentricity of the ear The auditorium waa crowded and the jokes of. the comedian emptied - into a thousand tympanic cavities What cavities some of them were too! ' There - was a man with a bole in his ear which looked art though it might have been one m uie nine mourns 01 me Mississippi. -One won Id have thought a steamer could - pass through it without sticking, and as rta- tl,A Hw.o unst u--i. I .. ..,.1...... wi ...... vi aga, MMgu WIVUJ of them con Id have habitated there all winter and hardly have been felt. Be cause the cavity was large it must not . :e supposed that the owner of the ear rwas proportionately so; to the contrary ... this cavity was the biggest part of him ne was - a utile reiiow; the ideal or a henpecked bosband. The loudly de veloped channel of sound suggested the probability of his being accustomed to - '.bear frequent commands to "jgo and - -hgbt the fire." or "get np and give the ,oaoy paregoric. . He seemed to be happy this time, for: be waa alone, and there ;were no such discordant sounds to offend is hearing ' A ear him waa a man who bad a de cided inclination to obesity. tie was tali, too: and could have easily tipped - the beam at 800 pounda Now, one twould have supposed that bis auricular memoers wouia nave been developed equally witn the rest or - his anatomy One would have been disappointed, how JWBr 'I'hot urara aim no. midnat, bIama snde of those belonging to the little man . and loosed as though they might have : received a shock in childhood from which tney nad never recovered. Bnt in spite ' Of their dinunutiveness there was a great Oeal of- don t-careness about them an .Independence as to what they heard and ,wbat they didu t hear A wife might yoiiwi are aau nuDy ana paregoric at tnene ears kit night and they would jiiever nave heard it. they were nj coti . jatrncteil after that fashion. j A BKAUT1KCL PAIR OK KAKR. - Alongside or hmi sat a woman who. jwaa evidently the wife Her ears were ..- wng. irregular anu siooa out rrom the de of" ner bead like the dust guards In . M sleeping car They were ears which, It li 1 Im nluinlvuiAn n .............. ..4 ' . J --v.,E.wudA . ."to being on the alert for some familiar voice. There was a startled appearance .about them whiclr indicated that this ""votce was in the habit of greeting them With a command or a reprimand more jxhan anything else. Evidently but few i words or anection or endearment had passed through them. I in the row of seats just behind this ' .queenly, interesting trio was a perfect . taym phony of .ears. They were not the -ears or . men but . of women pretty Toung women, with elaborately rich jarensea and aristocratic faces. Indeed. jtaese were patrician ears, and the bine ;blood could almost "1 be seen r coursing tnrough them. 1'he gtrl who sat next to the end had ue . prettiest ears or all. '1 bey were beauties. Moderately small, regularly formed, sloping off into an oval at the lobe, and thin almost to transparency There was a pinky tinge about them which waa ample apology for-' the" poets who sing about' coral ears. They stood tout from the bead at almost an exact jangle. They were perfect in every par ooujar, out tney were. not-responsive 1 bey were accustomed to hear lag sweet nothings said, and simply Ittstening for more. They said plainly Ittuu their owner waa oue wrapped np in fttae contemplation of her , own charms. mux! expected all others to be equally so land to make It known in words. lxxk tog at thorn ears one would have de scribed her aa follows - Deep bine eyes inclined to Roman, red lips, white teeth, clear complexion, little animation tu the face. The description wunld Bare been entirely correct. 1'buragn m crane. -. Ixradon streets are now pa veil with a new coin pound of granulated cork and bitumen pressed into blocks and laid like wood ravirr. The especial advantage V'Att FOR A BIPVBLKAX CODNTY CONVKJiTIOJf. : Frimary Kl actions. Notice is herebv elven that at a Aieetinir nf th Republican County Central Committee of Wasco county, Or., called by authority vested in me as Chairman of said committee, and held at the County Court Room in Dalles City, Oregon, on i join unv ui r-oruary, iktz, 11 was ordered that a call be Issued for a Renubllean Conntv Convention, to be held at the Court House in Dalles City, Oregon, at 10 a. m., on the - ' ; 26th day of March , 1892, - ; for the purpos of nominating candidates for the office of County Judge, Clerk, Sheriff, one County Commissioner, Treasurer, Assessor, Superintend ent of Schools, County. Surveyor and Coroner, and the election of six delegates to represent naseoeouniy in ineivepuDucan stale conven tion, to be held in the city of Portland, Or,, on the 6th day of Anril, 1892, and to transaot such other and further business as may properly come UCIUIVKUUWUICUUVU. . The County Convention -will ivmktsl. of sev enty-three delegates from the various precincts, apportioned, rs follows, to- wit: Fills Precinct .. Hood River Precinct. .-. Baldwin . " ......... M osier " " . . ; , West Danes " . . Trivett r. " .....v.... Bigelow - " -. . . Kast Dalles - " . , , . .:- Eight Mile , " Columbia -..;..".,... Desehutea " " ., . Nansenc - ,-. o Delegates ..4 . " ...8 ...7 ...7 ...2 , .. .2 " 2 ...2 ...6 ...3 . . .2 ...8 ...3 ...3 . . .5 Dufur " " Klneslcy . " TygB Vsllev " - Wanmack .......... Oak Urove " Bake Oven . " . Antelope " It is further recommended, by order of "the Central Committee, that primary elections be held in the various orecincts. at the nsnal nlaoe of voting, on the 19th day of March, 1892, and mm me piis oe opened at such primaries throughout the county at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day, except within the limits of Dalles City, in which the primaries will be conducted under provisions of Primary Election Law and the suojoineu nonce. , . The attention of electors in the various pre dncts desiring to elect Justices of the Peace and Constables, is called to the provisions of the new election law as to the manner of nominating their candidates at the primaries. M. T. NOLAN, Attest Chairman Eep. Co. Central Com. A. O. Johnson, Secv. - - - -- . . ., ' Primary Election Notice. -notice is hereby given that a primary election will be held in each of the election precincts within the limits of Dalles Cltv, Wsseo county, Oregon, for the purpose of electing delegates from East Dalles precinct, Biglow precinct, Trivett precinct, and West Dalles precinct, to represent said precincts at the Republican County conven tion to be held at the court house In Dalles Citv. Oregon, on the 2tth day of March, A. D. 1S92. Said primary will be held on the - J9th day of March, A. D. 1892. The polling places in each of said precincts are icrcuy UIXIgllHKII as IOHOWS, lowil: East Dalles precinct at Wasco Warehouse. Biglow precinct at Win. Michell's office. Trivett precinct at County Court Room. -West "Dalles precinct at Old Citv Flour Mill. The polling places in each vf said precincts will be kept open for the reception of votes from u cluck p. in. ui 4 p. m. oi saia aav, ana tne fol lowing number of aeletrAteM will fo rhnwn at said primary election to represent their respecti ve .... ... ... . ... ... ... . 1. 1 , vuu,,uuuji, n- il: East Dalles precinct 7 delegates OIKHIW , - .... 7 Trivett . - .,... ,, v., ... ... 8 . . West Dalles . ' .............. 5 ' . The followintf-named eicctors nve hmn nated to act as fudges of election in each of. said precincts respectively, to-wlt:- East Dalles precinct, Wn. Tackmun, II. V. Steel. B. K. LnmrhHn. ' , ' Biglow precinct, C. J. Crandall, Vm. Sylvester and .las. M. Huntington. . Trivettprecinct, Chas. L. Schmidt, W. J. Jeflers, Chss. I . PhilUps. West Dalles precinct, J. W. Haruuls, A. J. An derson, Geo. W. Rnnyon. Dated at Dal esCiiy, Oregon, this 4th day of Attest: " . Chairman Rep. Co. Central Com. a. u. juu.-3ui wcj- a-o-ditw-ta Democratic State Convention. A democratic state convention will be held in the city of Portland, Or.. April iw, loaz, at xKt o ciock a. m., for the pur pyoe ui pinciug in nomination two can didates for congress, one snpretne judge, one candidate -in each judicial, district for circuit judge and prosecuting attor ney, to be voted for at the coming June election, and such other business as may properly como before said conven tion. The various counties are entitled to repreaentation in said convention as follows : - . Baker 7 Linn ...16 Bern on 9 Malheur... . 3 Clackamas ...11 Marion . . .. . ... ... ...15- Clatsop, .-w......... 8 . Morrow .....'.......;. 5 Columbia 3 Multnomah .42 Coos. 5 : Polk ...... .... 9 Crook ; 7 Bherman .-. : 2 Cnrry 2 . Tillamook. . . , 8 Douglas Umatilla IS Gilliam .. ...4 Union 15 Grant-..., ... 5 -Wallow....; 4 Harney ..;. 4 Washington.'.....' 8 Jackson-. .11 Wasco 9 Josephine. ... 5 Yamhill 8 Klaamath 3 - Lake........... .... 3 - Total : 265 Lane -. 13 .. - - :'It is recommended, unless otherwise ordered by the local committees, that the primaries in the various counties be held on Saturday, the 9th day of April, and the county conventions on Thurs day, April 14, 1892. . By order of the democratic state cen tral committee. . ; , . B. Goldsmith, Chairman, "v: ' , A- NoiTsnsa Secretary. Call for 'a Republican State Convention. A republican convention for the state of Oregon, is called to meet in the city of Portland on Wednesday, the 6th day of April, 1892, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the . purpose of. nominating candidates for the office of Supreme Judge, two congressmen, . presidential electors, members of the state board of equalization,- and other district officers, and to transact such other business as may properly come before- the convention. The convention will consist of 233 dele gates among the several counties as follows: - Baker Benton . .-. Clackamas . .. ... 6 .... 7 Lane... Unn . . 11 .10 : S 14 !.-..'.. 40 ........4 6 ........3 ........4 . ....."..9 .......10 . ......4 s ..i .-...8 3 10 Malheur Clatsop .,10 Marion .. Columbia. D r Mutfiomah. . 6 Morrow Coos . Crook... . Curry........ Douglas. . .i . Gilliam...... Grant........ Barney Jackson . . . . Josephine.-. . Klamath.... Lake ...3 Folk..-. . i.8 . Sherman. ..-.' ... Tillamook..: Umatilla. -. . ...5 Union...... ...4 Wallowa..... ...7 Wasco. .6 Washington . ...8 Yamhill The same being one delegate at large from each county, and -one delegate for every 200 votes,; and one for every frac tion over one-half thereof, cast for 'Con gressman at the June election in 1890. ' The committee recommended that the Primaries be held on Saturday, March 19, "and the County Convention on Sat urday, March 26," unless otherwise or dered by the proper County Committees. AH voters who favor the republican policy of internal improvements, protec tion of American prod actions and labor, and guarding sacredly the rights of every American eifticen at home and abroad, are cordially invited to unite with us. :" Jamks Lotan. Chairman Republican State Central Onmm'ftiiA Ft?EHGH CO., BANKERS. ; TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the . ; . - Eastern States. . Sitrht . Exohanp 'and . TfilrraTvl,; Transferesoldon Kew York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash . nnrl vorlnno ; .- - - T t'UWJ aU - egon and Washington. ; Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. 1 " - J. S. BCRBKCK, H. IS. BxjlLL , Cashier. i-resiaent. first Jlational Bank. The dalles,' - - OREGON A General Banting Business transacted l deposits received, tmbect to Sight t Draft or Check. - Collections made and proceeds promptly Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on JNew York, San irancisco and Port land. - . DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompson. 3 so. S. Schkkck. Ed. M. Wiu,u, j Gao. A. Likbb. -- . -.: . H. M. Bball. . MRS. C. DAVIS , Has Opened the " REVERE RESTAURANT, In the New Frame Building . on SECOND STREET, Next to the Diamond Flouring Mills. First Class Meals Furnished at all Houre . "Only White Help Employed. V " FARMERS' BOARDING HOUSE -' ' ; - AND .' -RESTATJB 1TT. MRS. A. J. OBARR . . . . . . . . . Proprietor Meals 25 cents. Lodging -25 cents. -; -: Table well supplied with everthing in market.' . . Comfortable beds as any in the city. Second st near Madison, ':' . . ' , Dalle City. STAGY SHOfflU, . Has opened an office for Cleaning and Repairing Watches, Jewelry, etc All work guaranteed and . promptly attended. JIT C. E. DUNHfljuS OLD STflflD, Cor. Second Md Cxi ion Street. . Jacob Moser Has opened a shop in the .building iin- : mediately east of Skibbe's Hotel, -FOE- Making and Repairing . LADIES' and GENTLEMEH'S ;' BOOTS AND SHOES. : First Class Work and Low Prices 2-27 tf ". " ' GUARANTEED. . : . W. E. GARRETSON. Jeweler. All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry ; Made to Order. 138 Second St.. The Dalles. Or. G; W. Johnston & Son, GarpBiilBrs anfl BuUffers, Shop at No. 112 First Street.; All Job Work promptly attended . and estimates given' on all wood work. ClosetsS Chimneys Cleaned Leadii " '' SOLE AGENT FOlt THE f Carpets take up, cleaned and put down, , also Closets and Cbimnevs cleaned -.' - on short notice at reasonable . - "- rates. S ' s- . Orders received through the postoffice : 1 :;,ORANX-MORSE - Bowsa -orty Miiaa fof: A'aaasraieas. Willis Holly, Mayor Grant's secretary,' nfied to amnse himself by rowing around Staten Island whenever he got a holiday from- his arduous newspaper work a few years ago. ' He did not row very fast, bnt he always made a complete circuit of the island. I think the distance is about forty miles; at any rate, I know that Mr- Holly had ' to rise before day light in order to get home with the cows in the evening. It is a feat that he used to speak of with a proud, beaming eye, and I never wondered at it. I must say, however, that in the course of' seven or eight years' consideration of the subject, ; I have never been 'able' to understand exactly why a man should - care to row around Staten Island. Blakely Hall in Brooklyn Eagle, 4, ,. r . V ' The' Water In Utah's Great rake. '' Salt Lake is by no means a ' fiaturated solution of salt, yet it is five or six times as rich in salts as the ocean, and ' nearly as strong as the Dead sea. - In Bummer it contains between 20 and 22 per cent, of salt, the saturation point, not. being reached until the Bait forms a little over a - third' of the liquid. . . There are all through the great basin numerous saline lakes and ponds, but none of the size and importance of this in Utah. Not infrequently they are shallow, and en tirely disappear during the dryness and heats of summer, leaving to mark their sites only a stretch of some acresor it may be miles of clay or mud, entirely covered with salt. Goldthwaite's Geo graphical Magazine. - Walant of Papar MoBajr. - In the treasurv here one dav th nn. tion came up as to the weight of a dollar bilL Scales of perfect accuracy .were bronsrht into reonisitinn and t.ha nr. nriainfir discoverv waa mnAn that. t.-artmt.tr. seven one ! dollar notes weighed exactly aa much as a twenty dollar gold piece. The- latter - just balances 640 grains. However, the bills weighed were per- tecuy crisp ana new. Trial made with soiled notes, such as come in every day for redemntion. showed that twmttr. seven of them weighed considerably moreth- - twenty dollar coin. Every paper d.- "n its way throuarh - the world -con. """ v accumulates dirt, so that after a l-.. '- -ise it is perceptibly heavier. Wasiim., Letter. -: ' Two-Men. " Paterfamilias ffurionslv) Ton sconn- drelt Why did you ek.ie with my .daughter? New Son-in-law To avoid the insuf ferable fuss and nonsense of - a society wedding. ' " - . " " ' ' Paterfamilias (beamingly) Thank heaven, my daughter got a sensible hus band anyhow . New York Weekly. Afllicta half the American people yet there is only one preparation of Barsaparllla that acts on the bowel and reachea thia Imuirtn.) and that U Joy'a Vegetable 6areaparUla- .lt re- noars, and an occanioual dose i""1"" leiui-n. Tereier Dy pemuealon toC. K. Eltlngton. 125 Locust Avennn. Snn r,.ni.AA. J. H. Brown, Petal uma; II. 8. Winn, Geary Court) i mrnrn-o, ana hundreds of others who have used it in constipation. One letter is a 'sample of hundreds. lklngton, writes: "I have been fot years subject to bilious neadacbes and coustipa tion. llave been to bad for a year back have had to take a nhvsie everv nth-, niftit m .i.a t would have a headache. After taking one bottle er j. v. a., I am In splendid shape. It has done wonaeritu thmgs tor mo, , People similarly troubled should try it and be convinced." . Vegeta ble p Barsaparilla Host modern, ' mjjit cR"wtiv, largest bottle, sane price, $1.03. si i for J5.au. For Sale by SNIPES & KINERSLY THE DALLES. OBEGOK. A Severe Law. The English peo ple look more closely 'to the genuineness of these staples than we da. In fact, they have a law under ' which Jhey make seizures . and de stroy adulterated - - : - . ' - - products that are not what they are represented to be. Under -. this statute thousands of pounds of tea hare been burned because of their wholesale adul teration. .' . . . Tea, by the way, is one of the moat notori ouslyadultcrated articles of commerce. Not ' alone are the bright, shiny green teas artifi cially colored, but thourands of pounds of - substitutes for tea leaves are used to swell - the bulk of cheap tea;; ashsloe, and willow leaves .beirjjr those most commonly used. Again,-sweepings from tea warehouses -are colored and sold as tea. veu exhausted tea ' leaves gathered from the tea-houses are kept, dried, and made over and find theirway Into the cheap teas. .-,';: r . . . - - TheEng'ioh government at'empis to stamp Oils out b-cou2scarU,n; but no tea is too poor fr u and the result js, that probably - the poorest tas used by any natiou are those consumed iu America. . . Beech's Tea is rre.iented with the gnmx- . auty that It is uneolored and Bnadolterated; In fact, the sun-curea tea leaf pare and sim- . pic If purity Insures . superior., strength, about one third less of It being required for aa Infusion than of the a -Uncial teas, and its fragrance and exquisite flavor la at once ap parent. It will be a revelation to-ydu. In order that its purity and quality may be gnat anteed, it la sold only In pound packages -bearing this trade-mark:'.' - - J- ' BEEC 'Puns As Price COo per poand. For sale at . STIPATION. Joy iiiiS S.A H DALLES CHRONICLE IS Of the Leading City . During the little over IF has earnestly tried to folfill the otects for which it was founded, namely, to industries, to advertise the resources of the city and adjacent country and to work for an open river to the sea. Its record ; is . phenomenal support it has expression of their approval. Independent in every thing,: neutral in nothing, for what it believes to be just and right. Commencing with the first number of the second vclume the weekly has been enlarged to eight .pages while the price ($1.50 a year) remains the same. Thus both the weekly and. daily editions contain more reading matter . for less money than any paper published in the county. GET YOO DONE AT THECIBLE1 BqqX apd Job Done on LIGHT BINDING Address all Mail Orders to THE DALLES, Hi 1 of Eastern Oregon. a year "of its existence it assist in developing our before the people ani. the received is accepted as the it will live only to . fight Short Notice. NEATLY DONE. Co., OREGON. Room